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Q & A:

A nurse is preparing a presentation for a local community group about

health status and childrens health. Which of the following would the
nurse include as one of the most significant measures?
Infant mortality rate
What is the primary role of practicing nurses in the research process?
Identifying researchable problems
Contemporary maternity nursing is exemplified by:
Family-centered care.
Maternity nurses can work to dispel the health disparities among women
Increased education for mothers.
The term used to describe legal and professional responsibility for
practice for maternity nurses is:
The United States ranks 25th in infant mortality rates of the world. Which
factor has a significant im
Ensuring early inadequate prenatal care
Many communities now offer the availability of free standing birth centers
to provide care for low-risk women during pregnancy, birth and
postpartum. When counselling the newly pregnant woman regarding this
option, the nurse should be aware that this type of care setting includes
which advantages? Select all that apply.
Less expensive than acute-care hospitals
Access to follow up care for 6 weeks postpartum
Safe, home-like births in a familiar setting
A nursing instructor is preparing a class discussion on case
management in maternal and new born health care. Which of the
following would the instructor include as a key component? Select all
that apply.
Resource management
The main purpose of the male reproductive system is to:
Create as many sperm as possible
A man is able to ejaculate but has a very low sperm count. The man
probably has problem with which organ?
Mr. Z ask the nurse why my left testicle is lower than the right? The most
appropriate answer is?
It prevents friction during active movement
Which of the following statement is incorrect about prostate gland?
Secretion is acidic in nature
---correct statement about prostate gland
Located inferior to the urinary bladder
Secretion is thin and milky colored
Function in increasing the mobility of the
The following statement is true about the testes except:
Retracted when cold and loose when warm
Needs to maintain temperature for the sperm
Ovoid glands that composed of numerous lobules
Students asking how many days will it take for the sperm travel the
length of the epididymis? The answer can be provided is:
12-20 days
How many days will it take for the sperm to reach its maturity?
64 days
The following statement is true regarding ductus deferens, except
The length is controversial, approximately 20 ft. long.
True about ductus deferens
It carries sperm from the epididymis through the inguinal canal into the
abdominal cavity, where it ends at the seminal vesicles and the
ejaculatory ducts.
Sperm mature as they passed through the vas deferens
It acts as reservoir for sperm between ejaculation
Thick creamy white fluid with the consistency of mucus or egg whites
that is ejaculated from the penis
The nurse speaking with a couple trying to conceive a child, reminds the
patients that a factor that can decrease sperm production is:
The testes are too warm
While discussing anatomy and physiology of the reproductive cycle, the
client asks the nurse. ‘’where is the ovum fertilized?’’ the bset response
by the nurse is to instruct the client that the fertilization normally occurs
in the:
Fallopian tube
Mrs. Luna decided to undergo tubal ligation. She ask the nurse which
part of the fallopian tube will be cut and tied. The appropriate response
of the nurse is:
Which part of the ovary contains the ovum during maturation?
What is the life span of the ovum once it is released by the ovary?
24 hours
The nurse uses the diagram to demonstrate fimbriae that:
Are finger-like projections that capture the ovum
Bartholin’s gland in the female are homologous to what structure in the
Bulbourethral glands
The client tells the nurse that she often experiences orgasms during
sexual intercourse. The nurse should explain to the client that the
primary anatomic female structure involved in sexual arousal and
orgasm is the:
To facilitate the passage of fetus during delivery, this portion is usually
It can be defined broadly by stating that sexuality integrates the somatic
(bodily), emotional, intellectual, and social aspects of being a human
sexual being:
Human sexuality
It is the term used to denote chromosomal sexual development: male
(XY) female (XX):
Biologic gender
It is the inner sense a person has of being male or female:
Sexual identity
This is a characteristic of an adolescent; they enjoy peeping to achieve
sexual arousal
The late MJ was accused of performing malicious acts of those children
under his care:
Children between 2-6 years find it as an enjoyable activity as they
explore their body:
A sexual arousal by the use of certain objects or stimulations
Beginning 0f physical and psychological stimulation moderate increase
in V/S sex flush, nopple erection.
The most pleasurable but the shortest phase from 2-10 seconds.
Involuntary contraction of the muscles at the outlet of the vagina when
coitus is attempted. This muscle contraction prohibits penile penetration
Children are aware of their gender
after teaching a group of students about fetal development, the instructor
determines that the teaching was successful when the students identify
which of the following a providing the barrier to other sperm after
Zona pellucida
The second phase of the menstrual cycle is called secretory phase. It is
also termed as:
Postovulatory phase
Which statement best describes when fertilization occurs?
When spermatozoon passes into the ovum and the nuclei fuse into a
single cell
In explaining the development of her baby, you identified in
chronological order growth of the fetus as it occurs in pregnancy as:
Ovum, zygote, embryo, fetus, infant
The hormone responsible for maturation of ovum is:
Follicle stimulating hormone
In this phase, degenerated portion of endometrium is shed. Estrogen
level is low.
Menstruation phase
Menstruation cramps is usually due to the increase production of which
The final process which the sperm has to undergo before fertilizing the
The chief of function of progesterone is the:
Preparation of the uterus to receive a fertilized ovum
A regular 32-day menstrual cycle, the client will probably ovulate:
On 18th day
Structure which contain high amount of progesterone
Corpus luteum
In counting the days of menstrual cycle, day 1 is the:
First day of menstruation
Which one is not included in the signs and symptoms of ovulation
--signs and symptoms of ovulation
Increase in BBT
Which actions occurs during follicular phase of the ovarian cycle?
Maturation of ovum
Using a diagram, the nurse points out the common site of fertilization,
which is the:
Outer third of the fallopian tube near the ovary
A pregnant women is having an ultrasound because there is some
concern about the implantation of the zygote. The nurse explains that
the usual location for implantation is the:
Upper secretion of the posterior uterine wall
A nursing instructor is describing the hormones involved in the menstrual
cycle to a group of nursing students. The instructor determines the
teaching was successful when the students identify follicle stimulating
hormone as being secreted by which of the following
Anterior pituitary gland
The nurse is explaining the process of cell division during the
preembryonic period to a group of nursing students. Which describes the
Sold ball composed of the first cells formed after fertilization
The primary function of scrotum is to:
Maintain a cool temperature of the testes
The main function of ovary is to:
Produce mature ova
According to tanner’s sexual development in female all are true, except:
Increase in transverse diameter in breast
-- true in tanner’s sexual development
Sudden growth spurt
Growth of pubic hair
Vaginal secretion
This is the opening of the urethra, the tube through which semen and
urine exits the body
This is a muscular tube leading from the external genitals to the cervix of
the uterus in women:
Pair of sperm producing organs that maintain the health of the male
reproductive system
These are pair of rounded folds of skin and adipose that are part of the
external female genetalia
Labia majora
These are two small glands that store and produce the majority of the
fluid that makes up semen.
Seminal vesicle
This is a long, coiled tube that stores sperm and transports it from the
This is the pleasure center of the vulva and is right under the point where
the inner labia meet.
These are the female structures that transport the ova from the ovary to
the uterus each month and also known as oviducts:
Fallopian tube
This is a part of a fallopian tube which becomes more dilated in diameter
and is the most common site for fertilization
This is a finger-like projection at the end of the fallopian tube near the
Cylinder-shaped neck of tissue that connects the vagina and the uterus.
Located at the lower most portion of the uterus composed primarily of
fibro- muscular tissue:
This is a hollow muscular organ located in the female pelvis between the
bladder and rectum and is usual pear shape
During the pubertal development, when does the secondary sex
changes begin?
9-12 years old
This is a hormone produced by the human body. It’s mainly produced in
men by the testicles
Hormones that are important for sexual and reproductive development,
mainly in women. They are also referred to as female sex hormones:
This is a mucous membrane lining the uterus, which thickens during the
menstrual cyclein preparation for possible implantation of an embryo:
Site where the immature oocytes mature into an ova and large amount
of estrogen and progesterone are produced:

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