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Name : Maria Ulfa

Class : 5B
NIM : 1805112574

Dear Mr. King,

I am writing this letter to you as a personal reference letter for Oscar Hope. I have known
Oscar for over 25 years as I have been his neighbor and best friend since he and his family
have moved into our neighborhood. Oscar has a glow about him that draws people towards
him and he has never been one to take advantage of anyone's trust.
As a civil engineer, Oscar has received accolades for his wark. I remember two years ago
when the media was visiting his house on a regular basis because of the work he had done to
make the bridges in our county safe on a limited budget. Oscar's methods received national
acclaim and he was rightfully portrayed as genius.
Oscar puts in long hours when he has to and he is constantly refining his craft around the
neighborhood. He has helped several people to design new additions to ther home and he
helped me to design a new irrigation system for my backyard that has worked like a cham.
Oscar fine professional along with one of the most honest and upstanding people I know If
you require mare information, please feel free to call me at 555-322-3233 or email me at
Sircerely Yours,

Thomas L. Hender

Translation :

P.1 : Thomas memberitahukan maksud tujuannya mengirimkan surat kepada Pak King. Yaitu
memberikan informasi mengenai Oscar hope dan menceritakan betapa baiknya Oscar secara
P.2 : Thomas lanjut memberitahu mengenai latar belakang Oscar sebagai seorang teknik sipil
dan menjelaskan prestasi yang telah Oscar raih selama ia bekerja serta betapa jenius Oscar
terhadap pekerjaannya.
P.3 : Thomas juga memberitahukan kegigihan Oscar dalam bekerja. Oscar juga sosok
penolong dan telah banyak membantu tetangga dan juga dirinya dalam mendesain sistem
irigasi baru.
P4 : Terakhir, dia menjelaskan bahwa Oscar adalah orang yang profesional dalam pekerjaan
dan juga sosok yang jujur dan sangat mengagumkan. Dia lanjut memberikan alamat emailnya
kepada pak king agar bisa menghubungi nya jika pak King butuh informasi lebih lanjut
mengenai Oscar.

Type of Letter : Formal Letter

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