Overpopulation Is A Demographic State Characterized by The Fact That The

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Le surpeuplement est le fait est donc la manière pour les villes de croitre en
terme de population or pour Pour karL marx le prolétariat se recrute dans toutes les
couches de la population. Et donc ce phénomène serait effectif et va plus concerner la
recherche implicite de moyens financier et de palier à toutes les difficultés familiales.
Face donc à ce constat quels sont les causes fondamentales du surpeuplement des
villes et par ricochet l’évolution de la population mondiale. Et toutefois quels sont les
conséquences liées à la surpopulation.


The overcrowding is the fact is the way for cities to grow in terms of population
gold For Karel Marx the proletariat is recruited in all layers of the population. And so
this phenomenon would be effective and will relate more to the implicit search for
financial means and level to all family difficulties. In view of this, what are the
fundamental causes of urban overcrowding and, in turn, the evolution of the world's
population? And yet what are the consequences of overcrowding?


Overpopulation is a demographic state characterized by the fact that the

number of individuals of a living species exceeds thecarrying capacity of its habitat,
that is to say its ability to:

 provide the necessary resources to ensure the sustainability of this species;

 to repair the aggressions (pollution, disruption of natural ecological regulations)

inflicted by this species on its environment.

Population Projections

UN 2017 projections: current and planned population p 1

median variant in 2017 in 2050

Continent million % million %

Africa 1256 16.6% 2528 25.9%

Asia 4504 59.7% 5257 53.8%

Europe 742 9.8% 716 7.3%

Latin America and the

646 8.6% 780 8.0%

North America 361 4.8% 435 4.4%

Oceania 41 0,5% 57 0.6%

World 7550 100% 9772 100%

According to the median variant of the UNpopulation projections World

Population Prospects: the 2017 revision :

 The world population would continue to grow strongly, reaching 9.77 billion in
2050 and 11.18 billion in 2100 against 7.55 in 2017 p 2 ; in the high variant (with
half an infant more per woman on average) the population would reach even
10.8 billion in 2050 and 16.5 in 2100 p 3 .
World population: 3 scenarios of evolution 1800-2100 of the United Nations.
sources: United Nations, Population Projections 2013 29 ; 1800-1950: US Census
Bureau estimates 30

Regional prospective scenarios and global scenario, produced from estimated

trends (UN 2010)
. NB: The vertical scale is logarithmic, which visually lessens the rapid increase these
numbers represent.

 It is currently growing (2017) by 1.10% per year (against 1.24% ten years ago),
or about 83 million individuals p 4 (compared to 74 million in the 2010 version
of the UN report) . The median scenario estimates that it will reach 9.77 billion
by 2050, assuming a decline in the average global fertility rate of 2.5 children
per woman in 2010-2015 to 2.4 in 2025-2030 and 2.0 in 2095-2100, which
implies steep reductions in less developed countries, from 4.3 in 2010-2015 to
3.5 in 2025-2030 and 2.1 in 2095-2100; the report states that uncertainty about
these latter hypotheses is high and specifies that they imply a broad extension
of access to family planning .

 More than half of the increase by 2050 would be in Africa: +1.3 billion out of
+2.2 billion; Asia would gain 750 million people.Conversely, the population of
Europe would fall p . The population of the United States would grow from 20%
in 2017 (325 M) to 2050 (390 M) because of immigration .
 It is interesting to compare the successive versions of these projections of the
United Nations: the 2050 population in the middle variant evolves as follows:

1. 2008 version (published in 2009) 31 : 9.1 billion;

2. 2010 version (published in 2011) 32 : 9.3 billion;

3. 2012 version (published in 2013) 29 : 9.6 billion;

4. 2015 version (published in 2015): 9.7 billion 33 .

5. 2017 version (published in 2017): 9.77 billion p 2 .

There is a bullish drift which seems to reveal a systematic bias in the

hypotheses of declining fertility, always too optimistic; this tendency to underestimate
population growth is widespread among demographers, who often tend to think that
demographic problems will resolve themselves.

The same drift is observed in the INED forecasts, which in 2017 forecast for
2050 a population of 9.85 billion while its 2015 forecast was 9.8 billion , the 2013
estimate of 9.73 billion 3, that of 2011 of 9.587 billion and that of 2009 of 9.42 billion

The origin of overpopulation: the demographic transition

The demographic transition

The phenomenon that led to the population explosion observed since the 18TH century took
place in two phases:

 The previous situation was a situation of equilibrium, characterized by a high

birth rate and a high mortality rate, which resulted in a natural increase close to
zero on average. This long-term global equilibrium was punctuated by numerous
peaks of mortality due to famines, epidemics and wars; often these three factors
combined, reinforcing each other. The high birth rate compensated for both these
peaks of mortality and the high infant mortality rate.
 First phase of transition : the mortality rate falls sharply (improvement of food,
hygiene, sanitary progress, industrialization ...) while the birth rate remains strong
or even increases. The natural increase is strong, which means a rapid growth of
the population.
 Second phase of transition : mortality continues to fall, but more slowly, and the
birth rate also begins to decrease by a change of habits adapted to previous
progress. The maximum of the natural increase is reached at the beginning of this
second phase. Then the birth rate drops more strongly and we therefore have a
deceleration in the rate of increase of the population .
 Modern demographic regime (post-transition): Birth and death rates are
stabilizing at a low level. The mortality is about equal from one year to another and
the regulation of the population is now done by the birth rate which fluctuates
(during the traditional diet it was mortality that had this regulatory
role). Sometimes the rate of natural increase can become negative, leading to an
aging population, and later a decrease in population. This case is found in a
growing number of countries, mostly European, where the rate of natural increase
is negative: Russia, Germany, Japan, Italy, Ukraine, Romania, etc. (See list of
these countries in the article Population Decrease ).


1. Les ressources

Cette surpopulation mondiale va créer de nombreux problèmes, par exemple au

niveau de la ressource eau, qui sera de plus en plus rare et prisée, ce qui fera naitre des
conflits généralisés. 80 pays sont déjà en situation de stress hydrique ou de pénurie, ce
n’est pas un hasard si actuellement, 1 habitant sur 5 n’a pas accès à l’eau. Le
dessalement de l’eau de mer apparait comme une solution, mais son coût motive la
recherche d’autres solutions.

Le problème de la nourriture se pose également. Bien que les pays développés

ont de quoi nourrir la planète, plus d’1 milliard de personnes vivent sous le seuil de
pauvreté, ce qui prouve que les denrées sont inégalement réparties entre les états d’une
part, mais également les différentes couches sociales. La surpopulation provoquerait
alors de graves famines, plus importantes que ce que le monde a déjà connu.

1. Resources

This global overpopulation will create many problems, for example in the water
resource, which will be increasingly rare and popular, which will cause widespread
conflict. 80 countries are already under water stress or scarcity, it is no coincidence
that currently, 1 in 5 people does not have access to water. Desalination of seawater
appears as a solution, but its cost motivates the search for other solutions.

The problem of food also arises. Although developed countries have enough to
feed the planet, more than 1 billion people live below the poverty line, which proves
that food is unequally distributed between states on the one hand, but also different
social strata. The overpopulation would then cause serious famines, greater than what
the world has already experienced.

2. Sur le plan social

Il le développements du batisme, l’insécurité qui eux même facteur ,de l’augmentation

du taux de chaumage., et l’augmentation du taux de pauvreté individuel et national

2. At the social level

It the developments of banditry, the insecurity that themselves factor, the

increase of the rate of stubble., And the increase of the rate of individual and national


Le contrôle des naissances semble une solution raisonnable, même s'il se heurte
à d'innombrables problèmes pratiques et éthiques. Mais si l'on raisonne froidement, en
n'écartant aucune alternative, il existe sept solutions possibles a priori pour résoudre le
problème de la surpopulation au niveau mondial :
 La guerre. Le génocide. Variante : la pandémie provoquée.
 L’interdiction ou la limitation des naissances, par la religion, ou l’état. Plus
extrême, la stérilisation partielle de l’humanité, ou la stérilisation totale d’une
grande partie de celle-ci
 La bunkerisation : vivre dans un pays-bunker, s'entourer de murailles
et regarder le reste de la planète crever de faim. (Merci, Trump!)
 La fuite en avant technologique. L'idée que les rendements agricoles pourront
toujours augmenter, que les cultures hydroponiques, ou les algues, ou les
insectes, pourront alimenter les humains de demain
 L’euthanasie. L’instauration d'un âge limite légal.
 La génétique. La miniaturisation des humains, ou la création d’une nouvelle
race nécessitant moins de ressources
 La fuite vers l’espace
 Le transhumanisme : La posssibilité (qui reste à démontrer) de "migrer l'esprit
humain" dans des robots ou des nano-puces. Solution qui permettrait en même
temps l'immortalité !


Birth control seems a reasonable solution, even though it faces innumerable practical
and ethical problems. But if one reasons coldly, by not discarding any alternative,
there are seven possible solutions a priori to solve the problem of the overpopulation at
the world level:

 The war. Genocide Variant: the pandemic caused.

 Prohibition or limitation of births, by religion, or state. More extreme, the
partial sterilization of humanity, or the total sterilization of much of it
 Bunkerization: living in a country-bunker, surround yourself with walls and
watch the rest of the planet starve. (Thanks, Trump!)
 The technological leap forward. The idea that crop yields will always increase,
that hydroponic crops, or algae, or insects, can feed the humans of tomorrow
 Euthanasia. The introduction of a legal age limit.
 Genetics. The miniaturization of humans, or the creation of a new breed
requiring fewer resources
 The flight to space
 Transhumanism: Possibility (still to be demonstrated) of "migrating the human
spirit" in robots or nano-chips. Solution that would allow immortality at the
same time


En définitive l’exode rural, la pauvreté le système culturel sont des facteur primordiale
dans l’accroissement de la population dans les ville et aussi dans le monde entier cela
provoque en générale un manque à gagner dans la distribution des biens et des

PAR AILLEURS les centres de santé sont le plus souvent débordés et la nourriture
devient de plus en plus rare pour paliers au déficit nutritionnel de la population
mondiale. Il faut donc mesurer et sensibilise pour ralentir les naissances car dans les
années avenir la population déjà en grand nombre le seront encore plus.

In the end, the rural exodus, the poverty and the cultural system are primordial factors
in the increase of the population in the city and also in the whole world, this generally
causes a shortfall in the distribution of goods and services.

In addition, health centers are often overwhelmed and food is becoming increasingly
rare for levels of nutritional deficiency of the world population. We must measure and
sensitize to slow births because in the future years the population already in large
numbers will be even more

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