FHR3102 Assignment

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Name: Nur Alissa Binti Mohd Yusri

Matric no : 203788
Assignment main recreational problems

1. Illegal action

Picture above is about trespassing. Trespass is a tort, which is a civil wrongdoing.

Trespass can occur when including illegal gathering such as people setting up camp or
hunt on private land. Illegal camping can cause problems such as if inadequate
facilities are provided or the standard of operation is unsatisfactory, the health and
safety of campers will not be assured. This may be especially so in relation to fire
safety. Other than that, illegal camping ground may cause disturbance to adjoining
land users, especially residential areas. This disturbance may be associated with noise,
scattering of rubbish, or inadequate toilet facilities. Environmental damage may also
eventuate. The ways to overcome the illegal action is direct management. For
example, catch and give penalty.

2. Careless of recreation regulations

Careless happen due to irresposible actions. The location of a campfire irreparably

changes the chemical composition of the soil, essentially burning it and turning it to
ash. This prevents the forest floor, healthy bacteria and vegetation from repairing
itself in that spot. This can becomes a big issue in well-traveled areas with a lot of
campers coming through and building fires all over the place. Another impact of
campfires on their surrounding environment is a severe lack of wood and natural
debris. Hikers and campers come through and eventually pick out possible stick,
branch, shrub and any piece of nature they can burn and this will effect to habitat for
birds, small animals, bugs and healthy bacteria of the forest floor. Therefore, manager
must try to alter behavior by persuasion. Manager can try indirect ways such as
communication to hikers and campers.

3. Unskilled action

In order to enjoy and foster pristine nature, we must always also carry our
responsibility for keeping the environment clean. For an example, litter-free hiking is
one of the mainstays of keeping nature clean and leading principle of national parks
and hiking areas. Trash is what most of us think of when we think of waste on trail.
When on a trip, we can limit the amount of trash. Repackaging food into ziplock bags
will allow us to minimize packaging and trash we must carry. Left the trash is an
unskilled action. It is unsightly to other visitors and can attract animals. Animals
frequently exposed to food waste can become a problem for land managers and
visitors. Packaging and wrappers left behind can also end up in water ways and take
many years to decompose. But rather than just knowing we hate litter, it’s good to
know how we can prevent it and how we can promote cleaner trails. Thus, manager
must educate the hikers or campers in new ways and enforce rules where necessary.

4. Uniformed behavior

Picture above is an example of uniformed behavior. It is happen when most people love to go
to the popular place, as we can see Bukit Broga in that pictures. This behavior can lead to
amount of use such as increased tourist flow and can give trampling effect and also reducing
soil partical. An educational messages developed to reduce off-trail hiking can include an
“awareness of consequence’ component, informing visitors about the impact of off-trail
hiking on the environment and instructing them about preferred low impact behaviors.
Moreover, managers also can set entry quotas at key access points. It is important to maintain
the vegetation resilience and resistance.

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