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A U S T R A L I A N I N C O M E & W E A LT H D I S T R I B U T I O N


The highest 20% own

The top 20% of households earn

48% 62%
of all income of Australia’s private wealth
Highest Quintile $261,872 $2,906,400

Fourth Quintile $129,428 The average $949,800 The wealth of the

earnings of the average household
Average Household top 20% are National Average in the top 20% is
Annual Gross Income Household Net Wealth
Third Quintile $84,032 $528,400
the average the average wealth
earnings of the of those in the
Second Quintile $49,920 bottom 20% $235,100 bottom 20%

Lowest Quintile $23,712 $36,500

The lowest 20% earn just The lowest 20% own just

4% 1%
of Australia’s national private wealth
of all income

Annual household income 81,531 (Average annual full time adult earnings) Household net wealth $694,000 (median Australian house price) $36,500

Source: ABS, McCrindle | c b McCrindle 2018

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