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1. 外国人技能実習制度関連用語 - Basic Words Related to Technical Intern Training Program

No. 日本語Japanese 英語 English

1 技能実習制度 Technical Intern Training Program (TITP)

2 技能実習⽣ technical intern trainee

3 研修制度 Training Program (ITP)

4 研修生 trainee

5 企業単独型受入れ acceptance managed by individual enterprise

6 団体監理型受入れ acceptance supervised by organization

7 監理団体 supervising organization

8 公益社団法人 Public Interest Incorporated Associations

9 公益財団法人 Public Interest Incorporated Foundation

10 商工会議所 Chamber of Commerce and Industry

11 商工会 Society of Commerce and Industry

12 中小企業団体/事業協同組合 Small Business Association / Business Cooperative

13 中小企業 small and medium-sized enterprise (SME)

14 農業協同組合 Agricultural Cooperative

15 実習実施機関 organization implementing technical intern training / implementing organization

16 送出し機関 sending organization

17 送出し企業 sending company

18 受入れ機関 ※ accepting organization

19 職業紹介 employment placement

20 あっせん機関 placement agency

21 求人者 job offerer

22 求職者 job seeker

23 外国人技能実習事業に関する協定書 Agreement concerning Technical Intern Training Program

24 職業紹介費用 expenses for employment placement

25 送出し管理費 management expenses for sending technical intern trainee

26 受入監理費 expenses for supervision of technical intern trainee

27 保証金 deposit

28 技能実習計画 technical intern training plans

29 実務研修 ※ on-the-job training

30 非実務研修 ※ off-the-job training

31 集合研修 ※ collective training, group training

32 講習 lectures

33 事前講習 advance lectures

34 講習手当 lecture allowance

35 監査 inspection

36 技能実習指導員 technical intern training coordinator

37 生活指導員 daily life adviser

38 相談員 counselor

39 雇用契約 employment contract

40 技能実習のための雇用契約書 Employment Contract for Technical Intern Training

41 技能実習のための雇用条件書 Employment Terms and Conditions for Technical Intern Training

42 賃金 wage
43 最低賃金 minimum wage

44 国民年金 national pension

45 厚生年金 employee's pension

46 厚生年金脱退一時金 lump-sum withdrawal payments

47 健康保険 health insurance

48 雇用保険 employment insurance

49 労災保険 workers' accident compensation insurance

50 健康診断 medical examination

51 労災事故 employment injury

52 通勤災害 commuting injuries

53 未払賃金立替払制度 Program of Replacement Payment of Unpaid Wages

54 失踪 runaway

55 技能実習2号移行 transfer to technical intern training (ii)

56 技能実習1号の成果の評価 evaluation of results of technical intern training (i)

57 在留状況の評価 evaluation of residence conditions

58 技能実習計画の評価 evaluation of technical intern training plan

59 技能実習2号移行対象職種 approved occupations for transfer to technical intern training (ii)

60 JITCO認定評価システム skill evaluation system approved by JITCO

61 技能検定 National Trade Skills Test

2. 関連法令用語 - Other related legal terms

No. ⽇本語Japanese 英語 English

1 出入国管理及び難民認定法 Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act

2 在留資格認定証明書 Certificate of Eligibility for the Status of Residence (COE)

3 在留資格 status of residence

4 在留資格「技能実習」 status of residence "Technical Intern Training"

5 技能実習1号イ technical intern training (i)(a)

6 技能実習1号ロ technical intern training (i)(b)

7 技能実習2号イ technical intern training (ii)(a)

8 技能実習2号ロ technical intern training (ii)(b)

9 外国人登録証明書 alien registration card

10 在留カード residence card

11 中長期在留者 medium to long-term residents

12 旅券 passport

13 査証 visa

14 退去強制 deportation

15 不法残留者 illegal overstayers

16 不法入国/不法上陸 illegal entry / illegal landing

17 不正行為 misconduct

18 不正行為認定 recognition of misconduct

19 技能実習生の入国・在留管理に関する指針 Guidelines on Entry and Residence Management of Technical Intern Trainees

20 外国人技能実習制度における講習手当、賃金及び Guideline on Allowance for Lectures, Wages, and Management Expenses in

監理費等に関するガイドライン(JITCO) Technical Intern Training Program (JITCO)

21 技能実習制度推進事業運営基本方針(厚生労働大 Basic Guidelines for Operation of the Technical Intern Training Program (issued by the
臣公示) Minister of Health,Labour and Welfare)

22 技能実習制度に係る出入国管理上の取扱いに関す Immigration Control-related Guidelines for the Technical Intern Training Program

23 労働基準法 Labour Standards Act

24 最低賃金法 Minimum Wages Act

25 労働安全衛生法 Industrial Safety and Health Act

26 職業安定法 Employment Security Act

27 職業能力開発促進法 Human Resources Development Promotion Act

28 労働者災害補償保険法 Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act

29 雇用保険法 Employment Insurance Act

30 厚生年金保険法 Welfare Pension Insurance Act

31 健康保険法 Health Insurance Act

3.JITCO事業関連用語 - Words related to JITCO activities

No. ⽇本語Japanese 英語 English

1 賛助会員 supporting member
2 申請書類事前点検サービス preliminary check service of entry and residence-related applications

3 申請取次業務 submission service of entry and residence-related applications to regional Immigration


4 母国語相談 native-language consultation

5 外国人技能実習生総合保険 Comprehensive Insurance for Technical Intern Trainees

6 討議議事録(R/D) Record of Discussions (R/D)

7 日本語作文コンクール Japanese Essay Contest

8 定例説明会 Regular Guidance Seminar

9 受入れ実務セミナー Seminar for Staff of Supervising Organization

12 技能実習指導員セミナー Seminar for technical intern training coordinator

13 日本語指導セミナー Seminar on Japanese Instruction

14 労働関係法令セミナー Seminar on Labour Laws

15 経営者安全衛生セミナー Seminar on Safety and Health for Managers

16 生活指導員健康確保セミナー Seminar for Daily Life Adviser on Health Management

17 相談案件協議委員会 JITCO Working Group to Inspect and Solve Problems

4.JITCO出版物 - Teaching Materials and Texts published by JITCO

No. 日本語 Japanese 英語 English

1 外国人技能実習制度概説 Outline of Technical Intern Training Program

2 外国人技能実習生・研修生の入国・在留手続Q&A Q&A on Procedure for Entry and Residence of Technical Intern Trainees
and Trainees (Japanese Only)

団体監理型技能実習生受入れ業務Q&A Q&A on Duties for Acceptance Supervised by Organization of Technical

3 Intern Trainees (Japanese Only)

4 外国人技能実習制度における技能実習計画 Technical Intern Training Plan for Technical Intern Training Program

5 職種別研修テキスト Text for Technical Intern Training by Occupation

6 外国人技能実習生のための専門用語対訳集 Glossary of Technical Terms for Technical Intern Trainees

7 (職種別)外国人研修におけるトレーニングテキスト Training Text for Technical Intern Training by Occupation (CD)


8 どうぞよろしく(テキスト・CD) Nice to Meet You (Textbook/CD)

9 じっせん にほんご Jissen Nihongo (Practical Japanese Course)

10 あたらしい じっせん にほんご Atarashii Jissen Nihongo (New Practical Japanese Course)

11 外国人研修生のための日本語(一般用語集) Japanese Language for Technical Intern Trainees(Glossary of General Term)

12 にほんご 100時間 Nihongo 100 Jikan (100-hours-Japanese Language Education)

13 すぐつかえるにほんご Sugu Tsukaeru Nihongo (Useful Expressions of Japanese)

14 技能実習生のための日本語運用力確認シート Sheet to check ability of Japanese Language for a Technical Intern Trainee

15 技能実習生のための 日本語 はじめの力だめし Elementary Test of Japanese Language for a Techncial Intern Trainee

外国人技能実習制度の法的保護情報に関する入管 For Legal Protection in Foreign Technical Intern Training Programs

法令テキスト Textbook concerning the Immigration Control Act
外国人技能実習制度の法的保護情報に関する労働 For Legal Protection in Foreign Technical Intern Training Programs
関係法令等テキスト Textbook concerning Labor-Related Laws,Ordinances,etc.
18 外国人技能実習における健康管理のしおり A Guide to Better Health Management for Technical Intern Trainees

19 安全衛生管理のしおり A Guide to Safety and Health Management for Technical Intern Trainees

20 外国人技能実習生 実習実施機関のためのメンタル Mental Health Handbook for Technical Intern Trainees and Implementing
ヘルスハンドブック organizations

21 日本の生活案内 Guide to Life in Japan

22 粉じんによる疾病の防止 Prevention of Dust-Related Diseases

23 グラインダ安全必携 Safety Handbook for Grinder

24 アーク溶接等作業の安全 Safety for Arc Welding and Other Operations

25 ルールを守って安全健康(DVD・ビデオ) Rule for Safety and Health(DVD/Video)

26 日本における正しい自転車の乗り方(DVD・ビデオ) How to Ride Bicycles in Japan(DVD/Video)

27 交通事故死は防げる(DVD・ビデオ) Safeguard Against Traffic Death(DVD/Video)

28 実りある研修・実習は健康管理から(ビデオ) Health Management for Technical Intern Training (Video)

29 自分で守ろう ! 日々の健康(DVD・ビデオ) Self-Check for Your Health(DVD/Video)

30 あなたは いま げんきですか?(ビデオ) How are you ?(Anatawa Ima Genkidesuka?) (Video)

31 情報誌「かけはし」 JITCO Journal "Kakehashi"

32 JITCO白書 JITCO White Paper

33 技能実習記録 Record of Technical Intern Training

34 技能実習生の友 Ginou Jisshusei no Tomo (Technical Intern Trainees' Mate)

35 技能実習生手帳 Technical Intern Trainee Handbook

36 JITCO総合パンフレット JITCO Pamphlet

賃金の支払の確保等に関する法律に基づく未払賃金 Guide to Replacement Payment of Unpaid Wages based on "Security of

37 の立替払制度の解説 Wage Payment Law"
38 健康管理ガイドブック Health Care Guidebook

39 ⼼とからだの⾃⼰診断表 Self-Diagnosis of Mind and Body

40 医療機関への⾃⼰申告表 Self-Report Form for Medical Institutions

41 技能実習⽣のみなさんへ 技能実習⽣にも労災保 Technical Intern Trainees are covered by Worker's Accident

険が適⽤されます Compensation Insurance
脳・心臓疾患による死亡(過労死等)防止対策チェッ Check Sheet to Safeguard Against Death from Brain and Heart
クシート Conditions (Death from Overworking, etc.)
5. 関係機関名 - The organizations concerned

No. ⽇本語Japanese 英語 English

1 日本政府当局 Japanese Government Authority

2 法務省 Ministry of Justice

3 地方入国管理局 Regional Immigration Bureau

4 外務省 Ministry of Foreign Affairs

5 厚生労働省 Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

6 都道府県労働局 Prefectural Labour Bureau

7 労働基準監督署 Labour Standards Inspection Office

8 公共職業安定所 Public Employment Security Office

9 社会保険事務所 Social Insurance Office

10 経済産業省 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

11 国土交通省 Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

12 農林水産省 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

13 外国政府機関 Governmental Counterpart Authority

14 中国国家外国専家局 The State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs

15 インドネシア労働移住省 訓練・生産性開発総局 Department of Training and Productivity Development, Ministry of

Manpower and Transmigration (MOM&T), Indonesia

16 中国中日研修生協力機構 Sino-Japan Trainee Cooperation Organization of China (SJTCOC)

17 ベトナム労働・傷病兵・社会省 海外労働局 Department of Overseas Labour (DOLAB), Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs,

18 フィリピン労働雇用省海外雇用庁 Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA),Department of

Labour and Employment,the Philippines

19 タイ労働省 雇用局 Department of Employment (DOE), Ministry of Labour, Thailand

20 ペルー労働・雇用促進省 Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion (MTPE), Peru

21 ラオス労働社会福祉省 Ministry of Labour & Social Welfare (MLS), Laos

22 スリランカ外務省海外雇用庁 Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE), Ministry of Foreign

Affairs, Sri Lanka

23 インド労働省 雇用訓練局 Directorate General of Employment and Training, Ministry of Labour and
Employment (MOLE), India

24 ミャンマー労働省 労働局 Department of Labour (DOL), Ministry of Labour, Myanmar

25 モンゴル社会福祉・労働省 労働政策調整局 Department of Labour Policy and Coordination, Ministry of Social Welfare and Labour
(MSWL), Mongolia

26 ウズベキスタン労働・人口社会保障省 国際移住労 Agency for Foreign Labour Migration Affairs, Ministry of Labour & Social Protection of
働者関係局 Population (MLSP), Uzbekistan
27 カンボジア労働・職業訓練省 Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MLVT), Cambodia

28 ネパール労働・運輸管理省 Ministry of Labour and Transport Management (MOLTM), Nepal

29 バングラデシュ海外居住者福利厚生・海外雇用省 Ministry of Expatriates' Welfare & Overseas Employment (MEWOE), Bangladesh

6. JITCO組織 - Organization of JITCO

No. ⽇本語Japanese 英語 English

1 (公財)国際研修協力機構 Japan International Training Cooperation Organization (JITCO)

2 総務部 General Affairs Department

3 総務課 General Affairs Division

4 会計課 Accounting Division

5 企画調整課 Planning and Coordination Division

6 広報室 Public Relations Group

7 情報システム課 Information Systems Division

8 教材センター Publishing Center

9 出⼊国部 Immigration Department

10 企画管理課 Planning and Administration Division

11 ⼊国⽀援課 Entry Assistance Division

12 在留⽀援課 Residence Assistance Division

13 講習支援課 Lectures Assistance Division

14 国際部 International Affairs Department

15 国際第⼀課 First International Affairs Division

16 国際第⼆課 Second International Affairs Division

17 能⼒開発部 Human Resources Development Department

18 管理課 Administration Division

19 移⾏業務課 Technical Internship Division

20 指導課 Guidance Division

21 援助課 Training Assistance Division

22 対策課 Safety and Health Division

23 企業部 Training Facilitation Department

24 企画課 Planning Division

25 賛助会員課 Supporting Member Division

26 相談課 Consultancy Division

27 建設班 Construction Group

28 地⽅駐在事務所 Regional Office

29 会⻑ Chairman

30 理事⻑ President

31 専務理事 Executive Vice-President

32 常務理事 Senior Vice-President

33 理事 Vice-President

34 事務局⻑ Secretary General

35 部⻑ General Manager

36 部⻑代理 Acting General Manager

37 総括副部⻑ Deputy General Manager

38 副部⻑ Assistant General Manager

39 課⻑ Manager

40 室⻑ Manager

41 参事役 Senior Coordinator

42 課⻑代理 Deputy Manager

43 専⾨役 Special Adviser

44 上席調査役 Senior Assistant Manager

45 調査役 Assistant Manager

46 主事 Senior Staff

47 職員 Staff
48 点検指導員 Pre-checking Service Officer
49 労災保険相談員 Worker's Accident Compensation Insurance Adviser

50 安全衛⽣アドバイザー Safety and Health Adviser

51 メンタルヘルスアドバイザー Mental Health Adviser

52 ⽇本語指導アドバイザー Japanese Language Education Advisor

53 外国⼈相談スタッフ Native-Language Advisory Staff

54 JITCO地方駐在事務所所長 Head of Regional Office

55 JITCO地⽅駐在事務所駐在員 Regional Office Staff

56 調査相談員 Residence Status Research Counselor

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