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Aim and Scope: • Concurrent Engineering in the Extended

Many manufacturing companies have been Manufacturing Enterprise

required to reduce the time to market of products with • Condition Monitoring & Real-Time Control
shorter life cycles, greater part variation, lower costs and • Crisis Management
higher product quality. This means that characteristics • Design for Responsive Manufacturing
such as flexibility, responsiveness and reconfigurability • Factory Modelling & Simulation of Manufacturing
are essential in order to change functional capabilities Systems
within a short period of time. The main goal of • Fractal Manufacturing Systems
‘Responsive Manufacturing (RM)’ is to achieve rapid, • Global Manufacturing
flexible and integrated development, manufacture and
• Holonic Manufacturing
support of complex products within an extended and
• Human Factors in Responsive Manufacturing
increasingly global supply chain. Responsive
Manufacturing is also employed to counter the increase in • Information Infrastructure
unpredictability of market conditions and the need to • Lean Manufacturing
reorganise manufacturing activities, enabling • Manufacturing Strategies in Responsive
manufacturing enterprises to thrive under conditions of Manufacturing
uncertainty. • Mechatronics and Robotics
The seamless integration of information to • Metrics and Performance Measures
improve the speed of product realisation and concurrency • Modern Heuristics (GA, GP, SA, TS, ACO etc.)
of product and process development; the utilisation of Applications in Manufacturing
intelligent manufacturing technology to improve • Multi-Axis and High Speed Machining for
competitiveness and speed of the product development; Responsive Manufacturing
and the deployment of reconfigurable manufacturing • New Generation Machine Tools
systems to improve flexibility, optimise performance and • Operations Research Applications for
improve the manufacturing system’s ability to cope with Responsive Manufacturing
disturbances are considered as critical elements in • Precision Machine Tools and Nanotechnology
achieving manufacturing responsiveness. • Process and Enterprise Modelling
The 2nd International Conference on • Rapid Prototyping and Product Development
Responsive Manufacturing will provide an excellent • Reconfigurable Factory and Manufacturing
opportunity for debating these issues. Both academia and Systems
industry are invited to present their papers dealing with • Responsiveness as a Requirement of TQM
state of the art research and future developments. • Reverse Engineering
• Self Organizing Systems and Agent based
Topics of Interests (But not limited to)
Technologies in Manufacturing
University of in cooperation with The Nottingham • Advanced CNC programming
• Standardization Issues for Responsive
Gaziantep University • Agent Based Manufacturing Manufacturing
• Agile Fixturing Systems, Soft Tooling and • Supply Chain Management & Logistics
Jiggles Manufacturing
• Sustainable Manufacturing
• Agile Manufacturing and Virtual Enterprises
• Virtual Factory and Manufacturing
• Agility for World Class Manufacturing
• Workforce Agility in Production Systems
• Agility, Flexibility, Adaptiveness, Responsiveness Note: For all, the papers should underline the relation • Artificial Intelligence Applications in with RESPONSIVENESS …
• Biological Manufacturing Systems
• Cellular Manufacturing Systems
• CIM, CAE, CAD/CAM, JIT and FMS for
Responsive Manufacturing
26-28, June 2002
• Communication Technologies
Gaziantep, Turkey
Agenda of the conference Conference Secretariat
Day 1: Wednesday 26 June, 2002 University of Gaziantep, Faculty of Engineering
Refreshments Department of Industrial Engineering
Registration and Reception 27310 Gaziantep - Turkey
Opening ceremony Tel : +90 342 360 1200/ext.2601
Distinguished Lectures (Invited Sessions) Fax : +90 342 360 4383
Presentations I E-mail :
Lunch Organization
Presentations II Honorary Conference Chairperson:
Conference Dinner I.Huseyin Filiz (Rector of University of Gaziantep, TR)
Day 2: Thursday 27 June, 2002 Conference General Chairman:
Refreshments Nabil Gindy (The Nottingham University, UK)
Presentations III Organising Committee:
Lunch Chairs: Adil Baykasoglu (University of Gaziantep, TR)
Presentations IV Türkay Dereli (University of Gaziantep, TR)
Tour of Industrial Plants in Gaziantep Members:
Day 3: Friday 28 June, 2002 John E. Middle (Loughborough University, UK)
Refreshments Ian Pashby (The Nottingham University, UK)
Presentations V Terence Perera (Sheffield Hallam University, UK)
Refreshments Sameh Saad (Sheffield Hallam University, UK)
Presentations VI James Tannock (The Nottingham University, UK)
Lunch Phil Webb (The Nottingham University, UK)
Closing Ceremony and Panel Catherine Wykes (The Nottingham University, UK)
Probable Tours:
• Historical Places in Gaziantep Publication: Accepted papers will be considered for
(Archaeological Museum, Castle, Oylum, Duluk, Tilmen, publication in some of the well-respected journals (IJPR,
Yesemek and Zeugma, etc). JIM, IMS) whose editors would be present at the
• Atatürk Dam, Nemrut Mountain (Adıyaman) conference. For some of these journals, special issues
• Historical Places in Antakya and Şanlıurfa will be scheduled by guest editors:
(Note some of the tours might be free…) Dr. Adil Baykasoglu and Dr. Türkay Dereli.
(Detailed information will be given later in conference web site)
Paper Submission and Presentation
Language: The official language for ICRM’2002 is
Abstracts can be sent by post or e-mail (using
English, which will be used for all printed material, University of
Microsoft Word format) to the conference secretariat or
presentations and discussion.
in cooperation with The Nottingham
organising committee chairs. It is strongly recommended Gaziantep University
to submit abstracts by e-mail. Conference Proceedings: The proceedings of the
Abstracts should not exceed 600 words. Abstract ICRM’2002 will be edited by Dr. Adil Baykasoglu & Dr.
should be typed in single space with 3 cm margin all Türkay Dereli, and published by University of Gaziantep
around the paper. Please state full name, affiliation, Printing Office. It will be distributed to participants at the
address, telephone, fax and e-mail address of all conference.
corresponding authors.
Call for Invited Speakers and Session:
Important Deadlines Authors are encouraged to arrange special
Submission of abstracts : January 1, 2002 sessions in topics relevant to the ICRM’2002. If you
Notification of acceptance : January 20, 2002 interested in organizing a special session, please submit
Submission of the full paper : March 20, 2002 your proposals, which includes the title of the session,
Camera-Ready paper : April 30, 2002 title of articles, and a list of participating authors, by
January 1st, 2002, to the Conference Secretariat. 26-28, June 2002
Awards: A best paper award will be allocated. Gaziantep, Turkey

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