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Nurse : Hello my (1)_________ is jenny. I am have a wash pain. That’s worse than that is
one of the registered nurses on duty today severe pain that can be any number between
seven and ten
Patient : oh hello Jenny
Patient : I understand now. The pain is really
Nurse : I see in your notes that you’ve come in
bad. I would rate it as an (19)___________
with back (2)________. Is that right?
Nurse : Okay I’ll (20) ___________what will
Patient : Yes. I’ve got (3)__________ back
happen now. The emergency doctor will
pain. It’s so sore
examine you first. You might have an x-ray. I’ll
Nurse : I see. Can you tell me how you get you some pain killers and some
(4)_______ you back? (21)___________________ as well.

Patient : Yes sure. I’ve got a little (5)______. Patient : I’ve already had some painkillers. I
He was crying in the next room and I rushed (22)___________ some at home but they
to see why he was (6)________. I slipped over didn’t do anything.
one of his toy cars
Nurse : We’ll (23)________ you some slightly
Nurse : Oh that’s a shame. Can you stronger ones as well as the anti-
(7)_______ me where the pain is? inflammatories.

Patient : Well it’s mostly in my (8) _______ Patient : Why do I need an D inflammatory
back, you know right across my back (24)___________? my skin isn’t inflamed

Nurse : And what’s the pain (9)_______ ? Nurse : The anti-inflammatories are used to
(25)___________ the inflammation in the
Patient : It’s really (10) _______. It’s so painful (26)___________ around the painful area that
Nurse : What type of pain is it? Is it a sharp helps ease the (27)___________.
pain or a dull ache for (11)________ Patient : So you’re saying they work with the
Patient : Oh I see. it’s (12)________ pain. It’s painkillers.
worse when I try to move Nurse : Yes, that’s right the other thing that
Nurse : Okay, How would you rate your pain may help the pain is to do some gentle
on a (13) _______ between zero and ten. (14) (28)___________. You should try to keep
_______ is no pain and ten is the worst pain (29)___________ as much as possible. I’ll get
you’ve ever experienced you a (30)___________ which explains what
the exercise are like. The physio can help you.
Patient : Oh im not sure. It’s really bad but
I’am not sure which (15)___________ it is Patient : Okay, but I really need strong
painkillers. Can I just have some
Nurse : One two three is mild pain. It’s just a (31)___________ strong painkillers now?
niggling pain that is a bit (16)__________
Nurse : I (32)_____________ that it is very
Patient : Well it’s more than that. (33)_____________ when you are in a lot of
Nurse : Four to six is considered pain but it’s best to start with simple
(17)___________ pain. That’s when the pain painkillers and anti-inflamatories. They work
interferes with your daily activities. I mean well together. If you (34)___________ that
when you can’t concentrate on a book or if the painkillers are not (35)___________
you find it (18) ___________ to get dressed or enough you need to come back to A dan D
Patient : I don’t know. That’s going to be no
help at all. I’ve got (36)___________ kids at
home. I have to be (37)___________ to look
after them. I just want these strong painkillers

Nurse : I know it’s hard when you have small

(38)___________ to look after but it’s not
possible to start with the strongest painkillers.
Would you willing to try the (39)___________
for a day and see if it helps.

Patient : I suppose so. So if the tablets is not

strong enough I can get different plans.

Nurse : Yes, but it’s (40)___________ to start

with the tablets. We are giving you now.
There are a few things I need tell you about
the (41)___________. First, you should always
take the tablets with food. That’s to stop you
feeling (42)___________, also make sure you
don’t take more than the recommended
(43)_________. The maximum number of
tablet per day is on the label on the box

Patient : All right, I understand. Take the

tablet with (44)_________ and only as many
as it says on the box

Nurse : That’s right. It would be very helpful if

you did the exercise on the leaflet I gave you.
You can also use (45)_________ packs on your
lower back to (46)___________ the pain.

Patient : Okay. I’ll try that

Nurse : That’s great. I’ll get your medication

for you (47)___________ you go home

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