Commercial Dispatch Eedition 12-24-20

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Have a merry and safe Christmas

Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

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Thursday | December 24, 2020

How is Christmas going

to be different for you this year?

s the COVID-19 pandemic has stretched into the Christmas season, many have adapted,
or downsized, their plans to celebrate. We asked area residents how their Christmas
celebrations will be different this year.

“It’s been kind of hard. A lot of people “Just seeing that there are a lot of other “It’s going to (have) less people involved “We won’t do big family gatherings. It will
lost their jobs, but you’ve got to try to get people in the community and beyond that and we’ll have to keep our social dis- just be our immediate family, but in some
through and keep praying. Stay prayed up. have it a lot more difficult than we do, tance. It’s kind of sad because you can’t ways that’s kind of nice. I have a 7-year-
Usually, we would travel and go see family it’s just really helped us to embrace an spend time with your loved ones like you old son and we can really just concentrate
and everything, but with the virus you attitude of gratitude and focus inward on used to.” on him.”
have to be careful.” our family.” — Michelle Brooks, West Point — Jeremy Baham, Starkville
— Sherika Swanigan, Columbus — Victoria Lindsey, Starkville

The biggest difference is my mom is in “We haven’t done the typical events, like “I’m not going to see my grandparents, “We have a small family, so Christmas
a nursing home, and we won’t be able to going to Disney on Ice and Polar Express which is kind of a bummer, but I’m still Day won’t be much different. What is
have her come to our home for Christmas ... (but) we’re still going to be with family hanging out with my parents. Obviously different is that we won’t have the Christ-
this year. We’ll have a window-visit on and have fun exchanging gifts.” things aren’t as bustling as usual, which mas Cantata at our church, and we won’t
Christmas Eve, but it’s not the same. We — Gretchen Crawford is kind of nice in itself. You really appre- have the children’s play that I direct at our
normally have a big gathering for Christ- and her 3-year-old daughter, ciate the quality time with your family church every year. The kids are so cute
mas, but it’s just going to be just close Mary Martin Crawford, Starkville because you’re kind of forced to be at and it’s so much fun, so I’m really going
family this year.” home with them.” to miss that.”
— Kimberly Peterson, Columbus — Avery Smith, visiting Starkville — Lindsey Turner, Carrollton, Alabama
from Athens, Georgia

Doctors stress importance of taking COVID vaccine as it becomes available

media members at the hospital after Baptist received a ship- istration approved the vaccine
Baptist receives 500 doses of Moderna, began as Registered Nurse Shelly Kid- ment of 500 doses Wednesday. for emergency use last week, al-
vaccinating front-line workers Wednesday der cleaned and put a Band-Aid
over the spot on his arm where
More staff will receive the vac-
cine next week after Christmas
lowing hospitals and long-term
care facilities all over the coun-
BY ISABELLE ALTMAN Reed, Baptist’s first chief she’d inserted the needle a few holidays. try to begin vaccinating staff medical officer and currently moments before. “I think it’s Staff at OCH Regional Med- that work most closely with
on the faculty for the hospital’s the right thing for me to do, and ical Center in Starkville also COVID-19 patients and are at
Dr. Jack Reed has worked for
Baptist Memorial Hospital for residency program, is one of the I think it’s the right thing for received 100 doses of the Mod- highest risk of contracting the
45 years, and on Wednesday, oldest employees at the hospital our country.” erna vaccine and began vacci- virus.
he was the first employee there at 73, so administrators strong- Reed was one of about 60 nating their front-line staff on At Baptist, administrators set
to receive a COVID-19 vaccina- ly urged him to be vaccinated. employees who took their first Monday. up tables where nurses would
tion. “It was my pleasure,” he told round of the Moderna vaccine The Food and Drug Admin- See VACCINE, 7A


1 Who played George Bailey in the Christ- ■ The offices of The Dispatch will be closed Look MEETINGS
mas classic “It’s a Wonderful Life?” and no paper will be printed on Friday, Dec. for The Dec. 30:
2 In the 1964 classic “Rudolph the Red- 25 and Friday, Jan. 1 for Christmas and New Dispatch’s Lowndes
Nosed Reindeer,” what was the name of Year’s Day. The Dispatch offices will also close Christmas County Board
Rudolph’s faithful elf companion? at noon on Thursday, Dec. 24 and Thursday, Greetings of Supervisors
3 According to the folklore of Austria and Dec. 31. special meeting, 9 a.m.,
other countries, what horned figure pun- section Lowndes County
Cami Harris ishes naughty children at Christmastime? with Courthouse,
4 What beverage company has been
Fifth grade, Annunciation
using Santa Claus in its advertising since CALENDAR letters to
Santa and

42 Low 20
1931? LowndesCounty-
High 5 How many reindeer are featured in the
poem “Twas the Night Before Christmas?” Tuesday through from local
Jan. 4: Lowndes
Wind chill in the 10s
Full forecast on Answers, 8B
Sunday, Dec. 22-27 children County Board
■ “It’s a Wonderful Life: The Radio Play”: in today’s of Supervi-
page 3A.
Starkville Community Theatre presents this paper. sors, 9 a.m.,
online radio performance via stream, available Courthouse,
INSIDE for $5 at
Business 5B Dear Abby 4B tails/44118 to support SCT. Video is available
Classifieds 8B Obituaries 4,5A from 12:15 a.m. Tuesday through 11:45 p.m.
Comics 4B Opinions 6A Sunday. Rental of stream allows access on-de-
141st Year, No. 245 Crossword 8B Religion 6B mand for up to 48 hours of time.


2A THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2020 The Dispatch •

New round of Trump clemency

benefits Manafort, other allies
Trump threatens COVID relief pected to block the vote, but Dem-
WASHINGTON — President ocrats may try again Monday.
Donald Trump pardoned more than
bill, testing loyalty of GOP The president’s last-minute ob-
WASHINGTON — Threaten- jections are setting up a defining
two dozen people, including former ing to tank Congress’ massive
campaign chairman Paul Manafort showdown with his own Republi-
COVID relief and government can Party in his final days in of-
and Charles Kushner, the father of
funding package, President Don- fice.
his son-in-law, in the latest wave of
ald Trump’s demand for bigger aid Rather than take the victory of
clemency to benefit longtime asso-
checks for Americans is forcing the sweeping aid package, among
ciates and supporters.
Republicans traditionally wary of the biggest in history, Trump is
The actions, in Trump’s waning
such spending into an uncomfort- lashing out at GOP leaders over
time at the White House, bring to
able test of allegiance. the presidential election — for
nearly 50 the number of people
On Thursday, House Demo- acknowledging Joe Biden as pres-
whom the president has granted
crats who also favor $2,000 checks ident-elect and rebuffing his cam-
clemency in the last week. The list
will all but dare Republicans to paign to dispute the Electoral Col-
from the last two days includes not
break with Trump, calling up his lege results when they are tallied
only multiple people convicted in
proposal for a Christmas Eve vote. in Congress on Jan. 6.
the investigation into the Trump
The president’s last-minute objec- The president’s push to in-
campaign’s ties to Russia but also
tion could derail critical legisla- crease direct payments for most
allies from Congress and other
tion amid a raging pandemic and Americans from $600 to $2,000 for
felons whose causes were champi-
deep economic uncertainty. His individuals and $4,000 for couples
oned by friends.
Pardons are common in the fi- attacks risk a federal government splits the party with a politically
nal stretch of a president’s tenure, shutdown by early next week. painful loyalty test, including for
the recipients largely dependent on “Just when you think you have GOP senators David Perdue and
the individual whims of the nation’s seen it all,” House Speaker Nancy Kelly Loeffler, fighting to retain
chief executive. Trump throughout Pelosi wrote Wednesday in a letter their seats in the Jan. 5 special
his administration has shucked to colleagues. election in Georgia.
aside the conventions of the Obama “The entire country knows that Republican lawmakers tra-
administration, when pardons were it is urgent for the President to ditionally balk at big spending
largely reserved for drug offenders sign this bill, both to provide the and many never fully embraced
not known to the general public, coronavirus relief and to keep gov- Trump’s populist approach. Their
and instead bestowed clemency on ernment open.” political DNA tells them to oppose
high-profile contacts and associ- Republicans led by Senate Ma- a costlier relief package. But now
ates who were key figures in an in- jority Leader Mitch McConnell they’re being asked to stand with
vestigation that directly concerned have resisted $2,000 checks as too the president.
him. costly. House Republicans are ex- SOURCE: AP
Even members of the president’s
own party raised eyebrows, with 2016 before being ousted over his thanked Trump and lavished praise
Republican Sen. Ben Sasse of Ne- ties to Ukraine, was among the first on the outgoing president, declar-
braska issuing a brief statement people charged as part of Mueller’s ing that history would show he had
that said: “This is rotten to the investigation into ties between the accomplished more than any of his
core.” Trump campaign and Russia. He predecessors.
The pardons Wednesday of was later sentenced to more than Trump did not pardon Manafort’s
Manafort and Roger Stone, who seven years in prison for financial deputy, Rick Gates, who was sen-
months earlier had his sentence crimes related to his political con- tenced last year to 45 days in prison
commuted by Trump, were partic- sulting work in Ukraine, but was after extensively cooperating with
ularly notable, underscoring the released to home confinement last prosecutors, or former Trump law-
president’s desire to chip away at spring because of coronavirus con- yer Michael Cohen, who pleaded
the results and legacy of special cerns in the federal prison system. guilty to campaign finance crimes
counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia Though the charges against related to his efforts to buy the si-
investigation. He has now pardoned Manafort did not concern the cen- lence of women who said they had
five people convicted in that investi- tral thrust of Mueller’s mandate — sexual relationships with Trump.
gation, four of them associates like whether the Trump campaign and Both were also convicted in the
former national security adviser Russia colluded to tip the election Mueller probe.
Michael Flynn and campaign ad- — he was nonetheless a pivotal fig- New York City prosecutors,
viser George Papadopoulos, both ure in the investigation. meanwhile, have been seeking to
of whom pleaded guilty to lying to His close relationship to a man have the state’s highest court re-
the FBI. U.S. officials have linked to Russian vive state mortgage fraud charges
“The pardons from this Presi- intelligence, and with whom he against Manafort after a lower court
dent are what you would expect to shared internal campaign polling dismissed them on double jeopardy
get if you gave the pardon power to a data, attracted particular scrutiny grounds. A spokesman for District
mob boss,” tweeted Andrew Weiss- during the investigation, though Attorney Cy Vance said the pardon
mann, a Mueller team member who Mueller never charged Manafort “underscores the urgent need to
helped prosecute Manafort. or any other Trump associate with hold Mr. Manafort accountable for
Manafort, who led Trump’s cam- conspiring with Russia. his crimes against the People of
paign during a pivotal period in Manafort, in a series of tweets, New York.”


Africa CDC: New virus holiday season. ca’s alert late last week ence in scale of genomic
“It’s a separate lineage were enough to prompt surveillance in Nigeria
variant appears to from the UK and South an emergency meeting vs the U.K. may imply a
emerge in Nigeria Africa,” the head of the of the Africa CDC this reduced power to detect
NAIROBI, Kenya — Africa Centers for Dis- week. such changes,” the paper
Another new variant of ease Control and Preven- The variant was found says.
the coronavirus appears tion, John Nkengasong, in two patient samples The news comes as
to have emerged in Ni- told reporters. He said collected on Aug. 3 and infections surge again in
geria, Africa’s top public the Nigeria CDC and the on Oct. 9 in Nigeria’s parts of the African con-
health official said Thurs- African Center of Excel- Osun state, according to tinent.
day, but he added that lence for Genomics of In- a working research paper The new variant in
further investigation was fectious Diseases in that seen by The Associated South Africa is now the
needed. country — Africa’s most Press. predominant one there,
The discovery could populous — will be ana- Unlike the variant seen Nkengasong said, as
add to new alarm in the lyzing more samples. in the UK, “we haven’t ob- confirmed infections in
pandemic after similar “Give us some time served such rapid rise of the country approach 1
variants were announced ... it’s still very early,” he the lineage in Nigeria and million. While the vari-
in Britain and South Af- said. do not have evidence to ant transmits quickly and
rica, leading to the swift The alert about the indicate that the P681H viral loads are higher, it
return of international apparent new variant was variant is contributing to is not yet clear whether
travel restrictions and based on two or three ge- increased transmission of it leads to a more severe
other measures just as netic sequences, he said, the virus in Nigeria. How- disease, he said.
the world enters a major but that and South Afri- ever, the relative differ- SOURCE: AP
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2020 3A

COVID cases in Mississippi surpass 200,000 before Christmas

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS an outbreak, according to local invited to the club to visit with after Christmas to make a final
news reports. Santa and Mrs. Claus. The ma- decision about the event.
JACKSON — The total num- The Sun Herald reports that rina committee met in-person The Ocean Springs Yacht
ber of coronavirus cases in at least 10 people on the Missis- on Tuesday afternoon, followed Club has postponed their annu-
Mississippi surpassed 200,000 sippi coast have tested positive by a board meeting on Wednes- al Commodore’s Ball, typically
Wednesday, two days before after a week of events tied to day. held on New Year’s Eve, be-
the Christmas holiday when the Biloxi Yacht Club. Jay Lee, the club’s incoming cause of the pandemic.
health officials said they ex- The club held the Commo- leader, told the Sun Herald that The state Health Depart-
pect a spike due to social gath- dore’s Ball, an evening of din- most of the people who tested ment reported Wednesday
erings. Dobbs Reeves ner and dancing in cocktail at- positive were at the marina that Mississippi had 2,634 new
During a virtual briefing tire, inside the yacht club Dec. committee meeting. Several confirmed cases of the highly
with the news media Tuesday, only, Dobbs said. 12. Organizers say mask-wear- people who had been at the ball contagious virus as of Tues-
Dr. Thomas Dobbs, Mississip- “Be aware of the super- ing and social distancing was attended the marina committee day evening. The department
pi’s state health officer, plead- spreader at your dinner table,” enforced. However, now-delet- meeting at the club, but not ev- also reported 43 new deaths
ed with residents to adhere to he said. “Please know how vul- ed social media posts showed eryone who tested positive at- Wednesday, with 37 of them
state guidelines around masks nerable we can be when we mix attendees pictured without tended the ball, Lee said. happening between Oct. 30 and
and social distancing on Christ- people who are younger and masks dancing shoulder to The Biloxi Yacht Club is still Tuesday. The state has report-
mas. The safest way to cele- older.” shoulder, according to The planning to hold a dinner on ed 200,325 cases of the virus
brate the holiday is to confine One holiday-related event Herald. New Year’s Eve, Lee said. He and 4,533 deaths from it since
gatherings to nuclear family in the state has already caused The next day, families were said club’s officers will meet the start of the pandemic.

MDHS recovers more than $1,000 in welfare fraud case

DISPATCH STAFF REPORT Support Employee Deidra Norris. of Inspector General to not only
Norris was indicted for welfare identify and eliminate fraud, but to
Mississippi Department of Hu- fraud in August and pleaded guilty recover the misused funds so they
man Services has received full to stealing and activating SNAP can go to the people who need and
restitution in a welfare fraud case
cards meant for individuals in a qualify for them,” MDHS Execu-
from Columbus, according to a
MDHS press release. drug rehabilitation facility, as well tive Director Robert G. Anderson
The department’s Benefit Re- as other EBT (electronic benefits said in the press release.
covery Unit recovered $1,142.04 for transfer) cards, the press release Norris has been sentenced to
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance said. three years of non-adjudicated
Program (SNAP) funds following “This is the culmination of hard probation, according to Lowndes
the conviction of former Clerical work by divisions within our Office County Circuit Court records.


Slaying victims in Sheriff’s officials identi- was his grandmother; mestic violence, but had
fied the other victims as along with his wife, son since bonded out.
Mississippi included Beverly Kaiser Fulton, and mother-in-law. It “There are a lot of
90-year-old woman 64; April Fulton Tucker, was unclear how the vic- family members and
MERIDIAN — A 39; and Bryce Fisher tims were killed. relatives in our commu-
90 -year-old woman was Tucker, 14, WTOK-T V Matthew Tucker later nity that are affected
among the victims of reported. died of what appeared to because of the events
a quadruple slaying in The suspect was iden- be a self-inflicted gun- of yesterday,” Calhoun
Mississippi, police said tified as 40 -year-old shot wound after leading said.
Wednesday. Matthew Jay Tucker. Au- police on a chase. A church prayer ser-
The Lauderdale thorities said sometime Chief Deputy Ward vice was scheduled late
County Sheriff’s Depart- between 9:30 p.m. Mon- Calhoun said Tucker was Wednesday for the fam-
ment identified Virginia day and noon Tuesday, arrested in late October ilies of the victims.
Jay at a news conference. Tucker killed Jay, who for simple assault-do- SOURCE: AP

P & H Plumbing Robert Builders
City of Columbus n Mark Hardy; 425 Hospital
Drive, Suite 3; electrical; Twin n Leon Fort; 817 17th Street n Frazier Clinic; 921-B main
Nov. 23-Dec. 18, 2020 Rivers Maintenance North; plumbings; Tabor Street; plumbing; Roto Rooter
n George Larry Woodward; n Charles King; 216 Plumbing n TL Phillips & Henry Weiss;
932 Military Road; demolish Robinwood Circle; electrical; n Tim Younger; 606 Dublin 501 7th Street North, Suite 9;
northern addition; same Nickoles Electric Drive; plumbings; Tabor plumbing; Brislin Inc.
n CCHDO Inc.; 912 11th n St. Paul’s Episcopal Church; Plumbing
Avenue South; fire sprinkler
system install; Building Tech-
318 College Street; electrical; n BIDPEE LLC; 815 13th
Street North, B; plumbings;
Lowndes County
weathers Electric
nology Services LLC Roto Rooter Dec. 23, 2020
n FNMA; 113 13th Street n Richard Lowry; A.Q. Stanley
n Jody M. Andrews; 1202 North; electrical; Livingston n Tinree LLC; 306 McCrary
12th Avenue North; front door/ Drive, Apt 7; plumbing; Klutts Road; construct storage/shop;
and Sons
sidewalk cover; same Plumbing owner
n Shane Cruse; 221 Maple n Daniel Jenkins; 5016 Nash-
n Antonio Murray and Laron- Street; electrical; Livingston n Chris Morgan; 1911 14th
da Poe; 105 Luxapalila Drive; Avenue North; plumbing; Tabor ville Ferry Road; set up mobile
and Sons
repair termite damage; same Plumbing Home; owner
n Ida Warfield; 2424 23rd n Daniel Jenkins; 5016 Nash-
n Nicholas J. Ervin; 304 Avenue North; electrical; Jim-
n James Cunningham; 1515
Dogwood Road; replace deck 6th Avenue South; plumbing; ville Ferry Road; move mobile
mie Chism
floor/erect ret. wall; Author W Tabor Plumbing Home; Regional Enterprises
n Shane Cruse; 219 Maple n Ken and Carla Ross; 3660
Burr Masonry Street; electrical; Livingston
n Marcell Hill; 1510 10th
n Lawrence Wilson; 1314 5th Avenue North; plumbing; Tabor Old Wolfe Road; construct s/f
and Sons
Avenue North; repairs from Plumbing residence; owner
n Gen4 Waters LLC; 157 n Scotty and Alecia Clark;
kitchen fire; same Magnolia Road; electrical;
n Teresa Deloach; 1522 9th
n Sue Buckhalter; 604 Kens- Avenue North; Plumbing; Bow- 129 N. Perkins Road; set up
Guerry Electric LLC
ington Place; new single-family en Backhoe mobile home; Jessie James
n Herbert Tedford; 1103 8th n Fred Jones; 723 16th n Scotty and Alecia Clark;
residence; Rhett Construction Avenue North Apt 2 or B; elec-
LLC Street North; plumbing; Bowen 129 N. Perkins Road; move
trical; Twin River Maintenance
n M2D2 Investments LLC; Backhoe mobile home; Tupelo Home
n Jody M Andrews; 1202 n Sam Livingston; 424 Sum- Center
152, 158 South McCrary 12th Avenue North; electrical;
Road; remodel commercial merhaven Drive; plumbing; P &
space; Tommy Johnson Inc. H Plumbing
n John H Smith; 2613 Boyde n Swoope Investments LLC;
n Christopher Chain; 1995 Road; electrical;; same
2203 Highway 45 North;
Waverly Ferry Road; expand RV n Hollis Roofing; 213 Conway plumbing; Klutts Plumbing
park; Renovations of Missis- Drive; electrical; Triangle Air
n Larry Tate; 437 18th
and Electric Inc.
Street South; plumbing; Tabor
n Waverly Enterprises LLC; n Lory and Bernard Wilson; Plumbing
605 Leigh Drive; renovations 1919 Bell Avenue; electrical;
to ramps/apartments; same
n Larry Tate; 431 18th
Jimmie Chism Street South; plumbing; Tabor
n Martin Stillman; 110 n Military Lee LLC; 1815 Plumbing
Gardner Boulevard; sign; Mid- Military Road; electrical; Ables n Grand View Investments
South Signs Electric LLC; 2240 Military Road, Suite
n Julia Brown; 1221 Water- n Kathi and John Bean; 515 C; plumbing; Rushing Plumbing
works Road; repairs from fire; Greenbriar Drive; electrical; n Military Lee LLC; 1815 Mil-
same Wofford Electric itary Road; plumbing; Rushing
n City of Columbus; 2ndAve- n John Harkins; 1515 Bell Plumbing
nue North, 12th & 13th Street Avenue; electrical; Nickoles n Rodriquez Dismuke; 1333
North; public utility; Atmos Electric 5th Street South; plumbing;
Energy n Victory Tabernacle Church Brian Swedenburg
n Dutch Oil Company; 1500A et al; 324 5th Street South; n Luxapalila Land Co 9; 2136
Highway 45 North; exterior mechanical; Patterson HVAC High 69 South; plumbing;
renovations; same n Kahiah Wilkins; 900 Ruffin Brian Swedenburg
n Chris Jenkins; 3189-L Road; mechanical; Climate n Sue Burkhalter; 604 Kens-
Highway 45 North; Wall sign; Tech ington Place; plumbing;; Klutts
Econo Signs n Swoope Investments LLC; Plumbing
n Chris Jenkins; 325 Idlewild 2203 Highway 45 North; me- n Sammie Livingston; 506
Road; Wall sign; Econo Signs chanical; Patterson HVAC Beech Street; plumbing; P & H
n Bertha Stewart; 1616 11th n Magnolia Enterprises; 3500 Plumbing
Street North; Electrical; Living- Bluecutt Road; Mechanical; n Columbus Housing Author-
ston and Sons Columbus Fire Service ity; 608 Avenue A; plumbing;
n Bemetris nash; 913 Ben- n Ethel Hatton; 195 Pan- Roberts Builders
nett Avenue; electrical; Jimmie dora Drive; plumbing; P & H n Sam Livingston; 410 15th
Plumbing Street North; plumbing; P & H The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
n Swoope Investments LLC; n Cindy Livingston; 1412 8th Plumbing Major
2203 Highway 45 North; elec- Avenue North; plumbing; P & H n Frances Jone Borland; Minor 3:03p 3:31p
trical; Weathers Electric Major 8:49a 9:30a
Plumbing 2315 Main Street, Unit A; 4:22a
Minor 3:28a
n Sue Burkhalter; 604 n Roger Larsen; 206 2nd plumbing; Klutts Plumbing Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
Kensington Place; electrical; Avenue North; plumbing; Rush- n Haley Jones; 161 Commu-

The Dispatch
Electrical Services Plus LLC ing Plumbing nity Road; plumbing; P & H
n Marcell Hill; 1510 10th n Blades Hair Design LLC; Plumbing
Avenue North; electrical; Vertis 116 5th Street North; upstairs n Hung Younger; 919 4th
Lee apt.; plumbing; Brian Sweden- Avenue North; plumbing; Tabor The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
n Ken Smith; 222 Waverly burg Plumbing Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Road; electrical; Malone n Victory Tabernacle Church n Lori Smith; 158 Community Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
Electric et al; 324 5th Street South; Road, lot; plumbing; Tabor POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
n 3LC LLC; 119 Florence plumbing; Klutts Plumbing Plumbing The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703
Street; electrical; Jimmie n Sammy Livingston; 2602 n Columbus Housing Author- Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
Report a news tip:
Chism 6th Avenue North; plumbings; ity; 505 Avenue b; plumbing;
4A THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2020 The Dispatch •


COMMERCIAL DISPATCH day, in Sandfield Georgia and Tiffany day, in Ricky Lee Harcrow, age 64, of Carrollton,
OBITUARY POLICY Cemetery. Visitation Worthy of Chicago, Sandfield AL, died Monday, December 21, 2020, at Baptist
Obituaries with basic informa-
was from noon-5 p.m. Illinois; siblings, Bar- Ceme- Memorial Hospital in Columbus, MS.
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided Tuesday, at Lee-Sykes bara Wilson Neurell tery, with Graveside services will be 11:00 AM Thursday,
free of charge. Extended Funeral Home. Lee- of Chester, Maryland, Jimmy December 24, 2020, at Greenhill Memorial
obituaries with a photograph, Sykes Funeral Home Alfonzo Wilson and Rice of- Gardens with Rev. Tony Latham officiating and
detailed biographical informa- of Columbus was in King Wilson both of ficiating. Skelton Funeral Home of Reform directing. A
tion and other details families charge of arrange- St. Louis, Missouri; Visitation Weston short visitation will be held at the graveside
may wish to include, are ments. and 25 grandchildren. will be following the service.
available for a fee. Obituaries
Mr. Wilson was born from noon-5 p.m. Survivors include his wife of 43 years, Debra
must be submitted through
funeral homes unless the
Oct. 19, 1943, to Toy Earnestine Sanders Saturday, at Carter’s Leard Harcrow; two daughters, Debbie McDaniel
deceased’s body has been and Davis Dean Blair COLUMBUS — Funeral Services Chap- (Bryan) and Brandy Dorsett; his sister, Diane
donated to science. If the Wilson. He attended Earnestine Anthony el. Carter’s Funeral Mills (Carl); five grand children, Destiny Norred,
deceased’s body was donated Fayette County, Ala- Sanders, 81, died Dec. Services of Columbus Lynnsey Horton, Tyler Norred, Carlie Horton
to science, the family must bama schools. 16, 2020, is in charge of arrange- and Bryleigh McDaniel; and two nephews, Kevin
provide official proof of death. He is survived by at Baptist ments. Mills (Brandi) and Bryan Mills (Mindy).
Please submit all obituaries
his daughter, Cassan- Memorial Mr. Weston was Ricky was born June 9, 1956, in Tuscaloosa,
on the form provided by The
Commercial Dispatch. Free
dra Perry; three sis- Hospi- born Jan. 3, 1985, in Alabama, to the late Richard Harold Harcrow
ters; four brothers; and tal-Golden and Alma Pauline McJenkin Harcrow. He was
notices must be submitted Columbus, to Mary
to the newspaper no later three grandchildren. Triangle. an employee at Valmet in Columbus, MS. Ricky
Ann Weston and the
than 3 p.m. the day prior for Grave- late Paulette Weston. loved the outdoors and was a member of the
publication Tuesday through
Friday; no later than 4 p.m.
Jacqueline Whitfield side Sanders He was a member of
White Oak Hunting Club.
COLUMBUS — Jac- services Pallbearers will be Charlie Horton, Tyler
Saturday for the Sunday edi- Fourth Street M.B.
queline Whitfield, 74, will be Norred, Chris Leard, Larry Richardson, Blake
tion; and no later than 7:30 Church.
died Dec. 20, 2020. at noon Sunday, at Wheeler and Duane Leard.
a.m. for the Monday edition. In addition to his Honorary pallbearers are Donnie Cameron
Incomplete notices must be Arrangements are Pleasant Ridge House mother, he is survived
received no later than 7:30 incomplete and will be of Worship Cemetery, and Bryan McDaniel.
by his children, Lo-
a.m. for the Monday through announced by Lee- with Donna Anthony
Friday editions. Paid notices retta Weston, Dina Paid Obituary - Skelton Funeral Home
Sykes Funeral Home of officiating. Visitation
must be finalized by 3 p.m. for Weston both of Wash-
Columbus. will be from noon-5
inclusion the next day Monday ington, DC, Kaziyah
p.m. Saturday, at Car-

Thelma Sullivan
through Thursday; and on Weston, Zimmeko
Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday Charlene Howard ter’s Funeral Services. Weston Jr both of
and Monday publication. For
COLUMBUS — Carter’s Funeral Macon and Zinayla
more information, call 662-
Charlene Wilson Services of Columbus
328-2471. Weston of Columbus; Thelma Junkin Sullivan,
“Cookie” Howard, 60, is in charge of arrange-
and siblings, Sonja age 91, of Northport, formerly
died Dec. 18, 2020, at ments.
Weston, Jarmarcus of Gordo, AL, passed away
Mary Weathers Baptist Mrs. Sanders was
Weston, Corey Weston, December 19, 2020, at DCH
KENNEDY, Ala. Memorial born Nov. 26, 1939, in
Columbus, to the late Lachila Weston, Ve- Regional Medical Center.
— Mary E. Weathers, Hospi-
Mason Harris Jr. and onka Weston, Antonio A private service will be
88, died Dec. 2020, at tal-Golden
Esther Harris. She was Weston and Devexkiyo held at Skelton Funeral Home
Fayette Medical Long Triangle.
a member of Pleasant Bankhead all of Colum- Chapel with Rev. Shamus Drake
Term Care Center. Grave-
Ridge House of Wor- bus. officiating. Burial will follow
Graveside services side
were at 11 a.m. Tues- ship. See OBITS, 5A in Gordo City Cemetery with
day, in Meadow Branch
In addition to her Skelton Funeral Home of Reform directing. A
will be
Cemetery. Dowdle parents, she was Celebration of Life service will be announced at
at 1 p.m.
Funeral Home of preceded in death by a later date.
Sunday, in Memorial
Millport, Alabama was her husband, Willie She was preceded in death by her husband,
Gardens, with Robert
George Sanders; and John Roy Sullivan; her parents; two sisters; and
in charge of arrange- Wilson officiating.
siblings, Geraldine two brothers.
ments. Visitation will be from
Sanders, Eunice Harris Survivors include her daughters, Linda Drake
Mrs. Weathers was noon-5 p.m. Saturday,
and Castella Lang. and Melody Cantrell (Claude); brother, Clatus
born March 2, 1932, in at Carter’s Funeral
She is survived by Junkin; sister, Mary Helen Daniel; sisters-
Kennedy, Alabama, to Services. Carter’s
her children, Debo- in-law, Judy Junkin and Jeanette Junkin; four
the late Doc Franklin Funeral Services of Co-
rah Ann Buchanan, grandchildren, Shamus Drake (Danalinn),
Rushing and Dessie lumbus is in charge of
Gerond A. Sanders, Shannon Drake Box (Jonathon “Ned”), Chelsea
(Cooper) Rushing. She arrangements.
Glynis Sanders, Cantrell and Jonathan Cody Cantrell; five great-
was formerly employed Mrs. Howard was
Audrey Pope, Ange- grandchildren, Katie Belle, Atticus, Aslan,
with the Westinghouse born May 4, 1960, in
lia Douglas, Anissa Alistair and Barry; and a number of nieces and
plant and in the gar- Columbus. She was a Kaye Duncan
Sanders, Raymond nephews.
ment industry. graduate of Caldwell Graveside Services:
Harris all of Columbus Thursday, Dec. 24 • 11 AM
Mrs. Sullivan was born August 5, 1929, in
In addition to her High School and was
and Donna Sanders of Egger Cemetery Gordo, Alabama, to the late Amon Elzy Junkin
parents, she was formerly employed as College St. Location
Horne Lake; siblings, and Lula D. Elmore Junkin. She was a member of
preceded in death by co-owner of Able Con-
Odell Harris, Willie Antioch Baptist Church and a retired lunchroom
her husband, Charles struction, with Sander-
manager for Lowndes County Board of Education.
Weathers; and siblings, son Plumbing, LeFlore James Harris, Shirley Betty Land Special thanks to the staff and residents of
Transportation and Hill, William Harris, Graveside Services:
John Thomas Rushing, Saturday, Dec. 26 • 2 PM Martinview Assisted Living, doctors, nurses and
Connie Foster, Geneva Lowndes County Sher- Leander Harris, Velvet Friendship Cemetery
Harris all of Columbus, 2nd Ave. N. Location
staff of DCH and Northport Medical Center.
Anderson and Genea iff Department. She
James Earl Harris, and The family suggests memorials to New
Haney. was a member of Ma-
Mary L. Harris both of Vallie Gallop Beginnings & Open Arms, P.O. Box 277,
She is survived by ranatha Faith Center.
Indianapolis, Indiana; Visitation: Sulligent, AL 35586 or International Mission
her children, Tommy She was preceded in
13 grandchildren and Sunday, Dec. 27 • 1-2 PM Board, P. O. Box 6767, Richmond, VA 23230 or
Weathers and Ronnie death by her parents; College St. Location
17 great-grandchil- Graveside Services:
Healing Horses, 60147 S. Hatley Road, Amory,
Weathers; sister, Vir- and siblings, Tommy
dren. Sunday, Dec. 27 • 2:30 PM MS 38821.
ginia Henderson; six L. Wilson and Willie Rowan Cemetery
grandchildren; and 11 M. Campbell. College St. Location Paid Obituary - Skelton Funeral Home
great-grandchildren. She is survived by Zimmeko Weston
her husband, Joe How- COLUMBUS

Marie Malone
Adolphus Wilson ard; children, Quanita — Zimmeko Mark
COLUMBUS — Brown, Vandrell Wil- Weston, 35, died Dec.
Adolphus Wilson, 77, son, Verlandes Wilson, 14, 2020, in Tuscaloo-
Joe Lee Howard Jr. all
passed away. sa, Alabama. Beloved mother, grandmother,
Graveside services of Columbus, Darron Graveside services US Veteran Marie Dorothy
were at 2 p.m. Wednes- Howard of Atlanta, will be at 2 p.m. Mon- Malone, 87, peacefully passed
away Tuesday, December 22,
2020, in Columbus, MS.

Vallie Gallop Betty Land Marie was born on September

14, 1933, to Lester and Lucile
Vallie Logan Gallop, age 85, died Tuesday, Betty West Oliver Land age 92 died Monday Farley (Allen) in Baileyton, AL,
December 22, 2020 at Baptist Memorial Hospital, December 21, 2020, at Baptist Memorial Hospital, the eldest of three girls. She
Columbus. Columbus. graduated from Emma Samson
Graveside services will be held Sunday, A graveside service will be held Saturday High School in 1952.
December 27, 2020, at 2:30 PM at Rowan December 26, 2020, at 2:00 PM at Friendship Marie proudly served in the Air Force as a
Cemetery with Allen Jones officiating. Visitation Cemetery with Rev. Jason Shelby officiating. teletype operator in Wyoming and the Pentagon.
will be held at Memorial Gunter Peel Funeral Mrs. Land was born on May 5, 1928, in Marie returned to Columbus, MS in 1969 as a
Home 903 College St. Sunday from 1:00 PM until Columbus to the late John and Mary Beth West Computer Specialist at Columbus Air Force Base.
2:00 PM. Oliver. She was an active member of St. Paul’s During her career, she received many awards to
Mrs. Gallop was born on April 5, 1935, in Episcopal Church where she served as co-chair include multiple Federal Woman of the Year for
Tallahatchie County, MS to the late Jim and of the spring luncheon. She was a member her outstanding performance. Marie retired in
Brunette Thomas Logan. She was a member of the Daughters of the King and a treasured 1992 to enjoy life on Tibbe Creek with her beloved
of East Columbus Church of Christ. She loved member of the Cherokee Garden Club. Mrs. Ivan Lewis. Marie was an avid gardener, cook,
gardening and spent a lot her time babysitting. Land was also a member of the “Sew It Seams” and life member of Beta Sigma Phi Torchbearer
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in sewing club, the Bernard Romans Chapter of the Alpha sorority.
death by her twin sister, Allie Logan Smith. Daughters of the American Revolution, served as Marie is survived by her daughter, Janet
Survivors include her husband, Lee Gallop, Docent of the S.D. Lee Home for 27 years, and a (Patrick) Riordan of Columbus, MS; son-in-
Steens, MS; daughter, Debra Allbritton, Dallas, lifelong member of the Magowah Gun Club. She law, John Pryor of Lebanon, PA; grandchildren,
TX; son, Charlie Joe Allbritton (Tina), Bullard, retired as a teacher with the Columbus School Joshua Lamb, Loran Pryor Daniels, Ryan
TX; sister, Doris Jean King, Vandalia, OH; System after 33 years. She was well known for Riordan, Corie Pryor, Sean Riordan; and sister,
grandchildren, Melisa Baucom, Kevin Baucom, the homemade cheese straws. Charlsie Smith of Gadsden, AL.
(Amanda), Jeramie Baucom, (Beverly) and In addition to her parents, she was preceded Marie was preceded in death by her parents;
Taylor Allbritton; great-grandchildren, Spencer in death by her husband, William Druary Land. husband, Loran (Pat); daughters, Lori Malone
Mixon, Colton Baucom, Emily Baucom, Adrianna Survivors include sons, John Land and his and Giner Pryor; beloved Ivan Lewis; and sister,
Baucom, Kira Baucom, Hunter Baucom, Olivia wife Ana G. Land and Bill Land; grandchildren, Eleanor Cheeves.
Baucom and Jacob Baucom; and great-great- Levi John Land and his wife Shelby Lynn West The family will greet friends at a Celebration
grandchild, Ashton Gordon. Land, Drew Land, Kate Land, Jake Land and Ana of Marie’s Life at a later time in 2021 when it is
Serving as Pallbearers will be J.D. Baucom, Marie Pool; great-grandchildren, Brayden Land, safe to gather.
Kevin Baucom, Jaramie Baucom, Spencer Abbigail Land, Kellianna Land, Josiah Pool and In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to
Mixon, Colton Baucom and Hunter Baucom Elijah Pool. Sanctuary Hospice of Tupelo or Dr. Susan Love
Serving as Honorary Pallbearers will be Memorials may be made to St. Paul’s Episcopal Research Foundation (Breast Cancer Research).
Members of East Columbus Church of Christ. Church, 318 College Street, Columbus, MS 39701 Compliments of
or the charity of your choice. Lowndes Funeral Home

Help us help them.

Sign the online guest book at
Sign the online guest book at The Humane Society
College Street • Columbus, MS
716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2020 5A

Today is Thursday, Dec. 24, the by both the British Parliament and Library of Congress in Washing-
359th day of 2020. There are seven the U.S. Senate. ton, D.C., destroying about 35,000
days left in the year. This is Christ- volumes.
mas Eve. On this date: In 1865, several veterans of
Today’s Highlight in History: In 1524, Portuguese navigator the Confederate Army formed
On Dec. 24, 1814, the United Vasco da Gama — who had discov- a private social club in Pulaski,
States and Britain signed the ered a sea route around Africa to Tennessee, that was the original
Treaty of Ghent, which ended the India — died in Cochin, India. version of the Ku Klux Klan.
War of 1812 following ratification In 1851, fire devastated the SOURCE: AP

Continued from Page 4A

Melvin Barnes urday, in First Baptist Georgia and Lamprey Annie Stark, Zella
COLUMBUS — Mel- Longview Church Wilson of Starkville. Devine, Helen Edwards,
vin J. Barnes, died Dec. Cemetery. Visitation Beatrice Edwards, R. L.
15, 2020. will be from 9-10 a.m. at Bob Jackson Jr. Brown, Robert Brown,
Graveside services West Memorial Funeral BROOKSVILLE — Gerald Brown, Nelson
will be at Home. West Memo- Bob Jackson Jr., 85, Edwards, Bobby Joe Ed-
11 a.m. rial Funeral Home of died Dec. 18, 2020, in wards, Larry Edwards,
Saturday, Starkville is in charge Columbus. David Edwards and
in Memori- of arrangements. Graveside services Jessie Brown.
al Gardens He is survived by his will be at 11 a.m. Sun-
Ceme- siblings, Ozzie Sher- day, in Brooksville Cem- Thomas Terrell
man, Rosie Dell Lamp- etery. Visitation will COLUMBUS —
tery of
kin, Ivory Jean Hannah be from noon-6 p.m. at Thomas “Frank” Ter-
Barnes and Henry Sherman. West Memorial Funeral rell, 67, died Dec. 22,
Memo- Home. West Memo- 2020, at his residence.
rial Funeral Home of Ella Hamilton rial Funeral Home of Funeral services will
Starkville is in charge STARKVILLE — Starkville is in charge be at 2 p.m. Saturday,
of arrangements. Ella B. Hamilton, 77, of arrangements. at Ethelsville Baptist
He is survived by died Dec. 13, 2020. he is survived by Church. Burial will
his children, Michael A private funeral his children, Virginia follow in Forrest Ceme-
Anthony Barbour, Tay- service will be held at Dooley, Bobby Jackson, tery. Lowndes Funeral
lor James Barnes and 1 p.m. Sunday at West Patricia Jackson, Vickie Home of Columbus is
Nicholas James Barnes; Memorial Funeral Pope, Carlos Jackson in charge of arrange-
Home Chapel. Visita- and Kelvin Harris; and ments.
and siblings, Janette
tion will be from 2-6 sister, Ada Jackson.
Elise Bishop and Clifton
p.m. Saturday, at the
Boyd Bishop Jr.
funeral home. West Me- Mary Davis Bobby Harcrow
morial Funeral Home of COLUMBUS — Bob-
Kamden Franklin Starkville is in charge Mary Edwards Da-
by Harcrow, 75, died
SULLIGENT, Ala. — of arrangements. Dec. 23, 2020, at his
vis,67, Dec. 18, 2020.
Infant Kamden Frank- She is survived by residence.
Graveside services
lin died Dec. 22, 2020, her children, Debra Arrangements are
will be at 1 p.m. Sunday,
at Northwest Medical McKinney, Daphane in Spring Hill Church incomplete and will be
Center of Winfield, Beckum, Kimmy Cemetery. Visitation announced by Lown-
Alabama. McKinney, Stanley will be from 4-6 p.m. des Funeral Home of
Funeral services are McKinney, Cedric Saturday, at West Me- Columbus.
at 1 p.m. today, at Otts Ferguson and Michael morial Funeral Home.
Funeral Home Chapel, McKinney. West Memorial Funeral Gary Tilley
with John Bridges offici- Home of Starkville is ETHELSVILLE,
ating. Burial will follow
in the Gilmer Addition
Annie Sherman in charge of arrange- Ala. — Gary Tilley, 56,
STARKVILLE — ments. died Dec. 24, 2020, at
of Sulligent City Cem- She is survived by Baptist Memorial Hos-
Annie P. Sherman, 64,
etery. Visitation is one her children, Crystal pital-Golden Triangle.
died Dec. 14, 2020, in
hour prior to services Hattiesburg. Edwards-Ellis, Rolando Arrangements are
at the funeral home. Graveside services Edwards and Miesha incomplete and will be
Otts Funeral Home of will be at 2 p.m. Sat- Edwards; and siblings, announced by Lown-
Sulligent is in charge of urday, in First Baptist Minnie Brown, Fannie des Funeral Home of
arrangements. Longview Church Brown, Odessa Brown, Columbus.
Infant Franklin was Cemetery, with the
born Dec. 10, 2020, in Rev. Larzy Carpenter
Sheffield, Alabama, officiating. Visitation
to John Franklin and is from 1-4 p.m. today,
Savana Bridges. at Hairston and Hair-
In addition to his par- ston Funeral Home.
ents, he is survived by Hairston and Hair-
his siblings, J.D. Frank- ston Funeral Home of
lin, Greyson Franklin, Starkville is in charge
Jaxton Pratt, Kaydence of arrangements.
Miles, Raelin Miles, Mrs. Sherman was
Kinslin Logan and Lillie born July 12, 1956, in
Pratt. Starkville, to Herman
Pastor and the late
Horace Sherman Pearlie Rice. She was
STARKVILLE — formerly employed as a
Horace W. Sherman, 70, custodian and MSU.
died Dec. 19, 2020. She is survived by
Graveside services her children, Arlecia
will be at 11 a.m. Sat- Warren of Buford,
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager


Support democracy
by giving Joe Biden
a chance
The election is
over, the votes have
been tallied, and, like
it or not, the Electoral
College has certified Joe
Biden as our new presi-
dent-elect. Whether or
not he was the candidate
you supported, it is time
to move forward with
the business of democ-
racy and accept the final
results of the Electoral Armstrong Williams
Come Jan. 20, 2021, Joe Biden and Kamala
Harris will be sworn in as our newly elected
leaders, and they deserve a chance.
In every election, we want our preferred
candidate to win. But whether they win or lose,
our great country moves forward with a peaceful
transition of power. That is how America con-
ducts itself and democracy works. In the wake
of a hard-fought election season, we must not
lose sight of the fact that, despite our differenc- has disrupted so many lives, result- Even more stunning is the fact
es, there is so much more that unites us than Proposes honoring new ing in the loss of trillions of dollars that this President is either careless
divides us. Mississippi heros in the economy world over, it is or clueless about the horrible near-
Venomous partisanship has been the order of With the recent news of Virginia obvious that people want to know Christmas-Eve optics of simultane-
the day for far too long, and we have a responsi- removing their statue of Robert what is happening in China today, ously handing huge gifts to eth-
bility to bring the temperature down and pursue E. Lee from the U.S. Capitol, I am where not only this virus originated ics-free family and political pals on
civility and mutual respect for all. once again calling on Mississip- but is also the home of most people his way out the door to Mar-a-Lago
Some may find my position shocking, but pians to reconsider our statues in in any single country on the earth. But why should we be surprised
it shouldn’t be; after all, we should want our Statuary Hall. Just like one has to As we are ready to welcome 2021, with the Presidential bull still loose
president to succeed, whether we voted for him ask why Robert E. Lee best rep- let’s hope that sour memories of in the national china shop..
or not. A successful presidency is good for the resents Virginia, why do we still 2020 soon will be a thing of the Paul Mack
country, good for democracy and good for us as feel that Jefferson Davis and J.Z. past. Columbus
Americans. George best represent Mississippi? Ghanshyam D. Heda
Joe Biden is a qualified candidate for the And why is the act of replacing of a
job. He has decades of government experience, statue such an insult as opposed to
Columbus Calls out columnist over Pelosi
having first been elected to the U.S. Senate the honoring of another hero? New claims
in November 1972. He was sworn into office paintings cannot be displayed if we
Dismayed over handling In a column this week, Patrick
at 30, becoming the sixth-youngest senator in do not take down the old ones. New of Middle East Buchanan states that in announcing
U.S. history, and one of only 18 who took office heroes cannot emerge if only the In his quest to promote peace in the $900 billion bill to deal with the
before turning 31. Biden was reelected six times values and talents of old heroes are the Middle East, President Trump pandemic, Pelosi did not mention
before he was elected vice president in Novem- considered. I know many people has managed to surprise me. I had the gifts for her (our) distressed
ber 2008. He served as second in command for may not agree with the reasons thought that he would stick to his countrymen and women at Christ-
eight years. why we should remove Confederate vision of pulling our troops out of mas would have been twice as large
In other words, he knows the job, has deep statues, but our values and prior- the Middle East, leaving a region, had she taken Trump’s offer of $1.8
experience within the White House and is pre- ities change over time. Who we if not happy with us, at least not trillion in October.
ceded by a reputation rooted in statesmanship, honor today is a reflection of us, not enraged. But he is much more And you, Pat, didn’t mention that
kindness and decency. Perhaps most important- just the individual being honored. subtle. He has pardoned four men the House, led by Nancy Pelosi,
ly, he has demonstrated a willingness and ability Every state needs to consider this convicted of murdering Iraqis while earlier on Oct. 1, had passed a bill
to reach across the aisle and has a long history from time to time. Think about working as private contractors of $2.2 trillion that Trump and the
of collaboration with Democrats and Republi- who is not represented in the U.S. (Blackwater mercenaries) in that Republicans said no to. McConnell
cans alike. Capitol building: Clara Barton, country in an event the Iraqis see said he didn’t want to spend tril-
Our country is in the throes of crisis. Jonas Salk, Jane Addams, Eli Whit- as a massacre. Iraqis are in riot. lions more on the pandemic.
COVID-19 continues to sweep the nation, ney, Harriet Tubman, Thurgood This part of the peace process is Democrats say Treasury De-
infecting millions and killing more than 320,000 Marshall. From Mississippi: Elvis so subtle that how it is supposed to partment delays cost thousands of
Americans. Millions have lost their jobs, and the Presley, William Faulkner, Ida B. help is completely beyond me. I had aviation jobs, as many as 16,500.
jobless are now behind in their rent and utility Wells, Fannie Lou Hamer, Medgar thought that the abandonment of The money was to be used to pay
payments. The possibility of mass evictions Evers, Walter Payton and Eudora the Kurds (our allies against ISIS in the workers through the end of
looms. Sadly, food distribution lines have be- Welty. Are they not heroes, too? Syria) to the reprisals from Turkey September.
come a common sight. Nichole Cancellare to be an aberration, as it crushed The delay forced the contractors
We need strong and steady leadership, and Columbus any trust in the promises of the to lay their workers off, and when
I sincerely hope that Joe Biden will be able to USA (Hungary in 1956 being long they did get the money, they didn’t
deliver it. forgotten). I had thought that the hire the workers back. Dirty! Dirty!
Lost in the fray and the friction is the historic Hopes for better year and for cavalier treatment of the Sahrawi Dirty!
nature of Biden-Harris ticket. more information out of China people in western Sahara to be an Now on Tuesday night Trump
We should not lose sight of the fact that Last year around this time, I isolated incident. Now I realize wants everyone to get $2,000 stimu-
Senator Kamala Harris, by stepping into the role was excited and ready to embrace that they were part of a bigger lus, $4,000 for couples.
of vice president, is shattering a glass ceiling the year 2020 primarily because of picture—a tapestry of peace for Nancy Pelosi and AOC push to
for women. Her ascendance to this post is a its numbers and the way it sounds. the entire region. I wish I had the take Trump up on offer.
historic event worth celebrating, no matter your I told my optician daughter-in-law wisdom to understand it. Mr. President: Sign the bill to
party affiliation. Not only will America have its in Dallas jokingly that the year Bill Gillmore keep the government open. Urge
first female vice president, but she will also be a 2020 can be a special year for her Columbus McConnell and McCarthy to agree
woman of color. practice and provide a good vision with the Democrats’ unanimous
By her election alone, Harris is showing the of 20/20 to all her patients. On the consent request for $2,000 direct
women and girls in this country that if you are contrary, the year 2020 tuned out to
Thinks President should payments.
willing to work hard and dream big, then there be detrimental for the entire world. have been more involved The Trump leaves Washington
is still the chance to succeed in America. We are Coronavirus snatched happiness, in negotiations in limbo. He heads off to Mar-a-
a nation of people from wide-ranging back- health, freedom, progress, and live- Another day, another outrage. Largo after dropping the COVID
grounds, and our new administration reflects lihood of millions of people around President Trump took no active bill grenade. Nobody in the White
this diversity. the world. It has severely affected role in the feverish negotiations House or on Capitol Hill knows
For all the people who are rooting against the economy and education every- to finally, finally arrive at another what Trump’s plan is, or if he has
Biden, I urge you to rethink your position. Set where. As the year is ending the Covid-19 relief bill, months in the one.
aside your frustration and hostility and con- lethal effects of COVID-19 are on making. Yet, after all the consid- More on holding our democracy
sider that when you root against a duly elected the all-time high. Scientists all over erable effort the past week not to together:
president, you are rooting against the democrat- the world worked around the clock mention the money in salaries paid, n As Trump meets with QA-
ic process. Sadly, during the early days of his to come up with several vaccines etc., we learn the President had non influencers, those conspiracy
presidency, many people spoke openly of their in a record time, that we all are a video slamming the bill — no therosy adherents beg for dictator-
hopes that President Donald Trump would fail, hoping can put a lid on this deadly matter how it turned out — in his ship, urging him to cross the rubi-
but he succeeded nonetheless. virus soon. Throughout the year as pocket the whole time, one in which con, in reference to Julius Caesar
These are challenging times, and we need we turned our TVs on, all we heard threatened a veto instead of a signa- effectively kick-starting the Roman
to lift one another up instead of knocking one — and are hearing now — is the ture. This he thoughtfully released civil war and Caesar’s dictatorship,
another down. And despite the ravages of number of COVID cases, death toll, by tweet after everyone thought the n White supremacists were
COVID-19, the millions of people out of work and progress in vaccine develop- deal was complete and everyone plotting to attack the US power grid
and the looming threat of more economic hard- ment in different parts of the world. in Congress had gone home for over Trump’s loss.
ship, I believe that we can get through every- “COVID-19,” “social-distancing,” the holidays. Sure, he was trying n Pastor who disregarded
thing if we stand together and put our differenc- “mask” and “vaccine” became some to get Congress to cut loose with COVID-19 restrictions citing faith
es aside. of the keywords for the year 2020. more money for struggling families over fear loses both parents.
A new year awaits, and I ,for one, hope that Initially the focus was on China, and small businesses but wouldn’t n Giuliani, Trump’s personal
it will be a far cry better than the one we have where this virus originated. But it have been better to voice this lawyer, was told to prepare for im-
endured. I’m rooting for America and believe now it is very surprising that China opinion through active involvement minent legal action from Dominion
that we shall ultimately prevail. is no more in the news when it beforehand? voting systems.
Armstrong Williams is an American political comes to this virus. No one knows I challenge his supporters to Until the conservative writers
commentator, entrepreneur, author, and talk show what is happening in China today in explain how this behavior makes like Mr. Buchanan, the Republi-
host. terms of COVID cases, its current sense. And don’t even get me start- cans, and our religious leaders
death toll, and vaccination of people ed on his list of pardons. He’s fine start dealing with facts instead of
there. Did they develop their own with blowing up the long-sought satisfying Trump, it’s going to be
Local journalism matters vaccine before anyone did, and as a help for struggling American fam- on the shoulders of Biden and the
Support The Dispatch by result they could control this virus? ilies and potentially shutting down Democrats to hold our democracy
subscribing or advertising Media is completely silent, social the government as well (distribu- together. It appears the Republican
media and politicians are also silent tion of both vaccines just one of the party is all about a cult.
662-328-2424 or when it comes to the current status countless things put on hold in that James Hodges
of COVID in China. Since this virus case). Steens
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2020 7A

Isabelle Altman/Dispatch Staff

Registered Nurse Ashley Perry administers the first dose of the Modern COVID-19 vaccine to Pulmonologist and
Critical Care Dr. Gaurav Dutta at Baptist Memorial Hospital-Golden Triangle on Wednesday afternoon. Baptist
received 500 doses of the vaccine Wednesday and began vaccinating its staff most likely to come in contact with
COVID-19 patients.

Continued from Page 1A
give the vaccine to staff ally sick. We probably are can go back to living like Moderna and Pfizer, the
members with the high- experiencing the worst of normal sooner.” other COVID-19 vaccine
est risk of coming into COVID right now.” Reed said there are the FDA has given emer-
contact with COVID-19. Mississippi State De- two factors that will gency use clearance. In
After the staff members partment of Health re- make that happen: the those trials, the vaccines
received their shot, they ported 2,634 new cases availability of the vaccine were shown to be 90 per-
moved to a waiting area of the virus around the — Hilton said he hopes cent effective against the
in the room to schedule state on Tuesday alone, the vaccine will become virus, which is better
a follow-up appointment and Lowndes County has available for the gener- than the annual flu shot,
for about 28 days later to seen 3,913 cases since al public in the Golden he said.
receive a second dose of the pandemic began in Triangle in the spring — Still he worries there
the vaccine. March. and compliance. In other is a lot of distrust among
That included Dr. Doctors at Baptist said words, people have to be the COVID-19 vaccines
Gaurav Dutta, who re- those numbers are why it willing to be vaccinated.
and vaccines in general
ceived the first dose of is so critical for people to “If we don’t vaccinate
due to a lack of informa-
the vaccine. He said he take the vaccine as it be- a significant number of
barely felt the shot at all. comes available. people, we won’t make a
That’s one of the rea-
He is much more con- “We want everyone to difference,” Reed said.
cerned about the virus’ develop immunity,” Bap- “We won’t be able to win sons he got vaccinated.
effect at the hospital, tist Director of Pharmacy the battle.” After being a doctor in
where, as a pulmonol- Eli Hilton said. “If not, Though the vaccine the community for 45
ogist and critical care you’re going to be at risk was passed under emer- years, he feels people will
doctor, he works directly for infection, not only for gency use rather than be reassured if they know
with COVID-19 patients. yourself but to infect oth- going through the usual he’s taken it.
“At this point, I think er people when you get it. FDA approval process, “I know a lot of people
we are in the thickest of It’s going to take a long Reed said, more than in this community who re-
it,” he said. “I don’t think time to develop herd im- 100,000 people partic- spect my opinion because
it’s been this bad all year munity if we just wait for ipated in clinical trials it’s based on science,” he
long, and we are actively everyone to get it. But if for the five or six com- said. “It’s not based on
being bombarded with enough people get this panies that are working politics. It’s not based on
people who are really, re- vaccine, that’ll mean we on a vaccine, including anything but facts.”

Gulf Coast at risk of severe storms ahead of holidays

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Forecasters say the area most Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and
likely to see strong storms Wednes- the day after Christmas to provide
NEW ORLEANS — More than day afternoon and Wednesday shelter for homeless people during
4 million people near the U.S. night includes the southern por- the freezing temperatures expect-
Gulf Coast will be at risk of severe tions of Louisiana, Mississippi and ed during the holiday period. Low
storms just ahead of the holidays,
Alabama. temperatures are expected to drop
forecasters said.
The region includes New Orle- below 20 degrees (minus 6.7 Cel-
Damaging winds will be one of
the main threats, along with the ans and Baton Rouge in Louisiana; sius) in the Birmingham area by
possibility of a few tornadoes, ac- the Gulfport-Biloxi area in Missis- early Saturday, according to the Na-
cording to the national Storm Pre- sippi; and the Mobile metropolitan tional Weather Service.
diction Center. area in Alabama. As the system moves east, se-
The storms are expected to move In Birmingham, Alabama, city vere storms will be possible in Flor-
through Wednesday afternoon and officials say they will open a warm- ida, Georgia and the Carolinas on
Wednesday night. ing station in an auditorium on Christmas Eve.

Stocks slightly get a vote in the Republi- can help the world begin to ment said fewer U.S. work-
can-held Senate. return to normal. ers filed for unemployment
higher on shortened The hope has been that Meanwhile the U.S. benefits last week. The
trading day Trump will back away from economy continues to de- number is still incredibly
NEW YORK — Stocks his veto threat and the teriorate under widespread high compared with before
were mildly higher on stimulus package might coronavirus outbreaks, the pandemic, but it was
Christmas Eve morning tide the economy over un- infections and hospitaliza- better than economists
trading, despite President til widespread vaccinations tions. The Labor Depart- were expecting.
Donald Trump’s threat not
to sign a major economic
stimulus package approved
by Congress this week.
Trading was light as it is
an abbreviated trading ses-
sion. Trading on the New
York Stock Exchange and
the Nasdaq will end at 1
p.m. ET, and will be closed
Friday for the Christmas
The S&P 500 index was
up 0.2% in early trading,
led higher by telecommu-
nications and technology
companies. The Dow Jones
Industrial Average was up
52 points to 30,182, rough-
ly 0.2% as well. The Nasdaq
composite was up 0.4%.
Investors continue to
turn their eyes to Wash-
ington, where Democrats
in Congress is expected
to try to make alterations
to the $900 billion COVID
stimulus bill that President
Trump has threatened to
veto. Trump has asked
for higher individual pay-
ments to Americans, some-
thing Democrats seem to
support but is unlikely to
8A THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2020 The Dispatch •
Sports Mississippi State Softball

Shortstop Madisyn Kennedy is one beneficiary

of Mississippi State softball’s hitting tools

adisyn Kennedy still wanted her glove.
When the Mississippi State softball team held a day of
hitting competitions for players to “win” their new gloves
for the 2021 season, Kennedy didn’t hit the mark right away and
had to watch each of her teammates claim their prizes before her.
Her new glove, white with a maroon pocket — an inversion of last
year’s colors — would have to wait.
Frustrated, the slick-fielding shortstop initially asked head
coach Samantha Ricketts for a defensive competition the follow-
ing day to prove herself. But an hour later, after leaving practice,
she texted Ricketts again.
“Give me that same challenge,” Kennedy told her coach. “I’m
going to get it.”
At the next day’s practice, she did, achieving the personalized
benchmark the Bulldogs hoped for: 60 percent of her swings
clocked in above her average bat speed.
“I just wanted to prove it to myself — not necessarily other
people — that I am capable of doing this if I really put my mind to
it and not give up,” Kennedy said.
Her success is just one example of how the analytical tools
Mississippi State has at its disposal has helped Kennedy and
plenty of other hitters tap into their unrealized potential at the
“I will always love defense, but the technology that we have
been using has really shown me that I can make improvements if
I really put myself to the test hitting-wise,” Kennedy said.

‘Where did that come from?’

When Kennedy first arrived at Mississippi State from Mont-
gomery, Alabama, she had a conception of who she was and who
she wasn’t. That, Ricketts said, had to change.
“She came in thinking of herself as just this defensive player,”

Courtesy of Laura Parsley/MSU Athletics

Mississippi State shortstop Madisyn Kennedy has reason to jump for joy after making significant strides on offense in Starkville. Kennedy increased her average exit veloc-
ity by 13.5 mph and her maximum bat speed by 12.3 mph.


OKC-Houston game postponed, Creighton hands Xavier

Harden out after COVID violation its first loss of season
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS other players were quarantined be- season in exchange for John Wall
cause of contract tracing. and a future first-round pick.
HOUSTON — The James Hard- The release also said that Hard- That move did nothing to quell
en soap opera in Houston now en was unavailable for the game the reports that Harden still want- OMAHA, Neb. — Antwann Jones and Denzel Ma-
comes with a canceled season because of a violation of health and ed to be traded, and the scrutiny honey scored 13 points each to lead No. 13 Creighton
opener — and a $50,000 fine for safety protocols after video of the only intensified when the 2018 to a 66-61 win over 22nd-ranked Xavier on Wednesday,
the league’s leading disgruntled star surfaced on so- MVP didn’t report to camp on time. handing the Musketeers their first loss of
scorer. cial media where he was without a While the rest of the Rockets were the season.
Houston’s opener mask at a crowded party in a pri- preparing for the season, Harden The Bluejays used an 8-0 run to start
against the Oklaho- vate event space Monday night. was photographed partying in At- the second half to open up a 44-34 lead
ma City Thunder on The league later announced the lanta at a rapper’s birthday party before the Musketeers (8-1, 1-1 Big East)
Wednesday night fine for Harden, saying the proto- and at a nightclub in Las Vegas. cut it to 64-61 with 10 seconds left on
was scrapped after cols prohibit attending indoor so- He finally arrived in Houston Paul Scruggs’ 3-pointer. Creighton in-
coronavirus cases cial gatherings of 15 or more peo- but missed the team’s first two bounded the ball to Jones, but the soph-
and Harden’s vio- Harden ple or entering bars, lounges, clubs preseason games under new coach omore transfer from Memphis made an Jones
lation of the NBA’s or similar establishments. Stephen Silas while going through ill-advised decision to throw the basket-
COVID-19 protocols left the Rock- Already a distraction to the the league’s COVID-19 testing pro- ball away after getting trapped along the
ets without the league-mandated team amid months of rumors that tocol. Harden rejoined a team that baseline.
eight players available to start a he wants to be traded, Harden’s looked quite a bit different than the Adam Kunkel ran it down for Xavier,
game. latest move potentially threatened one which lost to the Lakers in the but his 3-pointer from the left wing was
It was a dispiriting blow to the Western Conference semifinals long off the back of the rim and bounced
the health and safety of his team
NBA on just the second night of an this summer. around a crowd of players before landing
and kept the Rockets from begin-
uncertain season launching with Houston has 16 players on its in Jones’ hands for Creighton. He stepped
ning their season.
the pandemic still raging. roster; with seven dealing with to the free throw line and made both Mahoney
The drama began when reports
The NBA announced the post- tests or quarantine and one hurt. shots to atone for his mental error on the
surfaced that Harden and Russell
ponement in a release that said That would have left eight eligible previous play and the Bluejays (7-2, 3-1) prevailed.
Westbrook both wanted out of
three Rockets players had re- players, which is the league mini- Neither team shot extremely well in the second half
Houston. The Rockets dealt West-
turned tests that were either pos- mum to start a game. Harden’s un- as Xavier was 2-for-16 from behind the arc and Creigh-
brook to the Wizards earlier this
itive or inconclusive and that four
month after just one disappointing See HOUSTON, 3B See CREIGHTON, 4B


Saints look to clinch NFC South with victory over Vikings

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and New Orleans’ Alvin Ka- offs,” Brees says, noting that down to the end of available BOYS, 27-24
mara have had two of the most the Saints still need to clinch teams worth taking, but Pro No. 27 Carolina (plus 2 1-2)
With the NFL opting not productive seasons of any run- the NFC South ahead of Tampa Picks kept a good one: NEW at No. 16 Washington
to play a Thursday game on ning backs. Rookie receiver Bay (9-5) and can do so with a ORLEANS. How sweet for Ron Rivera,
Christmas Eve, it moved the Justin Jefferson has been out- win. “The most important fac- No. 2 Buffalo (minus 5) at clinching the division against
prime-time showcase to late af- the team that fired him.
standing for the Vikings as the tor right now is for us to win No. 19 New England, Monday
ternoon Friday and sent Minne- WASHINGTON, 17-16
replacement for the traded Ste- and win the division, right? And night
sota down to New Orleans. No. 7 Indianapolis (minus 2
fon Diggs. then, continue to kind of build The Bills’ chance to further
The game doesn’t have the 1-2) at No. 10 Pittsburgh
same headline-grabbing po- The Saints have been on and ascend, going into the erase some of that recent ugly
The sky is falling in Steel
tential with the Saints (10-4) staunch on defense much of the playoffs.” history vs. the Patriots.
unlikely to secure the NFC’s year, and they have quarterback No. 18 Minnesota is a 7-point BEST BET: BILLS, 28-19
COLTS, 19-17
only playoff bye, which Green Drew Brees back — and pre- underdog at No. 4 New Orleans. No. 22 (tie) Philadelphia (mi- No. 12 Los Angeles Rams
Bay currently owns, and the sumably not rusty like he was Merry Christmas, Saints. nus 1 1-2) at No. 24 Dallas (plus 1 1-2) at No. 6 Seattle
Vikings (6-8) not going any- in his return last week against SAINTS, 27-16 Both teams will be eliminat- What was that last Sunday
where. Still, it provides some the Chiefs. KNOCKOUT POOL: The Ti- ed in NFC East if Washington from the Rams? They will show
noteworthy viewing appeal. “You want to be playing your tans kept us flowing with their wins.
Minnesota’s Dalvin Cook best football going into the play- romp past Detroit. Getting UPSET SPECIAL: COW- See SAINTS, 2B
2B THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2020 The Dispatch •

COVID, legislation, lawsuits signal change in college sports

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS puses. that don’t produce reve- pandemic hit, that was es. A decision is expected abama-Clemson playoff
The most existential nue for the schools (but revised to at least $25 mil- in June. matchup for the fifth time
The coronavirus was threat to the system in do help form the back- lion. “This case, and I don’t in six years.
only one factor in a chain 2020: the COVID-19 pan- bone of the U.S. Olympic Also nearing a tipping think it’s overstating The TV deal for the
of events that consumed demic. team.) point in 2020 were calls it, could fundamentally playoff is worth around
college sports in 2020, With the virus raging As 2020 came to a from lawmakers across change the structure of $470 million a year, most
and is poised to do more in March, several confer- close, there were at least the country for changes college sports and the of which trickles down
of the same in 2021 and ences called off their post- 116 Division I programs in a system that operates relationship between col- to schools via the con-
beyond. season basketball tour- at 34 schools slated for on the labor of unpaid ath- lege athletes and their ferences. The players re-
The virus, combined naments, and the NCAA the chopping block, with letes, who receive schol- schools and conferences,″ ceive none of it directly,
with the harsh spotlight canceled the billion-dollar that number expected to arships but not much said Gabe Feldman, di- but the money keeps the
that shined on racial in- bonanza known as March grow. A debate was brew- more. rector of the sports law system running — or at
equality in the United Madness, proceeds from ing about whether there Competing bills intro- program at Tulane. least the pieces of the sys-
States, further exposed which trickle down in was a true financial need duced in the U.S. Senate Against that backdrop, tem that weren’t disman-
the exploitative side of a some form to almost ev- to drop the programs or would loosen restrictions 2020 is coming to a close tled in the year of COVID.
system that relies heavily ery Division I school in if the schools were mere- on football and basketball in a manner that some “It gives us a chance to
on Black football and bas- America. ly using the pandemic as players’ ability to sign critics say is becoming all pause and ask if the big-
ketball players to bring in The debate then a convenient excuse to endorsement deals and too familiar. time has grown too big,”
the bucks. switched to how to make make moves they’d want- cash in on their names, Alabama, Clemson, said Jackson, the Arizona
Against that backdrop, football work, and though ed to make for a long time. images and likenesses Ohio State and Notre State professor. “It gives
dueling tranches of legis- hundreds of games were “I think the glory (NIL). Some states, such Dame were named to us an opportunity to think
lation and litigation land- played as scheduled, the days of college athletics as California, Florida and the college football play- about the philosophical
ed in the highest reaches 2020 season has landed as we’ve known it may Colorado, have already off — a same-ol’-same-ol’ approach of what playing
of Washington — in Con- somewhere between dis- be over,” said longtime passed laws that trigger mix of teams that set up sports in school really
gress and the Supreme jointed and disappointing college insider Chuck those changes; the fed- the possibility of an Al- looks like.”
Court — fueling a grow- — filled with empty stadi- Neinas, discussing the eral legislation is an at-
ing sense that the status ums, dozens of canceled possible end of the Olym- tempt to bring nationwide
quo is about to be upend- contests and incomplete pic sports model as it cur- uniformity to the effort to
ed. seasons that deprived the rently runs in colleges, pay players.
“I don’t know if it’s players of the experience in an interview with the One bill, proposed by
immediate, or five years they’d signed up for while National Football Founda- Sen. Cory Booker, D-New
down the road, but I’m placing them in almost tion. Jersey, calls on colleges
pretty confident that constant danger. The debate spilled to share their profits —
something’s going to fun- “Organized chaos,” into full view at Stan- a move that could result
damentally change,” said is what Mike Marlow, ford, where hundreds of in six-figure salaries for
Victoria Jackson, a sports the athletic director at alumni were hoping to football and men’s basket-
history professor at Ari- Northern Arizona, called reverse an administration ball players.
zona State. it. “I do think that we saw decision to strip 11 sports Other plans, including
It would mean changes young people and coach- from one of the country’s the one formulated by
to an industry that gener- es and administrators most robust college pro- the NCAA itself, would
ates more than $14 billion really understand what grams. give players limited room
a year, mostly from TV, we missed. What I saw in “By cutting sports, to negotiate their own
ticket and sponsorship young people’s faces and you’re not solving the un- sponsorship deals. But
deals out of football and coaches, you realize what derlying problem,” said that sort of arrangement
basketball — sports that, you miss, seeing young Olympic fencer and Stan- has the potential to help
in college, are played in people accomplish their ford grad Alex Massialas, the rich get richer —
disproportionate num- goals.” who is leading the effort star quarterbacks, for
bers by poor, minority While all efforts were to restore the sports at instance, could make six
teen-agers who receive made to save the football his alma mater. “Stan- figures or more — with-
nothing in cash compen- season and get the 2020- ford’s financial problems, out offering much help to
sation for all the revenue 21 basketball season un- and them running a defi- the average player.
they produce. That reve- derway, 2020 featured a cit, was something that The Supreme Court,
nue is then used to keep steady stream of news happened well before the meanwhile, has agreed
smaller sports afloat and about universities’ plans virus started.” for the first time in more
athletic departments in to drop their so-called According to Stanford, than 30 years to hear a
compliance with Title IX Olympic programs — in- the athletic department’s case involving the NCAA
and other regulations that volving smaller sports deficit had been project- and its rules about com-
demand equal access for such as wrestling and ed to exceed $12 million pensating athletes for ed-
women on college cam- gymnastics and fencing in fiscal 2021; after the ucational-related expens-


Arizona hires Fisch Continued from Page 1B

as head coach up this time.

RAMS, 20-17
No. 11 Tampa Bay (mi-
No. 15 Chicago (mi-
nus 7 1-2) at No. 32 Jack-
Arizona has hired New
England Patriots assis- No. 5 Tennessee (plus nus 9 1-2) at No. 26 De- sonville
tant Jedd Fisch as its head 3 1-2) at No. 3 Green Bay troit, Saturday Now that Trevor Law-
coach. Lambeau in January? The Lions can score rence can go house-hunt-
The school announced The Packers are having just enough to keep this ing in Jacksonville ...
Wednesday that Fisch will sweet dreams of staying close without winning. BEARS, 22-13
replace Kevin Sumlin, who home for the playoffs. BUCCANEERS, 27-20 No. 22 (tie) Denver
was fired earlier this month PACKERS, 26-24 No. 29 Atlanta (plus (plus 3) at No. 20 Los An-
after the Wildcats finished No. 21 New York Gi- 12) at No. 1 Kansas City geles Chargers
the season winless. ants (plus 11) at No. 9 The Falcons can score The QB choices alone,
The 44-year-old arrives Baltimore just enough to keep this Justin Herbert and Drew
in the desert after bounc- Suddenly, the Ravens close without winning. Lock, have us leaning to
ing between college foot- are rolling and look dan- CHIEFS, 33-23 ...
ball and the NFL. gerous for January. No. 8 Cleveland (mi- CHARGERS, 33-18
He worked at Michigan, RAVENS, 30-16 nus 9 1-2) at No. 31 New
UCLA, Miami and Minne- No. 25 San Francisco York Jets
sota. This is his first sea- (plus 5) at No. 14 Arizo- Sorry, J-E-T-S, we’re 2020 Record
na, Saturday just not buying another Last Week: Straight
son as quarterbacks coach
The Cardinals are shocking victory. up: 11-5. Against spread:
with the Patriots. He pre-
creeping closer to the BROWNS, 31-10 6-8-2
viously worked with Jack-
postseason. No. 30 Cincinnati Season: Straight up:
sonville, Seattle, Denver,
Baltimore and Houston. CARDINALS, 27-20 (plus 8) at No. 28 Hous- 147-75-1. Against spread:
Fisch takes over an No. 13 Miami (minus ton 109-98-7
Arizona program in disar- 3) at No. 17 Las Vegas, Seems like a lot of Best Bet: Straight up:
ray. The Wildcats ended Saturday points for such a weak 11-4. Against spread: 7-8
the 2019 season on a sev- So are the Dolphins, team to lay, even against Upset Special:
en-game losing streak and maybe a year ahead of another tail-ender. Straight up: 6-9. Against
went 0-5 this year. expectations. TEXANS, 22-16 spread: 6-7-2
n MONROE, La. —
Former Auburn coach Ter-
ry Bowden has been hired
by Louisiana-Monroe to re-
build a program that went
0-10 this season.
Bowden, the son of for-
mer Florida State coaching
great Bobby Bowden, has
been serving as a graduate
assistant at Clemson the
last two years. He replaces
Matt Viator, who was fired
earlier this month after
five seasons.
Terry Bowden, 64, had
a successful stint as Au-
burn’s head coach from
1993-98, going 47-17. That
came to a tumultuous end
with a midseason firing.
n NEW YORK — Tulsa
linebacker Zaven Collins
has won the Bronko Na-
gurski Trophy honoring
the nation’s best defensive
The 6-foot-4, 260-pound
Collins totaled 54 tackles
and 11.5 tackles for loss
and four interceptions.
The junior had three sacks
against Oklahoma State.
Two of his interceptions
were game-clinchers — a
late one against SMU and a
96-yard return for a touch-
down against Tulane in
— Source: AP
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2020 3B

Continued from Page 1B
Ricketts said. “That was her “I don’t know about this,” strength and conditioning see their progress and make motivated to follow.
specialty. That’s what she Kennedy thought. coach Stephanie Mock adjustments in real time. “It was just to prove to
was here to do, and she does But when she realized the and athletic trainer Macy Kennedy said she’ll look at myself that I could do it and
it extremely well. But that Bulldogs’ use of analytics Simoneaux. Tests and the readout to see where her get through the challenges,”
doesn’t mean that we can’t was more about gradual prog- measurements in the weight numbers might fall short, Kennedy said.
continue to improve offen- ress than immediate results, room with Mock and On- and she can usually tell She did, making another
sively.” she began to buy in. BaseU mobility screens with where something is wrong in
improvement in a fall that has
To do that meant introduc- This spring, Kennedy had Simoneaux help prepare play- her swing.
ing Kennedy to technology ers for the drills they’ll face. been full of them.
an offensive season Ricketts Kennedy — who habitually
she’d never seen before. The admitted was “a little unex- “What we’re trying to do is “more of a feel person,” The shortstop is up 12.3
Bulldogs outfit their bats pected” in a 2020 campaign is really create a complete she said — can intuit what’s mph in maximum bat speed,
with Blast Motion sensors to shortened by COVID-19. She picture of how the athlete wrong as well as interact with tops on the team. She’s sec-
measure pre-contact statis- posted a .354 average in 24 moves,” Ricketts said. real data about her swing. ond in average exit velocity
tics like bat speed, attack games with three homers She and hitting coach “I can still feel and see with a 13.5 mph increase and
angle, time to contact and and three doubles. Tyler Bratton use those data what’s happening at the same fifth in max exit velo with a
swing quickness and effi- “Whoa, where did that to make adjustments in the time,” she said. 6.6 mph jump.
ciency. The team’s Rapsodo come from?” Kennedy batting cages and run spe- Already, Kennedy said,
system measures the ball cialized drills for each batter.
after contact: exit velocity,
thought to herself when she
“They’re not doing one
Making strides at the plate she feels a lot stronger than
saw her newfound hitting In Bratton’s batting cage she did during a layoff in
launch angle, distance and prowess. drill, all 18 hitters,” Ricketts
spin speed and direction. said. “They’re going to do at Mississippi State’s indoor the summer and hopes the
But her teammates and complex, there sits a board to improvement will continue
Such technology, Rick- Mississippi State’s coaching what they need, and that’s
etts said, originated in golf going to help them improve which players can add their into 2021.
staff weren’t surprised: The names if they win a “home
before migrating to baseball. improvement was what they over time.” No dates have been an-
run derby” with weighted
It has become more popular
in softball, but only recently:
hoped for all along.
“For her, just seeing that
And if each hitter produc-
es, say, a 5 mph increase in plyo balls.
nounced for the ANSWER
return to competition, but
Also popular
Sudokuisisthe “launch
Ricketts never used it as a
player in the National Pro
little bit of success and start- their average exit velocity
(for comparison, freshman angle ladder” — hitting
a number-
puzzle based on
Kennedy Sudoku
and heranswer
ing to realize that, ‘Hey, I softballs atSudoku
9x9 grid is
10, a several
with num-
and can’t
5 4 wait 3 for
9 it,
2 whenever
6 8 1 7 it
Fastpitch league. Paige Cook upped hers 16.7
In the past five years,
could be a really great hitter
mph during the fall), it could 30 degreesber-placing
given going
numbers. puzzle object comes.
The 6 1 9 7 3 8 4 5 2

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

and a really great shortstop,’ based
down to zero. onthe
is toWhoever
place a 9x9can
numbers 8“It’s 7 2 been
5 so1 long,”
4 3 9she6
though, the tools have be- make a significant differ-
come more accessible and
it’s been fun to watch her
ence. do it in thegrid
to 9with
1fewest in theseveral
empty spaces
swings is said.
7 9“The 1 8day 4 that
5 2it comes,
6 3
grow,” Ricketts said. given
so that numbers.
each row, The I 4
each think, 5 8will 3 be6 the
2 1best
7 day
affordable. Many travel soft- “A ball being caught by an crowned aobject
winner. is
On rainy
days where column
the andtoeach
is 3x3 the
stuck box ever.”
2 3 6 1 9 7 5 8 4
ball organizations use it so outfielder is now going off numbers
From off the wall to over it contains
inside, Ricketts andthe1her
to 9 number
same in
staffso 1Whenever 6 4 2 5that 9 first
7 3 8
devoutly that some recruits the wall or over it,” Ricketts the empty spaces
It’s not just Kennedy who only once.
pit two batting cages Theagainst
difficulty 9 8 is, 5 Kennedy
4 7 3 will 6 2take
come into the Bulldogs’ pro- said. that each row, each game
level increases from
gram with a stronger work- has seen success of late for The immediate results each othercolumn and each
for a friendly 3 2 7 6 8
the field at Nusz Park with 1 9 4 5
3x3 boxtocontains
ing knowledge than Missis- the Bulldogs. that players see — whether clash. Difficulty Level
strengthened confidence and

sippi State’s own coaches. From the start of fall work- in practice or in this fall’s in- thecompetitions
It’s these same number only once. The difficulty level
increasesState’s from Monday a newfound
to Sunday.appreciation for
“A lot of times, they un- outs in September to late No- trasquad scrimmages, where among Mississippi
a part of the sport she didn’t
derstand it better than we do vember, most of Mississippi several Blast Motion sensors, players that can help further
always enjoy.
when they get here,” Ricketts State’s players saw increases two Rapsodo units and three improvement. Case in point:
in categories like exit veloc- When the glove competition “I’m always going to love
said. iPads were powered up for
Kennedy, though, wasn’t ity and bat speed. Everyone, use — are integral, Ricketts was down to three Bulldogs, defense. That’s where I have
one such player. The first Ricketts said, got better in said. Kennedy watched the last the most fun on the field,”
time her bat was hooked up something. Through them, the Bull- two players in front of her Kennedy said. “But hitting
to the motion sensors, she That’s due to a “joint dogs have created a “tight win and claim their prizes. has definitely made a step up
started overthinking. effort” between Ricketts, immediate feedback loop” to She was happy for them but for me.”

Continued from Page 1B
availability lowered Houston’s ting her people in a position of Harden, according to the After finishing last season bubble and now we’re trying to
total of available players to sev- success and now it’s a problem. protocols, may now be ordered in the bubble, the NBA is now play outside a bubble and these
en. Everyday it’s something differ- into quarantine and could lose dealing with more coronavirus are some of the side effects of
Houston’s injury report re- ent. No matter how many times more than $500,000 for each issues as all its teams are play- that. ... That will not be the last
leased Wednesday morning people try to drag my name un- game missed because of proto- ing in their own arenas. Sacra- game that’s postponed due to
that Ben McLemore and rook- der you can’t. The real people col violations. mento coach Luke Walton used COVID.”
ie KJ Martin were not with the always end up on top.” what happened in Houston as a Oklahoma City also was in-
team and were self-isolating But for now the eight-time Houston’s next scheduled chance to remind his players to volved in the March 11 game
and that DeMarcus Cousins All-Star is on the shelf after ad- game is Saturday at Portland be vigilant about following pro- that led to the league shutting
was questionable because of a mitting to breaking the rules and the road trip continues on tocols, and Nuggets coach Mi-
down for the coronavirus pan-
sprained right ankle. set forth in the protocols. Monday in Denver. They’re chael Malone said he expects
demic; the Thunder were to
Harden’s since-deleted Ins- “In light of the serious and next scheduled to play at home more such issues as the season
tagram post explaining why he highly infectious nature of the on New Year’s Eve in one of gets going. have been the home team that
attended the event in question coronavirus... individuals must two straight games against “Not surprised. Just look at night for a game against Utah,
would certainly suggest that he not engage in activities or con- Sacramento. Houston is one of what’s going on in our country, called off when it was learned
was in violation of the rules. duct that a reasonable person only six teams allowing fans around the world. COVID is a Jazz center Rudy Gobert was
In the post he wrote: “One would regard as posing unnec- to start the season and it will lot bigger than the NBA,” he the NBA’s first player to test
thing after another. I went to essary risk relative to the sig- be interesting to see how the said. ”... This is something that positive for COVID-19.
show love to my homegirl at her nificance (or lack thereof) of home crowd responds to Hard- we’ve been dealing with since The Thunder, unwittingly,
event (not a strip club) because such activity or conduct,” the en if he’s available to play next the season was shut down last now find themselves part of his-
she is becoming a boss and put- protocols say. Thursday. year. We were forced to play in a tory again.


1 Obsessed
The Dispatch will not publish a Friday, December 25, 2020, newspaper, due to the captain
holiday. The Jumble, Word Warp, Crossword, Sudoku and Cryptquote puzzles that would 5 Mexican
have appeared in that edition are printed below. peninsula
9 Inferior
11 Kitchen
13 Seeing red
14 Marshy area
15 Howl at the
16 Helped in a
18 Christmas
Thursday’s Answer
tree hangers
20 Kimono sash
Thursday’s Cryptoquote: 21 Rival 41 Says further creator
22 Sports figure DOWN 26 Needing
23 TV spots 1 Suspect’s story change
24 Scrooge cry 2 Roman poet 27 Christmas
25 Bar fruit 3 Classic carol dessert
27 Moved a raft 4 Track act 28 Said no to
29 Merkel of 5 Innocent ones 30 Glossy
movies 6 “I smell —!” 31 Blockheads
30 Like body- 7 Classic carol 33 Ranch guest
builders’ bodies 8 One-celled 37 Free TV spot:
32 Hanukkah organism Abbr.
lights 10 Domains
Thursday’s 34 Lennon’s love 12 Filer’s worry
35 Bicker 17 Ottoman ruler
36 Rainy month 19 Hand over
38 Shoe material 22 Store event
39 Key 24 Dwarf tree
40 Difficult trip 25 Yoda’s

Sudoku Thursday’s Answer

Sudoku is a num- 5 4 3 9 2 6 8 1 7
ber-placing puzzle based 6 1 9 7 3 8 4 5 2
2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

on a 9x9 grid with sev-

eral given numbers. The 8 7 2 5 1 4 3 9 6
object is to place the
numbers 1 to 9 in the
7 9 1 8 4 5 2 6 3
empty squares so that 4 5 8 3 6 2 1 7 9
each row, each column 2 3 6 1 9 7 5 8 4
and each 3x3 box con-
tains the same number 1 6 4 2 5 9 7 3 8
only once. The difficul-
ty level increases from 9 8 5 4 7 3 6 2 1
Monday to Sunday. 3 2 7 6 8 1 9 4 5
Difficulty Level 12/24
4B THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1B

ton 3-for-13 in the final 20 min- out ways to win when that hap- separation, which proved to be for the Musketeers. The first day before jumping back into
utes. The difference was at pened,” Creighton coach Greg really important.” was at crosstown rival Cincin- the heat of the conference ti-
the free throw line where the McDermott said. Xavier leading scorer Zach nati. A question of whether that tle race. Based on not only the
Bluejays made 11 of 14 down “That bench is coming and Freemantle was held to seven high-powered offense could shooting numbers, but also the
the stretch after struggling in the depth is being developed. To points on 3 of 9 shooting. He travel with them seemed to be body language of the players
closes losses to Kansas and run off three (wins) in a row af- fouled out with 2:38 remaining answer early in the game, but during, after, and in between
Marquette. Xavier only got to ter the tough loss to Marquette in the game. after they hot start they missed games, it could not come at a
the line four times in the sec- is a real credit to our guys.” “The foul trouble threw him 40 of their final 55 shots. better time as a lot of them have
ond half. Xavier opened the game with out of rhythm,” Xavier coach Creighton: After falling not seen their families for sev-
For the second game in a 22-9 run after knocking down 9 Travis Steele said. “When he short in a couple close games eral months due to the isolated
row Creighton struggled from of their first 13 shots. The Mus- picked up two early and was out against Kansas and Marquette, nature of the season.
the 3-point line. They went 7-of- keteers eventually cooled off for a long time it’s hard to some- the Bluejays have proven in “My team is tired,” McDer-
27 on Sunday afternoon against and the second unit gave the times get back going.” their last two games against mott said. “This is six games in
Connecticut and 8-of-28 against Bluejays enough of a spark to His absence late created a Connecticut and Xavier that 16 days and they are running on
the Musketeers. Yet still they pull ahead 36-34 at halftime. big void in the lineup as Xavier they can grind out wins when empty.”
found a way to win both games Jones got Creighton’s of- tasted defeat for the first time everything isn’t clicking on the
late. fense rolling with 11 points and all season. The Musketeers are offensive end. Up next
“It’s two games in a row -- last two assists in nine minutes off now 8-1 on the season and 1-1 in Xavier continues Big East
game Marcus (Zegarowski)
and Denzel struggled to shoot
the bench in the first half.
“Our bench really ignited us
Big East play as they head into
the Christmas break.
Much needed break play at home against Seton Hall
The Big East has made sev- on Dec. 30.
the ball, and today Marcus and in the first half and got us back eral changes to their upcom- Creighton will get an extend-
Mitch (Ballock) struggled to
shoot the ball, and in the past
in the game,” McDermott said.
“The starters threw early in the
Big Picture ing slate of conference games ed holiday break before return-
Xavier: This was just the sec- in order to get the teams an ing to action at Big East rival
we haven’t been able to figure (second) half to create some ond road game of the season extended break over the holi- Providence on Jan. 2.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: I was going to family know nothing about
I have re- write and tell her our son. He’s afraid to tell
cently found why. Do you think them, although it was before
out that someone this is a good they were born and before he
I thought was a idea? — FURI- was married. Do you think he
good friend is OUS IN FLORIDA should tell everyone? — SE-
snitched and got RIOUS: I don’t DEAR SECRET KEEPER:
my daughter in blame you for Yes, I do. As you stated,
serious trou- being upset, but this happened before his
ble at school. an eighth-grader marriage to his late wife, and
Our daughters bringing alcohol your (and his) son should not
ZITS attended the to a school cele- be regarded as a shameful
same preschool, bration is wrong secret. However, I cannot
middle school on many levels. make this decision FOR Allen,
and high school. I do NOT advise and neither should you. If he
Although they Dear Abby putting anything isn’t strong enough to stand
were friends, the in writing. Con- up and stand by his first child,
friendship was more between vey your message and get the then you should reconsider
us moms. answer you want by doing it your relationship with him.
Before middle school directly, face to face. DEAR ABBY: My wife and I
graduation, the students had DEAR ABBY: Thirty years have been married 50-some
an outing at the beach. Some ago, I dated a guy I’ll call years. While we were discuss-
of the girls, my daughter Allen. We had a child together. ing sex and the pandemic,
included, decided to bring Our relationship ended when I she revealed that she could
vodka and orange juice. A few found out I was pregnant. He imagine having sex with some-
GARFIELD days later, my daughter was married a woman he chose one while both of them were
called to the principal’s office over me. I later married some- masked. I said no, the masks
where she was thoroughly one else, whose name is on would become superfluous
reprimanded. Any awards she my child’s birth certificate. and would go just before the
was to receive were rescind- Fast-forward 30 years. We clothes. Who is right? — HY-
ed. I learned from one of the are now back in each other’s POTHETICALLY SPEAKING
teachers that this “friend” is lives. I told my son about his DEAR H.S.: Are you seri-
the person who turned her in. biological father, and they are ous? Your wife gave you some
Why didn’t she come to getting to know each other. valuable information that you
me and tell me? I almost feel Allen has children from his are ignoring. Where is your
like she wanted my daughter marriage, which lasted about sense of humor? Try it. You
to get in trouble. I have run 25 years. His wife is now might like it and discover the
into her a couple of times and deceased. masks stay on until, in the
have been cold and distant, Allen’s two other children heat of passion, they slip off
CANDORVILLE but I want to confront her. and his parents and extended (or not).

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Dec. TAURUS (April 20-May attitudes, opinions and adorn-
24). Your focus makes miracles 20). Your inclusiveness relaxes ments, but you will not confuse
possible. You’re able to let go people and helps them feel them with who you really are.
of whatever does not noticeably comfortable enough to con- LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’ll
contribute to the kind of joyful nect. Ultimately, the sense of make your preparations and
living you’re going for. Spring belonging you promote will wrap run through your idea about
brings a run of overdue atten- around you like a warm blanket how things should flow. Without
tion and appreciation. You’ve on a snowy night. those moments of fantasy and
worked toward this a long while, GEMINI (May 21-June 21). forethought, you simply couldn’t
and the reward is fun, but mas- To notice someone’s nervous- pull off your day in the same
tering the skill is the fulfilling ness and take that away from magical way.
BABY BLUES part. Taurus and Aries adore them with your warmth and easy VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
you. Your lucky numbers are: 8, manner is among the kindest You are endowed with raw
11, 39, 16 and 4 things you can do today. You’re materials — inherent qualities,
ARIES (March 21-April the antidote to anxiousness, resources, ideas — all of which
19). Feelings have a way of and it calms you to be so. can be arranged and rearranged
overflowing and spilling all over CANCER (June 22-July to various effect. You feel it
the place. In the case of joy, 22). The deepest levels of you down deep... the freedom to
appreciation, love and comfort, have little to do with your body create yourself.
the mess is such a pleasure it’s or even personality. You may LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
hardly worth cleaning up. get caught up in temporary Just as an author’s skill is in
making the reader turn the
page, your skill is making those
close to you wonder what’s
next. You love to play with
expectations and draw out an-
BEETLE BAILEY ticipation to its most delectable
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
You’ll emphasize what you want
people to see and know about
you. While you can’t control
what others think, the extent to
which you can effectively lead
their attention will please you
greatly now.
21). It’s so easy for you to see
the good in others and nurture
those talents until they gleam.
What’s hard is holding back
MALLARD FILLMORE your praise, but there’s no
point to that today. Roll out the
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). You’ll make a discovery all
on your own and feel supreme-
ly satisfied about it, too. You
could have, after all, given up a
dozen times, but you kept going
instead. You’ve earned this one.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). It seems counterintuitive,
and yet, by tuning in to your
own uniqueness, you somehow
attract like-minded people. It
FAMILY CIRCUS feels wonderful to be appreciat-
ed without trying hard.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). There are always multiple
ways to work a situation, some
of which will be more fulfilling
(and fun!) than your first ideas.
You can see more options just
as soon as you let go of the
first few.

Morning suit
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2020 5B


Big Dawgs in Starkville closing

she has wants to reach a community that
PLUS: Tuesday received may not have a lot of food options.
an out- “I decided to open on Sixteenth
Morning officially pour from Section Road because that area is
closed in Columbus customers
basically a community of its own
on the outskirts of Starkville,” she
BY MARY POLLITZ for her not said. “(Now), residents won’t have to close. to drive all the way into town to get
By March, wings.”
Big Dawgs in Starkville will Haddix Be sure to check out the new
close by the end of this year. plans to wing joint and taste wings, fries,
The barbecue and service open a chicken and waffles and a variety of
station at 804 Old West Point Road Mary Pollitz food truck, sauces.
will be open Thursday through traveling The dine-in or carry out restau-
Saturday 9 a.m.-6 p.m. with all food throughout rant is open Monday through
products half off. the Golden Triangle and beyond. Friday 2-8 p.m. and Saturdays 11
I’ve already purchased a gallon “We’re going to serve all the a.m.-9 p.m.
of some of the best barbecue sauce food Big Dawgs offers,” Haddix Moving to Columbus, Tuesday
I’ve ever had, and I suggest y’all said. “I’ll also be doing live cook- Morning has officially closed its
hop to it as well. ing shows. We’re going to go from doors.
Owner Yulanda Haddix said the place to place, Starkville one day, Earlier this year, Tuesday Morn-
decision to close was not easy. Her Columbus and maybe West Point. ing announced it would slash its
husband, former Mississippi State The idea is to travel all over the store locations due to COVID-19.
and NFL running back Michael, place one day.” The big-box retailer in Co-
recently had brain surgery, leaving Collaborating barbecue and lumbus will shutter, while the
her to a “series of difficult conver- Haddix’s Facebook Live cooking Starkville location remains open.
sations.” channel, hopefully 2021 will bring Over in Starkville, two big-box
“I can’t run (the store) full time forth the Big Dawgs and Country retailers have also permanently
with him because if he needs more Kitchen DJ food truck. closed their doors. Gordmans,
intense therapy, we need to travel,” “We’ll be coming to the neigh- which opened earlier this year,
Haddix said. “… In the community, borhoods too,” Haddix said. “It’s has officially shuttered as well as
restaurants and businesses are going to be fun stuff. We like the JCPenney.
shutting down. … Neither of us personal feel, one on one. … I’ve Since the pandemic began,
wants to see the store disappear.” wanted a food truck forever. I love various stores have closed, and to
She added she is working and the idea and love being in the com- my surprise others have opened
hoping for a business to replace Big munity and being able to travel.” up. The resiliency and dedication
Dawgs with a similar storefront. As for Michael and his recovery, of some of our local businesses
As of now, Big Dawgs will close she said, “he’s strong.” to remain open has been nothing
Dec. 31., but Haddix said that is We have added another restau- short of miraculous. Throughout
subject to change. rant in Starkville, this time near this holiday season, when you’re
We’ve taken a lot of blows this Clayton Village. spending time with your family, be
year and losing good barbecue is Pluk’D The Wing Joint, located sure to spread some love to those
almost too painful to bear. at 1685 Sixteenth Section Road, locally.
Luckily, Haddix does not intend opened Nov. 30. Merry Christmas, wear your
to leave us high and dry. For weeks, Owner Scherell Quinn said she mask and be safe.

Sacus retires with 35 cal Center) degree in nursing from spend more time with her
on Oct. Mississippi University for children and grandchil-
years of service 28, 1985. Women in 1993 and be- dren—Javan and Jessica
WEST POINT — El- “When I came a registered nurse Walker live in Batesville
isha Sacus, registered walked into in Labor and Delivery. and have three children,
nurse and house super- the hospi- With tuition reimburse- Dominik, Kayla and Anne
visor at North Mississip- tal’s atri- ment from the hospital, Marie; Titus and Vandetta
pi Medical Center-West um for the she earned her bachelor’s Walker live in Tupelo and
Point, has retired with Sacus
first time, degree in nursing from have two children, Tobia
more than 35 years of ser-
I thought the University of Texas and Amare.
‘this is a beautiful hospi- at Arlington in 2013. She She also hopes to bake
Born in Aberdeen, Sa-
tal,’” she said. “I was eat- also became house nurs- more Elisha’s Cream
cus moved with her fami-
ing in the cafeteria one ing supervisor that year. Cakes, a project she start-
ly to Chicago at age 5. She
day and someone pointed Sacus retired Dec. 11 ed years ago to sell her
graduated from Simeon
Vocational High School out the hospital admin- and is most appreciative of homemade “grandma’s
in Chicago in 1974 and istrator, Mr. Mike Reid. her time at NMMC-West old-fashioned cakes” in
worked a few odd jobs be- I came from a big hospi- Point. “I got a chance to various flavors.
fore completing licensed tal in Chicago and all we do what I really wanted
practical nurse training at knew was that we had an
administrator. And there
to do, which was work in
Labor and Delivery,” she
William L. Dawson Skills Source:
Center there in 1980. “I Mr. Reid was, sitting in said. “The hospital staff
wanted to join the military the cafeteria with the rest was like a family. I love COLUMBUS
and work with computers, of us. When I saw that you the people there and we
but my Mom talked me could actually talk to the care about one another. 1913 US-45 N

out of it,” she said. “It took administrator, that was The Lord just blessed my
me a few years to find my just amazing to me.” She career there.” 1.95 SPRINT
3115 US-45 N

calling.” started working nights on Her husband, Eugene,

Sacus worked as an
LPN for the University
the medical-surgical unit
and in the nursery, and
passed away Feb. 16, just
two months shy of their
1450 Jess Lyons Rd.

of Chicago Medical Cen- then transitioned to day 30th anniversary. He

ter before moving back shift in the nursery. served as bishop of Holy
to Aberdeen in 1982. She
worked for a local nursing
“After having children,
I wanted to go to nursing
Temple Apostolic Faith
Church in Aberdeen.
1012 MS-12

home and the former Mon-

roe County Hospital be-
school so that I could be
there to help women in
Now that she is retired,
she plans to “step up and 1.89 BREAK TIME
1045 Louisville St.

fore joining the NMMC- labor,” Sacus said. On help” to continue his work
West Point (which was a hospital scholarship, with their church and 1.79 RACKLEY OIL
225 Industrial Park Rd.

then Clay County Medi- she earned her associate ministry. She wants to
6B THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2020 The Dispatch •

fecting the Saints Broadcast,
55th Anniversary Grief Support Group Wednesdays 8:30 a.m.
Zion Gate will celebrate the The Oil of Joy for Grief
55th Anniversary of Rev. Dr. and Mourning offers a grief
James A. Boyd and First Lady support group at 6 p.m. every Women Prayer, Worship
Sis. Kathrene Boyd Dec. 20. second Thursday of the month Service
Live stream will be at 8 a.m. at United Christian Baptist Church of the Eternal
with Rev. Dr. Vernon Swift, Church, 232 Yorkville Road Word, 106 22nd St. S., holds
pastor of Elizabeth Baptist East. “Making your grieving a prayer and worship service
Church of Tuscaloosa, Ala- journey easier.” For more in- every Thursday from 5-6 p.m.
bama bringing the message. A formation, call 662-327-0604 Call Marie Nabors, 662-549-
drive-by parade will be held at or e-mail unitedchristian@ 4322 or 662-329-1234, for
2:30 p.m. prayer requests.

Mississippi State Celebrate Recovery Prayer Ministry

School Ministry Celebrate Recovery, the
nation’s largest Christian
New Beginning Everlasting
Mississippi State School Outreach Ministry invites the
recovery program, meets Tues- public to call in with their
of Ministry will be taking ap-
days at 6:00 p.m. at Mead- prayer requests at 662-327-
plications for enrollment into
owview Church, 300 Linden 9843.
their online degree granting Circle in Starkville. Millions
program. Earn your Certifica- have found help, healing, and
tion, Associates, Bachelor, support for hurts, habits, and Prayer Service
Master and Doctoral Degree in hang-ups using our popular Church of the Eternal Word,
Religious Studies. We are an Biblical 12 step program. 106 22nd St. S., Columbus,
accreditation School of Minis- holds prayer service Thurs-
try authorized through State day nights 5-6 p.m. Contact
of Mississippi and Federal
Recovery Room Marie Nabors, 662-549-4322.
New Life Assembly, 4474
Government. Our degrees are Church service times: Sunday
New Hope Road (near Dollar
for ecclesiastical purposes school 10 a.m.; Sunday
General) hosts Recovery
only. We accept transcripts worship 11:15 a.m.; Tuesday
Room, at 6:30 p.m. each Sun-
and your life experience also Bible study 7 p.m. For informa-
day. Find help, healing, and
can also be used for degree tion, call Pastor District Elder
support for any hurt, habit, or
granting purposes. For further Lou Nabors, 662-329-1234.
hang-up using our Christ-cen-
information feel free to call tered 12 steps.
662-425-8443 Fitness
Prayer for Youth Transformations
Fellowship Dinner, Every second and third The Transformational
Youth Service Saturday, Pleasant Ridge Faith Church, 2301 Jess Lyons
Pleasant Ridge Faith Cen- Center hosts a prayer for the Road, hosts boxing lessons
ter, 923 Ridge Road, hosts a youth from 2-3 p.m. Mondays and Wednesday from
fellowship dinner and youth 5-7 p.m., weight-loss boot
service every third Sunday. Prayer, Free Coffee camp Tuesdays and Thursdays
Mount Zion Missionary 5-7 p.m. and both on Satur-
Gospel Book Club Baptist Church, 2221 14th days 9-11 a.m.
Friendship M.B. Church, Ave. N., hosts free coffee and
1102 12th Ave. S., invites the a prayer community outreach Youth Fellowship
public to join its Community service from 8-9 a.m. every The Transformational
Gospel Book Club from 6-7 fifth Saturday. For information, Church, 2301 Jess Lyons
p.m., on the fourth Friday of contact Jesse Slater, 662- Road, hosts Youth Fellowship
each month, to study and 328-4979. from 7-8:30 p.m. every Tues-
share views of the Holy Bible. day. Games, prayer, service,
Open to all ages and ethnic- Radio Program food, and more. Transporta-
ities. For more information, Apostles Patrick Perkins tion available. For information,
call Barbara Mattison or Lillian invites the public to tune in to call Iris Roberson, 662-295-
Murray, 662-570-5595. WTWG, radio 1050 AM for Per- 7456.

Send in your church event!

Subject: Religious brief
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2020 7B
Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
The Starkville Dispatch and Online
To place ads starting at only $12,
call 662-328-2424 or visit

Medical / Dental Mobile Homes for Sale

2019 Clayton Mobile Home

Brand new, never lived in.
Merchandise Community
Fully furnished, perfect for
an older couple or person. Ads starting at $12 Ads starting at $12
Attached front porch with
roof. May have to be Firewood / Fuel Good Things To Eat
moved unless lease is
approved by land owner. FIREWOOD FOR SALE.
$40,000. 828−674−8659 Various lengths.

Shop Classifieds
West Point:
GE Washer, almost new,

Garage Sales
Dryer, good cond, $125.
Call anytime,
Two free signs General Merchandise

Auctions Roper Dryer, standard size,
good condition, $200.
Sudoku is a number- Yesterday’s answer
placing puzzle based on
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 4 9 5 7 8 1 3 2 6
given numbers.puzzleThe object 7 8 2 3 5 6 4 1 9

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

is to place a 9x9
numbers 3 6 1 9 2 4 5 8 7
Craftsman table saw. 10" grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 6 4 7 2 9 5 8 3 1
$100. Craftsman
compound miter saw. 12"
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each row, eachThe 8 2 9 4 1 3 7 6 5
Apts For Rent: Other object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
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numbers 5 1 3 6 7 8 9 4 2
contains the1same to 9 number
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COLEMAN finish. Six chairs. $600.
"Ethan Allen" china cabinet
the empty spaces so
only once. The difficulty
that each row, each 2 5 6 8 3 9 1 7 4
Call us: 662-328-2424 RENTALS w/ hutch. 66" cherry finish.
$600. "Ethan Allen" Five Questions: level increases from
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highboy dresser. mahogany 3x3 Difficulty Level 12/23

Customer Service 1 BEDROOM 76" height. $400. the same number only once. The difficulty level

1 Jimmy
2 BEDROOMS Call 662−368−6779
increases from Monday to Sunday.
ing Receptionist/Secretary. 3 BEDROOMS Sporting Goods
Previous experience
© The Dispatch

helpful but not necessary. ED SANDERS GUNSMITH

Computer skills a must. DEPOSIT Open for season!
Email resume to: AND Tue−Fri: 9−5 & Sat: 9−12

2 Hermey
Over 50 years experience!
CREDIT CHECK Repairs, cleaning, refin−
General Help Wanted ishing, scopes mounted &
CARPENTER NEEDED w/ at 662-329-2323 zeroed, handmade knives.
Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
least 4 yrs. of experience.
3 Krampus
of West Point, turn right on
Ideal candidate will have an 2411 HWY 45 N Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
eye for detail, be depend-
able, have good communic-
COLUMBUS, MS left on Darracott Rd, will
see sign, 2.5mi ahead

Too much
ation skills, reliable trans- shop on left.
portation & basic tools. We Houses For Rent: North
4 Coca-Cola

specialize in home remod-
els & new construction. COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES.
Call 662-312-3130 for info. 2 & 3 bedroom w/ 2−3
bath townhouses. $650 to

Read local. 5 Eight (no

$750. 662−549−9555.

Ask for Glenn or text.
Mobile Homes for Rent

Ads starting at $25 3BR/2BA MH in New Hope.

$650 dep + $650/mo. No
Apts For Rent: North pets, quiet area. Leave full
name & message,
2−3BR/1BA DUPLEX, 205−712−6697.
newly renovated with bonus
room. HUD accepted. RENT A CAMPER!
662−425−6954. CHEAPER THAN A MOTEL!
Utilities & cable included,
FOX RUN APARTMENTS from $145/wk − $535/mo
1 & 2 BR near hospital. Columbus & County School

Place an ad safely
$595−$645 monthly. locations. 662−242−7653
Military discount, pet area,
pet friendly, and furnished
or 601−940−1397. Start your
de-cluttering by
from home with
corporate apts.

Real Estate
ON SITE MAINTENANCE. placing a garage
sale ad today! the Classifieds.
24−HOUR CAMERA Ads starting at $25
Ashleigh, 662−386−4446. Houses For Sale: East

Apts For Rent: West

Ads starting at...
FSBO: 4BR/2BA. New roof,
new paint, fenced
1 day $10
backyard, driveway leads

3 day $18
behind house. $128,000.
1 Swine
5 Half of a 1960s
6 day $34
Lots & Acreage
Apartments & Houses rock group
1.75 ACRE LOTS: Good/
1 Bedrooms 10 Media icon
Bad Credit Options. Good
Price includes 4 lines of text; from Chicago
2 Bedroooms
credit as low as 20% down,
$499/mo. Eaton Land,
$1/line after base cost. 12 Get up
3 Bedrooms 662−361−7711. 13 Heat setting
14 Red Square

Service Directory
Furnished & Unfurnished
1, 2, & 3 Baths 15 Conclude
Lease, Deposit 16 Item under
& Credit Check the tree
18 Take offense
Promote your small business starting at only $25 at
327-8555 Air Cond & Heating General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping Painting & Papering
20 Knight’s title
21 Prez’s under-
Apts For Rent: Other ling
RAPID TEMP Heating &
cooling. Home & RV. & Bonded. Carpentry, minor LANDSCAPING L.L.C. SERVICE 23 Some amount 45 Warty hop- 22 Wall cover
Service & install. electrical, minor plumbing, Phone: 662−549−1878 Special Prices. of pers 24 Raptors’
Free estimates. insulation, painting, demo− Landscaping, Property Interior & Exterior Painting.
24 Stocking 46 Shocked home
Call 602−736−4880. lition, gutters cleaned,
pressure washing, land−
Clean Up, Plant Care,
Bush Hogging,
parts sound 25 Mariner’s
scaping, cleanup work. Herbicide Spraying 26 Easy gait DOWN place
General Services 662−242−3608.
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