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• Attach the labels to the credit cards.

The magician slides a credit card into a transparent
case, and asks a spectator to push the card flush. ** Caution!
The front and back of the cards have different surfaces. Be certain to attach the
He casts a magic spell over the case, and suddenly labels to the matte side of the cards.
the spectator is unable to remove the card from the
case. Once the spectator gives up, the magician 1 Peel off the thin strip of adhesive backing.
retrieves the case and easily removes the card
with no trouble.
This magic effect is the invention of genius creator
Lubor Fiedler. While the clever gimmick is extremely
simple, it enables you to perform an amazing trick
that spectators can experience in their own hands.
Following the main handling, you will also learn Peel off only short end
a bonus trick in which the credit card magically
penetrates a padlocked case. Perform both tricks
together and baffle your audiences with this 2 Place the label onto the exact center of the matte side of the card, and
amazing routine. line up their edges. Use the hole location as a visual guide.


Line up the edges


Cards Special Labels 3 Once you are certain that the edges are lined up accurately, apply
Clear Cases pressure to the end of the label that has its backing removed. This
short end will adhere to the card.
Divider Keys


2 Cards: The front and back of both cards are treated with different finishes.
One side is glossy and one side is matte. Affix only the short end

2 Special Labels: The labels are made from a material that causes more
friction than the card surface alone. If you accidentally attach the label at an undesirable angle, slowly peel
1 Padlock the label from the card and reattach it with extra care.

3 Keys: Only one is needed. The other two are spare keys.
** Caution!
2 Clear Cases: At first glance, the cases appear identical. However one of If the short end of the label is applied at an angle, the remaining portion of the
the cases contains a transparent divider sheet. You can tell the cases apart label will not align correctly. Be sure to accurately position the label at this stage
by looking at the thumb notch at the case opening. The case that contains to avoid later problems.
the transparent divider sheet will be referred to as the gimmick case. Both
cases contain a tab at the end opposite to the opening.
4 Now that the label is accurately positioned, peel off the remaining
backing from the rear side of the label. In the same motion, carefully
attach the entire label to the card.

Slowly affix
label to card

First, follow these instructions so that you can personally experience the • In order to remove the card, hold the case in the following manner.
mysterious inability to remove the card from the case. The tab must be on the left side, and the cutout side must be facing
• Use the gimmick case that contains the transparent divider. It is a down. Grip both ends of the case with the fingertips of both hands.
simple matter to choose the correct case by looking at the opening

Tab Divider

JJ “TOP” AND “BOTTOM” OF CASE • While your left fingertips pinch the tab, the fingernail of the left first
The side of the case that contains a cutout next to the tab will be referred to finger can contact the card edge through the cutout. Secretly push
as the “bottom.” The opposite side of the case will be referred to as the “top.” the card to the right with your nail. The card will jut out slightly from
• Hold the gimmick case with the top-side uppermost. Turn the card the case. Continue to grip the right end of the card with your right
label-side down, and insert it into the case. It must enter into the fingertips.
opening that is above the transparent divider. Push the card all the
way into the case until their edges line up. You can freely display
both sides of the case at this time, since it is not possible to see the
divider. The end of the card peeks out through the thumb notch on
the bottom side of the case.

Secretly push here

Bottom view
Pull the card out of the case with your right fingertips by sliding it to the
right. Practice this movement until you can remove the card smoothly, and
with minimal movement from your left fingertips.

If you slide the card completely out of the case, your audience will be able
to see the transparent divider. To avoid this, separate the removal into two
steps. Once the card is halfway out, stop momentarily and regrip with your
left hand. Move your left thumb onto the opening of the case, and then
• Hold the case’s tab with the fingertips of your left hand. Raise your proceed to pull out the card completely. The transparent divider sheet is
right hand to the opening of the case, and pinch the end of the hidden beneath your left thumb.
card with your right thumb and first finger. Try to pull the card from Divider sheet hidden
under thumb
the case. Your thumb and first finger will slip off the card, and you
will be unable to remove the card for the following reasons. First,
you are pinching both the card and the permanently fixed divider.
Second, the friction between the divider sheet and the label surface
is strong. Since your spectator is unaware of the divider sheet, it
appears that the card is magically unable to be removed at the very
moment it is pushed flush.

Unable to remove!! Insert the card into the gimmick case, with the card design visible. The card
must be above the divider sheet, and the top of the case must face upward.
Insert the card fully until both holes are aligned. Slide the padlock’s shackle
through the hole in the case, and lock the padlock shut.


Gimmick case (top side up)

• Tell your spectator to let go of the card, and ask him to push it all
PRESENTATION the way into the case. Use your own hands to demonstrate the

• Say, “I have come up with a new way to secure your credit cards against
action you want him to follow.

fraud. I punched a hole through the card, and locked it into this case with a
padlock.” Display the case that you prepared as described in the
previous section, and show both sides of it to your audience. Say,
“Of course this is just a dummy card, but you have to admit that
the card is absolutely secure when it’s locked up like this. The only
problem is that the card is extremely difficult to use. Every time you
want to use the card, you have to unlock the padlock.” As you say
this final line, use the key to unlock the padlock.

Demonstrate how to push the card in

• Pick up the padlock and wave it over the case in a magical gesture.
Say, “This lock has magical powers. When I wave it over the card, I am now
the only person who can remove the card from the case.”

• Hold the case with the top side facing up, and remove the card
using the Card Removal Secret described earlier. Hand the card to
a spectator and ask him to examine it. The divider sheet remains
hidden beneath your left thumb.

Make a magic gesture

• Instruct your spectator to pinch the card at his fingertips, and pull it
out of the case. He will be unable to move the card.

• Say, “I have discovered a much better way to protect the card. Since I am Can’t remove it!!
a magician, this method uses magic instead!” Turn the card over so the
design is facing down, and slide it into the case halfway, in the
section above the divider sheet.
• Once your spectator confirms that he cannot remove the card,
immediately take the case from him and slide the card out halfway,
using the Card Removal Secret. Say, “I have no problem removing the

• Hand the case in this condition to your spectator, and instruct him
to grip the tab with his right fingertips and the card with his left
fingertips. Remove your own hands, and instruct your spectator to
slide the card back and forth inside the case several times to prove • Push the card fully into the case, and show both sides of the case
that the card can move freely. to your audience. Once again, use the Card Removal Secret to slide
the card slightly out of the case.
• Hand the case back to your spectator, and instruct him to grip the
tab with his fingertips as before. Ask him to push the card all the
way into the case. Say, “But you are completely unable to remove the
Spectator card.” Instruct your spectator to pinch the card and try to remove it.

• Once the spectator confirms that he is unable to remove the card,
immediately retrieve the case and remove the card yourself. Show BONUS TRICK: THE CARD ESCAPE
both sides of the card and case, keeping your left thumb on top of
This bonus trick was created by Tenyo staff member Toru Suzuki. In this
the divider sheet. This is the end of the performance.
trick the card magically penetrates through the padlock.

Here is what the audience sees. The magician inserts the card into the
case, and locks a padlock through the hole. He magically causes the card
to penetrate the padlock shackle, leaving only the case locked up.

This handling uses only the ungimmicked case, one card, and the padlock.
(This padlock contains a special mechanism that allows you to apparently
lock it shut, even when the shackle is not lined up directly with the hole.
You can unlock the shackle by twisting it slightly.)

• To prepare, insert the card into the case, and lock the padlock
through the hole.
* If you find it difficult to slide the card into the case, first insert your finger
** Caution! into the case’s opening to widen the entry. Next, squeeze the two long ends
Your audience may discover the divider sheet if you allow them to hold the props with your fingertips to flex the case. This will enable the card to slide in easily.
for too long. Be extremely clear in your instructions so that your spectator holds
the tab and card correctly at his fingertips. As soon as he experiences the in-
ability to remove the card, quickly take back the case to avoid discovery of the

Widen opening

The props are so simple that they are unlikely to arouse suspicion. While Squeeze long ends to
it is not entirely necessary to switch the case, you may wish to follow the flex open
procedure described here to switch the case in a natural manner. This will
enable you to hand out all of the props at the end of your performance. • To perform, show the case to your audience and unlock the
padlock. Slide out the card from the case and hand it to your
• To prepare, insert the additional card into the ungimmicked case, spectator to examine. Keep the padlock shackle twisted away from
and place this case into your jacket’s left breast pocket. (Alternately
the lock’s hole.
you could place this case in your bag or other convenient location.)
• At the end of your performance, insert the card into the case and
place the case into your jacket’s left breast pocket, in front of the
ungimmicked case that has been pre-set there. (Make sure that
both cases are oriented in the same direction.)
• Keep your right hand inside your jacket for a moment longer, and
pretend to realize that you have forgotten the padlock. Pick up the
padlock from the table with your left hand.
• Insert the card back into the case. You will apparently relock the
• Say, “But magic alone may not be enough. It’s probably better off to lock
card inside the case, but actually perform the following actions.
the card back inside so nobody else can gain access.” Casually remove
the ungimmicked case that you had previously set in your pocket. • Hold the case so that the card is white-side up, and the top of the
Insert the padlock’s shackle through the case’s hole. You have case is facing upward. Slide the padlock’s shackle into the hole
secretly switched cases, so feel free to hand out the locked case from above.
for examination.

• Pull the case inward toward your body while maintaining direct
contact with the left post of the lock’s shackle. The free end of the
shackle does not line up with the lock’s hole. Keep rotating it until it
ends on the side of the lock closest to your body.

• Push down on the lock’s shackle with your right first finger, keeping • Pull the card completely out of the case, and hand the card to your
the shackle off-center. Thanks to the special construction of the spectator.
padlock, the shackle will close shut with a clicking sound, even
though the end of the shackle has not been inserted into the lock’s

Push shackle down


• Reposition the case by sliding it away from your body, along the
shaft of the shackle.
• Your audience will not recognize that the lock’s shackle has been
closed off-center because the card obscures their view. From the
audience’s view, it simply appears that the left post of the shackle
is hidden by the card. It looks exactly as if the padlock were truly
locked through the case.

• Pick up the key, and pretend to insert it into the padlock’s keyhole.
Shackle is closed

Pretend to insert
key in keyhole

• Hold both the key and padlock in your right hand. Rotate the
shackle even further away from you, and the lock will automatically
open with a “click” sound. Your audience will believe that you used
the key to unlock the padlock.

Turn the shackle

Audience view away from you
• Hold the padlock with your left fingers keeping the shackle out of
your audience’s view. Rotate the case inward, and line up the hole
with the free end of the shackle. Apply pressure to the case at the
lower left with your left thumb to hold the case in place. Clic

• Slide the case off the padlock, and hand them to your spectator to
examine together with the card. You may wish to lock the padlock
correctly before handing it out, to prevent your spectator from
discovering its secret.

• Say a magic word to draw your audience’s attention, and then pull
the card to the right with your right fingertips. It will appear that the
card has penetrated the padlock.

Audience view

I have come up with a new way to secure your credit cards against fraud. I punched
a hole through the card, and locked it into this case with a padlock.
Of course this is just a dummy card, but you have to admit that the card is absolutely
secure when it’s locked up like this.

The only problem is that the card is extremely difficult to use. Every time you want
to use the card, you have to unlock the padlock.

I have discovered a much better way to protect the card. Since I am a magician, this
method uses magic instead!

Right now, the card slides easily in and out of the case, right? Try it yourself.

Now push the card all the way into the case.

This lock has magical powers. When I wave it over the card, I am now the only person
who can remove the card from the case. Try to remove it.

Can you take it out?

But look, I have no problem removing the card.

Push it back in, and try again. You simply cannot remove the card.

That is the magical way to keep your credit card secure.

* If you choose to perform “The Card Escape” immediately after this, follow
the steps described in the section titled “Switching the Case” to switch
the gimmick case for the ungimmicked case in your pocket. While making
this switch, say:

Now that I think about it, it’s not entirely necessary to keep opening the padlock
every time I want to use my card.

Even though the card is locked securely inside the case, I can use magic to slide it
out whenever I need it.

SECURITY LOCK is an extremely baffling and unique magic effect that enables
your spectator to experience magic in his own hands.
If you perform this correctly, you can cause your audience to feel that you have
control over an invisible magic force. Do not present this as a puzzle that your
spectator must try to figure out. Use the scripted presentation suggested above
and your audience will experience the sensation of magic in their own hands.

Be certain to read the following warnings.
• Small parts are contained in this product. Be careful not to
accidentally swallow these parts as they may create a risk of
• Keep all parts away from small children to avoid accidental
choking risk.

Created by: Lubor Fiedler

Japanese instructions by: Toru Suzuki
English instructions by: Steve Cohen
Illustrations by: Nariyuki Yoshihara

©2014 Tokyo, Japan


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