Download as docx, pdf, or txt
Download as docx, pdf, or txt
You are on page 1of 3

// ==UserScript==

// @name Scribd Print and Download

// @description Changes "Upload" link to open a printable viewer (print to PDF)

// @author Inserio

// @include http://**

// @include http://**

// @include https://**

// @include https://**

// @version 1.7

// @require

// @namespace

// ==/UserScript==

var new_link;

$('script').html(function (i, text) {

var idRegex = /"id":(\d{6,})/i;

var keyRegex = /"access_key":"(key[-\w\d]*)"/i;

var id = idRegex.exec(text);

var key = keyRegex.exec(text);

if (id !== null && key !== null && id !== undefined && key !== undefined)

new_link = "" + id[1] + "&access_key=" + key[1];

// if (new_link !== undefined)

// return text.replace(/https?:\/\/www\.scribd\.com\/upload-document/gi, new_link);

// Matches the "Upload" link on the page.

// Click it to open the new page in a viewer that will allow printing to PDF


$('div').html(function (i, text) {

if (new_link !== undefined)

return text.replace(/https?:\/\/www\.scribd\.com\/upload-document/gi, new_link);

// ==UserScript==

// @name Scribd: Bypasser

// @description At one point in our student life we all need to google homework solutions, test preparation stuff and anything else
related to subject. One of the search results is, usually, Scribd, where to download the file you either need to upload a bunch of
documents, or get a monthly subscription. This extension allows you to bypass all that procedure on the Scribd, so you can download
everything for free!

// @namespace

// @version 1.0.0

// @author Farid Mammadov

// @license MIT

// @released 2016-12-11

// @updated 2016-12-11

// @match *://**

// @match *://*

// @run-at document-end

// ==/UserScript==

window.onload = function () {

document.getElementsByClassName('icon icon-globalnav_upload')[0].style.display = 'none';

document.getElementsByClassName('icon_btn_text')[1].innerHTML = "Download";

var URL = "";

var document_id = "document_id=" + window.location.href.split('/')[4];

var src = document.documentElement.innerHTML;

var key = src.substring("key-"),"\",\"is_searchable"));

var access_key = "access_key=" + key;

URL += document_id + "&" + access_key;

document.getElementsByTagName('a')[16].setAttribute("href", URL);

// ==UserScript==

// @id Unblur

// @name Unblur

// @namespace com.scribd.unblurer

// @version 1.0

// @author DeathBlack

// @description Unblur document pages

// @include http*://**

// @run-at document-end

// @require

// @iconURL

// ==/UserScript==

setInterval(function() {





$('.outer_page only_ie6_border blurred_page').remove();



$('.absimg').css('opacity', '1.0');

$('.text_layer').css('color', '#000');

$('.text_layer').css('text-shadow', '0px 0px 0px #000');


}, 1000);

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