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(36, 6) INERT GAS PURIFIER JIP-100E-S INSTRUCTION MANUAL UP—0267 JAPAN PIONICS CO,. LTD. FOREWORD This instruction manual describes the functions of the uP-E series purifier. For safe handling of very high purity gas, please observe the following cautions. Before first operating the unit, please read and understand this instruction manual thoroughly. This instruction manual contains the operating procedure, precautions and ‘troubleshoot ing. Erroneous operation may result in serious accidents, Please be sure to follow the instructions given in each section, Especially, understand and observe the precautions thoroughly. TABLE OF CONTENTS [1] INSTALLATION 1-1, Instal lation 1-2, Connection of Connection of Electric Wiring 1. Check after Installation [2] DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT UNITS 2-1. Major Equipment of Control Panel 2-2. Display Lamps and Switches of Control Panel ('3.] OPERATING PROCEDURE 3-1. Preparation for Operation 3-2, Operating Procedure 3-3. To Stop The Unit for a Long Time 3-4, Action at Poner Failure C4] PRECAUTIONS += eee ee eee eee eee eee 10 41, Safety 4-2. Cautions on Hand! ing 4-3, Cautions during Operation 4-4, Action in Emergency 4-5. Chemical Property of Hazardous Material [5] TROUBLESHOOTING +20 e ee eee ee eee eee ee eee 11 [16] WAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION © +2200 eee e eee eee eee 14 6-1. Daily Inspection 6-2. Periodical Inspection ii C1] 141. INSTALLAT ON Installation Refer to INSTALLATION DRAWING and OUTSIDE VIEW DRAINING, (1) This unit is designed for indoor use. Select an installation site that has good ventilation, ambient tenperature range of § to 35°C, little dust and low humidity (30~75% RH) (2 Select a place in consideration of maintenance and inspection of the unit. Set the unit at least 1.5m from the surrounding walls and other equipment. (3) Install and fix the unit with anchor bolts set to pitches of earthquakeproof anchor bolt holes specified in the outline drawing. Connection of Piping Refer to INSTALLATION DRAWING and OUTSIDE DRAWING. (1) Check sizes of pipes and positions of inlets and outlets, Then, connect pipes correctly, (2) The joints to be connected to the unit are attached to the unit as standard accessories, Check them and use correct ones, Piping to be connected to tho unit must be suitable for app| ication. (8 Provide piping to exhaust waste gas to an outside safe place. (ake piping to outside in as short a distance as possible. ) 1-3. Connection of Electric Wiring () Wiring materials, such as cables, to be used must be ones that meet UL Standard or equivalent and select types that have greater capacity than specified, (2) Before starting wiring, make sure that the main power circuit breaker CBO in the contro! panel is OFF. 1-4, Check after Installation (1) Make sure that all connections are tight and piping and wiring have been made correctly. ( After checking piping connection, test piping at the pressure specified in the section of leak test in the specification, Note : This equipment is adsorption type gas purifier by using catalyst and adsorbent. Therefore, if you try the leakage test by filling nitrogen gas in the purifier, pressure may drop, This phenomenon is caused by the fact that the nitrogen gas is adsorbed in the adsorbent and the pressure drops gradually as a result. Here, also note that the nitrogen gas is the component with less adsor- ptive force. Consequently, this gas is not easily adsorbed in the adsorbent and it takes a rather long time for pressure to reach the equal ization. (3) After checking wiring connection, check the power terminal board (TB1) in the control panel to see if the power is supplied to the unit at the voltage spe- sified in the section of power requirements in the specification. (4) Measurement of Insulation Resistance Nake sure that all circuit breakers are OFF and measure the insulation resistance of each heater circuit at the heater terminal board (182) Provided at the bottom inside the contro! panel. b. Record measurement results, that are used as reference data to be conpared with measurements taken in periodical inspection, ete. [2] DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENT UNITS 2-1, Major Equipment of Control Panel Refer to OUTSIDE VIEW DRAHING and CONTROL PANEL LAYOUT DRAWING (ceo Circuit breaker | The main power circuit breaker to cut off the power when overcurrent flows. lcb2, 3 ” The heater power circuit breaker to cut off the poner when overcurrent flovs. This breaker is to trip when cylinder high temperature alarm and emergency stop occur. ces ” The power circuit breaker for the control circuit to cut off the power when overcurrent flows cot " For protection of emergency stop. Fsia~aa " The power circuit breaker for the individual heater FsiB~aa circuit, cea “ For protection of the control circuit, (transformer secondary side) cae " For protection of the fan unit (FANO) ca7 ” For protection of the input and output circuit (24V0C) of the sequence control ler coe " For protection of the output circuit (24¥DC) of the sequence controller. Isc Sequene Automatically controls the unit by stored prograns. control ler Tica Tenerature | Controls tenperature of the regenerating heater and controller | monitors heater tenperature end issues an alarm, Tia Temperature | Monitors heater temperature and issues an alarm together annuneiator with TICA Solenoid valve unit Controls instrument air with the instrument solenoid valves and drives the air-operated valves. 2-2. Display Lamps and Switches of Control Panel Refer to CONTROL PANEL LAYOUT DRAWING. (1) Display lanps PLOI_| UNDER VOLTAGE its when the unit receives power. lHLt_| START. Lights while the unit is running. HL2__| (SPARE LAMP) Not use. HL3__| sToP. Lights when the unit is at a stop. HLS _| PURIFY Gas Lights while pure gas is being supplied. HL6 | REGEN. A Lights during A line regeneration. IWL7__| REGEN, B Lights during 8 line regeneration, IHLB__| (SPARE LAMP) Not use, HHL9— | REGEN, HEAT Lights during heating process in regeneration. (Flickers when the regeneration is stopped by alarm or REGEN, STOP switch ON) IHL10 | REGEN, COOL Lights during cooling process in regeneration, (Flickers when the regeneration is stopped by alarm) HLT | WAIT Lights during standby after end of regeneration. IHL12 | PURGE Lights during purging before line change. (Flickers when the regeneration is stopped by alarm) HL13_| (SPARE LANP) Not use. IHL14_| REGEN. SELF GAS | Lights while regenerated pure gas is being used. HLS: REGEN. H2 GAS Lights while regenerated 12 gas is being used. (1) Display lamps IHL4 | EMERGENCY STOP Lights when emergency stop is switched ON or external input_OW, HL16 | (SPARE LAKP) Not use. HL17 | PURIFIER A TEMP. H ALARM | Lights when high temperature alarm ocours in the A line heater. HL18 | PURIFIER B TEMP. H ALARM | Lights when low temperature alarm occurs during the A line heating process. HL19 | PURIFIER A TEMP. L ALARM | Lights when high temperature alarm occurs in the B line heater. HL20 | PURIFIER B TEMP. L ALARM | Lights when low temperature alarm occurs during the B line heating process. lHL21_|_(SPARE_LANP) Not use, IHL22 | (SPARE LAMP) Not use. 'WL23_| (SPARE LAMP) Not usa. HL24_| (SPARE LANP) Not use. PWi__| PURIFYING TIME COUNTER | Counts purifying time (2) Switches \s80 ENERGENCY STOP A switch to stop the unit in emergency. When this is switched ON, the supply of pure gas is stopped and the heater power circuit breaker (OF1) trips. BL BUZZER Sounds if an elarm occurs. \sB1 START A switch to start the unit. [S83 STOP A switch to stop the unit. \sB4 ALARM RESET A switch to reset an alarm, Switch this ON after removing] the cause of alarm. SB5 BUZZER STOP A switch to stop the buzzer that sounds when an alarm occurs. \sB6 LAWP TEST A snitch to test lamp. Isat FAST FORWARD Used to shorten the process time. + MODE! : Turn on the switch, 1 minute is counted in 6 seconds. + MODE2 : At MODE1, push on the BUZZER STOP switch, 1 hour is counted in 6 seconds. 3 This is for maintenance and should not be operated during normal! operation. saz RETURN Returns the regeneration process to the initial stage. 3 Abai lable on the unit stop only. 3 This is for maintenance and should not be operated during normal operation. ISA LEAK TEST Keep specified valves open for leak test. + open valves : AVIA, 2A, 4A, 1B, 2B, 48, 5 «close valves : AVA, 38, 10 Abailable on the unit stop only. % This is for maintenance and should not be operated during normal operation ISA INTERLOCK CUT Causes the interlock operation to be ignored, % This is for maintenance and should not be operated during normal operation. [3] OPERATING PROCEDURE HH Preparation for Operation (1) Supply of Feed Gas Supply gas to the purifier under conditions specified in the specification. If the feed gas conditions are different from those specified in the specify cation, the purity of purified gas may be affected. @ Supply of Regeneration Hydrogen Gas Supply gas to the purifier under conditions specified in the specif ication. If the gas conditions are different from those specified in the specification, regeneration column may be dameged, (3) Supply of Instrument Gas Supply instrument gas at an adequate pressure (14, 3~42. 8PSIG) If the pressure and dew point (-40°C 0.P or below) are not adequated, the instrument solenoid valves and air-oeprated valves may be dameged or malfunction. (4 Turning ON The Power Turn on the main power breaker (CBO) , heater poner breaker (CB2, 3) and contro! power breaker (CBI, 4~8) 3-2. Operating Procedure (1) Starting Procedure Make sure that the purifier is ready for operation and there is no problem in the contro! panel and purifier. Then, start the operation as fol lous. ‘a. Push the START switch, ‘The START lamp and PURGE GAS lamp lihet and the supply of pure gas and the regeneration process start. b. Adjustment of flow rate of regenerated pure gas Regenerated pure gas is used 1 minite after the start of regeneration heating process until the cooling process ends and during the purging process. while the gas is being used, the REGEN. SELF GAS lamp lights. when the unit has been started and the REGEN. SELF GAS lenp has lit, adjust the flow rate of regenerated pure gas (FM2) with the needle valve (NVI) of regenereted gas line to 3. 7Nn/Hr Note : Do not adjust a needle valve that attached the flow meter (FH2) This needle valve must be full open. ©. Adjustment of flow rates of regenerated Hz gas Regenerated H2 gas is used 6 minutes after the start of regeneration heating process until 2 hours have passed, While the gas is being used, the REGEN. H: GAS lamp lights. When the REGEN. H2 GAS lamp has lit, adjust the flow rates of regenerated gases to 74NI/Hr at the mixing panel side. Now, all the preparations for starting the unit have been conpleted. Hereafter, periodically check and make sure that the flow rate of regenerated gas is at a proper level (2) Stopping Procedure Stop the operation as fol lows. Push the STOP switch, The STOP lamp lights and the PURE GAS and START lamp goes off. Then, the supply of pure gas and regeneration process stop and all air-valves are closed, Note : If the operation is stopped during regeneration heating process, the operation when restarted starts from the initial stage of regeneration heating process. Try not to stop the operation during regeneration heating process (when the REGEN, HEAT lamp is on) 4-3. To Stop The Unit for a Long Time When stopping the unit for a long time, take the following steps. (1) Turning Off The Power a. After making sure that the unit is at a stop, record the current status (purifying line, regeneration process and regeneration time) . b. Turn OFF the main power circuit breaker CBO. Then, the POWER lamp goes off. Note : The programs of the sequencer are protected by the EPP-ROM, however, data (such as current regeneration process and lines, time passed, etc. ) is protected by the capacitor backup. Therefore, when the unit is left at a stop (the poner to the temperature of 25°C) , data may be erased. (2) Restarting after @ Long Stop a. First, turn ON the main power breaker CBO, b. Check and make sure after @ long stop thet processes are maintained before CBO is ON. ©. When the status has been kept, begin the operation If SYSTEM ERROR alarm occurs, conduct the following operations. © Open the door of control panel and turn ON the power circuit breaker. @ Turn OFF the heater breaker (82,3 and shut off the instrument gas. © Turn ON the INTERLOCK CUT switch. @ Push ON the START switch and turn on the FAST FORWARD switch, Wake time fast forwarding and meet regeneration processes (REGEN. HEAT, REGEN. COOL, WAIT) and time for the processes with FAST FORWARD switch, What has to be done at this stop is only to meet regenerating process and Setting of purifying time for each purifying cylinder is not necessary. When the equipment is stopped during REGEN. HEAT, start from initial regenerative process (REGEN. HEAT) of corresponding | ine. (Operation in iten-@ is not necessary) © When the above mentioned procedures has been compleated, push ON the STOP switch, and turn OFF the INTERLOCK CUT switch and FAST FORWARD switoh © Turn ON the heater breaker CB2,3 and supply insturument gas at an adequate panael @ Turn ON the main power breaker CBO. @® Push ON the START switch and PURE GAS lamp lights. Pure gas supply and regeneration process start. 3-4. Actions at Power Failure Actions during power failure and resetting actions are all carried out auto- matical ly. (1) Actions during Power Failure The status of the purifying valves is maintained by the instrument solenoid valves. As long as instrument gas is supplied at a specified pressure, the supply of pure gas is continued, Note : If supply of pure continues for long hours under this condition, the puri- fying capacity of the unit will be exceeded to result in degradation of the purity of pure ges. If @ power failure is ilely to be lengthy, stop using pure gas. However, this operation is not required if gas is to be kept supplied regardless of degradation of the purity of pure gas. (2) Resetting Actions If the process in regeneration is in heating process (REGEN. HEAT lamp is ON) when @ power failure occurs, regeneration is insufficient. Therefore, the sequence controller re-executes heating process in the initial stage of regeneration when the power is returned. If the process in regeneration has been completed heating process but regeneration in cobling process (REGEN. COOL lanp is ON) , waiting process (WAIT lanp is ON) , or preparation procass (PURGE lamp is ON) is under way. The operation is restarted when the power is returned from the status before the power failure. (3) Precautions at Power failure If @ power failure occurs often within a short period of time, turn OFF the main pover circuit breaker C80 to protect the unit. When the power is recovered, turn ON CBO to restart the operation. [4] PRECAUTIONS 41, Safety This unit uses hydrogen gas. Consequentyly, be careful of fire and, particularly, take full care to ensure that connections should never be leaked and that residual air (oxygen) should not be contained. Gas mixture between hydrogen and air (oxygen) within the range of explosion is safe if it is in the room renperature, Nevertheless, if there is source of fire such as electric sparks, it may react explosively by discharging a large quantity of reactive heat. (Please refer to item 4.5) 4-2, Cautions on Handling Purifying cylinder of this unit is fully filled with high performance deoxidation catalyst in reductive condition (very high activity in low temperature) Therefore, if air (oxygen) is mixed in the cylinder, discharged reactive heat rises temperature in the cylinder abnormally high so as possibly to reach the hazardous level. So, do not adsolutely let air mix inside the piping system during operation and at the stop of operation as well. 4-3. Cautions during Operation (1) Be sure to flow the regeneration gas at specified flow rate during operation. (2) Never touch the switches for maintenance provided in the control pane! during operation, 13 4-4, Actions in Emergency If ges is found to be leaking in the unit, immediately stop the unit and repair the leaking part. If any serious trouble that effects the operation occurs, immediately stop the unit. 4-5. Chemical Property of Hazardous Material : Hydrogen (H2) Molecular Weight 22 Specific Gravity of Gas (Air = 1) :0.0695%1/14 Ignition Point 2 560°C. Range of Explosion :4~75, Bvol% Cin Air) “Colorless, odorless, and far lighter than air lightest in all types of gases) + Highest diffusion speed (to leak easily through pore and thin film, and diffuse easily in a room, etc., after leaking) + Burns in air with pale flame, * If flane or spark contacts to the mixed gas of hydrogen and oxygen, it heats explosively and combines. 2H2 + 02 = 2H20 +115. 6 kcal Mixed gas at the rate Hz: Qx=2: 1 explodes most intensely and this gas is called as detonating gas. Therefore, it is quite hazardous and requires full care to handle it. £5] TROUBLESHOOTING Refer to the troubleshooting tables. (1) If an alarm occurs, the buzzer sounds and the applicable alarm lamp flickers to indicate the occurrence of the alarm. When the BUZZER STOP switch is pushed, the buzzer stops and the alarm lam stops flickering and lights. Push the ALARM RESET switch after the cause of the alarm has been removed. Then, the alarm display and alarm are reset. (2) If an alarm such as cylinder temperature alarm and over-current that damages the unit performance and functions occurs, the unit is auto-matically stopped immediately or output from the place of alarm is turned OFF to protect the unit peripheral equipment. (3) If regeneration stops during heating process in regeneration, regeneration is considered insufficient and when is reset, the process is returned to the initial stage of heating process. | a strep an ase varmouen an roo} orang an soon 9b0 05:51 Beebe uSEEr es zees ke Mea 4) KG) ‘ Fusyoouesiqnos, y¥-HZ48-3001-dir A> .N€0 910 SEITE: @3 HINTAL“BUERU Hi | ACHI 49 BA Ys sea 10. ODF VUNG CLEGIR. 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Daily Inspection Daily inspection is conducted to check utilities required for the unit and running status of the unit. (1) Check of gas pressure a [Pure gas Check the pressure with the pure gas pressure geuge (P61) b [Instrument gas | Make sure that the pressure is at 71.5~100PSIG at the supply (2) Check of flow rate of ges a |Feed gas Check flow rate in use with the feed gas flow meter (Fil) during purification process. b |Regenerated Make sure that the flow rate is 3. 7Nn'/Hr on the regenerated self ges gas flow meter (FW2) when the REGEN. SELF GAS lamp is on. Adjust the flow rate with the needle valve (NVI) of regene~ rated self gas line. c [Regenerated Make sure that the flow rate is 74NI/Hr at the mixing panel lH2 gas side when the REGEN, Hz GAS lamp is on. Adjust the flow rate with the needle valve, (8) Check of cylinder temperature Make sure that the temperature is the preset temperature +10°C on the temperature controller (TIGA) at the regeneration line during heating process in regeneration, (The preset temperature is displayed on the temperature control ler) No. Control set Alarm-1 set point (SV) point (ALI) TIGA, TIA-TA, 2A, 3A, 250°C 60°C 18, 2B, 38 TICA, TIA~4A, 48 350°C (+) 60°C TIA-IA, 24, 3A, 130°C oc 18, 28, 3B TIAM4A, 4B 290°C oc (4) Check of display lamps With the lamp test switch, make sure that all display lamps light. 6-2. Periodical Inspection (1) To maintain the performance of the unit, it is recomended that general inspection be conducted twice a year. (2) Periodically check concentration of impurities and water content (dew point) in pure gas.

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