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Newspaper article title:The historic six-point movement and its

impact on the struggle for independence,written by Dr. M.

Waheeduzzaman Manik,The Daily Star,June 07, 2008
Link: ​

Chosen topic from the course outline:​Beginning of new struggle

The published news article represent about one the strongest movement taken by Father of the
Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.The Six Point Movement in East Pakistan, led by
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, was a Bengali nationalist movement that ultimately led to the liberation
of Bangladesh. The key purpose of the movement was to realize the six demands made by a
group of Bengali nationalist political parties in 1966, to put an end to the ongoing oppression of
East Pakistan by the rulers of Western Pakistan.

The article strongly conveyed the message that the Six Points were generally known as the
"Charter of Independence" for Bengalis and their enforcement in June 1966 was a turning point
in Bangladesh's struggle for freedom from Pakistani colonial rule.The political establishment in
East Bengal played a big part in the Taking East Pakistan apart. What brought them was
economic oppression a broad chance to gain public support.They were aware of these different
geographical and cultural characteristics, and they have lost no chance to project the differences
in the two sides.They mentioned the 'separateness' points of in their services to the Constituent
Assembly and the Regional Councils.The six-point demand had proposed that every region in
Pakistan be granted autonomy. However, Pakistan's other political parties have neither supported
this proposal nor expressed interest in holding a conversation on the issue. Then Bangabandhu
returned to Dhaka, and the six-point demand was forwarded to the Awami League working

To sum up, after 9 months of deathly war, Bengali people achieved the final victory. They
have got the status as a nation in the world, specifically named Bangladesh. Without the struggle
of the nation’s people, it was very much impossible to gain the status of independence. To end it,
a great writer once told that “ freedom cannot be bestowed- it must be achieved.”

Reference : ​Manik, M., 2020. The Historic Six-Point Movement And Its Impact On The
Struggle For Independence. [online] The Daily Star. Available at:

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