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Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2001) 17:819–824

 2001 Springer-Verlag London Limited

Efficiency Measures of Process Plans for Machined Parts

G. A. Britton, G. Thimm, S. C. Fok and F. Jiang
School of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798

This paper presents an overview of the authors’ rooted tree The first two aims provide the foundation for the last one.
technique for process planning. The overview provides the The paper concludes by discussing the usefulness of the
foundation for the main part of the paper, which explains how efficiency measures.
the rooted tree can be used to develop efficiency measures of
process plans. The efficiency measures are determined by
comparing an actual tree and its subgraphs with an “ideal” 2. Overview of the Rooted (Datum
tree. The “ideal tree” is one that minimises the number of
Hierarchy) Tree Technique
manufacturing operations. The paper proves that the “ideal
tree” is a directed design dimension graph plus one operation.
The rooted tree technique is based on, and augments, the
Three measures of efficiency are presented: finishing efficiency,
traditional tolerance chart. An example of a traditional tolerance
pre-forming efficiency, and overall efficiency. The practical
chart is shown in Fig. 1. The chart shows a sketch of the
value of the efficiency measures is demonstrated by presenting
finished dimensions of a part. Vertical lines (shown dashed in
measures of plans for four industrial parts. It is also argued
Fig. 1) are drawn from points, lines or surfaces of the part
that the efficiency measures provide a quantitative assessment
sketch. The lines can be numbered from left to right as shown,
of process plans that can be used to improve them and
although this is not normally done for manual charting. Britton
manufacturing technology.
and Whybrew [2, 3] developed the line numbering technique
and reference coordinate system (bottom lefthand corner of the
Keywords: Ideal tree; Machining; Process planning; Rooted
part sketch/model) as part of the rooted tree technique.
The vertical lines are used as guides for the design dimen-
sions and the process plan. A line may represent more than
one surface. For example, line number 3 has three arrowheads
1. Introduction attached to it, which indicates that it represents three different
surfaces. The surfaces represented by each line form a stock
The rooted tree technique for process planning, developed by removal set (referred to as a “cut set” in our previous
Whybrew and Britton [1–4], has proved its usefulness in publications). Each consecutive pair of surfaces in a stock
industry. Ngoi and Ong [5] have used our technique extensively removal set is related through the stock removal, i.e. the
in their work. Unfortunately, our work has been incorrectly difference in position between two consecutive surfaces is the
criticised and some researchers are using several graphs for stock removal allowance for the second surface in the pair.
planning (e.g. Ji [6] uses three trees) when this is not necessary Design dimensions are entered at the bottom of the chart.
because the rooted tree contains all the information in one The process plan is shown as an ordered sequence of operations
graph. from top to bottom, drawn above the design dimensions. An
The purpose of this paper is: arrow represents each operation. The tail of the arrow indicates
the datum surface for the operation and the head indicates the
1. To explain our technique. machined surface. The columns are used to enter process
2. To present some special properties of the rooted trees. planning data and the results of calculations.
3. To show how to measure the efficiency of process plans Three types of calculation are performed using the toler-
using rooted trees. ance chart:
1. Calculation of tolerance stackups on design dimensions.
These calculations ensure the machining tolerance stackups
Correspondence and offprint requests to: Associate Professor Graeme
Britton, School of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Nanyang do not exceed the design specifications. This is a design
Technological University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798. feasibility check. The nominal values of the final dimensions
E-mail: mgabritton얀 and their tolerance stackups are entered as resultant dimen-
820 G. A. Britton et al.

Fig. 1. Traditional tolerance chart [4].

sions at the bottom righthand side of the chart. (Note: a 3. The chaining technique for identifying operations contribu-
tolerance stack is a set of operations that contribute to the ting to tolerance stackups is tedious and error-prone.
tolerance of a dimension, in this case a design dimension;
The rooted tree technique overcomes these problems. A key
a tolerance stackup is the sum of the tolerances of the
feature of the technique is our surface representation scheme.
operations in a tolerance stack).
Each individual surface is uniquely identified with a label
2. Calculation of tolerance stackups on stock removal allow- consisting of four digits, e.g. 0103. The first two digits indicate
ances. These calculations ensure that the machining toler- the stock removal set to which the surface belongs. These
ance stackups between consecutive pairs of surfaces in stock numbers are used to label the vertical lines on the tolerance
removal sets do not exceed the stock removal allowances. chart. The label “0103” indicates the first stock removal set.
This is a machining feasibility check. The tolerance stackups The second pair of digits indicates the number of cuts made
are entered on the chart (far righthand column) adjacent to from the original surface. “01” indicates that it is the first cut,
the stock removal allowances, so that the two values can “02” the second, and so on. The label “0103” indicates the third
be compared. cut. The first datum surface in a process plan is individuated by
3. Calculation of working dimensions. The working dimensions setting the last two digits to 00 (this is the tree root). (Note
are intermediate dimensions to be obtained by the machining that in our original work we used a two digit code for labels
processes in the process sequence. They are entered in the [1], e.g. A1, B2, etc.).
third column from the left in our example. The labelling scheme is essential to the rest of our technique
A tolerance chaining technique developed by Wade [7, 8] is because it allows us to construct an acyclic, directed, datum
normally used to identify the operations contributing to toler- hierarchy graph, i.e. a rooted tree (Fig. 2). The tree consists
ance stackups (steps 1 and 2 above). The working dimensions
are normally calculated by working backwards from the design
dimensions and adding or subtracting the stock removal allow-
ances as appropriate.
The major disadvantages of the tolerance chart are:
1. Individual machined surfaces are not clearly indicated (one
vertical line can represent more than one surface).
2. The datum sequence is not obvious. Fig. 2. Rooted tree for chart shown in Fig. 1 [4].
Efficiency Measures of Process Plans 821

of nodes that are datum and/or finished surfaces. The edges form the main part of this paper. For further details about our
represent machining operations. The node at the tail of the technique can be found in [1–4].
arrow represents the datum surface for an operation and the
node at the head is the machined surface. In practice, arrows
are not shown; by convention the graph is read from top to 3. Subgraphs of Rooted Trees
bottom or left to right, indicating the direction of the arrows.
The distance between any two surfaces (nodes) on the tree It is possible to divide a rooted tree into two graphs: a
gives a dimension, either a working dimension or a design preforming subgraph and a finishing subgraph. The finishing
dimension. The sum of the tolerances of the operations (edges) subgraph contains all the operations (arcs in the tree) that
on the path between any two surfaces (nodes) gives the toler- contribute to the tolerance stackups of the design dimensions.
ance stackup on that dimension. If the nodes are finished In general, this subgraph contains fewer arcs and nodes than
surfaces, then the tolerance stackup is on a design dimension the full tree. The preforming subgraph is obtained by sub-
(resultant tolerance). Finished surfaces are easily identified; tracting the finishing subgraph from the full rooted tree. It
they are the last surfaces in the stock removal sets. If the contains the operations needed to convert an initial blank of
nodes are consecutive surfaces in a stock removal set then the material to the required shape for the finishing operations in
tolerance stackup is on stock removal. Both cases will now the finishing subgraph.
be illustrated. Subgraphs for the example are shown in Fig. 3. The top
Let us calculate the tolerance stackup on the first design graph is the preforming graph and the bottom one is the
dimension in Fig. 1, which is represented by lines 01 and 03. finishing subgraph. There are 9 preforming operations and 5
The last (final) surfaces in stock removal sets 01 and 03 are finishing operations. Figure 4 shows a rooted tree for an indus-
0102 and 0303, respectively. The path between these nodes is trial, rotational part (part A). Figures 5 and 6 show the
0102–0503–0303, the stack contains operations 12 and 14 subgraphs for this tree. There are 11 preforming operations
(Fig. 1), and the stackup is 0.050 + 0025 = 0.075. This is and 22 finishing operations.
entered in the far righthand column for the resultant dimension.
Now consider stock removal set 05 and let us calculate the
tolerance stackup for the stock removal for surface 0503. The 4. Measures of Efficiency
pair of nodes is 0503 and 0502. The path between these nodes
is 0502–0101–0503, the stack contains operations 5 and 9, and The efficiency measures are based on the assumption that all
the stackup is 0.130 + 0.025 = 0.155. This number is entered finished surfaces of the part must be machined. This assumption
at line 9 in the far righthand column (Fig. 1). excludes the use of net shape forming techniques to produce
Dimensions are obtained by first calculating the positions of some or all of the finished dimensions, without requiring
the surfaces in each stock removal set relative to a common further machining operations.
reference point, which is the bottom lefthand end of the part The criterion proposed for optimality is the “minimum num-
sketch/model. This is achieved by working backwards from ber of manufacturing operations”. That is, the criterion meas-
the last surfaces in each stock removal set and adding or ures technical efficiency which is the best a process planner
subtracting the stock removal allowances as appropriate. Work- can achieve given the available technology, personnel,
ing dimensions are calculated by taking the absolute difference machines, and tools. In terms of this criterion, the optimal
in positions between the relevant surfaces. process plan for machined, rotational parts is the design dimen-
There are two very important points to note from the dis- sion graph plus one additional operation.
cussion so far. First, all the surfaces defining the design The design dimension graph is the graph formed by mapping
dimensions and intermediate processing dimensions are con- the surfaces of design dimensions as nodes and the specified
tained in (are nodes of) the rooted tree. There is no need to
construct separate graphs to represent the design dimensions
and/or the stock removal sets, although some researchers do
this. All tolerance and dimension calculations can be executed
by traversing the tree.
Secondly, some researchers set the stock removal allowances
to the same values as the tolerance stackups on stock removal.
We have been criticised because we do not do this. The reason
why we do not is simple; it is wrong. The stock removal
allowance does not depend on the tolerance stackups. The
allowance for a surface is a function of the condition of the
previous surface in the stock removal set and the process
characteristics of the operation producing the surface. The
allowances are normally determined by experience or calculated
using standard formulae. Techniques that set allowances equal
to their stackups have no practical value.
Sufficient information about our technique has been provided
to enable the reader to understand the next two sections, which Fig. 3. Preforming and finishing sub-graphs for tree shown in Fig. 2.
822 G. A. Britton et al.

Fig. 4. Rooted tree for industrial Part A.

1. There is more than one edge between nodes.

2. It is cyclic.
In either case, it may be impossible to make the part.
The design dimension graph minimises the number of oper-
ations because each finished surface requires only one machin-
ing operation to make it. By choosing one node of the design
dimension graph as the parent node (tree root) of the others,
it is possible to convert the undirected graph into a directed
graph (rooted tree). The direction is from parent node to child
node (datum surface to cut surface). The resulting tree contains
machining operations for all surfaces except the first one, the
root. So one additional operation is needed to machine this
surface. One of the other nodes is chosen as the datum for
this operation and becomes the new root in the tree. Hence,
Fig. 5. Preforming subgraph for industrial Part A. the optimal tree is a directed design dimension graph plus one
additional operation.
distances between the surfaces as edges. It is always a connec- The concept is illustrated in Figs 7 and 8 for the example
ted, undirected, acyclic graph. The reasons for this are straight- part and industrial part A, respectively. Both parts are rotational
forward. If the graph is disconnected, it means the design is parts. For a rotational part, the ends of the part are normally
under-constrained, the design specification is incomplete. The used as starting points in process planning, thus two optimal
design is over-constrained if process plans are possible for one given design specification.

Fig. 6. Finishing sub-graph for industrial Part A.

Efficiency Measures of Process Plans 823

This measure indicates the extent to which a process planner

can minimise the number of finishing operations. Note that
the “number of edges + 1” in the design dimension graph
equals the number of nodes (finished surfaces). Hence, it is
not necessary to draw the dimension graph in order to
perform this calculation. The number can be obtained by
counting the number of design dimensions and adding one
to the total.
2. Preforming efficiency (PE)
PE = Number of edges in finishing sub-graph (2)
+ 1/Number of edges in full rooted tree
Fig. 7. Design dimension graph and optimal trees for example.
The actual finishing subgraph is usually smaller than the
full rooted tree. This means that preforming operations are
required to shape the starting blank for the finishing oper-
ations. Thus, this measure is a measure of inefficiency
arising from a process planner’s choice of shape for the
starting blank. Ideally, the material should be preformed to
the exact shape needed to complete the finishing operations
in the finishing subgraph. In practice, the cost of doing this
may be too high and so a process planner may choose a
simpler blank shape, e.g. bar stock, and then machine this
to the required shape. The PE is equal to one if there are
no preform operations and less than one if there are.
It is now possible to combine the two measures to obtain
an overall measure of efficiency for a process plan.
3. Overall Efficiency (OE)
OE = Number of edges in design dimension graph (3)
+ 1/Number of edges in full rooted tree = FE × PE

The overall efficiency of a process plan is a combination

of the finishing efficiency and the preforming efficiency. In
the ideal case, the starting blank would be shaped so that
it requires only one finishing operation for each surface,
and, thus, the minimum number of operations to make the
part. It also gives a minimum total tolerance stackup on
the design dimensions.
The efficiency values for our example part and four industrial
parts are shown in Table 1. Part A in the table is the industrial
part referred to previously (Figs 4–6 and 8). Not surprisingly,
Fig. 8. Design dimension graph and optimal trees for industrial Part A.
all parts have high FE values. A major aim of tolerance
charting is to ensure that the process sequence meets the design
tolerances and this means that planners try to minimise the
The top graph in each figure is the design dimension graph resultant tolerances. There is more variation in the PE. Again
and the lower two graphs are the possible optimal trees. The this is not surprising. The parts are rotational parts machined
dashed lines indicate the additional operation. The nodes in from bar stock. The different PE values reflect the different
the design dimension graph have two digit labels because the shapes of the finished parts. The OE values vary the most
number of cuts is not defined. owing to the compounding effect of the FE and PE values.
The optimal tree may be optimal but, in general, it will not The OE value is the main measure for process plans. In
be feasible. In practice, a real process tree will contain more practice, a minimum OE threshold value can be set. Plans with
operations (edges) and nodes than the optimal one. By compar- OE values below this threshold are either not accepted or
ing a real tree with the optimal one it is possible to develop become candidates for improvement. For example, if the thres-
three measures of efficiency. These are defined below. hold value is 0.50 then one industrial part (part C) fails to
meet this value and becomes a candidate for improvement or
1. Finishing Efficiency (FE)
rejection. Once a plan has been selected as a candidate for
FE = Number of edges in design dimension graph (1) improvement, the other efficiency measures can be used to
+ 1/Number of edges in finishing subgraph + 1 indicate where improvement should best be carried out.
824 G. A. Britton et al.

Table 1. Efficiency measures of process plans for rotational parts. 6. Conclusion

Number of Number of Number of FE PE OE
edges in edges in full edges in This paper has shown the “power” of using the rooted tree
finishing rooted tree design technique for process planning. The rooted tree and its two
subgraph dimension subgraphs can be used to measure the efficiency of a process
graph plan by comparing them with an ideal tree. The ideal tree is
a directed design dimension graph plus one operation.
Example 4 14 4 1.00 0.36 0.36 The efficiency measures are based on the assumption that
Part A 22 33 17 0.78 0.70 0.55
Part B 28 44 24 0.86 0.66 0.57 surfaces specified by design dimensions must be machined.
Part C 18 31 14 0.79 0.61 0.48 Three measures were presented:
Part D 32 36 24 0.76 0.92 0.69
1. Finishing efficiency, which measures the efficiency in plan-
ning of finishing operations.
2. Preforming efficiency, which measures the efficiency in
selecting the appropriate shape of blank for the process
Finally, note that the efficiency measures can be extended
3. Overall efficiency, which measures the efficiency of the
to prismatic parts. Normally, three tolerance charts are
complete plan.
developed for prismatic parts, with each chart being inde-
pendent of the others. In this case, there will be three optimal The practical value of the efficiency measures was demon-
trees (one for each direction) and the measures of efficiency strated by presenting measures of process plans for four indus-
can be obtained by summing over the three trees, instead of trial parts. It is also argued that the efficiency measures provide
one tree. a quantitative assessment of process plans that can be used to
improve them and manufacturing technology.

5. Practical Application References

1. K. Whybrew, G. A. Britton, D. F. Robinson and Y. Sermsuti-

The optimal tree is an ideal process plan that process planners Anuwat, “A graph theoretic approach to tolerance charting”, Inter-
can aim for. The measures of efficiency reflect the “inef- national Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 5,
pp. 175–183, 1990.
ficiencies” induced by limitations in technology, people, and
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improvement and attempts can be made to replan the process Techniques, John Wiley, pp. 461–489, 1997.
sequences to improve the efficiencies. This short-term approach 4. K. Whybrew and G. A. Britton, “Tolerance analysis in manufactur-
accepts the limitations imposed by technology and simply ing and tolerance charting”, in Hong-Chao Zhang (ed.), Advanced
Tolerancing Techniques, John Wiley, pp. 13–41, 1997.
aims to develop the best plans within the existing constraints. 5. B. K. A. Ngoi and C. T. Ong, “A complete tolerance charting
Secondly, in the longer term, the efficiency measures can be system”, International Journal of Production Research, 31(2),
used as a guide to develop technology and to measure progress pp. 453–469, 1993.
as manufacturing constraints are overcome. 6. P. Ji, “A tree approach for tolerance charting”, International
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In short, the optimal tree for process planning is similar to 7. O. R. Wade, Tolerance Control in Design and Manufacturing,
the ideal Carnot cycle for thermodynamics. Both ideals act as Industrial Press, New York, 1967.
“targets” to be approached asymptotically, by developing and 8. O. R. Wade, “Tolerance control”, in T. J. Drozda & C. Wicks
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