Natal Chart Report جدول الطوالع

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Natal Chart Report

What follows is your personal natal

chart information, as well as
interpretations of the positions and
aspects in your chart.

With this report, you'll find out the

positions of the planets in your natal
chart by sign. The most personal of
these are the Sun sign, Moon sign,
Mercury sign, Venus sign, and Mars
sign. Most people already know their
Sun sign. If your time of birth is
known, you will also find out your
Ascendant, or rising sign, as well as
the positions of the planets in the
houses of your chart. Aspects
between the planets are also listed
and interpreted.

If the birth time is unknown, we

cannot know the Ascendant or house
positions. The natal chart shown here
is an Aries chart in that case.
Additionally, you may not know the
Moon sign for certain. This is because
the Moon changes signs
approximately every 2-1/2 days. Less
probable but still possible is a change
of signs for the other planets and
luminaries, depending on the planet
itself (for example, the Sun changes
signs every 30 days or so).

Each paragraph of interpretation

refers to an individual position in your
chart. All of these positions and
aspects are some of the "parts" that
make up a "whole"--you! Some of
these interpretations will be
contradictory, just as people are
contradictory. A person can be timid
in love and aggressive in business,
for example. As well, we evolve and
grow throughout our lives, facing
challenges that help us to handle our
positions and aspects in a different
way. We all have choices, and one of
the major benefits of astrology is the
chance to understand ourselves so
that we can work with our natal
charts and improve ourselves. Any
computerized report that interprets
the individual placements in a natal
chart is somewhat disjointed, simply
because the different parts that make
up the whole are not synthesized.

Some of the interpretations are more

detailed than others. You can use this
as a starting point and do some
further reading about different
positions (such as Moon in Libra,
Saturn in the 10th house, Moon
conjunct Mercury) in your chart by
exploring our own site, other
astrology sites, and by reading
astrology books.

The tables show the technical details

of your natal chart, personalized
based on your birth data. Below the
tables, you'll find your free birth chart

Jaffer Pronoun He
Kuwait, Kuwait 11/10/1979 00:10

Planet Positions,
Ascendant, & Houses

The following table shows the position

of the planets in your chart, by sign
and degree. You will also find the sign
of your Ascendant and the signs on
the cusp of each house in your natal
chart only if the birth time is known.
The Roman Numerals refer to the
houses, where the Ascendant is also
the first house and the Midheaven is
also the tenth house. For example, if
the sign Taurus is next to Mars, you
know your Mars is in Taurus. If the
sign Libra is next to Venus, you know
your Venus is in Libra. If Cancer is
next to Ascendant, you have a Cancer
Ascendant, and if Leo is next to II,
Leo is on your 2nd house.


Zodiac : Tropical

Sun Scorpio 16°52'

Moon Cancer 26°52'

Mercury Sagittarius 5°48' R

Venus Sagittarius 6°43'

Mars Leo 25°18'

Jupiter Virgo 6°59'

Saturn Virgo 24°09'

Uranus Scorpio 21°02'

Neptune Sagittarius 19°02'

Pluto Libra 20°14'

Lilith Virgo 13°41'

N Node Virgo 5°28'


I ASC Leo 28°14'

II Virgo 23°52'

III Libra 23°27'

IV Scorpio 25°46'

V Sagittarius 28°19'

VI Capricorn 29°20'

VII Aquarius 28°14'

VIII Pisces 23°52'

IX Aries 23°27'

X MC Taurus 25°46'

XI Gemini 28°19'

XII Cancer 29°20'

Sun in III

Moon in XI

Mercury in IV

Venus in IV

Mars in XII

Jupiter in I ASC

Saturn in II

Uranus in III

Neptune in IV

Pluto in II

Lilith in I ASC

N Node in I ASC

masculine 5 fire 4

feminine 5 earth 2

cardinal 2 air 1

fixed 3 water 3

mutable 5


The following table shows the

planetary aspects in your natal chart.
Interpretations of these factors are
found below. The numbers listed
under the column "Value" serve as a
relative rating system for each aspect
and are determined based on the
planets involved, the aspect type, and
the orb of influence. Negative values
suggest more stressful or challenging
influences while positive numbers
show more flowing, easy energy.

This is a wide table that may require

you to scroll right on smaller screens.

See also your full natal chart wheel

graphic depicted below the report.

Planet Aspect Planet

Sun Conjunction Uranus

Sun Sextile Lilith

Sun Opposition X MC

Moon Sextile Saturn

Moon Trine Uranus

Moon Sextile X MC

Mercury Conjunction Venus

Mercury Square Jupiter

Mercury Square N Node

Venus Square Jupiter

Venus Square N Node

Mars Square Uranus

Mars Trine Neptune

Mars Conjunction I ASC

Mars Square X MC

Jupiter Conjunction Lilith

Jupiter Conjunction N Node

Jupiter Conjunction I ASC

Saturn Sextile Uranus

Saturn Square Neptune

Saturn Trine X MC

Uranus Opposition X MC

Neptune Sextile Pluto

Neptune Square Lilith

Lilith Conjunction N Node


Part of Fortune & South


The following table shows the

positions of the Part of Fortune
(using the classic formula) and the
South Node of the Moon (the True

Fortune Sagittarius 18°14'

Pisces 5°28'

Natal Chart Report


This birth chart report shows the

positions of the planets for Jaffer.

The Sun

The Sun represents vitality, a sense

of individuality, and outward-shining
creative energy.

The Sun is in Scorpio

Scorpios are known for their intensity.

They are determined folk that
absolutely throw themselves into
whatever they do -- but getting them
to commit to something is rarely an
easy task. In fact, it's better not to
even try to "get them" to do
anything. Solar Scorpios absolutely
have their own mind. And, their
primary motivation is unlikely to be
prestige (like their Capricorn friends),
or even authority (Leos can have
that, too)--it's real power. Their
power can absolutely be of the
"behind the scenes" variety, just as
long as they have it.

To others, Scorpios seem to have

plenty of willpower. They probably do.
Scorpios do know what they want,
and they won't go out and grab it at
the wrong moment. They simply sit
back, watch (quite expertly), and
then get it only when the moment is
just right. This apparent patience is
simply their powerful skills at strategy
at work. Scorpio isn't afraid of getting
their hands (their bodies, their
minds) dirty. The darker side of life
intrigues them, and they're always
ready to investigate.

Scorpios simply never give up. They

have tremendous staying power.
They're not in the slightest
intimidated by anybody or anything.
Confrontations are not a problem. In
fact, talk to any Scorpio about their
lives, and you'll probably be in awe at
all they've gone through. Trauma
seems to follow them wherever they
go. When Scorpio learns optimism,
instead of expecting the worst, they'll
find that they possess amazing
regenerative powers -- the power to
heal, create, and transform.

Short description:

Physical energy and courage. Strong

passions. Regeneration and
improvement. Strong sexual powers.

Potential issues: He is suspicious,

defiant, extremist; he is sometimes

Scorpio with ascendant Leo

Sun in III: The Sun is in the

third house

You need activity and a change of

scenery often, or you feel restless.
You take pride in your mental agility
and your friendships. You are able to
adapt quite easily to whatever
environment you're in. There is a
strong need to communicate your
knowledge to others and to learn.
Your curiosity is endless. Take pride in
your intellectual or communicative
abilities without feeling the need to
lord it over others or to always be "in
the know". You have a solid grasp of
facts. You have a strong influence on
your peers.

304 Conjunction between the Sun

and Uranus

It is natural for you to question

tradition. You are, above all things,
an individualist. You naturally rebel
against that which is established. It
doesn't mean that you consistently
break all the rules, but you definitely
do question some of the rules,
especially those that simply don't
make much sense. You possess a
huge distaste for routine. You work
best when you have some say as to
when and how you get things done.
You possess much self-integrity. You
avoid labeling people and are most
offended when others attempt to
label or stereotype you.

You easily embrace new ways of

doing things, you stick up for the
underdog, and you express yourself
in unique and inspiring ways. You
don't have to try to stand out as
unique--you are original, creative,
and progressive without trying. You
are far from pretentious. You value
honesty and truth, and you avoid
putting on airs. You believe in the
equality of people, and easily relate
to people from all walks of life. You
possess an unmistakable enthusiasm
about life, and generally your life is
interesting because you invite
unusual or adventurous experiences
into your life. You are generally
appreciated by others because you
are open-minded, fair, and not
judgmental. Nothing really seems to
faze you! You take things in stride,
and are rarely shocked or taken
aback by human behavior.

73 Sextile between the Sun and Lilith

You are mostly comfortable with the

darker side of your nature. A student
of human nature.

-2 Opposition between the Sun and


He struggles with finding a career

that suits the personality. He may not
face up to problems and his plans are
often difficult or even impossible for
him to realize.

The Moon

The Moon represents the emotional

responses, unconscious pre-
destination, and the self-image. The
Moon represents the emotions, and
the Moon sign shows how a person
expresses themselves when at home,
at ease, and comfortable.

The Moon is in Cancer

This is the most subjective position of

the Moon. The Moon is "at home" in
the sign of Cancer, as the Moon is the
natural ruler of the sign. Moon in
Cancer natives have a large potential
to be able to get in touch with the
feelings and moods of others. Often,
they are quite wrapped up in
themselves. Their memories of the
past are outstanding, especially for all
things emotional. Moon in Cancer
people are never detached--they cling
to things, their home, and people
they care for. They seek out security
and familiarity in all they do. They
look for peace and quiet. Their
attachment to all that is safe means
they are a little leery of change.
These peace-loving souls dislike
superficiality in all of its forms. They
are devoted and accommodating. The
insecure ones accumulate things in
an attempt to feel secure.

Because of their strong attachment

to, and memory of, the past, others
may complain that Moon in Cancer
natives tend to whip a dead horse.
They may dwell on hurts long after
everyone else has moved on. When
they feel they have been taken for
granted (which may be often!), they
don't always confront others directly.
This is when they can use roundabout
ways to get your attention. In fact,
these natives, when they are
insecure, can become quite
manipulative. They can also be
victims of habit. These people can
have a hard time compartmentalizing
their lives, simply because their
watery Moon tends to know no
boundaries. Sometimes, as a result,
they may act irrationally.

One of the most delightful

characteristics of Moon in Cancer
people is their loony sense of humor.
These people can be extraordinarily
funny. Their moodiness can baffle
others, but their unique outlook on
life is something most people can
appreciate. When treated with
tenderness and understanding, Moon
in Cancer natives return the favor
with warmth and protection. Give
them security, and you'll take the
crabbiness out of the Crab, at least
for awhile. These people are
wonderfully dependable overall,
despite their occasional mood swings.
Make a friend of Moon in Cancer, and
you will be taken care of for life.

Short description:

He is likeable and sociable. Very

sensitive to environmental conditions
and surroundings. He likes home,
habits, comfort and his little world.
Very caring and protective of loved

Potential issues: subject to indolence,

inertia. He is impressionable and too
sensitive. Family problems.

Moon in XI: The Moon is in the

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