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Narberth, Pa., February 20, 1931 Price, Five Cents
Volume 17, No. 20

Col. Wm. Tidball to I Speaks Here Monday \Farce to Be Presented D. A. R. Members

• by Community Club
Speak at Legion Hear Fine Flag Talk
"The Whole Town's Talking," a I
three-act farce, by Nathaniel Reed, Mrs. P. Y. Schelly Interests Dr.
Scouts and Bala.Cynwyd Post,
• adapted bv John Emerson and Anita B"
enJamm us
R h Ch t
ap er
Veterans of Foreign Wars, Loos, wili be presented by the Dra-
to Be Guests. matic Committee of the Woman's Com- Listeners.
munity Club of Narberth on Friday
evening, },Iarch 13, at 8.15 o'clock at
Elm Hall for the benefit of the club.
The play is under the direction of A notable company of the members
The Narberth Troop. Boy Scouts of Mrs. Henry Frye, Chairman of the of the Dr. Benjamin Rush Chapter. of
America, and the Bala-Cynwyd Post, Dramatic Committee, who will be N. S. D. A. R., gathered at the home
.. \'eterans of Foreign \Vars, will be the assisted by )of rs. Victor O. Krauskop.
L. Collier is in charge of the lights
of Mrs. Addie K. Hewitt, 116 Essex
Avenue, Narbt'rth. on Monday after-
guests of the Harold D. Speakman
and scenrry; \Y. Russell Green is in noon to hear Mrs. P. Y. Schelly,
Post at its meeting on Monday night. charge of finance and Mrs. Charles national presidents of the Dames of the
The speaker will he Colonel Volilliam Shaw of the publicity and tickets. Loyal Legion. talk on "Flags of
• Tidba'.I. P. S. A., retired, now con- America Since the Year 1000 A. D."
"\Vhy do we have flags at all?" asked
nccted with the University of Pennsyl- Mulieres Preparing for Mrs. Schelly in opening. "Flags sym-
vania, who will talk on "Interesting Mock Trial March 9th bolize. and therefore mean much to
incidents of the Civil War." The ad- those who carry them." The year 1000
Plans for the lIext meeting on March
dress will be illustrated. -u. of P. Photo. 9, when a mock trial will Ill' presented, A. D. took the lecturer back to Lief
Colonel Tidball, whose hobby is were discussed at the executive board Ericson, who is said to have planted
Civil Vvar history, is a \Vest Point session of the Mulieres, held Tuesday a white flag bearing a ravcn in the
U. S. A. retired, who will speak on "some
aspects of the Civil War" on Monday eve· morning at the home of the president, centl'r in X eW England about that
graduate, class of 1901. He was cou-
ning at a joint meeting of the Harold ~Jrs. Eberhardt Mueller. date.
nected with the Coast Artillery until Speakman [Jost of Narberth, the Narberth lIemberships in the Narberth Fire Coming down the centuries, she
1922 when he retired. He saw servin' Scout Troop and the Rala.Cynwyd Post,
Company, which the M ulieres arc spoke of the Spauish banner carried
Veterans of Foreign Wars.
in the Philippines for two years and soliciting, arc coming in slowly due to by Columbus. This flag had quarter-
from September, 1917. to May, 1919. -.------------- other (kmands beinJ.{ made at thr ings of the arms of Castile and Leon.
was with the A. E. F. in France in the Dance Is Tomorrow present time for charity. Elmwood Ave· Prior til the Rt,volutionary \Yar, the
flags of the thirteen colonies were all
artillery as a line officer. He was The attendance at the dance to be nul' has the distinction of being the first
connected with the first, second, fourth, and only street to date which has a different. Shc mcntioned the "Don't
given under the auspices of the Harold 100 per cent mrmhership in the Fire Trcad on ~(c" flag and the Rattle-
fifth and eightieth divisions and re-
ceived numerous letters of commenda- D. Speakman Post at the Legion Hall Company. snake ensign of the Continental Navy,
tion and citations for excellence in the in the COlnmlmity Building is limited as well as othrr interesting banners
performance of his duties. to fifty couples, so that it behooves No School Monday carried in various parts and by various
His Father was chief of ordinance those who wish to attend to get their commands.
The Xarberth Public Schools will be
of the Union army in the South during tickets promptly. The \lasteboards",e.1 Xext Pn~e
closed on February 23 in commemora- 011

the Civil War. may be had from Past Commander

tion of Washington's birthday. They
Arthur L. Cooke. An orchestra will
All who arc interested in hearing
supply the music and refreshments will
will be open for regular sessions on Red Cross Contributions
Colonel Tidball arc invited to be pres-
ent at the Legion room of the Com- be served.
from Borough Total ~ 714
munity Building, \Vindsor Avenue,
Narberth, at 9 P. M. Refreshments Prison Work Subject Third Period Honors Contributions totaling $714 have
Announced at School' berth
been ma(~e up to February 16. by Nar-
will be served,
of Council Address reSidents to the StarvatIOn Fund
of the ~1 ain Line Branch of the Ameri-
Cynwyd Scoutmaster Is Principal W. James Drennen can Hed Cross, it was announced by
Speaker at Rotary Mrs. Henry Jump Speaker at Gives List of Pupils
!\'!rs. Harry Jacobs. chairman for the
Meeting of L. M.·Narberth Borough, yesterday.
A discussion of Boy Scout "'ork fea- Ranking High. Seventy-six individual contributions
Republican Women. have been made up to Monday, fifty-
tured the meeting Tuesday of the Bala-
Cynwyd-Narberth Rotary Club. Frank Honors at the Narberth Public six of them through the l\Ierion Title
!\1 rs. Henry Jump, a member of the and Trust Company office and the
H. Seely, Jr., Scoutmaster of Cynwyd Schonl for till, third period were an-
Philadelphia County Board of Prison remainder direct to the 1\1 ain Line
Troop 2, was the speaker.
Inspectors and of the l'ennsyh'ania nounced yesterday by Principal \V. Branch of the Red Cross.
Mr. Seely told of the origin of the
Crime Commission, was thc speaker at Janll's Drennen as follows: The itemized report of contributions
movement in England, under the direc-
the 11I1Icheon-me~tinJ.{ of the Lower is as follows: One at $100, seven at
tion or'Sir Robert Baden-Powell, who First honors-~e\'cnth grade, \\'ayne
Merion-Narberth Council of Republi· $25, one at $23, two at $20, two at $15,
noticed the lack of outdoor knowledge Dean',;. Dwight ~Iackt-II, :\nita !'.lc-
can \Vomen at the Lodg~ Tea Room nineteen at $10, one at $8, one at $Ii,
on the part of soldiers. The movement Farland.
in Haverford on Monday. twenty-one at $5, three at $3. ten at
spread to this country in 1909 and has Sixth gnltk-John Krout, Bt'lty Lou
J.{rown until today well over a million For a nlllnbcr of years l\l rs. J limp $2 and one at $8.
was the only woman on the County Nold. At present the Red Corss is only
boys and older men arc identified with Fifth grade-Billy Aiken, Bctty
it. Board of Prison Inspectors. During $300 short of its quota in the annual
Brearly, Donald Dcaves, \Villiam Fur-
The speaker told of the requirements this time shc has used all her cncrgies roll call. Anyone caring to make a
ber, Roger Crahanl. Annl' Haggerty,
for the different classes, and of the toward thc bettcrment of conditions in contribution may still do so through
the Philadclphia County Prisons and Dick Hopkins.
"postgraduate" or merit badge honors. the banks.
Second honors-Seventh grade-
He stressed the need of more men to especially toward the securing of work
Eleanor Briner, Caroline Casey, Rob-
act as advisers and merit badge coun- for the woman inmates. It was not
an easy task, as Mrs. Jump formerly ert Collins, Emily Edgerton, Lois Enz, P. o. Closed Monday
cillors. Eunice Griswolti, John Lebo, Betty The Narherth Postoffice will be
Special emphasis was laid on the met with much opposition fro III the
Murray, Julia Poorman, Charlotte Van closed all day on \Vashington's birth-
growing need on the Main Line of a male members of the board, as most of
Dyke, Cyril Voight, Lawson Yow. day, which is celebrated this year on
spot in the woods where the boys may them were thoroughly imbued with the
Sixth grade-Drayton Benner, Har- Monday due to its falling on Sunday.
practice their crafts. The increase of idea that women criminals were "too
rison Bcrry, Richard Boileau, ~ elson There win be no delivery of mail or
building, with the destruction of the bad to receive anything better" than
Bucher, Jane Chillas, Norman Egolf, window service. The lobby will be
woods, is making it more and more thcy werc receiving at that time, which,
Julia Hess, Nancy MacKenzie, Sam open, however, giving boxholders a
necessary that some unrestricted spot according to Mrs. Jump, was simply
chance to get their late mail.
be found for camping and nature work. Continued on LaMt Page
Continued on Next Page
Febr~ar1 20, 19J1
Page fWd .... __...
_-_._ _-_.----------_.
.. .- .-_ .. _-- -- ---- _ _ _.---
.. ..
,---------- _._------_._.- Jump has had this corrected aud when
esting, indeed iI1uminating manner. \ Prison Work Subject a woman is discharged, she receives
D. A. R. Members In 1848 the·re .were twenty-nine Ii 0 £ COUnCI'1 Address
clothing and ten dollars in money. The
Board has been instrumental in secur-
Hear Fine Flag Talk Stat('s and twenty-nllle stars; at the end ing radio for one of the prisons, the
installation of a woman j>hysician and
eonthml',1 fro ... FlrMt 1'"1/:" oi the Civil \\'ar tl1l'rc were thirty-five eontlnn...1 from FlrMt PRKl' a Technician. The aim of the Board
The Cambridge or (;rancl Union Flag States and thirty-li\'e stars. and since deplorable. is to relieve the present overcrowded
was design cd in 1775 aiter a special Jnly 4. 1912. there ha,'e heen forty-eight In spite of opposition, )'lrs. Jump, conditions, provided better food and
remedy many other things.
pattern designed hy a committee of stars. I who was appointed by the late Judge
three, of. which nenjamin Franklin was .:\ new T • fla~ desi!{n suggested
. \~i1Iis
by \' (hd all Martin, she couldwas I1l
qUIet way andfor
Mrs. Jump, at the close of her speech,
displayed all kinds of articles made by
tIe c lalrman. As the union was com- \\ ayne \\ hIpple, of Germantown, was the inmates of the prisons, hoth men the women inmates, such as dolls, dogs
I I and cats. "Once in a while," said Mrs.
Jlosed of the Crosses of SI. George and discnssed. It would he the same as the! and women. Later on a new Board
St. Andrew. this flag was still British. , pn'sent flag except in the arrangement I' was appointed an~1 today tl~ere are six- .I ump, "a lifer is allowed to have a cat.
It was first unfurled on January 2.! oi the stars. The idea is to represent· teep won~en .servl1lg on pnson hoards,
fhere are always a number of cats

~7 . \\" . . . . . I \Vlth theIr aId much has heen accom- around a prison but never a dog, for
I (I, Bat .. ~]~lllIngA'ton s. H e:dqnarters he on~lIlal St.ates by the tlllrte~n stars plished in the correction of prison evils.
! I a clog wil1 never ha\'e anything to do
ncar oston. Ie IIWflnlll nrmy was 111 a clrcll' 01 star,; representlllg the I Heretofore, it has been thought that with a Ill'rson who has committed pre-
then hesieging Boston.
The Real Old Glory l )ntsidl' of this grand circle of stars gloomy,
States <.Iurin g the past hundred years. prison intl'riors should he <lar~ ~nd
meditated murder. Perhaps dogs kilO\\,
what is in the heart."
broods; with place food ofwhere hread aandcrmllnal
water. ;\1 rs. ).Iorris Green was the hostess
;lJow we come to the real Old (;lory, would be the I~ewcomers.. I Mrs. Jump and her colleagues have cor- and ).Irs. H, Tatnall BrO\yn, Jr., thc
which was made in Philadelphia under )'Ir~. Hugh (Jlel~n Mart~n, Regent of :ecte.d some of these. things, .as the
I president, was in the chair.
General \Vashington's supervision in the Chapter, preSided. 1 he delegates Imtenors are now pamted white aud The next meeting of the Council will
be March 19, at 8 o'clock at the Town-
the summer of 177(i. It was hv, and .• .alternate
.. delegates
, " appointed to the i better the cafetenafood. is system
served..IS Inemployed,
Hohnesburg.and ship Building in Ardmore. The speaker
Congress, which stipulated that the new :\.ltlOnal Congress of N. S. D. A. R., Iwork has been provided for the in at s will he Mrs. Mabelle Kirkbride, of Nor-
ag was to he "distinguished by thir- w IlIC · II WI'II 1Ie 1Ie II'
< m \\' '
.' ashlllgton on I In the earlier years, the matronsme.. were ristown, a representative in the State
flteen stripes, alternate red and white, April 20 to April 26, inclusive, are as I not all that might he desired, hut this, Legislature. Her topic will he "Pro'.)-
and "that the union was to he thirt(.en follows: Delegates: Mrs. Hugh Glenn I too, has been corrected and the matrons lems of Legislation."
, " '1 . j f 1 I arc of a bl'tter class today. On ).Iay 4, 1931. at 3 o'clock, the
stars. III willte I1l . a ,hlne, field
' repre'l".I artm, 1 ' ~egent 0 t le Chapter, . Mrs·1 A new Il . Iea w h'IC I1 t I1e Board
. . work-
IS Annual Elt'ctilll1 of the officers of the
sentmg a constell~tlOn. ThIS \Va.s the ;) 1I~ ~ash: alternate delegates, Mrs.! in~ upon is the idea of classifying til(' Lower ~leriol1-;lJarherth Council will
flag of the five-ponted star as deSigned L. C. 1 own, ).Ir,;. R. J. Dothanl, Mrs. II prisoners and Mrs. Jump hopes that tah' place at the Township Rui1(:ing.
hy Betsy Ross. JoSl'ph Aiken, ),lr5. Tristram Du this will occur in the nl'ar future.
There is a disJlute as tll whethl'r ).Iarais and Mrs, Joseph H. :Miller. Another. poin~ she stressed \~as the World Day of Prayer
. I~

tl' fl
' fi' I, fi
ag \\ as rst um er re at ort
The next ml'eting of the chapter will firearms. hIll which she hopes WIll pass
. the LegIslature. Mrs. .I ump said that if Today, Fehruary 20, i~ the day this
Stanwix, New York, in August of that he on ).Iarch 10 at the home of Mrs. the fingerprints of each person pur- )'l'ar which Christian \\'omen of thl'
,""orld have sct a~ide as the Day of
summre, or at the Coosh's Bridge Fred Hurd" on Chestnut A:enue. Mrs. chasing a weapon should he taken and
affair prrliminary to the Rattle of Dorothy I',\'ans Copp wlll he the I each person should also have a ,sponsor .(11 the women of 1\ arbcrth are cor-
Brandywine earlv, in September of the speaker I'
!1esCl'nt" and her topic will 1)(' ":-\ational\1 flor et llatlheweapons
purchase,became and hard these diallY itwited to attend a Communit\'
thatto Ifprocure
Pra):cr ~l'f\'ice in the Trinit)' Lutherail
same year. I ." i there would he less crime. Church this afternoon.
The flag that flew over Fort I i A Library has heen estahhsl1l'O at
~lcHenry in Baltimore Harhor during Offer Aid for Poor It~lC. prison~ wl.lich is a branch of the
the hon,hardment of that city hy the Contributions of clothing. 'food and II 11I1~d~lp!lIa I:lbr~ry and one day ~ach · d Shoe Repair
B .. I ' I \.\' f . :week a hbrarlan Is 5('nt to thl' prison
rltlS ~ In tIe .ar 0 ,1812 was dwelt other articles wi1l be accepted at Cot-I with selected reading matter for 'the U nlte Hat Cleaning
123 ~Rr"l'rth ,\.,·ennl'
upon III connection WIth the National ter's ),Iarket. Haverford Avenue, for inmates. .
:\nthem, "The Star Spangled Banner," tl1(' relief of unemploved. A barrel! Anotlll'r point ~I rs. .I ump stn'ssed SHOES SHINED
hv Frallcis Scott K
. The lecturer broey. I t I awaIts
. . . . .
donatlllllS. \\'Illch WIll be turned
II was that when :l man had finished . his.
I tcrm and was sent out he receIVed
ug ~ lcr l~arers over to the :\arberth committcl' for clothes and a small amount of money!
tll"'1l N ,\. :\1. tn II .'. M. nRII)',
ul=I)I,O:~,I~.::::.- n~-=--:,..::.L:----~·-----------·
, .. , !01l."I"", \I .\. ll. tn 1.30 1'. l'1.
do\\n to the CIVIl War 111 a most JIlter-__ __, _ . but a \\'oman, formerly, did

Bird Conservation Exhibit

Dry Cleaning
by the
Our display windows have been turned over to the
Woman's Community Club of Narberth for a bird ZORIC PROCESS
conservation exhibit which is attracting widespread
Various types of birds arc shown in their natural setting
together with various types of feeding stations and bird
Everyone should make a point of seeing this exhibit, espe'
cially the children who will find it very instructive.


Main Line Distributors, Jeddo,Highland Anth1"acite,

Overbrook to Villanova •
Phone Narberth 2430·2431


No Charge is Made for the Showing our Dry Cleaning System
Use of Funeral Parlors No odor in your garments. Men's SUits and Coats
most carefully pressed after cleaning. Ladies'
They are provided for the convenience Gowns beautifully finished by experts.
of those we serve, hut the accommodation Garments Stay Clean Longer When Dry Cleaned By the
does not in any way increase funeral cost. ZORIC PROCESS
Phone ARDMORE 175 or 3270


Exdusi....e Launderers and Dry Cleaners ..
------------ ----

February 20, 1931 OUR TOWN Page Three

• Narberth Juniors, History of P.-T. A. Subject First Church of Christ, Scientist

Sub-Juniors Feted of Monday Meeting Ardnlore. Pennsylvania
Announces a
~Irs. Howard )<lellor, of \Vest Ches- Free Lecture on Christian Science
Woman's Community Club Held ter, Yice president of the Pennsylvania
Council of Parents, was the spcaker at CHARLES E. JARVIS, C. S.
• Successful Bridge on the meeting of the Narberth Parent- of Los Angeles, California
Teacher Association on Monday Cyc- ~1t'n"I"I' "f th .. 11"'11'<1 "f L,·pturc;;hilJ of lh,· ~1"t11l'r l~hureh,
Tuesday. ning at the Narberth School. :\Irs. Thl' '·"iI·!"1. ellUl'C'h (If (·hri:-:l. HC"it."nti~t, ill Bo:-;tol1, :\la~~achu~(~ttH
• ~I dlor told of the founding and history 1" he <1 .. 1I\"',.,,rl In
of th,' Parent-Teacher Association THE CHURCH EDIFICE
• FUTURE C L U B PLANS movement, which celebrates its thirty- .\' heUN nlld I,h.,,· ...ul .\ \ ('nUt·,... .\ relnanrc'
fourth anniversary this year. Tuesday Evening, February 24, 1931
:\ vcry dclightful party was given :\ one-act play, depicting the history at eight·/i fteen o'clock
bv the Board of Dircctors and the and functions of the Parent-Teacher '1'111<: 1'1:111.1(.' 1" (;Onnl.-\l.I.\' I~\'I'I'I·:J)
various chairmcn of committecs of thc Association, written by Mrs. C. H.I , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
\Vonwn's Community Club of Nar- \Voohnington, president of the Kar-
• berth at thc homc of Mrs. Robert J. berth branch, was presented by the
iIl'ash last Thursday evening for the school children. The play ended with Sign of /h~
B~st Meats You Are Inyiled
memhers of the Junior and Sub-Junior a song with words written hv !I,ll's.
branches of the Club. There werc \Voolmington and set to the niusic of 10 Open a
sixty-three people IJrescnt. The gamc "The Lost Chord," Mrs. Postclle's
Charge Accoullt
of "Salamagundi" was cnjoyed by thc class danced a minuet prettily.
• gucsts and prizcs wcrc awarded to Employed and
both Juniors and Sub-Juniors. Valcn- Author to Speak at
tine decorations werc featured and Unemployed
daint\' refreshmcnts werc scrved. :\1rs, Presbyterian Church
v\'. C. Ncwman was the Chairman. alike will find Bradley prices moderate. Here's an
• all Tuesday afternoon the Club held ~I rs. (;race Livingston Hill, popular
a very successful bridgc ill Elm Hall. author, will be the speaker at the Nar-
opportunity to buy the best meats at low prices. All
Bradley cuts are reasonably priced-including these:
There were fifty-two presenl and berth Presbyterian Church on March
prizes were given to the playcr at each 8. Thc \:Voman's Bible Class will have Rib Roast of Beef (thick end), lb., 20c
table holding the highest score. All charge of the service.
unusual fealure was the communit' Shoulder of Lamb, lb., 18c; Rump of Veal, lb., 30c
:\-11'5. Hill has a unique place in the
• dessert of ice cream and cake served hearts of thousands as one from whom
before the bridge, as most of the mem- there has comc an immcasurablc
bers had several group luncheons at amount of inspiration an<l happincss.
their homes. The party was in chargc She has been intimately associated with
Rittenhouse 7070 CBradley
of Mrs. Y. R. Knaucr and :\1rs. L. v\'. Chantauqua, thus coming into contact

:\1 elchcr. with many notable people both in this
Deliveries Twice Daily,
City Line to Haverford
CJrlarket CO.
The I nternational Relations Com- countrv and abroad.
Illittee will mect at the home of :\1rs. She' has had an active part in the
Howard Strong, 29 Narbrook Park, Christian Endeavor movement since its
at 3 o'clock on :\10nclay afternoon. inception and has written stories for
:\liss Ellen Brinton will hc the the "Christian Endeavor World" for
• speaker at the meeting of the \:Vomcn's many years.
COlllmunity Club on Tuesday after- From the time she was sixteen she
noon which will bc hcld in Elm Hall has scarcely cver bcen without a Sun- '
at 2 :30 P. M. H cr topic will be day Schooi class, and today is teacher
":\Iexico," and will be iIIustratcd with of a group of youn~ peoplc in hcr
lantern slides. :\1rs. Edward Lamcy church school.
and Mrs. Frank Stifel will be at the H\'r snbject on :\f arch 8th will be
tca table. "Separated:'
On Thursday morning at 10:30
theer will bc a I11ccting of the Litera-
turc Class. Glimpses of Pennsylvania I
,. History and Scenic Beauty
Peace Program Planned
HIS week we approach
by Junior Club An unusual opportnnity will bc
affonlerl to learn l11uch of interest con-
cerning the early history of central and
T the 199th anniversar~
of the birthday of the
The next lIIc\~ting of the Junior W".;l,'rn Pennsylvania by alt,~n\ling the
COl11nlllnitv Clnb. to be held on Thurs- illustrated lecture in the ~arberth Father of our country-
day cveni.;g-, February 26, will Ill" at PH'shvtcrian Chl11'ch Thursdav eve-
Elm Hall with thc President, :\Irs. ning, . Fehruary 2(" at l' o'cl,)ck, by
Clifford D. l.oodwin, presiding. :\Irs. Colonel .1. L. :\Iinick, "f ;-';arhl'rth. GEORGE
H. 1. :\,fcColIIll'lI. count,· chairman,
will he a guest of honor, a~ wilt several
Thl' speaker has lived in the rcgion he
descrilll's, and has studied doseh' the
• of the foreign stullcnts enrolled at l'arly hislnry of this part of the State. In the rush and bustle of
Bryn :\lawr College. The mecting will which still show,; signs of the Indians
be devotec1 to a peace program, and once inhabitants of the rcgion. This our daily routine we should
the foreign students will attend in travelogue should appeal to all lovers not lose sight of the fact
their national garb._, each girl giving a of Penn's \Voorls. that the very ground on
• short talk appropriatc to the occasion.
Up to thc present it is certain that a which our homes arc built
slurlcnt from Holland and one frolll Men's Club of M. E. Church has been made everlast-
Ciermany will attend, and it is very
Ikely that practically e,'ery nation will to Entertain the Ladies ingly sacred by the wis-
. he rcpresented. The J uninr COlli-
I1Il111it\· Clubs of Bala-Cvll\V\'d and of
.-\rdlll~re ha"e also bCCI; invited, and
The ~Ien's Club of the Narberth
:\'1 ethodist Church will entertain the
lad:es and friends of the chltrch on
dom. the patriotism arul
the courage of this great
it is hoped that a large number from Thursday evening, February 26, at man.
th\· home cluh will bc present to w,'l- II o'clock.
come this fine array of important \Vhether YOU are a resident or a We of the Main Line may
guests. :\,Irs. Arthur Cooke and Miss stranger in the town, bring your wife well be proud of its man!!
• .\-!argaret Ken t will act as hostesses or husband or a friend and participate associations with tlte cam-
for the evening. in the entertainment of the cvening. paigns and history of
A fcature of the evcning will be the
distribution ·of "aluable utility gifts. Washington.
Mrs. Farmer Is Speaker This is not a gamc. of chance, but
come around and see how it is done,
• at Sub-Junior Meeting and get aerluaimed. Refreshmcnts and JUST AROUND THE CORNER
all. A. K. L.
:\1rs. C. Arlev Farmer was the ~--------....:~=~::==---------:~
speaker at the illecting of the Sub-
To Lecture on Bird Life
Junior Branch of the \Voman's Com-
munity Club of Narbe.rth on Monday
evening in Elm Hall. Mrs. Farmer's
A talk on "Our ~ative Birds" will
be given at the parish house of 51.
IIGiJa LUre; Lwgcst. -.d ..,ort comp/elt Banil",!! Insl/laI/D"
topic was "People." Miss Cecelia Link John's Church, Cynwyd, on Saturday --..~---
was the hostess. afternoon at 3 o'clock by Philip A. ·1\.RBnl'H ARDA\ORF. 8AI..A-<lYNW\'D
A card party for the benefit of the Livingston, local publisher. The affair
Sub-Juniors will be given in Elm Hall is sponsored by the \Vomen's Aux- ././
on February 28 at two o'clock. There iliary of the Church. ~f rs. D. A
will be prizes for each table, good cats.
There will be a small admission charge.
Canieron is chairman of the conllnittet:
in charge.
Reservations may be made with any of The talk, which wilt dcal with the
the club members. habits of local birds and mcthods 01
field study, will include all exhibit of
• We're crazy about Art-Art Cor,I,I)':
No, our art collection. (advt.)
refercncc works and colorcd plates 01
bird life. I

Page Four OUR TOWN February 20, 1931

In the Theater UURTOWN I Certain Opiniom

tI-Iay Fever' Presented by I A Co.ope",tiye Community News·Magatine, founded in 1914 by the Narberth
------- Of E, L, P,
M. L. Repertory Theatre i Ciyic Association, and published eyery Friday at Narberth, Po., by the I The editors of this news-magazine

--- I
LIVINGSTON PUBLISHING COMPANY I are never sure just what will go into
the paper from one week to the next,
"Hay Fcver," Noel Coward's highly I' PHILIP ATLEE'UVINGSTON, President and General Manager
amusing comedy, was thc third offer-
ing of the scason hy thc Main Line
THOMAS A. ELWOOD. AS50ciate Editor
This column was one of the details
they were not certain about. But given
paragraph, a few others ought to
Repertory Theatre at the \Voman's I
Club of Bala-Cynwyd on Tuesday Office-258 Haverford Avenue, Narberth I follow. * * *
night. . , .
DespIte a slow beglllmng and a ten- 'I
i e
' Ti ep llone- Nar bert,h 2545; I'f no answer, A r dmore 3100 I It is pleasing to note that the Demo-
crats are rowing over prohibition, as if
dcncv on the part of somc members of
the 'cast to forgetfulness, the acting I SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: ~2,OO PER YEAR IN ADVANCE I it mattered. Memhcrs of thc minority
impro\'ed as the play progrcssed and
affordcd considcrablc amuscmcnt to a
I Entered as second-class matter, October 13, 1914, at the Post Office at
Ijust couldn't stand the possible advent
lof prosperity for their party although
I . ,
goo< -sIzed au<hencc.
I Narberth, Pa" under the Act of March 3, 1879,
I I it looked for a while as if they would
keep quiet long enough to be danger.
Elizabeth Cunningham's interprcta-, . d I
tion of the theatrical mother of thc i I· ous 111 1932. Instea, t Ie way is being
Februar'l/ 20 1931 left clear for the Republicans to steer
English family which was always at! J , II the Ship of State until the seas calm
cross purposes, carricd off the comedy I - - - - I down a bit. Never lIIind what started
honors, }'[iss Cunningham also re-, TI Ed' , e l i the rough weather.
\'calcd a \'oice of freshness anel charm I Ie ttor s 0 umn I * * *
in /) lsong in ,the I~econd ac}: , f '\ _I lust what the horoug-h's rcsl10nsihilitv would he in rej'ccting- the 10W-,1 The fifty per cent. of the face value
~ tIer outstan< IIIg lllcmuers 0, ,IC : . .' • , • . loans on the vcterans bonu8, whIch
c~st were Robert Post as Slm':ll1, 'I cst hl<l on a pIece of hre, apparatus and awardll1g the contract to a hlghcr probably has been passed by the Sen-
RIchard - S Bushnell
-I ).[as, theAfatherd'l DaVId;
1-1 I'd I
JI (cr, WIlen t Ile spcclhcatlons
... ca II c<I or f werc'lu Ifill 1 e(II )v thc low 1'1 t· d "11' t d"
)J( der, a e an ,pOSSI I y. \e oe lis t'
A nn~ pec< as ,,) ra run e, ope I ., ••• • I looks hke a fatr compromIse 111 a
~ur1l11game as the flapper, Jacklc'l ,\laS a questIon whIch provoked conslderahle dISCUSSIon and argument at ticklish situation. It's rather difficult I
Sorel wa,s played by, Anne Forstall'l Council last we >k for the legislators to say a blunt "nay"
Sandy 1 yre!1 by RIchard M 7dary., . e... •_ r ." . i to the fonncr servicc mcn whcn they
Clara by MOIra I-Iannery, and Rlchartl ThIS was the sItuatIon: 1 he Narberth hre Company needs a ncw I are united on a proposal. At the samc
Grc,atham by Robe:t Ely, 3d. i
piece of apparatus to replace the old Autucar chcmical truck which is no time the full paymcnt plan didn't look
1 he play was dlrect~d by Robert longer satisfactor}' to the firemen, Bids wcre advertised for and received Illikc the best kind of econ~lIl1ics to a
Rowland Dcarden, 3d. 1 he stage man- f f D I. .,1 I \ C . lot of folks who know theIr finances
ager was Roland Goat, assisted by rom .our concerns.. uc to .11S conncctlon ~nll tIe :' utocar o1l1panY'1 Thc fifty p~r cent. plan wil1mean mncl;
Herbcrt Stratton. Propertics were de- CounCIlman Wood (ltd not WIsh to hecome II1volvell 111 the matter, and 'less tban half a loaf. \Vhy? If full
signed by I1catrice Carver, assisted by intended to request his company not to hid. Fire Chief Noel, hOWC\'er." paymcnt were p~ovided, all the veter-
\)or?thy Stonc. . requested Mr. Wood to see that Autocar placed a hid on the apparatus, ans would cash 111 becalls~ the money
Plano, numbe:s bef?r~ the curtam which they did was due and payable. \V,th t!le lo~n,
and durlllg the IIItenmSSlons, an 111110- • however, a large percentage WIll tllmk
vation at this play, were played by In the bidding Autocar was low, $575 less than the bid placed by about thc intercst and dccidc to "kavc
Florencc Snydcr. American La France. The total figurcs were $4225 for Autocar and it lay."
* * *
That old fa\'orite of thc Shuberts F
$4800 for American La France, The apparatus built hy American La N I
. I I. I .I I 1* 1* *f I It
'car y every 10' y 0 a< u age las
"}.Iy l\Iaryland," will open tomorrow < rance IS t mt w llC 1 meets WIt 1 the ful1est approval of the firemen. secn Lillian Leitzel. who died on Sun·
night at the Shubert and its fine song Thorough inspection of the various types, including Seagrave at Upper I day in Copenhagen following a fall,
"Your Land and My Land" will ring Darby by the mechanics, drivers and men uf the Narberth Fire COl11lJany M,iss ,Leitzel for ye.ars toured with thc
out again in time for the special mat- showed that the American La France was the apparatus tl.ley most desired. Rmgllng-R,arnum, cIrcus ?nd frequently
inee on Washington's Birthday. Th;~ WI C '1 h d d . I d' f I P' appeared m Phlladelpllla, She was
popular play of several years ago is r';- . len oun~1 e ge On acccptn~g t le recol1unen ahon 0 t le ohce the petitc performer who made about a
turning for a limited engaciement. and Fire CommIttee that the Amencan La France apparatus he pur- hundrcd compldc turns while hanging
The most important opening of till' chased, Chief Noel, who also occupies the post of borough clerk, rose to to a sin!,{1c trapeze by one I!and with-
coming week will be "The Silcnt Wit- the defense of his firemen and asked pcrmission of the chair to speak out pulling he~ arm from Its ~oc~et.
ness," which will be givcn at the \Val
nut under the auspices vf the I'roies. as.a pnvatc cItizen.
.,. TI . . I" I Her stunt refjUlred such a comblllatlOn
,le pel:mls~lOn was not gran~e( and It was a (lIs- of strength and skill that few of the
sional Players, This will be the last satIsfied clcrk who contltlued m IllS place for some tunc, hoys, who drive mothers frantic by
of the season's offerings vf this organi.
zation, It is described as .' mystery "in our case are gotten for service," He continued to the effect that they sawdust stars, tnerl to mutate her.
"Fire trucks," said Mr. Noel, when given a chance to speak later, emulating talkic. thril1er. 1~layers and

ning in London for a ityear.
Incidcntally has LIOnel
been run·At- n:u~t h ave spee d an d IlI:C 'II I'1111 b'mg a b'I't I I y. TI la t was onc reason t Ile men I • • •
Come to think of it, though, there
will. a well-known star, is Ll the I,ast dlshked the Autocar, which was sent out for the test. It had no speed isn't much of the old-time movie stunts
as is Kay Strozzi, who made a decidcd or hill-climbing ability, Mr. \tVood countered this aspersion by pointing and darcdeyiltry in tl,le talkie versi?n,
hit in "The Crown Prince." out that many Autocars were sold in Pittsburgh and other sections where Blank ,cartndges POPPI1!~ from .machllle
Monday night will see the opening tl . I t f I '11 d I I . r I'
of Philadelphia's newest theater eX peri- lele were pen y 0 11 S, at.l C?I11P mnts rcgan 1l1g t le!r spee( were happens nowadays, \Vha·t a contrast
i guns IS the most cxcltlng tlung that
ments-melodrama at the Lyric. "TI:II seldom heard. As far as chl11hll1g 11111s goes, :l\.fr. \Vood p01l1ted out that to thc twcnty impossibilities that werc
N'ights in a Barroom" will be the first the Autocar used in the test by the firemen was a standard chassis with actually performcd be.fore YO~lr eyes in
play, This will be given for one ,w.eek an excessive load which had been required by the fire chief, amI, further- t~le days of ye old senal contllllled next
on~y. In ,the cas! are to 'Jc WIIII~lIl1 more, tests made on State Road hil1 were not t"pical of the uses the 1 uesday. * * *
Pncc, I'erd Nofer and Dudley
Vaughan. all of whom have won ap- I apparatus wou
Idl' I b
le put to Il1 t le .oroug 1. .
.! \Vhi,le th~ Athle~i~s are now, arriving
proval as members of the Hedgerow
players of Rose Valley.
I After each gentleman had hIS say. Councd. proceeded to reject all I at thclr spnng trallllllg camp, It shoul(1
bids and authorize readvertisement for new bids. This advertisement; not he for!?otten that.a month an.d onc-
Plays that remain at the Philatle1- which appears in this issue of "Our Town" 'IPI)'lrentl" is so worded that Ihalf of wlIlter rcmalllS, accordmg to
phia houses are "Strictly Dishonor- I tl ' f I A . L l~ < < . fi' . . ,< I the almanac. Anyhow, we shouldn't
able," at the Broad; "Street Scene," at Ion y le appara~us 0 t le mencan a < rance WIll 11. t~le speclficatIO!ls. I think .of hasehalt until it .is determined
the Forr~st, and "Subway Express," 2. t ',The borougl~ wll1 spend .a few extra ~ol1at·s for advertlsmg for new hlds how tar. the L0"Yer MerIon basketball
the Garrick. but thereby It may save Itself many tImes that by not permitting itscl f to team WIll go tl1l5 year.
"St rIC
. tl Y D'1~ h onorau. 1'1" .
e, cont:ll~es to be drawn 111to . any lega I battles over the' question of accepting other than * * * .
pleasc good-SIzed audIences. It IS an tl e I I· b'd Ho! Hum! We wonder.
amusing comedy of these free an.:1 easy 1 OW I: . " . How many more ti,?l~S t~e warde?
times, when. even a ,Soutl~ern girl of . CounCIl ~vlshes to prOVIde .the FI~e Company. With the apparatus lof .the Los Angeles JaIl ,Will permIt
a good fanllly doesn t heSItate to eX-I whIch best SUItS the men who Will use It, pronded It can he Icgal1v and DaISY De Hoe to pose behll1d the bars
I. •
plore a New ,¥,ork speakeasy in quest economically procured. for the news photographers.. .
* * *
L . :

of new sensations. Elizabe~h Love is I \Vhy the fellow, who IS drawlllg

charming in the role of the young' I
S<:lUtherner, and by her winnin,?; person-I
>' , .' . •, . '. I <\own hi~ as usual, talks about hard
A ~l1,oven~ent IS Ul~del way ..n Lower l\'~enon. J ownshlp, bemg fostcred tnlles a;;. If he \yer~, personally affected
ahty manages to soften some of the by a CItIzens COl11nllttee, whIch has as Its ohject the preparation of a· by the repressIOn.
li.nes whic!l. are, to say the least, a Township Plan. I I! and, when.. particula:ly if, the n~w •
i ~f am Lme raIlroad statIons are bmlt,
bIt unfenlllllne. Some people like
"Strictly Dishonorable" others do n~t. I
Vr d . t
'\ e 0 no reCOI!1I11en(
I tl f . f "1
le ormatIOn 0 a Sll11l ar group for the the theme of the Broad Street Subur-
But ~11 admit t!lat it ilas a number of I ~orough of Nar~erth 111asl11uch as. N~rherth's onc square mi~c of territ?ry han wilt he carried out, pepllitting one
amusmg and wItty remarks. IS pretty wel1 htlllt up and there IS little that can hc donc 111 a plan11lng I to roam under covcr umnterruptedly
"Street Scene," too, has come in for way.
its share of praise and critici~.m. This
famous drama of Elmer Rlcc was
We do however favor representation of tllc I or
.,.'. , '. , . . . ). aug 1 on
rl LIower
: from Overbrook to Paoli.
~p L k' S T ' h

awarded the Pulitzer Prize and has a Menon s Cltlzel1s COl11l1uttee Sll1ce projects thcy mitlate are bound in one I ot uc upper onlg t
record run of 600 performances on I way or another to affect Narberth. Such representation. of courSe would; Today the C, E. Society of Narberth
B:,oa~way: . !h,i,s pl.ay ~vl~icl~, has been Ihave t? be ul10fficial as Jar as the Lower Mcrion group is c0I1~erned.1 PreS~!;\"leriall .Church ,will havc ~ ,"'pot
dcscr!bed as a cross'sectlon of mod- There IS 110 doubt that tIllS committe> ,,"oull • >1-· • > • _ • t '
ern hfe is interesting for its realistic N I I 'f Ide
f. Luc~ banfjnet at ? I. M. AdnllsslOn,
( \\ Ccomc rcplcscn atlon 10m "a dIsh of somcthmg to eat." Mr. L.
portrayal of sevcral different person- ar )ert 11 approac le , Bowers, Branch President, wi1l be the
alities. Laughter and tears, birth and speaker.
?eat~, love and hate, are all to be. found The arguments of a good many men are sound-and that's all, .Sunday thc ~e\'. John ,van. Ness
111 thIS play. Rather shp-shod acting by * * * wlll lead C. I'.. The tOPIC WIll he
Cont I n"ed on Pngc 13 RealIty I'S oftell olle W 0 man ' s tllorn 111 . tl'
ano leI' woman s es.
, fl h "Every Christian a Missionary." Acts
1-6:8. '.

'February 20, 1931 OUR TOWN Page Five
-_._~-------------------- .-- ....-._-- .... -. __ ... - .. __ .... -----------._-----,._-------
._- '--.--------_._------_..---------- _.. _--_._---------_._.._-----_.--
• Your Garments Are SAFE
NarbertH When you entrust them to us for
pressing, cleaning or altering.

• From the story"Adios" of
old CalifoTllia in 1850 ! 102 Forest Avenue, Narberth 220 BaJa Avenue, Cynwyd
Phone: Narberth 2602 Phone: Cynwyd 92R
--.::=- ...z,;..-.-...,.-_._ ":..-~~----

• tt MIN and BILL"

Friends! Students! Artists!
"·En~BSnAY 11I..1 'l'IJUItSJ),\ Y Lend us your eyes. We come to present something new-
~~ABRAHAM LINCOLN" our HTangerine Studio." Here you may purchase your
• art supplies,
l\fntln,-e 'Ve.l ..eH.hl)' fIt :I P. ;'1.
nnd Tll1IrHcI .. " fIt :J:·t:; P. :\1.
such as:
~":X'I' PIUD.\" ..., S"-'I'ITltI)A \'
-Photo by Bachrach.
in ttLIGHTNIN'" His resignatioll as executi"e secretary of the and Oil Colors,
Ardmore Chamber of Commerce war ac-
cepted by the directors of that organization Brushes, Inks,
It will become effecti"e March 1.
Paper, etc.

EGYPTIAN Narberth Theatre Notes
Richard Barthelll1ess in "The Lash," I
If you do not find what you need in the Studio, we can get
Show Shop of the Main Line a story of old California, is the Nar- it for you in a day's time. Stop in and let 'Us show you this
• berth Theatre's attraction this Friday interesting room,
:Il 0 W: and Saturday. Next ~'111nday and
john Mack Brown, Karl Dane,
Kay johnson, Wallace Beery:
Tuesday Marie Dressler and \Vallace
Bcrry will co·star in the dramatic and Shull Lumber Company
at the same time hUlllorous and in-
• tensely human talc of "~l in and Bill."
The Link Between Forest and HOllie
"BILLY, THE KID" Cynwyd 662
The life of "Abraham Lincoln," as 29 Bala Avenue, Bala.Cynwyd
-AND: Laurel and Hardy Comedy impersonated by "'alter Huston, as- \ _ -

. lUONnA Y, '.'UESDA Y NEx'r

greatness, in thc well-nigh perfect I
cinema which is to be seen-heard at the I:
1- --------.,------- -- ----------
SUlllCS added dig-nity, humanity and 'I=~~~--"~--~-~-=-~-~-~--~~~-~=--=~-'--~~~=~=~-

Pioneer Epic-don't miss it!

Matinee Monday at 2:15
~arberth Theatre next \Io,rednes?ay and
I hursda\', One of the season s great
I Coal PLUS SerV10ce
films, reco!l1Jncnded. for children and I
~~The Big Trail" adults for Its entertamment as well as I -That is what we offer. Without charge
. its instructive value.
Vvi1l Rogers in "Ughtnin'" will be
or obligation, our Combustion Service
'\'ED~I~SDAY. 'rIlURSDJ\Y Narberth's feature next Friday and Iwill aid in reducing your annual fuel
Marlme Dietrich, Adolphe Menjou,
Saturday. The cinema version of a:
popular play takes renewed humor and I:
costs, by demonstrating the proper
Gary Cooper-an artistic masterpiece: vitality with America's leading humor· I method of firing your furnace to obtain
". ~~Morocco" ist in thc leading role. I its maximum efficiency.
Egyptian Theatre Notes 111 Why not let us ser'Ve you NOW?
, "Billy the Kid," a wild West thriller, I
joan Crawford in I has the beauteous Kay Johnson, the I! L. M. Thompson Also Distributors for:

• a great play: vi1lanous \Vallace Beery, the humorous I
Karl Dane and the handsome hcro I
uPAID" John Mack Brown in its cast, at the Bala Avenue at Union Avenue, Bala-Cynwyd
Egyptian this week-end. Accompany'
ing it is a new Laurel and Hardy CYNWYD 280
SOOJ\l-"'TOM SAWYER" comedy.
• Appropriate for cclehration of _
~ "::;s
birthday is the of
pionccr IIlO\'Clllent later than the Re\'o- I
~)ic aj~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~.~:~$~
~ @ }~1 lution-the covered-wagon trek west·
ward-"The Big Trail," which will
The Birds and the Bees
'')1~( ~(' ill,lay at the. Egyptial\l lMonda y and
• "<Q1 ~ uesday e\'emngs, an( a so at a mat- The flowers and the trees
Enjoy a Delightful inee 2:15 p, M. Monday, A mighty Are talking about the spring
picture of a great era in history, it
° merits observation, that is nigh-BUT
Sun d oy DInner In o
Egyptian fans will have an oppor·
• °1 0 del ph °10
Ph 1
tunity next \Vcdncsday and Thursday
(including a 3 p, M, matinee \Vednes- * * *
day) to see Marlcne Dietrich, new Gcr-
in the Beautiful man enchantress of the screen, in "1\'10-
rocco." (-;ary Cooper and Adolphl'
EMBASSY ROOM ~1 enjou aid her in giving a perfect
to talk about that exterior
• , perfunllance, and the film, directed hy

marmir:l'\ !)oscph \,on Sternberg, is remarkably

I mtercsling and realistic. Yllll may not
like its ending-although you will PAINTING and INTERIOR
I,OCllST S'I'REET AT 17tll
I realize it is inevitable.
$::.00 P,-r PllIh- "Paid," Joan Crawford's latest pic- WALL DECORATIONS
J~uncheon Concl'rt, 12:30 to 2:30
ture, which will play in Cynwyd next
Dinner Concert, 7 to 9 : wcek-en(l, enables her to discard Let us inspect your property; flO obligation
Supper Danctng'-Frlday and I "dancing daughter" and "blushing
!-'aturday from 10 to Closing bride" characterizations, and play a

VAN LEViS nn.]
HIH Hotel 'VlIrwh'k OrelleHtrll
Excellent parking' spaco directly
S traight dramatic part in an adaptation
I of the underworld drama, "\Vithin the
adjacent to hotel; garng'o adjotn-
Painters' , Paperhangers' , Wall Decorators
Ing. Rel'ervnt!on: "PaUl," Penny-
pllc]ter 3800.
Exeollt!onal en tel'talnlng fnclll-
Narberth's community weekly news-
may be purchased at news-
Narberth 104 Essex Ave.
ties .' . , for Tens, Card Parties,
Banquets, Dances, Etc. S,tands, in the horough, and $2 wiII 2677 I Narberth, Pa.
• &..
DENNE'l"J' E. 'I'OUSLEY, l\1,;r. b ring it by mail to your home every
- - - - - - - . . . \ Friday for a year, \~!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!~!!~~~~~!!!-!!--

. '.". :" ..,:,"'_:':", n .. ~.'.--'l .. fc '-," .. '.~. ''':''''"''_,-..,

Page Six OUR TOWN February 20, 1931

Wonderful Sale
::~~fft HOOVERS
.I,_ -===~===---I
Entertaining for Deb •
Genuine -Hoover Vacuum Cleaners,
completely rebuilt In Hoover factory
by Hoover experts. New Bali-Bear·
Ing brushes, new belt, cord. bag,
handle. One full year guarantcl'. •
Chance of lifetime to have an auxll·
iary machine•••for upstairs or Bum·
mer llome.

Dominie •

The Dominic Tailleur •

--Photo h)' Bachrach.
of A rdmore, one of the popular members
I N nr(,s('lItill~ theDomini,·.fashions
. lIllll :::;u
111 III (' I'.
IWW for Spl'in/r
is vcrv pleased to
of the younger married set of the Main
Line. is giving a at the Bar·
ofl',,,· to MiI:Hl\' m:lIlv originations among
whi('h al'c t.he (·\assie Tailleur Suits which clay on April 8 in honor of her debl4tante •
will he so very I'onulat ~.llis Sllring. sister. Miss Mary E. Arey, of Lowst Street.
])ominie illtel'nrets tlte 'l'ailleurE'd Suit in Philadelphia.
"arions n1:l1111l'I'S of sophistication.

It,; appeal to womell who demand the indi-
vitlual as wcll as the finest workm:1nship and Thirty-eighth Birthday Tea
lllaterial is not Il:1TIlliclIPl1ed I)v the TH'iee. The E\'angel Circle of King's
Daughters wilt give a tea at the home
Regularly $85 to $95 of ~lrs. A. j. Bawden, 1 \Voodside
Avenue, on Friday. February 27, from
two until four P. ~L to celebrate the
thirty-eighth birthday of the circle. Mrs.
Charles H. Harrison, the first president
(who now lives in Vl·ntnor. N. J.). will
For Misses & Juniors, $65 be present and will tell of the origin
of the Circle and some of the ~00d
Dominic cuts. fits and persou:1lly s\1perin-
tends the working of «':1<'.h rind every
work it is doing. Those interested are
cordially invited to attend this meeting. ..


Food Plus Low •

Value Bacteria
Brookmead Guernsey Milk was awarded the best •
score for Bacteria at the West Chester Milk Contest,
36 Farms, Tuberculin Tested, Class A·1.
Your Children and the Whole Family
in such times as the present need the
Extra ~uality-30 P. C. More Than Ordinary Milk

Extra Cl.eanliness-Proven by 20 Years' Work
Higllc1' Butterfat-Natural source of protein for the j

colder weather • 1
Combined with Broo~mead Service
(3 Deliveries a Day to All Parts of the Main Line)

Brookmead Guernsey Dairies

"A Complete, Dependable Dairy Service"
West Lancaster Avenue, Wayne' Phone Wayne 1121
'. .~

• I.A

Feb,utlJ'Y 20, 1931 OUR TOWN Page Seven

today, where a friendly welcome awaits

Cotter's Your independent grocer offers the finest
quality foods at the lowest possible
prices! Plus convenience, friendly
you•••• On looking over COTTER'S
ever-present specials, you will find they
are in accordance with the Feature of the
Market service and personal contact, insuring
satisfaction. Visit or phone COTTER'S
Moment - BUY NOW - and Save

Indi't'idually Owned-Buying Co-operati't'ely .... Our Specials, February 19-25, Inclusi'Ye, Include:
------.-----------_._-------_. __ _ - --

Land 0' Lakes
Sweet Cream
New Florida CABBAGE, 2 lbs., 9c
BUTTER LEMONS--·----·--d~;:,-2V-----·PEAS~ 2 IQ9c'--
Ib.~ 3Bc

Snug Harbor Farm Large Grape Fruit Florida Oranges
FRESH EGGS 4 for 25c doz., 19c
• Note This Price!
doz., 35c Extra Fancy Stayman Winesap APPLES;Ooz., 30c
Pillsbury Pancake Flour 2 pkgs., 23c
HOUSE Ritter's Soup Combination I5c
One Can Ritter's Tomato Juice and 2 Cans Vegetable or I Fine Granulated

lb. tin, 37c RITTER'S BEANS, 6c; SPAGHETTI, 7c 10 lbs., 47c
RITTER'S CATSUP 8·oz. bot., 9c -----------
Fancy White Gold Medal Flour 12-lb. bag, 45c Heinz Tomato
Gorton's Ready to Fry Cod Fish Cakes,
FILLETS Med. bot., 12~c
2 cans, 25c
• 2 for 25 c
Gorton's Clam Chowder 3 cans,25c Large bot., 19c
Buffet Size
.. Finest Meats at Lowest Prices I All Varieties Ivory Flakes
Prime Ribs Beef 35 c Best Pure Country 10c 3 cans, 25 c Large Pkg., 19c
-Young Steers, lb. LARD, lb.
Delicious Boiled 29c

Fresh City Dressed Ham, half lb.


I Reputation Cider Vinesrar pt. bot., IOe

HAMS, lb.
Fresh Shoulders Moland's Bacon, whole or Heatherbell Red Salmon can, 29c
• PORK, lb.
half piece, lb. .,. 35 c :
Chicken of the Sea Tuna Fish can,2Ie
(Sliced 39c)
Po:-k Loin lb., 25~ Lean Chuck or 25c!. Mueller's Macaroni or Spi:l.ghetti pkg·,IOc
Pork Chops lb., 29c Pot Roast, lb.
---------------_._---- Fancy Blue Rose Rice lb., 5c

I! ALL STEWING CHICKENS Honey Bunch Seedless Raisins 2 pkgs., 9c
4 or average, lb. 29c
I Quinlan's Pretzels, lb. can, 25c

- - _ _-_._._._---_._---_
.. .

Anglo Com Beef can, 23c All Gold Sardines in Mustard or T onlato
II Geisha Crab Meat can,35c Sauce can, IOe
• Mackerel Fillet 2 for 25c Palmolive Beads, 3 pkgs., 25c
ClicquotGinger Ale 2 bots. 27c Hecker's Buckwheat pkg·,IOc
Bosant Coffee lb., 25c .
• For Those Who Li~e Ba~ed Goods.
Astor Coffee lb., 35c
we offer home'made BREAD. CAKES and
Calo Dog Food can, IOc
Morrison's Assorted Puddings
4 Cakes Sweetheart Soap and 1Blue Streak for
2 pkgs., 19c
PASTRY, made the good old'fashioned wa\'.
in our own modern ~itchen. Aunt Belle will
ta~e your order, any time. for plain or fancy
Clark's Country Gentleman or Golden Bantam Corn can, 15c ca~es for special occasions.
Brookdale Extra Standard Tomatoes 2cans, 19c
Phone: Narberth 4050
COTTER'S CMARKET We Deli'Ver from City Line to Bryn Man'Y

Februar'Y 20. 19J1
Page Eight
visiting Mrs. ]. M. L. Bickford, of
last Saturday. Among the guests \Vales, :Miss Emily Titus and ~[iss 1\ferwyn Road. this week.
froll1 a two weeks' trip to Jacksonville, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Malt· were :Miss Peggy MaeGuffin, Miss Ann Chalfant.
by, of Essex Avenue. The guests \\'ho attended the buffet
Fla. Mrs. H. C. Troxell and Miss Eliza-
THE FIRESIDE M iss Edith Maltby, of Patchogue, Miss Janet De Vilbiss, of Bowman Doris Latsllm, Miss Jean Latsulll,
:\1iss :Mary Michener, Miss Muriel beth Hurlock, of Lock Haven, Pa., are
Contlnne,. on Pnge 13
N. Y., will spend the week-end with Avenue, Merion, gave a bridge party
_______________ 1

Cen,tlllnet. frona I·.. ,;e n 1

The U. S. S. Bridge. Commandel I
C. H. Shaw. U. S. ~., comnlanding'. is i
making passage through the Panama I
Canal this week-end. i
1\1rs. T. \\'. Blake. of R"cka\'l)n i
Road, was the hostess to the memhersll By E""ery Motor Hi.gL_ay
of her bridge club on Tuesday after·
1100n. Among those present were 1\1 rs.
Mark E. Morgan, Mrs. C.]. Good\"car !
l\f rs. C. A. Hamlller. Mrs. F. X. ·Pur· I
cell. Miss Anna Foley. l\Ini. ]. :\
~ealy and Mrs. F. ]. Dwyer.
Mrs. John Driver, of \Vynnewood.
II cN.orth ~ [;ast « South Ofest
cntertained at luncheon and bridge 011
Mr. Charles E. Harnden. of Moreno I
Road, Penn VaUey, will return today I
TLey COIDe 10 SLop at Our
------------- i
Lions Tie Metors For II
First Place Honors I MAIN LINE STORE
'J'l Ie T' - - of last season. i
.Ion.';. champions I
won aU their gallles from the Pcp'
Boys last Friday while the Meteors
lost one to the Boosters. and thus share
first place. The Battlers and Pilots
,lLL roads seem to lead to Montgomery
also shut out their opponents anll are
close up to the leaders.
The standing and sunllnaries:
f t Avenue and St. James Place, Ardmore.
\V. L. Pts. Every town of any size along these roads
:-'1 cteors 10 :; 15
Lions 11 4 15
Pilots 10 :; 14
is well represented among our customers.
Baltlers 10 5 I~
Colts () IJ B
Boosters 7 R 8
We established our Main Line Store to
Camcls 4 11
I'ep Boys 2 1~ 2
BUOS1'J;;ns bring our service closer to our Main Line
]til(-~)" 1 fi(l 1 ~5
l:;lrlng-ftehl 1G(I 151
Customers, and in doing 80 we seem to
l\1"Coy 17:1 1"0
StcvenH ., " .. 177 1!'1f'
NichoJROll 17U 174 have brought the entire Main Line to
Handicap G 6
~:H; s·)O) 'j~tS

H. Humphril'~ ..... 167 IS·' 172 I STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER'S
G. Davis.......... 17:1 11;S 140:
C. Young Hil 1i;~ J 671
Duncan 175 lH 1~4
Hartley........... H!' IS'; 197' W c opened this store in optimistic spirit,
82~ S:d ~70
with a sct·mingl)· adcqua~t' number of
R. Younp: 17~ 1;,1 l:?fi departments. To-da)T we have a store
McCartt'r 1-14 177 20:!
!{elm ~OH 17·1 118
·W. HIlli'dley lS4 147 171 that supplies the needs of the home and
H. Sli,,·dley 240 ~I;; 174
Handi<'ap 1" 1 i' 1" evcry nWlllber of til(' famil)' and 11 husiness
f160 Sli:: ~nj'
CUL'fS exceeding the most sanguine expel'lation~.
•......... 1 S:! 1S4 :!O:1
Meehan lS1 II':' 149
Mleson 146 14" 162
Lacey............. 162
Blind 144
All the factors that have helped to make
815 846 779 Strawbridge & Clothier's a respected power • • • •
171 1G8
• • in
•retail • •
merchandising, ".
enter into..!.h~
• • • • •
• • • It •
~rurray 125 155
, ..
191 • •
~ • Main Line ~tore operationsr- including our -
"'e' • 127 175 •
Alhert 185 97 151
C. Humphries 153 146
unquestioned extra-value-giving events.

7"2 54:1 s:n

G. HUlllphrles 155 140 125
Smith ,. 118 129 158 1
FlttlllOldl 1":1 9;' 1:1:11

F. Hamcl'
Handicap 4U 1~ 121

7:16 712
GondrlC'h 124 170 176
Mason l"li 1 ij~ not
Follette I"H ~n2 154 \
Brown 1"1' ISS 1 ;:)7
Haws 1"'; \7., 1"2
j.f:! Sfli R30
Ru hican 1 "10 1::0 H7
Gultag-h(\t' 1 as I "" ...., 126
])('\":tllny III!. 11;4 !l5
JohtlROn 15:': 1:}B 156
Mah \\'illn,·y 120 1 fi ~ I Do
lJalldit:ap :!~l ~~I 2tl

i'lil; li·11I

Choral's Show a Hit

:-;,,11.'5. a mall' trio. and men's and
\\'olnen's and l'lllnbincd chorus nUIll-
hers were well pr61'uted b\· thc Bala-
CYl\wyd Clllnlllllnity Chura't, uncleI' di-
reclion of Henry Hotz. al its annual
I:Oncert. gil'en at thc Bala-C\'nw\'d
"'oman's Club last Frida\' and 'Sallir-
<lal' nights. A ":-'Iusicai Bridge" or
mclodic rcvuc spanning thl' \·cars. thc
I"'"gralll was divided in to imir groups:
Indian. Colonial. ~cgro and :-'!oclcrn.
Fiil)' voices shared in making' Ihe ('011-
cert a SUCCC55. The \\'omall's Club
wa.'; well filled hoth nights. Dancing
follllwl'C1 the performance.

ChOl'al Soloist

-.JIotor k~re anJ

park in safell; while
/fou Jo /four shoppinq

MRS. UPTON SLINGLUFF MontgoIDery )\-venue & St. JaIDes Place • • • )\rdIDore
(l\a:hl!rille Wigart Slillgltlf/), of 165 Up·
la:"l Terrace, Bala, aile of thl! solo·
ist< for the Bala,C'Yllw'Yd Commullit'Y Choral
at ;,S a'llllh1! cOllcert 10.1 JI'eek·elld.
Page Ten OUR TOWN February 20, 1931

Tlte Presbyterian Church II~----------~IIBaptist Church of the E't'angel

I ,\.ev. J ohl~ V an 1N ess, :, .•~.,
A "{"
J." I1Ilster. Chureh Notes II Robert E. Keighton, Minister.
Meetmgs for February 22:
9:45 A. 11.-Biblc School. Observ·
ance of "Decision Day."
9:45 A. M.-Session of the Church
School. - .
Sunday, February 22:

5713 MARKET STREET 11 :00 A. ~l.-M:orning Worship. Ser.

will be special music by a Young 11 :00 A. M.-;-Mornin g worship. Se~~
mon Thcmc: "Mountains to
People's Chorus.
CI J '
.Next Tuesday evellln~-COmJ~lulllty
il11 >:
ilion: Hostages to the Future.
The last of the sermons repeated
by vote from those preached in
Imported, Domestic, Scenic 11 :00 A. M.-J unior Church, conduct·
BIble Class taught by MIss Hamson. 1930
Next Wednesday evening-Prayer I
cd by Mrs. A. S. Digby. . Y PI' I
PAINTING Meeting. During Lent, Mr. Van Ness 7:00!"; ?v!.- "oung
6:45 P. M.-Meetings of the three eop es IOUI'.
INTERIOR - EXTERIOR Christian Endeavor Societies.
will conduct a series of studies of "Les- I I Opl.C: . Some .Mo~~ Mystery
7:45 1'. M.-Evening Worship. The
sons From the Upper Room." N ext Stones III the Bible.
PHONE SHERWOOD 4722 \Vednesday evening the subject will hc 7 :30 1'. M.-Organ rccital by Miss
"ermon will be a Lenten Message
from the Bethany homc. There
"The Example of Humility." Dorothy Wirc.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~=~.: 7:45 P. M.-Evening worship. Ser-
mon: "Job-Some Notes on the •
Play:' Concluding our study of
the Book of Job.
\Vednesday, February 25:
8:00 P. ~L-Prayer service. Topic:
"Our Mission." Thc last in a
serics of studics of John 17. •

150 Times a Day

~cxt Sunday, ~Iarch 1:
11 :()O A. M.-The pastor preaches his
fivc hundredth scrmon in thc
prescnt pastorate. The topic
will bc "A Sermon About SCI" •
, 7 :45 P. M .-Coml1lunity service in

You Turn a Hot Water Faucet the Methodist Church. Speaker,

Rabbi Vvilliam Fineshriber.

Methodist Episcopal Church
Rev. Samuel MacAdams, Minister.
Sunday, February 22:
9 :45 A. M .--Sunday School.
11 :00 :\. 1.1.-l\lorning worship. "The •
Joy of Church-Going."
(i:45 1'. I\l.-Epworth League Dcvo-
tional Scrvice."
7 :45 1'. Nt .-Evening worship. "Thc
Reopcning of the \V cBs."
Tuesdav, F ebruarv 24:
1:00 P. ivl.-Luncl~eon of the \\Tom-
an's HOlllc Missionary Society.
8:00 P. M.-:"1ecting of the Sunshine
llible Class.
\\' cdncsday, Fehruary 25:
8:00 1'. ),1.-l'rayer mccting.
Thursday. February 2(,:
8:00 P. :"'I.-Mecting of the Mcn's
Club. This will be Ladies' Night
and a special program will bc
provided. -.
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Rcv. Cletus A. Senft, Pastor.
Thc First Sunday in Lcnt. February
11:30 A. :l.l.-Hihlc School.
II :00 A. ~L-The morning service.
Thellle: "The Beginning of Sin:'
6:45 P. M.-Luther League. Get in
on the membership-service con·
test. -.
i :45 1'. M .-The question to be
answered from "The Pastor's
Question Box" is "Why Should
Good 1\1 en Die Prelll:\tureh'?"
Special musical Sl'rvicc. .
Tuesday: •
8 :00 1'. ~L-Ladies' Aid meets at thc
hO\lle of Mrs. Shindle, 125 Elm·
wood Avcnue.
BUT those hot faucets lUwd \Vcdncsdav:
never fool you again. Every 4: 15 P. M .-=-Con firm at ion class. '·f
home can now h~"'e "made- 7 :00 1'. }'1.-Pre·Confirll1ation class.
Allowance for )'our old wuler lo-measure" hOl water ser-
healer, any typl~ ... accepled vice, quickly, economicall)', First Church of Christ, Scientist
as down puymenl. by simply installing one of Athcns and Linwood Aves., Ardmorc. •
Sunday services, 11 A. 1\1. and 8
thesl' dependable, economical
30 days' Free Tria,l autOlnalic gas walt~r healers.
1'. M.
Sunday School, 11 A. M:
And fronl then on-hol wah~r \Vednesday evcning testimonial
Balance in two years I meetings, 8 P. M.
problems are a thing of the , Reading Room, 19 West Lancaster
Prices • . . $80 and up past. ,Avcnue, open daily, 10:30 A. M. to 4:30
'P. 111. \Vcdnesday evening, 9:15 to
The subject for the Bible lesson ser-
LAlI Our Suburban Stores Inon for .Sunday, "Mind."

St. Joseph's Chapel

PHILADELPHIA ELECTRI~ COMPANY :l.lil1 Creek Road, Penn Vallcy.
Re,·. Edw. J. Bubb, Vicar.
(""'"'" A Pioneer in Voluntarily Establishing / ) Sunday:
7:()() P. M.-Church School.
'---Low Rates for all Electric Service_~ 7:00 1'. :l.1.-Evcning prayer and scr-
\OV cd ncsday:
2:30 P. ~L-Wolllan's Inceting.
3:30 '1'. M.-Reading period for the
children; by tho: vicar. •

Februar, 20, 1931 OUR TOWN Page Sleven

Brooms for brush. The Berwyn

t Fire Department has sent out a call
TOPICS IN THE NEWS for old brool11s to fight brush blazes.
Housewives have been asked by a cum-
__________________________, Imittee from the department to save old

Very vicious vandals. On the night
of Lincoln's birthday, the home of Dr.
tion of a memorial chapel at Episcopal
Academy is gradually being built up.
I brooms instead of throwing them away.
Accordinj:( to the fire chief, brooms
soaked in water are particularly e/fec-
Plumbing .:. Heating
Phone: Narberth 3652·M
George Darby, on Highland Avenue, No definite plans have been developed tive when used to combat field fires.
Merion, was ransacked, from garret to and no announcement will be made
cellar. It was believed that vandals until the fund is many times the pres-
forced an entrance through a rear door ent amount. MAJESTIC W. P. MIESEN
and continued their devastatinj:( way Family flees fire. Rubbish in the cel- Carlleuter .:. Uuilder .:. Jobbing
while the memhers of the household lar got on fire on Friday, the 13th, Phones:
were absent. We Sell. Sen'ice Day-Narherth 3973-1\1
at the home of Martin Geary, 16 Lee "'Mlel.. AerllllM. SJlecllll $2
Dynamite endangers. Also on Street. The firemen soon put the bla7.e Night-Narberth 2890·R
Thursday, the twelfth, eight sticks of out, but the family left the house until Nar. 2348--43 Narberth Ave.
dynamite were found hidden in a coal the situation was und"r control.
• pile between two buildings of the
Thomas M. Royal paper-bag manufac-
turing plant, on Maple Avenue near
Lancaster Avenue, Bryn Mawr. It
has not been discovered how the dyna.
mite, which endangered the lives of
• fifty employees, had gotten into the
$100,000 school planned. The Rad-
nor Township School Board voted, at
a meeting last week held at the Rad-
nor High School, Wayne, to erect an

• elementary school at Windermere and
Louella Avenues, at a cost of $100,000.
It will replace the Old Radnor Pres-
byterian Church. Mrs. T. Magill Pat-
terson, a member of the board, pre-
sented the recommendation for the new
• school.
Bryn Maw firemen's work. Accord-
ing to an announcement made by Fire
Chief Horace W. Parsons, the Hryn
and Testify to its
Mawr Fire Company answered 110
alarms during the past year. The loss
• of property in the district by fire
amounted to $42,723.30; property saved
by the action of the fire company dur-
ing the year totaled about $1,139,136.- TRY A TON
70. And property endangered is said
, to have been $1,171,850.
Another station robbery. Telephone
and coin box were torn from the wal1
of the P. R. R. Merion station on Fri-
day night. Thieves broke open the
co;n box, then threw it on the tracks.
A busy Saturday night. Five homes
in Ardmore Park and Penfield were
entered on Saturday evening. In al1
five houses, windows were jiml11ied, or I
back doors were forced, iu order to
obtain an entrance to the house when
members of the famil), were absent.
Those robbed were Edward Thomson.
1201 Edgewood Road; R. S. Sul1ivan.
601 Manoa Road. and Mrs. Lucy }.
O'Hara, 631 Ashurst Road, all of Pen-
field, and Robert Hertwig, 817 \Vynne-
wood Road, and Joseph F. Lacy, 2303
Chestnut Avenue, Ardmore Park.
Clothing and jewelry amounting to
A FEW sharp, cold spells have afforded Buy CHESTER
$700 were stolen.
A concrete discussion. \V. E. Rosell'
an opportunity to the many users of COKE
j:(arten, an engineer of Lower Merion, Chester Coke to test the burnillg aud Because::
• spoke on Tuesday eveninj:( before the
Engineers' Club of Philadelphia on heating qualities of tbis exceUellt, eco- It. 'ow price make. II
concrete masonry. eaar to buy; it " clean;
The night was fine and so was the l nomical fuel ••• and the results bave it 'eave. fcw a.hel; fl
$10. T.}. Ford, 3905 \>Valnut Street,
and John McGoni~le. 5031 \'cntrid~e been very satisfactory. Why not place an give. a quick, hot fire; it
• Street, Philadelphia, failed to gct a i. 'iglll in weight, render-
response when they tried to start their order for a ton NOW and ask our expert ing it ea.y lor women to
car on Sunday evening. So they tried IlOrld'e; it i. 01 uniform,
sleepinl{ in the machine right where it to call and demonstrate how to burn it Illgh quality. Let our ex-
was, at State Road and Lodges Lane,
t· but they were found hy a Lower ~I er- in order to get the best results in the pert advi.e which .illre w"'
ion officer, and later fined $10 each for meet your requiremenfl
highwav sleeping. most economical way? bel',
Junior High principal speaks. Ed-
ward H. Snow chose as his subject for
a Lincoln hirthda \' address hefore the Jr Try Che.ter Coke for 'he re.' olthi••ea.ou. Give it a trial. We know you, 11.
• Ardmore Rotan' Cluh: "Ahraham Lin-
coln and His ·Generals." :'II r. Snnw lL too, NUl be .urprille,',vith the relu't. obtairle,' and die cconomie. effected• .If
spoke of President Lincoln as the
"plainsman fartncr," W110 callie to the
Capitol of \Vashington knowin~ little
of militarv lIffair.~. but that he hel"ame
«JaB any office listed below. Prompt delivery
• a keen military strategist hy his stndy
of maps. and his fine understanding of
men and of his generals. Many of lh~ PIlIlADELPDIA ELE~TBIC COMPANY
plans of the Civil \Var ~cnerals were,
according to Mr. Snow, the plans of A Pioneer in Voluntarily Establishing Low Rates
the President himself. Harry Bare,
of the Merion Title and Trust Com- for All Electric Service
\Jany, was elected song leader of the
Carburetor catches fire. :\ leak m 867 Main Slreet 16-18 E. Fifth Street
the carhuretor of a motor car canSI'd 19 E. State Street
11 slight fire last Friday in the garage
Darby 1200 Chester 6300 Media 431
of Mr. and Mrs. James Francis Cooke,
of Landberris Road, Cynwyd.' The
blaze was soon extinguished hy the Lon, Lane and Ludlow Street 5 E. Lancastcr Avenue
32 E. Baltimore Avenue
Union Fire Company, of Cynwyd. Mr. Boule\'ard 1600 Ardmore 3500 Madison 520
Cooke is a prominent musician and I
editor of "The Etude."
• New chapel for Episcopal. A fund
started several years ago for the frec-j
OUR TOWN February· 20,1931
Page Twelve
Justice 0/ the Peace
Narberth's Favorite LET
Fire Insurance-Best Companies AND CORRECTLY, FOR
I'hone ~Olll-W 2111 Haverford Aye.
Fi~h Filet~ With Tomato' and Olive
Sauce Just Call Narberth 2229
H.. Ro)' Kessinger, Mgr.
Mashed Potatoe~ Kidney Bean Salad
W c'll Gladly Call for and Deliycr N arberth Avenue at
Butter Rings Peas
Orange Tapioca Crcam Your Car Montgomery Pike
I~_~_~~~~.~~--;~~~.~.~._~--~-~-~-~-~--~.~.~-~.~-;-~.~~~~-~. ~-~-._~.~-~-~,-~~~~~--~,~,,~~,,~,~, ~.~;
Home-made-of pure Clover Fish Filets With Tomato and Olive
Bloom Butter-every Monday, Sauce ": - - - - - - - - - - -
Wednesday, Friday and Satur- I
Dip ~ix individual fish filets in one I
day, IOc, 20c each. Delicious! I
beatcn egg, then a 1·3 eup of finely
sifted cracker crumbs. Saute in four
tahlespoons of fat until tender and
Try Them! golden hrown. 11eanwhile melt four
tahkspoons of fat, add one onion finely COAL
White's minced, and cook until tender; add four
tablespoons of flour and stir until
-The Best for
Sweet Shop sn100th. Add two cupfuls of canned to-
mato sauCl' I cupful of stoned and
219 Haverford Ave., chllPp~d oli~'es, I teaspoon of salt, 1-8 I Over a Century
tcaspoon of pepper. Stir until well
Narberth blcnded and hot. Pour over the fish
PHONE NARBERTH 4005 filets which have been arranged on a There are many cold, stormy
IIotnc-:UlIcle 14°e Creann,
platter and sen'c. Serves six. days to come before Spring is Distributors of
.":udr}·, Ji"reHb Snlt .....l NlltM Kidney Bean Salad
Comhinc contents of one medium here again. Be prepared and see
sizcd can of kidncv beans, well-drained, that your bins are well stocked
with two cupfuls of finely shredded ~
ca hbagc; 1-4 cup full of chopped sour with SKELTON Coal. Cq~1
George A. Witte pickles, a teaspoonful of chopped oni?n, .,.
and 1-3 cupful of French Dressmg
Paperhanging and highly seasoned or not, according to At Philadelphia Circular Prices
J. J. JI\~LT()~ '" ~()~
Orange Tapioca Cream
ESTIMATING 1-3 cupful of instantaneous tapioca.
Narberth 4135W 1-2 cupful of sugar.
1-4 teaspoon of salt. Fuel Distributors
I quart of scalded milk.
I cgg yolk, slightly beaten. BALA·CYNWYD
I egg whitc stiffly heaten. GREENWOOD 7484
I tca~poOll of orange or vanilla ex- CYNWYD 700
A Uolbniled-Use branes.
4 orange scctions free from nlem·

N {;o......ulalioo I Add tapioca. sugar and salt to milk

and cook in double hoiler, IS minutes
Ti€:kels Ef,edh.e or until tapioca is clear, stirring fre-
I Monthly .•. Fe roar.,.1 qucntly. Pour a small amount of the
1931 mixturc over the egg yolk, stirring vig·
N Annual ..•.
Quarterlv •. orouslv. \Vhcn well mixed, return to
between double boiler and cook until thickened.
N Good for .s m.ny
rides .s you m.y Ph" d , h'
Remo\'e from stove and fold in egg
I a e p la whitc and flavoring. Place a few sec-
0 to moke during
the life of the ticket .nd tions of orangc in the hottom of in-
.•. A new idee' to Main line dividual serving dishes and cover with
V Further serve the
pudding'. Garnish with additional sec-
trl5nsport..,tion Stations
A needs of commuters
between the sub-
tions and whipped crean'.
Canton Gingerbread
urbs .nd the city ...
y The gr••I<lt Aexi- OVERBROOK
bility in to
Add 1-2 cupful of finely chopped pre-
periods .nd in the
served ginger to your favorite ginger
I comprehensive
unlimited use of
PAOLI bread recipe, substituting 1-4 cupful of
0 urban train services.
ginger sirup for an equal portion of the
molasses called for. W'ASHINGTON
N Pe Railroad
n n s." I" ani a A very delicious accompaniment to
scn'e at an afternoon tea or card party
lIlay he 1I1ade from grape fruit rinds.
H ere is a recipe furnished by Mrs. Ad-
An Everlasting •
_. die Hewitt. of 116 Dudley Avenue, Nar.
Sugared Grape Fruit Rind


After the center of the grape fruit
has been removed, riuse the rinds and IN the Father of Our Country we have a ..
i cut away all the loose fiher. Cut up
shining model of high nobility and un·
I in strips about 1-4 inch thick and put
ill cold water and hring to a boil. Re- swerving integrity. This institution takes pride
Chains-All Kinds peat this operation two more times.
I Then make a sirnp of one pound.. of
I sUl-{ar and one cup of water and drop
in emulating the code of him who was ttfirst
Eveready Prestone I the grapefruit slices and let simmer in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his •

Denatured Alcohol slowly until all the sirup is ahsorbed

bv the grapefruit slices. After this is countrymen."
Goodyear Tires done. lay thc rinds on a tray until
entirely cold and sprinkle with SUg'ar.
Amoco Gas & Oil These may be kept indefinitcly.

SC\'eral of our readers have rcquested
a recipe for Chocolate Sirup. Here is a
The' Narberth
-(It moderate prices "ery delicious one sent by Mrs. Eugen
Hoskins. of 313 Woodside Avenue, National Bank
! Narherth. This sirup may be used for
! icc cream. hot chocolate and ·may be
i made in the full quantity and kept in
Member Ff!deral Reserve System
' ..
,I the ice box, readv for usc.
BRIDGE , .2 cups of cocoa.
I 4 cups of sugar.
GARAGE : .2 cups of water.
~I ix sugar and cocoa, add the water
C. P. COOK and when thoroughly mixed, cook slow-
I l~' in a double boiler for ten minutes.
Narberth Avenue up the Hill Put in a jar and usc when needed. Two
at the Railroad Bridge I tahkspoous of hot milk added to this
I sirup will make a delightful hot choco-

I Phone: Narberth 3775 late.

i Send your recipes to "Our Town,"
II care of Mrs. Roherts. .

• OUR TOWN Page Thirteen
February 20, 1931 -_._-- --------------------
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , Avenue, spent last week end at Niagara
• THE FIRESIDE Miss Ruth McCarron, of Chatham
Road, Ardmore, entertained at luncheon
and bridge last Saturday. The guests
Continue•• fron. I'''':;e 8 were: Miss Sue Farquhar, Miss May the Lower Merion Police Force
supper which Mr. and Mrs. William Farquhar, Miss Katherine and Miss
• F. Koelle, Jr., gave at their home on Eleanor Nelson, Miss Hope Bur-
Radcliffe Road, Cynwyd, on Saturday Iingame Miss May Skelly, Miss
Honora'Snyder, ,Miss Betty C;ook, Miss Officer Sam Adams Is
evening following the choral and dance Patience \Vohlert and MIss Laura
at the \Voman's Club of Baja-Cynwyd a Veteran of Department
were Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Yetter, of Winters.
\ entnor, N J 1\K
. .; ,.r. an d 1\[ C
'rs. . '. I' Mrs. \Vitliam 1\-£ ulholland, formerly f I
\Voodward and Mr. and Mrs. Harold of Narberth, now of Brookline, enter- The twelfth of a seriu n artic es to
H. Happold, all of Cynwyd; Mr. and tained a nnmber of ~arberth guests at illtroduce the members of Lower Mer.
Mrs. Thomas A. Elwood, of Narberth; luncheon followed by hridge on Thurs- iOIl's splendid police force to ollr readers.
Mr. and Mrs. Smedley Firth, of Phila- day. By Robert M. Cameron,
delphia, and l\lr. and Mrs. Henry
Spear, of Ardmore. Miss Ruth Powell to Wed
One of the veterans of the depart-
ment is Officer Samuel Adams, who I
• : Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Laird, of Avon
Road, were the host and hostess to the
members of their bridge club on Mon-
will round out eigl~teel~ years of serv'
Mr. Lawrence Altemus ice on August I at tillS year.
p Adams, who is now assigned to tl~('
day evening. Among those present The 1\1arriage of Miss Ruth D. ow- South Ardmore beat. has worked nl
were Mr. and l\lrs. John M. Townsend, ell. daughter of l\lrs. Katherine Plo\~e['ll, practically every section of the tOll'n-
lr. alld Mrs. Carl RheanlS and l\I r. of 314 \Voodbine Avenue, anI j\ r. 1° lIt
1\"ld Mrs. R. G. Kraft. Lawrence Altemus, of \Vest Philade1- ship, in Urvn'orMawr sevenfwm
years7 I.e
1\1 was
the on <'~I )'
· I phia. will take placc on \Vednesday tl'll::: '1'11 the mor,nin". His other bcats
Miss Mac S kelly, 0 f M e dla, was t le evening. Februap' 25, in the ~arbcrth" ....
IlOS t ess t 0 tJ Ie mem b ers 0 f h er I> n'dge Preshyterian ChurchJ
at 6.30. l'llclll<le -,. . . ,'ortll Ardmorc, W,\'nnl'\\'ood,

club on Tuesday evening. Among those
present were Miss Betty Cook, of N'ar- The Rev. Dr. J~11I1
berth' Miss Ruth Kraft, of Haverford; of the Church, Will per orm tIe ccre-
Vat Anthwyn Farms. Pcnn Valky and
Kes~, pastor Lancaster Pike in ,\rd1l1ure
\Vhen Adams joined the furce in
'v y.
LHaeulerlal: n,l~tl;'~ bride. whu will be gjvcn in I!Jar- 1913 there were eightccn mcn•.counltf·
I - I' ing the chief, in ,1Ildition tu hllnse .
1\1 rshali of Merion' Miss Marjorie, nage hy her hrother. ~I r. ]~Iwood ,ow- The growth uf thc township in tho,;c
\V~stcott, of Philade1"phia; Miss Cyn- ell, of Overbrook, \\'111 wear a gown se\'enteen and a hali years is reflected OFFICER SAM ADAMS
.. thia Metzger of Narberth' Miss Gladys uf very pale blue lace, and a hat of in the incrca,;ed policc dcpartlllen t
R dd'ck an i lfi s Ruth' Ruddick of the san~e tone as her gown. H~~ bou- \\'hich now nUlllhers ninet,\'.onc men, 1------------------
Ud I ( , s, ' q u e t WIll he of yellow roses, hltes of
Ar m o r e . . the vallev and smilax. includiug thc supcril1tcIHkl1t. licllten- force, ,\rchic. wlto \\'as thc suhject of
Mrs. ]. P. \Vhlte, of Essex Avenue, ~fis' ~hrgaret Powell a niece of the ants anl\ s,'rg,'ant-, all arliele in this series reel'nth', ~a11l
is spending several days this week as hride: \\~i1i be the maid' of honor and "The drnnh \lTn' l!ll' only ,)Ill', Iha.~ \la" Illarried Oil :\lareh (I. 1912, ~II,I
the guest of Mrs. Casper V. Gunther, only attendant. Her guwn will he of! g;l\e Ib any trouhle III the 0111 ,\;I)" I i,\'l' '0 at :is South \Varlll'r :\\",'(1UC,
of Tuckahoe, N. Y. pink chiffon, and her hat will be oi Adallls sai,l. "\Ve u,;cd to han a J.r,\'11 :\1;I\\r,
• Mr. and Mrs. ]. P .. Nol1 and :Mr. the same shade as her gown. She will \\'agon dr;l\\11 hy a tealll of l11'rs~'~ tOil -,----,.-----
and Mrs. \Valter HunsIcker, of Al1en- carrv a houquet of )link roses and lilies go aruund :lIId colket thelll, 1111'11 Dil'cct r R ltd
town,.wer~ the week-end guests of Mr~. of the valley. . the. department got an old :\utucar 0 s e-e ec e
Hun~lcker s. parents, Mr. aud Mrs. \\. Mr. Russell Altelllus, brother 01 the winch wa~ n~ed a,; th~ )Ia~rol wagun, I by Autocar Company
J. Klrkpatnck, of Essex Avenue. hridegroom, will act as best man. But wc <!,dn t dan' dnvc It ,\'l'ry fast I
• Mrs. Thomas Jackson, of qak Lane, A reception will follow the cerellluny or the thll1g wou!ll upset gUlng n)[Jnd
and Mrs. Richard T. OdIOrne are, at the home of the bride's mother. a corner, Thc .\utocar anll an old ,\1 Ih,' annual IlICctillg (Ii sl~lck­
spending several days this week as the; Upon their retnrn from a wedding Ford touring car wcrc the only motor h,olckr" .. i thl' :\ulnear COlllpany. !IC1<l
guests of Mr, and Mrs, \Valter 1~t1n-1 trip, Mr. Altenllls and his bride will hc \'chicle,; owncd hy the' departlllen,t." h'hruary 1.l. IlJ31, IItl' iollowing direc-
sicker, of Al1entown. Mrs. HunSicker at hOllle at 31-t \Voodbine :\\'ellue, after ()f1in'r :\<la1lls ha,; a vcry l'\'Ill.-nt til;' \\:l'r,' re-electl'd: !{, I', j'age, .Ir..
witI he rememhered as Miss Mabel "larch IS. prick in thc L"\\'el' ~Icrion plllicl' \~, \\, Battl,cs, ,\\'. C. Ja·l1ley. CO:ll'ad
• Kirkpatrick. ion'", This is rcadily ,;ccn in thc lI1an-' ~, .Lauer. C, S, :\I'\\'hall, ] I. Arthur
::\fiss Betty Swing, daughter of AIr. • ,. nl'l' in which hl' ';1'eak,; \Ii his "Ilpcrior,; Sl11lth, John Co Tane\', J, 11, \\':ltTen
and Mrs. R. Hamill Swing, of Bryn Chnstlan SClen~e Lecture and ic11"w-"lticcr,;, It i,; also l,vi,lcllt and II. E, "I illl'l', .
~[awr, wh? is a student at Goucl!er "Christian Science-What It Is and that ,he ha,; it~ Ill',;t il~tcre,;t,';, at IIl',art. Thl' ('\llIlpany-" financial statl'llll'lll of
College, Will spend the week,end wIth! \\That It Is Not" is the subject of a l:"r IIlS~alln'. In, speakl11g \II In\'e,l1ga· I>,,'cl'nlhe r 31. 1'130. show,- 'Iukk a,...scts
her \larents. . ., I free lecture to be given by Charlcs tlllns ,:1, rohbel'll'''. t'!c .. Ill' expn',s,'<1 01 $i"WI.,OO(l, again,;! currellt Iiahilitil's
MISS Polly PalmqUIst, Mr. ,Wilham I E, Jarvis. c. S.. of Los Angeles, Cali- tl~1t OPI11IOIl t!lat II~' lH'\Y" ~holl,I<I ,hc (Ii $IJ,~~,(I()(I, thc ratio of -t 1-2 to I
l~. Dothard and Mr. Jack \\ ~Ish, all fornia, Ilnder the auspices of First ~1\'cn ot!t nlltll all Illvcstlgatl11g 1~ f!n, he in!;:' a considcrahle improvelllent ("'cr
of ~arberth,. attended the Inter-r.:r~- Church of Christ, Scientist, Ardmorc, Ishcd. ,,;nll'l' pr,clllatnn, n'll-a,;\' ,'1, In- !In'\'IOI1S Yl'ar,;, Shrinkal{e in saIl'S 1'01-
tern~ty-Soront.Y Dance ~t Temple UI1\- on Tuesday evening, February 24, at fonnat!on hcanng on t,I~,: case Illight IItl1lt occasioned an o!ll'rating los:' of
verslty on Fnday evemng.. I 8.15 o"clock, i,n the Church edifice, makc It all the nHlrc d1ll1cn1l to clcar $1-t<J,OOO aikr charging ofT dcprecialill/I
Master Charles PalmqUIst, of Nar- Athcns and Llllwood Avenues, Ard- IIp, alld dC\'l,lopnll'1I1 l'xpen,;" al11onntin" to
'.' brook Park, attended th<: lunche'!n mor\',
given at the Penn ,Athlhetlc Club ,m
honor of Hugh Loftmg', y the JunIOr Birds in Coal Office
Salllllci ,\danl'; was horn :\Iarch Co. $-t-t7.()()1I.
I Hi'l, in \\'c,;t Conshohocken, and
I raisl,,1 there,
,\1 a Incelinl-[ lli the Hoard of Dirl'c-
:\fter attending' public till'S j,,\lowing' thc ,;tllckholders' lI1l'ct-

For~111 on Slaturday.. i' b k ' 'schoo!. he \".CI!t to work when he was ing all ofliccrs \\'l're re-elccted anll the
. MISS ~ol y Paln~qulst, 0 :\abr roo f
Park . Will entertalll
th~ Lal11bd~ Iota
L the
I Imelll
S 'ers
Birds in their natural setting, bird ahllllt H. dn\'lng' tealllS,
, 0 . f·ec d ers al~<I I' JlnI IJ:> ths •arc .lJe'lng dl's- .
:\ fter a tnp Ollt, \\ cst all<I a SIlJourn
. '
1"'l-[lllar qllarkrh- ,lividen<1 of $2(10 a
,;han' 011 prdl'rrl'd
a;n)(a oroAlt) at playcd thiS week 111 the wt!ldows of in C1c\'c1and, hl' l'l't1ll'netl to thi,; scc- pa\'ahle :\Iarl'h l:i til ,;lol'khllltll'I'; (If
, sinck w;" <kcl<lr~(1.
, .

bndge on ,Sa~nnl~y a.ten~oor F mong Ralph S, Dnnnc(s Narbertl.1 Coal Com- tioll, \\'orking fllr a year with the llell l'l'Z'ord as of ~Iarch 5, '
the gn~st,:; w~ll, be MISS Ie en f o~les~ pal!)', by ~trs. I: lorence Gnscom. Mrs, Telcphonl' Cl,mp3ny at 0:orristown.
and 1\1.lss Helcn 11.. Bro,wne, 0 er Gnscom IS chatrlnan of the Conscrva- 1I is later johs hefore joining' the
ch:lIItvllle, N. ].; Mls.s bnma. Brehlil, tion Committee of l\Iontgomery Cot!n- forn' include teaming for \\'i11iam Sunshine Bible Class
• ~I!s~ Janet Da':,'ls, MISS Am.eha Ru! I. ty: \Vith Ev~rett S. Gris~om ~he mam- Kcrrigan. work with the Suplee coal The Sunshine Bihl,' Class o[ the
).,,1 ISS Mary Ferguson, MISS EdIth tams the Bnar Bush BIrd Sanctuary I vard. th,' American Icc Compa1l\' and )"Ietltollist Episcopal Chl1l'ch will hold
ha~fzel~bcJ~~t an~ 1\i~\rarr.y ~a~rs·.t_ at Roslyn.
.' l r. an l rs. . . enr), 0
mg Honse Lane, have returned from
New Kensington, Pa.
I Tn l he TJ'h pnler
;\gain with the Bell Tclt'phone 'Com- thcir regular 11Il'ding in the church
p',Il\' at Rosemont.

. s'am' :\ <ams
I 1 '\ .\ hrothcr on thc 2-t,
I. s •
Ilarlors on Tm'';llay c\'cning. Fehruary

.' Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Macoley, of

Meeting Honse Lane, attended the 1'
Annual Eagles Charity Dance in Nor-,
1~ L-U

C ....tlnued (roln PIIK" ..

---,-------------' -----------------------

-And This Is RD.'.emont

ristown on Friday evening. i
Miss Anne Mode daughter of Mr. i several members of the cast prcvents
and Mrs. Herbert 'Mode, of Surrey I it from being as effectiv~ as it migh,t .be.
• Lane Overbrook HiIls-in.Merion willi "Subwav Express" IS an excltmg
retnr;1 from Swarthmore Col1ege on Il1Iystery thriller with the a~tioh taking
lIarch 15 to spend the spring vacation place in a crowded New '\ ork s!lbway
with her parents. ,.car, part of ten-car express tr~m, , ] t
Among the arrivals at the Chalfonte- liS weIl-staged and the susp'~n~e IS faIrly
Haddon HaIl in Atlantic City last sustai!led. Next week WIll b~ ~he .. l~st
week-end were 1\1 rs, J 0\111 M, Henry, of i for thIS drama as Lenore Ulnc m I a-
lona Avenue and Mrs. R. G. Bennet I gan Lady" is announced for the Gar-
and Mr. R. G. Bennet, Jr. rick, with the first night, Monday,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Elwood. March 2.
of Sabine Avenue had as their guests Last performances of "Michael and
last week-end M~. and Mrs. Charles Mary," at the Walnut, and "Better
. \V. Yetter, of Ventnor, N. ]. Times," a~ the Chestnut St!"eet Opera
M r, and 1\1 rs. Harry Roser, of House, wIIl be tomorrow mght.
Brookhurst Avenue, entertained a few The Footlighters of Wayne
friends at their home on Snnday eve· On Tuesday and \Vednesday cve-
ning' The guests were: Mr. and Mrs, nings, the Footlighters of Wayne wiIl
. ram~s Fuster, ~fr. and Mrs. Arthur present John Golden's play, "The First
Banfield, Mr. vVilliam Banfield, of Nar- Ycar," for the benefit of the unem-
berth; Mr. and Mrs. John Baron, Mr, ployed, Among the mcmbers of the
Philip Baron of Haverford, Miss Viv-! ~ast arc: William ]. McMillen, Mi'jl>
ian Harrison' and Miss Alice Watt, of 'I Hazel Rolfe, Gladys C. Tilghman, W. The Station at Rosemollt, while by 110 mealls a work of art, is adeqrcate
Devon. N. Stillwell, DeWitt H, Clement, ]ules for the present 'leeds of ,he community. The Post Office, now hidden i'l "'e
Mr. Aloysius Leonard, of Forrest I Prevost. H. Obdyke, Carey P. \Vil-
• Avenue, and Mr. John Claffer, of Tona !liams and ~riss Clara E. Beatty. sOHlhea.<t cornel' of tI,e photo, ll'ill sOOllbe mOl'cd.

Page Fourteen February 20, 19J1

Card Party Held Historical Program .' .

The newly organized Scout Mothers
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS gave a most successful card party last Presented at School
Saturday in the Legion Room of the
GeneJ'al Nott'ce- Classified Advertisements will be charged only
to residents of the Main Line whose names Community Building, Narberth. All
Famous Spots of Colonial
nppl,nr In the telephone directory; to persons maintaining an account wIth
U~. or to regular subscrlbcrs to eIther THE MAIN LINER. OUR TOWN. or
the tables which the room would hold
Times Illustrated and •
NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD. were sold out, and handsome prizes
were given, Refreshments were served. I Described.
R at eS--Mlnimum
10 ccnts a Une each paper; 25 cents a Une In all three.
chal'ge, 35c In one paper; 75 cents In all three AV-
The object of the card party was to,
erage of five word~ to the line. No blackfaced type used. raise ft~nds to enable tl~e Na.r~e~th LOCAL GROUPS SPONSOR
Deadline foJ' '/nsertions- Cla"Klfied advertillementK will
be accllllted Ull tu Wedne"day, Ii
Scout 1roop to carryon Its activIties.
Mrs. \V. J. Hutchinson is chairman of I
o'elock for OUR TOWN or all three papers; Thursday, 1 o'clock. {or TH,E the }'Iothers' Auxiliary. : There ~\'as quite a treat at the ~ar­
MAIN LINER: Thursday. 5 o'clock for NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD. I berth Public School on Thursday eve-
Boro Man Honored i ning when some "Historic Spots" re-
Phone Your Ads to ARDMORE 3100 Frank A. Schrepfer, professor of Ilating to our Colonial and Revolution- •
~ architecture in the School of Fine Arts I ary history were dealt with-Ilictori-
~~~~~~~~~e..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ at the University of Pennsylvani~ and 1ally, under the auspices of the Educa-
At Your Ser."·ce Lost and Found commander of the Harold D. Speak-, tional Committee at large Not often
n r man Post, of Narberth. has been ap-I .'
WI;o.IVOW CI,I~ANINq. ";stlmate" given I,O~T--on I~rlclay 13. a litrinl;' of pearl. pointed to the standing committee on had the large. a.udlence pres~nt seen
f,'ee. Orders promptly atten<11'd to. Ph. with "apphlre and dl:ltllon<1 cla"p education of the American Societv of! so many patriotic places depIcted on •
Narh. 2'150-.1. (03-6) B<'twel'n 4:14 Anthwy'n Hd. and 1I:arh. Landscape Architecture. ' ; the s~re~n or listened to such excellent
~ta .• Anthwy'n. I"na lind A""n R<1s deSCriptions.
TRAINI':U graduate nurses available I'I"'I~(' I',·turll t., '3' Alltl'\""'1 » ••
for all types of ll1ness In the home • ",' ", - (t"~·,-'~)O)
_ _ Prest'ded at Meetmg ' The Old Dominion. from Jalll""tO\Vll ~"
on a ,'isll basis. Ph. Ard. 20n for in-
and \ViIliamsburg in the earl), coloniat
:-'Iiss Mary B. Church, of the Nar- day to Frcdericksburg, home of Mary,
Wanted berth Community Library Assoc;atlOn. Mother of Washington, Ethan 1\lIan

J)nl~HSMAKINll lind alterations or WA~T~D TO BUY-Rahy "truller and presided at the afternoon meeting of House, supplied many of the subjects;
me",ling- In your home or mine. Mrs. ]len I'n l;"oo<! condition. R":l.~onahle the extension division of the Pennsyl- and it is doubtful whether some of thc
:'1. Re<llieh. Ph. Narb. 2:16fi-W. (0:J-6) Ph. Narb. 241::-.1. (02-20) vania State Library Association on on-lookers had evcr before "toured"
HAUI,II'C-Lo"al an<l long ,li"tance. \Vedncsday in thc picture j{allery of Virginia so fruitfully. Particularly out-
~cr\'lee I';xpresli Co., I·-ranI, H. Secly, For Sale Drexel Institute. A morning session standing' were original pictures of the
,11'., Prop. 5 Bala A,·e., <'rnwY'd SH. I.'on SAI~I';-Electric washer. Good and luncheon were also held, "Seals" of the Colonies, "George
(otf) eon<lllion. Will "ell for ven' reasou. vVashington" and "Powhatan's tree."
U()T'J'I,ll~B I';SSLINGgR, caT)lenter, able prke. Phone Narherth 2872. HELEN T. S. McENROE It was much the same with historic
johbinp:, altcratinn~. 122 COn\VH)' (02-20) Services were held on Monday, at 8,,~O New York, Massachusetts, New
A\·e. Call Narh. :ljt~-n. In:I-27-:l1)
FOR SAI,I~-Uo'clen oak dlnlJl/{ rOOm A. M., for Helen T. Sheridan McEnroe. Hampshire,
}iuite, eight Jlh~e'e:-;, nuod condition; wife of Charles ),-1. McEnroe, from her! Rhode Island, North Carolina, South
~laryland, Connecticut,
IlHgSS~IA K11I:!l - 1';lizaiJeth Pear"on,
215 1l1l<1ley' A\"('., :'\ari.o. I'h. :'\arh. .. ea~onahle. 14'iJ"(~~ide tonlN Hnel t\VO late residence, 304 Grayling Avenue. Carolina, Delaware, Georgia and, of
272M. (otf) 1'0r"h rocl'"r". I'hon" Narb,-rth 3623-.1 Solemn requiem lIlass was celebrated course, our own Pennsylvania, which
(112-20) at 10 A. M., at the Church of St. is really hehind no other section of the
I'IANO tuning anll relHlirlng In ynur ~Jargaret. Interment was at St, Denis' Union in its multitudes of places ren-
",,-n t lJwn ('usts Itluch lCHH. Hend BUY NO'''! l-'Ireillace woo", any Cemetery. dered interesting by the events of its
po"tal. Q. lTherti, 317 Hampllen Avo. !cllgths,
(otf) w~'d 984.
rcas. \VIll. ).'oot. Ph. Cyn-
(omh4-10) two and a half cnturies of historv. •
JANE BARNARD But, much as we think of our Villey
I'LAHTI·:ltlNll and ('ement work, chim- Jane Cross Barnard, aged 7 1I10nths. Forge and Independence Hall, it is
Rooms for Rent
IIl'yS Hnfl ~tnnt'\\'OI·k repaired and dang-hter of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd T, good to look ebewhere at times, as III
pointed. ~tU(~('o l't.\pail"f'tl and \valcr- WgLf, - ICUR:O>TSHI':1l cheerful ruom Barnard, of 202 Avon Road, died 011 this instance at Narherth School, and
proofec1. I'~dw. H. H~lW:-l, PhollP Nar- wltb private hath. 1 sq. from bus feel proud of the historic places in
herth :1721. (otf) 11,,1 train.~. Ph. I'arb. 2407·\V. (02-20) Sunday. Funeral sen'ices and inter- the other twelve colonies of the Atlan- e,
ment were pI'iva te.
!,AL;'olDHY worl, to take home, hampel tic seahoard prior to the opening up
or "mall wash. Nice sunny yard, Ph
Garages fOT Rent of the trans-Allegheny region. -
HI'Yll 1\Inwr 174M. (om2-27) ,",on lU~NT--(larag.., 211 Hampden Villanova Hockey Team Among the residents sponsoring the

Situatiol1s Wanted
HOt!~e"-OnK, men<llng' III' sewillg, b~
AVenue. Ph. Narh. :1679-.1. (omh2-27)

Help Wanted
program are the following: ~1 rs, J. R.
Loses to Yale Jayvees Aiken, ~Irs. S. A. Anderson, Mrs. Nat-
alie R. Boal, }'Irs. Harry ~l. Chalfont,
the cla y. Phone CYllw~'<I 1170- R. HAI,RSI,ADY-e,qlCrienecd in selling The Vi1lanova varsity hockey team Mrs. Robert Dothard, ~Irs. T. B, du-
(omb2-20f) hou"e furnishings. nepl)' by letter lost to the Yale Jayvees in the arena Marais, Mrs, Thomas C. Dunlap, Mrs.

("hailing", 'Vill cook and ~el'\'~ din·

ner". !loud refel·l'nees. $:1 and earfarc
HH Biddle Ht.. ,\rdnlOl'l'. Phone ;o.;ar·
J!,"ivlng ng;~ and experience. Box uM; at New Haven last Friday night by the Paul Egolf. Mrs. C. A. Farmer, Mrs.
WOltK BY THR DAY-Laundry work, care of The 1\laln I,iner, AI·dmore. score of 6-2. Up to the last ten min- Anna Farson, 2\Irs. J. C. Freeman.
(omb2-20C; utes the score was 2-2. Faughan, of Mrs. Harvey Harmon, lIrs. Addie K.
Villanova, hroke the record for the Hewitt. Miss Edith Hewitt, Mrs. \Val-
hertll 254M- W. (omh2-20f) Legal Notice New Havcn arena by going to the ter E, Hurd, llrs. Samuel MacAdams,
-------------- penalty hox five times in the course 1\Irs. Hugh G. lfartin, lfrs. W. G.
I,AUNDI1(.:SH, <'olored, wi"heli work f'" PROPOSALS of the g-am(-. Maston. Mrs. J. L. 'Mil1er. Mrs. Joseph
'rues. HIHl 1'hur~. Best "t.~f~r(·IH'eN Sealed IH'ollosal" will he recel\"ed b~ 1l\H1ler, l\~rs. ~ohn C. Nash. Mrs. Wal-
Phone Loculit 7~7H. (omh2-2f1f) the Ckrl, of the BOl'oug'h of Narherth I tel' R. 0 Sulhvan, Mrs. R. M. Patten.
at the el(,rl,'s olllee UI' unt 11 S (I'clocl, A II Saints Episcopal Church ' Mrs. Kate Runyon, ~I rs. Charles Shaw,
~lAN & 'YI FII~ (h~:-liJ'l' pOHitil)t1. J~XIlCl'·

ieneed I-!ardpucr. l·rote~t an t. Can do
I\itld of ,,"orl\:. I'hull\' ArdllHII~€ the Yl'ar In;1l A. D., for furnishing th€ Rev. Gibson Bell, Rector
P. ~I, (S P. ~[.) the ~ixt.h da)' of :\fal'ch, }'l(}nt~olllery Pike & \Vynnewood Road Mrs, S. Z, S!,ope, ~~is5 Margaret Ta,:-
h~x, Mrs. E. C. 1 o~n, Mrs. I:". 1.
BOrOtll·nl of l'\al'hel't.h olle combination
50:1-.1. (oIlJ1J2-~()f)
hose antI Chc111ip;L1 flru tlupnratus ac .. Rev. Edward J, Bubb, Assistant I Van ~uken,. Mrs. Kenneth WIlson,
'\'O~lANI colored. desire~ to do clean· cordlnl;' to the following specifieatiolls: Frederick Hall. Organist. Il\~r~. Fral~k1Jn Dunl,?p, Mrs. Robert
ing Cl)' "'uHhing, or \\'nrl{ hy wCf·k, 1\10tor to be slx-cY'Under, 1J0re 4 % First Sunday in Lent-Feb. 2.2. ! N~sh, 1\Irs. !\. C. 1\11 lieI'. ~frs. L .•~. •
nfloel reference:-- frolll l':arh, peoille Inche,,: stroke 5 1Ji< Inche,,; nl~ton dis-
Call Nar... 2;1:;.
8:00 A. M.-Holy C011llllunion. I
(umb2-20) placement of 411.00 cubic Illehes; iglli. II :00 A. M.-Holv Comlllnnion and! C. Griswold, MISS ~'lorence VI" I ra)~,
King, ,Mrs. Edg~r H: Cocknll. ~fr;. 1'"
tion to he doullle; Jj~iHenuLn Inugneto; Sermon. - ~!rs. W. Russ~1l Green .•Mr '. C. C.
CHAUI"I"I~HINll or 11 uel, driving by
I.eece-::-le 'llle distrlhutor; earhureto.· to
reliable young ,\'hite OHlll callable he 1 1k inch ~heblel'; 20-l-\'allon I-\'a" tank At the II o'clock servIce the lIIusic I yson. 1\1 rs. C1~rence V, u~mll1gton,

around garden. Hef. Pleasc write final urlve to he bevel I;'ear; the rear will include: Mrs. H, \~. \Vlntney, Mrs. Eberhardt
' ...)." car{-~ of uO lO' '1'O'V11," Narb.
(omb2-6) axle to be full lIoating l"wel genr type Organ Prelude-Nocturne in E flat. l\lueller~.2\[lss Margaretta Runyon. 1\Irs, •
Chassis to he Hi:' :1/1 Ii inch wheel Opus 9, No. 2, Schubert, A, J. Sigel, 2\[1'5, Horace B. Murray
CI-J,\ lJIo'I·'I')URIN(; or \vol'l{ around base; frame to be pres"e,1 Kteel, heat-
hou~e ur g."arden. J<;xperienced. Ph. U'eated, 6% inches deep, 2'h Inches
Offertorv Anthc1l\-Scl'k Y c the and others.
Lord, Roberts. ------- ,
Swarthmore 106-R. wide. and % Inch thicl,: hl'akes to be
\V AN'l'gD-(lellel'al houMeworl,. Sleep 4-wbeel mechanical brakes; wheels to Organ Postlnde: Rcccssional in D Patty Leonard Wins Junior
out. (loud referellceM. Phone Ard- be ca"t ", hollow "poke tYl1e; tires minor, Brooks. •
1110r" 3241. (omb2-13fl to he :14x7 h"ll.vy.' dllty· .,ord pneumatic, High Spelling Contest
Y.-Ire equipment to eonslst of 2 40.
I·~XCI·:LI~I~NT cool, wiMhes position In LEGAL NOTICE
gallon cup per Chanl1llon cbemleal
small famlly. Be"t references. Call tanl,", eomplete with piping and 2'h- NAHUIO:RTH B. & I,. A~SOCIATIO;o.; Lower Merion Junior High School
ArdBlOre :1241 an)' time on \VedneMdll.)'. inch Illllng connection, mount.ed in the Annual meeting of the Narherth held the second Annual Spelling Con-
(omb2-13f) fr{1Il t part of the hose hod)'; lL!lparatus Building' and Loan A"Huciatlon for th, test Vv' ednesday afternoon in the Junior
YOUNU {'olorcd man deslrell position as to he equipped with two 10-inch elec- e1uctlo.. of oll1cer" from ntlmhlllt ion~ High auditoritnn. The winner. Pattv
cool, or hulle.· ur both in Mmall fam- tric headlights, one 12-lnch electric marIe at the I'-ehrunn' meetln/{ will be Leonard, of Bala Avenue, Cynwyd,
ily. Ph. Bry'n Mawr 1915-J. (omb2-13f) ~earehllght 011 rlaKh. rear eleetrl" tull held lIInreh 5, 1!'31, al !I P. M. at received the Charles B. Pennypacker
Ii~ht, Ilnd two electric spot lights on Borough B'1l1.
l~Xl'l~nll';NCEIJ seamstre"" wiMhcs real' "tan'lards; to be equipped with 200 'J'llOlIIAH (~. 'rROT'J'EH, Cup which is awarded by the Faculty
,,"01'1, by' the duy', willIng tu care lot' feet uf 1-lnch chemical hose wIth :;hut (02 27-31) ~e.·retar~·, of the School. Fifty-four pupils took
chihlr.· .. or i .. valids llay 01' v"enlng' off nozzl,,: also Ktand"TlI Ilro lighting part in the contest. two fro 111 each home
Best refer"neeli. I'hone Hilltop 966-:.1. equiplllcnt. ESTATE NOTICE I roon.l in .the The,s.e .were tl!e
JIo"l' hotly to he Planlllh steel, nrup· ]o;Klltte of ~Illry' ::>trol;'en, late of 1I:ur-,' survIVors of spelhng ~ont~sts held In
CAPABI,I': middle-aged woman as COIll- erh' rh'eted llnrl b"aced, with a ca- herth. l\lontgolllen' County, deCCllHed. e~ch home 1'00111 earhe.r III the year.
panlon or IIUI'Se to in\"alld 01' elderl)' IHlcity for cllrrylng 1000 feet of 2%- LetterK test:unental'v on the ahove es- I I-rank Davenport, Prll1clpal of the Ard-
1)(,l'son. Phone Cy'nwY',1 :1116. (omb2-13fl IlIcll hose; hod)' to he 98 Inchell long, tat" ha\'ing heen I-\'r;lnted to tbe under-I more and vVynllewood Road Schools,
HeLIAUI,I~ WOl11ulI wi"lw" light house· 'I'he Council reservell the right to I'e. sig'ned, nil 1..,r"on" indehted to said e,,- ! and President of the Ardmore Rotary
48 'IncheK wide and 27 incheK hIgh.
worl, ill small adult fa'llIlY, "Ieep III; I Jed' allY aild oJI bldll and award the tate al'e 1'0I[up"te<1 to lIlake immediate' Club. gave out the words. Miss Isahel
!\'ood h"me more desired tban wages., 'II tract to the bidder WhIch In the pllyment, anc1 t1lOlie ha"lng lel;'ll.l Endslow, ~[iss Elizabeth Filler and Mr.
clahn~, to preselll the same wIthout J h D Ie
Miss I,elleh, 117 'Vood"lde Ave., Nll;rh. ":ollnc\1's opinion, may be the be"t hld- dela)- to n n a weI' e th e JU . d ge s. l ' a tt y won
(omb2-6) der. SAMUEl, P. BOWMAI>:, l~xe('lItor, whcn R!'ndley RodJ:ters, the las~.,of the
R'~I,IABI.g eolored woman wishes [ CIlAnJ,ES V. NOEL. Sixth and Wnhlut Streets, hoy~. faIled to spell the word IUlpar-
day's worl, and launrlry' work. Ref.... Secretary' Bortlug'h of NRl'horth I'hllnrlp.lphln, Pn. tial." Nanc{~ Sen'icc won the cup last
Phone Ardlllore 324-1. (omb2·6f) (on,2-27-31) (,,2·2;·31) ! vear.
'. Febr".r., 20, 1931
Page Fifteen
, L M Court Team
I Sch 1 yotes 1\1.
I Some interesting work may be seen Milord Devereaux, Howard Lodge.
Scene: Living room of the Van Hay-
• •
Vanquishes 2 Rivals I
00 1 I in the classrooms now, correlations
with some phase of the c1as~room den apartment.
work. In first grade, a reproduction of Time: Eight P. M. Now, and one
Mount Vernon and Eskimo villages; hundred years ago.
I Tigers in Lead in Basketball League second grade. a grocery store and a Coach: Miss Margaret \Valler.
Strong Chester and Catholic I
I Thc four boys' hasketbal1 clubs havc postofficc; third gradcs, a far,J,n la~out Student Manager: Anne Adams.
VI Musical Selcction, Hi~h School
• to
I b I · · . . 'I'
I een p aymg . e\ er)
d' lid and a "How \Ve Are Clothed proJcct.
ues a) a. All of these ha\'e offered opportunity Orchestra.
High Fives Bow Thursday C\'enmgs after school. So i for pupil activity and civic experience, V II Judges decision.
Local Boys. far the Tigers are in the lead in these I as wel1 as mcans of c1asswork instruc-
gamcs. Thcy have been bcatcn only II tion. In the fourt!1 ~rade, sectiOJ.1 two, W. M. S. Luncheon
once; that was bv the Goats. The a lumbcr can~p. IS m the n~ak1l1g, a
___ , half of the season:
UPPER DARBY TONIGHT fol1owing are the 'results of the first geography ~ctlvlty. In .thc fi!th gra?e the Methodist Episcopal Church will
a reproduc!lOn o.f vanous lI!dustrtl,l1
The \~omen's l\Hssinnary Socicty of

hold a luncheon 011 Tuesday at 1 o'clock

Chester High School hrought an ag- '
L T'
Lost. P. c., landmarks 111 !-!mted, Statcs hIstory IS at the Church. Friends and their ~uests
1 1 111 progress. I he sl,xth and scvcnth
g-ressive combination to Ardmore last entz Igers 4 4 875
'500 grades are reproducmg a Normandy are cordially invitce!.
Fridav and made a superhuman effort Watson Bulldogs , . 500 I castlc and Colonial villages, rcspec-
• to sto'p the veteran club of Bill Ander-. CHleasffsevGoBaetasrs · · 41 47 "125' tively. all based on history work. The
, .. f I f hi' . • 'I kindergarten children havc just com- William Gabriele
son s, but m vall1, or t lC mcn 0 t e A chosen team from thc ~ arberth i pleted a waste material project, having
Offers First·Class Work for Mell,
)1 aroon overwhelmed thcm, 47 to 25. 1 School played thc L. ~L tlurd tcam!made toys from pastcboard boxcs,
Oncc again Johnny Pennypacker led and beat thcm, 19-5. Every man on cvlinders ctc.
the local cohorts to victory via the the ~arbcrth team madc somc points' ' -------
Women and Children at His New
cord route, and 'his twenty or so points! for IllS team. * * * c. P. 'I L. M. High School Noles 221 Woodbine Avenue
showed the scribes who hung in 'I
bunches along Bill Anderson's bench On \Vednesd~y, February II, the In the Lower Merion High School
that he is thc class of Philadelphia seventh grade gIrls had !he first vol1ey I Auditorium, at 8:15 P. M., on March .6,
basketball. The balcony, which housed I b~1I game, .the Rcds agamst the Grays. the thrce classes of thc school WIll
• rabid Lowcr Merion fans, also shel-: 1 hc captall1s were Hazcl Smiley for prescnt their annual play contest. This
tcrcd the Chester High principal and a i the Reds, Betty Murray for the Grays. contest was originated last vcar and
fcw other adherents who followed the Some of the best pla?,ers w~re the trophy was 'awarded for' the first
team to the edge of Montgomery Eunice Griswold, Hazel Snllley, Lmnse time. This year a bigger and hetter GUS WELSH
County, hoping for a Chester victory. Megee and Doris Bcrry for the Reds; I contest is planned and each class is ELECI'RICIAN
Lower Merion plaved an almost Aaw- Flora Hultgren, Lois Enz, Pauline Sa-I' striving for the trophy which will be 411 ANDERSON AVE., ,\rlh.. ure
• less game, and they had to, to win I borvich, Eleanor Briner and Betty awarded immediately after the presen- Pltolle: Archnore 112:»
frolll the courageous five who the' Murray for the Grays. The Reds won\ tation of the plays. Tickets for this Electric Washer and Motor
week previous smothered Upper Darby the three games, but it was a hard event may be purchased from any High Repairs-Armawre Winding
in a league contest. The visitors fight. K. H. School Student or at the door for $.50
played hard to win, and as the final ... * . . apiece. The fol1owing is the program: ENtlmntlng Without Chnrlt"

whistlc blew they were in there fighting The staff of the Sun Dial has been I THE KELLY K I J)
• I
just the same as though the difference changed for the latter part of the /1)' Kathlcl'll Norris and Dan Tothrrch.
in the score was only a point or two. I school term in order to give oppor- The Cast: Mrs. Cahi1l, Ruth Rogers;
The )1aroon followed up with I tunity to many pupils to participate in I' Mrs. Murphy, Peggy MacGuffin; Mrs.
another win on Tucsday afternoon. The I the paper work. The new staff is as Callahan, Cecelia Link: Enen Murphy,
game marked thl~ fourtcenth conseClI-, follows: Mildred Pearce; Robbic Kelly, Dick You'll find candy
tive victory for Bill Andcrson's boys,l Editor-in-Chief-\Vaync Deavcs. I Rockwell; Officer Hamilton, Crozcr Lud-
and it was wclcomc, for it was against Sports Editors-Carron Palmer and 'I low ; Officer Burns, Ned Bartlett. cherries and hatchets,
Catholic High, which has one of the Katherine Haenchen. Sccnc: Thc kitchcn of the Murphy
hest hasketbal1 teams in Philadelphia. Art Editor-Louisc 1\1 egce. I family.
and all sorts attrac'
The locals were not extended to win, \Vho, \Vhat-Charlotte Van Dyke. II Time: Present. A hot afternoon in
as the visitors had lost two of their
varsity members through ineligibility.
Fun Editor-Minnie Maltby.
Advertising Manager-Donald Vogt.
Thc varsity left the game late in the! Circulation Manager-John Lebo. I
Coach: Miss Myrna Sheely.
Student Managcr: Janet DeVilbiss.
I tive party favors for
fourth quarter. leading 42 to 12. The II I,~xchange Editor-Eunice Caldwell. II Musical Selection, High School J
final score was 42 to 14. Poetry-Betty Kennedy. I Orchestra. I the birthdayof OEO.
The game with Upper Darby will Reporters-Mary Louise Evans andl III FINDERS KEEPERS
be played tonight in the Junior High \ Richard Berry, second grade; Louise I
School instead of the afternoon on the Johnston and Verna Bock. third gradc;
I 11)' GCOI'[lC K{'ll)'.
The Cast: Eugenl' Aldrid, Charles
hig-h school floor. This will enable Richard 1'.1 cConnell and Carl Brooks, Lueders: Mrs. Aldrid, Ray \\Tilson;
tl1l' local fans to sce the team in action fourth grade; Jean Peden and Marie Mrs. Hamptoil, Catherine Russen.
and will provide for the influ:, of visi-I' Tapp. fifth grade; Mildred Thomas I Scenc: Living room of the, Aldrid
.. tors from Upper Darby who Wish to see and \Vilson Rucher, sixth grade; Julia I home.
thc g-amc. I Poorman and Dick Whitney, seventh
II Time: Prcscnt. Five o'c1ock of a latc
September afternoon. Oldest Store ill Narberth
Lower Merion Swimmers ...... * Coach: Mi~s Florcnce Nicholson. ,
Onc section of the seventh grade St~dent ~anager: ~~ichar<! McCurdy. i 224 Haverford Avenue
Bow to U pper Darby history class visited the Art Museum I I\ MUSIcal Selcctlon. HIgh School
on the Parkway Thursday, Fcbruary 'I Orchestr~. •• r'"
Narberth 4035
At the Norristown Y. M. C. A. Pool, 12. The trip was made in cars fur- 1/ JAZZ AND .MIlI UEI
Lower Merion Swimming Team lost nish~d by Mrs. McKenzie, Mrs.1 T By Ruth GlOrlofJ: ..
to Upper Darby Swimming Team by Monks. Mrs. Drennen, Mrs. Van Mrs. \an Hayden, Manon 11\Jton; Watch Our Windows
thc close score of 33-32, on Monday. Aukcn. Mr. Fage and Mr. Civiteno.! Elcanor Prudence yan Hayden, Pr1!dence
The most exciting cvent of the after- Thc pnrpose of the journey was to ob· IVan Hayden, Eh\1(!~ Sch,!ff; RIchard
noon was the last race-the hundred sen'c and study the Colonial rooms! Tov.:nsend,. R.obert I rowhn.dge, Robert
Yard frce-stvle. Phil Pitcher and Bob with their Lrniture arrangement, ctc. i Braid: Nettle, Lucy. Ehnor Jones;
ki ter were ~II tered for Lower Merion. T his lin ks up wi t h the Culon iaI pcriod I --:==::::::::::::~::::::~;::::;:~:::::::::::~:::::::::-~::::::
Eithcr first place or second and third in their Amcrican history. I
1\1 'ss
. ::;---:-"
places would have turncd the meet for Hoover also plans to soon take the
thc L. )L hoys. At the beginning s:x.h grade history group to the Com-I
of the last lap, Pitcher led. hy ~ stroke. mercial MUSeUI!1 to. make a ~tudY of I "WHAT
hut, as he ncared the fil1lsh hne. one e~hlblts on pertods 111 early I~urnpealll
Upper Darhy fellow sprinted past him jlllstor y . I SPLENDID NEWS!'·
and touched the end of the pool the * * * I
barest fraction of a second before I Thc Aud:torium pro~ram on Jaml- i Tell your friends by
Pitcher. By a slightly lar~er margin, I ary 22 was prescnted by thc seventh I'
thc sccond Uppcr Darhy SWIl11J11l'r heat I grade girls' gym class. It was a stunt
Rill'r. Howcver, each boy gave his best I program, made up of balance board 1 telephone! There'5 an
in his event and it was a fig-ht to the! walking. pyramid building, Indian club
en.d. It was a. good afternoon's enter-! relays. tap danc:ng. all of which is a
tal\lment and It gave the teams a fine :,oart of thc regular class work. On
I intimate touch in"voice
workout. : 'February 5 the sixth gradc English I visits" that everyone
,class dramatized the story, "Soldier's,
Haverford Trims Amherst I Repriel·e," an incident based on Civil! enjoys.
'\ft I' 11 9 I ad at half War history, in which Abraham Lin-I
."' er Javmg a - e ' I d' I d I' I .
timc. the Amherst baskethall team; ~o n ISP ~ye
liS c laracter 1\1 grant- I
howed to Haverford College. 31.21, at mg a repne~e to a boy who slept I
Haverford last Friday night. The' at h s \>D?l. rhe program also mclu<!cc!'
Main Line quintet rolled up 22 points I the read!ng of the letters whIch I
in a second-half scoring orgy. with; \~e~e ~vntt~n to AdmIral Byrd. Jane I
Captain Reisner leading the attack. ! Chlllas, 1\1 Ildred Thomas an~1 Nelson!
I Rucher were the three pupIls whose
I letters were read. Nelson Bucher's
Villanova Downs Ursinus : was chosen as the best and has beell,
With Whitey Czesick, Wildcat for-: s~nt to ,the h~adquarters. o.f the Na-!
ward on the rampage, scorin:.;' 14 i ~Iollal E?ucatlon ASSOCiation to be:
points. Villanova trounced Ursinus in! mc!uded .111 the bound sheaf of letters i
basketball, 39-23, at Villanova last Fri- whlcl~ w2 11 be presen~ed to Byrd at
day. Markins, Villanova's stalwart I the N. E: A. conventton, De~artment
• ~uard, produced 10 points in addition, of Superll1tendence, at DetrOIt, Feb- 41
to playing a fine defensive game. I ruary 24. I

_. Sixteen ._.
~ ._~ .. ..._., .._. ·__·
February 20, 1931

John C. Foster, of Brookhurst Ave-

Third Period Honors Councilman Hall Reports [Wynnewood Boy Scouts nue, who was scoutmaster of the
Announced at School on Convention of Boroughs I Display Camping Trophies Wynnewood Pine Tree Troop for eight
years and was largely responsible for
ConthlU ...1 from FlrHt Pnl(e making' it such a successful troop; has
~\cCartney, Elizabeth McConnell, J. R. Hall, of Sahine Avenue, who The \Vynnewoocl Pine Tree Troop, heen appointed assistant scont execu-
(jeorg-e ~\'\ iller, Emil Roesler. attended the annual convention of the of the Boy Scouts, of which the Rev. tive of the Delaware ancl Montg-ornery
Fifth gracie-Kathryn Bailey, Sam- State Association of Boroughs held at E. J. Bubb is scontmaster, has a very Conncil.
nel Cle\'enger, Harry Colhurn, Everdt
CI\'111er, Donald Edgerton. Sonja Harrisburg- Tuesday and Wednesday interesting window display this week
Egolf, Dora Enz, Burton Davis, Anne of this week as the official delegate of at the Strawbridge and Clothier Store, Main Line Girl Scouts
Forsvthe Clarence Grillis, Allene the Narherth Borough Council, reports in Ardmore. This troop, which won the Plan Leaders' Meeting
Kirs~ht, j allies 1\\ eredith, George M or- !
that many matters of interest came up first prize in camping in the Delaware
hard, Jean Peden, Quinto Rosetti, r .
Robert Rowley, ~rargaret Shaver, for <ISCUSSlon. I and Montgomery COllnty district, ar· District Xo. 8, .of the Girl Scouts
l\fargaret Stam, Marie Tapp, Charles A recommendation \ya~ unanimously I ranged the window themselves under will hold a Leader's Training Day at
Timm. ad.opted. hy the Assocl.atlOn, Mr.. Hall the direction of the window decorator the Cynwyd Girl Scout Headquarters
I"'Irs t IlOnors- F•our tl 1 g r a<Ie- Y'r salel, wInch would prOVIde for payIng of . , OIl Saturda)', Fellrllar" 28, fron1 9 A. ~·f.
ginia DeHart, Betty Grace, Earl M c-
'I - all fines imllOsed for traffic violations of the store. InCIdentally thIS scout J"
until 5 P. M. Those attending expect
Cormick, Billy ?If orhanl, Betty Haser, within horoughs to the horough treas- group has won nearly ev('ry prize there to cook thl'ir own luncheon as part of
Shir!<:,' Vincent. ury, instead of. 10 th~. ?tate as the is for camping". The assistant scout- the course. The following' snbjects
Third grade-Nonna Bailey, Dor- Plret~ent .Iaw reljutlerels' t ] hl:etre~om;11~;;; 11111. asters, Ruhen Norhlool11 and Philip have been suggested by the leaders-
otl1\' Boericke, Albert Cederstrom, (a Ion IS expec < 0 m " I . I others may be added later: Signalling
Dorothv Furber, :\nila Goodrich,
al1llroval of the State Legislature Pitcher have workl~< up III t 1C I d 1
games an< methods, secon c ass games
Jeanne' Greyer, Burt Hause, Louise shortly and be incorporated in the new I' troop unlil now at IH they arc ass is· and methods, merit badges discllssion
Johnston, J anc King, ?II ary Lou Paul, motor "ehicle code. . tants, and arc largely responsible for and method, first lIass method and
Helcn Roesler, ~r ary Scaccialepre, I
Another ~eCOI!lI1lellllation adopted .at the cleverness of the display. games, new noisy fuu games. The
Jean Tripician. the conventIOn, If passed by the Le~ls- 1 On Saturdav the bovs will hike to luncheon discussion will be on "Older
Second honors - Fourth grade- lature, wouM proVIde for the exemptIon . . Girls in the Troop,"
Hugh Aiken, Earnest Railt'y, Carl of political sub-di\'isions of the State I Valley Forge wher(' the Delaware and The Brvn 11awr Girl Scout Troop
Brooks, Ross Collins. Dick Graham, frOlIl payment of th~ State gasoline. tax Montgomery Council will hold a con- studied trees and gathered moss for a
Harn' Horn, Bobbv Jame:i, Richard and for th~ of all prevIous clave. Last year the Pine Tree Troop scout hanging hasket on hike taken on
~r cConnell, ~I yra . ?II arkle, Eleanor amounts paId on thIS .account. won the "Troop('e" at the Valley Forge Friday, the 13th. The route followed
?Ii cClay, Alan ?llunro, Charles Palmer, . :\not.her matt('r willch came up for Council. The hoys have heen taking the outskirts of Bryn 1lawr. Helen
Jean Russell. Deborah Smedley, Janet dISCUSSion. h.ut, was referred. hack to part in hikes for the last two Satur- Pryor, acting lieutenant, wa:i in charge.
Stringfield. Sue \Nilson, Ruth \Vohlert, the AS:i~)Clatlon s Law CommIttee, Mr. days, the first being a "marking hike" Returning to the starting point at the
BiIlv \Ventz, Bettv Evans. I
Hall satd, was ~he propo~al to make and the second a "roller skate"hike. Church of the Good Shepherd, a short
Third grade-L;)uise Barnett, Kath- t~x payments III four IIlstallments. The Gladwyne Troop has challenged meeting was held when new patrol
rvn BrOllks, Anne Casey, Dolly Lou I
11.1ere \~'as no general agreement un the \Vynnewood g-roup to a contest on leaders and troop officers were elected.
Cook, Billy Carroll, Billy Duncan, tIllS subject. March :2 at the Gladwyne Community Jane Elsey and Mary Gane were chosen
Billv Ha\'wood, Betty Johnson, Jo-
hani1a Krebs, Richard l\IcFarland,
I Hall, when scout g-all1es, wrestling the new patrol leaders; Mary Cava-
Tin; WHOLI;; TOWN'S TALKINll- matches and a basketball game will be naugh, treasurer, and Minnie Peezie,

A":i::::~·:ee Gift Shop BToa~::::;~:' '·h<,'''''U' 'od'" Ilh;ld------ _.-._- - - ---- I t~~~~~==___==__=_
an invitation to the opening of their new branch at II
30 SOUTH 16TH STREET on Tuesday, February 24.
We have the largest display of greeting cards in Phila- I Montgomery Bus Co.
delphia. You will enjoy our children's department of I
toys. We specialize in picture framing. The gift " Montgomery Avenue Schedules
department is at your service.
This advertisement is worth 25 cents on a one dollar I
purchase during the week of February 24th. I
Westbound-Weekdays Eastbound-Weekdays

Leave 62d and Malyern: 6.05 A. 111.,
6.25, 06,0\5, 7.05, 7.25, °7.45, 8.05, °8.25,
S.45, 9.05, 9.30, 10.00, 10.30, 11.00,
11.:10, 12.00 P. M., 12.30, 1.00, 1.30,
Lea\'c I3r~'n :\Ia\\'r Slatlon: 5.35
A. 1\1., 5.55, 6.1!'i, 7.15, 8.15, S.5fJ, 4.15
P . .\1., 4.35, ".55, 5.15.
A rdmorc SlaUrJlI: 5.40 A. ?I., 6.00,
2.00, 2.30, :1.00, :1.25, °:1.45. °4.05, °4.25, 6.20. 6.4ll, 7.00, 7.20, 7.40, 7.58, 8.20,
PRESCRIPTION ... .45, 5.05, 5.25, !iAn, 6.05, 6.25, li.45, 8..1ll, !'.llO, !I.:l(l, 10.00, 10.30, 11.00,
7.05, 7.25, 7.45, 8.05, 8.25, 8.45, 9.05, 11.3u, 12.00 1'. ?I., 12.:10, 1.00, 1.30,
IS VITAL . ... 9.30, 10.00, 10.30, 11.00, 11.:10, 12.00
A. 1\1., 12.30, 1.00, ~.OO.
2.110, 2.:10, 3.00, :1.20, 3.40, 4.00, 4.20, -ell.'
·1.40, ;'.00, 5.20, 5.40, 6.00, 6.20, 6.40,
54th and City I.ine: 6.10 A. 111., 7.00, 7.20, 7.40, 8.00, 8.20, 8.40, 9,00,
6.30, 6.50, 7.10, 7.30, 7.50, S.10, 8.:10, :1.:10, 10.00, 10.:\0, 11.00, 11.30, 12.00
The same careful com- A. 1\1., 12.:10, 1.30.
8.50, 9.10, 9.3;', 10.0;', 10.35, 11.0:"
pounding, the same testeJ 11.35, 12.0;' P. 111., 12.35, 1.05, 1.35, :'\al'berth Station: 5.fiO A. 1\1., 6.10,
standard ingredients, the 2.0;', 2.3;', :1.0;',, 3.aO, ·1.10, 4.30, 6.aO, 6.50, 7.10, 7.:10, 7.50, 8.10, 8.30,
4.50, 5.10, 5.30, 5.50, (;,10, 6.:l0. 6.50, S.50, :1.10, ll.40, 10.10, 10.40, 1\.10,
same exact checking is 7.10, 7.:10, 7.:,ll, 8.10, 8.30. 8.50, 9.10, 11.·10, 1~.10 P. 1\1., 12.40, 1.10, 1.40,
done on EVERY prescrip- !t.::5. 10.05, 10.:\5, 11.0;J, l1.aS, 12.0& 2.10, 2.40, 3.10, :1.:10, :UjO, 4.10, 4.30,
A. 1\1., 12.:15, 1.05, 2.0n. 4.50, 5.10. :,.:10, :'.50, 1l.IU, 6.:10, 6.50,
t ion compounded at 7.111, 7.30. 7.:'0, iLl U, S.:IO, S.:;U, !1.10,
I.c\·crlng 1\Iill nil. and ?lonlgo1l1- 9.40, 10.10, 10.40, 11.10, 11.40, 12.10
SHEA'S PHARMACY. er~' An,., C~'II\\'Yll: n.15 A. M., 6.3,'j, A. 1\1., 12.40, l.4U.
6.r.!l, 7.15. 'i.3ti, 7.55. S.)!), 8.35, 8.55,
!,e:erlng l\IliI Itel. and Montgom-
Its compounding is vital !l.I:., U.·IO, 10.10,,11.40,
er,Y A\'e., Cynwyd: 5.Mi A. 1\1., 6.15,
12.10 P. ~I., 12.40, \.10, 1.-IlI, 2.10, 2.40,
to you . . . and it should a.lO, 3.35, 3.55, 4.15, 4.35, 4.55, 5.15,
li.3fi, 6.5:', 7.15, 7.a5, 7.r,5, 8.15, 8.35,
8.5;;, !J.l5, 9..15, 10.15, 10.45, 11.15,
be to the pharmacist to 5.3;), 5.55, ti.15, 6.35, 6.55, 7.15, 7.35, 11.·15, 12.15 P. 1\1., 12.45, 1.1 n, 1.45,
7.55,8.15,8.35,8.55, !1.I5, 9.40, 10.10, 2.1a, 2..t5, 3.15, a.35, 3.55, 4.15, 4.35,
whom you entrust it. 10.:10, 11.10, 1\.40, 12.10 A. 1\1., 12.40, 4.55, 5.15, 5.35, 5.55, 6.15, 6.35, 6.55,
Have this service on your 1.1 0, 2.10. 7.15,7.35,7.55,8.15,8.35,8.55,9.15,
next prescription. Narherl h Station: 6.20 A. M., 6.40, 9.45, 10.15, 10.45, 11.15, 11.45, 12.15
7.00, 7.20, 7.40, 8.00, 8.20, 8.40, 9.00, A. 1\1., 12.4 5, 1.45.
9.20, 9.-If" 10.15, 10.4,'j, 11.15, 11.45, 54th llud Cit)· Line, Philadelphia:
12.1;' P. 1\1.,12.4;',1.15,1.·15,2.15,2.45, ILOO A. M., 6.20, 6.40, 7.00, 7.20, 7.40,
a.I;', 3..l0, 4.00, '1.20, 4.40, 5.00, 5.20, S.OO, 8.20, S.40, 9.00, 9.20, !I.40, 10.20,
5.40, 6.00, 6.20, 6.40, 7.00, 7.20, 7.40, 10.50, 11.20, 11.50, 12.20 P. M., 12.50,
8.00, 8.20, 8.40, 9.00, 9.20, 9.45, 10.15, 1.20, 1.50, 2.20, 2.50, :l.20, 3.40, 4.00,
10.45, 11.15, 11.45, 12.15 A. M., 12.45, 4.20, 4.40, 5.00, 5.20, 5.40, 6.00, 6.20,
1.15, 2.15. 6.40, 7.00, 7.20, 7.40, 8.00, 8.20, 8.40,

!1.00, 9.20, 9.50, 10.20, 10.50, 11.20,
) "To 13r)'n Mawr. 11.[,:;, 12.20 A. 1\1., 12.50, 1.50

Shea's Drug Store

AAAAA to EEE·SilU t to 12
Sundays-Westbound Sundays-Eastbound
At the Naberth Station.
Narberth 2838-2839 JOHN DRIZIN \VIII lea\'e Philadelphia at 6 A. 1\1:.,
then eYel'Y :10 minutes until 12 noon,
then 12.2,'j and overy 20 minutes un-
til 8.05, thcn 8.30 and ever~' :10 min-
Beglning Ardmore Station at 5.30
and e\'cry half hour until 12 noon,
then 12.20 Ilnd eycr)' 20 minutefl un-
til 8 P. M., then 8.30 Ilnd ever~· 30
127 North Narberth Avenue
We Deli"er ule" until 2 A. M. minutes ulttil 1.30.
Hole-Proof Hosiery to Blend, •
$1 and $1.35 Per Pair
.. _!ii_~~-IIi!i!._~_!i_!!_!!!_!!_!!!S~_=!i!i!!=:s:s_!i!!!!!!!i!!!!!!i!i!!!!!!!i!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!z:o~ I
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1IIIIi :l"!ii!i!i~-iiii--..iiiI-_~

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