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Port-IT Antivirus -

Installation Manual
Generic Installation on a Windows Operating
System. 4
Communication PC & Standalone PC 7
Network Client PCs 18
Annex 1: Manually install required KB updates for
Windows 7 SP1. 24
Annex 2: Configure the Port-IT Guardian v3 and
its functions. 26
In this manual we will guide you step by step to install and configure Port-IT Antivirus.

NOTE: Before installing Port-IT Antivirus, please remove any other antivirus or endpoint security software or
any older versions of an ESET NOD32 installation.

Please use the Windows Control Panel -> Add/remove programs to remove the software.

Also make sure the following is in order:

· The communication PC has a static IP address on the vessel network

· Windows 7 SP1 is installed or higher. 

· The user has administrator rights during installation.

· The setup process can take some time, you will not be able to use the PC for normal operations during this

· Make sure all work has been saved and that all programs have been closed.

· Email filters should be set open up to 1MB

· If the PC is fitted with special user rights, then all update operations must be checked and the folders + sub-
folders of C:\nod32\* must be set read/write to Everyone.

Port-IT Antivirus - Installation Manual 3

Generic Installation on a Windows
Operating System.
In this chapter we will show you how to install Port-IT Antivirus on your Windows Communication PC

Please note that the minimum requirements are as follows:

• Windows 7 Service Pack (SP in short) 1 and newer. (8 / 8.1/ 10)
• Windows 7 requires 2 KB updates as well, which are included in the installer but possible have to be
applied after installation. 
• The PC on which you are installing the Anti-Virus is the Main Communication PC.
• The PC should be able to send and receive E-mails and/or have direct internet access

1. Open the installation file named: Port-IT-Antivirus-installer.exe (.exe might not be visible).

2. If your Security settings are set too high, Windows might ask for confirmation. Please click on: Yes to proceed
with the installation.

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3. A new window will appear that will inform you what must be done and what you can install. Click on the: OK
button to continue with the installation wizard.

4. The Installation wizard will start. Click on the: Next button to proceed.

5. In the next window you will see the License agreement.

Please read it carefully and mark the checkbox in-front of: I accept the terms of the License Agreement if
you accept the terms. 

After that you will be able to click on the: Next button to continue the wizard.

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6. In the next window you can choose what you would like to install.

Please refer to the below chapters for the respective installation types:
• Chapter 2: Communication PC & Standalone PC.
• Chapter 3: Network Client PCs.

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Communication PC & Standalone
In this chapter we will continue with the wizard for a Communication PC.

Before starting the installation, please be informed that the Minimum requirements are Windows 7 with Service
Pack 1.

On Windows 7 Service pack 1 the Port-IT Anti-Virus requires 2 Windows KB updates to be installed.
• KB4474419
• KB4490628

If you are missing those or would like to check if you have them, please follow chapter: Annex 1.

1. Choose: The Communication PC – Standalone PC. (The communication PC is also commonly referred to

as Comm PC.)

2. You will be informed of the components that will be installed. Continue by clicking on the: OK button.

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3. In the next window, the software will detect the system's initial IP settings. Please check if the IP address is the
correct local address.

If it is correct, click on the: Next button to continue the installation wizard for the Communication PC. 

Otherwise, adjust it and click on the: Next button to continue the installation wizard for the Communication PC.

(Please note the IP in this image could be different for your vessel.)

4. It is possible you will see the following window (if not, you can continue with: Step 5.).
If you see this, it means you need to configure the communication PC to have a: Static IP address
because DHCP is enabled.
Please do so before proceeding with the installation.

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If you do not know how to do this, please contact your IT-Department and ask for assistance.

If you want to change the IP after installation to static press Cancel to continue.  Leaving the comms
PC set to DHCP can disrupt the update process.

5.  The installation of the Port-IT Antivirus will start and multiple windows will appear as seen below. 

The Port-IT Antivirus Installation will start and a ESET will be installed as well.
progress bar will be shown

6. Once you have reached 90% of the installation, a new window will be shown where you can preset a range of
IP's. If a client PC is unable to connect to the communication PC they will start scanning the network you
configure in this step to find the communication PC.

This feature is often used on vessels that have multiple networks that need to be secured.
You can also close the window by clicking the: Save & Exit button and continue with the installation wizard.

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Doing so will leave the Guardian in its default state and only the network configured at the above step 3 before will
be scanned in case a client loses connection.

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1. By default, the current IP range will be
scanned starting with 1 and ending with 255
which is also the max.

2. By clicking on the: Trash icon, you will be

able to remove a rule.

3. If you want the entire list to be cleared, you

can click on the: Clear button.

4. To set a range kindly enter the starting IP

and the Ending IP.

For example: your vessel has 2 networks

(VSat & FBB)
VSat operates on the IP
range: 192.168.1.XXX
FBB operates on the IP range 10.1.100.XXX

The default rule is set to scan the full

range of the VSat network which takes
around 15 minutes max.

You can add another range for

the FBB network by entering the following:


(The IPs above are an example)

5. Click on the: Add button to add the range

to the list.

6. If you made changes and don't want them,

you can click on the button: Exit without

7. Once done you can click on the: Save &

Exit button.

You will also receive a notification, click on

the: OK button.

The installation will continue.

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7. The installation will continue and a black window will appear. (Please do not close it and wait for it to finish)
This is the process that creates the Local network Client PC Installation file which is needed in the next chapter. 

8. Once the process in the black window has finished it will close automatically and the installation wizard will
create an offline web-page that all the PCs that are connected to the local network can access.
It will also inform you where you can find the Client PC installation file by showing you another windows with the
link to the offline web-page.
(Please write this down as it will be needed in Chapter 3)

By clicking on the: OK button, the offline web-page will be opened on the default selected internet browser
(Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome etc.).

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The offline web-page can be used by your client to download the installation file. For now, you can close it.

9. At the same time the Guardian will open the first run setup.
You can configure the Guardian to update via the below options. For step-by-step guidance on how to configure
these please refer to chapter:  Annex 2.
• Mail Export using POP3: Will configure the Guardian to export weekly updates from a POP3 Mailbox.
(We prefer a dedicated mailbox that is not used or configured to prevent human errors)

• Mail Export using IMAP:Will configure the Guardian to export weekly updates from an IMAP Mailbox.
(We prefer a dedicated mailbox that is not used or configured to prevent human errors)

• Mail Export using an External Mail Client: The guardian will only monitor the Antivirus and if
configured send out Clientstates.
• This can be used if your E-mail solution does not support POP/IMAP and you will be updating another way.
(Common External Mails Clients are: Orilla Mail, AmosConnect, Skyfile, GlobeEmail, bluewave mail &

• Weekly Download: Requires direct internet access and will download the Weekly update from our Web-
Portal. Username and password needed for this can be requested from our support team.

• LiveQA (Daily): Will Download daily updates. The first time a big batch will be downloaded which will
consume around 350 MB's. Username and password needed for this can be requested from our
support team. 

When asked for Vessel Name and Unique ID, kindly use your vessel IMO number as the Unique ID.

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10. When the first run setup has finished the Guardian will start and show you a warning that no protection is
It needs some time to detect ESET and after that's done, it will also apply the update your installation package
came with to update ESET

Once finished a pop up window will appear to notify you of the newly applied update.

Click on the: OK button to close the screen.

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(For now you can close the Guardian. We will go on to explain the basic functions of the Guardian in chapter:
Annex 2. )

11. Click on the Next button to continue.

12. In the next window you can finish the installation wizard by clicking the Finish button.

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13. An icon will be created on your desktop, double-clicking on this will take you to the offline web-page also
known as the: Port-IT Antivirus Dashboard.

14. There will also be 2 Icons visible in the bottom right corner, one for ESET and one for the Guardian.

Windows might notify you that ESET requires attention. You can ignore it as it will resolve itself later on.

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This concludes the Port-IT Anti-Virus Communication/Standalone PC installation

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Network Client PCs
In this chapter we will show you how to install the Port-IT Antivirus Client on your Local Network connected Client

1. Open your preferred web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox or Google Chrome)

2. Enter the link of the Port-IT Antivirus Client installation file which we requested you to write down in: Chapter 2
step 8

The address should look like this


(replace XXXXXXXXX with the actual IP address of the Communication PC)

(The IP address in this image might be different from yours depending on your vessel network.)

3. You will see the following offline page as shown below.

Click on the: Download button. In Internet Explorer, you will see a bar on the bottom. Click on the Run button to
run the installation

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(Depending on the browser you are using the interface may not match the one shown in the picture.)

5. Depending on your operating system and browser you might see a warning (an example is shown below
if Internet Explorer is being used)

For Windows 8, 8.1, 10 & Server 2016: Internet Explorer

1. Click on Run.

2. Another
window will
appear. Click on
the Actions

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For Windows 8, 8.1, 10 & Server 2016: Internet Explorer

3. In the new
window that
appears, click
on More
options to
choose: Run

6. Make sure you have read and understood the EULA, if you do click on the Accept button.

7. Now the self-extractor will start extracting the installation files and will start installing the Port-IT Antivirus Client
version on your Local Network connected Client PC.

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8. At some point Windows might ask you if you want to continue the installation. Choose: Yes.

9. ESET Endpoint Antivirus (For Windows) or ESET File Security (For Windows Server) will be installed
depending on your Operating System.

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A. When the installation has finished, ESET Endpoint Antivirus or File Security will show a few warnings that
should go away within 15 to 60 minutes.

ESET Endpoint Antivirus (For Windows)

ESET File Security (For Windows Server)

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If these warnings have not disappeared after 1 hour please contact support at support@port-it.nl

10. ESET will also start running in the background, its icon can be found in the bottom-right corner.

This concludes the client installation.

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Annex 1: Manually install required
KB updates for Windows 7 SP1.
In this manual we will show you how to install the 2 pre-required Windows updates needed to install ESET 7.2

These updates are required on Windows 7 Service pack 1 computers

Please check if the following KB updates are already installed: 

• KB4474419
• KB4490628

To check this please do the following:

1. On your keyboard, press the windows key (found to the right of CTRL) + R key at the same time this will display
the: Run window.

2. In the run window that appears type: cmd and click on the: OK button or hit the: Enter key.

3. The Command prompt window will open. Here please enter the following 
SYSTEMINFO.exe | findstr KB4490628
(and hit the: Enter key to see the results)

4. Now please enter the following 

SYSTEMINFO.exe | findstr KB4474419
(and hit the: Enter key to see the results)

If the result was positive you will see something similar as shown below

If the result was negative you will see something similar as shown below

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5. If the KB update was not found, you need to apply it manually. The KB installation files can be found on the
Communication PC in the following location:


Depending on the Windows bit version select the folder: x64 or x86

You can check this by going to the C:\ drive and checking if the folder: Program Files (x86) exists. If so, you
have a 64 bit version of windows installed.

If it does not exist you are using a x86/ 32 bit operating system.

6. After installing the KB updates, please restart the PC and restart the installation process.

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Annex 2: Configure the Port-IT
Guardian v3 and its functions.
The Guardian's first run setup allows you to quickly configure the Guardian to automatically export updates and/or
send Clientstates to the Port-IT web-portal.

This chapter will show you how to configure each of the update types using the Guardians first run utility.

The available update methods are:

Setup mail export via POP3:

If the vessel has a mailbox that support POP3, the Guardian can be configured to automatically export weekly
anti-virus updates from this mailbox

We recommend that you use a dedicated mailbox to receive updates to which the Guardian will connect to
prevent future problems.

Setup mail export via IMAP: 

If the vessel has a mailbox that supports IMAP, the Guardian can be configured to automatically export weekly
anti-virus updates from this mailbox

We recommend that you use a dedicated mailbox to receive updates to which the Guardian will connect to
prevent future problems.

Setup mail export via external mail client:

If the vessel uses an email solution with a built in export function you can select this option, this will configure the
Guardian to only monitor ESET and send Clientstates.

Download weekly updates:

If the vessel has direct internet access, you can Configure the Guardian to download Weekly updates from the
internet. This option will also send the vessel Clientstates via the internet to Port-IT web-portal.

LiveQA daily updates:

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LIveQA Daily updates will provide the best protection for the machines on board but also consumes more data
than the weekly updates we send via email.

Please be informed that the LiveQA method requires direct Internet access. Please see Annex 1 for the Ports and
addresses that need to be allowed and added to the white-list.

To Download Weekly updates and LiveQA Daily updates IPs and ports have to be whitelisted and/or

For this please request assistance from your IT-Department

The following changes have to be made:

Whitelist the following IPs and ports: (till (till (till

The ports used are HTTP and HTTPS (80 & 443)

Port-IT services on the local network use the following Ports: 8016 & 8017

Kindly add the following to the hosts file:   portal.port-it.nl  qasync.port-it.nl

The Host file can be found in the following location: 


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#1 Setup Mail export on POP3 update method.

In this chapter we will guide you step by step in setting up a POP3 mailbox for an automatic file export of updates
we sent via email.

(The Mail export update method provides the basic protection needed for scanning files and programs.)

(Kindly know that we will also guide you in configuring the ClientState sending. If that option is disabled, you will
see options that are not available on your screen.)

1. Installation 

When the installation has been finished the Guardian First Setup wizard will start.

2.  Choose a update method

Select the update method suited for your vessel. ( If unknown, kindly contact your IT-Department.) 

Also, mark the: Use SMTP to send "ClientStates"

The following method can be configured: 

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3. Identification

A. Identification ( vessel information ) 

• Enter the: Vesselname
• Enter the: Unique ID (which is the vessel IMO Number)


B. POP3 Mailbox Credentials

• Enter the: Username of the mailbox (which can be for example: Email or Email@test.com)
• Enter the: Password from your Email. 

C. SMTP Credentials (Optional: To send Client states please follow the instructions below) 
• If sending emails requires authentication, cross: Outgoing Mail / SMTP Requires Authentication
• Enter the: Username of the mailbox (which can be for example: Email or Email@test.com)
• Enter the: Password from your Email

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4. Additional settings

A. POP3 Server
• Server Address: Enter the:  POP3 Server Address
• Server Port number: Enter the: Port number
• Mark the checkbox in front of: Delete Exported Emails
• Amount of Export Filters: Can be left as it is which is shown on the right-side.

B. SMTP Settings
• Security Settings (type): Select the type that is used on-board your vessel.
• SMTP Server Address: Enter the: SMTP Server Address
• SMTP Port number: Enter the: SMTP Port number


C. ClientState Send
• Check: Send on updated when you want to send updated messages as well.

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• Email Sender: Enter the Email address you would like to use to send clientstates from.
• Email CC: Can be left  empty unless requested by your IT-Department

5. Test Settings & Connectivity

When you want to test the the mail export you need first configure Orilla Mail or an another mail solution. ( please
ask your IT-Department) 

Mail Export:
• Click on Validate: When all the five bars are green, this means all credentials are valid. ( if the five bars are
red, you need to check all the settings)  


SMTP Credentials:
• Send test mail to: Enter your own email address and click on send. 

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6.  Modify Scheduler

Email Export Check  (Default: 1 hour) 

• If you would like to adjust this please enter the desired value

ClientStates send (Default: 15 Minutes) 

• If you would like to adjust this please enter the desired value

Signature check (Default: 1 minute) 

• If you would like to adjust this please enter the default value

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7. Confirm changes

In this window you can see all your settings please click on: Save and Finish in the top-right corner to confirm.

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 8. Guardian Client Vessel Settings

The Antivirus update that came with your installation package will be applied

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9.  Missing Updates

The Guardian will now show you that you are missing updates

We recommend that you contact your IT-Department to send updates or you can send us a message via
Antivirus-support@port-it.nl with a report log so we can send the missing updates.

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#2 Setup Mail export on IMAP update method.

In this chapter we will guide you step by step in setting up an IMAP mailbox for an automatic file export of
updates we sent via email.

(The Mail export update method provides the basic protection needed for scanning files and programs.)

(Kindly know that we will also guide you in configuring the ClientState sending. If that option is disabled, you will
see options that are not available on your screen.)

1. Installation

When the installation has been finished the Guardian First Setup wizard will start. 

2. Choose a update method

Select the update method suited for your vessel. ( If unknown, kindly contact your IT-Department.) 

Also, mark the: Use SMTP to send "ClientStates"

The following method can be configured: 

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3. Identification

A. Identification ( vessel information ) 

• Enter the: Vesselname
• Enter the: Unique ID (which is the vessel IMO Number)


B. SMTP Credentials (Optional: To send Client states please follow the instructions below) 
• If sending emails requires authentication, cross: Outgoing Mail / SMTP Requires Authentication
• Enter the: Username of the mailbox (which can be for example: Email or Email@test.com)
• Enter the: Password from your Email

C. IMAP Mailbox Credentials

• Enter the: Username of the mailbox (which can be for example: Email or Email@test.com)
• Enter the: Password from your Email. 

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4. Additional Settings

A. IMAP Server
• Server Address: Enter the:  IMAP Server Address
• Server Port number: Enter the: Port number
• Mark the checkbox in front of: Delete Exported Emails
• Amount of Export Filters: Can be left as it is which is shown on the right-side.

B. SMTP Settings
• Security Settings (type): Select the type that is used on-board your vessel.
• SMTP Server Address: Enter the: SMTP Server Address
• SMTP Port number: Enter the: SMTP Port number


C. ClientState Send
• Check: Send on updated when you want to send updated messages as well.
• Email Sender: Enter the Email address you would like to use to send clientstates from.
• Email CC: Can be left  empty unless requested by your IT-Department

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5. Test Settings & Connectivity

When you want to test the the mail export you need first configure Orilla Mail or an another mail solution. ( please
ask your IT-Department) 

Mail Export:
• Click on Validate: When all the five bars are green, this means all credentials are valid. ( if the five bars are
red, you need to check all the settings)  


SMTP Credentials:
• Send test mail to: Enter your own email address and click on: Send button. 

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6.  Modify Scheduler

Email Export Check  (Default: 1 hour) 

• If you would like to adjust this please enter the desired value

ClientStates send (Default: 15 Minutes) 

• If you would like to adjust this please enter the desired value

Signature check (Default: 1 minute) 

• If you would like to adjust this please enter the default value

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7. Confirm changes

In this screen you can see all your settings please click on save and finish in the top right corner to confirm.

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 8. Guardian Client Vessel Settings

The Antivirus update that came with your installation package will be applied

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9.  Missing Updates

   The Guardian will now show you that you are missing updates

   We recommend that you contact your IT-Department to send updates or you can send us a message via
Antivirus-support@port-it.nl with a report log so we can send the missing updates.

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#3 Setup Mail export on External Mail Client update method.

In this chapter we will guide you step by step in setting up the Port-IT Guardian V3 without an E-Mail export.

Please be advised that if you choose to use this solution the Anti-virus will not automatically update and you need
to prepare your own method of extracting the updates

If you are unsure how to configure this alternative method please ask your IT department for help.

(The Mail export update method provides the basic protection needed for scanning files and programs.)

(Kindly know that we will also guide you in configuring the ClientState sending. If that option is disabled, you will
see options that are not available on your screen.)

1. Installation

When the installation has been finished the Guardian First Setup wizard will start. 

2. Choose a update method 

Select the update method suited for your vessel. ( If unknown, kindly contact your IT-Department.) 

Also, mark the: Use SMTP to send "ClientStates"

The following method can be configured: 

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3. Identification

A. Identification ( vessel information ) 

• Enter the: Vesselname
• Enter the: Unique ID (which is the vessel IMO Number)


B. SMTP Credentials (Optional: To send Client states please follow the instructions below) 
• If sending emails requires authentication, cross: Outgoing Mail / SMTP Requires Authentication
• Enter the: Username of the mailbox (which can be for example: Email or Email@test.com)
• Enter the: Password from your Email

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4. Additional settings

A. SMTP Settings
• Security Settings (type): Select the type that is used on-board your vessel.
• SMTP Server Address: Enter the: SMTP Server Address
• SMTP Port number: Enter the: SMTP Port number


B. ClientState Send
• Check: Send on updated when you want to send updated messages as well.
• Email Sender: Enter the Email address you would like to use to send clientstates from.
• Email CC: Can be left  empty unless requested by your IT-Department

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5. Test Settings & Connectivity

SMTP Credentials:
• Send test mail to: Enter your own email address and click on: Send button. ( If the five bars are red then
you need to check the settings again.)  

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6. Modify scheduler

ClientStates send
• The default is 4 hours. (Can be altered if desired)

AVArchiver (Will process the extracted updates so the Antivirus can see new update files.)
• The default is set to 30 minutes (Can be alterde if desired.)

Signature Check
• The default is 1 minute. (Can be altered if desired)

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7. Confirm changes

In this screen you can see all of your settings please click on save and finish in the top right corner to confirm

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8. Missing Updates

The antivirus update that came with the installation package will now be installed.

Since you opted to use a different method to update please contact your IT department for assistance in getting
your Anti-virus updated.

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Port-IT Antivirus - Installation Manual 54
#4 Setup Weekly update method.

In this chapter, we will guide you step by step how to configure the Port-IT Guardian with the LiveQA Weekly
update method.

(LiveQA Weekly will download the updates from the internet, as opposed to being reliant on receiving them via E-

1. First we need to select the Update method: Weekly Download.

(Clientstates  will be over the internet and it contains some basic information of the PCs that have the Port-IT
Antivirus installed and how far they are updated. Your IT-Department can monitor this and take appropriate action
if needed.) 

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2. The Identification page requires you to enter all the needed details which are explained below:

A. Identification:
• Enter the: Vessel name
• Enter the: Unique ID (which is the vessel IMO Number)

B. Download Credentials: (Your IT-Department will give you these Credentials.) 

• Enter the: Username (Provided in email or by IT-Department)
• Enter the: Password (Provided in email or by IT-Department)

3. On the additional settings page you can click on the: Next button to go to the next page.

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4. The Test Settings & Connectivity page will validate if the given credentials are valid otherwise you can't
continue further.

Download credentials:
• Click on Validate: When all the five bars are green, this means all credentials are valid. ( if the five bars are
red, you need to check the credentials or network connection)  

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5. On the Modify Scheduler page you will see the time for certain task which can be modified if needed.

ClientStates send (Default: 15 Minutes) 

• If you would like to adjust this please enter the desired value

Signature check (Default: 1 minute) 

• If you would like to adjust this please enter the default value

Downlaod Check  (Default: 1 day) 

• If you would like to adjust this please enter the desired value

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6. On the Confirm changes page you can save the entered credentials and go to the: Port-IT Guardian

   In this screen you can see all your settings, please click on save and finish in the top right corner. 

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7. The Port-IT Guardian Client will launch and notify you that the antivirus has been updated. 

(Because you have configured Weekly Download updates the Guardian will start downloading all the missing
Weekly updates which can be monitored by clicking on the 2nd icon on the bottom that looks like a cloud with a
downwards facing arrow.)

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8. On the Status Page you will get some basic information including the Signature date from ESET. (the first Icon
on the bottom-left side that looks like a ship.)

(Daily updates are mostly available after 12:00 UTC +2)

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#5 Setup LiveQA Daily update method.

In this chapter, we will guide you step by step how to configure the Port-IT Guardian with the LiveQA Daily update

(LiveQA Daily updates gives the best protection ESET can provide. This is because all modules receive the newest
updates when available. Because of that it makes it easier for ESET to detect new viruses.)

1. First we need to select the Update method: LiveQA (Daily).

(Clientstates  will be over the internet and it contains some basic information of the PCs that have the Port-IT
Antivirus installed and how far they are updated. Your IT-Department can monitor this and take appropriate action
if needed.) 

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2. The Identification page requires you to enter all the needed details which are explained below:

• Enter the: Vessel name
• Enter the: Unique ID (which is the vessel IMO Number)

LiveQA Credentials: (Your IT-Department will give you these Credentials.) 

• Enter the: Username (Provided in email or by IT-Department)
• Enter the: Password (Provided in email or by IT-Department)

3. On the Additional settings page you can click on the: Next button to go to the next page.

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4. The Test Settings & Connectivity page will validate if the given credentials are valid otherwise you can't
continue further.

• Click on Validate: When all the five bars are green, this means all credentials are valid. ( if the five bars are
red, you need to check the credentials or network connection)  

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5. On the Modify Scheduler page you will see the timing for certain tasks which can be modified if needed.

LiveQA Check  (Default: 12 Minutes) 

• If you would like to adjust this please enter the desired value

ClientStates send (Default: 15 Minutes) 

• If you would like to adjust this please enter the desired value

Signature check (Default: 1 minute) 

• If you would like to adjust this please enter the default value

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6. On the Confirm changes page you can save the entered credentials and go to the: Port-IT Guardian

   In this screen you can see all your settings, please click on save and finish in the top right corner. 

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7. The Port-IT Guardian Client will launch and notify you that the antivirus has been updated. 

(Because you have configured LiveQA Daily updates the Guardian will start downloading all of the missing daily
updates which can be monitored by clicking on the 2nd icon on the bottom that looks like a cloud with a
downwards facing arrow.)

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8. On the Status Page you will get some basic information including the Signature date from ESET. (the first Icon
on the bottom-left side that looks like a ship.)

(Daily updates are mostly available after 12:00 UTC +2)

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