Tree Top Walk Sungai Sedim

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Picture : the entering part for Tree Top Walk Sungai Sedim
(source: www.
The longest canopy walk in the world is Tree Top Walk Sungai Sedim which has the
height of 26 meter and length of 925 meter which reach the highest point between the forest
floor to the canopy. The canopy crosses the river which shaped rectangular.

Tree Top Walk Sungai Sedim built at March 2005 which use 14 months to finished
the proses. The canopy has a mass of 422,214kg which made by steel pylons and trusses.
The picture below shows the looks for canopy.

Picture : the canopy in tree top walk sungai sedim

Tree Top Walk Sungai Sedim become popular because of the canopy which attract
tourism from Australia, South Africa and others to visit.

The operating hour of Tree Top Walk Sungai Sedim is start from 9.00 at the morning
to 5.30 at the evening every day. Each adult tourism or visitors will be collected RM10 as
entrance while children which between age 7 to 17 is RM6.

Tree Top Walk Sungai Sedim is located in the unspoilt secenery of Sungai Sedim
Recreational Park which need around 30 minutes from Kulim (Kedah) to Sungai Sedim by
using transportation of car.

The canopy at Tree Top Walk Sungai Sedim do not have an attachment with the trees
but it does provide a widen view which like the view on the roof of the forest. Besides, this
canopy will not damage any trees. Even though the material of canopy is sturdy steel grille,
the way is safe for every passenger to pass through.

Other than Tree Top Walk, Sungai Sedim has other attractions which is hiking. There
is a Gunung Bintang around 1862 meter at Lata Riau which is a challenge for anyone to try to
hike the hill which is 28.4km in two way (go and return back). Besides, Lubuk which is a
swimming hole is located at another trail passes of the hill. Picture below shows Lubuk.

Picture : Lubuk
(source: www.
The activity which will be in progress in Tree Top Walk Sungai Sedim included
abseiling, paint-balling, flying fox, white water rafting, mountain bike competition and
others. These are the fun activities which can help to improve the relationship between each
other and also has teamwork when the activity is going on. Picture below shows the activity
included in Sungai Sedim.

Picture: Place for abseiling

(source: www.

Picture: white water rafting

Picture: mountain bike competition

Picture: paint-balling


Tree Top Walk Sungai Sedim also prepare a place for visitor to have a rest which is a
café. There has a nice environment to let visitors enjoy their journey. Picture below shows
the place to enjoy.

Picture : café in Tree Top Walk Sungai Sedim

At the same time, if tourism or visitors visit Tree Top Walk Sungai Sedim will need a
accommodation. Tree Top Walk Sungai Sedim did not prepare any accommodation for
visitors. So, visitors need to get accommodation from outside to Sungai Sedim which is next
to it.

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