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Calculating Antichrist Three

This blog is about calculating the timeline of the third antichrist using fractal
math. I will be using my fractal time theory as published here:

Calculating the Timeline of the Third Antichrist


Nostradamus named 3 antichrists. The first Napoleon and the second Hitler.
The third is alive and well yet not identified. This has become such common
knowledge that even the History Channel has made Nostradamus
documentaries about the antichrists. If you want to know more there are
hundreds of books and websites.

According to Nostradamus, Napoleon was the first of three antichrists.

I have some original idea to share about what is going on. I will provide the
math and reasoning behind the rise of antichrists and their real purpose
based on my work. I will calculate a possible timeline of the final antichrist
based on past energy flows.

I will show that "antichrists" are leaders manifesting our thought patterns
and necessary for the change in consciousness. Shocked? Antichrists may be
necessary for our spiritual evolvment. But first let me discuss the philosophy
of why we even have any antichrists.

What is Christianity Really About?

Christianity is many things but in one respect it is a huge black magic spell
placed on the mass mind by the parasitic cult of Judaism. With Christianity,
the Jews have made slaves of non Jews by the use of black magic. Doubt
this? Think that the Bible is holy and good? Think that Jesus is real or was a
real historic character? Think the Bible is historically accurate? Think again.
The Jew God of the Bible is the ultimate evil as perfectly illustrated by the
politics of Christians United for Israel, modern Evangelical Christianity
completely deluded by Old Testament (Torah) memes of dominance and
control, death and destruction, war and suffering, exactly the opposite of the
teaching of Jesus in the New Testament.

Pastor John Hagee loves Jehovah and Israel

I have written numerous essays about this and my Death Cult Memes is a
good read (see In order to fully
understand what is going on you must first grasp that religion is a spell and
that beliefs are not real by definition, that's why they are called beLIEfs.
Removing the memetic veil from one's mind is breaking the spell.

Modern Christianity deluded by "pious" warmongers, Jewish controlled media subverts

the cultures religion that's part of the plan, it's all a big psyop, the war is on you too!

The simple rational observation is that there can be no judging god in a

loving Universe. If there is no hell or devil and no judging god there would
be no need for salvation. With greater awareness, the entire construct
becomes ridiculous. Without need of salvation then there is no need for
Jesus. What a concept, when awareness replaces belief then the whole
"blood atonement" for sins on a cross of torture becomes a disgusting myth.

Beliefs form the basis off our reality. In one sense, the Bible is a document
to wage total war, the Jews are the ultimate warring tribe. Can you see that
we make war because the outpicturing of the Bible myth forms war?

This guy could be getting laid but because of his anger from religious
indoctrination he's killing women and children for god and America.
Religious indoctrination turns ordinary loving humans into killing monsters.
God of the Bible demands war, Jehovah is a war god, a reflection of the
Hebrew tribe. It is the Jewish holy books making things miserable on planet
earth, those who believe in Biblical text are voting for and manifesting their
version of reality. For instance belief in a torture atonement of Jesus on the
cross justifies torture in war, if god can put his son to death, parents can send
their sons off to war. Often the victims die more agonizing deaths than the
fictional Jesus on the cross. This perfection through torture and death is a
terrible spellbinding idea and is creating the horror in the Middle East just as
it created horror for those unfortunates over run by crusaders being either
Jewish, Christian, or Muslim.

The historical fact is that GW Bush was put in power by the Evangelical
voters, now the world is on fast track toward nuclear world war. Jew
controlled beast America destroyed Iraq and antichrist Bush mass murdered
millions of Iraqis under the guise of The War on Terror, it is now known that
Israel did 9112001 and no Muslims were involved.

In order to break the spell, the Universe's operating system raises three
antichrists that breaks then destroys the institutionalized energy pattern. A
spell is a powerful energy pattern that binds its victim (see War breaks the spell, after enough hell
people quit believing, the lose their fear on not believing because in war
every value they have is shattered. A good example of this effect is the lack
of childish faith in old Europe, ravaged by war; while in the new world,
untouched by war America, is a very "god fearing" nation.
Jewish created black magic spell --> 3 antichrists --> old order
destroyed --> new world of enhanced freedom and awareness

We are moving toward freedom, we are behind schedule, universal

consciousness is sweeping the globe so war is the answer for those who
refuse to shift. Judaism and her derivative memeplexes Christianity and
Islam are in the way of progress, thus they will be taken out by the third
antichrist. That is the purpose of the destroyer, to end the cycle and the
control. The destroyer or antichrist changes the political landscape by
destroying the institutions that wrongly control mass mind.

The Universe is going to break the spell because we are evolving to higher
consciousness. The "anti-christ" destroys the "christ". The christ is no more
than a mental pattern, there is no real Christ as Acharya S explains in her
landmark book: "Christ Conspiracy-The Greatest Story Ever Sold". Christ is
an invention of a Judean astrotheological cult. The son and twelve apostles
are really the sun and twelve houses of the zodiac. The movie Zeitgeist a
must see for the billions of minds that still believe that Jesus is real:
Christianity is actually Sun worship, watch Zeitgeist online for free. This movie was
made because of the rise of the religious right and its affinity for war.

With time conscious flows. In a few years as the frequency changes this
"knowledge" will become obvious to most everyone and people will wonder
why their parents could have believed such nonsense as religion. The shift is
on and as religion is exposed as myth, the power of religion over our minds
fades away.

The First Two Antichrists

According to Nostradamus scholars the first two antichrists are Napoleon

and Hitler. In both cases they are leaders of western nations in decline. The
first two antichrists are not from third world nations, they are from
industrialized nations in economic trouble. Antichrist nations are wealthy
nations going to war to maintain or expand empire, they have large armed
forces, culture, discipline, and the rule of law. Third world nations have
none of these things and thus can not threaten neighboring states.
What nation today was heavily industrialized and is declining? America.
Thus the third antichrist comes from the heavily militarized declining state
America using foreign war as means empire expansion and dominance.

What group in America would sponsor this leader? It would be the

Neoconservatives led by Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz, and Perle. And
what is the primary cohesive denomination within the Neocons? They are
Jews who follow the teaching of Jewish madman Leo Strauss. And what
political affiliation do most of them hold? Israeli citizenship. The Neocons
are mostly Jews and this antichrist would be the "elected" puppet of these
Jews. Obvious if you think about it.

To provide cover for their diabolical plans, this Jewish Neoconservative

power group would spend a great deal of energy hiding the fact that the
conspiracy was Jewish and they would subvert the identity of the antichrist
by suggesting to the patriotically and religiously spellbound Christian
evangelical flocks that the third antichrist is Osama bin Laden or Saddam
Hussein or even Vladimar Putin. None of these actors are in a position to
take over the world, only America is the standing superpower creating false
flags and invading sovereign nations. The third antichrist can NOT be from
the third world yet most think so because of their prejudicial beliefs and
effective propaganda.

Timing of the Third Antichrist

My fractal math is easy to understand. Events are formed in a fractal pattern,

if we know the first two antichrists then the third can be derived by fractal
math very easily.

We have a perfect wave repeat to calculate wavelengths from, Napoleon and

Hitler both invaded Russia in June almost exactly 129 years apart.,9171,795479,00.html
"Napoleon Bonaparte started for Moscow on June 24, 1812. Adolf Hitler
started on June 22, 1941."

And who has been bashing Russia recently? The Jewish controlled
Neoconservatives. It's the Jewish led Neocons in America that are plotting
against Russia because of her Middle East hegemony. Once again that helps
identify the nation from which the antichrist arises. The antichrist leads the
industrial nation in decline proactively in offensive warfare like Napoleon
and Hitler. Thus Bush and Cheney are the modern antichrists but they did
not start WW3; so it must be the new puppet on the throne, Obama, the man
with the golden tongue, and about to attack Iran with nuclear weapons.

So almost 129 years to the day we have a wave repeat to calculate the next
invasion of Moscow. The next antichrist will strike Russia in fractal time .
618 fraction of the first two. That means take 129 years and multiply .618
and add it to when Hitler invaded Russia.

129 x .618 = 80 years

So add 80 years to Hitler's timeline to get the time period of the reign of the
third antichrist.

1933 + 80 = late 2012 to early 2013 time period. In the chart below
increasing antisemitism evolved all throughout the 1930's in Germany, the
same will happen to America in the next decade. With Jewish controlled
state destroying jobs and the economy, look for the a strong
nationalist/populist who promises to put America back to work. As America
figures out that Jews caused the destruction of their Republic and
Depression, antisemitism will run a fever pitch, there will be a politician that
cashes in on this energy.
The Purpose of the Third Antichrist

The purpose of the third antichrist is to free men's minds by breaking the
spell. The antichrist doesn't know this, the antichrist is a meglamaniac like
Napoleon and Hitler who thinks they are saving the world but actually is
being used by the higher mind to fix a problem in the physical realm. As I
often write, obsession with control really means that the controller is
possessed, and a possessed person is not in control.
Whoever takes the throne in US-Israel military dictatorship in 2012 will be the probable
antichrist. Obama might declare himself as President for life if he attacks Iran before the

Actually, Barry Soetero never changed, he was just reading the teleprompter
had the liberals completely fooled, the liberals are greatly disappointed just
as the conservatives were with GWB. There was no change with Obama,
because like GWB, Presidents are staged managed goy puppets,
mouthpieces of Jewish power. Mr. Teleprompter Man reads the script,
doesn't actually do anything important but is hung up on his own self
importance, gets briefed on the latest bombing raid and then enjoys a round
of golf.
Afghanistan town leveled by 25 tons of bombs in October 2010 by the beast, Jew
controlled USA.
Netanyahu dictates foreign policy to the President. Since Obama is not attacking Iran
with nuclear weapons as ordered Obama's days could be numbered, many think Israel
killed JFK, when Israel attacked the USS Liberty in 1967, President Johnson did nothing
but coverup the incident.

At the end of the trauma drama the antichrist is disposed. The antichrist
power only exists during the shift, not before or after. The power of the
antichrist is the energy accumulating during the cycle of the black magic
spell. Think of a capacitor charging and the discharge is the reign of the
antichrist. Since the phenomenon is a wave of energy, it's form can be

War in the physical plane emanates by blockage in the mental realm. If

people were to change their minds voluntarily then physical war wouldn't

"The massive violence being waged today in the vile ‘holy land’ and the
Middle East is the product of Judaism and her two offspring’s: the Christian
and Islamic faiths. This is the rarely talked about fact. Why? Because those
people that have the power and money are the same who control the media
who endorse religion as a prime form of cultural control. Bluntly stated, the
Jewish media controllers push religion to keep the goy enslaved. Make no
mistake identifying that Christianity is Jewish created black magic as Jesus
was a sole creation of Jewish intelligentsia during the Roman occupation of
their tribal homeland. Witness the plight of the Palestinians, is not the
Jewish-Christian beliefs causal? If you believe that the Illuminati
controllers are Satanic, know that there can be no Satan without the Judeo-
Christian belief in Satan. It’s time to realize that the Christian fear of Satan
is creating a satanic political system. When the memetic veil is lifted from
our consciousness no one will allow the current political system to exist,
including those mysterious controllers."

No one wants to admit that the Judeo-Christian belief system is the

fundamental cause of the Middle East wars. That's why terms like "New
World Order" are used when in fact it is obviously a Jewish World Order
(see The Common Denominator Behind Federal Despotism in this blog

The factual observation that the Bush-Cheney regime got its primary support
from the Evangelical Christians who's possessed minds were unable to
comprehend that Neocons did 911 and overthrew the Constitution as part of
a larger plan. Ten years after 9112001, most Christians are still clueless to
the Jewish skullduggery.
The spirit of the antichrist extends across the globe, Jewish controlled America is the
beast of Revelations Who can make war with the beast? That is the question that
identifies the beast:

Even when American Christians are confronted with the facts, most refuse to
admit that 9112001 was an inside job or that Bush and Cheney reign was a
political coup. Modern Christians have been subverted by the spirit of the
antichrist, many still have Bush/Cheney bumper stickers on their gas
sucking SUV hogs.

Location of the Final Antichrist

The antichrist comes from a failing western nation states. The big similarity
overlooked by scholars is that both France and Germany were economic
powerhouses before their fall. This helps identify the location of the third
antichrist, he will come from a militarily powerful western nation in decline.

America is in decline, America is descending into a fascist police state, an

idea that is now mainstream. It is America, the collapsing western nation,
that has pulled 9112001 and killed it's own citizens. It is America that
invaded Afghanistan and Iraq on lies. It is America that started the War of
Terror on the rest of the world, it is America and Israel that commits the
false flag bombings and then blaming it on Muslims. How more obvious
could it be that Jewish controlled America is the end times "beast" nation
leveling all opposition to Jewish supremacy.

At the present moment, America is being sucked into a economic

depression, its economy wrecked, and the downfall of America is becoming
more obvious everyday. It is the leader of the failed industrial superpower
nation state that become the fated antichrist. Who's going to be on the throne
when America goes under in 2010? Obaaaaaama, the elected leader of the

Name of Antichrist Three

Jew disinformationist John Hogue puts forth the idea that Nostradamus
names the antichrist as "Mabus" from the infamous quatrain (see

Mabus will soon die, then will come,

A horrible undoing of people and animals,
At once one will see vengeance,
One-hundred powers, thirst, famine, when the comet will pass.

Hogue writes:

"As I have been saying for over 15 years now, you can also get Saddam
(Hussein) out of “Mabus” by using the anagram game of reverse lettering.
Put Mabus into lower case letters — “mabus.” Reverse them and you get
“subam.” Reverse any letter that makes another letter and you get
“sudam.” The laws of anagram allow for doubling one letter, so you can get
“suddam.” You are allowed one vowel’s replacement with another, so you
can replace “u” with “a” to spell “saddam.”

I have shared my belief on the record for nine years-and-counting that

Nostradamus’ Third Antichrist is none other than Saddam Hussein."
I debated John Hogue through emails during the time period leading up to
Saddam's capture and trial that Saddam was the best candidate for Mabus
but he could not be the antichrist if he was dead. On 30 Dec 2006 Saddam
was was hanged and taken off the world stage. Saddam was Mabus but not
the antichrist.

Saddam was a victim of the US-Israel war machine that performed 9112001
as a false flag then blamed it on Iraq and the rest of the Muslim community.
The antichrist laid waste to Iraq, thus Saddam was not the antichrist. I do
not trust John Hogue, a Jew, because I believe he is running cover for Israel.

Some say ObamaBush is MABUS, all of Bush's policies continued without interruption
under Obama.

I do not think that Mabus is the anagrammed name of the third antichrist.
The quatrains below illustrates that America is the invader and the war last
27 years. In 1989 I met with Dolores Cannon and talked with her about her
remarkable book Conversation with Nostradamus.

Quatrain 10:72 In the year 1999 and seven months, from the sky will
come the great King of Terror. He will bring back to life the great King
of the Mongols. Before and after war reigns happily.

Quatrain 8:77 The Antichrist very soon annihilates the three, Twenty
seven (27) years HIS war will last. The unbelievers are dead, captive,
exiled; with blood human bodies, water and red hail covering the earth.

Quatrain 8:70 He will enter, wicked, unpleasant, infamous, tyrannizing

over Mesopotamia. All friends made by the adulterous lady, the land
dreadful and black of aspect.

Nostradamus provides us with invaluable cues, the timing of the war (1999)
and initiation of the war (from the sky: think aircraft hitting WTC towers) ,
the length of the war (27 years), and the name of the war (War of Terror),
the location of the war being Mesopotamia (Iraq), the adulterous lady friends
(coalition forces) and in NYC (finance capital, reserve currency) where the
Statue of Liberty(lady liberty whored out), the land (America) black and
dreadful (apostate Christian America subverted to Zionism).

If we take Gulf War 1 as the starting point, from 2 Aug 1990-28 Feb 1991
the war lasts 27 years to 2017, or not past 2017. (BTW, 27 years is Saturn's
orbital period, so the antichrist reigns about one orbit of Saturn). The war is
on both sides of 1999, the antichrist aggressor invades the Middle East oil
fields. What this also implies is that America is bankrupted and forced to
withdraw from the Middle East before 2017.
The antichrist lays waste to all that oppose it, the nation of the antichrist a military
superpower in economic decline wages external war as a way to prop up economic
decline. Saddam was not the antichrist, he was a victim of beast.

Looking forward we can see the potential for destruction, will Obama invade
Iran and take down the world economy? Most probably. Even though
rational people know that attacking Iran is perfectly insane, the "crazy maker
king" pushes the button anyways, then he will conjole the frightened masses
as their savior. Obaaaaaama,

Prime Attribute of the Antichrist is His Ability to Lie

Obama is a liar. Obama is a good liar. But is Obama the liar?

Obama's shameless lying makes him suspect #1. Obama is the front man of
the illumined Jew power elite, all of the policies laid in place by the
Neocons are being maintained by Obama, Obama is simply a continuation of
Bush because the same group still controls America. Proof that the Neocon
agenda was a front for Jewish supremacy is that the Neocons have been
displaced yet all of their policies remain intact. And lets not forget that
criminal mastermind Cheney is still a free man.

Obama's job is to lie for the real power behind the throne. He's a face man,
that's why he lies. His job is to sell you the diabolical Jewish supremacy
agenda. He was selected for the job because of his sales ability. America is
controlled by Jews and is the most logical nation from which the antichrist
arises. And it is this diabolical control that has subverted American foreign
policy to that of the Israeli state. America is waging total war in the Middle
East, America is the end times beast nation, thus the leader of America is
deceptive antichrist who talks peace yet wages war. Who was awarded the
Nobel Peace Prize? Obama the war criminal. Obama the man with the
golden tongue who talks peace and ending war but actually increases war.
How did this all start?

How did this all start? I detail the logic in my recent essay "The Center of
the Matrix:

found within this blog:

"Imagine a religion born of hate. Imagine that this hatred was so

intense that it followed humanity through time and still is affecting the
world today. Imagine that this hate was codified into religious law and
became the basis of our reality today. That religion is Judaism, the
most hateful memeplex every invented by the human mind.

In a nutshell, Judaism is a tribal code of hate toward all other tribes, it

is hate for that which is outside of itself.

Hate is the result of one thing and only one thing: the loss of control
either real or imagined. If you really think about what hate actually is,
it is the perception of loss of control.

The emotion of hatred is also based on fear, it is fear expressed. War

is this mind fear expressed into the physical realm. The reason that
the world is so preoccupied with war is that Jews have defined war
as normal behavior in their holy books. The Jew god is a war god and
the non Jews that read the Bible are being co-opted to believe the
way they do. Its that simple, we make war because we read the
Bible. The Jew money machine and the wars waged to prop it up are
second order results of the Jewish "spirit" of hate codified into law.
Even the unconstitutional war in Iraq is "legal" under our current

We might have been taught that murder is immoral and against god's
commandments, but the truth is we love war because of our mindset.
War is our anger expressed, so what is causing this anger, what is
making us so angry and hateful that we are willing to spend our time
waging war? Good question, to find the answer go find a happy
person who was not taught the Bible."
Do the Christians Get Saved by the Second Coming?

No. Since Christ was a fictional character invented by Jewish authors,

believing in his return as an exit strategy is very foolish. Christians should
change their minds about propping up the diabolical, racist, and genocidal
Israel state or be prepared to be sucked into the Middle East hate vortex.
Refusing to shift, many Christians will end up in foxholes on the front line
of the god awful Middle East hell hole. My advice is to quit exerting control
and save yourself by allowing others the right to think for themselves.

The Christians will experience exactly what they created, what goes around
comes around, all of the evil done to the Iraqi people comes home and is
done to them. In my Apocalyptic Culture and the Evolution of
Consciousness essay I write:

"Most Fundamentalist Christians believe they will be ‘taken up into the air’
in the so-called Rapture BEFORE the really big war, Armageddon, starts in
the Middle East. The theory is that good Christians are going to avoid the
Tribulation because they are going to blink out of this realm into
hyperspace while all hell breaks loose on earth. Now some Christians are
left behind because they were not true believers so they miss the Grand Exit,
they don’t get Raptured, they become post rapture Christians. Myth is myth,
no Christian is going to be ‘raptured’ and miss the Apocalypse. All
Christians are ‘left behind’ no matter how much they wish otherwise for the
simple reason that their collective thoughts are creating the Apocalypse in
Iraq and thus are karmically trapped by their own energy."

A prediction of mine that Christians will experience their karmic retribution

is coming true. Secret detention centers and FEMA camps have already been
erected and the first Homeland Security czar, Michael Chertoff is reportedly
an Israeli citizen, a Rabbi and Mossad agent. Alex Jones rants and raves
everyday on his radio show ( about
what they are doing and going to do but never makes the connection that it
all started from our own religion. Judas goat Alex Jones, Judaism loving
Jeff Rense, and Jewish apologist David Icke are the big three thought leaders
failing to name the real enemy, believing Jews, Judaism, and the Torah.

Just as in the French Revolution, the revolutionary forces waged a Reign of

Terror, now the Jewish extremists are waging a War of Terror. When the
economy finally crashes Americans will want blood of the perpetrators,
tables will be turned, terror will be unleashed on the perpetrators.

USAF Academy has been taken over by Jew Worshipping Christian Zealots.
The Real Purpose of the Antichrist

The purpose of the antichrist is to force a shift in consciousness. The

antichrist plays an important historical role is the shift, the antichrist
destroys the institutions that hold back consciousness. With that in mind it
should not come as a surprise that the war started by the third antichrist will
end up destroying the Catholic Church and the other main religions. To
escape this fate, the Church should repent and open its vaults exposing it's
past to the world. Before this is over, all of the institutions of control,
especially the monetary system, will be destroyed.
The perfect whore for a 2012 Apocalypse (see )

The Jews who started all of this extreme black magic and control are in for
total destruction. Prophecy scholars agree that Israel gets completely
destroyed. I have no doubt about that, the Jews have sowed so much evil
energy that it seems if a magical force is reassembling the diaspora back
together exactly where WW3 will reach its climax.

Yee-haaa, Sarah Palin is now the front runner for launching nuclear war on
Iran, she's the perfect crazy brainless Christian warmongering bitch that will
do exactly what her Jew masters tell her.
So it the Bible true? Is Revelations really happening? Bible believing
apologists love to use circular logic claiming that hundreds of metaphoric
verses of Apocalyptic imagery in Revelations are verbatim out of the Old
Testament because the Bible represents "god's perfection" when it is obvious
that Revelations was constructed from prophetic Old Testament memes.
They are word for word identical because Revelations was copied from
previous text. Obvious.

If the Bible is a spell then Revelations is the spell squared. The spell cast is
the spell experienced because the human mind is creative. We create our
reality but because we believe in an external god we deny our own
thoughts/energy. Revelations is being manifested because so many believe it
to be true then it becomes true. We are making our own bed, get it? I wrote a
whole essay about that and it's a good read:

"We are so caught up in our beliefs and prejudices that we are like the fish
unable to comprehend water. We can't see that we are immersed in "end
times" because we are obsessed about the Biblical Apocalypse. We have
created a massive morphogenic field from our traumatized minds. Our
myths blind us to what is really going on, that our belief is causal, that no
god is controlling us, that we are the creators of our play. We are
manifesting Revelations, we are creating trauma on earth because we are
trying to heal from the dysfunctional ideas passed down from previous

Quite literally, billions of people are "possessed" by Biblical memes of end

times, and that causes the end times to manifest. St. John's vision is actually
our program of destruction."


Humans are rapidly evolving out of their ego consciousness into Universal
consciousness. Many researchers think crop circles are pictograms of DNA
reformation. I agree. Some crop circles are obviously messages about our
transformation. The human butterfly implying metamorphosis appeared in
the Netherlands in August of 2009:
Ironically the ascension process occurs right through the tribulation. Why?
Because the Universe has a time code of evolution and humans are behind
schedule because of the spell. We are going to work out our collective karma
right through the shift. The Universe has been around a long time, the
Universe is not broken, love is coming to us all.

9-11 October 2009

(updated 25 Jan 2011)

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