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GALABO ( Gladang Langen Bogan )

(By : Annisah XII.1 mipa )

Gladang Langen Bogan is one of the tourist attractions in the city of solo.
This place is very interesring you visit when in Solo. This Glabo serves a
variety of Solo culinary ranging from traditional and modern flavors. Its is
suitable for you colinary lovers.

This tourist spot is located in Jl. Mayor Sunaryo. This area is very
strategic to find. This place is only open every Sunday night at five 05.00 pm
unti 03.00 am.

The price of food in Glabo is very affordable starting from 5000 rupiahs
you can buy food. So it’s suitable for saving money but the stomach stays full.

This Glabo is a place that you must record in the travel list when you are
in Solo.
2. Surakarta palace
( By : Shindy M. S )

A Javanese kingdom that you must go to when you are solo, it is said that
this kingdom has existed sinse a few centuries ago which has become the icon
of Solo City. The kingdom was named the Kasunanan Palace, founded By
Susuhan Pakubuwono II (Sunan PB II) in 1744 as a substitute for the Kartasura
Palace which was damaged by Chinatown in 1743. It has an area of about 54
hectares and a large collection of sculptures, weapons and royal heirlooms. One
of the interesting terraced buildings in the Kasunanan Palace, Menara
Sanggabuwana, is said to be the meeting place for the Queen of the South Sea
and the King.
The area in the Kasunanan Palace which is allowed to be visited by the
public, one of which is a large pavilion inside Sasana Sewaka, where dance and
gamelan performances are served at that place. You can also visit the museum
in the Kasunanan Palace area. There are various royal collections such as the
carriage, stretcher, sculpture, ancient weapons and several other collections. In
addition to the beauty of the palace building, Surakarta Kasunanan Palace also
offers cultural heritage tours such as traditional ceremonies, sacred Dance and
music including the famous ones are sekaten and suro nights.
3. Grojogan Sewu
( By : Hana Sri Rahayu )

For anyone who is visiting Grojogan Sewu Tawangmangu, the beauty of

a Waterfall or Waterfall is beautiful for a place

Tourist destinations are very suitable indeed. Ticket prices are also quite
affordable, namely 17,000.

Entering the waterfall area, we will feel the cool air around with the
shady trees surrounding it, the Grojogan Sewu waterfall will begin to be seen
from afar. Grojogan Sewu does not only offer waterfall tours, there are many
supporting facilities in Grojogan Sewu that we can try. One of them is mini
rafting and flying fox. Besides that it also provides Food Stalls. Grojogan Sewu
is also a cool place to take pictures with beautiful backgrounds
4. Sugar Factory Colomadu
( By : Ana fitriyani )

Colomandu’s Sugar Factory (PG) was introduced with the new name De
Tjolomandoe. No longer producing sugar, De Tjolomandoe is prepared to
become an internasional entertainment and edutainment center.

The cultural heritage building established by Sri Mangkunegoro IV in

1861 began to be revitalized since 2017. At present the phase I construction is
almost complete.

This phase I development includes revamping an area of 6.4 hectares.

The main focus is revitalizing the 1.3 hectare PG Colomandu building.

De Tjolomandoe is now managed by PT Sinergi Colomandu which is a

consortium of several BUMNs, including PT Pembangunan Perumahan (PP),
PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) IX, PT Taman Wisata Candi (TWC)
Prambanan, Borobudur and Ratu Boko, and PT Jasa Marga Properti.

“ The concept is edutainment. There will be a concert hall with a capacity

of 3,000 people. There is a museum that explains the history of PG Colomandu.
There is place for food and beverage. Everything will open on Marcn 24, 2018,”
said Director of PT Sinergi Colomandu, Wahyono Hidayat, while talking with
Whereas on the outside will be used as parking locations, parks and
outdoor staging arena is estimated to accommodate up to 6,000 people.

“ Every month we will hold an event. We share between international and

local event. The point is to bring tourists to the joglosemar area (Jogja /
Yogyakarta-Solo-Semarang),” he said.

The next phase of development is still in planning. The total land area of
20 hectares will be worked in stages within a period of up to 10 years.

“ Later in front there is villa. Next to it is a mall with an area of 15

thousand square meters. There are also 4-star hotels in the front and 3-star in the
back. Of course everything was built in stages, because of the huge area,” he

Meanwhile, the President Director of PT PP, Tumiyana, confirmed that

the construction of heritage rules. The building was only reinforced and

“ The floor is intact, the roof is only reinfored, the machine is milled and
the walls are only repainted. Indeed, there are several buildings that have been
demolished. Like a warehouse, it is a new building. We have consulted and may
be dismantled,” he said.

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