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Preface to the first edition

This manuscript focuses on the recent developments in fracturing fluids

with respect to chemical aspects. After a short introduction to the basic
issues of fracturing, the text focuses mainly on the organic chemistry of
fracturing fluids.
The nature of the individual additives and an explanation why the indi-
vidual additives act in the desired way are explained. The material presented
here is a compilation from the literature, including patents. In addition, as
environmental aspects are increasingly gaining importance, this issue is also
dealt in detail.

How to use this book

There are three indices, i.e., an index of acronyms, an index of chemicals,
and a general index.
In a chapter, if an acronym occurs for the first time, it is written in full
and abbreviated, e.g., acrylic acid (AA), and placed in the index. If it occurs
afterwards it is given in the abbreviated form only, i.e., AA. If a term occurs
only once in a specific chapter, it is given exclusively in full.
In the chemical index, boldface page numbers refer to the sketches of
structural formulas or to reaction equations.

The bibliography is given per chapter and is sorted in the order of oc-
currence. After the bibliography, a list of tradenames that are found in the
references and which chemicals are behind these names, as far as laid open,
is added.


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