Long Life Prayers For His Holiness, The 12th Gyalwang Drukpa

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ee AAR] OM SOTTI May this be fulfilled: mt ND« Harahan ace sak ERA RHR gay ER aby DU SHI PUNG GI JIGME DORJE DZIN Vajra Holder, Fearless conqueror of the four demens, RREAMHRARy URS RAAT] NYING JE TERDZO PEMA KARPO GAR Treasure of Compassion — dance of Pema Karpo, aere “4 1 “) aR rec BS ABFATATA GT AQT HS ENT El KHYEN RAB WANG CHUK DRUK PA CHO KYI JE Great Drukpa, Lord of Dharma and Holder of supreme knowledge, i 7 mr xe, * ame ERR RR ATEN OT SHAB SUNG TAK TEN SHEDON LHUN DRUB SHOK may you live long and your wishes spontaneously be realised! Bag Ag TER ananga yasraiig aggre gang yar Sa TTR TERNS TH ARARIEN NGA TIAT SOREN AY aarp Rig say) (ee This prayer was written by Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche. 4 5 a 0; eS p [Ana agargaraga ragga BANTEA TEAS] Long Life ‘Prayer for His Holiness the Twelfth Gyalwang Drukpa cme mm ie Meme eathem STATA SRST BAT KUN KHYAB DESHEK NYINGPO DOMAY SHI Original nature, essence of omnipresent Buddhahood, qaraQraranny agers Taq] NAMGYUR MANGAK GYU TRUL DRAWAY GAR dance of an unceasing magical display, aBaaR Ry say CHIME RANG JUNG PADMA SAMBHAWE immortal, self-arisen Padmasambhava, SR aha GnuaN Ge Sx yeas DENG DIR SHIPAY METOK CHAR TU PHOB rain down the flowers of auspiciousness! aRINAS RT HIV YTAR SAAS] » JIGME RIK NGAK DRUBPAY PAWO NI Fearless Hero who is accomplished in the Vajrayana, ———————— me i atragarag gayteeay RAS ¢ a tN] DRODUL PEMA GYALPO TULSHUK KYI who, by the activities of the victorious Lotus King, Tamer of. beings, RARBG ANA TAaIQTAWARa RANA WANG CHEN BARWAY THUTOB NGON DZOKPA is tho full perfection of the strength of ‘Great Blazing Power’, aay By aH ge To erg aw aG Ay GON KHYO TEN DRO PEL DU SHABTEN SHOK ‘oh, Protector, remain for the glory of the Teachings and beings! eens V SxS po sie ti ang FavqNa Fase grag Fay RANG DON THO SAM GOMPAY TSEL CHEN DZOK Perfect listening, reflection and meditation for your own sake — x a MARAT ABTS AN AAS AT ARA AN HA SHEN DON GHE TSOM TRINLE NGA TANG GYE vast dominion over teaching and wriing for the sake of others — Pg Bg i, AQarISA ZA Forear arcadia aga aI DREL CHE NAMDROL LAMLA GO SHIN DU while establishing on the path of great liberation all those linked to you, a, BRATIVAAIGA TES UAT Gera] SHAB PE KEL GYAR TENPAY TRASHI SHOK may you, for a hundred aeons, remain — may this happiness arise! gaa Bagg akaadigadg Fagg say This prayer was written by His Holiness Dijjom Rinpoche. ee AAR] OM SOTTI May this be fulfilled: mt ND« Harahan ace sak ERA RHR gay ER aby DU SHI PUNG GI JIGME DORJE DZIN Vajra Holder, Fearless conqueror of the four demens, RREAMHRARy URS RAAT] NYING JE TERDZO PEMA KARPO GAR Treasure of Compassion — dance of Pema Karpo, aere “4 1 “) aR rec BS ABFATATA GT AQT HS ENT El KHYEN RAB WANG CHUK DRUK PA CHO KYI JE Great Drukpa, Lord of Dharma and Holder of supreme knowledge, i 7 mr xe, * ame ERR RR ATEN OT SHAB SUNG TAK TEN SHEDON LHUN DRUB SHOK may you live long and your wishes spontaneously be realised! Bag Ag TER ananga yasraiig aggre gang yar Sa TTR TERNS TH ARARIEN NGA TIAT SOREN AY aarp Rig say) (ee This prayer was written by Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche. 4 5 a 0;

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