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Wanda Insyirach Rachmadanti (D75218049)

The twelfth meeting discussed World Englishes in Tesol Programs: an Infusion Model of
Curricular Innovation and Exploring Poetic Texts Creatively. In the TESOL program, to enter the world
of English, a way is needed because it still has shortcomings and there is a need to find ideas so that
they are needed by clients, this includes suggesting new ideas. There are 2 perspectives, the first is
the perspective of deviation which is useful to support the idea that all these errors are made by
students which at various stages of transfer between languages then the deficit perspective supports
the idea that errors occur because of the students themselves. There are 3 elements put forward by
Roger, namely the first is relative advantage which considers the new idea to be better than the
previous idea, the second is the complexity which means it is quite clear and the third is the triability
which considers that the trial of innovation is limited. In the world of English, a lot of work is not
friendly to educators and it certainly affects the trialibity factor. Furthermore, about structural
indigenization, this has to do with institutional development, undergraduate development, and
literature development. Of course, understanding this paradigm and ideology is very important for
students who take the TESOL program to understand because they will be asked to identify
assumptions about their culture and personality. They will be given a paper on research and
students will be assigned to do research on that paper. Then there are the following solutions that
can be done in overcoming the above problems, such as: the paradigm framework must be included
when we start working, we must also be active in combating linguism and geocentrism, especially
institutional linguism, to create undergraduate and medical resources Professional language
education organizations the world of englishes must work diligently, in addition they must also
promote intermediate career professional exchanges to convert scholars into teachers.

Explore poetry texts creatively in the creativity of books at ELT. The definition of poetry,
poetry is a written literary work created to teach literacy to readers. Of course, the characteristics of
the poetry are different from other literary works. This is what makes readers more interested in
reading poetry. Reading poetry can also increase children's creativity, empathy, and evaluation.
There are several things that the teacher must teach students so that students can better
understand the form and style of poetry, such as form poetry, poetry lists, narrative poetry, rap,
rhyming forms such as nursery rhymes and play games and short patterned poetry such as haiku,
kennings , and cinquains. Then for the presentation of poetry, there are important things that need
to be considered such as sound effects, visual effects, word combinations, and word repetitions.
Knowledge of poetry and types of poetry must be taught by teachers to students. That's because
most of them are not familiar with poetry and types of poetry. To harmonize poetry creatively, of
course, there are several ways that teachers can do, including: the teacher must know the number
of poetry and his works so that it can be taught to students, the teacher must also bring students to
the library to enrich students' knowledge of poetry, and students can also explore and search the
internet for poetry they like. If students are able to read poetry, of course they are also expected to
be able to respond to the poetry. According to Ofsted, in reading poetry, of course, students are
involved physically, emotionally, and socially, so that they will get the initial oral experience of a
poem. In order for the poetry to respond to attract students' attention, make poetry an interesting
game with their friends. In responding to poetry, things that need to be commented on are the
structure, language, rhythm and patterns of the poetry. Poetry with standard forms is a standard
model in learning. Nowadays, teachers and students need creativity that is present in poetry.
Freedom for students must be prioritized in producing poetry. Let students make their own choices
in writing, designing, producing, and performing poetry without any boundaries that bind them. If
students 'freedom of thought is allowed, students' creativity will emerge in producing meaningful

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