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Shree Chanakya Education Society’s

Indira Institute of Manag ement, Pune

Group Assignment

Division Roll No Name of the Student Signature


Program Name: MBA

Semester II Batch: 2019-2021


Date of Submission: 19/04/2020

Submitted to: Prof. DIPANJAY BHALERAO

Burger King - Introduction
Burger King (BK) is an American multinational chain of hamburger fast food restaurants.
Headquartered in the unincorporated
area of Miami-Dade County, Florida. The company
was founded in 1953 as Insta-Burger King,
a Jacksonville, Florida– based restaurant chain. After
Insta-Burger King ran into financial difficulties in
1954, its two Miami- based franchisees David
Edgerton and James McLamore purchased the
company and renamed it "Burger King". They ran the
company as an independent entity for eight years (eventually
expanding to over 250 locations in the United States), before selling it to
the Pillsbury Company in 1967. As of December 31, 2018, Burger King reported it had
17,796 outlets in 100 countries. Of these, nearly half are located in the United States, and
99.7% are privately owned and operated.

Search Engine Optimization (S.E.O.)

It is getting traffic from the ―free,‖ ―organic,‖ ―editorial‖ or ―natural‖ search results on
search engines. Search engine optimization is the process of increasing the quality and
quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a website or a web page to users
of a web search engine. SEO refers to the improvement of unpaid results and excludes
direct traffic and the purchase of paid placement.
All major search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo have primary search
results, where web pages and other content such as videos or local listings are shown and
ranked based on what the search engine considers most relevant to users.

Why SEO is important for restaurant Business?

In the recent years, customers have chosen to search for restaurants and order food online
more and more. It‘s not hard to see the attraction – after all, what could beat having a
delicious meal arrive on your doorstep at a click of a button? In this context, digital
marketing has never been more important for restaurant businesses. Not only will
customers find your business online in order to come and dine at your location, but they
may also find you and place an order online.
A great website is essential for any business in 2020. Your website is your digital
business card and brochure because new customers will look up your site and use this to
judge your business and decide whether to buy your product. It is also a way to generate
new leads, as new customers can discover your business through online search engines if
you have great SEO.
These days, just about anyone can build their own website thanks to the large range of
website builders on the market. Although these tools can help you to create a
professional-looking site, you need to apply certain strategies if your website is to be part
of an effective digital marketing strategy.
The ultimate goal of any SEO campaign is to bring in business. A metric that most SEO
consultants target is traffic. To get traffic on a page it is very important that your keyword
ranks on Google. Like when a user types in a keyword/search query, your company‘s
page should show up on the first page. These days, nothing exists beyond the first page of
Google! There are a number of things you can do to improve your site‘s SEO, but as a
first step, you should run an SEO audit of your site using a tool such as Google Analytics
or Ahref. SEO further can be divided into On Page SEO and Off Page SEO.
On page SEO is done to ensure that your website is doing well in terms of keyword
placement in the code of your website Off Page SEO primarily revolves around content
distribution, that is pushing your content across the web and ensuring people (other than
you) are also taking about your brand. The proxy that Google uses to understand who is
‗talking‘ about you is backlinks. Backlinks are signals to Google that other people find
your content helpful and relevant. In addition to backlinks, social media promotions and
forum activity also carries a significant weight in Google‘s ranking algorithm.
When it comes to ranking for keywords, you should ensure that you rank for the right
set of keywords. As a restaurant, you need to focus largely on transactional keywords.

Burger King Case: How Lack of SEO hurts popularity

Recently, Burger King started its "Whopper Virgins" campaign which has people from
Romania, Thailand and Greenland, who have never eaten a hamburger, participating in a
Whopper vs. Big Mac taste test. Keeping in the tradition of other microsites the company
has introduced like Subservient Chicken and Whopper Freakout, it also created a website
showing clips of the taste tests. But for people who can‘t quite remember the URL, a
Google search might not help them.
A look at Google trends shows that while searches for "whopper virgins" spiked
on December 7th, searches for "whopper virgin" – minus the "s" – have been just about
equal. In fact, a Google search of "whopper virgin" does not bring up the Burger King‘s
microsite within the first 10 pages of results.
AdvertisingAge editor says that if the company had only spent a portion of its
multimillion dollar branding campaign on SEO, it may not be in this position.
Is Burger King Performing SEO?
In our research we found that company is doing a very good search engine
optimization. They highly rely on S.E.O for the online search related activity of their
business. We tried to search the keyword ―Burger‖ on Google search engine, and we got
fourth search result as the burger king, even the search result is above all the restaurants
which are big competitors of Burger King in Indian Market.

S.E.O. by Burger King

A Well Established Old company like Burger King, which have more than18000 outlets,
need some special efforts as well to optimize its online search because if a customer is
unable to find the company on search engine, then how he know what‘s new going on
inside the company, how it is better than its competitors. For E.g. If you are a burger
restaurant, and then ranking highly on top search-volume keywords like ‗buy burger‘ or
‗burger joints near me‘ is a guaranteed way of driving traffic on search engines.

SEO Keywords Used by the Burger King On its various

websites and Webpages
S.NO. Website Keywords Used For Search Engine
1. difference, family, live, program
2. otlob, egypt, cairo, menu
3. burger king, bk, have it your way
4. burger king, taco, cabana, career
5. action, good, jobs, material
6. bk, have it your way, burger king, content
7. king, burger king, burgerking, burger
Recommendations for the SEO to the Burger King
SEO content of the Burger King is quite appreciating but in our view company
have to put more efforts on these activities to get better revenue results. We recommend
following optimization for the company:
 Use Keywords in Appropriate Places: SEO ranking of a
website can be significantly improved with the right keyword placement.
The keyword should be located on the following places:
1. URL
2. Title tag
3. Page title
4. Page content
There are a lot of SEO analysis tools that can detect whether these parameters are

 Make Website Mobile-Friendly: One of the most important

aspects of mobile friendliness is responsive design, whose main
characteristic is that your website content should adapt to the width of the
user's screen, thus improving the browsing experience of the users of
mobile and tablet devices.

 Use SEO-Friendly URLs: There are two SEO factors which are
related to the URLs:
1. Keywords — they should be present in the URL — position closer
to the domain name is better
2. URL length — shorter URLs rank better

 Improve Website Speed: Fast loading speed not only improves

SEO ranking, but also user experience. There are a few things that can be
easily fixed to achieve better website performance.
Search Engine Marketing (S.E.M.)
Search engine marketing is the practice of marketing a business using paid
advertisements that appear on search engine results pages (or SERPs). Advertisers bid on
keywords that users of services such as Google and Bing might enter when looking for
certain products or services, which gives the advertiser the opportunity for their ads to
appear alongside results for those search queries.
These ads, often known by the term pay-per-click ads, come in a variety of
formats. Some are small, text-based ads, whereas others, such as product listing ads
(PLAs, also known as Shopping ads) are more visual, product-based advertisements that
allow consumers to see important information at-a-glance, such as price and reviews.
Search engine marketing‘s greatest strength is that it offers advertisers the
opportunity to put their ads in front of motivated customers who are ready to buy at the
precise moment they‘re ready to make a purchase. No other advertising medium can do
this, which is why search engine marketing is so effective and such an amazingly
powerful way to grow your business.

Is S.E.M. Worthy?
Many small and medium businesses want to rely on search engine marketing to
bring more customers to their business. That‘s an admirable goal but is rarely successful
for several different reasons. The SEO fraud merchant claims that if you pay them, they
will flood your business with new customers. But, that‘s not at all true, but a lie repeated
often enough becomes truth. This is the primary reason many businesses cancel their
SEM. It doesn‘t get them new customers.

Is Burger King performing S.E.M.?

In our research we found that company usually doesn‘t do any search engine
marketing. They only rely on S.E.O for the online search related activity of their
business. We tried to search their business on Google search engine, but we don‘t get any
search engine marketing pay-per-click ads.
Recommendations for the SEM to the Burger King
Search engine marketing (SEM) is the unsung hero and the secret weapon for today‘s
growth marketing leaders. In addition to achieving a successful consumer decision
journey across multiple channels and devices, search delivers bottom-line results and
ensures on-track results for the long-term. As Burger King didn‘t perform Search Engine
Marketing, we recommend the company to start it as soon as possible and do some
innovation with it. Few of our recommendations for the company are:
 Deliver Value with SEM: New research from Search Engines allows
us to better understand the five distinct stages all customers share:
Initiation, Research, Compare, Transaction, and Experience.
 Align Your Campaign & Business Goals: Search can impact,
and help you measure, your business goals. The company should align
SEM strategy with their campaign objectives:
 Expand Your Marketing Funnel: Understanding how people
search at different points on their purchase journeys opens the door to
engage your brand with this new audience. Customer searches at all times
and in all places, whether on their desktops, laptops, tablets, or
 Take Audience Targeting to the Next Level: Right-time, right-
place engagement alone is no longer enough to compel potential
customers. You need to reach as many unique searchers as possible
utilizing audience targeting.
 Fight & Win the Battle for Paid Searches: SEM still competes
with other channels for a share of your marketing budget. So bring along
hard data that connects the dots between search engine marketing and
business benefits.
 Separate SEM Impacts from Other Channels: Know which
channels drive your marketing results. Each sale is the culmination of a
series of marketing touches that may involve several channels over the
course of days or even weeks.
Social Media Marketing (S.M.M.)
Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and Snapchat) to connect with your audience to
build your brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic. This involves publishing great
content on your social media profiles, listening to and engaging your followers, analyzing
your results, and running social media advertisements.

S.M.M. by Burger King

1. Burger King has several accounts on Facebook. The main BK page (USA) has
around 8.3 million followers and Brazil page around 7.8 million. Burger King
Shares a number of contents build connections and communicate with your fans
and followers regularly.
2. Burger King has several accounts on Twitter and an impressively large base of
followers. Its different accounts target different markets and customer segments.
BK has around 1.7 million followers on Twitter in its main account. BG tweets
are mostly promotional in nature.
3. Burger King has a nice large base of followers on Instagram as well. The
company has made around 900 posts and has around 1.6 million followers. BG
shares a lot of multimedia content and also launches marketing campaigns.

Digital Marketing Campaigns by Burger King through

Social Media Marketing
1. Burger King’s Biggest Virtual Burger On Instagram

Burger King is a very active brand on social media platforms; usually

they perform a number of activities to remain in limelight of their
customers. In France, Burger King is definitely excited to be on
Instagram. To celebrate the launch of their Instagram account, Burger
King France created the world‘s biggest virtual burger. Partnering with
French digital agency Buzzman, they decided to create the world‘s biggest
virtual burger on Instagram. They accomplished this by posting over 90
pictures of burger parts which create the illusion of a giant Whopper on
Burger King France Instagram account.
2. Burger King Uses Augmented Reality To “Burn That Ad” Digitally
Burger King is encouraging fans to ‗burn‘ its rivals in digital platforms,
thanks to a new mobile app feature that sets competitor billboards to
flames. The Burn That Ad uses augmented reality to entice the Burger
King App users in Brazil, by burning up the competitor‘s ads to anyone
who points their smartphone towards them, following it with a BK
advert. It‘s fun, daring and creative! When the flames burn away, the
person is left with a screen that tells them they‘ve received a free
Whopper to be savored at the nearest Burger King restaurant.

3. Burger King Transforms A Whopper into Diamond Rings to Celebrate Pride

To ‗have it their way‘, Burger King turned a Whopper to ashes and created diamonds
made out of it. We can obviously say that Burger King likes
to ‗burn‘ something. After their impressive showing at the
Cannes Lions festival, Burger King has debuted its latest
fresh out-of-the-box move to celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride
month. Collaborated with Grabarz and Partners, the brand has
debuted the ―Whopper Diamond,‖ jewels crafted from the
ashes of its signature offering.

4. Burger King Trolls McDonalds – with Clowns

Burger king kick off our top seven Halloween content marketing campaigns than with
Burger King‘s ingenious idea which collects
customer interaction with the clever
trolling of rival McDonald‘s and its famous
clown, scary as it is. Burger King offered a
free Whopper burger to the first 500
people to visit select Burger King Stores
dressed as a clown. The campaign was
promoted via a creepy clown-filled
YouTube video with the hash
tag #ScaryClownNight.

5. Burger King Makes It To The Duct Tape Trend And Makes Fun Of Maurizio
Cattelan’s $120,000 Banana
Maurizio Cattelan revealed his latest
creation at Art Basel in Miami -- a
banana duct-taped to a wall with the
asking price of $120,000. Then,
Burger King France makes fun of Maurizio Cattelan‘s latest work, and joined the most
viewed, #CattelanBananaChallange, complete with a theatrical blow from another
situationist artist, David Datuna, who actually ate it. In his visual from the agency
Buzzman Paris, BK compares the work and its astronomical price for one of its chips.
Sold at a fraction of the price, but with infinite extra satisfaction. Called ―Careful what
you swallow‖, the campaign shows the world‘s most expensive piece of fruit compared to
one of Burger King‘s very own fries.

Recommendations for the SMM to the Burger King

For Burger King, social media marketing can be a most powerful tool for customer
retention - if done right. SMM requires entrepreneurial virtuousness, planning, discipline,
continuity and a serious devotion to the virtual multiverse. Then and only then social
media becomes a success. If this foresight and perseverance is missing in Burger King, a
haphazard and arbitrary use counteracts not only the success, but eats beyond that into
valuable resources, too. Our recommendations for the company regarding SMM are:

 Define strategic and operational objectives: Before you opt for

SMM, you should define your objectives clearly. Before starting your social
media campaigns, define meaningful indicators in addition in order to
demonstrate success and identify necessary corrective steps.

 Prepare main topics: What about the content?: Communicate

systematically rather than impulsive. Be proactive rather than reactive. Offer your target
audiences real value through your communication. Always act planned and methodically.
Take advantage of the entire range of multimedia tools.

 Assess the cost-benefit ratio: What pays off?: In the run-up of

your activities, take enough time to examine and calculate different scenarios for
the implementation of your SMM carefully. Invoice all planned activities as
specific as possible and then decide which model is the most profitable for your
budget and purpose.

 Identify communities: Where is the perfect location?:

Monitor how your target audience communicates. Take your time for a smart
selection of social communities that you wish to use for your campaigns in the
long run. Don‘t be blinded by absolute numbers of users – Facebook. Use Social
Media according to the need and to whom, company is targeting. Consider the
smaller, vertical specialist forums and communities according to your point of
view and benefits.

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