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Gana tore Congress by changing Ahenstre of the Congres sytem tel Tales and he Fay Stems in ni to ‘beloaded against Congres (8) re Congress) Cr allance ‘won more sets and votes han the Congress had ever Won In theft four general cectons |S) Fourth General |The Congress was notin power| lections, 1967 inalncstal he states The period wor ought Ith prove economic cl auling, Kom. sucess Faure of monsoon, wide Spread. droughts, decine In agpcltaral production, stro ood shorape, dep. Teton of forsgm exchange eserves, drop i instal production and oxports, Fembined witha sharp sc | [Opposition partes] [le O87 the Tour gener] mary expenditurcand | | were in the fretrnt| | ection fo the Lok Sabha Aivenionof sources fom | [ot organizing, publie| | Slate assembles were held planning and economic | | pots presnunzing|_ | The results ote the Congres ie goverment ft both the naoal & ste evelopment ver [stalling non-congre foveramentin Ste Tine wo angle pany ad got maj various | ronscongeess partes aime togetier (0 form inept partes CHAPTER 10 Sn syen Tul Chapter Analysis 207 218 ans = [Genet Becton of 167 and Spinners] 106m | | Major Opposition Parties and Congress Coalition 1Q (6m Oa eB fla aan ead hat fre pot of acts ha Tea Tl teecwe fer al udu Sat achesment of ia Gn coe he me eel elton Inport of ele flstarconeps TOPIC-1 Revision Notes roric-+ > The decade of 1964 alia Succession afer Nea ‘Refresh dangerous decade in Indian pols. “ns {Reasons forth being no slons fund fr poverty negli, rome -2 regional communal (Genel Ceces 7967 an 1 Disniegation of county and dkintgrton of democracy were COB 8 ooking thet events ronc-3 Toll inability sre afer emis fail Nebr with we it ston are ed ‘nestor ipa Sonar ia 1 WhoaterNetra 2: What alter Nea? > Lal Bahador Shoat S]Lal Saker Shae wen oppor ewan Creo oder cl Cours Partamentary arty and bce the second Pine Miter fn 194589) of Tief boa ne ate frail ner ee or or bored {othe sito Uta Pao «Ina ced th after fcs ofthe economs rss hare uring the Sino in Wr fia «Ta defend Pakistan under his courageous aden 15. ee 4g MOPMETYSSTEMSININDIA sa 2 [153 «inter ao wtnsed many dows an fans making hes of thea mira, Tied Yo theca of hi slog Jal Jawan al Kiso’ asthe problems ofthe farmer remained unsolved se Yep ain while ana ii his vio There frst USS osm peace es iy with Palit 1 he ute demise of Shasta een eaersip cis aain a Congres ¢ Thstime the lendeship was conte by two India Gand and Morar De Altering elections by secret alot Indra Gana was ced asthe nest end of Congress pry thin wanton refered oso matury fnd’ deneray Fev Short Answer Type Questions-I 1, SELECT THE CORRECT OPTION (markeach 1. Wham would yu ket deny the stogan J oe an Jal Kian wih a w (@ India Gana i) Syndicate i) Latahadr Shas fi) Nebr ns. (i) Lal Badr Shas {Q2 Prime Minster Jwahall Nehru pased away in May: De @ 18 i 1964 ay 974 (i) 1988 ns, (i) 1964 3, ___wasunanimounly chosen athe leader ‘tthe Congres parliamentary pty after the ‘eath of Nebr, oe (nda Gandhi (@) La Bahadar Shas (i), Morr Desi ow ‘ss @)LalBahadur Shas 1. CORRECT AND REWRITE THE STATEMENT (lima euch) (QL During shasts brief Pine Ministers the county faced no major challenges. U ‘Ans During Shasn's brit Prime Minter, the county faced ra major caleges 2 Within » year of becoming Prime Minster, Indira Gandhi had lead the pty in Rajya Sabha election uo Ans. Within a year of becoming Pre Mine nia (Gandhi hod to lead the pact ina Lk Sab ‘leon. (13. Indira Gandhi the dnughtrin aw ofJawahata Nebr, ad not been Congres President in the past + ‘Ans Indica Gandhi the deg of ovabarl Nha, a i Congres Prestent inthe ps. (1mark each) Ml, COMPLETETHE SENTENCE (I markeach) 1. Shas had resigned trom the positon of scepting motl respon for ‘major allway asin. ® ‘Ana, Rainay Miniter (2, Shans Prime Miniterip came to an abrupt fendon 0 January 5 ‘ana 1966, (0.3. Shas was the Minister n Union Cabinet rom. +e ‘avn 195171986 1X. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING (1 mark each) 0.1 1n 1966 who contested against na Gandhi forthe pot of the Prime Miniter from among Congress Ms? 10 (Foreign 2018) ‘Ans, Nowa Dest (0.2 After the death of Lal Hahadur Shas, which two leaders of Congres Paty cometed aginst ich other to become leader of Congress Paasentay at? W (aniz03) ‘Ark AltrthedeathoftalahadurShath,therewas intense competion beeen two leaders ‘They were-Mora Desa and Indra Gandhi (CSE Marking Scheme, 2013)1 {61}0.3. hy were 1960s called the dangerous decade’? u ‘Ans, Thet9sts werelabelledasthe ‘dangerous decd’ ‘cause unresolved. problems ike poverty, Inequality communal and regional divin te, ‘ouldiead oa faire fhe demacrai projector ‘ren the tegration of the county Q.4. What challenges were faced by India betsen 1964 to 1946 ding Pie ministership of Lal had Shas? u (0) Bconomic criss de to ndo-China War 1962 ‘nd indosak Wat 1968, (i) Failed monsoons, drought, serious fod ‘iss abo presente a rave challenge, Orman | | 1 154 ‘mes CBSE Guerin Bork Cape Topi Sohe apa, POUTICAL SCIENCE Cg {8} 01 How ld the ease wth which the sucesion ‘ter Nebr Took place proved all the eis ‘wrong Ny ‘Ana: When Nehru pased away, K. Kam the resent of the Congres party conte erty Tenders and Congress momber armen and found ha there was aconsensn avoir La ‘ahaa Shae He was uranimouly chosen 1 the fader of the Congres parlamentary fy and ths Became th enya inter The eae with whi the rocrson fer ‘Nein toc plac proved al he ces wrong {)0.2. Write «note on Prine Ministerial tenure of Lal ‘Bahadur hash G+ ‘Ans () Lal Bshodur Shas was unopposed and Cianimously chown as Ihe leader of {Congress Paamentary Paty and became the scond Prine Minter of India (9 8. ‘bine member or hve yeas an bonged tothe sae of tar Pradesh, ced the ter eet of the economics that are ‘using the Sino Indian We of 1962 lin teesed Toitan under hs. Gourngeous (Wis tenure ako wetness many droughts famines making the es ofthe farmers tmurale This led to the cir of hie Slogan Ti Jawan Js Kis’ the problems te tarners eined uated (pe pssed aay while his wis sent {estwhe USS to ign peace testy ih (Q.1 Analac the rcumstances that favoured India Gandhi to become Prine Minister after the eat of al Bahadur Shas, Menon any four Achievements of India Gandhi that made hee PopularasPaime Minister U (Delhi 2036) ‘AnK() nda Gandhi wos the danger of popule ‘ecPvime Minister] L Neb (i) She had Boxame Congress President in 1958, (ii) She had been Union Minister for Information in Shat'sCabine om 964. & (lv) She had given a postive famous slogan Garb Hato” (9) She had focused on the growth of the pubesectoe (mats ey BDO 3 Wate n ote onthe Indian economy dey dur hast tenure a rime Ming ‘The Indian economy had been stapnyy 2 ip ea There ak Novulurl profction had meg a Foerel 2 cree (0 Aer he US suspended al Wa intefa wee te ee Saco ere ee a ee Popes So ioe ate Soe eee toatl sie tae en Sele ae Forse ns) (6 marks eh (i) She adipose cling on holdings and utan property to Alispanies income and oppo (0) She had abolished the princely to prevail the prindples of eal Sec and eonomifustce, (Decisive vcory In the 197 Pakstan war sored India Popalasy. osetia ! a Gea oe eens or ae enn freq, reorlim cmmana ee The a eee ie coe Roe eee 2 ca eet Seely winieDenocey. 0.3 Wc poeon nin Gnahfocay yan - rime Minister, +R) ‘Ans () Inia Gandhi government wa faced with eral grave prolems hich were long in the mang bet which regiedinedine ‘Menton and slo, TOPIC-2 (i) Psjab was on the bol and the Naga and Miso areas were in rebulion. She dealt feel ith these problems by accepting the demand for Puna Suba and being im twth the Naga and Mizo rebels showing twllngnes to negotiate with, them a eeptng the Naga rebel” demand for Suton: (Gy Te was, however, the economic situation which was ntatble. The economy was in Tecesan and fst detrrating Indus Production and expors were. declining, Tie rain fled fr the scond successive year in T9e and the drought was more Severe than in 195, and led to gaping Infation and grave fod shortages Famine onions preva in large prs of the County, expecilly in Bikar and easter tar Prades (i) The wars of 1962 and 195 and he Paistan= (Cina ans had edt sharp ese in itary ‘crpendiure and iverson of resources rm ‘lnningand economic development. (0) Burdet deft were growing, endangeing the Fourth Five Year Pan. The stuabon eld hard deconsand then frm ‘rfrcement, ba the government vailtd, tras sow in taMng decsons and, what Tras even worse, tardy and infective in Implementing them. In party, could rot reduce sown Bloated administrative ‘aperture which the franca situation requte, (oi) The government, however, succeeded emaikaly in dealing wath the drought nl famine sation, The problems of procurement and ditebuton 6 foodgrains En prevention of famine deaths were Thndied on awa foo ‘iy ewe months afer coming o power, Mis ‘Gandhi took major sass nthe eld of foreign aa, Urgently needing American ‘vest, nancial and eptalinvesinent Tenia ted to build bedges wth the {rated Sate, espclly during her vst fo WWishingtons March 966 (any Sb9 0 x6= 0) General Elections of 1967 and Split in Congress Revision Notes Srnesclectons wer Hstorin the sense hat for he st ime, Congres had start long popula. > Remons for decease in popsasty Teo Prime Ministers hd ied in qu sucsson. Thome tame Miniter ndea Gandhi was called Goong) Gly and was alle as puppet ofthe powerfal leader zz siege POUTEAL SCENE Ca, a ae psd he prod winced seve fons and rough da a Trost production food shortage depletion foreign mgr ngs sea eer ares entre Clnacn aay «Indra Gvernment devalcd INR from USD 1 = INR to USD 1 = INR7 to meet the economic cso However this resulted nage cle flan nthe domestic market. te, ‘Tho sled in setting up of non Congestion. > General Hectons of 1967 These wee theft electtons contested by Congress without Neh, 1 The rele of the ction were coined as ‘polit earthquake asthe popula of Congres had tya ne sale Though, Congres managed to scure marty at Cente but wth wet Number gga “companion al hee previo general elections. ‘© -Atsate level, Congres lost majority ola pres and non-Congres parties which Was Blow Congres ieaers ik KF, K Karr, K-B Sahay et. were detested i their onsen, ‘These eetions gave rs ta new form of government the coalton government. 1, nBihar it ws named as SomyuktVidhayak Dal—formed by colton of Semyukt Socialist Fey hy Kani Dal Jana Sangh nd Praja Socialist Paty. 2 In Pun it was named as Topulr United Front ~ formed by coalition of Shitomani Aka Dl and ae Fateh Singh roup, ‘These etions also witnessed defections by Congres lesatrs mainly in Uae Pradesh Madhya a ‘nd Haryana, Some ofthe defections were so eequent tht these were nicknamed 5 "Aaya Ram Cee ter the defections shown by Gaya a om Haryana, ttn Congres 1 With thei f Syne Congres, there waa wallbetween Indra Gandhi athe Syd, ‘Some of the eminent members ofthe Congres SycatewereNSjeeva Reddy, .K Pa Kaan 'A.Ghosh. The Syaete wanted India work a thei puppet ‘© Chalenge foe by Indira was ores the popula of Congress as wel as suppres the Syne wi the pany, 1 Inde ited forms ke 1, Ten hint Programme 2 Nationaisation of General surance 3. Nationaiston of banks 4 Ceiing om landholdings 5, Calingonuiban property 6 Land orm 7, PublieDistbution Systm fr food grains ' The Sycate proposed the name oN, Saneeva Reddy for President eles 1969 fn cont la roped the name of WV. Gi forthe sa mo ame potion. Asa res he differences within Cong RIB pa ‘With the defeat of Rey in Presidential elections the Congress Pry was formally pitino: 44 Congres (0)/ Congress (Organisation /Okd Congres ed bythe Syncs 2 Congres ()/ Congress (Requsonists)/ New Congress le by Indra Gan FiNery Short Answer Type Questions-I I. SELECTTHECORRECTOPFON (lmuikesch) Gi 1. The economic situation in 1967 tggered off @ pricerise (i) Price fall i) economic progress) eiltary ise ‘Ans. (price tae Q2. The hadplayedarolintheivallaton of India Gandhi asthe Pine Mlnisterby ensuring het election as the leader of the Priamentry Par. o (0) Constituent Assembly (i) Syndicate Opposition ‘economic condi (i) Syndieate (puppet ns nesonan p18 Congest my nay a 1. Aesth 167 gener leon the bestanay > Gor lena plsyed an ipertat te fling Congres govcromens inte Sae finyana tinal Pade snd Uta ads @ ‘ter the 1967 general keto, the besaway Congres ler pled an important le isang n-Congros governments inte Ststes arya, Mail Pra and Utar Pash The Syndicate had no sayin nda Gandhi cond Cound! of Sisters and also in pol formulation andimplementaion, ‘The Syne ha de ene Gan fist Counc of Ministers and. also In pley {eration and plementation. 1, COMPLETE THE SENTENCE ans. (mark ese) {Q.1. Name the person with whom would you ssociate the following slogans? () AyaRamand Gaya Ram + Bor mn ‘Aas Cay Lal (CBSE SOP Mashing Scheme, 2020 2. The General Elections of __were the fist lectins contested by Congress wihout Nek ns 1967 Fivery Short Answer Type Questions-Il seeeess {187 10.3. The elections of 1967 brought ilo picture the phenomenon of e ‘Ana coltone |. ANSWERTHE FOLLOWING —Umarkesch (0.1. What i the Impontance ofthe yea 197 inthe Bator of tedan poles? u ‘The year 17, brought the Tol Earthquaa” hee for heft time afer independence, the Fopulaty of the Congres Paty declined and gee les number o sata compared to thon ‘agp the previous leon. (60) 0.2. Wher theoreti argument dd Ram Manohar {hi give in defence on non-Congresert He produced the theoreti. argument that Congres ule was undemocrate and opposed 10 the interes of ordinary poor peopl; therefore the coming together ofthe non Congress pares teas necessary for redaiming democracy forthe people ‘Wiha does the expression ‘Aya Ram, Gaya Rar, ‘and fori Indian Plies? The exprenion ‘Aya Ram, Gays Rami became Popular in the pic voabulry in India to tes the practice of Trequnt oor costing by lepistors Literally anda the terms mean Ram came and Ramm went Te expreson ‘rnd ian amazing feat of floor crossing fetieved by Gaya La a MLA in Haryana, in 1967 He changed hi party the ina forth, from Congress to United Front, back to Congress fn then wih rine ours o United rot apa (Qi Who sepresened Congres (0) ond Congres {r)aterne split Congres ay? BH wanian Ans Cogs (0) wa repented by he Sydite sd Congr () was mpc Dy Indes Gai 2 Whats meanby the term ‘Congr Spode? BH ania as, Cones Sycat efrs oa pou of popula {tun adr wan ie Cane A Which of these snement aout the 1967 Seaton ilar comet? (0 Congress won the ok Sab eons but ont the fase eecons in acy sate (i) Congress ent both Lok Sabha and Asse (ap Congress lost majority In the Lok Saba but feds colton goveent wits hsp. Sime 1) Congres ined power at he Cente wih an 0 need mii wer @ marks each) ‘Ans ) Tre (i) False (uy True (i) Fae (2.4. With which objective DMK made is entry into Indian polities? + NCERT [DM uu ts entry int Indian pols: (0) Bint it demanded the restoration of the Cigna name of Kall away station ‘which had ben renamed Dalmiapuramy ater Sind hose fom the Nod, ‘The vecond objective was agaist the craft ssucaton scheme ofthe State government ‘whlchitaleped wastinkedtothe Brahmans ‘Socal took I ao agate gaint making Hindi the county's oil nguage Highlight any two reasons that you thik are ‘esponstble forthe pit inthe Congress Party in 190, {Touts Det 2m9, Set (0) Rig aide ofthe Syne w es, 158. ‘Omas CBSE Ove (i) Presidential candidate wae announced by Sepa wn craig he Pane ‘iy Syndicate assumed PM Indira Gandhi as » Poppet in ther hand which proved her (Any otherreson) (Any two) 12 =2 Q.6. Explain wih the help of example the meaning of Ant Congrats UWsar 200) ‘Ans. Non-Congressis is 2 term that is used to esrb he anticongress waves sated by non- ogres parties with ight ad left eninge Pats fl Congress rule tobe the root case of ‘arlous problems faced by our county suchas food problems, economic cis, corption and dependence on foreign countries. Tis not only resulted the defatofmany Congres stalare butaloledtomanyineral revolts in the party. ‘The coinage of his term canbe igh traced back tothe elections of 147A proposal by Ram ‘Manohar Lian the ery at here was 4 abe alternative tothe Congres Fst and that Allitneeded was forthe opposition fo nite (CBSESQP Marking Scheme 202) FjShort Answer Type Questions Q.1. What does ‘detection stand for In Indian polis? Highlight any two demests ofthis practice. B+ Wiwewnian) ‘Ams Defcon is stuaton where an lected representative leaves the party on whow Ucket Inoshe had teen elated Dement of defection ar: () Wekes and breaks the government (W) Thescenarioot Aaya Ra, Gays Ra” developed with many persons stching the partes very frequent, 1 xi = —O—S "© Though most ofthe students know the meaning of detection, yet many of hem ae not abe to stat the demerits otis prac. Telos the credibly ofthe votes ofthe voters to the pany ort the candidate (0.2. How should» politcal party resolve its nternal Aiferences? Here ate some suggestions, Think fof each and list out their advantages and ‘horcomings. (0) Follow the footsteps ofthe party president. (i) Listen othe majonty group. (i) Secret ballot voting om every isu (0.7. Assess the ole played by ‘defections on polis. + Ae Seta ‘Ans (9 Ths eds to polit insti gy erie (a) Langer Mines to appeie Teen ad of soppot 0 par ea W) Lack of soport top a raeageigs a (By Ra Gaya Ra’ ty be ena camp (Ory oe revs oa (Ay oe oa 2c = 2[CBSE Marking Scheme ‘Commonly Made Error ‘= ThetermDefecton isnot deartothe students _| coor "© Defecion. ie 2 stutlon where an cleed| representative leaving the party on whose ‘shut hasbeen elected. Defcon makes nda the government. The scenario of “ays Ram Gp Rant develope with many person og | at very rguenty (4 marks exch) (he) Consult he senor and he expended ofthe pay vce, ‘Ans. ()Faloming the fotseps of pany weap dlcpine ond uy th pry, Howe devdopsaserse dnp ‘in the mind of the leader. eve Listening othe moony oop ae deocaty within the party Howe teats factors whine pay (i) Scart alot wong om eer) Stengihew the democrat sup of any. However, delays We frase “cio making proces within ep (Consul he veror andthe expel leaders ofthe psy provides exe fdas forthe po be hen ary. However, he shortcoming that there sa toppage Yo new ie Innovations, Commonly Made Erar el pe no ns/SCTEISNNOA ss 159 ayia sth term ‘Syd’ mean i he 4. How did the facial vy einen the toi fe Conan ay of he dts Syndicate and Indien Gandhi rested in the cre dd he Syne pay inthe Congress itt Congest two? (3+ BNCEIT) An. Spit Congres in 90%: 7 os Teer Sa feel on pop of poplar (0) Left wing onentaton programe of Indra Teint leaders win he Congres ‘She got the Congress Working, Commitee to ‘Party. They expected her to depend on them for ‘Syndicate interest towards N, Sanjeeva Reddy. esbineatees eicteted gy aiean rst npn) Si nme ote | een The Syadicate, though, agreed. io gore Congress group led by the ‘Syndicate’ came to. I Filona Answer Type Questions-I {Q.1 Read the following passage and answer the “growing unemployment and the overall ‘gestions below: Economic condion in the county. | “he yest 1967 i considered a Landa eat Bandhs and ral were freueny in tadis's polis! and electoral history. The calle sre the county. Congress pty remained a dominant force ‘Opposition partes wer in the orefont throughout the country om 1952 onwards of onganiing publ protests and | "Tie trend was to undergo sigafcan changes pressunzing the govemment. Parties } vith the 1967 elections 1 asin the context Spree he Cong aed tat | heightened) popular discontent andthe the division oftheir votes apt Congress Polaition of popular ores that the Furth in power, Thus parties with diferent 1) eneralelecone ofthe Lak Sabha and State iecogia se ropa eee (marks each) to form anCongress front. This as l evemblis wore held in Tebruay 1967The Sonus aveaees ale deat seinen ogres, | fand state levels, Many contemporary political ©) () Many politcal cbuervers described the I ‘hrervers described the eletons a polite! teen sults aba political earthquake I eerie ‘eco the Congress did manage to get !rajontyin he Lok Sabha Dut with is (e) Analyse the socio-economic and politcal owen tly of sat ane share of yokes ‘nest of fourth general election in india ince 952, (0) Wy the 1967 general elections were described (W).Atthe sate level, the Congress lost te ‘polite! earthquake’ by many polital ‘ection in weren sates, In oo othe ‘hserver? [Sample Qutston Paper 201-9) Ste tcl not form the government ‘Ans (a) () This period as faught with gave ‘due to deacon. (Gl) 0.2 study the peur given below and answer the 0 economic cre rein in successive fare of monsoons, widespread ‘weston that allo Ahrought, and decine in agcltral (i) The economic situation tigre off Pre re, Peopl aed presi inst the inrese inthe pics = ‘Rina commadtes, fod! scary eet 1. What is meant by Keep Right No ef Tae’? Preticion sens food shot, coe Spenser goa RRR AS an oes BER Fnnng and coon Seveopen Sey q 160 2 tthe pete what does the flowing stand @w (&) aKs, (9 ssr (@) BKD, hung assembly? ‘Ans: (The United, Font Paty was formed on the bass f non-Commmanist Mecgy and supposed oll the right ny, (i) @) Lokal (©) Biharkran sabe (©) Sumyuke Soi Panty (4) Bharatiya Kran Dal Ormeneney (i) Hung Assembly i a situation where no single pty able to ecu a mot in the tletion (BD O.3. study the pltre given blow and answer the ‘wesins that follow we Fitong Answer Type Questions-II ) (BDO 1. State which ofthese were reasons fr the defeat ‘ofthe Congress in 1967. Give reasons for yout ‘ie (Be ANcern (@) The absence of » chaismatic leader in the Congres aes (6) Spl within the Congress party. (6) increased mobiination of repional, ethnic and communal groups (e)Intrnalternces within he Congress pay ‘Ans. The varlous atone ae deliberated hereunder: (6) Te Congress pty had many charismatic and ‘experienced leaders in the pty at that ne So, the absence of charstatic lade in the Congress party nota reason forthe defeat of ‘he Congres in 17 1 (©) Spl within the Congres party natu vided ‘he electorate mandate to Congres between the ‘ovo newly formed pares each having share of in Soe apes POUTICAL SCIENCE Qverions 1 What det heaton represent 2. Mery th dyn cote ‘eso rer pla 4. Tn. te_peom’ wesing eat wenn pei 4. ho sigan the round? {). We rpracs the Pent det (8) The dy nda Candia hep 2 her novo ha on the peo | Shctone | cw we ; Gn) Najera Reddy fecesrsrsy (6 marks exh the erga lector mandate So, spt wii the Congress purty natural plied a ial mle eta of partyin the 1967 eeton, 1 (© The period witnessed the emergence of may regional pares lke Akal Da, DM, Th naturally took away a share of the ei mandate in those respective. repons f8 the Congress party. AS a esl the pay wi deprived of majority atthe Cente and Ie owerin many ofthe tates + (4) There was not much national coaion ami non-Conges partis a tht tine, The was only at state evel and pled are ‘of Congress only tthe ste evel (6) Internal diferences within the Cong atrally weakened he nity ofthe pa Alsunity was abo et by the rested in a decrease in electoral ble ay: esters mage ses AND PARTY SYSTEMS IN INDIA Analyse the nue Indira vs the Syndicate’ What ype of challenges did the owe pone efor Ini is {Outside Det et 2017) Loppers Answerani]| 102 ona Aton os Cie Tne Sheps POUT ENCE 3g Tanke te mr Gage Oat he So TT ehrueeicariawetapesccan canine aaa a ‘Sc aamndane a5 ca ee 2 wee et ee 1 Gemseocsclty Cnpes viaoa Narn eddy the eal Congres The rele of the cecons were cxined a The deat ‘patel exthaaie’ as the” poplanty of candidate formalized Congres had reduced by a age sale. Though, pry. The Congress Congest managed to secure majority at Centre ‘Syndicate came be called a ‘bat with lowest number of seat in compassion (organization) and the Soa ie vs nn! deci A Init Gunticcsat ieee evel Congres st major to lcl pass a non-Congrs pares which was a Blow. Song, eet Congress ender ike SK Pat K Kam KB eee Shr, et were defeated in her convene. een Goal These dectons gave se 9 new form of ee _govemment~thecoaliion goverment fn Bhar, a ‘vas amed as SamysitVidhayakDal-fermed_ Pealeé Answer ‘by coaliion of Sanu Sac Party Bhartiya Kani Dal Jana Sangh and Pras Soc Paro, In Punjab it was named as Popular United ost ‘The important event tht led othe pit inthe Congress Party wee: oo Seiomors =e (BDO.« Examine the three main reasons responsible for the syndicate within, Indira intrdgs ose os ) Jes z Soom eats. eee mists See a... =n maurice —— a a (2 rs op ea meer Soha cota ana ai oe Sr be dees =o ae ita cor freee ocr Ye Fee ee emia be siatice a enters “ee TOPIC-3 Major Opposition Parties and Congress Coalition = 163 jision Notes Genel Elections of 1971 1h the spl Congres, nia Gandhi recommended ston of Lk Sth Decent 7 4 Aare hn peewee hl ine 7 ¢ Themajniy ofthe voters supported Congres (0) considering them to bethe advo qe ciel Conger detopes «+ Gulion Poy of Congress Thowph Congest wa om by ite educated Sie bt with involvement of masse soel bse iene. Thenvon of dierent Castes atures ed to contadory ews but Cones std simating We ‘des and developed poe keeping vind the bee ef mjoy ve eit of Calton Pally of Goverment 1 fondened and strengthened the natonwide bse, Developed tolerance fr ine dferens Abie of aus groups and tec lnders were ccmumedned Developed the inoge ofa moderate pry Gu fo eco stands of cto {Doct actions within the pry which nde represented he ely of opestion pats or many eas Congres sted both thru part sx wells th oppotdon in fe ndan democrats. ‘+The opponton partis ike Swat Party Jana Sangh, CPL SSE PS et uted and formed what was called Cand Aline with he sole ao Inis Hata « Ast retaliation fo ths mot, nda gave the slogan f Cah Ha” to atc the voters Belonging to the or uy pests bores nds farmers and other wear scons fhe 00) «ni Hatao promoted gave pit whe Car tao ws poste inmate {The epposton had no pola programme and no postive logan except the moto of “nda Hata", This larishea thei image to some extent. Result The rer ofthe elections cme a surprise. nda led Congress (2) won 352 seas while Congress (Ohevuld bags meager figure of sents nly. The number often favour of Congress) were 44% while those in favour of Congress (0) were 11% ‘8th his viciory, Congres (8) proces tobe the oiginal Congres pat. 1 The Grand Altance ofthe opposition proved tbe a dsastous flare (1 mark each) 1. SELECT THE CORRECT OPTION (1 mark each) 11. Which of the following statement about the Grand Alliance 19715 correct? (©) Had clear ideolopial programme. (6) Hada grand finish in the 1970 elections (a) Proved obeagreatsucess (U(SOP 220) The Grand Alliances ‘Ans. (a) Got combined tly of seats that was less (was. formed by -non-Communist, none than 0, (CBSE SOP Marking Scheme, 2020) Congres partis. 2.5. Whom would you like to idemfy the slogan (i) had a clear polieal and ideologies “India Hata! with? ‘a programme ) Syndiate (iy as formed by all non Congress pate. (8) Karpood Thakur TWINCERT) i. WV. Giri ‘Ana, () was formed by non-Communist, now Uy) Subhash Chandra Bose Congress partes. ‘Ans. (Syndicate O.2 Scect the correct option: 1, CORRECT AND REWRITE THE STATEMENT. ‘The Gand Alliance of opposition of 1971: ee (ay Cors combined tly of ves haf was Is “105 relia eanatteteer eee eli than. loaded in favour Congress) ‘Ana. Theclctorl contest appeared toe Toadedagsinn! 2 Congres * ‘of the Congress party was under the command of Q-3. mo i Somandconpen on 8. The Congress(}-CPt alliance won lee sets and ‘ots than the Congress had ever wom inthe frat Bye general elections, G+ Am ‘Ana. The Congres(R)CP allance won mor seats and ‘oes than the Congress had ever won in the Bist four genera elections Ans. ML COMPLETETHESENTENCE (1 matkeach) 1. Thesplitin the Congress reduced Indira Gandhi Q.. ‘Axe, minority ans FiNery Short Answer Type Questions-II (Q.1. Which maj responsible for the Ann framatc victory of Tndiva Gandhi in 1971 ectons? TEleDei 2015) ‘Ans India pave the slogan of Garb aaa toatatt the voters belonging othe poor ls, peasant labourer, landless farmers and cher wear, section ofthe society, (0.2. What was Saya Vidhaysk Dal? What was Hsrolein the ermation of coalitions? (+) ‘Ans. The Samyukt Vidhayak Dal SVD) was formed In Bhar by coaiion of SS, PSE CPS and Jona Singh to oppove Congress The formation of SVD led the foundation for formation of cation govermensin te county bth a the Cena and the State eve, (B10. Describe any eo tps taken by Indira Gandhi tolimplement the Garb Hat’ Propamine.E) 4 Short Answer Type Questions (BO.1.Eaplain any wo seasons for the popalary of India Gandhi during 197 lection. + A\Demians) “Analyse any thre factors which enhanced the popularity of Indica Gandhi inthe early 1970, (all India 1 on ‘What were the faciors that led to the popaaity ‘of Indra Gandhi's government in the ety 97st "(Sample Question Paper, 201819) tie___ prelates Lat held in Febrwary 1971 a Aicttont tere AXSHERTUEFOLLOWNG maka ‘Whom would you identify with the ‘ctovig eae ro to cub aan ane any ore pre a cee ‘ni om ae (Any 90 ay i a iedahonthovalietne ane maa Following were the tops tke by India Ga ‘oimplemen the Gar HataoProgranines (0) Job opportunites were provided 4 te publicin very easy tes Ss tolncea ie Ian pone wnerpyed RORGTRE tec tripoyment (0) Gara wr cd i te ig Jeu no overt In ap foty tear te speme moe a froma (uy Tis propane was dened tm cut ety topo od aged ‘editors hc em ere rene (i) Tis poy pomaed ead tmnloyment ahd ono itso wrelerseton of te oy a ‘SC’s, ST's and the | onc. nal ‘hay Two) (1293) (marks ec) OF ‘Analyse any three major factors which de popularity of Indra Cand governmes {ideal fro ‘ani 35) on What were the fctrs hich led ula of Tada Cand’ govemea Inca lors? Examine any four factors that, you think, le Scepekenaretare Soph (eh Outside Deny Set i 0 PART SYSTEMS NIN pois : f ce ae he pop a ee Gor von overna Shale pt ony ey fh a tie pepe Fenda 0 Gebiechtitraeateny ane crirdt atin Mr loa ch strut chr wh he poo and downto, haa a Ai) She was able to succeslly convert a power struggle ino an edge war (0) She was able to create a support base for ref among the dsndvantnge groupe (o)_Aller victory in 1971 Indo = Pak wa she was seen aa ston Natal Leader | (ry THe Congress Party under her leadenhip ‘won both the General lection andthe | ‘ase lets, ‘Orany other relevant plat (Ay fou) 1 ICUSE Marking Scheme, 2019] Detaled Answer: The lator that le to the popuaty of Inia Gand government inthe ely 197 were (0) She launched a sere of natives lo gee the government ply a Left Orenation, She got the Congres Wosking Commitee to adopt a en Point Programe in May 1967. This programme included soc contol f banks nanan of Cnet Insurance, cling on wan property and income ble dstabuon of fond rans, [and elorms and provision of hau eso ‘he cut poor (8) _Althetimeofindependence the integration ff the princely sates war preceded by fan amurance that afer the. decition (of princely rate, the then sults’ fries would be alowed to ean ceil private property, and gen a gran in herety of fovernmentalloeance, measured on the {sof the extent, revenue an potential of the merging state Ts rant was cae the pry pure. The heedary peepee were ‘otconsonant withthe prnepesaequly nd sacl and economic asc laid down inthe Conettton of ni Indica Gand ‘made this ino a majoreletion ase ia 1971 fa go a Tot of publ support. allowing its mie victory in he 1971 election the {Conttaton wat amended remove eg ftacles fo abiton py pss (©) Althemojornon-communst non Congress ‘opposition pares formed an letra Pucca at AR lance known a the Grand Aliance. The 9H SP Dhaai Jana Sangh, Satan Party and the Bharatiya Kean Da eae together under this umbrella, The Grand Allnce did not havea coherent polis programe, tnd Gandhi sid thatthe ‘ppealon allance had only one common proyamne: nia Hatao(Remave tn In eoneast 40 thi she put forward & ose programme aptred inthe famous Hogan: Cant Hala’ (Remove. Poverty) ‘he focused on the growth of the pub sector, Imposition of eeling on rural land holdings and utan property and removal of dsparites in Income and opportunity. (4) The 1971 elections were followed by the csi Eas Pakistan and the Indo-Pak wat leading to the establishment of Bangles These evens added tothe populrty of India Gan. Even the opposition leaders dred he tatesmansHp, (21)0.2.How did the slogan ‘Garb Hata’ prove tobe a ‘cen for Indra Gandhi? ‘Ans. () The slogan of grb halo programme was part of Indra GandW's poi strategy of bring an independent nationwide plies suppor base, (8) Through gab halao Indra Gandhi teed to generate a support base among the disadvantaged xpealy among the andes Inbouters, Dalit and Adivasi, minors, women andthe unemployed” youth and helped in galning ck the much needed support and popula. @rz=8) (80.3, what made the new Congress have an upper hand ovr the opposition alliance? ‘Ans. The opposition allance had enly one common, Programme: India Hato Tn contast to ths, India Gand pt forward 1 postive programme captured in the famous Slogan ‘Gar Hata! Sie focused on the growth of the pole sector Imposition of eling om ru lan holdings and ub property, moval fap Income tnd gpporturty, and abolition of princely pawege Q.4 Hove ‘did the conliiomtike character of the Congress Paty give it an unuval strength? U(Dani2m) on "Explain the functioning ofthe Congress Paty an eolgleal and socal caltion, "(Outside Det 2016) ae 7 NStoeeaenss a 16 0 SMEs rcs en Pssst ie fares tateecnet Torey enerecratyad un ped he Canc pay iit enidatuee ae Beavers mien Fibong Answer Type Questions-I ensues) [Oi seed ceetaty pegs rn new (a) a wat ye ms ge a rhino yo eet pale peal Bathe capes tl ean to ig Tce, pec iniel- helen ety sfeart Aw Gan tes il Cnges alam bia essa The Goa fick fl desogel peti a ea tothave a coherent polities programe. Indira Gandhi said that the oppositon alance had only one common programme ‘India Hata’ into an undemotrtic and centrale pry (i) Here when the author ays thatthe Cong pty den the seventy, he meant ta 1m contast lo this, she put forward» poi fewly revved Congress wat otal diferent progiamme captured inthe ‘amos slogan {fom the orginal setup and ideology of te ‘Gar Hata {Congress n this way the orgal Cone (0 Which Congress is being referred to ae 'the New hd eed aed the new Congest wa jt Congres? the mame, but the idclogy as tty ‘erent z (G) Highightany two steps taken by (iy The change in Congress led to change in etatorey? ‘eolgy and formation of calor By he (Gy How far Ut justsied to call the “opposition Cie ae 1 lance’ ae the Grand Alliance? (Bi). study the pica given below and anwer be oe ‘questions at fallow: ‘Ans. ()The Congress refered oasthenew Congres. (4) The two steps taken by Indes Gand were igowth of pubic seor and removal of gap etween income and oppor. 2 (Gi) The opposition alliance war try a Grand Allaee as there had never been an allance of 30 many poll partie 2 Q.2 Read the pasage and answer the questions ‘India Gandhi changed the Congress nto highly cenealised and undemocratic party ‘organisation rom the eaierfederal, democratic find ideological frmation tha. Neh had (0) The cartoon depts the rerulte of whi Ted But this. could ot have happened leetons? ‘adnotind Ganichangedtheearenture i) What wat the oucome of thee ent of politics. This new, populist, politics turned ia labeled 2 Poltial ideology. Into » mere electoral chat eae _ Scour ancl vriousslogansnctseanttobe UY Who are depicted ss the player it lated into government polices... During Iugratetecont vcore tneaty Sry amuan M0) Th caaon dept the wns of 1 sone es eco atal () “The Grand Finish tow a eatoonit (0 What according to tensor i the een eee Seonaen th Sele of Neu snd Tey ruse onthe gear te hen a | (6) Why does the author sey atthe Congress pany tees F “died i the seventies? Pah Mio NE Mss AND PARTY SYSTEMS I NDA _ 2 eee Know the Terms Syndicate group o popular and ital ders wht the Congres ‘enCangrenom- Cangas on med by hon eg fs ving lee eg nd ‘Grand Aline sed oon fot ome by jr tal us ke Satna Pay an ane ti pari he Satan Paty, Baya Jona = te again the Congr, "7 | ore (0) Congres (rant a Ot Congres exe bythe Cong Sateen st of the | ong > Congres (8) Congres (Regustona) or New Congres ed by nda Gandhi lic! Earthquake ~The results of gene etion 167 which shook frm pounding of the Cngzes party | both at national as wll alate evel “en-Point Programa ~The poll progamme adopted by India Gandhi ater he defeat in lations of 1987. ‘This programme covered ln lors ang ror > Devaluation ~The goverment chnigue to contr the infin inthe economy by redcng the exchange re ‘of domestic county with espe! othe reign exchange Know the Personalities "VG waste fourth reset ofa Tas al Nehru He Tad Podesta ote wed a Mt of al | Indira Gand She was the id Pie Mier of . Nijalingappa: He wasaserir menberoftheConsinventAwembly, | foro trem 6h bed Ca oso a = Anmdara He way jouralt poli on oundr of DK Hs became the Ch Sinter of Madas 0 TaN) ar Menehar ais He was on o he unde of he Gene Sol Pa 2 Kapa Taker He wsa famous elon igh anda Scat lde Know the Dates [ix [iss ome 2 [set | Nera psedavayon May 5 [per ahr Sh edn sie per out Genel tos wee el Sop Gi prot oh Present {es |aon ‘Fifth General Elections were held. goog

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