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TOPIC: BRIES aim of the Project/Task ‘he aims of this project are: 4 To understand about th 7 oes he new centres of Powers, i.c., BRICS and to learn and acquire knowledge on + To know about BRICS members’ countries that became the alternative power on the globe. Introduction BRICS is the group composed by the five major emerging countries, namely: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa respectively. BRIC was founded in 2006 in Russia. Although the acronym BRIC was coined by Goldman Sachs in 2001 to indicate the emerging powers that would be, alongside the US. BRIC countries started their dialogue, which since 2009 takes place at annual meetings of heads of state and government. In 2011, with South Africa joining the group, the BRICS reached its final composition, incorporating a country from the African continent. oo 1 Map FBRICS Members’ Countries Fig. 10. : Location of The BRICS Forum, an independen cooperation between the BRICS na mutual economic benefits among its members besides non-inter cmnational organisation encouraging commercial, politcal and ey 8 rimarily to cooperate and dist ekey objectives of BRICS are primar per ste ois. The key obj ference in the internal policies of each nay al tle ion, and mutual equality. The BRICS have a combined area of 39,746,200 square kilometres and 3.21 billion, or about 27% of the world land The [th conference of the BRICS Summit was held in Brazil on | an estimated total population of aby irface and 41% of the world population. 3-14 November 2019, chaired by Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro. Emblem of BRICS Officially there is no symbol of BRICS grouping. But at every BRICS summit there is a logo created by the host member country, VOI BRIcS Fig, 10.2 A Logo created by a Host Member Brazil + Brazil officially the Federative Republic of Brazil is the largest country in both South America and Latin America. + At8.5 million square kilometers (3.2 million square miles) and with over 211 million people, Brazil is the world’s fifth-largest country by area and the sixth most populous. + Its capital is Brasilia, and its most populous city is Sao Paulo. + The federation is composed of the union of the 26 states and the Federal District. It is the largest county to have Portuguese as an official language and the only one in the Americas + It is also one of the most multicultural and ethnically diverse nations, due to over a century of mass immigration from around the world. + Brazil is classified as an upper-middle income economy by the World Bank and a newly industrialised country, with the largest share of global wealth in Latin America. It is considered an advanced emerging economy. It has the ninth largest GDP in the world by nominal, and eight by PPP measures. It is one of the world’s major breadbaskets, being the largest producer of coffee for the last 150 years. Brazil is @ regional power and sometimes considered a great or a middle power in international affairs. % On account of its international recognition and influence, the country is subsequently classified as 4% emerging power and a potential superpower by several analysts, + Brazil is a founding member of the United Nations, the G20, BRICS and other organisations. Political Science—XII Fig. 10.3 Map : Location of Brazil Russia. + Russia has been the largest part ofthe former Soviet Union. Even before its disintegration, itis the largest country in the world by area, Russia’s capital and largest city in Moscow. + Afier the dissolution of the Soviet Union in late 1980s and early 1990s, Russia emerged as the strong successor of USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). + Russia’s GDP is currently 1 1th in the world. Russia has reserves of minerals, natural resources and gases that make it a powerful country in the global world. + Inaddition, Russia is a nuclear state with a huge stock of sophisticated weapons. Russia is also a permanent member of the UN Security Council, called P-5. : Pei Bisil= cai TWDIAW Pe sceaN Fig. 10.4 Map : Location of Russia Project-10 India and the 17th largest country by land area, Offic ‘India is the second-most populous coun Republic of India is a country in South A: Lis the 1. * The 21st century India is being seen as an important emerging global power, The world is experiencing the powerand rise of India in a multidimensional way, The economic, cus, ‘on of 138 crore is very strong. strategic position of the country with a population of 135 crore is very strong. % From an economic perspective, targeting the goal of a $5 trillion So ee huge marke, an ancient inclusive culture with 200 million people of Indian Diaspora spreading across the globe impa,, distinct meaning and salience to India as a new centre of power in the 21st century. * = ya sulTicic indigenous nuclear techn, From a strategic perspective, the military of India is self-sufficient with indigeno eee technology making it another nuclear power, ‘Make in India’ scheme in technology and science is another milestone of Indian economy. * All these changes are making India an important centre of power in the present world. iti Dist: Nes Cra) Cea) Fig. 10.5 Map : Location of India China * China officially the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is a country in East Asia, It is the world's most populous country, with a population of around 1.4 billion in 2019. Covering approximately 9.6 million Square kilometers (3.7 million m/), itis the world’s third- or fourth-largest country by area. Governed by the Communist Party of China, the state exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four direct-controlled municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongain!) and the special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macau, China emerged as one of the world’s first civilizations, in the fertile basin of the Yellow River in the Nott China Plain. For millennia, China's political system was based on absolute and hereditary monarchies or dynasties. Since then, China has expanded, fractured and re-uni fied numerous times. Political Science—Xi1 EG eo ; A = Dinas / Fig. 10.6 Map : Location of China 4 Dynastic rule ended in 1912 with the Xinhai Revolution, when the Republic of China (ROC) replaced the Qing dynasty. The subsequent Chinese Civil War resulted ina division of territory in 1949, when the Communist Party of China led by Mao Zedong established the People’s Republic of China on mainland China while the Kuomintang-led nationalist government retreated to the island of Taiwan, where it governed until 1996 when Taiwan transitioned to democracy. 4 Since the introduction of economic reforms in 1978, China’s economy has been one of the world’s fastest- growing with annual growth rates consistently above 6 percent. According to the World Bank, China’s GDP grew from € 150 billion in 1978 to 12.24 trillion by 2017. Since 2010, China has been the world’s second-largest economy by nominal GDP, and since 2014, the largest economy in the world by PPP. China is also the world’s largest exporter and second-largest importer of goods. China is a recognized nuclear weapons state and has the world’s largest standing army, the People’s Liberation Army, and the second-largest defense budget. The PRC isa permanent member of the United Nations Security Council since replacing the ROC in 1971. China has been characterized as an emerging superpower, mainly because of its massive population, large and rapidly-growing economy, and powerful military, South Africa South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa (RSA), i the southemmost country in Afra. With ver $9 million people, it is the world’s 4th-most populous nation and covers an area of 1,221,037 square kilometers (471,443 sq. mi). The largest city is Johannesburg. About 80% of South Afticans are of Brack A lean angestry, divided amonga variety of ethnic groups speaking different African languages. The remaining population consists of Afrien’s largest communities of European, Asian, and multiracial ancestry. * Itis bounded to the south by 2,798 kil the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans; and Zimbabwe; and to the cast and not mainland of the Old World or the Eastern He south of the equator. Jometers (1,739 mi) of coastline of Southern A tica stretching along to the north by the neighbouring countries of Namibia, Botswana, rtheast by Mozambique. It is the southernmost country on the mmisphere, and the most populous country located entirely Project-10 South Africa Us pluralistic makeup highest number in the world. cater sooty encompassing wide vty fetes, Inge pn reflected in the constitution’s recognition of FT official languages, the four, Fig. 10.7 Map : Location of South Africa > During the 20th century, the black maj wl sought to claim more rights from the dominant white minority, ch played a large role in the country’s recent history and politics. The Nation: Party imposed apartheid in 1948, institutionalizing previous racial segregation, A ter a long and sometimes violent struggle by the African National Congress (ANC) and other anti-apartheid acti the repeal of discriminatory laws began in the mi have held political representation in the country’s liberal democracy, which comprises republic and nine provinces, South Africa is often referred to as the “rainbow nation” country’s multicultural diversity, especially in the wake of apartheid. South Africa is a developing country and ranks 113th on the Human Development Index, highest in Africa. It has been classified by the World Bank as a newly industrialized coun second-largest economy in Africa, | i 2006 (BRIC) 1, Economic {2b ‘Added. 3. Regional SouthAiea cooperative a | ee Now BRICS Political Science—Xxit 1 3 4 5. and the 33rd-largest in the world. South Africa also has the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Affica. The country is a middle power maintains significant regional influence and is a member of the G20. I-1980s. Since 1994, all ethnic and lingui BRICS Chart bership, t |- Brazil . Russia - India - China . South Africa 1 3 4 5 both inside and outside the country groups a parliamentary to describe the the seventh- try, with the most in international affairs: it omens ages — Current State Leaders - Portuguese \. Jair Bolsonaro. . Ras Vindimir Putin = Hindi 3. Narendra Modi + Chinese (Mandarine) 4, Xi Jinping 5. Cyril Ramaphosa | Host Country Russia 2 bu emer | Braziy Yekaterinburg Dmitry Medvedev | Ching Brasilia Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva ae India Hu Jintao [South Attica Dr, Manmohan Singh [Brazy ———-Ratban_ [Jacob Zuma Russia —|Fortaleza | Dilma Rousseff [dae Vladimir Putin Ching ein Narendra Modi Xiamen Xi Jinpin Se tics ping, tretice | Johannesburg Cyril Ramaphosa aa mn = Brasilia Jair Bolsonaro : Postponed due to COVID-19 Pandemic nia TBA Narendra Modi Conclusion Asperthe Economic Report on the role of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries inthe world economy and international development. The Report was commissioned as an input to the Summit ef BRICS countries that took place in early September 2017 in Xiamen, China, surveys the BRICS countries’ sizable contribution to global growth, trade and investment, evaluates the prospects for this to continue in the future, and explores the possible role that these countries can play in bolstering the global economy, in reshaping international economic arrangements and in contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals and to international development generally. An important conclusion in the report is that continued BRICS growth as well as policy initiatives can substantially benefit other developing countries and developed countries too. Fig, 10.8 Summit of BRICS Countries Project-10 7 ging commercial, political and cufig al VIVA QI. What is BRICS? Ans, The BRICS is an independent international organisation cneourn cooperation between the BRICS nations, Q2. Which are the member countries of BRICS? Ans. Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are the member count Q3. When the BRICS was founded? Ans. BRICS was originally founded in the year 2006 and i Q4. Whether BRICS has any Emblem? Ans. No, it does not have any Emblem. QS. What are the objectives of BRICS? Ans. The objectives of BRICS primarily to cooperate and distrib ft its members besides non-interference in the internal policies of each nation and mutual equality. ies of BRICS. t was then known as BRIC. ute mutual economic benefits among its Q6. Which country was the last member to join the BRICS? : Ans. South Africa was the last member to join the BRICS in the year 2011. Q7. When BRIC turned into the BRICS? Ans. In the year 2011 when South Africa joined it. Q8. Where the summit of BRICS was held in 2019 and who has hosted Ans. The BRICS Summit (11th Summit) was hosted by Brazil on 13-14 November, 2019. Q9. Who had initiated the BRICS? Ans. It was Russian side that initiated the creation of BRICS. Q10. On what the BRICS work is based? ‘Ans. BRICS work is basedon the action plans which was approved during annual summits since 2010. Political Science—Xit

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