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Aim of the Project/Task The aims of this project are: * To understand about the association of Southeast Asian Nations. * To know about how before and during the Second World War, the region of South East Asia suffers; the economic and political consequences of colonialisms. Introduction ASEAN is the regional inter-governmental organization comprising 10 countries in Southeast Asia, which Promotes inter-governmental cooperation and facilitates economic, political, security, military, educational and socio-culture integration among its members and other countries in Asia. Tt was established in 1967 by 5 countries of this region ie., Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philipines, Singapore and Thailand by signing the Bangkok Declaration. Over the years, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Lao PDR (Laos), Myanmar (Burma) and Cambodia joined ASEAN taking its strength to ten. Its moto is “One Vision, One Identity, One Community”. Anthem ~ “The ASEAN Way”. Fig. 9.2 Bangkok Declaration aS a south hing North pacific | Fig. 9.3 Map : Location of South East Asia The ASEAN Flag Onthe ASEAN flag, there is a logo that has ten stalks of paddy (rice) which represent the ten Southeast Asian countries bound together in friendship and solidarity, The circle symbolizes the unity of ASEAN. Fig. 9.4 The ASEAN Flag | Goals of ASEAN * Toaccelerate the economic 8 endeavours. owth, social progress and cultural development inthe region through joint ‘ Project9 (59 | inciples of | % To promote regional peace and stability based on the rule of law and the principles ofthe United ng, ns Charter. Pillars of ASEAN ‘ pape SE | its object With some of the fastest growing economies in the world. ASEAN broadened jectives beyond 4, economic and social spheres. In 2003, ASEAN moved along the path of the EU (European Union) bY aprecing to establish an ASEAN Community comprising three pillars: * ASEAN Political-Security Community # ASEAN Economie Community % ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community immunity Col \N Political Securit) Fig. 9.5 Pillars of ASEAN ASEAN Political-Security Community The ASEAN Security Community was based on the conviction that Outstanding territorial disputes should n0! escalate into armed confrontation, By 2003, ASEAN has several agreements in place by which member states Promised to uphold peace, neutrality, cooperation, non-inerference, and respest fe national differences and sovereign rights. The ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), which was establi coordination of security and foreign policy. ished in 1994, is the organization that carries ot Political Science—xiI 2) Third 3 i a of the ASEAN Political. Security Community Council (APSC) alan 2010 } ) ASEAN Economic Community + With the objective to create a common market & production base within ASEAN states and to aid social & economic development in the region. The Economic Community would also like to improve the | existing ASEAN Dispute Settlement Mechanism to resolve economic disputes ‘ 4 ASEAN has focused on creating a Free Trade Area (FTA) for investment, labour and services. The US and China have already moved fast to negotiate FTAs with ASEAN. an {ASEAN Economic | Community (AEC) ASEAN } i Community IN Economie Community Fig. 9.7 A. ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) Itwas launched in January, 1992. > Eliminating tariff barriers among the South East Asian countries. Project-9 % Integrating the ASEAN cconomies into a single production base. Creating a regional market of over $00 million people. * ASEAN cooperation has resulted in greater regional integration. % Within three years from the launching of AFTA, exports among ASEAN countries grew from Uggq, 5 Dillion in 1993 to almost US$80 billion in 1996 ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community To combat the pitfalls of capitalism & free trade, namely, disparity in wealth and job loss, the community focuses on disadvantaged groups such as rural workers, women & children. In 1997, the ASEAN leaders adopted the ASEAN Vision 2020, which aimed at forging closer economic integration within the region. This builds on the existing ASEAN policy to encourage negotiation over conte. in the region. Thus, ASEAN has mediated the end of the Cambodian conflict, the East Timor crisis, and mest annually to discuss East Asian Cooperation. Literacy rates: More than 80% [ Proportion of sea 5 held by women in Net enrolment rate for children parliaments: primary school age: Fig. 9.8 Socio-Cultural Community Development of Trans-ASEAN transportation network consisting of major inter-state highway and rail) networks, principal ports and sea lanes for maritime traffic, inland waterway transport and major eivil aviator links. Structures and Mechanisms The highest decision making body of ASEAN is the Meeting of the ASEAN Heads of State and Governmet For almost a quarter of a century since the Association was founded, the ASEAN Heads of Government mt only three times, But it modified the meeting and the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting (Foreign Ministers) sh! ‘on an annual basis. ‘The ASEAN Ministerial Meeting is supported by ASEAN Standing Commission (ASC) and the Senior offic Meeting (SOM) while the ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting is assisted by the Senior Economic Ofticis Political Science—XIt _eing(SEOM) ane several aioe economic working groups, Suppl sg comitiees of senior officials and 122 technical working gt a x 4 g groups Te © WCULGaU RUE \6 AS Conclusion ASEAN provided a forum in which governments have been abe to communicate swith each other when ideology ould otherwise have Kept them apart It successfully prevented conflicts among iS member nations through negotiations. © seria nnr ety ets i = =a || ie \ ee a | athe on — bee me I) |_—vve sus eve eee | © seer cor ow cesta Sa EFT | so a soll ame = tet | am rm Fig, 9.10 Major Milestones riod of peace and stability in the region. Itplays an important role in maintenance ofan uninterrupted ps ‘An appar i > of ASEAN integration 1S the gradual inerease of cumulative GDP within the tall oguapanreerit tthe ASEAN Beonomic Blueprint 2025, a ASEAN wide Self Certification Scheme has been created. ASEAN has preserved peace and stability 19 the region. Project-9 VIVA QI. What is the full form of ASEAN? Ans. Association of South E: st Asian Nations, It is a regional intergovernmental organisation, Q2. How many member countries are there in ASEAN? : Ans, There are ten member countries in ASEAN from Southeast Asia. Q3. What was the motive of ASEAN? Ans, To promote economic operations and ensure economic stability in this region. Q4. When was ASEAN established? : Ans. It was created on 8 August 1967 when the original five countries had signed the ASEAN Declaration QS. Where was first ASEAN Summit held? Ans. Its first summit meeting was held in Bali, Indonesia in 1976. Q6. Where is the headquarters of ASEAN? Ans. The headquarters of ASEAN js situated in Jakarta, Indonesia. Q7. How many stalks are there in ASEAN Flag? Ans. 10 stalks of paddy (Rice) that re and solidarity. present the ten Southeast Asian countries bound together in friendship Q8. What are the three pillars of ASEAN? Ans. The three pillars of ASEAN are: (@) ASEAN Political-Security Community (0) ASEAN Economic Community (©) ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Q9. When did Cambodia join the ASEAN? Ans. Cambodia was to join in 1997, but an internal political struggle delayed its entry. It then joined on 30 April, 1999 following the stablisation of its government, QU0. Name the ASEAN founder countries that signed the Declaration, Ans. Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand were the founder countries that signed the ASEAN Declaration. Political Science—xil

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