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Clarisse Anne C.

Sajonia BSMA 1-1 Nov 10,2020

Activity 1 – Reflective Essay

1. During this COVID19 pandemic, what do you think is the importance of physical
activities in your own personal life?
This pandemic has resulted into all of us being stressed and anxious about our health
that sometimes we forgot to exercise or do physical activities. Gyms and parks are closed, and
we can’t even go outside without a mask and a face shield. Because of that a lot of us are
having a difficult time to find the motivation to exercise. And with so many people out of work
and struggling financially, staying active can seem like much less of a priority.
But I think now, more than ever, physical activities should be emphasized because it
helped me boost my immune system which I really need because I get sick easily and it helped
me prevent weight gain because I tend to stress eat a lot and I’m definitely guilty about that.
And for the most important benefit of physical activities in my personal life is It helped eased
my stress and anxiety about this whole situation. Back in March when this virus is just starting
and our President announced the cancellation of all classes it impacted my mental health
because every day I just overthink about what will happen on the next day and all that worrying
didn’t helped but just worsen my anxiety but when I started to get my act together and created
an exercise routine I stopped overthinking and channel that energy into a more productive one.
Also, with online classes and staring at the computer screen for hours doing just a 5 minute
stretch in my breaks helped my posture and reduced headaches. Physical activities helped me
to sleep well now and I’m happy that I can regain a sense of control during this time of great
2. What are the ways that you are doing in order to cope effectively in this pandemic
situation? Explain your answer.
Living in the province is a huge blessing during these time because my environment is not as
stressful as the city with all the cars honking and the pollution, here we have a fresh air and a
lot of trees and I think that helped me to cope with this pandemic a lot better. Our family also
have a system and all of us have tasks assigned for the day for example I am in charge of
sweeping the garden and the area outside our house every morning 7:00 AM and as soon as we
wake up we have to walk our dogs in the farm and that serves as our daily exercise and because
of that we don’t grab our phones immediately after waking up. We also have a lot of plants to
water and other pets like ducks to feed. To add to all of that we also have a sari-sari store and
we have assigned duties for example I will be the one to man the store 1 pm to 4 pm. I think
having this routine is the way I don’t think about I haven’t went outside the house for 8 months
now. Also, I want to add that we have a bible devotion every night and we remind ourselves
that despite of the situation we’re in, God is always in control.

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