Early Vedic Age: By-Manish Shrivastava

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Early Vedic Age

(1500-1000 BC)

By- Manish Shrivastava

Early or Rig Vedic Age
● The Rig Vedic Period represents the Rigvedic Names Modern Names
time period when the Rig Veda
Sindhu Indus
was composed.
● Some similarities are also found Vitasta Jhelum
with the Andronovo culture and Askini Chenab
the Mittani kingdoms & Avesta
Parushni Ravi
(oldest Iranian text –
Zoroastrianism) Vipasa Beas
● Initially, the Aryans lived in the
Shatudri Sutlej
land known as “Sapta Sindhu”
(Land of the Seven Rivers). Drishadvati Ghaggar
Geographical Area
● The early Aryans lived in the
geographical area covered by
eastern Afghanistan, North-West
Frontier Province, Punjab &
Western Uttar Pradesh.
● Rigveda also mentions about The
Himalayas, Mujavant mountains &
● Ganga & Yamuna were not the
important rivers in the Rigvedic
Administration in Rig Vedic Period

● The polity of the early vedic Aryans was basically a Tribal(Jana)

polity with Tribal chief at the center (Rajana).
● Social grouping: kula (family) – grama – visa – jana.
● King was known as Gopaljanya i.e. protector of its people & cows
● King was assisted by Purohits, Senani & Gramanis.
● King’s position was hereditary (but could be removed from power if
found weak and inefficient or cruel). & have limited power.
Assemblies & Administrative Division in Rig Vedic Period

● Several assemblies such as Sabha(elders members), Samiti(Policy

decision and political business), Vidhata(Resolve issue) & Gana are
mentioned in Rig Veda & even women were allowed to attend
Sabha & Vidhata assemblies.
● Two most important assemblies were Sabha & Samiti as even
kings & chiefs showed eagerness to win their support
● No introduction of taxes & offerings (Known as Bali) were made
voluntarily by people
● King did not maintain any regular army or bureaucracy as there
was no kingdom as such.
● They were semi-nomadic pastoral and
cattle-rearing people.
● Cattle rearing was primary occupation while
agriculture being secondary.
● Initially trade was conducted through the barter
system but later on coins called ‘nishka’ were in
● Rig Veda mentions several artisans namely
Carpenters, Chariot makers, weavers, Leather
workers, Potters etc. along with term Ayas used
for copper or Bronze which shows metal working
was well known.
● Cow was the most important animal of the Rigvedic
Aryans named as aghnya(not to be killed).
● Rajana was also called Gopa which means
protector of cows.
● Most of the wars were fought for the sake of cows
as the term for war in Rig Veda is Gavyuti
/Gavishthi i.e. search for cows (Hence cows seems
to have been most important form of wealth)&.
● Gomat(wealthy person)
● Gifts were made to priests in form of cows &
women slaves → Not in form of land

● The nature of religion was Naturalistic

like earth, fire, wind, rain, thunder, etc. by
personifying them into deities.
● Indra (thunder)-250 hymns was the
most important followed by Agni (fire)
200 hymns, Varuna/Ritasyagpa (rain)
30 hymns and Vayu (wind).
● Female deities were Ushas and Aditi.
● There were no temples and no idol
Rigvedic Gods
Diti Mother of the Daityas

Usha Goddess of Dawn

Savitri Stimulator or God of light

Varuna God of water, clouds, oceans & rivers

Aditi Goddess of Eternity

Agni Priest of God

Maruta God of Storm

Soma God of Plants

Indra Destroyer of Enemies

Social Structure

● Women enjoyed a respectable position. They were allowed to take

part in Sabhas and Samitis. There were women poets too (Apala,
Lopamudra, Viswavara and Ghosa).
● Cattle especially cows became very important.
● Monogamy was practised but polygamy was observed among
royalty and noble families.
● There was no child marriage & Marriageable age was 16 years.
● Rig veda speaks of Arya varna (Aryans) & Das or Dasyu varna
(Non Aryans), where possibly the distinction was on the basis of
Fashion & Entertainment
● Several kinds of ornaments,
both of gold and precious
stones, were worn by men and
women, both of whom also
oiled and combed their hair.
● The Vedic Aryans played the
lute (vina) & flute (vanshi)
● The chariot race was a
favourite sport and source of
Food & Drink

● Both animal and vegetable foods

were eaten by the Aryans.
● The main cereal produced by
Aryans Was Yava or Barely.
Godhuma or wheat is mentioned in
later Vedic texts.
● Sura was a famous intoxicant. The
woman too drank it. Soma drink was
used in all soma sacrifices.
● Society was patriarchal & the eldest male of the kutumba was the head of
the family.
● Society comprised of four varnas based on occupation of individuals.
● Varna system based on birth was not prevailing in this period.
● The four varnas (brahmana, kshatriya, vaishya & shudra) were
mentioned for the first time in the Purushsukta of Mandal 10 of Rigveda.
● Every member of same family was free to take any occupation.
● The fathers property was inherited by son.
● The ‘Niyoga’ system provided a childless widow could marry the younger
brother of deceased husband for the sake of progeny.
● The system of joint family prevailed.
Thank You

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