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The Shortcut to Getting Paid Your Desired

Freelance Rates
Even If You Don’t Have The Experience,
Credentials, Or Portfolio

“The secret to succeeding in business is actually the same as it was 100 years ago…
…Find out what people want and give it to them...”
- Ryan Levesque

Land your First (Or Next) Premium Freelancing Client By

Making Sure Your Foundation Is Solid...

1. Your Ideal Client

2. Their problem
3. Your Value

Identifying your ​IDEAL CLIENT allows you to easily know who

you’d want to connect with and where to find them.

Who’s your market?

Where do they hang-out online? (FB, LinkedIn, etc)
Where do they hang out offline?
Are they easily accessible?
If not, can they be reached affordably?
Do they care about what your service can bring?
Do they generate enough revenue to pay your fees?
If not, do they have existing assets you can use so they can pay your fees?
What content do they consume online?

The Freelance Movement © 2018

Knowing their ​PROBLEM allows you to have insight into their
wants, emotions, and their biggest struggle.

What keeps them awake at night?

What’s their single biggest struggle?
What’s their ​immediate, acknowledged and pressing problem?
Are they paying to get this solved?
Do you give a damn about their problems; apart from the fact that solving it
might make you some money?

And knowing the ​VALUE you provide allows you to ‘custom-fit’

your solution based on their biggest problem.

Are the benefits of the service you provide can be measured quickly?
Does it affect their revenue?
Does it increase their leads?
Does it affect retention?
Does your service offer the opportunity for repeat or ongoing business?
Are you well qualified to perform in this proposed specialty?
If not, can you quickly become so?

We’ll talk more on how to answer some of these questions inside my

upcoming Freelance Movement Tribe program.

But for the meantime...

The Freelance Movement © 2018

Don’t make this mistake!
Most people try to make others see how awesome their service is. They
always try to ‘​create’​ demand.


People selling chatbots or social media services ​when most prospects don’t
even know what it is.

A ​struggling freelancer would try to sell how awesome chatbot and

social media are and how it’s the next best thing since sliced bread.

The ​mediocre ones will try to wow the prospects with case studies,
portfolio, and testimonials from people who worked with them.

The ​best ones​, however, know for a fact, that most of their prospects are
not even aware of how it works.

So instead of generating demand for something people don't even know

they want (​which is almost impossible)​ …

They tap on the existing WANT every business owner has — more leads
AND sales.

Only then do they position their service as a way to give their prospects
what they want.

The Freelance Movement © 2018

Consider this:

What problem does your service solve and how can you position it so it
gives your audience what they really want?

Action Steps:

​ y using
Answer the simple but challenging question, ​“What do you do?” b
the template below.

I help [​ ideal client],​ ​[their problem]​ or

[what they want based on their problem]​ by ​[your solution]​.

The Freelance Movement © 2018

Additional Notes:

The Freelance Movement © 2018

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