Yes! I Want To Sponsor A Part of Iraivan Temple: Donate Online at or by Check or Credit Card Using The Following Form

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I want to sponsor a part of Iraivan Temple

Donate online at or by check or credit card using the following form.

first name last name

street address

city state postal code country

phone e-mail

method of payment: check or money order

card number expiration date cvv code


Make your check payable to Iraivan Temple Fund

All US donations are tax deductible
107 Kaholalele Road, Kapaa, HI 96746–9304 USA
1-808-822-3012, ext. 108  •  •

The eight entrance steps are 30 feet wide and comprise 64
carved granite stones in all—shown here at Selvanathan
Sthapati's worksite in Mamallapuram, Tamil Nadu.

The perimeter wall is 40 inches tall, 24 inches thick and 475
feet long. It comprises 50 short pillars and 49 panels. Each pil-
lar and panel pair require 430 man-days to carve, even with
the massive granite slabs being sawn to size by machine. Of
the 49 panels, 35 panels will be inscribed (inside the ornate
border as shown in the photo above) with verses from scrip-
ture or with the philosophy and history of the temple.

I would like to sponsor: I would like to make a general temple contribution:

❏ One pillar section: $15,000 ❏ $_________________ (enter amount)
❏ One panel section: $30,000 I want to make a monthly credit card donation:
❏ __ stone(s) of the entry steps @ $2,500 each = _______ ❏ $_________________ (enter amount) for the period
of ______________ to ________________.
suresh muthukulam

Gurudeva talks to the wild guava tree which guides him to find the swayambhu
lingam hidden in the nearby bushes. Behind is the Wailua River and the volcanic
Waialeale mountain range, which the artist has creatively depicted as flames.

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