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MOTION: THBT globalization has positive impacts on society.

TEAM: Opposition, first speaker, negative team.

1. Good morning ladies and gentlemen.

2. The topic of our debate today is that ‘globalization has positive impacts on society’.

3. We agree with the definition given by the affirmative team.

Or (in case you don’t agree): Before I present my arguments and rebuttals I will be contending once
more the definition of this debate.

4. However we, the opposition (Negative) team believe that this statement is false, and that
Globalization today has led to several negative outcomes on people and societies.


The first speaker in the affirmative team contended that……. Well, this is wrong. Because you can’t deny
the fact that …… .
Now, I will move to the arguments. Today we will bring 2 arguments in support of our side.
And as first speaker I will start with the first one.
Argument 1: Globalization has helped in wiping out different cultures and cultural
identities, which has led to many tragedies in the world.

 As Lebanese writer and scholar Amin Maalouf argues, globalization has certain
negative outcomes. One of those is the loss of cultural diversity and conformity in
style and preferences.
These days, many youth all around the world listen only to popular American
songs and eat popular American and European food, such as Hamburger and
Pizza, while these songs and dishes are replacing their traditional national songs,
foods and style.
This sort of globalization is referred to as Americanization or Europeanisation,
and it’s gradually wiping away many cultures and leading to universal conformity
and cultural hegemony.

This in turn leads to gradually imposing on the world one language, one way of
life, one political and social system, one scale of values, which is that of America
or Europe.

  For example, today there are about 6,500 different natural languages. Only
eleven of them account for the speech of more than half the world’s population.

According to Garrick Bailey and James People in their book Humanity: An

Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, it is estimated that only 10 percent of the
present languages will survive into the 22nd century. For Example, In 1997 the
French culture minister Jacques Toubon called the spread of English “a new form
of colonization.”

 As well, with globalization, People are using social media to spread their
religious and political views. Which as a result, led to religious extremism.

To illustrate, according to the World Christian Encyclopedia, there are 9,900

distinct religions and 2 or 3 new religions are created every day. However, when
globalization promotes one religion and one set of values, this becomes
dangerous, as it leads to frustration by the diverse minority and the surge of
extremist groups like Al Qaeda, the KKK, Isis, and others, Which aim to impose
their own values and politics in the face of this mistrusted Westernization and
cultural hegemony. As a result, for instance, terrorism became one of the major
challenges in this globalized world, which led to atrocious incidents, like the 9/11
For instance, a research about globalisation and fundamentalist groups such as
Isis and Taliban, which was added in the journal of globalization studies in 2017,
ended in results that show (and I quote) “that globalization, by challenging the
ideological and monologue identities, has aggravated the need for identity and
meaning. Accordingly, a resistant and fundamentalist identity like that of ISIS and
Taliban is one of the responses to this need.” (And quote).
The end result of that study affirmed that (quote) “the spread of the
fundamentalist identity in the modern world can be considered as an immediate
outcome of globalization.” (And quote).

 Therefore, globalization has led to wiping out cultures, along with their traditions,
religions, and languages, which has led to many negative reactions and tragedies like
terrorism and religious fundamentalism.

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