Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2004/0153173 A1

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US 2004O153173A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2004/0153173 A1
Chang et al. (43) Pub. Date: Aug. 5, 2004
(54) METHOD FORTUNING PID Publication Classification
NONLINEAR SYSTEMS (51) Int. Cl." ..................................................... G05B 13/02
(52) U.S. Cl. ................................. 700/37; 700/28; 700/42
(76) Inventors: Pyung Hun Chang, Daejeon (KR); Je
Hyung Jung, Daejeon (KR)
Correspondence Address:
GRAYBEAL, JACKSON, HALEY LLP A method for tuning a PID controller includes the steps of
155 - 108TH AVENUE NE
SUTE 350 inducing equivalent relationships between PID gains of the
BELLEVUE, WA 98004-5901 (US) PID controller and parameters of time delay control (TDC),
Selecting a natural frequency vector and a damping ratio
(21) Appl. No.: 10/697,816 vector So as to acquire a desired error dynamics of the closed
PID control loop System, Selecting a Sampling time of the
(22) Filed: Oct. 29, 2003 closed PID control loop System, determining the parameters
of TDC on the basis of the natural frequency vector, the
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data damping ratio vector and a closed loop Stability condition
for TDC, and selecting PID gains of the PID controller on
Feb. 3, 2003 (KR)............................ 10-2003-OOO6597 the basis of the equivalent relationships.


PD Controller
Patent Application Publication Aug. 5, 2004 Sheet 1 of 10 US 2004/0153173 A1

Crudely tune the PD Control OOp by
any Suitable method

PD Control OOp is running

Apply a relay at the Set point input

of the PID |OOp

PD COntrol developS a SUStained OSC i at iOn

With the relay inserted

Measure period and amplitude of the

SUStained OSC i at iOn

Cal Cuate new PD parameters based

On the measured per iOd and amplitude

DeCOUple the relay and COUpe the Set point

to the input of the PD Control OOp

Apply the new PD parameter S to the PD

Patent Application Publication Aug. 5, 2004 Sheet 2 of 10 US 2004/0153173 A1



Patent Application Publication Aug. 5, 2004 Sheet 3 of 10 US 2004/0153173 A1

y (f)





G5 (S)
Patent Application Publication Aug. 5, 2004 Sheet 4 of 10 US 2004/0153173 A1

FIG. 2

- I/O Board - object system

FIG. 3

31 23

PD Controller object System

Patent Application Publication Aug. 5, 2004 Sheet 5 of 10 US 2004/0153173 A1


Selecting a MIMO object System

inducing relationship between

parameters of PD and TDC

Determining natural frequency Vector

and damping rat iO Vector

Determining parameter S of COnStant diagonal

matrix forms to acquire desired error dynami CS

Selecting Sampling time of Object System

Determining gains Of PD COntroller

Patent Application Publication Aug. 5, 2004 Sheet 6 of 10 US 2004/0153173 A1


Inducing proport iOnal gain matriX and S3100

Sampling time to Shared parameter

InduCing relation-Sat isfying parameter

tO Shared parameter S3200

EXtracting and SUMMarizing individual S3300

Corresponding parameter S
Patent Application Publication Aug. 5, 2004 Sheet 7 of 10 US 2004/0153173 A1


Responses of 123 joint angles

Responses of 4,5,6 joint angles


Patent Application Publication Aug. 5, 2004 Sheet 8 of 10 US 2004/0153173 A1

Motor inputs of 1,2,3 joints

US 2004/0153173 A1

Errors of 4,5 6 joint angles


Patent Application Publication Aug. 5, 2004 Sheet 10 of 10 US 2004/0153173 A1


Motor inputs of 1,2,3 joints

US 2004/O153173 A1 Aug. 5, 2004

METHOD FORTUNING PID CONTROLLERS 0009 U.S. Pat. No. 5.229,699 suggests a method for
APPLICABLE TO NONLINEAR SYSTEMS tuning PID controllers, in which a proportional control gain
is increased until a desired oscillation is obtained, an ampli
FIELD OF THE INVENTION tude and period are measured from the OScillation, an
ultimate gain and an ultimate period is calculated in accor
0001. The present invention relates to a method for dance with the amplitude and period, and the parameters of
designing PID controllers and, more particularly, to a the PID controller are set in dependent upon the ultimate
method for tuning PID controllers which are applicable to gain and period.
nonlinear Systems. Such as robot manipulators.
0010 U.S. Pat. No. 5,057,993 introduces a method for
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION acquiring parameters in the process control. According to
this method, a manipulated variable to which an identifica
0002 A plurality of patents has disclosed gain tuning tion signal from an identification Signal generator is added is
methods of PID controllers. These patents may be catego inputted to a process to produce a controlled variable output
rized into two types of methods, one is again tuning method which is then Sampled to obtain a dead time and a maximum
of PID controllers using hardware equipments and the other gradient, and the initial values of PID control parameters are
using Software algorithms. calculated on the basis of the dead time and the maximum
gradient. The initial values of the PID control parameters
0003) Among these patents, the second type of methods, and the like are Set in the adaptation Section. In the adap
i.e., gain tuning methods using Software algorithms, to tation Section, a pulse transfer function of the process is
which the present invention pertains, can be exemplified as acquired, and PID control parameters are calculated from the
follows: U.S. Pat. No. 6,081,751 titled “System and method acquired pulse transfer function by using a partial matching
for closed-loop autotuning of PID controllers”, U.S. Pat. No. method in a frequency region.
5,971,579 titled “Unit and method for determining gains of
a PID controller using a genetic algorithm”, U.S. Pat. No. 0011 U.S. Pat. No. 4,754.391 discloses a method of
5,742,503 titled “Use of saturation relay feedback in PID determining the PID parameters for the PID controllers by
controller tuning”, U.S. Pat. No. 5,331,541 titled “PID monitoring a limit cycle generated in a controlled process to
control unit', U.S. Pat. No. 5,229,699 titled “Method and an obtain characteristics of the proceSS and determining opti
apparatus for PID controller tuning”, U.S. Pat. No. 5,057, mum PID parameters to be used for Succeeding process
993 titled "Method and System for acquiring parameters in control on the basis of the results of the limit cycle moni
process control”, U.S. Pat. No. 4,754,391 titled “Method of toring.
determining PID parameters and an autotuning controller 0012 U.S. Pat. No. 4,466,054 suggests a process control
using the method’, and U.S. Pat. No. 4,466,054 titled apparatus which comprises a nonlinear controller connected
“Improved proportional integral-derivative control appara in parallel with a PID controller, a circuit for identifying a
dynamic characteristic of a process and a circuit for deter
0004 Based on online tuning, the above-mentioned pat mining gains of the PID controller according to the dynamic
ents are directed to methods for autotuning of PID control characteristic, which is illustrated in FIG. 1C.
lers using algorithms which measure Set point values and 0013 All of the prior arts described above suggest meth
proceSS Variables to Suggest Suitable gain values. ods for autotuning a PID controller to acquire a desired
0005 U.S. Pat. No. 6,081,751, as shown in FIG. 1A, response during an online control proceSS and realization of
discloses a method for calculating new PID controller the methods in a hardware System.
parameters either directly through the formulae associated 0014. Such conventional methods, however, require
with the Ziegler-Nichols reaction curve method or through additional systems, thereby making the structure of PID
the intermediate Step of calculating an ultimate period and controllers to be complicated. Further, these methods suffer
frequency from the time constant and dead time which are from the disadvantage of requiring a lot of effort for calcu
calculated from the period and amplitude of oscillation lating necessary intermediate values.
generated by a relay.
0015. In addition, the object systems to which these
0006 U.S. Pat. No. 5,971,579 is directed to a method for conventional arts can be applied are limited to linear Sys
determining gains of a PID controller utilizing a genetic temS.
algorithm unit shown in FIG. 1B.
0007 U.S. Pat. No. 5,742,503 provides a method for
autotuning parameters of a PID controller, wherein param 0016. It is, therefore, an object of the present invention to
eters of a transfer function are computed through two steps provide a method for tuning a PID controller applicable to
and precise parameters of the PID controller are determined nonlinear MIMO systems represented in second order phase
from the computed parameters of the transfer function. variable form without adding any Supplementary devices to
the PID controller.
0008 U.S. Pat. No. 5,331,541 discloses a PID control
device which identifies the rise characteristics of a con 0017. In accordance with an aspect of the present inven
trolled System by a step response method on changing a tion, there is provided a method for tuning a PID controller,
reference, moves to PID control when idle time and slope wherein the PID controller is comprised in a closed PID
Successively obtained on the rise reach a predetermined control loop System, the PID control loop receiving an input,
value, and computes PID control parameters based on the the PID controller being coupled to an object system being
idle time and Slope obtained up to that point. controlled, wherein the object System outputs process Vari
US 2004/O153173 A1 Aug. 5, 2004

ables which is Supplied for comparison to the input, wherein DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
a result of said comparison is supplied to the PID controller, PREFERRED Embodiments
the method comprising the Steps of inducing equivalent 0030 The application of the preferred embodiments of
relationships between PID gains of the PID controller and the present invention is best understood with reference to the
parameters of time delay control (TDC); selecting a natural accompanying drawings, wherein like reference numerals
frequency vector and a damping ratio vector So as to acquire are used for like and corresponding parts, respectively.
a desired error dynamics of the closed PID control loop
System; Selecting a Sampling time of the closed PID control 0031 FIG. 2 shows a control system structure to which
loop System; determining the parameters of TDC on the the present invention is applied. The control System includes
a digital device (e.g., computer) 21, an I/O board 22, and an
basis of the natural frequency vector, the damping ratio object system 23. A program for PID control runs in the
vector and a closed loop stability condition for TDC; and digital device 21.
selecting PID gains of the PID controller on the basis of the 0032) The object system 23 is a nonlinear MIMO system
equivalent relationships.
in a Second order phase variable form and may be repre
Sented by equation 1.

0.018. The above and other objects, features and other 0033 where, when the order of the system is n, X is an
advantages of the present invention will be more clearly nX1 vector of variables to be controlled, A(x,x) is an nX1
understood from the following detailed description taken in nonlinear Vector representing dynamic characteristics Such
conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which: as friction of the System, B(x,x) is an nXn matrix represent
ing input distributions, and u is an nX1 input vector of the
0.019 FIG. 1A is a flow chart showing a conventional object System. For instance, a robot manipulator may be
method for tuning a PID controller; represented by equation 1, in which case X is a vector
showing the rotation angles for the individual axes of the
0020 FIG. 1B is a block diagram showing another robot manipulator.
conventional method for tuning a PID controller; 0034) Referring to FIG. 3, the overall system of the
0021 FIG. 1C is a block diagram showing further present invention is shown in a block diagram where X is a
another conventional method for tuning a PID controller; desired trajectory.
0022 FIG. 2 is a schematic view showing the overall 0035) First, the relationship between PID control and
time delay control will be explained. Time delay control
configuration of a control System in accordance with an method is known as a robust control method for a Sampled
embodiment of the present invention; data System. Based on the relationship, again tuning method
0023 FIG. 3 is a block diagram showing a control object in accordance with the present invention will be described in
system and a PID controller in accordance with the present
invention; 0036) The sampled data system includes both a discrete
time System and a continuous time System. When the System
0024 FIGS. 4A and 4B are flow charts showing the represented by equation 1 is to be controlled, a digital device
process of designing a PID controller; 21 Such as a computer may be used as a controller. In this
case, the digital device 21 is a discrete time System while the
0.025 FIG. 5 is a perspective view showing a robot object System 23 is a continuous time System.
manipulator with six degrees of freedom which is an object 0037 AS explained by K. Youcef-Toumi and S.-T. Wu in
system of a PID controller in accordance with the present "Input/output liberalization using time delay control-Trans.
invention; Of ASME, J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Contr., vol. 114, pp. 10-19
0.026 FIG. 6A is a graph showing response when a PID (1992), the time delay control (TDC) is a nonlinear robust
control method.
controller designed according to the present invention is
applied to an object System Subject to a step trajectory; 0038. When TDC is applied to the system represented by
equation 1, it is expressed by the form of equation 2, below.
0.027 FIG. 6B is a graph showing control input obtained
when a PID controller designed according to the present
invention is applied to an object System Subject to a step 0039 wherein e(t)=x(t)-x(t) is an error vector, is a
trajectory; time delay value, K and K are nXn constant diagonal
matrix determining the overall closed loop System including
0028 FIG. 7A is a graph showing response error when a the TDC and the object system to have desired error dynam
PID controller designed according to the present invention is ics, and B is a parameter selected to satisfy equation 3,
applied to an object System Subject to a sinusoidal type below
trajectory; and
0029 FIG.7Bagraph showing control input when a PID - 1- + Byp. (3)
controller designed according to the present invention is |I - BB In| < -1: (1- + Bxy - -
applied to an object System Subject to a sinusoidal type
US 2004/O153173 A1 Aug. 5, 2004

0040 where the subscript i2 indicates an induced matrix

2-norm and

0041. The induced matrix norm is defined as follows: As

mXn matrix A of real elements defines a linear mapping
y=Ax from R" into R", the induced p-norm of A is defined
by 0050 and

(Mo) = maxlg (jo).

0051. Thus, B and B are given by equation 10:

0.042 which for p=1, 2, oo, is given by
Bhd 1=|H||
f32=|G|2 (10)
0052 For a sampled data system, the time t is expressed
by the combination of the sampling time (At) of the control
System with the step number (a=1,2,...,k), that is, t=a. At.
|All = max X aiif Accordingly, where TDC is used in the Sampled data System,
| the time delay value W is the Sampling time At of the control
System. Further, X(t-w) is expressed by using the central
differential method which is the error-lowest numerical
0043 where Max(AA) is the maximum eigenvalue of differential methods while x(t) and e(t) are expressed by
AA. using the backward differential methods, as shown in equa
tion 11:
0044) In equation 3, f and f are gains of L (see
equation 9 below) whose meanings are explained below.
First, e(t) is defined by equation 6 xt-a)- + x(k - 2) (11)
X(k) - 2x (k - 1) + xt (k - 2)
0045 H and G is defined as H. e->e and G:e->é, X(t) --> —
respectively, and||12 is defined as L., norm of "(t) truncated e(t) --> e(k) - 1)
at time T.
0046 Considering the operator He->e for each ele
ment of the vector e(t), the transfer function between et and 0053. After substituting the parameters of equation 2 by
e; can be expressed by equation 7:
equation 11, rearrangement into the form of the PID con
troller makes equation 12:
e;(s) 1 (7)
e(s) hi (S) = s’ + kps + kp;
u(k) = u(k - 1) + (-2.
2e(k s teck -2). (12)
e(k) - e(k - 1)
0047. Likewise, considering the operator Ge->é, the D — — -- Keck)
transfer function between e, and é; can be expressed by
equation 8:
0054. In result, equation 12 is a TDC form of a sampled
e; (S) S (8) data System.
e(s) hi(S) = s’ + kps + kp; 0055 Generally, a PID controller 31 may be expressed in
a form of equation 13:
0048 where k and k are i" diagonal entries of K and
K, respectively. Then, the gain of the transfer function L2 0056 where K is an nXn constant diagonal proportional
is defined by equation 9: gain matrix, T is an nXn constant diagonal matrix repre
Senting derivative times, and T is a constant diagonal matrix
representing a reset or integral time.
0057. However, in order to show the relationship with
TDC, a PID controller which includes a DC component
vector will be considered, as illustrated in equation 14:
US 2004/O153173 A1 Aug. 5, 2004

0.058 where the DC component is a constant value deter 0072 Comparison of equation 12 with equation 23 shows
mined by the initial error(e(0),e(0)). that the PID controller and the TDC take the same form in
0059. In consequence, designing the PID controller 31 a Sampled data System. Hence, Relationship 1 can be given
means Selecting K, T, T, and DC. between the gain of the PID controller and the parameter of
the TDC:
0060 Application of the Laplace transform to equation
14 gives equation 15:
elationship 1: K =
t- DC (15)
U(S) = k(1 + TDs + T E(s) +--- KToe(0)
0073. Also, the DC component can be obtained from
equation 24:
0061 Multiplication of S to both sides and rearrangement DC=-K(e(O)+Té(O))+KAt(é(O)+T'e(O)) (24)
change equation 15 into equation 16: 0074. In Relationship 1, At is the sampling time of the
control System, K and K are parameters which define the
0062) The inverse Laplace transform of equation 16 gives error dynamics of the overall closed loop System and are
equation 17: determined by the intention of the designer. Thus, if only
B is determined, all of the gains of the PID controller can
be automatically determined.
0063 where e(0), e(0) and u(0) are values of e(t), e() and 0075). As mentioned above, B' is selected to satisfy
u(t) at t=to, respectively, and Ö(t) is a Dirac delta function. equation 3 and, in general, determined by the following two
0064. In equation 17, DC is obtained by equation 18: 0.076 (1) B'=C. (C. is a constant, I is a unit matrix)
DC=-K(e(O)+Té(O))+u(O) (18) 0.077 (2) B is a constant diagonal matrix (B)=
0065 where u(0)=u(0). C;(i=1,..., n)).
0.066 Accordingly, equation (17) is simplified to equa 0078. A detailed design process of the PID controller
tion 19: based on Relationship 1 will be explained with reference to
FIGS. 4A and 4.B.
ti(t)=K(e(t)+Té(t)+T'e(t)) (19)
0079 First, an MIMO type object system represented as
0067. Then, equation 19 may be rewritten to equation 20: a second order variable form is selected (Step S1000).
ti(t)=(K(x(t)-x(t))+T(i(t)-ic(t))+T'(x(t)-x(t))) (20) 0080 Relationships between parameters of PID and TDC
0068 x(t), X(t), X (t), X(t) are obtained by the are derived in connection with the object System (Step
backward method, as shown in equation 21. S2000).

i(t) --> At 3(t) At At2

d(t) X (k) - yd (k - 1) Xi(t) ia(k)-ia (k-1) va(k)-2xa(k-1)+ xa(k-2)

d At d At At2

0069. In a sampled data system, a PID controller can be 0081. Then, a desired error dynamics of the object system
expressed as equation 22: is determined (Step S3000). The error dynamics is deter
mined by the designer by Selecting the natural frequency
u(k)=u(k-1)+At ti(k) (22) vector (co) and the damping ratio vector (c) K and K are
0070. When equations 20 and 21 are substituted into determined on the basis of the natural frequency vector and
equation 22, equation 23 is obtained: damping ratio vector selected in Step S3000 (S4000). When
i" terms of the natural frequency vector co, and the damping
ration vector c are (), and G, respectively, i' diagonal
u(k) = u(k - 1) + (23) entries of the matrixes K and K can be obtained through
the relations k=2c (), and ki=(on. Afterwards, the Sam
A k(T(a) - 2e (k Af2
- 1) + e(k - 2) -(-) -Ate(k - 1) -- pling time of the control system is determined (Step S5000).
The Sampling time is preferably Set to be a Small value, but
influenced by the CPU speed of the digital device 210.
(0082) In Steps S3100 and S3200, B is determined. By
one of the two methods mentioned above, B' is set to
satisfy equation 3. Finally, gains of the PID controller are
0071. Therefore, for a sampled data system, the PID Selected on the basis of Relationship 1 and equation 24 in
controller can be expressed as equation 23. Step S3300.
US 2004/O153173 A1 Aug. 5, 2004

EXAMPLE 0089. Eighteen gains of the PID controller were selected.

0.083. An example will be described, in which the method 0090 Two types of trajectories shown in FIG. 3 were
of the present invention was applied to a virtual object applied as x(t). One was a step trajectory having initial
System on computer. errors and the other was a sinusoidal type trajectory.
0084. A Puma type robot manipulator having six degrees 0091 Case 1: Step Trajectory
of freedom, like that shown in FIG. 5, was selected as the
object system. This robot is a model depicted in the article 0092. The step trajectory of equation 26 was applied to
“The explicit dynamic model and inertial parameters of the each axis.
PUMA 560 arm', IEEE Int. Conference on Robotics and
Automations, pp. 510-518 (B. Armstrong, O. Khatib, and J.
Burdick (1986)). The dynamics of the robot manipulator is
expressed by equation 25:
0093. The control results based on the values of the PID
controller designed according to the method of the present
0085 where M(0) is a 6x6 inertia matrix, 0 is a 6x1 invention are given in FIGS. 6A and 6B, in which response
vector representing the rotation angles with respect of Six x(t) (FIG. 6A) and input torque T (FIG. 6B) are plotted
axes, V(00) is a vector representing Coriolis force and versus time. In the upper graphs of FIGS. 6A and 6B, axes
centrifugal force, G(0) is a gravity vector, F(0,0) is a 6x1 1 and 4 are represented by solid lines, axes 2 and 5 by dotted
vector representing forces which are not included in System
modeling Such as frictional force or disturbance and T is a lines, and axes 3 and 6 by dashed lines. Likewise, the lower
6x1 torque vector applied on joints. Comparing equation 1 graphs of FIGS. 6A and 6B have solid lines for 1 and 4,
with equation 25, one can get B(x,x)->M(0). dotted lines for axes 2 and 5, and dashed lines for axes 3 and
6. In all of the graphs, only Solid lines are shown Since the
0.086 Detailed design process will be described accord lines overlap. AS apparent from the plots, all of the Six axes
ing to the process of FIGS. 4A and 4.B. were satisfactorily controlled when they were under the rule
0.087 For convenience, assume that poles of error of the PID controller designed according to the present
dynamics of all Six axes are located as multiple roots at 5.
In this case, the natural frequency co-5 (i=1, . . . , 6), 0094 Case 2: Sinusoidal Type Trajectory
damping ratio C-1(i=1,..., 6). Here, kD=10 and k=25
(i=1,..., 6) in all of the Six axes. The sampling time of the 0095 The sinusoidal trajectory of equation 27 was
controller is At=0.001 sec. Puma 560 has an arm part and a applied to each axis.
wrist part. Since the two parts greatly differ in inertia due to
the difference in mass and structure between themselves,
two values (C. and C) were used in which C. is for axes 1,
2 and 3 and C. for axes 4, 5 and 6. 0096) The control results based on the values of the PID
controller designed according to the method of the present
invention are given in FIGS. 7A and 7B, in which the
response error e(t) (FIG. 7A) and input torque T (FIG. 7B)
are plotted versus time. In the upper graphs of FIGS. 7A and
III - MM II ° < 1 + 1 + Byry - ByeAt - || - MM II 2 < 0.9732 7B, axes 1 and 4 are represented by Solid lines, axes 2 and
5 by dotted lines, and axes 3 and 6 by dashed lines.
a1 O Likewise, the lower graphs of FIGS. 7A and 7B have solid
| "I'33 - a = 1.8 a = 0.2, lines for axes 1 and 4, dotted lines for axes 2 and 5, and
O a2 is3
dashed lines for axes 3 and 6. In all of the graphs, only solid
|I - MM II = 0.7663 < 0.9732. lines are seen Since the lines overlap. AS apparent from the
plots, all of the Six axes were Satisfactorily controlled when
they were under the rule of the PID controller designed
0088. From Relationship 1 and equation 24, according to the present invention.

(t) = Ke () -- f O e1 (O) do + Treato) + DC

6(t) = Keato -- T6 Jo e6 (O) do + Theat) + DC6
US 2004/O153173 A1 Aug. 5, 2004

0097 As described hereinbefore, the present invention plied for comparison to the input, wherein a result of Said
provides a gain selection method of PID controllers by comparison is supplied to the PID controller, the method
which a great number of gains of PID controllers can be comprising the Steps of:
Selected with a Small number of parameters. AS exemplified inducing equivalent relationships between PID gains of
in the examples, the total number of PID controller gains to the PID controller and parameters of time delay control
be selected in the six-axis robot manipulator is 18. However,
only two parameters (C.1 and C.2) Suffice the Selection of as (TDC);
many as 18 gains. Selecting a natural frequency vector and a damping ratio
0.098 Conventionally, the number of PID controller gains Vector So as to acquire a desired error dynamics of the
in an n-degree System totals 3n. However, the method of the closed PID control loop system;
present invention can reduce the parameters into one or a Selecting a Sampling time of the closed PID control loop
number less than n. In practice, when tuning a PID control System;
ler, all of 3n gains can be Suitably tuned by tuning only one
to n-1 gains even though every gain is not tuned one by one. determining the parameters of TDC on the basis of the
natural frequency vector, the damping ratio vector and
0099. Additionally, in comparison to conventional meth a closed loop stability condition for TDC; and
ods, the present invention can be applied to linear and
nonlinear systems and even to MIMO systems. Furthermore, selecting PID gains of the PID controller on the basis of
the present invention enjoys the advantage of Selecting and the equivalent relationships.
tuning gains of PID controllers only by the program run in 2. The method as defined in claim 1, wherein the object
the digital device 21 without additional equipment. System being a multi input multi output System of degree n
which is expressed in a Sampled data System.
0100. The present invention has been described in an 3. The method as defined in claim 2, wherein the number
illustrative manner, and it is to be understood that the of the parameters of TDC is three, a first parameter being
terminology used is intended to be in the nature of descrip determined by the natural frequency vector, a Second param
tion rather than of limitation. Many modifications and varia eter being determined by the natural frequency vector and
tions of the present invention are possible in light of the damping ratio vector and a third parameter being determined
above teachings. Therefore, it is to be understood that within as a diagonal matrix.
the Scope of the appended claims, the invention may be 4. The method as defined in claim 3, wherein all of
practiced otherwise than as specifically described. diagonal elements of the third parameter has one constant
What is claimed is: value.
1. A method for tuning a PID controller, wherein the PID 5. The method as defined in claim 3, wherein diagonal
controller is comprised in a closed PID control loop System, elements of the third parameter have constant values differ
the PID control loop receiving an input, the PID controller ent to each other.
being coupled to an object System being controlled, wherein
the object System outputs process variables which is Sup

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