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Pharmacy I Year-II Semester

Multiple choice questions 10 X 1 = 10 Marks
1. Alkalinization of urine hastens the excretion of _________ drugs.
A. Weakly acidic B. Weakly basic C. Nonpolar D. strong electrolyte
2. Drug administered through the following route is most likely to be subjected to first-pass
A. Rectal B. Oral C. Subcutaneous D. Subligual
3. The ________________ is a quantitative measurement of the relative safety of a drug
which defines the ratio of the dose that produces toxicity to the dose that produces a
clinically desired or effective response.
A. Efficacy B. Intrinsic activity C. Therapeutic Index D.
Effective Index
4. How many volunteers are selected for Phase -I Clinical trials?
A. 20-50 B. 20-300 C. 300-1000 D. 1000-3000
5. _________ cholinoreceptor type is present on Myocardium.
A. Muscarinic M1 B. Muscarinic M2 C. Muscarinic M3 D. Muscarinic M4
6. Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disorder in which antibodies form against _______
postsynaptic receptors at the neuromuscular junction of the skeletal muscles.
A. Adrenergic B. Nicotinic C. Dopaminergic D. Histaminergic
7. The drug of choice for trigeminal neuralgia is____________________
A. Carbamazepine B. Glucagon C. Bromocriptine D. Levodopa
8. Risk of neural tube defect in the offspring can be minimized in pregnant women receiving
antiepileptic drugs by supplemental therapy with______________.
A. Folic acid B. Thiamine C. Calcium D. Iron
9. NMDA receptor antagonist that is used in the management of Alzheimer’s disease
A. Memantine B. Atropine C. Galantamine D. Donepezil
10. Antipsychotic drugs produce its effect by blocking mainly postsynaptic _______
A. Histamine B. GABA C. Dopamine D. Adrenaline
Answer All the Questions 5 X 3 = 15 Marks
11. Write a note on different types of antagonism.
12. Define Receptors. In detail explain about GPCR.
13. Write a short note on anticholinesterase agents.
14. Elaborate on centrally acting muscle relaxants.
15. Classify the antipsychotics, antidepressants and CNS stimulants.
Answer All the Questions 5 X 10 = 50 Marks
16. (a) Describe in detail essential drugs concept. Write a note on routes of drug
(b) Discuss factors effecting drug absorption and elimination.
17. (a) Explain in detail about different Factors modifying Drug Action.
(b) Classify Adverse Drug Reactions with suitable examples. Explain in detail their
18. (a) What are the different types of Cholinomimetic receptors? Explain in detail the
pharmacology of Acetylcholine.
(b) Discuss the pharmacology of drugs used in management of Glaucoma.
19. (a) Classify Anti-epileptics. Write the mechanism of action, therapeutic uses and
adverse effects of Phenytoin and Benzodiazepines.
(b) Elaborate Sleep Cycle. Discuss pharmacology of general anaesthetics.
20. (a) Discuss the drugs used in Parkinson’s disease.
(b) Classify Opioid analgesics. Discuss the pharmacology of Morphine.

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