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march 2011

WHO IN THE WORLD IS … Nathan George?

Nathan is a freshman at Granby High School. He has been
known to be in the company of Stephanie, Jessica, Ear Line, Brandi
and Autumn. Nathan is a big part of most every mission project as
well as Wednesday and Friday nights. He took a few minutes from
his very busy social life to answer these 10 questions I asked of
1. If you could speak to any public figure past or present, who would it be?
President Obama, because I think he has been very influential.
2. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
I have 2 brothers, Jacob 13, and Jeoffrey 26. I have 5 sisters, Corinne 21, Heather 19,
Stephanie 13, Catherine 11, and Sabrina 6.
3. Would you rather sky dive or bungee jump?
I would rather bungee jump because you get to fly back up.
4. What is the coolest place you have ever visited?
Avon, North Carolina it’s peaceful, everyone is nice and I have a lot of relatives there.
5. If you were President for a day what three things would you change?
I would create more jobs, lower taxes and keep the Detainees in Cuba.
6. Would you rather have an itch you can’t scratch or hiccups that won’t go away?
I would rather have the hiccups because when I itch it really irritates me.
7. What are the top three countries you would most like to visit?
Australia, Germany and Japan.
8. What is your favorite Scripture verse?
Matthew 23: 27-28.
9. What are the three best TV shows of all time?
The original Pokémon, Millionaire Matchmaker and King of the Hill.
10. What is your first memory of Youth Group?
The lock-in 3 years ago, Shelby brought me.
Here’s The Deal!

The church just finished hosting NEST (Norfolk Emergency Shelter Team), where
we feed and house the homeless each night. I want to share an amazing story of some folks
who were unashamed to show someone God’s love and help someone that was and is in need,
this is a true story.
It was very cold Thursday night, I was waiting for the bus to arrive from downtown
Norfolk carrying the “lucky 50” who qualified through a lottery system, to spend the night in
the church and be fed a warm dinner and breakfast before having to brave the cold for another
day. A young man came through the door with tears in his eyes saying it was too cold outside
and he couldn’t stay outside on another cold night, is there anything we could do for him. It
was a no-brainer to lay out another mat and have him stay the night at the church. After settling
him in I encouraged a couple of the youth to talk with him thinking he may feel more
comfortable with kids his own age, he is 18 years old.
The two youth, who will remain nameless unless they want to share their identity with
you, struck up a conversation with Derick and they were all laughing and carrying on as the
evening progressed. Later on, some of the adults who were made aware of his situation,
(being homeless for the last 8 months) tried to help and gave him some money to be able to
ride a bus to Virginia Beach with the hope of being able to get an identification card of some
kind. Derick was thankful. When he did not show up the next night the 2 youth were
disappointed but hopeful that he would return the following evening and he did not disappoint.
It was different this night, he had made a connection with the 2 youth and they wanted to help
and do for him what he was not able to do for himself. Even one of the youth’s parents became
involved and the following day Derick was invited to their home and was able to shower, wash
clothes, nap and eat well … things that were not available to him before. These 2 youth and the
parents were sharing God’s love with Derick, not knowing his full story but knowing the most
important thing there was to know. He is a child of God, we are children of God, Derick is in
need, and we can help him.
I can’t tell you how proud I am of these 2 youth and their parents. They showed Derick
unconditional love, it is called unconditional love because the love (help) comes without any
strings. When was the last time you shared or experienced that kind of love? I believe God is
waiting for each of us to open ourselves to others so that they can see His love through us!
The Top 5
1. Passport Committments
I wanted to remind everyone that February marks the beginning of our monthly
commitment for activities so that you can be a part of Passport this year. As a reminder,
everyone going to Passport camp this summer needs to
participate in six (6) activities per month. There are
multiple opportunities each week. There is Fusion
Discipleship for 9th and 10th grade students on Tuesdays
from 5:00-6:00 pm, Momentum Wednesday Nights from
6:00-7:30 pm, Merge Discipleship for 11th grade through
1st year college students on Thursdays from 5:30-7:00 pm,
Contemporary Worship Sunday mornings at 9:30 am,
Afterburn (Sunday School) at 10:45 am, Traditional Worship at 11:00 am, and Bible Study
at 5:00 pm on Sunday Nights. These are offered each week so fulfilling the requirement
is actually very easy to do!

2. March Mission Project

We will be helping another church for March Mission Project.
Lighthouse Community Church on 9th Bay Avenue is need of some
repair and general cleaning. We will be spending the day on March
19th doing that for them. We will be leaving the church parking lot at
10:00 am and head over to do some work and will be returning at
3:00 pm. This project not only counts toward the required 2 mission
projects before June for those going to camp, it really is something
we should always be doing … helping others when we are able! You must have a
completed permission slip to work on this project.

3. BBQ Meal After Worship

One of the big differences in 2011
will be the fundraisers we utilize to raise
money for Passport camp. Our first
fundraiser will be an after church BBQ
luncheon that will be held @ Noon,
immediately after the 11:00 Traditional
worship service. We will be hosting this
luncheon on Sunday, March 27, 2011. We
will be serving anyone interested in attending as well as providing a little light
entertainment. Everyone needs to be there by 10:30 am and we should be done around
2:00 pm. You need to plan on being there if you are going to Passport camp in July.
4. Preparing And Serving Dinner To The Homeless
I wanted everyone to know how proud I am of your enthusiasm in
preparing and serving dinner to the homeless on Saturday, February
12th. It was great to watch Momentum come together for such a great
event and the response from the homeless when you presented them
each with a Bible was great! It is great to see God moving in and
through this ministry. Thank you for choosing to make a difference and
offering hope to those who may need it most!

5. Winter Jam
We will be leaving the church parking lot at 3:30 pm on Sunday March 20th to head
over to the Scope for the concert. There are no reserved tickets, just pay $10.00 at the
door. We should return around 10:00 pm that evening. You must have a completed
permission slip to come with the group!
MARCH 2011
1 2 3 4 5

6:00-7:30 PM

6 7 8 9 10 11 12
9:30 Contemporary
Brian Returns
10:45 Afterburn From
6:00-7:30 PM South Africa
11:00 Traditional
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
9:30 Contemporary

10:45 Afterburn 6:00-7:30 PM

5:00-6:00 PM Happy Birthday 5:30-7:00 PM 6:30 – 9:00 PM
11:00 Traditional Travis
20 21 22 23 24 25 26

$10 @ The Door

Leaving the church
Parking Lot @ 3:30 pm
5:00-6:00 PM 6:00-7:30 PM 5:30-7:00 PM

27 28 29 30 31
10:30 am to
2:00 pm

5:00-6:00 PM 6:00-7:30 PM 5:30-7:00 PM

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