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China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)


ROLL NO : 2K20/ELLE/83




China and Pakistan has a longtime and strong friendship since the 1956
china is a stable country but unfortunately Pakistan has faced so many
crises and problems but with grace of Pakistan has its own nuclear
power so now these two friends countries are planning to some thing
bigger in the worlds and trying to make them superior. Everyone knows
that America is the worlds super power country and and china is words
biggest exporter in the international market since 2013 and china want
to become super and want make number on GDP in the world so that’s
why he introduced a project CPEC because Pakistan is tilt country in
Asia only Pakistan is the country who make china super power country
in the worlds and through CPEC Pakistan can stable it.

Introduction to CPEC
• China Pakistan Economic Corridor is a collection of projects
• It is a $46 billion project, which would connect the Gwadar port of
Balochistan province in South-western Pakistan to Kashgar in the
Xinjiang Uyghur autonomous region in North-Western China

It is a road and belt program which will connect the almost whole Asia
with one route to china and Pakistan

MOU (continued)
Cooperation between Water and Power Development Authority
(WAPDA) and China Three Gorges (CTG) Corporation
• Contract on Lahore Orange Line Metro Train Project
• financing for Lahore Orange line Metro Train project
Establishment of NUML International Center of education (NICE)
between NUML Pakistan and Xinjiang Normal University
• financing for KKH up-gradation Phase-2 (Havelian to Takot

List Of Projects (continued)

Not details just showing the names.
• Gwadar Port up gradation
• Lahore Karachi Motorway
• Peshawar Karachi Motorway
• Havelian-Khujerab Railway
• Hazara Motorway
• Gwadar Ratodero Motorway
• Gwadar International Airport
• Lahore Orange Lane Metro Train

Benefits to Pakistan
• Strategic and economic trade routes.
Route will provide the way to trade and easier import and export as
well as.
• Development of Infrastructure.
Will make a great structure in between all the province of Pakistan
• Connect all the Province.
• Development of Fata, KPK and Baluchistan.
Mostly useful for these provinces there is a huge problem to trade
Pakistan and other countries also because of Taliban
• Job opportunities
Will give hundrents of oportunies to Pakistani youngsters to prove their
skill and also this will create so many jobs in Pakistan and will make
paksitani industries more profitable.

Benefits to China
• It would decrease the travel distance and cost greatly from China to Gulf
Now days chinas importing fuel from a long rute and spending millions in just
importing the fuel this will make route shorter and faster way to import.
Even if China uses PCEC for 50% of its Oil supplies then it will save $6 Million every
day, almost $2 billion every year.

• Independent path from India and USA’s interference.

Will make superior china than INDIA and USA

• New business market in another country

will make higher faster exporter china to the international martet and will make
china’s economy worlds no one and will become new super power country in the

• The first challenge is to keep the 1,300 km Karakoram Highway (KKH)
functional throughout the year.
• western route of the economic corridor, leading directly to Gwadar
Port, runs through a vast landmass where insecurity prevails.
• Pakistan faces serious problem of Corruption.
• Difficult to compete chine’s product in local market

These some problems may face this project.

• Disturb of local industries

• Dependant to Chinese. 18
19. Improvements
• Pakistan should provide proper security to Chinese workers
• Export and Import should be balanced.
• Establishment of interaction between youth of both countries (i.e
Pakistan and China)

• Pakistan and china holds a great importance in the world

• Pak-China friendship is not only of Political level but people of both

countries shares a special bond

• Pak-China friendship is termed as “stronger than steel, sweeter than

honey, deeper than ocean, higher than mountain

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