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In vitro oxidation promoted by chlorpyrifos residues on myosin and chicken

breast proteins

Johana P. Márquez-Lázaro, Leticia Mora, Darío Méndez-Cuadro, Erika

Rodríguez-Cavallo, Fidel Toldrá

PII: S0308-8146(20)30784-6
Reference: FOCH 126922

To appear in: Food Chemistry

Received Date: 21 November 2019

Revised Date: 24 April 2020
Accepted Date: 25 April 2020

Please cite this article as: Márquez-Lázaro, J.P., Mora, L., Méndez-Cuadro, D., Rodríguez-Cavallo, E., Toldrá, F.,
In vitro oxidation promoted by chlorpyrifos residues on myosin and chicken breast proteins, Food Chemistry
(2020), doi:

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3 In vitro oxidation promoted by chlorpyrifos residues on myosin and chicken breast

4 proteins

6 Johana P. Márquez-Lázaro1,2, Leticia Mora2*, Darío Méndez-Cuadro1,

7 Erika Rodríguez-Cavallo1*, Fidel Toldrá2.

10 1Analytical Chemistry and Biomedicine Group. Pharmaceuticals Sciences Faculty, Campus of

11 Zaragocilla. University of Cartagena, 130015 Cartagena, Colombia
12 2 Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos (CSIC), Avenue Agustín Escardino 7,
13 46980, Paterna (Valencia), Spain
23 *Corresponding authors:
24 Leticia Mora. E-mail: Address: Instituto de Agroquímica y
25 Tecnología de Alimentos (CSIC), Avenue Agustín Escardino 7, 46980, Paterna
26 (Valencia), Spain
27 Erika Rodríguez-Cavallo. E-mail: Address:
28 Analytical Chemistry and Biomedicine Group. Pharmaceuticals Sciences Faculty,
29 Campus of Zaragocilla. University of Cartagena, 130015 Cartagena, Colombia

30 Abstract

31 Organophosphate pesticides are frequently used to remove eliminate or prevent insects in

32 poultry. However, their residues may appearcontinue in meat after slaughtering . In this

33 study, a proteomics and peptidomics approaches were used to evaluate their oxidative impact

34 of these on myosin and chicken breast proteins under in vitro conditions. Purified mMyosin

35 protein was exposed to diazinon and chlorpyrifos at several times (60, 90, 120, 180, 240 and

36 300 minutes) showing ed that latter had a greater oxidant poweran increase in its oxidation

37 by increasing times, especially with chlorpyrifos..

38 Then, Then, cchicken breast was contaminated with chlorpyrifos to evaluate and

39 ccarbonylation and the effect of simulated gastrointestinal digestion.digested were

40 evaluated.

41 The c arbonylated pProteins were isolated and identified using size-exclusion-

42 chromatography and identified by mass spectrometry in tandem., respectively. Myosin, β-

43 enolase, CK- M-type and actin were identified as themain proteins more susceptible to

44 oxidation.

45 Also, oxidizsed peptides obtained before and after simulated gastrointestinal digestion from

46 digested and undigested proteins were identified. Collagen peptides were main target of

47 chlorpyrifos oxidant power in both cases and proline residues were identified as the most

48 more ssusceptible to oxidation. These results suggest that the presence of chlorpyrifos

49 residues on meat could have a negative effect on its final quality and nutritional value.

50 The aim of this study was to evaluate the oxidative effect of organophosphate pesticides

51 residues on chicken breast proteins and its impact on simulated digestion. Initially, the

52 oxidative power of diazion and chlorpyrifos pesticides on myosin protein at different

53 exposure times was evaluated measuring carbonylation. Chlorpyrifos was selected as the

54 most oxidative and chicken breast was contaminated to evaluate it. Then, proteins were

55 isolated using size-exclusion-chromatography and carbonylation was evaluated. The protein

56 identification of chromatographic peaks was done by mass spectrometry in tandem. Also,

57 samples were subjected to simulated gastrointestinal (GI) digestion and oxidized peptides

58 obtained after GI digestion and undigested proteins were identified. Main results showed that

59 chlorpyrifos promoted protein carbonylation on total proteins and a significant oxidative

60 damage was observed in digested and undigested collagen protein. These results suggest that

61 the presence of chlorpyrifos residues on meat could have negative effect on its final quality

62 and nutritional value.


64 Keywords: Chicken breast, chlorpyrifos, carbonylation, peptidomics


66 Chemical compounds studied in this article

67 Chlorpyrifos (PubChem CID: 2730); Diazinon (PubChem CID: 3017).



70 1. Introduction

71 In recent years, the global consumption of chicken meat has been increasing (FAO, 2018).

72 The high demand is associated to its low cost, healthier profile and non-interference with

73 religious or cultural beliefs as is consideredoccurs with beef and pork meat (Özünlü, Ergezer,

74 & Gökçe, 2018). Moreover, chicken meat is a rich source of proteins, which havewith a high

75 content in essential amino acids, necessary for the human metabolic processes, as well as

76 vitamins and minerals (Estévez, 2015; Pereira & Vicente, 2013).

77 However, chicken meat proteins are more susceptible to undergo irreversible oxidation such

78 as carbonylation. This fact can occur can be ddirectly by incorporation of a carbonyl group

79 on lysine, threonine, arginine or proline residues; or indirectly by reaction with end products

80 of the sugars and lipids oxidation However, chicken meat proteins are more susceptible to

81 undergo oxidation reactions such as carbonylation, which is an irreversible modification

82 mediated by the direct incorporation of a carbonyl group in lysine, threonine, arginine or

83 proline residues, the presence of reducing sugars (glycation), peroxidation products (MDA,

84 4-HNE) or the oxidative cleavage of the peptide backbone via α-amidation pathway and

85 oxidation of glutamic side chains (Márquez-Lázaro, 2020; Estévez, 2015; Estévez, 2011).

86 The impacts of carbonylation in meat have been associated to a reduction of its quality traits

87 such as texture, flavor, tenderness, color and nutritional value (Estévez, 2011).

88 External factors related to animal husbandry, slaughter, processing and storage conditions

89 have shown to have an important role in the promotion of oxidative stress in meat (Ali et al.,

90 2015; Li et al., 2016; Silva et al., 2018; Soyer, Özalp, Dalmış, & Bilgin, 2010). In this context,

91 the use of organophosphate pesticides (POPs) such as diazinon and chlorpyrifos in poultry

92 (to prevent or kill eliminate insects and as well asas preserving agents of in poultry feed)

93 could be considered a potential oxidative stress factor on meat proteins as these pesticides

94 can be accumulated in the animal tissue when they are used at high concentrations or during

95 a prolonged time (Chawla, Kaushik, Shiva Swaraj, & Kumar, 2018; Han, Sapozhnikova, &

96 Lehotay, 2016; Mahugija, Chibura, & Lugwisha, 2018). Several studies using different

97 biological models show that pesticides can promote oxidative stress at trace concentrations

98 (Aly, EL-Gendy, Mahmoud, & El-Sebae, 2010; Ojha & Srivastava, 2014; Shah & Iqbal,

99 2010; Zhang et al., 2019). In addition, these substances have been related to toxicological

100 effects as endocrine disruption, carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, and neurological disorders

101 (Chawla et al., 2018).

102 In order to prevent the toxicological effects associated to the presence of pesticide residues

103 on consumer, international authorities such as European Union (EU) have established the

104 maximum residue levels (MRLs) in several products of animal origin. The MRLs values

105 indicate the maximum concentration that can be present in food and not cause a toxic effect

106 on the consumer (Villaverde, Sevilla-Morán, López-Goti, Alonso-Prados, & Sandín-España,

107 2016). However, it is still unknown if these MRLs concentrations might promote oxidative

108 stress in muscle proteins from chicken and to affect some its meat quality properties of its

109 meat. This is a matter of concern for scientists and the focus of several researches nowadays

110 as developed and developing countries are using increasing amounts of pesticides for

111 agricultural purpose, which can potentially increase the presence of their residues in products

112 of animal origin (Chawla et al., 2018).

113 Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the in vitro oxidative effect of two

114 organophosphate pesticides in myosin standard protein and how the most oxidant affected

115 thethe effect of chlorpyrifos on chicken muscledigestion process of muscle proteins and

116 peptides after a simulated gastrointestinal (GI) digestion. For this, myosin protein standard

117 and chicken breast proteins were exposed to pesticides at concentrations around MRLs and

118 their oxidative effects were determined using the carbonylation as a biological marker. Next,

119 the identification of oxidized peptides after simulated gastrointestinal (GI) digestion in

120 samples exposed to chlorpyrifos and digested in an in vitro model was performed by mass

121 spectrometry in tandem.

122 2. Materials and methods

123 A scheme including the developed experimental design and the analysis carried out in this

124 study is described in Supplementary material Figure 1.

125 2.1 Chemicals and reagents

126 Chlorpyrifos (CPF), diazinon (DZN), and trifluoroacetic acid were purchased from Sigma-

127 Aldrich, Co (St. Louis, MO, USA). Methanol, ethanol, and phosphoric acid were purchased

128 from Scharlab, S.L (Barcelona, Spain). Sodium hydroxide, Tris, urea, thiourea, calcium

129 chloride anhydrous, and chloride acid were from Panreac Qumica S.A (Barcelona, Spain)

130 and iron sulphate was from BDH laboratory (Kuwait, Kuwait). Myosin, aldolase, bovine

131 serum albumin, ovoalbumin, myoglobin, cytidine, salivary α-amylase, porcine pepsin,

132 porcine pancreatic α-amylase, porcine pancreatic lipase, and porcine bile extract used in the

133 simulation of gastrointestinal GI digestion were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, Co. (St.

134 Louis, MO, USA). Trypsin and chymotrypsin enzymes were from Fluka (Sigma-Aldrich,

135 Co., St. Louis, MO, USA). The trypsin used in mass spectrometry assays was obtained from

136 Promega, Co (Madrid, Spain).

137 2.2 Preparation of pesticides solutions

138 Pesticides individual stock solutions were prepared at a concentration of 100 µg.mL-1 in

139 methanol. These solutions were stored at 4 °C in the dark for not longer than one month. To

140 avoid protein precipitation, serial dilutions were prepared with milli-Q water to obtain a

141 working solutions of 10 μg.mL-1. Different dilutions were prepared from the working

142 solutions to obtain final concentrations of 100 and 20 µg.Kg-1 for CPF and DZN,

143 respectively, in meat samples (w/w). The final content of solvents in meat sample were less

144 than 1%.

145 2.3 Myosin exposition to organophosphate pesticides residues

146 POPs residues are usually associated with acetylcholinesterase inhibition, but these have

147 shown to produce oxidative stress on different biological models even at trace concentrations

148 (Shah & Iqbal, 2010; Wang, Shen, Zhou, & Jin, 2019). Nevertheless, their oxidative effect

149 in chicken meat is still unknown.

150 Thus, the oxidant oxidative capacity of CPF and DZN was initially evaluated on myosin

151 protein standard assaing assaying different exposition times and using carbonylation as

152 control parameter. Myosin is a muscle protein susceptible to suffer oxidation (Ooizumi &

153 Xiong, 2004), moreover is one of the major proteins in the muscle tissue and thus can show

154 the behavior possible of this substancescan act as a potential model before testing on chicken

155 muscle.

156 For this, a solution of myosin protein standard prepared at 200 µg.Kg-1 in milli-Q water was

157 contaminated individually with CPF and DZN at 100 and 20 µg.Kg-1, respectively. Then,

158 samples were incubated for 60, 90, 120, 180, 240 and 300 minutes at room temperature and

159 darkness. At the end of each exposure time, carbonylation was measured using the 2,4 DNPH

160 assay. Each experiment was performed in duplicate. At the end of the experiment, the

161 organophosphate pesticide and time of incubation that induced the highest carbonylation in

162 myosin were selected for the contamination in vitro contamination of chicken breast. Myosin

163 with FeSO4 (100 µg.Kg-1) and myosin in milli-Q water were used as positive and negative

164 control, respectively.

165 2.4 Sample preparation and contamination

166 Chicken breast (Pectoralis muscle) was purchased at a local market in Valencia, Spain. In

167 the laboratory, chicken breast was cleaned to remove visible adipose and connective tissue.

168 Then, it was cut into small pieces and homogenized using a blender. Two and five grams of

169 homogenized were weighed for the extraction of total proteins and the in vitro gastrointestinal

170 GI digestion assay, respectively. Then, samples were contaminated individually with CPF at

171 100µg.Kg-1 final concentration, followed by vortex for 30 seconds and incubated for 1 hour

172 at room temperature and darkness. Samples without CPF were used as negative control. In

173 order to minimize oxidation promoted by oxygen, nitrogen gas (N2) was placed on each

174 sample tube for the incubation.

175 2.5 Extraction of total proteins

176 10 mL of Tris-HCl 50 mM with urea 6 M, and thiourea 1M at pH 8 were added to each

177 sample (2 grams), mixing with a vortex during five minutes. The homogenate was

178 centrifuged at 4 °C and 10,000 rpm for 20 minutes and supernatants containing sarcoplasmic

179 and myofibrillar proteins was collected. Protein concentration was determined using

180 Bradford assay from Bio-Rad protein assay according to manufacturer’s instructions (Bio-

181 Rad Laboratories, USA), using bovine serum albumin (BSA) as protein standard. Protein

182 concentration was expressed as mg protein mL-1. Each experiment was performed in

183 triplicate.

184 2.6 Protein carbonyl content

185 Protein carbonyls were measured by estimation of total carbonyl groups according to

186 Mesquita et al., (2014) with some modifications. Briefly, 80 µL of DNPH (10mM in H3PO4

187 0.5M) was added to 80 µL of protein solution and incubated during 10 minutes in the dark at

188 25°C. Then, 40 µL of NaOH 6M were added. After incubation during 10 minutes at 25°C in

189 dark, absorbance was read at 450 nm. Carbonyl content was calculated using molar extinction

190 coefficient of DNPH corrected for microplates (ε=11154 μM -1 cm -1). Results were expressed

191 as carbonyl index (nmol per mg protein). Due to the instability of dinitrophenylhydrazones

192 in alkaline medium, incubation time after NaOH addition was rigorously controlled.

193 2.7 Size-exclusion chromatography and trypsin digestion

194 For the fractionation of total proteins according to molecular mass, an ÄKTA Start system

195 (GE Healthcare GmbH,Germany) was used. The column employed was a HiPrep 16/60

196 Sephacryl S-100 High Resolution (GE Healthcare GmbH,Germany). The molecular mass

197 range for this column is 1–100 KDa. As mobile phase, 50mM phosphate buffer 0.15M NaCl,

198 at pH 7.0 was used. Chromatographic conditions were at a flowrate of 0.5mL.min-1 and

199 injection sample volume was 2.5 mL. Fractions of 5 mL were collected each 10 minutes

200 using an automatic fraction collector (Model 2110, Biorad, USA). Before separation, the

201 samples and mobile phases were filtered using 0.45 µm nylon membrane filters

202 (Teknokroma, Spain). The fractions collected were lyophilized and pooled each six

203 continuous fractions (30 mL). Protein content of the pooled fractions was measured by BCA

204 assay and their carbonyl content by 2,4-DNPH alkaline method. Previous to the separation

205 of proteins, a calibration curve using aldolase (158 KDa), bovine albumin serum (66.5 KDa),

206 ovalbumin (44 KDa), myoglobin (16.7 KDa) and cytidine (≤1 KDa) standards were was

207 done.

208 The identification of the proteins collected during the chromatographic separation was done

209 by mass spectrometry in tandem after a trypsin digestion. For this, between 18 to 60 µg of

210 protein were reduced with 1.2 µL of 45 mM DTT at 50°C for 15 minutes and alkylated with

211 1.2 µL of 50mM IAA at room temperature and darkness. The IAA excess was eliminated by

212 adding 1.2µL of 45mM DTT. Then, proteins were digested using trypsin to ratio 1:50 %w/w

213 (trypsin/protein) and incubated overnight at 37°C. The reaction was stopped with TFA 10%

214 decreasing the pH to 3.0.

215 2.8 Simulated gastrointestinal GI digestion

216 Contaminated samples and negative control were subjected to in vitro digestion according to

217 the methodology described by Minekus et al (2014) with some modifications (Gallego, Mora,

218 Hayes, Reig, & Toldrá, 2017). All process was done in a digester (Carousel 6 Plus Reaction

219 Station, Radleys, UK). For the gastric phase, samples were resuspended in 10 mL of HCl

220 0.01 N, pH 3.0. Then, porcine pepsin was added to achieve a final concentration of 2,000

221 U.mL-1 followed by 15 μL of CaCl2 50 mM. After 2 hours of digestion at 37 °C and constant

222 stirring, the enzyme was inactivated by adjusting pH to 7.0 with NaOH 1 M. The intestinal

223 phase was simulated by adding to the mixture 100 U.mL-1 of trypsin, 25 U.mL-1 of

224 chymotrypsin, 200 U.mL-1 of porcine pancreatic α- amylase, 2000 U.mL-1 of porcine

225 pancreatic lipase and 10 mM of porcine bile extract. A total of 70 μL of CaCl2 50 mM was

226 also added and the sample was incubated during 2 hours at 37 °C. The intestinal digestion

227 was finished by heating during 2 minutes at 95 °C. The mixture was deproteinised by adding

228 3 volumes of ethanol and keeping the sample at 4 °C for 20 hours. Then, the sample was

229 centrifuged at 12,000 rpm and 4 °C for 10 minutes. Finally, the supernatant was dried in a

230 rotatory evaporator and lyophilized for mass spectrometry in tandem assay. Each experiment

231 was performed by duplicate.

232 The pellet (undigested proteins) was dissolved in NH₄HCO₃ 50 mM with Tris buffer 10mM

233 pH 8.55 and protein content was determined by BCA assay that is based on the traditional

234 Lowry assay (Smith et al., 1985). The undigested protein was subjected to trypsin digestion.

235 For this, 100 µg of undigested protein were reduced with 2 µL of DTT 45 mM at 50°C for

236 15 minutes and alkylated with 2 µL of IAA 50 mM at room temperature and darkness. The

237 IAA excess was eliminated by adding of 2 µL of DTT 45mM. Finally, the proteins were

238 digested using trypsin in relation 1:50 %w/w (protein/trypsin) and incubated overnight at 37

239 °C. The reaction was stopped with TFA 10 %until obtained pH 3.0 in proteins digested. The

240 resulting peptides were analyzed by mass spectrometry in tandem.

241 2.9 Identification by mass spectrometry in tandem

242 The trypsinated proteins and the peptides obtained after simulated GI digestion were

243 analyzed in a mass spectrometer nanoESI qQTOF (5600 TripleTOF, ABSCIEX). In order to

244 achieve this, samples were resuspended in 50 µL of TFA 0.1% in ACN 2%. 5 µL of every

245 sample was loaded onto a trap column (NanoLC Column, 3µm, C18-CL, 350 µm x 0.5 mm;

246 Eksigent) and desalted with TFA 0.1% at 3 µL.min-1 during 5 minutes. The peptides were

247 then loaded onto an analytical column (LC Column, 3 µm, C18-CL, 75 µm x 12 cm, Nikkyo)

248 equilibrated in ACN 5% FA 0.1% (formic acid). Elution was carried out with a linear gradient

249 of 5 to 35% B in A for 60 minutes. (A: FA 0.1%; B: ACN, 0.1% FA) at a flow rate of 300

250 nL.min-1. Sample was ionized applying 2.8 kV to the spray emitter. Analysis was carried out

251 in DDA mode. Survey MS1 scans were acquired from 350–1250 m/z for 250 ms. The

252 quadrupole resolution was set to ‘UNIT’ for MS2 experiments, which were acquired 100–

253 1500 m/z for 50 ms in ‘high sensitivity’ mode. The switch criteria that were used in the mass

254 spectrometry analysis were charge from 1+ to 5+, and a minimum intensity of 70 counts per

255 second (cps). Up to 25 ions were selected for fragmentation after each survey scan. Dynamic

256 exclusion was set to 15 seconds. The system sensitivity was controlled with 2 fmol of 6

257 protein standards (LC Packings).

258 2.10 Data analysis

259 2.10.1 Statistical analysis

260 Values are reported as mean ± SEM of independent determinations. To evaluate the effect of

261 pesticides on carbonylation, the data were was analyzed by t-test unpaired using the statistical

262 software GraphPad Prism version .5.01 (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA, USA).

263 2.10.2 Data analysis of proteomics and peptidomics data

264 Identification of proteins obtained from the SEC fractions and the non-digested

265 proteins fragments obtained after simulated GI digestion: a proteomic approach

266 ProteinPilot v4.5 search engine (AB Sciex, Framingham, MA, USA) default parameters were

267 used to generate a peak list directly from the 5600 TripleTof instrument wiff files. The

268 Paragon algorithm (Shilov, Seymour, et al., 2007) of Protein Pilot v 4.5 was used to search

269 the Uniprot_Aves (Nov 2018) database with the following parameters: trypsin enzyme

270 specificity, no taxonomy restriction, and the search effort set to through. The posttranslational

271 modifications such as oxidation of methionine and proline amino acids were determined

272 automatically by Paragon algorithm.

273 Identification of generated peptides after simulated GI digestion and relative

274 quantitation using label-free mass spectrometry: a peptidomics approach

275 The analysis of the obtained spectra was done using ProteinPilot v 4.5. Search engine

276 (ABSciex). ProteinPilot default parameters were used to generate a peak list directly from

277 the 5600 TripleTof wiff files. The Paragon algorithm (Shilov et al., 2007) of ProteinPilot v

278 4.5 was used to search the Uniprot_Aves (Nov 2018) database using none enzyme as

279 parameter. The posttranslational modifications such as oxidation of methionine and proline

280 amino acids were determined automatically by Paragon algorithm. Samples were grouped by

281 type for the search (CN and CPF). Additionally, all samples were combined in a single search

282 to build the library for quantitation. The protein grouping was done by Pro group algorithm.

283 Peak View 1.1 software (AB Sciex, Framingham, MA, USA) was used to quantify the areas

284 for all the peptides assigned in the library. Only peptides with confidence of 95% or greater

285 were quantified. The areas obtained previously were loaded on Marker View 1.3 software

286 (AB Sciex, Framingham, MA, USA) and data were normalized by total areas sum.

287 Normalized areas were used to extract the information of oxidized peptides, which were used

288 for statistics analysis. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and loading plot analysis were

289 performed using SIMCA-P+ 13.0 software (Umetrics AB, Sweden).

290 3. Results and discussion

291 3.1 Myosin carbonylation induced by organophosphate pesticides

292 The oxidative power of CPF (100 µg.Kg-1), and DZN (20 µg.Kg-1) pesticides on standard

293 protein myosin protein was determined in vitro and the results obtained are summarized in

294 Fig. 1. In all assayed times the carbonylation induced by CPF was significantly higher in

295 comparison to negative control (P<0.05), showing the maximum oxidative damage at 60

296 minutes (1.6 fold greater than negative control). Between 90 to 300 minutes the carbonylation

297 promoted by CPF was similar, being these among 1.2 and 1.3 fold higher than negative

298 control (Fig. 1a). In contrast, the carbonylation produced by DZN was only significantly

299 higher than control at 60 minutes of exposure (P<0.05) as observed in Fig. 1b.

300 Comparing carbonylation induced by both pesticides, CPF was the one that induced the most

301 oxidative damage on myosin at the exposure time evaluated. According literature, this result

302 is not related to chlorpyrifos concentration, because according to the results reported by

303 Giordano et al, equal concentrations of diazinon and chlorpyrifos did not generate the same

304 amount of oxygen reactive species (chlorpyrifos > diazinon) on neural cell (Giordano et

305 al.,2007). In addition, toxicological studies in fish and frogs have showed the higher toxic

306 power of chlorpyrifos respectcompared to diazinon, even at lower concentrations less than

307 diazinon (Sparling & Fellers, 2007; Cao et al.,2018).

308 Thus, this pesticidechlorpyrifos was selected to study its oxidativent effect in chicken breast

309 proteins and 60 minutes was fixed as maximum exposure time.

310 3.2 In vitro cCarbonylation induced by chlorpyrifos on chicken breast proteins

311 The carbonylation promoted by CPF on chicken breast proteins was quantified by a

312 spectrophotometry assay and its results are showed in Fig. 2. The oxidative damage on

313 exposed and control samples were significantly different (P<0.05); being the carbonyl index

314 2.7-fold higher in samples exposed to CPF than those used as control. These results showed

315 the capacity of CPF to promote oxidative damage on muscle proteins, which are in

316 accordance with whatthe results observed on myosin protein (section 3.1) and other assays

317 performed in biological models such as rat and fish (Altun, Özdemir, & Arslan, 2017; Owumi

318 & Dim, 2019). Although the mechanism that promotes protein carbonylation usedinduced by

319 CPF to promote protein carbonylation is still unknown, it could be related withto its high

320 lipophilicityHowever, the mechanism used by CPF to promote protein carbonylation in meat

321 is still unknown, but, it can be related with its high lipophilicity (Kim et al., 2016)., This can

322 help its passagetransference through the cell membrane and facilitate its interaction with

323 intracellular components.which can facilitate its passage through the cell membrane and

324 facilitate its interaction with all intracellular components.

325 On the other hand, the carbonylation on meat proteins has been widely related to external or

326 internal factors such as breeding and slaughter of animals as well as processing, preservation,

327 curing, and storage of meat and meat products (Estévez, 2011) and, more recently, with

328 antibiotic residues (Márquez-Lázaro, 2020). Thus, in this context, the animal exposure to

329 chlorpyrifos can be considered an external factor included in animal breeding, which is

330 capable to induce oxidative damage even in under in vitro conditions.

331 3.2.1 Distribution Isolation and identification of carbonylated proteins

332 Total protein extracts from exposed samples and control were fractionated according to their

333 molecular mass using size-exclusion chromatography. Groups of five consecutive fractions

334 were pooled together, according to the peaks obtained in chromatograms (as it is shown in

335 Fig. 3a). Then, these were concentrated and their carbonyl index wasation determined (Fig.

336 3b). The approximate molecular weight (MW) of mixed fractions were determined with the

337 calibration curve obtained from protein standards (y = -0,7351x + 1,5137; R² = 0,9819),

338 Table 1.

339 The carbonylation promoted by CPF on F2, F4 and F5 was significantly higher in comparison

340 to control (P<0.05). The calculated molecular weight of these fractions was >100 - 49.9 kDa

341 for F2, and < 49.9 kDa for F4 and F5. In contrast, the carbonylation on F3 (< 49.9 kDa) did

342 not show significant differences with the control (P>0.05); while in F1 (>100 kDa),

343 carbonylation in the control was significantly higher than exposed sample (P<0.05).

344 To deepen inFurther study of the oxidative damage caused by CPF, mass spectrometry in

345 tandem was used to identify the oxidized proteins in the different groups of fractions using

346 trypsin digestion. For this, each fraction (F1 to F5) was matched with chromatographic peaks

347 obtained at 280 nm (Fig. 3a and Table 1). The identified proteins in each fraction and their

348 molecular weights are shown in Table 2. As it was described above, CPF specifically

349 promoted carbonylation on F2, F4 and F5, which were matched with peaks 2, 3-4 and 4,

350 respectively (Table 1). In F2, myosin heavy chain (MHC) protein was identified; in F4, β-

351 enolase, creatine kinase M-type and actin proteins were identified, while kinase M-type and

352 actin were identified in F5. In this regards, MHC and actin are myofibrillar proteins, whereas,

353 β-enolase and creatine kinase are sarcoplasmic proteins (della Malva et al., 2017; Gallego,

354 Mora, Aristoy, & Toldrá, 2015)

355 Actin and MHC are important proteins involved in muscle contraction and cell movement

356 (energy dependent process) (The UniProt Consortium, 2018). β-enolase is an enzyme that

357 participates in glycolysis and the gluconeogenesis pathway, where it acts as 2-phospho-D-

358 glycerate hydrolyase and phosphoenolpyruvate hydratase, respectively (Mora, Escudero,

359 Fraser, Aristoy, & Toldrá, 2014; The UniProt Consortium, 2018). Creatine kinase M-type is

360 an enzyme involved in energetic metabolism of tissues. , moreover, iIt can act as an

361 antioxidant by scavenging free radicals in postmortem muscle (Malheiros et al., 2019; Mora

362 et al., 2014).

363 The sSarcoplasmic and myofibrillar proteins oxidation has been related to color and texture

364 changes, formation of cross-links, increased toughness and hardness, impaired water holding

365 capacity (WHC), loss of essential amino acids and digestibility (Estévez, 2015); important

366 aspects involved in sensory, technological and nutritional properties of meat (Estévez, 2011).

367 In this sense, the presence of CPF residues at trace concentrations could be considered a

368 potential factor for the decrease of meat quality, as well as it has been observedoccurs with

369 other chemical substances used such as certain food additives (nitrites, etc.) (Feng et al.,

370 2016; Villaverde, Ventanas, & Estévez, 2014).

371 On the other hand, when comparing the molecular weight of identified proteins (by MS/MS)

372 with the theoretical molecular weight calculated with the calibration curve, the results are

373 similar (Table 1 and 2). In general, this is related to the fact that size-exclusion

374 chromatography (SEC) is frequently used as an initial step for theof protein purification and

375 gives a good estimation of the molecular weight of the obtained fractions (Burgess, 2018;

376 Lecchi, Gupte, Perez, Stockert, & Abramson, 2003; Mora et al., 2014).

377 3.3 Identification of oxidized peptides from obtained after simulated gastrointestinal GI

378 digestion

379 In this section, the simulated digestion of control and exposed chicken breast samples were

380 was carried out and a peptidomics approach based on label-free quantitation of the identified

381 peptides has beenwas used to establish the statistical differences between the peptide profiles

382 of both, according to the influence of the oxidized peptides and variance among them.

383 Thus, a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) score plot with two components was carried

384 out (Fig. 4a). Discriminant components 1 and 2 explain the 74.0 and 9.5% of variability in

385 the dataset, respectively, allowing the differentiation between control and exposed samples.

386 These results showed that exposure to CPF could have an impact on peptides oxidation,

387 which would probably be captured by the cells once the digestion process is completed. This

388 effect is concerning, since the oxidized proteins intake have been related to alteration of

389 cellular signalling pathways, intestinal flora disturbance, alteration of redox state of intestinal

390 tissue and the formation of adducts with DNA that lead to gene expression modification

391 (Estévez et al. 2017). Also this effect could influence the bioavailability of essential amino

392 acids in meat proteins (Gallego et al., 2015; Estévez, Li, Soladoye, & Van-Hecke, 2017).

393 The loading plot (Fig. 4b) showed that oxidized peptides generated from collagen are main

394 responsible for the differences observed between exposed and control samples. The fact that

395 collagen (300 kDa) was not identified in the peaks obtained of from size-exclusion

396 chromatography (section 3.2.1) could be due it was not retained in the column because of its

397 too high molecular weight (The UniProt Consortium, 2018), and would elute in the solvent

398 front of the chromatography.

399 The oxidized peptides obtained from exposed samples could have been generated due to a

400 higher susceptibility of collagen to suffer oxidation reactions, because its abundance in

401 muscle is lower (10%) than sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar proteins (Mohammadkhah,

402 Murphy, & Simms, 2018). This fact is in agreement with the distribution of total peptides

403 obtained after digestion in exposed and control samples (Fig. S2), where most of the peptides

404 were from titin (25.0 and 23.4 %, respectively) and myosin (7.8 and 8.0%, respectively)

405 proteins. Moreover, when comparing the percentage of peptides identified in collagen, it can

406 be observed that it was higher in exposed samples compared to control samples (5.8 and

407 3.8%, respectively); a change that could be associated to oxidation promoted by CPF, which

408 could affect the digestion process and thus, increase the number of oxidized peptides (Estévez

409 et al., 2017).

410 The oxidative modificationobserved oxidation in collagen protein from exposed and control

411 samples mainly occurred in proline residues probably due to proline is the most abundant

412 amino acid in collagen (Hong, Fan, Chalamaiah, & Wu, 2019). The pProline amino acid is

413 usually susceptible to suffer carbonylation mediated by direct attack of free radicals (Estévez,

414 2011), which could suggest that CPF oxidation mechanism could might be linked to this

415 phenomenon.

416 Additionally, collagen is approximately 10% of skeletal muscle volumen and its function is

417 associated with extracellular matrix (ECM), where it is the main protein. In muscle, the ECM

418 organizes the fibresfibers and participates as a retaining mechanism during deformation

419 (Mohammadkhah et al., 2018). In this sense, collagen oxidation promoted by chlorpyrifos

420 residues in in vivo conditions could affect the animal welfare, since carbonylation is

421 associated to the loss of protein functionality (Estévez, 2015; Estévez, 2011). Also, the

422 intramuscular collagen oxidation could affect meat quality favoring its tenderness (Archile-

423 Contreras & Purslow, 2011).

424 3.4 Identification of undigested proteins after simulated GI digestion and evaluation of its

425 oxidation

426 Digestibility is a technological property of meat related to its nutritive value, which can be

427 affected by protein oxidation. In this context, the undigested proteins were identified by

428 MS/MS after trypsin digestion. The oxidative impact of chlorpyrifos on protein digestibility

429 was evaluated from the obtained peptides. The total number of oxidized trypsined peptides

430 derived from undigested proteins is shown in Fig. S3, and it was very similar. However, the

431 influence of oxidation in exposed sample was higher in collagen protein than in control

432 samples. Fact that shows, once again, the susceptibility of collagen to the oxidative effect of

433 chlorpyrifos as described in section 3.3.

434 The intake of collagen hydrolysates has been related to favorable effects in human heath such

435 as improving muscle strength, bone density, and skin health, as well as reduce obesity, joint

436 pain, and blood pressure, and prevent atherosclerosis and aging. Main sources of collagen

437 are bones, meat, tendons and skin from animals (chicken, beef, pork, etc.) (Hong et al., 2019).

438 However, according to our results, collagen oxidation promoted by chlorpyrifos could affect

439 its beneficial effects and contribute to metabolism disturbance (Estévez et al., 2017). Also,

440 animal welfare could be affected as tissues with high collagen content as skin, bones, tendons

441 could be targets of oxidation promoted by chlorpyrifos, being necessary to increase the

442 attention especially when exposure is considered.

443 4. Conclusions

444 This study evidences that the presence of chlorpyrifos residues in chicken breastat trace

445 concentrations promoted in vitro carbonylation on its proteins under in vitro

446 conditionsmyosin and chicken breast proteins, while the oxidantoxidative power of

447 diazinoón was lesslower than chlorpyrifos and it was only observed on myosin at one of the

448 studied times of exposure. The simulated GI digestion of chicken breast exposed to

449 chlorpyrifos showed that collagen was the main protein target of oxidative effectaffected by

450 oxidation induced for this pesticide especially in its proline residues. The proteomics

451 analysis of undigested proteins after simulated GI digestion, also showed collagen as main

452 protein affected by oxidation. In addition, our results provide important insights about the

453 impact of organophosphate pesticides residues on quality and nutritional value of meat. Also,

454 this study can be the basis for an investigation line focused in the impact of veterinary drugs

455 on the quality of products animal origin products.

456 Acknowledgments

457 Grant AGL2017-89381-R and FEDER funds from the Spanish Ministry of Economy,

458 Industry and Competitiveness, and Ramón y Cajal postdoctoral contract by L.M. are

459 acknowledged. Also COLCIENCIAS and University of Cartagena for financial support

460 (2019 and 2020) to the project Code 1107-711-50102 are acknowledged. J.M.L. thanks to

461 Colciencias for the scholarship No 647-2014. The proteomic analysis was performed in the

462 proteomics facility of SCSIE University of Valencia that belongs to ProteoRed, PRB2-

463 ISCIII, supported by grant PT13/0001.


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611 Fig1. In vitro carbonylation of myosin exposed to: a) Chlorpyrifos (CPF) at 100 µg.Kg-1

612 and b) Diazion (DZN) at 20 µg.Kg-1, monitored during 300 minutes (5 hours). The

613 carbonylation was measurement each hour and data are expressed as mean ± SEM

614 (n=2). The positive control was myosin exposed to FeSO4 at 100 µg.Kg-1

615 Fig 2. Carbonyl content in total chicken breast proteins exposed to chlorpyrifos (CPF) at 100

616 µg.Kg-1 and control. Mean ± SEM were graphed (n = 3). a,bMeans having different

617 superscripts differ between control and exposed samples (P < 0.05).

618 Fig 3. a) Chromatograms obtained from size-exclusion chromatography at three wavelengths

619 (214, 254 and 280 nm) and b) Carbonyl content in mixed fractions of chicken breast

620 proteins exposed to chlorpyrifos (100 µg.Kg-1) and control. Mean ± SEM were graphed

621 (n = 2). a,bMeans having different superscripts differ between control and exposed

622 samples (P < 0.05). F: fraction.

623 Fig 4. a) Principal Component Analysis (PCA) score plot to assess the variance among all

624 the oxidized peptides generated after the simulated gastrointestinal GI digestion of

625 exposed and control samples. B) Loading plot showing the oxidized peptides affecting

626 the score plot distribution. Principal component 1 (PC 1) explained the 74.0% of the

627 variability in the dataset while PC 2 was responsible for the 9.5% of variance within the

628 dataset, allowing the differentiation between control and exposed samples.



631 Table 1. Fractions matched with peaks obtained from size-exclusion chromatography
Fractions Peak number Molecular weight* (KDa)
1 1 >100
2 2 >100-49.9
3 2 and 3 <49.9
4 3 and 4 <49.9
5 4 <49.9
632 *Molecular weight calculated from calibration curve (y = -0,7351x + 1,5137; R² = 0,9819)



636 Table 2. Proteins identified in the peaks collected from size-exclusion chromatography using
637 mass spectrometry in tandem (QToF).

Peak N° 1
Accession number* Protein Molecular weight (kDa)
A0A1V4K6N2_PATFA Titin 3906.5
A0A1D5NVW6_CHICK Myosin 520.0
MYSS_CHICK Myosin heavy chain 230.0
G1MYI4_MELGA Tropomyosin 32.8
MLE3_CHICK Myosin light chain 1 20.0

Peak N°2
Accession number* Protein Molecular weight (kDa)
Q9PTY2_CHICK Myosin heavy chain 230.0
Peak N°3
Accession number* Protein Molecular weight (kDa)
KCRM_CHICK β-enolase 47.2
ENOB_CHICK Creatine kinase M-type 43.3
A0A0Q3Q7N5_AMAAE Actin 42.0
Peak N°4
Accession number* Protein Molecular weight (kDa)
KCRM_CHICK Creatine kinase M-type 43.3
A0A0Q3Q7N5_AMAAE Actin 42.0
638 * Protein accession number according to UniProt data bases



643 Johana P. Márquez-Lázaro: Formal analysis; Investigation; Methodology; Software;

644 Visualization; Writing - original draft

645 Leticia Mora: Conceptualization; Project administration; Resources; Supervision; Writing -

646 review & editing; Validation; Methodology; Funding adquisition

647 Darío Méndez-Cuadro: Conceptualization; Supervision; Writing - review & editing

648 Erika Rodríguez-Cavallo: Conceptualization; Project administration; Resources;

649 Supervision; Writing - review & editing; Methodology; Funding adquisition

650 Fidel Toldrá: Conceptualization; Project administration; Resources; Supervision; Writing -

651 review & editing; Methodology; Funding adquisition



654 Declaration of interests


656 ☒ The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal
657 relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


659 ☐The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be
660 considered as potential competing interests:





668  Chlorpyrifos showed a greater oxidative power than diazinon on myosin.

669  Myosin, β-enolase, CK- M-type and actin from chicken breast were identified as

670 protein target of carbonylation promoted by chlorpyrifos.

671  Collagen from simulatedafter GI digestion was protein more susceptible to oxidation

672 induced by chlorpyrifos.

673  Proline residues from digested collagen were main target of oxidation.

674 

675  Chlorpyrifos induced in vitro carbonylation on myosin and proteins of chicken breast.

676  Myosin, β-enolase, CK- M-type and actin were proteins more susceptible to

677 oxidation.

678  Chlorpyrifos promoted oxidation of collagen peptides carried out simulated GI.

679  Trace concentrations of chlorpyrifos can have an impact on chicken breast value.



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