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Journal of Environmental Management 245 (2019) 348–357

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Research article

Analysis and simulation of land cover changes and their impacts on land T
surface temperature in a lower Himalayan region
Siddique Ullah, Khalid Ahmad, Raja Umer Sajjad, Arshad Mehmood Abbasi, Abdul Nazeer,
Adnan Ahmad Tahir∗
Department of Environmental Sciences, COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Abbottabad Campus, 22060, Abbottabad, Pakistan


Keywords: Rapid urbanization is changing the existing patterns of Land Use Land Cover (LULC) globally which is conse-
Land use land cover quently increasing the Land Surface Temperature (LST) in many regions. Present study was focused on esti-
Land surface temperature mating the current and simulating the future LULC and LST trends in the alpine environment of lower Himalayan
Artificial neural network region of Pakistan. Past patterns of LULC and LST were identified through the Support Vector Machine (SVM)
Cellular automata model
and multi-spectral Landsat satellite images during 1987–2017 data period. The Cellular automata (CA) model
Support vector machine
Urban heat island
and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) were applied to simulate future (years 2032 and 2047) LULC and LST
changes, respectively, using their past patterns. CA model was validated for the simulated and the estimated
LULC for the year 2017 with an overall Kappa (K) value of 0.77 using validation modules in QGIS and IDRISI
software. ANN method was validated by correlating the observed and simulated LST for the year 2017 with
correlation coefficient (R) and Mean Square Error (MSE) values of 0.81 and 0.51, respectively. Results indicated
a change in the LULC and LST for instance the built-up area was increased by 4.43% while agricultural area and
bare soil were reduced by 2.74% and 4.42%, respectively, from 1987 to 2017. The analysis of LST for different
LULC classes indicated that built-up area has highest temperature followed by barren, agriculture and vegetation
surfaces. Simulation of future LULC and LST showed that the built-up area will be increased by 2.27% (in 2032)
and 4.13% (in 2047) which led 42% (in 2032) and 60% (in 2047) of the study area as compared to 26% area (in
2017) to experience LST greater than 27 °C. A strong correlation between built-up area changes and LST was thus
found signifying major challenge to urban planners mitigating the consequent of Urban Heat Island (UHI)
phenomenon. It is suggested that future urban planning should focus on urban plantation to counter UHI
phenomena in the region of lower Himalayas.

1. Introduction and temporally over land surface features. For example, a significant
temperature increase in urban areas may be observed compared to the
Landscape changes occur due to both natural and man-made rea- surrounding areas (Zhang et al., 2017). The urban (built-up) area which
sons. The recent decades experienced significant landscape changes was only 3% in 1950 is expected to reach 66% in 2050 (United Nations,
mainly due to rapid urban growth which has negatively influenced land 2018) globally. Due to the rapid expansions in urban environment,
surface temperature (LST) (Yuen and Kong, 2009). The urban areas vegetation cover is being replaced with built-up areas which increase
comprising the 54% of the global population are continuously subjected LST by trapping more incoming solar radiation on the land surface. This
to complex interactions of economic development and regional ex- is resulting in Urban Heat Island (UHI) creation worldwide (Yang et al.,
ploitation (Weng, 2001). This brings change in land use land cover 2017; Ahmed, 2018; El-Hattab et al., 2018).
(LULC) which affects the urban geophysical condition (Herold et al., Dense vegetation has cooling effect on the urban environment
2003) and creates environmental disturbances including changes in (Matthews et al., 2015) and impervious surfaces with low vegetation
climate (Xiao et al., 2006) and LST change. Land cover indicates the and low albedo have positive relationship with LST and contribute for
part of earth covered by natural features while human occupied area is UHI formation. The LULC data are vital for long-term sustainable po-
called the land use but they are often studied together due to their licies (Long et al., 2008) regarding urban planning. LULC mapping is
strong interconnection (Verburg et al., 2009). LST varies both spatially the efficient tool for spatial and temporal change detection of different

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.A. Tahir).
Received 5 February 2019; Received in revised form 24 April 2019; Accepted 17 May 2019
Available online 31 May 2019
0301-4797/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Ullah, et al. Journal of Environmental Management 245 (2019) 348–357

Fig. 1. (a) Location map of the study area (Abbottabad region, Pakistan) with major mountain ranges Hindukush, Karakoram and western Himalaya, (b) Digital
elevation model (DEM) of the district Abbottabad showing elevation change and superimposed with major roads.

land features. For this purpose, satellite remote sensing (RS) in com- (NDBaI), Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), Soil Adjusted
bination with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is being used ex- Vegetation Index (SAVI), Enhanced Built-up and Bareness Index (EBBI),
tensively (Weng, 2001; Selçuk et al., 2003). Multi-spectral Landsat re- Urban Index (UI), and Built-Up Index (BUI). However, Ahmed et al.
mote sensing data has the longest continuous available record (∼45 (2013) reported that when several factors are used in a linear regression
years) for LULC estimations globally. Inclusion of thermal band in these model, accuracy of LST simulation may be compromised due to co-
data sets makes it easier to study LST in addition to LULC from the same linearity between the factors. Mushore et al. (2017) tested the potential
image. This data was used by many researchers (e.g. Sobrino et al., of various vegetation and non-vegetation indices to predict LST and
2004; Hu and Jia, 2010; Keshtkar and Voigt, 2016) to estimate the reported that the Urban index (UI) was the best predictor of LST. The
LULC and LST changes over long time-period. indices based prediction cannot accommodate past pattern that is why
While the past patterns of LULC and LST change may be detected ANN is a preferable option for LST simulation. In addition, ANN is
from the available remote sensing data, it is a difficult task to model highly suited for a study area where the underlying processes are not
such dynamic system (Ahmed, 2011) for prediction of future changes. well known (Haykin, 1999). ANN does not require too much of prior
The most common methods used for LULC simulation and prediction knowledge of the real world complex network dynamics to reconstruct
are Markov chain (Balzter, 2000), cellular automata (Santé et al., 2010; the underlying process in order to make predictions (Dhamge et al.,
Zenil, 2010), and Artificial Neural Network (Civco, 1993) models. Each 2012). ANN can comprehend complex data characteristics which pre-
tool has its own strengths and weaknesses. Markov Chain is preferred sent serious problems for traditional statistical techniques because of its
when the land cover change is known but it lacks spatial dependency nonlinear structure. Therefore, ANN presents the best approach to
and spatial distribution (Balzter, 2000). The Cellular Automata (CA) model, simulate and predict the time series system like LST without
model identifies the state of each cell in an array depending on the much provision of external influencing factors such as in the alpine
previous state of the cells within a neighborhood, according to a set areas of northern Pakistan.
transition rules (Santé et al., 2010). CA model is commonly used for Northern valley areas of Pakistan are being affected by the large
simulation of future LULC by using its past pattern (Ahmed et al., 2013; influx of population from surrounding mountainous areas. Therefore,
Parsa and Salehi, 2016; Hadi et al., 2014; Rahman et al., 2017; Rimal the urban areas situated in this region and once known for their alpine
et al., 2017; Guidigan et al., 2018; Akbar et al., 2019). The logistic forests and pleasant climate are now turning into built-up areas with
regression is used to model transition potential matrix. One of the main diminishing vegetation cover and increasing temperatures. Absence of
advantages of this model is that it is based on the past pattern and ground LULC and LST observations both on spatial and temporal scale
driving variables such as distance to roads, slope and elevation. This limited the study of these important factors for future urban planning in
model is commonly applied in land utilities research (Ménard and this region, so far. Multi-spectral remote sensing data such as Landsat
Marceau, 2005). This is similar to land use activities that are frequently and modeling approaches such as CA and ANN may prove useful to
characterized by the interaction of adjoining landscape patterns. The study the past and future patterns of LULC and LST in this area. It may
model's accuracy is validated by Kappa variation using simulated and help the urban planners and policy makers to mitigate the UHI effect
observed LULC map (Keshtkar and Voigt, 2016). This research em- from this alpine area. This present study is first of its kind in this
ployed CA model with logistic regression for LULC simulation. geographical region designed to:
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and various LULC indices may be
used to predict LST for a region. Ahmed et al. (2013) used Normalized • Identify patterns of LULC change and LST for the period of
Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to project urban natural landscape 1987–2017 using land surface classification maps and thermal
and future LST in Dhaka Bangladesh. Many studies showed that NDVI is bands retrieved from Landsat data; and
a weaker predictor of LST than other indices like the Normalized Dif- • Simulate the future LULC changes for the years 2032 and 2047, and
ference Built Index (NDBI), vegetation fraction and the percentage their impacts on LST using past patterns and modeling approaches.
Impervious Surface Area (ISA) (Chen et al., 2006; Li and Liu, 2008;
Deng and Wu, 2013). In another study, Hasanlou and Mostofi (2015)
2. Case study
estimated LST based on a linear function of a combination of indices
which included NDVI, NDBI, Normalized Difference Bareness Index
Study area i.e. Abbottabad district (Fig. 1), is situated in the Khyber

S. Ullah, et al. Journal of Environmental Management 245 (2019) 348–357

Pakhtunkhwa, KPK, province of northern Pakistan, at 33°45′ to 34°30′ dependent variables and slope, elevation and distance to roads as in-
N Latitude and 73°–73°30′ E Longitude. It comprises an area of 1967- dependent variables to project future LULC change. Road network
km2 with a population of 1.3 million. This region received a huge po- vector data (GIS shape file) for the study area was acquired from the
pulation from surrounding less developed areas during the past 30 years Survey of Pakistan Department and was used to calculate distances to
mainly due to its weather, peaceful reputation, educational networks roads. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data having spatial resolution of
and the perceived security of a garrison. In addition, there was an influx 30-m was obtained from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) of
of migrants from neighboring Azad Kashmir region after the earth the USGS. It was used to estimate the elevation and slope of the study
quake destruction in 2005, and from north-western parts of the country area. The ANN model was used to simulate LST projections for the years
during military operations in 2009 and 2010. Such large-scale migra- 2032 and 2047, based on the past patterns of LST from 1987 to 2017.
tion brought significant changes in the existing LULC patterns of this Details of the data treatment process and modeling approach are pre-
region. Its population increased from 0.8 to 1.3 million from 1998 to sented in sections 3.1 to 3.4.
2017 with urban and rural growth of 4.34% and 2.5%, respectively
(Pakistan bureau of statistics, 2017). Total annual rainfall received in 3.1.1. Derivation of LULC classification maps for 1987‒2017 data period
this region is ∼1262 mm, and mean annual temperature is ∼18 °C, The acquired Landsat images were classified into five LULC classes
where June is the hottest month with an average temperature of (built-up, agriculture, vegetation, bare soil and water surface) for the
∼27.3 °C and January is the coldest month with temperatures aver- year of 1987, 2002, and 2017, based on SVM method in ENVI 5.3
aging ∼7.5 °C (Afzaal et al., 2009). software. The images were investigated based on their spectral and
Situated in the lower western-Himalayas, district Abbottabad is a areal profiles to develop training sites using supplementary information
popular tourist center as well as a major transit point to all major tourist and baseline data from various sources (e.g. Ground survey points,
regions of Pakistan situated in the upper-western Himalayas and Google images etc.). Approximately, forty training samples for each
Karakoram ranges. The Karakoram Highway, KKH (Fig. 1), which traces LULC class were selected. The accuracy of the classification was mea-
one of the paths of the ancient Silk Road, is also passing through this sured using confusion matrix and kappa index which is considered as
region. the best quantitative measurement of classification accuracy (Foody,

3. Data sets and methods

3.1.2. Estimation of LST for 1987‒2017 data period
The LST was derived from the thermal bands of geometrically and
3.1. Data sets and treatment process
radiometrically corrected available Landsat satellite images of 1987,
2002 and 2017. Landsat sensors acquire the thermal data and store in
Multi-spectral Landsat satellite data was acquired from United
the form of Digital Numbers (DN). These DNs were converted to LST
States Geological Survey (USGS) for the period of 30 years from 1987 to
using the four steps process (Artis and Carnahan, 1982) in this study for
2017 to assess LULC change and its effect on LST in the study area. The
the available data.
images were downloaded for the same month (May) and within five-
days span (19 May – 24 May) for all the data years to avoid the effect of
seasonal change. During the download process, cloud cover was set to • In step 1, Digital Numbers (DNs) were converted to Radiance using
equation (1):
be < 15% to have clear weather background of all three images so that
they are comparable and not affected by the weather conditions such as Lλ = LMIN + (LMAX − LMIN) x DN/255 (1)
significant change in temperature or humidity. Cloud cover on entire
where: Lλ = Spectral radiance; Following values of LMIN and LMAX
Landsat scene was between 6 and 13% for all three images but it was
were used for three sensors:
near zero over our studied region (district Abbottabad, Fig. 1). Details
LMIN = 1.238 and LMAX = 15.30 for Landsat 5; LMIN = 1.238 and
(date, sensor, scene ID, cloud cover and Path/Row) of the images ac-
LMAX = 15.600 for Landsat 7; and LMIN = 0.10033 and
quired from USGS online data portal are presented in Table 1.
LMAX = 22.00180 for Landsat 8 (band 10 and 11 both).
A standard pretreatment process was applied to Landsat images
before deriving LULC maps. This process included atmospheric cor-
rection and radiometric calibration. The data was then analyzed for • Step 2 involved the conversion of Radiance into brightness tem-
perature (TB) in Kelvin using equation (2):
LULC change and LST through ArcMap, Envi 5.3, IDRISI and QGIS
softwares. Support Vector Machine (SVM) method from ENVI 5.3 TB = K2/In ((K1 / Lλ ) + 1) (2)
software was applied to derive the LULC classification maps for years where K1 = Calibration Constant 1, and K2 = Calibration Constant 2.
1987, 2002 and 2017. SVM is a non parametric classifier equipped with Following values of K1 and K2 were used for three sensors:
a set of related learning algorithms used for regression and classifica- K1 = 607.76 and K2 = 1260.56 for Landsat 5; K1 = 666.09 and
tion. The theory was suggested by Vapnik and Chervonenkis (1968), K2 = 1282.71 for Landsat 7; K1 = 774.89 and K2 = 1321.08 for
and later detailed by Vapnik (1999). The LST was calculated from the Landsat 8 (band 10); K1 = 480.88 and K2 = 1201.14 for Landsat 8
thermal bands of available Landsat satellite images for the study area. (band 11).
LULC maps were simulated to project the future variation in year
2032 and 2047 using cellular automata (CA) model. The main purpose
of the selection of 2032 and 2047 for prediction was to assess short (15-
• Step 3 involved conversion of TB from Kelvin to Celsius using
equation (3):
years) and long (30-years) term scenario for the urban planning as
mentioned by Mushore et al. (2017). Past LULC trends were used as TB (°C) = TB (in Kelvin) − 273.15 (3)

Table 1
Details of downloaded Landsat satellite images. (Source: US Geological Survey).
Date Acquired (M/D/Y) Scene ID Sensor Cloud cover (%) Path/Row

5/24/1987 LT51500361987114ISP00 Landsat 5 TM ∼6 150/36

5/19/2002 LE71500362002139SGS00 Landsat 7 ETM+ ∼8 150/36
5/20/2017 LC81500362017140LGN00 Landsat 8 OLI ∼13 150/36

S. Ullah, et al. Journal of Environmental Management 245 (2019) 348–357

• Finally, the brightness temperature at sensor was converted to LST model, the maximum iteration was 1000 and neighborhood pixel was
in step 4 by using equation (4): 9 cells i.e. 3 × 3 cells.
Once transition potential matrix was modeled using logistic re-
LST = TB/ [1 + (λ ∗ TB/ρ )∗ ln(ε )] (4)
gression method, then CA model was applied to simulate the future
where: λ = wavelength of emitted radiance, the peak response and the LULC maps for the years 2032 and 2047 using MOLUSCE tool in QGIS
average of the limiting wavelengths (λ = 11.5 μm); ρ = h∗c/σ software. In order to ensure that the model is reliable in predicting
(1.438 × 102 mK). LULC change for a specific projected year, it must be validated using
existing datasets. Therefore, the CA model was validated for its accu-
H = Planck's constant (6.626∗10−34 J s) racy to simulate LULC of year 2017 which was then compared to esti-
σ = Boltzmann constant (1.380 649 ∗10−23 J/K) mated LULC (from Landsat data) of the same year for the study area.
c = velocity of light (2.998∗108 m/s) The validate module in the IDRISI Taiga software was used for vali-
ε = Surface emissivity dating the model by producing several Kappa (K) parameters: K-no, K-
location, and K-standard that are used to identify the accuracy of the
Surface emissivity was calculated from PV (Proportion of vegeta- model. Additionally QGIS-MULUSCE validation module was also used
tion) which is derived from NDVI of the respective years of 1987, 2002 to calculate overall kappa coefficients and %-correctness between
and 2017. The PV is derived by the following formulae proposed by classified and predicted LULC map of 2017. Thus, the accuracy of CA
Sobrino et al. (2004): model was assessed by two approaches mentioned above before using it
for the future projections.
PV = (NDVI − NDVImin / NDVImax − NDVImin)2 (5)
Finally the surface emissivity was calculated by using equation (6) 3.4. Simulating LST projection for years 2032 and 2047
(Sobrino et al., 2004):
Surface emissivity, ε = 0.004 PV + 0.986 (6) The increasing LST in urban areas in current global warming sce-
nario is the cause of concern for urban planners (Dhar et al., 2019). A
LST from Landsat 8 was derived from band 10 and 11 and then Multi-layer Feed forward back Propagation Artificial Neural Network
averaged using cell statistics to calculate the average based on per cell. method in MATLAB software (Maduako et al., 2016) was applied to
model, simulate and predict future LST pattern using past trends in the
3.1.3. Standardization of LST study area. The Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) neural network makes
Due to topographic and seasonal variations related to mountainous automatic decisions about the network parameters and how they should
areas in the thermal images of different Landsat data years, the stan- be changed to better model the network. MLP algorithm is based on the
dardization of LST was performed for comparability. It is not proper to principle of error correction learning. In MLP, when the network re-
directly compare LST variability of the images from different years and ceives a pattern, at first, it processes and produces a possibly low ac-
seasons. The purpose of standardization was to bring all the variables in curate random output. It then does a self-computed error function by
to proportion of one another. The cloud contaminated pixels were re- calculating the difference between this random output and the expected
moved through gross techniques and the LST was standardized (Salama (target) output. Using the “Leveraging back-propagation” algorithm,
et al., 2012) using equation (7); correction weights are computed between the output layer and the
LSTs = LST − LSTu / LSTΩ (7) hidden layers and also between the hidden layers and the input layers.
This back and forth iterative process goes on until an acceptable error
where: LSTs = Standardized LST, LSTu = Mean of estimated LST from between the network output and the desired output is reached (Silva
1987 to 2017, LSTΩ = Standard deviation of LST from 1987 to 2017. and Clarke, 2002).
The simulation of LST in this study was based on the LST data trends
3.2. Classification of temperature zones from 1987 to 2017. The study area was sub-divided into spatial grids of
500-m x 500-m to generate sample point size of spatial units using QGIS
To calculate the proportional area lying in different temperature software. This grid size was chosen considering the minimum space
ranges (Fig. 2), the temperature zones were categorized into six classes range at which characteristics of one point can significantly affect a
i.e. < 15, 15 to < 21, 21 to < 24, 24 to < 27, 27 to 30 and ≥ 30 °C. change in LST (Lee and Jung, 2014). The sample data was used to
The purpose of categorization is to assess the trends of variations in develop Neural Network in MATLAB for LST prediction. In addition, we
different temperature zones during study period. The lowest tempera- added longitude and latitude of the defined sample spatial units to in-
ture zone was set to be lower than 15 °C and the highest temperature crease the model efficiency; the more the input parameters, the higher
zone as greater than or equal to 30 °C. the efficiency of the network model. The LST prediction involved the
network creation, network training, performance evaluation of the
3.3. Simulating LULC projections for years 2032 and 2047 network and prediction. The confidence of the network was assessed by
Mean Square Error (MSE) and correlation coefficient (R) values. The
Cellular Automata (CA) model was applied to predict future LULC regression analysis provides measures about how well the variations in
changes using MOLUSCE tool in QGIS. Land use models such as CA the output results were described by the target data set. If the value is 1
model cover both static and dynamic aspect of LULC changes. CA model then there is a perfect correlation between output and target data set.
was used to predict future land cover pattern because of its reputed However, it is rare to get the value of 1. The Graphic User Interface
accuracy (Santé et al., 2010). The prediction was based on two types of (GUI) was developed to check the performance indicator before
variables; the dependent variables such as past pattern of LULC changes adopting the network. Once the performance indicators of the network
estimated from 2002 to 2017 Landsat images and the independent were satisfactory, then these were saved for prediction.
variables such as distance to roads, elevation and slope. The distance to The values of 0.8 and 0.5 for R and MSE, respectively, were
roads was calculated using roads vector data of the study area and achieved during assessment. Call back function was used to simulate
Euclidian distance function in ArcMap software. SRTM DEM was used and predict LST for 2032 and 2047. The number of hidden layers was
for elevation and slope estimation for the study area using ArcMap selected on the basis of many trials with respect to MSE and R values.
software. Above mentioned variables were used as input to generate The hidden layers are important because these affect results by enabling
transition potential matrix. The sampling mode was defined as a the network to exhibit non-linear behavior. For the current study, three
random. To define maximum iteration and neighborhood pixel for the hidden layers were selected. The initial learning rate (μ) during this

S. Ullah, et al. Journal of Environmental Management 245 (2019) 348–357

Fig. 2. Variations in the pattern of temperature zones in district Abbottabad from 1987 to 2017.

study was set to 0.1 and the decay rate (β) was utilized to control it. The a significant decrease in vegetation inside and outskirts of the main city
standard decay rate varies from 0 to 1 (0 < β < 1). The decay rate of area (Fig. 3). This is because of population influx to the city and sur-
0.9 was utilized to update the learning rate such as if the error function roundings which converted the vegetation cover into built-up areas. In
between the present and the previous iteration is on the increase, the β addition, the plantation project mentioned by Ali et al. (2015) was
upgrades the learning rate μ by division while it multiplies it when the carried out in the forested area located at high altitude and away from
error function is on the decrease in order to recede the μ. The de- the urban area.
scription of the method is given in detail by Maduako et al. (2016).

4. Results and discussion 4.2. Past pattern of LST changes

After applying the methodology detailed in section 3, we derived Past patterns (1987–2017) of LST changes derived from Landsat
the past pattern maps of LULC and LST distribution and simulated fu- thermal bands using different equations (explained in section 3) are
ture distribution maps of both the variables for the study area. Details presented in Fig. 4. The maximum temperature value was increased
are presented in the following sections. from 32 °C (in 1987) to 39 °C (in 2017) during the study period (Fig. 4).
The area with LST > 27 °C was ∼0.03% in 1987, which increased up to
4.1. Past pattern of LULC class variations ∼26% in 2017 (Figs. 2 and 4). The area with temperature range be-
tween 24 and 27 °C was increased from ∼5% (in 1987) to ∼29% (in
Past patterns (1987‒2017) of variations in LULC classes derived 2017), while the area of temperature range between 21 and 24 °C de-
from Landsat data and SVM method are presented in Fig. 3. The overall creased (Fig. 2) because most part of this area was converted to higher
classification accuracy of SVM was 82.44%, 89.91% and 94.68% for the temperature zone (i.e. 24‒27 °C). Reasons for these variations could be
year of 1987, 2002 and 2017, respectively (Table 2). the result of both climate change and urbanization. Rapid urbanization
Two trends were clearly distinct (Fig. 3); first, built-up area in- leads to great deal of construction which enhances LST, which is further
creased gradually and second, agriculture and bare soil area declined amplified by climate change. It seems that area was affected by both
over the study period. The results indicated the conversion of agri- climate change and urban warming.
cultural and bare soil area into built-up and vegetation area which was The annual mean temperature has augmented by approximately
increased by 4.43% and 2.90%, respectively, in the past 30 years 0.5 °C along with an overall increasing trend in the precipitation during
(Table 3). Several factors contributed for this increase in built-up area previous 50 years in Pakistan while the number of annual heat wave
in the studied region since 2006 such as urban population growth and days has an increase of nearly five times greater than what was 30 years
population influx due to earth quake in 2005 and unrest situation in the before (ADB, 2017). Although heat release from the surface of the Hi-
allied eastern and western areas. The results of this current study sup- malayan Plateau is the major source of rainfall as temperature differ-
ported the findings of Weng (2001) who reported that both the eco- ence is created between the air at high altitude of Himalayan Plateau
nomical and geopolitical factors contributed to urban growth. and the air at the nearby lower elevation ground surface but the effect
The total vegetation content in the study area showed increasing of this phenomena is minimum at the southern and lower elevation
trend especially at higher altitude (Figs. 1 and 3), which is attributed to portions (Boos and Kuang, 2010) of the Himalaya such as our study
the recovery of forest area and the “Billion Tree Tsunami Afforestation” area. Another factor which affects climate of Himalayan region is the
Project, conducted by KPK Provincial government (IUCN, 2017). Raza insulation of warm, moist air over continental India from the cold dry
et al. (2012) reported that vegetation in district Abbottabad increased extra tropics, the area between the subtropics and Polar Regions. A
due to massive plantation by the forest department and by pushing out recent theory emphases that local warming affecting air temperature of
the people who were practicing agriculture activity at forest land. Ac- the Himalayan region is caused by the LULC change (rather than by
cording to Ali et al. (2015), massive reforestation has been carried out climate change) thus altering temperature and humidity of the
in the villages located in the vicinity of district Abbottabad. But there is boundary layer air (Boos and Kuang, 2010; Cao et al., 2019).

S. Ullah, et al. Journal of Environmental Management 245 (2019) 348–357

Fig. 3. LULC maps of the study area estimated from Landsat data for years 1987, 2002 and 2017.

Table 2 the LST was found to be increased for all LULC classes, even for vege-
Accuracy assessment of Support Vector Machine in terms of confusion matrix to tation during the study periods (Fig. 5). It was clear from Fig. 2 that
classify the LULC. temperature increased beyond the built-up area which was due to
Year User Accuracy Producer Overall Kappa change in the surface characteristics and global warming. Terando et al.
(%) Accuracy (%) Accuracy (%) coefficient (2014) also noted that temperature increased due to urban growth were
superimposed on rising global temperatures which led to increased LST
1987 83.57 80.43 82.44 0.76
even for vegetative area. A similar urban warming effect was reported
2002 89.11 88.80 89.91 0.86
2017 95.05 91.61 94.68 0.92
by Ren et al. (2008) both in rural and urban areas, in China. However,
the rate of temperature increase in our study area was comparatively
higher probably because of the rapid urban growth experienced in the
Table 3 present study area. Other reason of this kind of difference in tempera-
Distribution area of LULC classes from 1987 to 2017 (in hectares) and net ture increase rate may be the different season of the images; however,
change (in %). the results of this study strongly indicated the presence of urban
Class name 1987 2002 2017 Net change (%)
warming effect in the studied region. Most of the higher temperature
were observed in built-up area (Fig. 5), followed by the barren land
Built-up area 10100 11400 17500 +4.43 while comparatively lower temperatures were found on vegetation and
Agriculture 44000 42700 39400 −2.74 water surfaces. These outcomes supported the findings of Adegoke et al.
Bare Soil 43200 42200 35800 −4.42
(2003), who reported higher LST for the built-up area and bare soil
Vegetation 68200 68900 73000 +2.90
Water Body 1600 1500 1300 −0.18 while a lower LST for other categories such as vegetation and water

4.3. Temperature variations in different land cover classes

4.4. Simulation of the future LULC
The built-up area had the highest mean temperature followed by
LULC classes significantly changed during the study period
barren land, agriculture and vegetation (Fig. 5). These findings were in
(1987‒2017) in the area (Table 3 & Fig. 3). It was therefore important
agreement with those reported by Weng (2001) who assess the LULC
to simulate the future LULC dynamics because if the past trends persist,
impact on the LST in the Zhujiang Delta, China, to analyse the re-
LST will be changed which may alter both biodiversity and micro-cli-
lationship between LULC classes and thermal signatures. The present
mate of the study area. The future LULC prediction was also important
findings indicated that built-up area increased LST by altering the ve-
as it provides framework for sustainable urban planning. For this
getation cover and replacing it with non-vegetated areas. Additionally,
reason, the validated cellular automata (CA) model was used to

S. Ullah, et al. Journal of Environmental Management 245 (2019) 348–357

Fig. 4. LST variation in the study area estimated from Landsat thermal bands for years 1987, 2002 and 2017.

simulate LULC for 2032 and 2047 for the study area. If a constant rate model validation results showed that overall kappa index and %-cor-
in LULC change is assumed then this model is dependable in forecasting rectness values were 0.77 and 84.16, respectively (Table 4) which is an
future change in the LULC. The model was first validated over the year acceptable accuracy level for LULC modeling.
2017 using the observed and simulated LULC in the study area. The Simulation results showed that approximately 12.27% and 14.13%

Fig. 5. Variations in mean LST over different land cover classes in the study area during study period.

S. Ullah, et al. Journal of Environmental Management 245 (2019) 348–357

Table 4
Validation of CA and ANN models by analyzing the observed and simulated LULC and LST maps, respectively, over year 2017.
Simulation year Validation of CA model for LULC simulation through two modules

IDRISI Taiga module (Kappa K parameters) QGIS-MULUSCE module

K-no K-location K-location Strata K-standard %-correctness Overall Kappa

2017 0.81 0.79 0.79 0.77 84.16 0.77

Validation of ANN model for LST simulation using MATLAB software
Simulation year No of hidden layer Mean Square Error (MSE) Correlation coefficient (R)
2017 3 0.51 0.81

Fig. 6. Simulated LULC maps of the study area for years 2032 and 2047.

of the area (as compared to base year 2017) will be converted into increasing even beyond the built-up areas for simulation periods. This
urban or built-up area in 2032 and 2047, respectively (Fig. 6). Pre- was due to the fact that the simulation was based on the past pattern
dicted LULC change in future could adversely affect the environment from 1987 to 2017 where the similar LST expansion beyond built-up
altering both climate and biodiversity of the area. area was indicated. Another reason for expanding LST out of built-up
areas may be the change in surface characteristics, greenhouse effect
4.5. Simulation of the future LST and global warming which will affect all areas even in the absence of
increased urban growth (Dereczynski et al., 2013; Argüeso et al., 2014).
Similar to the LULC classes, LST during the study period This concurs with Terando et al. (2014) who indicated that temperature
(1987‒2017) indicated a significant change (Fig. 4) in the study area. rise due to urban growth is superimposing on rising global tempera-
Therefore, the LST was also simulated for future period (2032 and tures. The incoming long wave radiation towards the lower atmosphere
2047). The LST trends estimated from the past data were used in ANN increases with the increase in greenhouse gas concentration. However,
model to predict its future trends in the area. The simulation accuracy although low-medium density built-up areas and vegetated areas are
was validated using correlation coefficient (R) and Mean square error expected to warm, extent of their warming is smaller than high density
(MSE) between predicted and observed LST for year 2017 (Table 4). built-up areas. The increase in LST will affect the thermal capacity of
The comparison of the predicted and satellite derived LST showed a land cover which lead to Urban heat island (UHI) that emerges from the
good agreement which proved the accuracy of ANN prediction. The R modification of land surface which favors heat trapping and anthro-
and MSE were 0.81 and 0.51, respectively, which indicated strong pogenic heat release (Oke, 1982). It will elevate the urban area tem-
correlation between observed and predicted LST (Table 4). Fig. 7 perature as compared to rural one (Stewart and Oke, 2012). This is one
showed the increasing trend in LST which may affect the air tempera- of the major environmental issues harmful for both humans and bio-
ture due to their strong correlation with each other. The results pre- diversity as well the environment (Grimmond, 2007). Fifth assessment
dicted that approximately 42% and 60% of the study area will fall in the report of IPCC et al. (2014) indicated that warming in South Asian
high temperature zone (i.e. > 27 °C) in 2032 and 2047 (Fig. 7), re- region is likely to be more than the global average. Vegetation cover
spectively. This area was 26%, 9.94% and 0.51% in 2017, 2002 and around the buildings mitigates the impact of global warming (Amiri
1987, respectively. Findings in this study showed that temperature was et al., 2009; Smith and Roebber, 2011). Hence, urban plantation is a

S. Ullah, et al. Journal of Environmental Management 245 (2019) 348–357

Fig. 7. Simulated LST maps of the study area for years 2032 and 2047.

significant mitigation measure against global warming, even when being faced by the population of study area due to urban expansions
greenhouse gas emissions and ozone depletion continue to affect the and LST increase.
lower atmosphere.
5. Conclusion
Authors thank the United States Geological Survey for providing the
Landsat and SRTM DEM satellite data free of cost for this study. We are
The study was designed to assess LULC and LST during the period
grateful to the anonymous reviewers whose comments and suggestions
from 1987 to 2017 and to predict future scenario (2032 and 2047) in
significantly improved the manuscript.
the lower Himalayan region of Northern Pakistan. Following can be
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