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2020 Georgian Parliamentary Elections in the Region of Guria

Research on the compliance of election campaigns
with the interests of the vulnerable groups

Civic Center of Guria

The implementation of the project and publication of the research was made possible by
the American people with the financial support of the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID) and the National Democratic Institute (NDI).

The contents of this research are the sole responsibility of the author and the views expressed do not
necessarily reflect the views of the National Democratic Institute, the United States Agency for International
Development, or the United States government.
Table of Contents
Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------3

Project “Waiting for response” ------------------------------------------3

Needs of Vulnerable Groups - 2020 ------------------------------------4

10 Questions to Majoritarian Deputy

Candidates and Their Answers-------------------------------------------8

Political Debate 2020 - Between

Majoritarian Deputy Candidates -----------------------------------------12

Agitation of the Majoritarian Deputy Candidates

2020 - How Candidates Respond to Public Needs ----------------13

Main Findings and Conclusions -----------------------------------------14

The 2020 Georgian parliamentary elections are one of the most important elections on the
way of democratic development of the Georgian state. For the first time in Georgia, elec-
tions were held with a relatively democratic electoral system. These changes were achieved
thanks to the significant involvement of international partners and the role of the United
States of America should be specially noted and appreciated. The project implementation
team is especially grateful to the National Democratic Institute (NDI), with the support of
which implementation of the project “Waiting for response” became possible. The goal of the
project was to make the electoral process in the Guria region more focused on substantive
discussion and represent the interests of vulnerable groups. In the 2020 elections, voters
in the Guria region had more opportunities to make an informed choice and the candidates
participating in the elections had more space and chances to accept specific challenges and
demands of the voters.

Project “Waiting for response”

Since July 2020, “Guria Civic Center”, supported by the American National Democratic In-
stitute (NDI) and in partnership with “Innovation and Civic Development Centre - Progress
House” and “Student Youth Council” is implementing the project “Waiting for response”. The
goal of the project was to stimulate substantive discussion among the political actors and
support improvement of the electoral environment by promoting its adjustment to the needs
of interest groups in the region of Guria during the period of upcoming parliamentary elec-
tions of 2020. For the project three vulnerable groups were identified: eco-migrants, youth,
and the urban population.

Within the project:

• Focus groups were carried on with all three target groups of the project (eco-migrants,
youth and urban population);
• Presentation on issues important to all three groups was prepared and presented to
participating parties and candidates;
• A meeting was held with civil society organizations in Guria region on the topic of iden-
tified problems.

There were prepared “10 Questions for Participating Majority Candidates from their voters
and civil society organizations”.

Received answers have been processed into infographics and spread through social net-
works and two local print media as newspaper supplements and TV-debates between the
candidates were held on relevant topics.
Needs of Vulnerable Groups - 2020
In July 2020, Georgian researchers of non-governmental non-profit research center CRRC
directly interviewed about 30 interviewers among members of three vulnerable groups
(eco-migrants, youth and urban population). The questionnaire was developed in coopera-
tion with the Guria Civic Center and partner organizations. The respondents were not lim-
ited to topics that are solved through parliamentary activities. However, while developing
questions, it was mostly taken into account that the answers obtained should relate to the
parliamentary elections. Challenges that each vulnerable group considers problematic are
summarized. The problems were distributed among 8 blocks according to their urgency.


N Existing challenges Youth popula-
1 Insufficient jobs   
2 Inadequate and unequal payment by regions   
Low level of production in agricultural processing and
3   
industrial directions
4 High level of internal and external migration   
Low awareness of government economic support programs
5 and lack of adaptability to the skills of potential beneficia-   
The existing education system does not meet the demands
6   
of the economy and the market
Absence of a strong economic, educational and cultural
7  
center of attraction in Guria region
8 Distrust towards state economic empowerment programs  
Less support for local production while growing imports
9  

10 Less support for starting a business  

Dependence on bank loans and enslaving conditions of
11  
Disorganized, unfair working conditions, especially in banks
12  
and supermarkets
Development of utility service while growing insolvency
13 
of the population
Economic vulnerability - loss of wages, social assistance
14 
and other income means poverty
15 Increased prices for basic necessities and essential goods 
Lack of state and munici pal programs for promoting em-
16 


N Existing challenges Youth pop-
The employment rate of those with higher education is lower
1   
than that of those with vocational and secondary education
2 School education is not appropriate enough for higher education   
Lack of access to quality vocational education for the residents
3   
of Guria villages
Overcrowded groups in kindergartens and an insufficient number
4   
of kindergartens
5 Insufficiency of vocational education centers  
6 Bullying at school  
7 Low qualification of teachers in kindergartens  
8 Unfavorable environment for development in kindergartens  
9 Poor quality curricula in kindergartens  
10 Poor qualification of teachers in schools  
11 Insufficiently popularized vocational education  
12 Gender inequality in the education process 
Less state support for housing and communal affairs for students
13 
from regions
14 Mothers do not have support in access to education and work 

15 Child safety in kindergartens is less protected 

16 Transportation of schoolchildren is disordered and problematic 

17 School heating and other small infrastructural problems 

18 Insufficient infrastructure for the study of natural sciences 

19 Less information for school students about higher education 

20 Discrimination on religious grounds at school 

21 Lack of professional orientation and career planning programs 
22 lack of the internshi p system 
Non-prestigious and low-quality vocational education system and
23 
Faulty infrastructure for online education, both at schools and in
24 
high schools
25 Less support for non-formal educational activities 
Less experience of working with inclusive children in kindergar-
26 
Non-optimized schools, very small contingent or overcrowded
27 
28 The average age of teachers is over 50 years 

Social Problems
N Existing challenges Youth popu-
Inequality and injustice of the distribution of social assistance
1   
and rating points methodology
2 Unadapted environment for the disabled and elderly people   
There are no programs aimed at strengthening the family, there-
3 fore a large number of families are demolished due to social or  
other problems (eco-migrants, urban)
4 Low qualification of social agents  
There is a need for social assistance but the munici pal budget
5 
cannot afford it
6 Pensions and social assistance do not meet the existing needs 
7 Disordered working conditions (schedule, environment, etc.) 

N Existing challenges Youth popu-
There is no irrigation water, and our work is meaningless,
1 high-quality and competitive products are not created due to   
lack of water
2 Unregistered, uncultivated and unfenced lands in rural areas  
3 Low access to agricultural machinery (eco-migrants) 
Lack of companies buying and processing milk, fruit, tea and
4 
other agricultural products (eco-migrants)

N Existing challenges Youth popu-
1 Bad conditions of road infrastructure  
Bad conditions of outdoor lighting systems and /or absence of
2  
outdoor lighting
3 Low quality of implemented infrastructure projects  
The unsatisfactory condition of transport infrastructure (Waiters,
4  
5 Bad conditions of sewage system  
The unsatisfactory condition of towns and villages and appropri-
6 
ate appearance
7 Irrelevant touristic infrastructure (Ureki) 
8 Irrelevant drainage system 
Lack of sports infrastructure (stadium, gym, bowling alley, swim-
9 
ming pool, etc.)
Lack of cultural and educational infrastructure (cinema, library,
10 
clubs, other) (youth)
The insufficient amount and/or lack of children-entertainment
11 
Health Care

N Existing challenges Youth popu-
High service rates in medical institutions and low qualification
1   
of doctors
The high price of medicines and its incompatibility with pen-
2   
sions, salaries and other incomes
3 Inability to receive qualified medical services in Guria region   
A small number of hospitals, large queues and overcrowded
4   
5 Never-ending waiting for operations  
6 Ineffective and unqualified ambulance service 

Environmental protection / recreation

N Existing challenges Youth popu-
1 Insufficient recreational spaces (parks, squares)   
Relatively poorly cleaned environment and waste disposal prob-
2 
3 A healthy lifestyle is less popularized and supported 

Public Administration

N Existing challenges Youth popu-
The problem of publicity, dissemination of information and com-
1 
munication with the population
2 Corruption and bias 
3 Police surveillance at gathering places in villages 
Village authorities have neither mechanisms nor competencies
4 
to solve the problems in time

10 Questions to Majoritarian Deputy Candidates
and Their Answers
In cooperation with civil society organizations working in the Guria region, 10 questions were devel-
oped for majoritarian deputy candidates. Seven candidates answered the questions:
1. Khatuna Gogorishvili - “European Georgia”
2. Manuchar Kvirkvelia - “United National Movement - United Opposition”
3. Shota Gogiberidze - “Alliance of Georgian Patriots”
4. Nino Shetsiruli-Gobronidze - “Our Georgia - Solidarity Alliance”
5. Otar Kerkadze - “Aleko Elisashvili - Citizens”
6. Vakhtang Zenaishvili - “Girchi”
7. Giorgi Sioridze - “Lelo for Georgia”
Majoritarian deputy candidates presented the public with their opinion on 10 topics.
Ozurgeti fails to act as a regional center of attraction (Employment, education, medical ser-
vices, shopping, entertainment, etc.). Therefore, permanent and temporary labor migration
from Guria is high. Young people are leaving the region. What do you think, how can we stop
migration from Guria?
As a solution to this complex problem the candidates see the following:
• Developing new employment positions;
• Reduction of nepotism;
• More publicity and participation;
• Development of cultural-educational and sports spaces;
• Reducing economic backwardness with countries and regions where migration is high from the
Guria region;
• Promotion of small and medium businesses;
• Restoration of the University Branch and establishment of educational centers;
• Privatization of state property;
• Modernized agriculture and transformation of a peasant into a farmer;
• Development of tourism and tourist infrastructure;
• Cultivation of new agricultural crops (stevia, blueberry), restoration of tea, strengthening scien-
tific and educational directions in agriculture.
Agriculture in the Guria region lags behind and does not play a significant role in expanding
the economic opportunities of the region’s population. The population claims that they have
no access to agricultural machinery, qualified agro, phyto and veterinary consulting services,
the land is not cultivated, and the raw materials produced have a low price. Processing com-
panies are not developed. How would you help to create a value chain of production, storage
and processing agricultural products in Guria?
Candidates consider to solve this problem with:
• So-called startup financing;
• Development of processing enterprises;
• Establishing of municipal companies of agricultural machinery;
• Privatization of agricultural lands along with anti-corruption guarantees;
• Investing in agricultural education;

• Establishing multifunctional “Country Houses”;
• Direct foreign investment in agriculture;
• Complete modernization of agriculture;
• Complete cadastre of agricultural lands at the expense of the state;
• Opening the European market for Georgia;
• Development of melioration and irrigation systems;
• Development of support centers for agricultural production and sales;
• Agronomist and veterinarian for all villages;
• Increase in local production and a decrease in imports;
• Development of eco-production;
• Development of refrigeration resources and support of farmers in the sale of products;
• Privatization of state property; Owners will decide how to use private property, the market will
regulate it;
• Re-trained Georgian specialists;
• Special guarantee fund and easy access to finance;
• Special quality mark, agricultural and biological products and access to the European market.
Residents of Guria often claim that healthcare in the region is of poor quality, or they do not
have access to it. They need to travel to large cities to receive qualified medical services.
What would you do to ensure that residents of villages have access to quality medical care?
The candidates make the following promises to the population of the Guria region:
• Municipal hospitals;
• Strengthening state control in the field of medicine and health care;
• Strong primary health care and ambulance system;
• Re-training of physicians and increasing their salary;
• Reducing the price of medicines by half;
• Establishing strong regional clinics;
• Establishing a state insurance system;
• Abolition of income tax for doctors;
• Development of telemedicine;
• Strengthening institute of rural physicians;
• Economic strengthening of the population, which will subsequently join private insurance com-
Preschool education service is one of the priority issues for the population. For various rea-
sons, municipalities are unable to provide preschool education services of relevant stan-
dards, which, according to the law, should be accessible to everyone. What do you think
should be done concerning this?
Majoritarian deputy candidates suggest the following ways to solve this problem:
• Highly qualified staff with good salaries;
• Quality nutrition and enhanced monitoring of nutrition;
• Good infrastructure and adequate hygiene standards;
• Safe transportation of children;
• Establishment of the principle of voucher financing in kindergartens;
• Equal working conditions and good salary, elimination of imbalances between the capital and

• Improved sanitary-hygienic conditions;
• More freedom for people in education; people need to be helped with resources, and they will
decide for themselves who to entrust their child’s education - to the state or private sector;
• Psychologist in every kindergarten;
• A well-developed kindergarten service will provide people with more job opportunities, which is
a prerequisite for the country’s socio-economic development.
The lack of sewerage systems is one of the most actual problems for the urban population of
the Guria region. There are also problems with permanent and high-quality water delivery and
sewerage system. Although these are functions of the municipality, in fact, responsibility for
water delivery and sewerage in these settlements now lies with the central government. How
do you see the solution to these problems?
Majoritarian deputy candidates think:
• Building sewerage and water delivery systems cannot be provided from the municipal budget,
it must be organized by the central government, and local authorities must take care and man-
• More finances to municipalities and they will look after these systems themselves;
• A financially independent municipality is a tool for solving the sewerage system, water delivery
system and all other problems.
In the opinion of the population, one of the main problems in villages and cities is the lack of
persons and institutions that make decisions. What do you think about decentralization? In
what direction should self-government develop, to become more accountable to local peo-
ple and more adequately meet local needs such as economic development, social, transport
politics, etc.
The visions of the majoritarian deputy candidates are the following:
• The municipality must be financially independent and make its own decisions, part of the taxes
must remain with it;
• There must be more partners in towns and villages that will work voluntarily;
• Existence of management structure over every 2000 people and the existence of agronomist
and veterinarian in the agricultural districts;
• Each village should be a decision-maker;
• Regions should have administrative and financial independence;
• Unregistered lands and part of natural resources must belong to the self-government;
• Self-government must be created by private owners and not by the state;
• nevery large village services should be almost the same as in cities;
• All villages must have internet access.
Residents of Gura believe that state programs focused on economic development do not
meet local requirements, for example, they do not support the starting of a business. How do
you think the central/local government should support new, small and medium businesses?
Majoritarian deputy candidates think that:
• Small and medium businesses must be supported, especially in the fields of agriculture and
• Financial resources should be allocated fairly;
• Support projects must be managed by municipal centers instead of Ministries;

• Agricultural processing companies must be supported;
• Risks of bureaucracy and corruption must be reduced and effective monitoring systems for
project implementation must be established;
• State non-interference in the economy, tax cuts and small government is needed;
• Bio and eco production, 2 million support fund to support quality agriculture, by the model of
private-public partnership is needed.
Guria is one of the poorest regions in Georgia. What is your vision for the development of the
economy in the region, which sectors of the economy should be developed and what should
be the economic profile of the Guria region in the country’s economy?
On this question Majoritarian deputy candidates answer:
• Tourism and Agriculture;
• Launching of Airport in Meria;
• Foreign direct investments;
• Good analysis of the business environment in the region and new development plans;
• Restoration of tea culture;
• Production of agricultural products, state consulting and technical support of production com-
• Less state intervention and the region will define its economic profile;
• Increasing scientific-research potential in agriculture and promoting the production of quality
How would you ensure access to high-quality vocational education for young people living in
the Guria region? What initiatives would you suggest to develop career guidance programs?
Majoritarian deputy candidates suggestions to the youth are:
• Vocational education systems adapted to economic sectors and market demand;
• Implementation of internationally recognized vocational education systems for 3, 6, or 9 months
• Internet to villages, IT-schools;
• Vocational education that meets the demands of the business;
• The popularization of vocational education among young people, adapting it to demands of the
region and building new centers.
Today, people in the Guria region live and work in conditions where the loss of wages or oth-
er sources of income means living in poverty, where wages and social aid is under the living
minimum, where the social assistance system distributes aid unfairly. How do you see social
policy and the management of its implementation?
As a solution to the problem, candidates for majoritarian deputies see:
• Changing the existing social assistance system so that the socially vulnerable people be mo-
tivated to work.
• Targeted social assistance system and preservation of financial assistance for one year after
• Defeating poverty and hunger at the first stage, and all others later; Free food ration in schools;
• Raising the living wage;
• Establishing unemployment benefits;
• Decentralization of the social assistance system will make it more targeted;
• Developing a social registry and establishing a social insurance system.

Political Debate 2020 - Between Majoritarian
Deputy Candidates

Debates between the majoritarian candidates in the Guria region were held on October 15. Repre-
sentatives of the following political parties took part in the debate:
• Khatuna Gogorishvili, “European Georgia”
• Vakhtang Zenaishvili, “Girchi”
• Nino Shetsiruli, “Our Georgia - Solidarity Alliance”
• Davit Mamaladze, Georgian Labor Party
• Otar Kerkadze, “Aleko Elisashvili - Citizens”
• Giorgi Sioridze, “Lelo for Georgia”
• Gocha Dzimistarishvili, an initiative group

The discussion took place in a format previously agreed with the participants. It was broadcasted
by the local television channel “Guria TV”. The candidates discussed 10 issues that were selected
within the project as a priority for the target groups. Particular time was devoted to discussing the
candidates’ visions for future economic development, access to health services, decentralization,
self-government reform and their future legislative initiatives as well.

All participants in the debate agreed on the need for decentralization and self-government reform.
Giorgi Sioridze (“Lelo for Georgia”) said that their party program envisages leaving additional taxes
for the local government. Khatuna Gogorishvili (“European Georgia”) noted that issues such as the
development of the urban sewerage system can be solved centrally - by reflecting the corresponding
amounts in the central budget so that the population does not need to expect long-term results of the
decentralization process.

The positions of the participants in the discussion regarding the economic development of the Guria
region did not differ significantly, each of them spoke about tourism and agriculture. Giorgi Sioridze
(“Lelo for Georgia”) focused on the restoration of tea plantations, Nino Shetsiruli (“Our Georgia - Sol-
idarity Alliance”) - on the cultivation of ecologically clean agricultural products, Khatuna Gogorishvili
(“European Georgia”) - on tax cuts and improvement of infrastructure. In the opinion of Vakhtang Ze-
naishvili (“Girchi”) deregulation, more privatization and reducing the role of the state in the economy
will solve the problems.

Agitation of the Majoritarian Deputy Candidates 2020 - How
Candidates Respond to Public Needs

The project team monitored candidates’ election campaigns to see if candidates raised priority is-
sues for vulnerable groups during the campaign. For monitoring purposes, the project team mem-
bers attended the candidates’ pre-election meetings, attendance of which was approved by the
headquarters of those candidates. Team also monitored local media resources and social media
which the candidates were using.
In particular, the team monitored the following candidates:
• Vasil Chigogidze, “Georgian Dream”: 16 meetings,
• Manuchar Kvirkelia, “United National Movement - United Opposition”: 15 Meetings
• Otar Kerkadze, “Aleko Elisashvili - Citizens” - 12 meetings
• Giorgi Sioridze, “Lelo for Georgia” - 33 meetings
• Vakhtang Zenaishvili, “Girchi” - 2 meetings
• Khatuna Gogorishvili, “European Georgia” - 5 meetings
• Nino Shetsiruli, “Our Georgia - Solidarity Alliance” - 3 meetings
The monitoring revealed one main tendency, according to which those candidates who were co-
operating with the project answering “10 questions” or participating in debates, were talking about
the problems of vulnerable groups that were identified by the project, during the meetings with the
voters, they talked about their plans for solving them.

For instance, the topic of vocational education appeared at the pre-election meetings of the candi-
date for “Lelo for Georgia”. The candidate spoke with the population about visions and action plans
of his party about the after-school vocational education system (October 22-23, meetings in Lanch-
khuti and Chokhatauri).

Khatuna Gogorishvili, the candidate of “European Georgia” during the meetings with the urban pop-
ulation spoke about the regulation of the sewerage system (October 16, Lanchkhuti).

During the election campaigns, other candidates also spoke about at least one of the 10 priority top-
ics that were identified within the project. Besides, to communicate with their voters and to present
their views to them, the candidates actively used infographics prepared by the organization. Can-
didates for “Lelo for Georgia” and “Aleko Elisashvili - Citizens” often shared infographics prepared
within the project, as well as fragments of the videos about debates to emphasize their priorities for
the voters (Vakhtang Zenaishvili (decentralization), Otar Kerkadze (economic role of the region),
Nino Shetsiruli (agricultural backwardness)).

During their meetings, the candidates of two electoral parties - Vasily Chigogidze (“Georgian Dream’’)
and Manuchar Kvirkelia (United National Movement) did not mention any of the 10 priority problems
of vulnerable groups identified within the project. During the meetings candidate Vasil Chigogidze
was mainly focused on the infrastructure projects already implemented or planned for the future by
the government, while candidate Manuchar Kvirkvelia mostly spoke about social problems in gener-
al, how to overcome poverty and the need for a change of government.

Main Findings and Conclusions
• Voters pay less attention to election programs and visions and do not consider them as a key
decision-making factor;

• The ruling party feels less accountable and is confident that administrative resource, as well
as the satisfaction of the population with the current projects implemented by central and local
governments, will ensure its victory;

• Party politics is centralized, election programs are set up at the national level in Tbilisi and often
do not reflect the needs of the regions.

The project “Waiting for response”:

• Encouraged political parties and their candidates to go beyond the programs and slogans
written in the central offices of their parties and think about the problems and challenges of
the region and the people they are going to represent for the next 4 years in the parliament of

• Beyond the center, in the political periphery, a space for political debate was created, which
made the political views of candidates available to voters through the local TV channel, print
media and social networks;

• Despite this, it remains a problem that the campaigns of the two parties that have achieved the
best results in the elections are still centralized and focused on national issues, showing less
interest in the problems and demands of vulnerable groups;

• Besides, the problem is that parties that work with civil society and take into account the inter-
ests of vulnerable groups become disenchanted with their poor results, which pushes them to
centralize their future campaigns around national issues, as the big parties do.

ras gvpirdebian
2020 wlis saparlamento arCevnebSi monawile
kandidatebis kampaniis Sesabamisoba
guriis mowyvladi jgufebis interesebTan

guriis samoqalaqo centri

ozurgeTi 2020
proeqtis ganxorcieleba da angariSis gamocema SesaZlebeli gaxda amerikeli xalx-
is mier amerikis SeerTebuli Statebis saerTaSoriso ganviTarebis saagentos (USAID) da
erovnul-demokratiuli institutis (NDI) finansuri mxardaWeriT.
aRniSnuli gamocemis pasuxismgebelia avtori da gamoTqmuli mosazrebebi SeiZleba ar gamoxatavdes
erovnul-demokratiuli institutis, amerikis SeerTebuli Statebis saerTaSoriso ganviTarebis saa-
gentosa da amerikis SeerTebuli Statebis mTavrobis Sexedulebebs.

proeqti „viTxovT pasuxs“ ----------------------------------------------3

mowyvladi jgufebis saWiroebebi _ 2020 weli --------------------------4

aTi kiTxva maJoritari deputatobis

kandidatebs da maTi pasuxebi------------------------------------------------8

politikuri debatebi 2020 - maJoritari

deputatobis kandidatebs Soris--------------------------------------------12

maJoritari deputatobis kandidatebis

agitacia 2020 - rogor pasuxoben
kandidatebi sazogadoebis saWiroebebs-----------------------------------13

ZiriTadi mignebebi da daskvnebi--------------------------------------------14

2020 wlis saparlamento arCevnebi erT-erTi yvelaze mniSvnelovani arCevnebia
saqarTvelos saxelmwifos demokratiuli ganviTarebis gzaze. arCevnebi saqarTve-
loSi pirvelad Catarda SedarebiT demokratiuli saarCevno sistemis safuZvelze.
aRniSnuli cvlilebebis miRweva SesaZlebeli gaxda saerTaSoriso partniorebis
mniSvnelovani CarTulobiT, maT Soris gansakuTrebulad aRsaniSnavia da madliere-
bas imsaxurebs amerikis SeerTebuli Statebis roli. proeqtis ganmaxorcielebeli
gundi gansakuTrebiT madlieria erovnul-demokratiuli institutis (NDI) mimarT,
romlis mxardaWeriTac SesaZlebeli gaxda ganxorcieleba proeqtisa „viTxovT
pasuxs“, raTa guriis regionSi winasaarCevno procesi yofiliyo ufro metad ori-
entirebuli sagnobriv diskusiaze da am procesSi mowyvladi jgufebis interesebi
yofiliyo warmodgenili. 2020 wlis arCevnebisTvis guriis regionis amomrCevels in-
formirebuli arCevanis gakeTebis ufro meti SesaZlebloba hqonda, xolo arCevnebSi
monawile kandidatebs – meti sivrce, raTa amomrCevelTa konkretuli gamowvevebisaT-
vis epasuxaT.

proeqti „viTxovT pasuxs“

2020 wlis ivlisidan „guriis samoqalaqo centri“ amerikis erovnul-demokratiuli
institutis (NDI) mxardaWeriT, „inovaciebisa da samoqalaqo ganviTarebis centris -
progresis saxlTan“ da „studentur axalgazrdul saTaTbirosTan “ partniorobiT
axorcielebs proeqts „viTxovT pasuxs“ („Waiting for response“) proeqtis mizani iyo
2020 wlis saparlamento arCevnebis wina periodSi guriis mxareSi politikur subi-
eqtebs Soris sagnobrivi diskusiis waxaliseba da interesTa jgufebis saWiroebebze
morgebuli winasaarCevno garemos gaumjobesebis mxardaWera. proeqtis miznebisaTvis
ganisazRvra sami mowyvladi jgufi: ekomigrantebi, axalgazrdebi, urbanuli mosax-
proeqtis farglebSi:
• Catarda fokusjgufebi proeqtis samive samizne jgufTan (ekomigrantebi, axalgaz
rdebi, urbanuli mosaxleoba);
• samive jgufisTvis mniSvnelovani sakiTxebis garSemo momzadda da gaimarTa prez-
entacia arCevnebSi monawile partiebTan da kandidatebTan;
• gamovlenili problemebis garSemo moewyo Sexvedra guriis regionis samoqalaqo
sazogadoebis organizaciebTan.

arCevnebSi monawile kandidatebisaTvis momzadda „10 SekiTxva guriis maJoritari

deputatobis kandidatebs maTi amomrCevlebisa da samoqalaqo sazogadoebis orga-

miRebuli pasuxebi damuSavda da infografikebis formiT, sagazeTo CanarTis saxiT

gavrcelda socialuri qselisa da ori adgilobrivi beWdviTi mediasaSualebiT.
aRniSnuli SekiTxvebis garSemo kandidatebs Soris gaimarTa satelevizio debatebi.

mowyvladi jgufebis saWiroebebi _ 2020 weli
2020 wlis ivlisSi arasamTavrobo, arakomerciuli kvleviTi centris – CRRC-saqa-
rTvelos mkvlevrebma pirdapiri intervius gziT gamokiTxes 30-amde respondenti
samive mowyvladi jgufidan (ekomigrantebi, axalgazrdebi, urbanuli mosaxleoba).
kiTxvari Sedgenili iyo guriis samoqalaqo centrsa da partnior organizaciebTan
TanamSromlobiT. respondentebi ar iyvnen SezRuduli mxolod saparlamento saqmi-
anobis formatSi mosagvarebeli sakiTxebiT, Tumca SekiTxvebi ZiriTadad ise iyo
formulirebuli, rom miRebuli monacemebi saparlamento arCevnebisaTvis relevan-
turi yofiliyo. Sejamebulad da jgufebis mixedviT warmodgenilia is gamowvevebi,
romlebsac problemurad miiCneven mowyvladi jgufebi. arsebuli gamowvevebis gaT-
valiswinebiT Seiqmna 8 bloki da TiToeul blokSi problemebi simwvavis mixedviT

ekomi- axalgaz- urbanuli
arsebuli gamowvevebi grantebi rdebi mosaxleo-
1 arasakmarisi samuSao adgilebi   
arsebul xarjebTan Seusabamo da araTanabari anaz-
2   
Raureba regionebis mixedviT
warmoebis dabali done sasoflo-sameurneo gadama-
3   
muSavebeli da samrewvelo mimarTulebebiT
4 Sida da gare migraciis maRali done   
ekonomikuri mxardaWeris saxelmwifo programebis
Sesaxeb informirebulobis dabali done da nakle-
5   
bi adaptirebuloba misi potenciuri beneficiarebis
arsebuli saganmanaTleblo sistema ver pasuxobs
6   
ekonomikis da bazris moTxovnebs
guriis regionSi Zlieri ekonomikuri, saganmanaTleb-
7  
lo, kulturuli mizidulobis centris ararseboba
undobloba saxelmwifos ekonomikuri gaZlierebis
8  
programebis mimarT
naklebi xelSewyoba adgilobriv warmoebas, importis
9  
zrdis fonze
naklebi xelSewyoba biznesis da warmoebis dawyebis
10  
sabanko kreditebze damokidebuleba da bankebis ka-
11  
baluri pirobebi
mouwesrigebeli, arasamarTliani Sromis pirobebi, gan-
12  
sakuTrebiT bankebsa da supermarketebSi
komunaluri servisebis ganviTareba, mosaxleobis
13 
gadaxdisuunarobis zrdis fonze
ekonomikuri mowyvladoba, xelfasis, socialuri dax-
14 marebisa da sxva Semosavlis dakargva niSnavs siR- 
gazrdili fasebi aucilebel da pirveladi moxmare-
15 
bis sagnebsa da produqtebze
dasaqmebis xelSemwyobi saxelmwifo da munici paluri
16 
programebis ararseboba


ekomi- axal- urba-

arsebuli gamowvevebi grante- gazr- nuli
bi debi mosax.
umaRlesi ganaTlebis mqoneTa dasaqmebis dabali maC­
1 nebeli profesiul da saSualo ganaTlebis mqoneebTan   
skolis ganaTleba ar aris Sesabamisi da sakmarisi uma-
2   
Rlesi ganaTlebisaTvis
xelmiuwvdomeli xarisxiani profesiuli ganaTleba guriis
3   
soflebSi mcxovrebTaTvis
sabavSvo baRebSi gadatvirTuli jgufebi da baRebis ara-
4   
sakmarisi raodenoba
5 profesiuli ganaTlebis centrebis nakleboba  
6 Cagvra skolaSi  
7 sabavSvo baRebSi maswavlebelTa dabali kvalifikacia  
8 sabavSvo baRebSi ganviTarebisaTvis araxelsayreli garemo  
9 uxarisxo saswavlo programebi sabavSvo baRebSi  
10 skolebSi maswavlebelTa dabali kvalifikacia  
11 arasakmarisad popularizebuli profesiuli ganaTleba  
12 ganaTlebis miRebis procesSi genderuli uTanasworoba 
regionebidan Casuli studentebisaTvis naklebi saxelmwifo
13 
mxardaWera sabinao da komunalur sakiTxebSi
bavSvian qalebs ar aqvT xelSewyoba ganaTlebis miRebasa da
14 
sabavSvo baRebSi bavSvTa usafrTxoeba naklebad aris dacu-
15 
16 skolaSi transportireba mouwesrigebeli da problemuria 
17 skolis gaTbobisa da mcire infrastruqturuli problemebi 
sabunebismetyvelo mecnierebebis SeswavlisaTvis arasakmari-
18 
si infrastruqtura
saskolo safexuris moswavleebisaTvis naklebi informacia
19 
umaRlesi ganaTlebis safexuris Sesaxeb
20 skolaSi religiuri niSniT diskriminacia 
profesiuli orientaciisa da karieris dagegmvis programe-
21 
bis ararseboba
22 staJirebis gamarTuli sistemis ararseboba 
araprestiJuli da uxarisxo profesiuli ganaTlebis siste-
23 
ma da programebi
mouwesrigebeli onlainswavlebis infrastruqtura rogorc
24 
skolebSi, ise umaRles saswavleblebSi
naklebad aris mxardaWerili araformaluri saganmanaTleb-
25 
lo aqtivobebi
sabavSvo baRSi inkluziur bavSvebTan muSaobis naklebi
26 
araoptimizebuli skolebi, Zalian mcire kontingenti an ga-
27 
datvirTuli klasebi
28 maswavlebelTa saSualo asaki 50 welze maRalia 

socialuri problemebi
ekomi- axal- urba-
arsebuli gamowvevebi grante- gazr- nuli
bi debi mosax.
uTanasworoba da usamarTloba socialuri daxmarebis ganaw-
1   
ilebis dros, sareitingo qulebis daTvlis meTodologia
2 SSm pirebisaTvis, moxucebisTvis garemo ar aris adaptirebuli   
ar arsebobs ojaxis gaZlierebaze orientirebuli programebi,
3 Sesabamisad, socialuri Tu sxva ti pis problemebis gamo ojax-  
ebis didi nawili ingreva
4 socialuri agentebis dabali kvalifikacia  
socialuri daxmarebebis saWiroeba, risi saSualebac munici-
5 
palitetis biujets ar aqvs
arsebul saWiroebebTan Seusabamo pensia da socialuri dax-
6 
7 mouwesrigebeli samuSao pirobebi (grafiki, garemo da sxva) 

soflis meurneoba
ekomi- axal- urba-
arsebuli gamowvevebi grante- gazr- nuli
bi debi mosax.
sarwyavi wyali ar aris da Sromas azri ekargeba, uwylobiT
1   
xarisxiani da konkurentunariani produqcia ar iqmneba
2 aRuricxavi, daumuSavebeli da SemouRobavi miwebi soflad  
sasoflo-sameurneo teqnikaze dabali xelmisawvdomoba (ekomi-
3 
rZis, xilis, Caisa da sxva sasoflo-sameurneo produqciis Cam-
4 barebeli da gadamamuSavebeli sawarmoebis ararseboba (ekomi- 

ekomi- axal- urba-
arsebuli gamowvevebi grante- gazr- nuli
bi debi mosax.
1 mouwesrigebeli sagzao infrastruqtura  
mouwesrigebeli gare ganaTebis sistemebi an/da gare ganaTebis
2  
3 ganxorcielebuli infrastruqturuli proeqtebis dabali xarisxi  
satransporto infrastruqturis aradamakmayofilebeli mdgo-
4  
mareoba (mosacdelebi, a/s saSualebebi)
5 mouwesrigebeli sakanalizacio sistema  
qalaqebisa da soflebis keTilmowyobisa da Sesabamisi ieris
6 
aradamakmayofilebeli mdgomareoba
Sesabamisi turistuli infrastruqtura ar aris ganviTarebuli
7 
8 mouwesrigebeli saniaRvre sistema 
sportuli infrastruqturis nakleboba (stadioni, savarjiSo
9 
darbazi, boulingi, sacurao auzi da a.S.)
kulturul-saganmanaTleblo infrastruqturis ararseboba
10 
(kinoTeatri, biblioTeka, klubebi, da sxv.) (axalgazrdebi)
sabavSvo-gasarTobi infrastruqturis arasakmarisi raodenoba
11 
an/da ararseboba


ekomi- axal- urba-

arsebuli gamowvevebi grante- gazr- nuli
bi debi mosax.
samedicino dawesebulebebSi momsaxurebis maRali tarifebi
1   
da eqimebis dabali kvalifikacia
wamlebis maRali fasi da misi Seusabamoba pensias, xelfassa
2   
da sxva SemosavlebTan
guriis regionSi kvalificiuri samedicino momsaxurebis
3   
miRebis SeuZlebloba
klinikebis, mcire raodenoba, didi rigebi da gadatvirTuli
4   
operaciebis dausrulebeli molodini, operatiulobis nak-
5  
saswrafo daxmarebis servisis dabali operatiuloba da daba-
6 
li kvalifikacia

garemos dacva/rekreacia

ekomi- axal- urba-

arsebuli gamowvevebi grante- gazr- nuli
bi debi mosax.
1 arasakmarisi sarekreacio sivrceebi (parkebi, skverebi)   
SedarebiT naklebad dasufTavebuli garemo da narCenebis
2 
gatanis da ganTavsebis problemebi
cxovrebis jansaRi wesi naklebad aris popularizebuli da
3 

sajaro mmarTveloba

ekomi- axal- urba-

arsebuli gamowvevebi grante- gazr- nuli
bi debi mosax.
sajaroobis, informaciis gavrcelebisa da mosaxleobasTan
1 
komunikaciis problema
2 korufcia da mikerZoeba 
3 policiis mxridan TvalTvali soflis TavSeyris adgilebze 
sofelSi xelisuflebis warmomadgenlebs ar aqvT prob-
4 lemis operatiulad gadawyvetis arc meqanizmi, arc kompe- 

aTi kiTxva maJoritari deputatobis
kandidatebs da maTi pasuxebi
guriis regionSi momuSave samoqalaqo sazogadoebis organizaciebTan TanamSrom-
lobiT SemuSavda 10 SekiTxva guriis regionis maJoritari deputatobis kandidatebi-
saTvis. SekiTxvebze pasuxi Svidma kandidatma gasca:
• xaTuna gogoriSvili - „evropuli saqarTvelo“
• manuCar kvirkvelia - „erTiani nacionaluri moZraoba - gaerTianebuli opozi-
• SoTa gogiberiZe - „saqarTvelos patriotTa aliansi“
• nino Sewiruli-gobroniZe - „Cveni saqarTvelo - solidarobis aliansi“
• oTar qerqaZe - „aleko elisaSvili - moqalaqeebi“
• vaxtang zenaiSvili - „girCi“
• giorgi sioriZe - „lelo saqarTvelosTvis“
10 SekiTxvis sapasuxod, partiebis maJoritari deputatobis kandidatebma sazoga-
doebas sakuTari xedva SesTavazes.
ozurgeTi ver asrulebs regionuli mizidulobis (dasaqmeba, ganaTleba, samedicino mom-
saxureba, savaWro, gasarTobi da sxv.) centris rols, amis gamo maRalia guriidan mudmivi da
droebiTi samuSao migracia. regions tovebs axalgazrdoba. rogoria Tqveni xedva guriidan
migraciis SesaCereblad?
kandidatebi gamosavals da am kompleqsuri problemis gadawyvetas Semdegnairad
• axali samuSao adgilebis Seqmna;
• nepotizmis Semcireba;
• meti sajarooba da monawileoba;
• kulturul-saganmanaTleblo da sportuli sivrceebis ganviTareba;
• ekonomikuri CamorCenis Semcireba im qveynebsa da regionebTan, romlebSic maRa-
lia migracia guriis regionidan;
• mcire da saSualo biznesis xelSewyoba;
• universitetis filialis aRdgena da saganmanaTleblo kerebis Seqmna;
• saxelmwifo qonebis privatizacia;
• modernizebuli soflis meurneoba da glexis fermerad gardaqmna;
• turizmisa da turistuli infrastruqturis ganviTareba;
• axali sasoflo-sameurneo kulturebis (stevea, mocvi) da Cais kulturis aRdgena,
soflis meurneobaSi kvleviTi da saganmanaTleblo mimarTulebis gaZliereba.
guriis regionis soflis meurneoba CamorCenilia da ver asrulebs mniSvnelovan rols re-
gionis mosaxleobis ekonomikuri gaZlierebis saqmeSi. mosaxleoba aRniSnavs, rom maTTvis
xelmisawvdomi ar aris sasoflo-sameurneo teqnika, kvalificiuri agro–, fito– da veter-
inaruli sakonsultacio momsaxureba, ar muSavdeba miwebi, xolo warmoebul nedleuls dab-
ali sarealizacio fasi aqvs. ar aris ganviTarebuli nedleulis gadamamuSavebeli warmoeba.
ra formiT SeuwyobdiT xels guriaSi sasoflo-sameurneo produqciis warmoebis, Senaxvisa
da gadamuSavebis RirebulebaTa jaWvis Seqmnas?
kandidatebi am problemis mogvarebas Semdegnairad xedaven:
• e.w. Startup–dafinanseba;
• gadamamuSavebeli sawarmoebis ganviTareba;
• sasoflo-sameurneo teqnikis munici paluri sawarmoebis Seqmna;
• sasoflo-sameurneo miwebis privatizeba mniSvnelovani antikorufciuli garan-
tiebis Seqmnis fonze;
• investireba sasoflo-sameurneo ganaTlebaSi;
• multifunqciuri „soflis saxlebi“;
• pirdapiri ucxouri investiciebi soflis meurneobaSi;

• soflis meurneobis sruli modernizacia;
• sasoflo-sameurneo miwebis sruli kadastri saxelmwifos xarjze;
• qarTuli produqciisaTvis evropuli bazris gaxsna da aTviseba;
• melioraciis da irigaciis sistemebis gamarTva;
• soflis meurneobis produqciis warmoebisa da realizaciis xelSemwyobi munic-
i paluri centrebi;
• agronomi da veteqimi yvela sofels;
• adgilobrivi warmoebis zrda da importis Semcireba;
• ekowarmoebis ganviTareba;
• samacivre meurneobebis ganviTareba da fermerebis xelSewyoba produqciis re-
• saxelmwifo qonebis privatizacia da Semdeg mesakuTreebi gadawyveten privat-
izebuli qonebis gamoyenebis sakiTxs, rasac bazari daaregulirebs;
• gadamzadebuli qarTveli specialistebi;
• specialuri sagarantio fondi da advili wvdoma finansebTan;
• specialuri xarisxis niSani, agro– da biowarmoeba, wvdoma evropis bazarTan.
mosaxleoba xSirad miuTiTebs, rom regionSi samedicino servisi xelmisawvdomi da xarisx-
iani ar aris. moqalaqeebi miuTiTeben, rom kvalificiuri samedicino servisis misaRebad uw-
evT did qalaqebs miaSuron. ra politikas gaatarebdiT, rom mxaris mosaxleobas xeli miuw-
vdebodes xarisxian samedicino servisze?
kandidatebi Semdeg dapirebebs aZleven guriis regionis mosaxleobas:
• munici paluri saavadmyofoebis Seqmna;
• wamlebisa da samedicino momsaxurebis sferoze saxelmwifo kontrolis ga-
• Zlieri pirveladi jandacvis da saswrafo samedicino daxmarebis sistemis Cam-
• eqimebis gadamzadeba da maTi anazRaurebis gazrda;
• wamlebis fasebis ganaxevreba;
• Zlieri regionaluri klinikebis Seqmna;
• saxelmwifo sadazRvevo sistemis SemoReba;
• saSemosavlo gadasaxadis gauqmeba eqimebisaTvis;
• telemedicinis ganviTareba;
• soflis eqimis institutis gaZliereba;
• moqalaqeebis ekonomikurad gaZliereba, ris Semdegac kerZo sadazRvevo momsax-
urebis sistemas SeuerTdebian.
skolamdeli ganaTlebis servisi mosaxleobisaTvis erT-erTi prioritetuli sakiTxia. mu-
nicipalitetebi sxvadasxva mizeziT ver axerxeben kanoniTa da Sesabamisi standartebiT dad-
genili da yvelasTvis xelmisawvdomi skolamdeli ganaTlebis servisis miwodebas. rogoria
Tqveni xedva am mimarTulebiT?
maJoritari deputatobis kandidatebi am problemis mogvarebis Semdegnair gzebs
• maRalkvalificiuri kadrebi kargi anazRaurebiT;
• xarisxiani kveba da kvebis gaZlierebuli monitoringi;
• kargi infrastruqtura da dakmayofilebuli sanitariul-higienuri normebi;
• aRsazrdelTa usafrTxo transportireba;
• sabavSvo baRebSi vauCeruli dafinansebis princi pis SemoReba;
• Tanabari samuSao pirobebi da kargi anazRaureba, dedaqalaqsa da regionebs So-
ris disbalansis aRmofxvra;
• gaumjobesebuli sanitariul-higienuri pirobebi;
• meti Tavisufleba adamianebs ganaTlebis sferoSi, davexmaroT resursebiT da
TviTon gadawyviton vis andoben sakuTari Svilis ganaTlebas – saxelmwifos
Tu kerZo seqtors;
• fsiqologi baRebs;
• ganviTarebuli baga-baRis servisi adamianebs dasaqmebis met SesaZleblobebs
miscems, rac qveynis socialur-ekonomikuri ganviTarebis sawindaria.
guriis regionis urbanuli mosaxleobisaTvis (qalaqebi da dabebi) wyalarinebis (kanal-
izaciis) sistemebis ararseboba erT-erTi mwvave problemaa. problemebia aseve uwyveti da
xarisxiani wyalmomaragebis mxriv. miuxedavad imisa, rom am funqciebze pasuxismgebloba mu-
nicipalitets ekisreba, faqtobrivad, am dasaxlebebSi wyalmomaragebasa da wyalarinebaze
pasuxismgebeli amJamad centraluri xelisuflebaa. rogoria Tqveni xedva aRniSnuli prob-
lemebis gadasawyvetad?
maJoritari deputatobis kandidatebis xedva Semdegnairia:
• sakanalizacio da wyalmomaragebis sistemebis mowyobas munici palitetis biu-
jeti ver gawvdeba, is centralurma xelisuflebam unda moawyos, adgilobrivma
ki mouaros da marTos;
• meti finansebi munici palitetebs da isini TviTon mixedaven am sistemebs;
• finansurad damoukidebeli munici paliteti aris kanalizaciis, wyalmomarage-
bis da yvela sxva problemebis mogvarebis instrumenti.
mosaxleobis azriT, erT-erTi mniSvnelovani problema soflebSi, dabebsa da qalaqebSi
gadawyvetilebis miRebis unaris mqone pirebis da institutebis ararsebobaa. rogoria Tqveni
xedva decentralizaciis sakiTxebze? ra mimarTulebiT unda gaZlierdes adgilobriv TviT-
mmarTveloba, raTa is iyos metad angariSvaldebuli adgilobriv mosaxleobasTan da ukeT
pasuxobdes adgilobriv saWiroebebs, maT Soris, ekonomikuri ganviTarebis, socialuri, sa-
transporto politikis da sxva mimarTulebebiT?
maJoritari deputatebis xedvebi Semdegia:
• finansurad damoukidebeli da Zlieri munici paliteti, sadac gadawyvetilebebi
miiReba damoukideblad; gadasaxadebis nawili darCeba adgilze;
• sazogadoebriv sawyisebze momuSave meti partniorebis arseboba soflebsa da
• yovel 2000 adamianze mmarTvelobis struqturis arseboba, xolo soflis meur-
neobis raionebSi agronomis da zooveterinaris damateba;
• yoveli sofeli TviTon unda iyos gadawyvetilebis mimRebi;
• regionebis administraciuli da finansuri damoukidebloba;
• dauregistrirebeli miwebi da bunebrivi resursebis nawili TviTmmarTvelobebs
unda darCes;
• kerZo mesakuTreebis da ara saxelmwifos mier Seqmnili TviTmmarTvelobebi;
• yvela did sofelSi, saqalaqo munici palur servisebTan maqsimalurad miaxloe-
buli servisebi;
• yvela soflis internetizacia.
guriis regionis mosaxleobis azriT, ekonomikis ganviTarebaze orientirebuli saxel-
mwifo programebi adgilobriv saWiroebebze morgebuli ar aris, maT Soris, xels ar/ver
uwyobs biznesis dawyebas. Tqveni azriT, rogor unda Seuwyos xeli centralurma/adgilo-
brivma xelisuflebam damwyeb, mcire da saSualo bizness?
• maJoritari deputatobis kandidatebis azriT:
• mcire da saSualo biznesis mxardaWera, gansakuTrebiT, soflis meurneobis da
turizmis mimarTulebebiT;
• finansuri resursebis samarTliani gadanawileba;
• msgavsi ti pis mxardaWeris proeqtebis marTva munici paluri centrebis sa-
SualebiT, nacvlad saministroebisa;
• soflis meurneobis produqtebis gadamamuSavebeli sawarmoebis mxardaWera;
• biurokratiisa da korufciis riskebis Semcireba, proeqtebis ganxorcielebaze
qmediTi monitoringis sistemebis SemoReba;

• saxelmwifos Caurevloba ekonomikaSi, gadasaxadebis Semcireba da mcire mTav-
• bio– da ekowarmoebis, xarisxiani soflis meurneobis mxardasaWerad 2–miliar-
diani mxardaWeris fondi, kerZo-sajaro partniorobis modeliT.
guria saqarTvelos regionebs Soris erT-erTi yvelaze Raribi regionia. rogoria Tqveni
xedva regionSi ekonomikis ganviTarebasTan dakavSirebiT, Tqveni azriT, ekonomikis romeli
dargebi unda ganviTardes da ra unda iyos guriis regionis ekonomikuri profili qveynis
maJoritari deputatobis kandidatebi am sakiTxze amboben:
• turizmi da soflis meurneoba;
• meriis aeroportis amuSaveba;
• pirdapiri ucxouri investiciebi;
• regionSi biznesgaremos kargi analizi da ganviTarebis axali gegmebi;
• Cais kulturis aRdgena;
• soflis meurneobis produqtebis warmoeba da warmoebis sakonsultacio teqni-
kuri mxardaWera saxelmwifosgan;
• saxelmwifos naklebi Careva da regioni TavisiT gamokveTs sakuTar ekonomikur
• samecniero-kvleviTi potencialis gazrda soflis meurneobaSi da xarisxiani
produqciis warmoebis xelSewyoba.
rogor uzrunvelyofdiT guriis regionSi mcxovrebi axalgazrdebisaTvis xarisxian pro-
fesiul ganaTlebaze xelmisawvdomobas? ra iniciativebs SesTavazebdiT axalgazrdebs pro-
fesiuli orientaciis programebis ganviTarebis mimarTulebiT?
maJoritari deputatobis kandidatebi axalgazrdebs Semdeg xedvas sTavazoben:
• ekonomikur dargebsa da bazris moTxovnaze morgebuli profesiuli ganaT-
lebis sistemebi;
• samTviani, eqvsTviani da cxraTviani kvalifikaciis amaRlebisa da aRiarebis
saerTaSoriso standartebis profesiuli ganaTlebis sistemebis danergva;
• soflebis interenetizacia da IT–skolebi;
• biznesis nakarnaxev saWiroebebze morgebuli profesiuli ganaTleba;
• profesiuli ganaTlebis popularizacia axalgazrdebSi, misi morgeba regionis
saWiroebebze da axali centrebis mSenebloba.
dRes adamianebs guriis regionSi muSaoba da cxovreba iseT pirobebSi uwevT, rom xelfasis
an Semosavlis sxva wyaros dakargva siRatakeSi cxovrebas niSnavs, xelfasi da sxva socialu-
ri daxmareba saarsebo minimumis qvemoTaa, socialuri daxmarebis sistema arasamarTlianad
anawilebs daxmarebebs. rogoria Tqveni xedva socialuri politikisa da misi ganxorcielebis
administrirebis mimarTulebiT?
maJoritari deputatobis kandidatebi am sakiTxze Semdeg mosazrebebs gamoxatavdnen:
• arsebuli socialuri daxmarebis sistemis imgvarad Secvla, rom socialurad
daucvels Sromis motivacia hqondes;
• miznobrivi socialuri daxmarebis sistema da daxmarebis SenarCuneba dasaqme-
bidan erTi wlis ganmavlobaSi;
• pirvel etapze siRatakis da SimSilis damarcxeba, xolo Semdeg yvela danarCeni;
ufaso kvebis racioni skolebSi;
• saarsebo minimumis gazrda;
• umuSevrobis daxmarebis SemoReba;
• sistemis decentralizacia ufro miznobrivs gaxdis socialuri daxmarebis
• socialuri reestris Seqmna da socialuri dazRvevis sistemis SemoReba

politikuri debatebi 2020 - maJoritari deputatobis
kandidatebs Soris
debatebi guriis regionSi wardgenil maJoritarobis kandidatebs Soris gaimar-
Ta 15 oqtombers. debatebSi monawileoba miiRes Semdegi politikuri subieqtebis
• xaTuna gogoriSvili, „evropuli saqarTvelo“
• vaxtang zenaiSvili, „girCi“
• nino Sewiruli, „Cveni saqarTvelo - solidarobis aliansi“
• daviT mamalaZe, „saqarTvelos leiboristuli partia“
• oTar qerqaZe, „aleko elisaSvili - moqalaqeebi“
• giorgi sioriZe, „lelo saqarTvelosTvis“
• goCa ZimistariSvili, sainiciativo jgufi
debatebi warimarTa winaswar gansazRvruli da monawileebTan SeTanxmebuli for-
matis mixedviT da gadaica adgilobrivi satelevizio arxis – GURIA TV-s meSveobiT.
kandidatebma imsjeles proeqtis farglebSi SerCeul samizne jgufebisTvis pri-
oritetul 10 sakiTxze. gansakuTrebuli dro daeTmo msjelobas regionis ekonomi-
kuri ganviTarebis, jandacvis servisebis xelmisawvdomobis, decentralizaciisa da
TviTmmarTvelobis reformis mimarTulebiT kandidatebis xedvebisa da maT samomava-
lo sakanonmdeblo iniciativebis Sesaxeb.
debatebis yvela monawile Tanxmdeboda dencetralizaciisa da adgilobrivi TviT-
mmarTvelobis reformis aucileblobaze. giorgi sioriZem („lelo saqarTvelosT-
vis“) ganacxada, rom maTi partiis programa iTvaliswinebs damatebiTi gadasaxadebis
datovebas adgilobrivi TviTmmarTvelobisaTvis. xaTuna gogoriSvilma („evropuli
saqarTvelo“) aRniSna, rom urbanuli dasaxlebebis kanalizaciis sakiTxi SesaZloa
mogvardes centralizebulad, centralur biujetSi Sesabamisi Tanxis asaxviT da
mosaxleoba ar elodos decentralizaciis procesis grZelvadian Sedegebs.
debatebze monawileebis poziciebi guriis regionis ekonomikur ganviTarebasTan
dakavSirebiT erTmaneTisagan arsebiTad ar gansxvavdeboda. yvela monawile saubrob-
da turizmisa da soflis meurneobis dargebze. giorgi sioriZem („lelo saqarTve-
losTvis“) yuradReba gaamaxvila Cais plantaciebis aRdgenaze, nino Sewirulma („Cve-
ni saqarTvelo - solidarobis aliansi“) ekologiurad sufTa sasoflo-sameurneo
produqciis moyvanaze, xaTuna gogoriSvilma („evropuli saqarTvelo“) gadasaxadebis
dawevasa da infrastruqturis mowesrigebaze, vaxtang zenaiSvili („girCi“) dasmul
problemebze gamosavlad saxavda deregulacias, met privatizacias da ekonomikaSi
saxelmwifos rolis Semcirebas.

maJoritari deputatobis kandidatebis agitacia 2020 - rogor
pasuxoben kandidatebi sazogadoebis saWiroebebs
proeqtis gundma ganaxorciela kandidatebis saarCevno kampaniis monitoringi im
mizniT, raTa Seemowmebina, ayenebdnen Tu ara kandidatebi winasaarCevno kampanii-
sas mosaxleobis mowyvladi jgufebisTvis prioritetul sakiTxebs. monitoringis
mizniT proeqtis gundis wevrebi eswrebodnen kandidatebis im winasaarCevno Sexve-
drebs, romlebze daswrebis sakiTxzec miiRes Tanxmoba amave kandidatTa Stabebisa-
gan, aseve monitorings uwevdnen kandidatebis mier gamoyenebul sainformacio arxebs
adgilobriv beWdur presasa da socialur qselSi.
monitoringi gaewiaT Semdeg kandidatebs:
• vasil CigogiZe, „qarTuli ocneba“ – 16 Sexvedra;
• manuCar kvirkelia, „erTiani nacionaluri moZraoba - gaerTianebuli opozicia“
– 15 Sexvedra;
• oTar qerqaZe, „aleko elisaSvili - moqalaqeebi“ – 12 Sexvedra;
• giorgi sioriZe, „lelo saqarTvelosTvis“ – 33 Sexvedra;
• vaxtang zenaiSvili, „girCi“ – 2 Sexvedra;
• xaTuna gogoriSvili, „evropuli saqarTvelo“ – 5 Sexvedra;
• nino Sewiruli, „Cveni saqarTvelo - solidarobis aliansi“ – 3 Sexvedra.
monitoringis Sedegad gamoikveTa erTi ZiriTadi tendencia, romlis mixedviTac is
kandidatebi, romlebic TanamSromlobdnen proeqtTan, „10 SekiTxvaze“ pasuxis gacemis
an debatebSi monawileobis formiT saarCevno kampaniebis dros saubrobdnen proeq-
tis mier dasmul mowyvladi jgufebis problemebze da amomrCevlebTan Sexvedrebis
dros maTi gadaWris gegmebze esaubrebodnen.
mag.: „lelo saqarTvelosTvis“ kandidatis saarCevno SexvedrebSi gaCnda profesi-
uli ganaTlebis Tema, kandidati mosaxleobas esaubreboda skolis Semdgomi profe-
siuli ganaTlebis sistemis Sesaxeb sakuTari partiis xedvebsa da samoqmedo gegme-
bze (22-23 oqtomberi, Sexvedrebi q. lanCxuTsa da d. CoxataurSi)
„evropuli saqarTvelos“ kandidati xaTuna gogoriSvili urbanul mosaxleobasTan
Sexvedrebis dros saubrobda kanalizaciis sistemis mowesrigebaze (16 oqtomberi,
q. lanCxuTi).
sxva kandidatebi sarCevno kampaniebis dros agreTve saubrobdnen proeqtis far-
glebSi identificirebuli 10 prioritetuli sakiTxidan erTze mainc. amasTan, kandi-
datebi aqtiurad iyenebdnen organizaciis mier momzadebul infografikebs sakuTar
amomrCevlebTan sakomunikaciod da am formiT cdilobdnen maTTvis Tavisi xedvebis
gacnobas. „lelo saqarTvelosTvis“ da „aleko elisaSvili - moqalaqeebis“ kandi-
datebi xSirad aziarebdnen proeqtis farglebSi momzadebul infografikebs, Catare-
buli debatebis videoCanawerebsa da mis nawilebs, raTa amomrCevlisaTvis xazgas-
mulad miewodebinaT informacia maTTvis prioritetuli sakiTxis Sesaxeb (vaxtang
zenaiSvili (decentralizacia), oTar qerqaZe (regionis ekonomikuri roli), nino Se-
wiruli (soflis meurneobis CamorCeniloba)).
ori saarCevno subieqtis kandidatebs – vasil CigogiZes („qarTuli ocneba“) da
manuCar kvirkelias („erTiani nacionaluri moZraoba“) monitoringis farglebSi Ses-
wavlil arcerT Sexvedraze ar dausvamT proeqtis farglebSi identificirebuli 10
prioritetuli sakiTxidan arcerTi. kandidat vasil CigogiZis Sexvedrebze saubari,
umTavresad, Seexeboda mTavrobis mier ukve ganxorcielebul da momavalSi dagegmil
infrastruqturul proeqtebs, xolo kandidat manuCar kvirkelias Sexvedrebze Zir-
iTadad saubrobdnen zogadad siRaribisa da socialuri problemebis daZlevasa da
xelisuflebis cvlilebis aucileblobaze.

ZiriTadi mignebebi da daskvnebi
• amomrCevlebi naklebad aqcevn yuradRebas saarCevno programebs da xedvebs, maT
gadawyvetilebis miRebis ZiriTad faqtorad ar ganixilaven;
• mmarTveli partia naklebad angariSvaldebulad grZnobs Tavs da darwmunebu-
lia, rom mis gamarjvebas administraciuli resursi da centraluri da adgi-
lobrivi xelisuflebis gakeTebuli proeqtebiT mosaxleobis kmayofileba uz-
• partiuli politika aris centralizebuli, saarCevno programebi iqmneba
erovnul doneze, TbilisSi da xSirad ar asaxavs regionebis saWiroebebs.

proeqtma „viTxovT pasuxs“:

• waaxalisa politikuri partiebi da maTi kandidatebi, rom TavianTi partiebis
centralur ofisebSi dawerili programebisa da devizebis miRma efiqraT im
regionisa da regionSi mcxovrebi adamianebis problemebsa da gamowvevebze,
romelTa saqarTvelos parlamentSi warmomadgenlobasac apireben momdevno 4
wlis ganmavlobaSi;
• centrs miRma, politikur periferiaSi, politikuri debatebisTvis Seqmna sivrce,
romelmac uzrunvelyo kandidatebis mier Seqmnili programuli xedvebis amom-
rCevlamde misvlas adgilobrivi satelevizio arxis, adgilobriv beWdviTi me-
diisa da socialuri mediis saSualebiT.
• miuxedavad amisa, kvlav problemaa arCevnebSi saukeTeso Sedegis mqone ori
politikuri Zalis dauinteresebloba mosaxleobis mowyvladi jgufebis saW-
iroebebis mimarT, mxolod erovnuli donis mniSvnelobis sakiTxebze apelireba
da kampaniebis centralizeba.
• problemaa isic, rom sxva partiebis Sedegebi, miuxedavad imisa, rom TanamSrom-
loben samoqalaqo sazogadoebasTan da mowyvladi jgufebis interesebs iTval-
iswineben, SedarebiT dabalia, rac maT frustracias iwvevs da ubiZgebs didi
partiebis msgavsad erovnuli sakiTxebis garSemo, centralizebulad, konfront-
aciulad warmarTon Semdgomi kampaniebi.


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