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Conditional sentences / Time clauses / Wishes and regrets / Inversions

1. Complete the sentences. Use the correct conditional form of the verbs.
1- If I ______________ (enjoy) Thai food, I would go to that new restaurant.
2- If they hadn't hurried, they _________________ (not get) there on time.
3- If we spend all our money on clothes, we _____________ (not be able to) go out.
4- If he _____________ (change) his diet, he wouldn't have had liver problems.
5- What would your parents say if they _________ (know) you smoke?
6- She ___________ (look) better if she put on some weight.
7- If you were my sister, I ____________ (tell) you not to go.
8- If I have time, I ____________ (help) you with the meal tonight.
9- If she _____________ (meet) her favourite singer, she would ask for an autograph.
10- You ______________ (earn) a lot of money if you became a famous sportsman.
11- If you exercise every day, you ____________ (have) more energy.
12- I'd have known what the menu said if I ________________ (understand) the language.
13- If it ____________ (rain), we'll play inside.
14- If we'd invited them, they __________________ (come).
15- If he _____________ (know) there were so many additives in that meal, we wouldn't have
eaten it.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct alternatives.

1- _____________ he's ill, he'll come to see us at the weekend. (unless / providing that)
2- They'll come with us tonight __________________ they can leave by 10.30 p.m. (as long as /
even if)
3- We'll have a barbecue _________________ it doesn't rain. (providing that / unless)
4- You can't come into this bar _________________ you're over eighteen. (unless / providing that)
5- I'll never give up chocolate, ______________ you ask me to! (as long as / even if)
6- Travelling the world is very enjoyable ________________ you've got enough money. (providing
that/ unless)

3- Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.

1- We'll make a snack if we are hungry. (unless)
2- They'll eat at 8 o'clock, whether or not Juan is late. (even if)
3- If she practises more sport, she'll feel better. (as long as)
4. He won't get rid of his cough if he doesn't stop smoking. (unless)
5- You'll be able to make a cake if you read the recipe properly. (as long as)
6- I'll start playing chess, but only if you help me. (providing that)
4. Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning
1- I bought this digital camera because the shop assistant recommended it.
– If the shop assistant...
2- In order to be home by midnight, we should leave the party at 11.30.
– If we leave...
3- Jason didn't go on the trip because he was ill.
– Jason would...
4- Because she practises every day, Emma is an excellent guitar player.
– If Emma didn't...
5- They wanted to go to the shopping centre today, but they had to do homework instead.
– They would...
6- I haven't got enough time to earn Spanish.
– If I...
7- It was raining, so not many people went to the concert.
– If it...
8 – The dog might be hungry later. Will you feed her?
– Will you...
9- John broke the law, so he went to prison.
– If John...
10- Icy roads are the only thing that will stop us from making the journey tomorrow.
– If the...

5. Correct the errors.

1- If people knew the facts, they were more worried about global warming.
2- We don't finish our project on time unless we work tonight.
3- If Laura hadn't lent me the book, I would buy my own copy.
4- When we get to London, we call you.
5- I didn't expect it to be sunny. I wish I brought my sunglasses with me.
6- Children had performed better at school if they have a healthy diet.
7- If they didn't go to that restaurant, they wouldn't have felt ill.
8- Sarah wishes she is a chef in a top restaurant.

6. Complete the sentences with a logical ending.

1- The shoes I bought were uncomfortable.
– I wish...
2- Fiona doesn't know where Tim is now.
– She wishes...
3- My neighbour's car makes a terrible noise.
– If only...
4- She told them a lie.
– She wishes...
5- Our team didn't practise enough so we lost.
– If only...
6- I can't find that old photo.
– I wish...
7- She has to share a room with her brother.
– She wishes...
8- He ate too much cake at the party.
– If only...
9- It's hard for me to make new friends.
– I wish...
10 – The weather is terrible these days.
– I wish...
11- His parents criticise his friends.
– He wishes...
12- She forgot her friend's birthday.
– If only...

7. Translate the sentences into your own language.

1. There wouldn't be so much traffic if the city wasn't overpopulated.
2. Some countries will face serious social problems unless people get more freedom.
3. If only I hadn't been so nervous about the test.
4. She loves working at that NGO. It would be a perfect job if she weren't underpaid.
5. You wouldn't have missed the bus if you'd got up earlier.
6. I'd study Economics if I could go to Harward University.
7. Would you have gone to see that film if I hadn't recommended it to you?
8. She wishes her boyfriend would stop smoking.

8. Change the sentence into one with inversion beginning as shown.

1- John had never been to such a fantastic restaurant.
2- They had no sooner eaten dinner than the ceiling crashed onto the dining table.
No sooner...
3- If you need more information, call the company.
4- If they had arrived on time, they wouldn't have missed the train.
5- I seldom leave my house so early.
Seldom …
6- I in no way want to be associated with this project.
In no way...
7- I had scarcely finished writing my essay when the examiner announced the end of the exam.

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