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when I

find myself in the presence of someone as insufferable as

yourself. No
matter what your station in life, sir, I have seen better
manners among
the meanest born.

"The vulgar and incomprehensible remarks you made against the

women who
choose the stage as their profession were harsh indeed--and
unjust. It is with opinions such as these that there is little
your brother chose to relinquish his meeting with you. I
cannot say
that I blame him."

William's face paled significantly beneath his dark

although he was furious with himself more than with her--for he
betrayed his feelings in this manner. Before he could reply to
scornful remarks Edgar, sensing the unpleasantness crackling
the two of them, stood up to intervene.

"I say--there is no need for this unpleasantness, surely," he

said in
an attempt to take the heat out of the situation. "This young
lady is
quite right, William. You are being extremely boorish. I
for my friend if he has upset you in any way, madam. It was
intentional, I do assure you."

For the first time Rachel unlocked her gaze from that of his
friend and
looked at Edgar, a softness entering her eyes and her face
into a warm smile--which Edgar found absolutely enchanting and
went a
long way to infuriating his friend further.

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