William Godwin: Zeno (C. 335 - C. 263 B.C.)

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Appeared in late eighteenth century, together with the rise of nationalism

the term anarchy was not use before to describe the nonexistence on coercion in the government. It
was Louis Armand de Lahontan which describe a state with no state apparatus and caolled it as anarchy.
He described the people as people who lived without governments and codified laws.

There is no government. The people rule in the society. The people during anarchical period always
challenge any form of authority. The people also control the distribution of goods.

Zeno (c. 335 – c. 263 B.C.)

It is believed to be the first articulations of anarchism. The absence of government described by Zeno is
a state-less society as the ideal way for humans to live together.

Gerard Winstanley (c. 1609 – 1660)

Founder of the Digger Movement which is established after the English Civil War.

William Godwin
He Is a British philosopher and a novelist. He was once studied to be a minister but left due to
religious doubts. On his book “An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice and Influence on general
Virtue and Happiness”, he argued that humans were evolving towards increasing perfection but
institutions like government hinders them from achieving this perfection. By removing such
hindrances, enlightened and educated people could live peacefully in small, cooperative
communities and devote themselves to self-betterment. He believed that humans are rational
anmd can think for themselves and through that could live together woth reason even withour
ru;es and laws or any government or institution leading them. He assert that these instituitions,
like government, keep the people ignorant.

Charles Fourier

Charles Fourier is inspired by Godwin’s concept and thus created Fourierism that channels
humans’natural passion to achieve social harmony. He Argued that the state must own the
means of production in the economy. He introduced the “phalanx” who had 1620 people who
divide themselves based on ability. Fourierism pushed the idea of cooperation and gender

Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

He is born in a poor family who struggled in order to finish his studies. His first attacked was in
the abuses inherent in the institution of properties. he is also the father of mutualism
 Coined the term “Anarchy” as an absence of sovereignty

 He proposed the labor checks that would represent how much labor went into the
production of a given product for the assurance of the product’s exchange rate.

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