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I N T E R N A TI O N A L O R G A N I Z A T I O N S -

Name Headquarters Heads Foundation No. of Purpose
Year Members
The Shanghai Beijing China Secretary- 15 June 2001 8 member A Eurasian political,
Cooperation General states, 4 economic, and
Organisation Rashid observer security alliance for
(SCO) Alimov states, 6 cooperation in
dialogue political affairs,
partners, 4 economics and trade,
guest scientific-technical,
attendances cultural, educational
spheres and safeguard
regional peace.
Organisation Jeddah Saudi Secretary- 1969 57 To preserve Islamic
of Islamic Arabia General social and economis
Cooperation Yousef Al- values; promote
(OIC) Othaimeen solidarity amongst
member states and
increase cooperation
in areas of
Organisation Paris, France Secretary Reformed Sep. 36 To stimulate
for Economic General Jose 1961 economis growth and
Cooperation Angel Gurria world trade by raising
Development the standard of living
(OECD) in member countries
(formerly and by coordinating
OEEC, Formed: aid to less developed
16 April 1948) countries.
Organisation Vienna Secretary Sept 1960 15 To unify the
of the General HE petroleum policies of
Petroleum Mohammad its Member Countries
Exporting Sanusi and ensure the
Countries Barkindo stabilization of oil
(OPEC) markets to secure
regular supply of
petroleum to
consumers, a steady
income to producers
and a fair return on
capital for those
investing in the
petroleum industry.
Organisation Kuwait Secretary 1968 10 Organise cooperation
of Arab General in oil development Page 1
Petroleum Abbas Ali Al- and regional
Exporting Naqi integration, provide
Countries legitimate means to
(OAPEC) preserve the
members’ individual
and collective interest
within the industry
and provide access to
consumer markets on
fair and reasonable
North Atlantic Brussels Belgium Secretary 4 April 1949 29 states Mutual defence in
Treaty General Jens (intergovern response to an attack
Organisation Stoltenberg mental by any external party.
(NATO) military
alliance for
New Shanghai, China President July 2014 Established To contribute to
Development K.V. Kamath by BRICS (5) development plans
Bank (NDB) established nationally
through projects that
are socially,
environmentally and
The Montreal, Canada Director 1945 International To promote safe,
International General and domestic regular and
Air Transport alexander de airlines. economical air
Association Junia transport and to
(IATA) provide a forum for
Group of 26 Sept 1999 20 To bring together
Twenty industrialized and
(G20) developing economies
to discuss key issues
in the global economy
and promote
international financial
Group of 24 1971 A chapter of To coordinate the
(G-24) the G-77. positions of
developing countries
on international
monetary and
development finance
issues and to ensure
that their interests
were adequately
represented in
negotiations on
international Page 2
monetary matters.
Every member of the
G-24, except for
Mexico, is also a
member of the G77.
Group of 77 Chairmanshi 15 June 1964 134 To promote collective
p Palestine economic interest and
Jan. 2019 increase negotiating
capacity in UN.
Group of 1973 7 To tackle global
Seven challenges through
(G7, earliar discussion and action
G8) with no headquarters,
budget or permanent
Gulf Riyadh, Saudi Secretary 25 May 1981 6 To boost economic
Cooperation Arabia General cooperation between
Council (GCC) Bahrain A. members and,
bin Rashid through collective
Al Zayani security, to guard
Supreme against any threat
Council from neighbouring
Presidency: states and from
Kuwait Islamic terrorism.
Commonwealt Minsk Russia Secretary 1991 9 member Military and Economic
h of General states and 1 alliance and to reach a
Independent Alexey associate supranational union.
States (CIS) Sergeev state Also called the
Commonwealth; was
established through
Belavezha Accords
(1991) and
subsequent the Alma-
Ata Protocol (1991)
and Free Trade Area
agreement (2012).
BRICS Shanghai 2009 5 To achieve regional
economic growth and
work as a bridge
between the
developed and
developing countries.
The Arab Al Tahrir Sq., Sec. General 22.03.1945 22 To strengthen
League Cairo, Egypt Ahmed interest,
Aboul Gheit independence and
sovereignity of Arab
African Union Addis Ababa, Chairman 26.05.2001 55 countries To strengthen ties
Ethiopia Alpha Conde on the between African
African countries and
continent. safeguards their Page 3
Asian Beijing, China Beijing, 25.12.2015 86 It is an international
Infrastructure China multilateral
Investment development
Bank (AIIB) institution to provide
finance to
projects in the Asia
The Jakarta, Indonesia Sec.- 08.08.1967 10 To accelerate
Association of General: Le economic progress
South East Luong Minh and maintain the
Asian Nations economic stability of
(ASEAN) SE Asia.
International Lyon, France Sec- 7 September, 19 192 Motto: Connecting
Criminal General: 23 Police for a safer
Police Jurgen Stock, world
Organization President:
World Bank Washington D.C. Jim Yong July, 1944 189 Crediting, Working for
(U.S.A.) Kim a world free of

IBRD Washington D.C. Jim Yong 1944 189 Development

(U.S.A.) Kim Assistance, Poverty
ICSID Washington D.C. Jim Yong 1957 (But 159 International
(International (U.S.A.) Kim operating starts Arbitration
Centre for in 1966)
Settlement of
International Washington D.C. Philippe Le 24 July, 1956 184 Private Sector
Finance (U.S.A.) Houérou Development, Poverty
Corporation Reduction
Multilateral Washington D.C. Keiko Honda 1988 181 Political Risk
Investment (U.S.A.) Insurance, Foreign
Guarantee Direct Investment
Agency (MIGA)
World Trade Geneva, Roberto 1 January, 1995 164 Regulate International
Organization Switzerland Azevedo Trade
International Washington D.C. Christine 27 December, 1 189 To promotes
Monetary (U.S.A.) Lagarde 945 international
Fund (IMF) economic cooperation
Bank for Basel, Jaime 17 May, 1930 60 Central To provide banking
International Switzerland Caruana Banks services to central
Settlements banks and other Page 4
(BIS) international
organizations. (fosters
monetary and
financial cooperation)
Asian Metro Manila, Takehiko 22 August, 1966 67 Crediting, ADB
Development Philippines Nakao launched the Asian
Bank (ADB) Development Fund
(ADF) with a view to
concessional credits
to needy members.
World Geneva Francis 14 July, 1967 188 To promote the
Intellectual Switzerland Gurry protection of
Property intellectual property
Organization throughout the world
World Health Geneva Margaret 7 April, 1948 193 Health For All
Organization Switzerland Chan
International Geneva Guy Ryder 1919 186
Labour Switzerland
International Rome, Italy Kanayo F. 1977 173 Enabling the Rural
Fund for Nwanze Poor to Overcome
Agricultural Poverty
UNICEF New York Anthony 11-Dec-1946 191 To provide food and
Lake healthcare to
children of those
countries which
devastated by world
war II.
UN Geneva Nikhil Seth 1963 -- To achieve the major
International Switzerland objectives of UN
Training and through training and
Research research
Nairobi, Kenya Achim 5 June, 1972 193 Protect our
UN Steiner environment and
Environmenta conserve our future
l Program
UN New York Helen Clark 1965 166 Overall development
UN Capital New York Reuben 1966 For 48 least Eradicate extreme Page 5
Development Summerlin developed hunger poverty,
Fund (UNCDF) countries Promotes equality,
Ensures Environment
International Dubai, United Zaheer 15 June, 1909 125 Great Sport, Great
Cricket Arab Emirates Abbas Spirit
North Atlantic Brussels, Belgium Petr Pavel 4 April, 1949 28 A mind unfettered in
Treaty deliberation
International Vienna Yukiya 1957 170 To promote peaceful
Atomic Energy Amano Energy uses of atomic
Agency (IAEA) energy
United Nations Geneva MukhisaKitu 1964 195 Promote international
Conference on yi trade to accelerate
Trade & economic growth of
Development developing countries
United Nations Geneva Li Yong 1967 - Sets international
Industrial regulations for radio,
Development telegraph, telephone
Organisation and space radio
(UNIDO) communication
World Geneva David 1950 185 Promote international
Meteorologica Grimes exchange of weather
l Organization reports.
Organization Hague Ahmet 1997 192 implementing body
for the Üzümcü for the Chemical
prohibition of Weapons Convention,
Chemical which entered into
Weapons force on 29 April
FIFA Zurich Gianni 1904 47 its goal is contant
(Federation improvement in
International Football
de Football
International Lausanne Thomas 1894 138 to develop, promote
Olympic Bach and protect the
Committee Olympic Movement in
their home countries.
International Hague Ronny 1945 15 functions: To settle, in
Court of Abraham accordance with
Justice international law,
legal disputes
submitted by States,
and. To give advisory
opinions on legal
questions referred to Page 6
it by authorized UN
Asia Pacific Singapore Dr. Alan 1989 23 to further enhance
Economic Bollard economic growth and
Cooperation prosperity for the
region and to
strengthen the Asia-
Pacific community
SAARC (South Kathmandu Arjun 1985 8 members 9 to promote the
Asian Bahadur observers welfare of the peoples
Association Thapa of South Asia,
for Regional strengthen collective
Cooperation) self-reliance, promote
active collaboration
Commonwealt London Queen 1960 53 members to advance economics,
h of Nations Elizabeth II social development,
and human rights in
member countries.


Amnesty London, UK Secretary General Kumi July 1961

International (AI) Naidoo

Membership: 7 million members and supporters.

Aims: Legal advocacy, Media attention, direct-appeal campaigns, research, lobbying.

The International Geneva President: Peter Maurer 17.02.1863

Committee Red Cross Switzerland

Membership: Signatory State parties to Genva Conventions (1949) and Additional Protocols (Protocol I, Protocol
II) of 1977 and 2005 and 25-member committee.
Aims: Protecting victims of conflicts.

International Red Geneva President: Fransceso Rocca

Cross and Red Cresent Switzerland Secretary General: Eljadj As
Movement Sy

Membership: 17 million volunteers, members and staff worldwide.

Aims: To protect human life and health, to ensure respect for all human beings, and to prevent and alleviate human
Greenpeace Amsterdam Exe. Dir.: Bunny Mc 1971
International Diarmid and Jennifer
Morgan Page 7
Aims: Environmentalism and Peace. Page 8

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