Bodhidharma - ShaoLinEN

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Inside Temple Bodhidharma
发布日期:2010-05-21   字体大小:小  中  大

  Bodhidharma was from the

Brahman caste of South India
and honored as the 28th
Patriarch of Buddhism. During
the period of the Southern
Dynasty (520 ~ 527A.D.), he
made his way to Guangzhou of
China by sea. Later he crossed
the Yangtze River on a reed
reaching Luoyang, and then
resided at Songshan Shaolin
Temple in Dengfeng. Here he
meditated gazing at wall in a
small cave of the Wuru Peak for
nine years, eventually initiated
Chinese Chan Buddhism. He
then preached the doctrine of
Two Entrances and Four
Practices and the cultivating
approach of “Wall-gazing”,
which have become the core of
Shaolin Chan sect. Therefore Bodhidharma was regarded as the founder of
Chinese Chan Buddhism and also the first Patriarch of Shaolin Chan

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