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Inside Temple Fuyu
发布日期:2010-05-21   字体大小:小  中  大

Fuyu (1203 ~ 1275), also
named Xueting, was a well-
known Chan master of
Caodong Sect of the early Yuan
Dynasty (1206-1368). He was
born in Wenshui County, Hebei
Province with the original
surname Zhang. Fuyu started
schooling at nine and had a
mind of great capacity, thus
was called “Saint Child” by the
folks. After receiving the torture
at 21, he studied Buddhism in
Yanjing (modern Peking) under
Wansong Xingxiu, a master of
Caodong, for ten years, and
made great achievements in
Buddhist philosophy as well as
in fame. Later he succeeded
Wansong as the head of
Caodong Sect. In 1245, Fuyu was appointed by the first Emperor of the Yuan
Dynasty, Kublai Khan as the abbot of Shaolin Temple before the former took
the throne; and in 1248, he was called in the court palace by Emperor
Xianzong of the Yuan Dynasty, the grandson of Kublai Khan, and was
granted the highest post among monks to take in charge of Buddhism all
over the country.

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