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Jātakapārijāta ​of

Vaidyanātha Translated by
Michael Douglas Neely
Chapter Three:
Impregnation and
The main source I used for this translation is the translation by
V. Subramanya Sastri published by Ranjan Publications of
The Translator and the New Delhi in 1978 (initially published in 1932) in two
volumes. His translation is available online at the following
Translation link:
For the most part, I am a self-taught Sanskrit enthusiast. You Volume 1:
can see my translation work on my profile: anyaSastri/page/n9
There is not a specific date established for the initial Volume 2:
publication of the ​Jātakapārijāta of Vaidyanātha in South
India. David Pingree speculates the latest possible date as anyaSastri
1450 CE given it is largely based on the ​Sārāvalī1 of
Kalyāṇavarma (circa 850 CE) and borrowed verses from the When I needed further clarification on certain verses, I used
Bṛhat Jātaka ​of Varāhamihira (circa 6th century CE) and the Dr. Harishankar Pathak’s Hindi version published by
Horāsāraḥ2 ​of Pṛthuyaśas (could span from after 850, but Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan in 2014. This publication is
before 1350 CE) and the ​Jātakapārijāta of Vaidyanātha is available via the online seller Exotic India via the link:
quoted by the ​Jyotirnibadha o​ f Śivarāja (circa 1450).3 In the
Ranjan Publication edition of the ​Jātakapārijāta in the preface, AA826/
they conclude that Vaidyanātha most have been born between
1425 to 1450 through genealogical research. Thus, both
Western and Eastern speculations has the ​Jātakapārijāta ​as a
15th century CE document.

See chapter 1, verse 3
See chapter 1, verse 2
Pingree, David​ (1981) "​Jyotiḥśāstra", Jan Gonda (ed) ​A History of Indian
Literature​, Vol, VI Fasc. 4, Otto Harrassowitz — Wiesbaden, pages 91 and
Forty-six of the eighty verses of this chapter were taken Jātakapārijāta Bṛhat Jātaka
​ ṛhat Jātaka of Varāhamihira as follows:
directly from the B Chapter and Verse Chapter and
3:39 5:4
Jātakapārijāta Bṛhat Jātaka
3:40 5:5
Chapter and Verse Chapter and
Verse 3:43 4:21
3:1 3:1 3:44 4:22
3:2 3:2 3:46 5:1
3:3 3:3 3:47 5:2
3:4 3:4 3:58 5:6
3:7 3:5 3:60 5:7
3:8 3:6 3:61 5:8
3:9 3:7 3:62 5:9
3:10 3:8 3:63 5:10
3:11 4:1 3:64 5:11
3:12 4:2 3:65 5:12
3:13 4:3 3:66 5:13
3:14 4:4 3:67 5:14
3:15 4:5 3:68 5:15
3:21 4:11 3:69 5:16
3:22 4:12 3:70 5:17
3:23 4:13 3:71 5:18
3:24 4:14 3:72 5:19
3:25 4:15 3:73 5:20
3:38 5:3 3:74 5:21
Jātakapārijāta Bṛhat Jātaka
Chapter and Verse Chapter and
3:75 5:22
3:76 5:23
3:77 5:24
For my Sanskrit language references, most of the time I word translation identifying each word’s grammar and to
​ evavāṇīpraveśikā by Robert
consulted the Sanskrit primer D provide an understandable translation for everyone. I don’t
and Sally Goldman, ​Sanskrit Grammar b​ y William Dwight seek to be the supreme authority on any translation that I do.
Whitney, ​Sanskrit Manual by William Bucknell, and the
Academic Room Sanskrit-English iOS Dictionary app. I am not a Sanskrit professor nor do I claim to be an expert in
the Sanskrit language. Some Sanskritists may criticize this
The script for this translation was generated from the Learn book given I am not a credentialed Sanskritist in the guise that
Sanskrit website: I made certain grammar and translation errors. I am not immune to error, but I am definitely confident that I provide a
valuable Sanskrit resource in this publication. If one feels
The Sanskrit Grammarian website was also extensively used to moved to criticize my work, I would appreciate a detailed
find and confirm noun declensions and verb conjunctions: response in regards to my error and not some off the cuff rebuke from on high. I understand society’s tendency to give
the benefit of the doubt to a credentialed person over a
The online Sanskrit Dictionary website was also extensively non-credentialed enthusiast, but just be aware that credentialed
used to look up various Sanskrit words for their definitions and and uncredentialed people make errors all the same.
parts of speech: Whenever I translate a Sanskrit text, I do so to understand a
particular knowledge from its primary source and retrace the
In my prose translations, I tried to be as literal as possible, not steps of other translators. I want to confirm the accepted
adding anything to the translation that was not in the original understanding of the text. With my detailed Sanskrit to English
Sanskrit text. If I did add something, it is clearly indicated. For translations, I also seek to make a bridge between Sanskrit
each verse translated, I show the transliteration of the Sanskrit enthusiasts and the texts I have translated as a vehicle of
in the International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration (IAST) education and joy.
format and the English translation I created. After that, I broke
down each word of the Sanskrit text into its pre-​sandhi​ form
and listed the various grammar identifiers of each word. When
needed, I explain why my translation is different from other
translations and provide other background information
essential to understanding the verses. It is up to each person to
arrive at a translation that makes sense to him/her. My mission
in all my translations is to provide a very detailed word for
5. The lords of the fourth and first house are situated in the first
and fourth houses, there should be the birth of an animal. Or
Verses when the lord of the first and fourth house are joined to Rahu
or Ketu, there should be the birth of an animal.
1. With the cruel planets having great strength and the benefics
being weak, Mercury and Saturn situated in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 6. When aspected by Venus is the birth of a cow. When
and 10th houses of the zodiac or looking at those (houses), and aspected or joined to Saturn is the birth of a she-buffalo. When
if one should ascertain the being having the same twelfth joined to Rahu or Ketu is a ram. When abounding in
bhāga​ (portion) joining the Moon, that should be called ​viyoni maleficence is the birth of another animal.
(manifold birth).
7. Or when a bird ​dṛkāṇa (third portion) is joined with a planet
2. The malefic planets possessed of power situated in one’s endowed with strength in the ascending a​ ṃśaka (portion) of a
own ​bhāga​ (portion) and benefic planets weak in a hostile movable zodiac sign, or in an a​ ṃśaka (portion) of Mercury,
[portion], and having aspected the ​lagna​ named ​viyoni there are birds living on the land and water, depending on the
(manifold birth), here also it should indicate a ​viyoni ​(manifold union or aspect of the Saturn or the Moon, respectively.
8. With a weak rising sign, Moon, Jupiter, and the Sun there
3. Aries is the head. Taurus is the face and neck. Thus, the are [births] of the trees. The distinction is made from the a​ ṃśa
others are [Gemini,] the a​ ṃśaka (portion) of the (front) feet; (portion) of the source of the trees in water or land. But as far
[Cancer,] the back; [Leo,] the breast; [Virgo,] the two sides; as the planet lording over the land or water zodiac sign is from
[Libra,] the belly; [Scorpio,] the anus; [Sagittarius,] the (hind) the ​lagna,​ indeed, so many trees exist in the land or water.
feet; [Capricorn,] the penis and testicles; [Aquarius,] buttocks;
and [Pisces,] the tail are indicated in the body of a quadruped. 9. The Sun produces trees with inner strength. Saturn produces
ugly trees. The Moon produces trees having milky sap. Mars
4. From the ​aṃśaka (portion) of the lagna or from the aspect of produces trees endowed with thorns. Jupiter and Mercury
the ​yogas​ of the planets being joined with strength, one should produce trees bearing fruit and not bearing fruit, respectively.
ascertain the colors when a manifold birth. By the aspect, one Venus produces trees bearing flowers. Moreover, the Moon
should find similar indications with one’s own enumeration. produces sticky trees and Mars bitter trees.
With those [planets] situated in the seventh house, one should
ascertain the line on the back (of an animal).
10. A benefic in the zodiac sign of a malefic is an attractive 15. The Sun and Venus is corresponded to the father and
tree growing born in barren ground. The reverse is otherwise. mother, respectively. During the night, Saturn and the Moon
As much as it is displaced in the ​aṃśaka (portion) of another represents the father and mother, respectively. From the reverse
from one’s own (portion), thus are the tree varieties the same of those, are corresponded to the paternal uncle and maternal
(number). aunt. And here those two [the male kin and female kin] situated
in odd and even zodiac signs, respectively, there is
11. The monthly menstruation is caused by Mars and the Moon auspiciousness of those two.
when the Moon is situated in a house of suffering (​anupacaya)​ .
But when situated otherwise in an aspect from a benefic, male 16. The menses of a maiden occuring when the Moon is
planet, then a woman is overtaken by a man in sexual situated in an ​anupacaya ​and aspected by Mars, indeed should
intercourse. be giving the result of a fetus. Otherwise, it should be fruitless.
When this combination situated in one’s own ​upacaya​ and
12. Just as the seventh zodiac sign is the couple coming aspected by Jupiter, the quality of a benefic is not to be without
together, thus indeed is the act of sexual intercourse to be am​ ūlatrikoṇa, and without the time of ​parva​, etc., a man
declared. When joined or aspected by malefic planets in the should produce an impregnation.
seventh house, there is anger. With benefic planets, playfulness
and laughter. 17. The sixteen nights [from menstruation] of women
beginning with the rising of the season, those are said to be the
13. With the Sun, the Moon, Venus, and Mars being in one’s seasonal time. The first four are not suitable for impregnation.
own ​bhāga​ (portion) or also when Jupiter is in the first house Those other, sexual unions, are praised for giving offspring.
or a t​ rikoṇa; indeed, there is offspring. Those of impotence are
barren, like the rays of the Moon of the blind. 18. Thus, a short-lived son, a daughter, a female who is the
creator of a lineage, a barren woman, a son, a beautiful female,
14. Mars and Saturn situated in the seventh house from the Sun a male lord, an ugly female, a fortunate man, an evil female, a
and Moon gives diseases of the male and female. Hence, the dharmic​ nature (pious) man, a fortunate female, and an all
twelfth and second houses joined the two producers of death knowing man from the fourth night by that order.
(Mars and Saturn) or with an aspect from one of them, is thus
an arrangement for death. 19. When the Sun is situated in the eighth from the eighth (3rd
house) from the zodiac sign of impregnation or when the lord
of the day (the Sun) is situated in a ​trikoṇa from the ​lagna o​ f
impregnation, in this case there is the birth of a child.
20. But when that impregnation ​lagna ​is joined or aspected by 24. Thus, the Moon and Venus should be in an even zodiac
a benefic, in this case the son is possessed of a fortunate long sign and Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and the ​lagna​ should be in an
life and attains that from all branches of knowledge. odd zodiac sign. The ​lagna​ and the Moon situated in an even
(zodiac sign) and aspected by male planets or in even (zodiac
21. With the lagna, the Sun, Jupiter, and the Moon strong in the signs) of power, they should produce twins. When Mercury is
odd signs in male ​aṃśakas (portions), a male birth should be in one’s own ​aṃśa (portion) aspecting the a​ ṃśakas (portions)
indicated. With those (the lagna, the Sun, Jupiter, and the in the dual zodiac signs (i.e., Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, and
Moon) in the even signs with those situated in even ​aṃśakas Sagittarius) situated with the ​lagna​ and the planets, it should
(portions), female births should be indicated. Jupiter and the produce triplets. From the rulership ​aṃśaka (portion) being
Sun in an odd sign, a man. The Moon, Venus, and Mars in an with Mercury with those unmixed are the twins the same
even (zodiac sign), a female. Situated in the dual-bodied (i.e., (gender).
Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius) and receiving an aspect
from Mercury, they create twins, per the class of one’s own 25. When the ​lagna​ is situated in the last (portion) of
zodiac sign. Sagittarius with those strongest planets situated in the ​aṃśas
(portions) of that and also with Mercury and Saturn joined to
22. With the exception of the ​lagna,​ Saturn situated in an odd power and aspecting, those dwelling in the womb are many.
zodiac sign also produces a male birth from the​ lagna​. The
strength of the aspect of the planets previously mentioned are 26. Mercury situated in an ​aṃśaka (portion) of Virgo aspecting
the male or female to be declared of the two births. the ​lagna o​ f a dual bodied a​ ṃśa (portion) joined with planets,
one should ascertain triplets situated in the womb.
23. If either the Moon [in an odd zodiac sign] and the Sun [in
an even zodiac sign] are aspecting each other (1). Similarly, 27. But [Mercury situated in] an a​ ṃśaka (portion) of Gemini
with Saturn [in an even zodiac sign] and Mercury [in an odd [aspecting the ​lagna o​ f a dual bodied a​ ṃśa (portion) joined
zodiac sign] (2). Mars being in an odd sign [aspecting] the Sun with planets], one female and two males are born in the womb.
being in an even sign (3). If the Moon and the lagna are in an [All those] situated in an ​aṃśa (portion) of Gemini and the
odd sign aspected by Mars (4). Also, if the Moon and Mercury lagna​, three males are situated in the womb.
[in an odd sign] are aspected by Mars (5). Venus, the lagna,
and the Moon in a masculine zodiac sign (6). These are to be 28. Thus, those situated in the ​aṃśaka (portion) of Virgo and
remembered as the six conditions producing a eunuch. Gemini. Mercury situated in the a​ ṃśa (portion) of Gemini.
Mercury in the n​ avāṃśaka of Virgo, three females situated in
the womb.
29. The Sun and Jupiter situated in dual-natured (zodiac sign) 35. When the ​lagna ​is with Rahu and the lord of the ​lagna ​is
aspected by Mercury produces male twins. Possessed of that, situated in the tenth house, one is born feet first. When the lord
the Moon, Venus, and Mars... ​ ith Rahu, the born should
of the eighth house is in the ​lagna w
be wrapped with a snake (umbilical cord).
30. that case, those produce female twins in proportion to
the strength and weakness. Mercury bestows a female 36. When the lord of the eighth house is joined with a malefic
hermaphrodite. Saturn bestows a male hermaphrodite. in the ​lagna,​ the born should be possessed of a body wound
with snakes (an umbilical cord). When an angle is with Rahu
31. If at the time of impregnation the Moon and the Sun or the joined with Gulika or either when the lord of the ​lagna​ is
Moon and Saturn are in mutual aspect, thus those two betow joined to the lord of the eighth house, ...
the birth of a eunuch.
37. ...and when the ​lagna​ of a ​dṛgāṇa of the malefic planets,
32. During impregnation when there is a ​yoga ​(association) the born should possessed of body wound with snakes (an
with the lords of the third house and the ​lagna​, there is the birth umbilical cord). Mercury, Rahu, and Saturn in the third ​bhāga
of twins. When the lord of the ​lagna i​ s situated in the p​ akṣa (portion) of the ​lagna ​joined to the lord of that and the third
(portion) of the third house or one’s own exaltation, there is the bhāga ​(portion) is without aspects of those giving
birth of twins. auspiciousness, the born should be possessed of body wound
with snakes (an umbilical cord).
33.If Mercury is situated in the sixth (house) and the lord of the
sixth house connected with the first house of which it is in the 38. When the Moon is situated in the third ​bhāga​ (portion) of
zodiac sign of Mercury, that one is a female hermaphrodite. the lord of Scorpio (Mars) with benefic planets situated in the
second and eleventh house, one is born a serpent. Or also when
34. With Saturn in the position of Mercury, one should be in a malefic ​lagna​, one is wound by that.
the state of a male hermaphrodite. If the lord of the third
(house) and the lord of the impregnation ​lagna a​ re situated in 39. When the Sun is situated in a four-footed (quadruped
the ​lagna,​ there should be birth of twins. If during zodiac sign) with the remaining (planets) connected with
impregnation when [the lord of the impregnation ​lagna​] is strength situated in a dual-bodied (zodiac sign), twins are
joined with the lord of the third (house) and Rahu, one is born existing enveloped in a womb.
with feet (first).
40. When the ​lagna​ is Aries, Leo, or Taurus and if Saturn or 45. The lords of the ninth and tenth house standing badly and
Mars are situated in those, one is born coiled with a tube the lord of the first house joined together with strength, one is
(umbilical cord) in portion of the body corresponding a​ ṃśa born without the ​karma​ of the hair parted on each side of the
(portion) of the zodiac sign. head, etc. without a doubt. When a malefic is in the eleventh
house in a malefic zodiac sign, one should be without a part in
41. When the ​lagna ​is with a malefic planet and aspected by the hair.
many malefics or joined by Rahu and Ketu; or also in the
zodiac sign of the ​lagna o​ f malefic planets; in this case a 46. When the Moon is not aspecting the ​lagna​, there is a birth
person is born with a body coiled with a tube (umbilical cord). with the father’s absence. When the Sun is fallen from the tenth
house (in the 8th, 9th, 11th, or 12th house) in a movable zodiac
42. When a malefic other than Mars is situated in the ​lagna sign, there is a birth with the father living in a foreign country.
with Rahu or when aspected by the lord of the demons (Rahu),
or when Saturn is in the ​lagna​ and aspected by the son of the 47. Or also, when Saturn is situated in the ​lagna​, or when Mars
earth (Mars), the person born has the body coiled with a tube is joined the seventh, or when the Moon is situated in-between
(umbilical cord). Mercury and Venus, [one should infer that the father was away
during the child’s birth].
43. At that time, the twelfth a​ ṃśaka (portion) which joined
with the Moon, afterwards when the Moon is united with a 48. Or when the cool-rayed (the Moon) is situated with a
zodiac sign corresponding to that; as far as the the ​bhāga benefic planet situated in a movable zodiac sign or when
(portion) corresponding to the day or night rises, so far as they associated with a ​varga ​of Jupiter, this one should be a
consider the birth when situated in the day or night. legitimate birth.

44. If impregnation occurs when Saturn is situated in the 49. Jupiter is not aspected by Mars and the Sun and the Moon
seventh (house) in the a​ ṃśa (portion) of the zodiac sign of in one’s own ​varga​ or Jupiter possessed of strength with
Saturn, the birth will occur within three years. But when the Mercury, this one should be born a Kṣetrajas.
Moon, this rule should be accomplished in twelve years. What
is spoken here is to be considered at the time of delivery and 50. When the Moon is situated in the ​varga i​ n Saturn, and
also with impregnation. when the fifth (house) is joined to Saturn and aspected by the
Sun and Venus, the son should be related to a widow who has
51.When the twelfth house is aspected by the Sun or also when 57. Among those (2nd, 7th, and 12th) ​tithis​ named Bhadrā and
the Sun and the Moon are joined with the ​varga​ of the Moon those connected with a tripāda n​ akṣatra (Punarvasu, Viśākha,
and the Sun, this person born should be born of an unmarried and Pūrvabhādrapada) on Saturday, Sunday, and Mars, the
woman (an illegitimate child). born is a birth by another, those knew.

52. Māndi joined or aspected by the Moon and connected with 58. Jupiter does not aspect the ​lagna​ and the Moon or the
the son of the Sun (Saturn) or also joined to an aspect of that, Moon in conjunction with the Sun, or the Moon is joined with
the person should be a child given up for adoption. a malefic and with the Sun, from the determination they
consider the birth with another (the child is illegitimate).
53. When the fifth or seventh (house) is joined to Saturn and
Mars and when not aspected by other planets, in this case one 59. When the Moon is situated in a zodiac sign of Jupiter or
should declare one to be adopted. when situated in the zodiac sign of another joined to that
[Jupiter], or when in the ​dreṣkāṇa of that [Jupiter] or when in
54. But the lords of the ​lagna​ and fourth house situated in each the a​ ṃśa (portion) of that [Jupiter] and not with others, the
other’s zodiac sign from the from the ​janmalagna,​ or the lord born is desired.
of the ​lagna ​or the lord of the fourth house joined to Ketu and
Rahu, one is born by another. 60. The two malefics situated in malefic zodiac signs and
situated in the 7th, 9th, and 5th houses from the Sun, the father
55. Jupiter does not aspect the ​lagna o​ r the Moon, or the two is confined situated in a foreign country; likewise, in one’s own
(the Sun and Moon) are not situated in one zodiac sign , and (country) or on a journey according to the dominion of the
the two are not joined with the ​varga ​of Jupiter, then one zodiac sign.
should ascertain the born by the sexual intercourse with
another. 61. When the Moon is full situated in one’s own zodiac sign,
Mercury is situated in the ​lagna​, Jupiter is in the fourth house,
56. Svātī ​nakṣatra and Dvitīyā ​tithi​ joined to the day of the Sun or even when the ​lagna​ is in a water (zodiac sign) and the
(Sunday), Revatī n​ akṣatra on Wednesday with Saptamī (7th Moon is situated in the seventh house, a woman gives birth
tithi​ of the Moon), and Śraviṣṭhā a.k.a. Dhaniṣṭhā nakṣatra on situated in a boat.
Saturday with Dvādaśī (12th ​tithi)​ . Among these the born is
from another, they consider. 62. If the ​lagna​ is a watery (zodiac sign) or the full Moon is
situated in a watery (zodiac sign) aspecting or situated in the
10th, 4th, or the ​lagna​; the birth should be in water, without a
68. When the Moon in the lagna is aspected by malefic planets
63. When Saturn is situated in the twelfth house from the lagna and when Mars is in the seventh house, the abandoned (child)
or the Moon and aspected by a malefic planet, [the birth] is in perishes. Similarly, [when the Moon in the lagna is aspected by
prison. When Saturn is situated in the ​lagna​ joined with malefic planets] and when Mars and Saturn are in the eleventh
Scorpio or Cancer and aspected by the Moon, [the birth] is in a house, the abandoned (child) perishes. Similarly, when a
ditch. benefic planet also aspects, one comes upon a support with
prosperity. When they are different from benefic planets
64. When Saturn is situated in a watery (zodiac sign) in the (malefic planets), there is death, even situated in the support of
lagna ​aspected by Mercury, the Sun, or the Moon, birth is another.
given in a place of pleasure, a temple, or in sandy soils, in that
order. 69. Birth is given in the houses of the father or mother from the
strength of those [planets]. With benefics situated in debilitated
65. Mars having aspected [Saturn] situated in a human ​lagna,​ places, birth is given at the base of a tree, etc. But if the ​lagna
produces offspring in a burial ground; Venus and the Moon, in and the Moon are not aspected by those [benefics] situated in
a beautiful place; Jupiter, in a place of fire sacrifice; the Sun, in one place, birth is given in a deserted place.
the place of a king, deity, or a cow; Mercury, in a workshop.
70. When the Moon is in the a​ ṃśa (portion) of the zodiac sign
66. When the dwelling is corresponding to a​ ṃśa (portion) or of Saturn, in the fourth house, aspected by Saturn, situated in
the zodiac sign in a movable (zodiac sign), the birth is on a the watery (portions of the zodiac sign), or when joined to that
road; when a fixed (zodiac sign), in a building; and when [Saturn], [the birth] is in darkness of a delivery room. And with
situated in the ​aṃśa (portion) of one’s own zodiac sign, in those situated in a debilitated places, [the birth] is on the
one’s own house. The result is the stronger of the a​ ṃśaka ground. As the zodiac sign attains the horizon, just so is the
(portion) or the zodiac sign. liberated from the womb (the birth). But with malefics situated
in the seventh or fourth houses from the Moon, they said there
67. When the Moon is situated in a t​ rikoṇa (5th or 9th houses) is the travail of the mother.
from Mars and Saturn and in the seventh house, one is
abandoned by the mother. When aspected by Jupiter, that one 71. From the dominion of the zodiac sign joined the Sun is the
is considered long-lived and happy. lamp movable, etc.; from the Moon, the oil; and from the
lagna​, the wick of the lamp; and the door in the ​vāstu
(architectural arrangement) of that by the planets situated in the
angles or with those endowed with strength.
72. When Saturn, [the delivery room is] old and thoroughly 76. The body should be similar to the ruler of the ​navāṃśa
repaired; when Mars, burnt; when the Moon, new; the Sun; lagna​ or the body should be similar to the planet joined with
abundant, but abounding in wood yet not strong; when strength. The color (of the body) should be the lord of the
Mercury, place of various artisan works; when Venus, joined to navāṃśa joined with the Moon. The limbs of the zodiac signs
new and beautiful ornaments; and Jupiter, a solid house. As are divided by the ​lagna​ with the Sun, etc.
with those dwelling in the zodiac, the connection with the
neighboring arrangement according to the instructions should 77. The head, eyes, ears, nose, cheeks, jaw, and mouth. Those
be indicated. are the ​lagna​, etc. From that are the neck, shoulders, arms,
sides of the body, upper chest, lower chest, and navel. From
73. The bedroom is easterly with Aries, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, that are the bladder, penis, anus, two testicles and two thighs,
and Aquarius, northerly in the zodiac signs of Jupiter and two knees, two shins, and feet. Thus from that, on both sides,
Mercury, westerly with Taurus, and Capricorn and Leo are the with those ascended (the visible, upper half of the zodiac) is the
two producing the southerly ​bhāgas​ (portions). left side with the threefold ​bhāgas​ (portions) of the ​dreṣkāṇas.

74. In the easterly zodiac sign, etc. is Aries, etc. two by two 78. When that [​dreṣkāṇa] is joined a malefic planet, there is a
(Aries and Taurus are east, Cancer and Leo are south, Libra blemish. When joined or aspected by a benefic planet, there
and Scorpio are west, and Capricorn and Aquarius are north) should be a mark, etc. In the a​ ṃśa (portion) of one’s own
and the double-bodied situated in angles (Gemini is southeast, zodiac sign and joined to a fixed (zodiac sign), it should be
Virgo is southwest, Sagittarius is northwest, and Pisces is congenital. Otherwise, incurred by one’s own actions. When
northwest). Also, in regards to the chamber it should be Saturn, caused by rock or wind; Mars, caused by fire, a
indicated with the quarters situated in sixth, third, ninth, or weapon, or poison; Mercury (joined to a malefic), it is
twelfth (houses). originating from the earth; the Sun, wood or a quadruped; the
(waning) Moon, aquatic or horned; with others (benefics),
75. With those planets being in-between the Moon and the auspiciousness.
lagna​, those​ s​ hould be the midwives. The abundance in the
exterior (seventh to twelfth houses) and interior (first to sixth 79. In which those planets with Mercury are situated in the
houses) zodiac should be the visible and invisible (midwives), threefold ​bhāga​ (portion), there is the attainment of that from
respectively. In a different manner, [it is stated] by others. the rule when benefics or malefics. When a malefic is situated
in the sixth zodiac sign from the lagna, it is the creator of a
blemish in the body. Joined or aspected by benefic planets, he
is possessed of a mark caused by a mosquito or freckles.
80. The knowledge of the ​viyoni​ (non-human) births born of
the impregnation ​lagna​ from the ascertainment of the time of
birth is spoken by the various preceptors.

Chapter title. Thus is the third chapter on impregnation and

birth in the ​Jātaka Pārijāta​ composed by Vaidyanātha by the
mercy of the nine planets.
Verse Detail
krūra = cruel
graha = planets
Verse 1 krūragrahais (stem form: krūragraha) (masculine, instrumental,
plural) = with the cruel planets
krūragrahaiḥ subalibhirvibalaiśca saumyaiḥ klībe
su = great
catuṣṭayagate tadavekṣaṇād vā । balin = strength
subalibhis (stem form: subalin) (masculine, instrumental,
candropaga dvi rasa bhāga sa mānarūpaṃ satvaṃ plural) = those with great strength

vaded yadi bhavet sa viyoni saṃjñaḥ ॥ 1॥ vibalais (stem form: vibala) (masculine, instrumental, plural) =
those with weakness

With the cruel planets having great strength and the benefics ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
being weak, Mercury and Saturn situated in the 1st, 4th, 7th,
and 10th houses of the zodiac or looking at those (houses), and saumyais (stem form: saumya) (masculine, instrumental,
if one should ascertain the being having the same twelfth plural) = with the benefics
bhāga​ (portion) joining the Moon, that should be called ​viyoni
(manifold birth). klībe (stem form: klība) (neuter, nominative, dual) = the two
eunuchs (Mercury and Saturn)

catuṣṭaya = the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses of the zodiac
gata = situated in
catuṣṭayagate (1st class verb root: gam) (past passive participle,
masculine, locative, singular) = situated in the 1st, 4th, 7th, and
10th houses of the zodiac

tad = that
avekṣaṇa = looking at
tadavekṣaṇās (stem form: avekṣaṇa) (neuter, nominative,
plural) = those looking at those [houses]
vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or viyoni = ​viyoni ​(manifold birth)
saṃjña = called
candra = the Moon viyonisaṃjñas (stem form: viyonisaṃjña) (masculine,
upaga = joining nominative, singular) = called ​viyoni (​ manifold birth)
dvi = two
rasa = ten
bhāga = ​bhāga​ (portion)
samāna = same
rūpa = form
candropagadvirasabhāgasamānarūpam (stem form:
candropagadvirasabhāgasamānarūpa) (masculine, accusative,
singular) = the same twelfth ​bhāga​ (portion) joining the Moon

satvam (stem form: satva) (masculine, accusative, singular) =


vadet (1st person verb root: vad) (optative, parasmaipada, 3rd

person, singular) = one should ascertain

yadi (adverb) (indeclinable) = if

bhavet (1st class verb root: bhū) (optative, parasmaipada, 3rd

person, singular) = it should be

sas (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, nominative, singular) =

pāpās (stem form: pāpa) (masculine, nominative, plural) =
Verse 2 malefic planets

balinas (stem form: balin) (masculine, nominative, plural) =

pāpā balinaḥ sva bhāgagāḥ pārakye vibalāśca possessed of power

śobhanāḥ । sva = one’s own

bhāga = ​bhāga​ (portion)
lagnaṃ ca viyoni saṃjñakaṃ dṛṣṭvātrāpi viyonim ga = situated
svabhāgagās (stem form: svabhāgaga) (masculine, nominative,
ādiśet ॥ 2॥ plural) = those situated in one’s own ​bhāga​ (portion)

pārakye (stem form: pārakya) (masculine, locative, singular) =

The malefic planets possessed of power situated in one’s own in a hostile
bhāga​ (portion) and benefic planets weak in a hostile [portion],
and having aspected the ​lagna​ named ​viyoni ​(manifold birth), vibalās (stem form: vibala) (masculine, nominative, plural) =
here also it should indicate a ​viyoni ​(manifold birth). weaknesses

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

śobhanās (stem form: śobhana) (masculine, nominative, plural)

= benefic planets

lagnam (1st class verb root: lag) (past passive participle,

masculine, accusative, singular) = ​lagna

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

viyoni = ​viyoni ​(manifold birth)
saṃjñaka = named
viyonisaṃjñakam (stem form: viyonisaṃjñaka) (masculine, Verse 3
accusative, singular) = named ​viyoni ​(manifold birth)
kriyaḥ śiro vakragale vṛṣo'nye pādāṃśakaṃ pṛṣṭham
dṛṣṭva (1st class verb root: dṛś) (gerund) (indeclinable) =
having aspected uro'tha pārśve ।

atra (adverb) (indeclinable) = here kukṣistvapānāṅghryātha meḍhramuṣkau sphik

api (adverb) (indeclinable) = also puccham ityāha catuṣpadāṅge ॥ 3॥

viyonim (stem form: viyoni) (feminine, accusative, singular) =

manifold birth Aries is the head. Taurus is the face and neck. Thus, the others
are [Gemini,] the a​ ṃśaka (portion) of the (front) feet; [Cancer,]
ādiśet (ā + 6th verb class: diś) (optative, parasmaipada, 3rd the back; [Leo,] the breast; [Virgo,] the two sides; [Libra,] the
person, singular) = it should indicate belly; [Scorpio,] the anus; [Sagittarius,] the (hind) feet;
[Capricorn,] the penis and testicles; [Aquarius,] buttocks; and
[Pisces,] the tail are indicated in the body of a quadruped.
kriyas (stem form: kriya) (masculine, nominative, singular) = kukṣis (stem form: kukṣi) (masculine, nominative, singular) =
Aries belly

śiras (stem form: śiras) (neuter, nominative, singular) = head tu (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

vakra = face apāna = anus

gala = neck aṅghri = (hind) foot
vakragale (stem form: vakragala) (neuter, nominative, dual) = apānāṅghrī (stem form: apānāṅghri) (masculine, nominative,
face and neck dual) = anus and (hind) feet

vṛṣas (stem form: vṛṣa) (masculine, nominative, singular) = atha (adverb) (indeclinable) = thus
meḍhra = penis
anye (stem form: anya) (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, muṣka = testicle
nominative, plural) = the others meḍhramuṣkau (stem form: meḍhramuṣka) (masculine,
nominative, dual) = penis and testicles
pāda = (front) foot
aṃśaka = aṃśaka (portion) sphik (stem form: sphik) (feminine, nominative, singular) =
pādāṃśakam (stem form: pādāṃśaka) (neuter, nominative, buttocks
singular) = a​ ṃśaka (portion) of the (front) feet
puccham (stem form: puccha) (neuter, nominative, singular) =
pṛṣṭham (stem form: pṛṣṭha) (neuter, nominative, singular) = tail
iti (punctuation) (indeclinable) = (close quotes)
uras (stem form: uras) (neuter, nominative, singular) = breast
āha (irregular 1st class verb form: ah) (perfect, parasmaipada,
atha (adverb) (indeclinable) = thus 3rd person, singular) = one indicated

pārśve (stem form: pārśva) (neuter, nominative, dual) = two catuṣpada = quadruped
sides aṅga = body
catuṣpadāṅge (stem form: catuṣpadāṅga) (neuter, locative,
singular) = in the body of a quadruped
lagna = lagna (rising sign)
aṃśaka = aṃśaka (portion)
Verse 4 lagnāṃśakāt (stem form: lagnāṃśaka) (masculine, ablative,
singular) = from the a​ ṃśaka (portion) of the lagna
lagnāṃśakād grahayogekṣaṇād vā varṇān vaded
graha = planet
balayuktādviyonau । yoga = ​yoga
īkṣaṇa = aspect
dṛṣṭyā sa mānān pravadet sva saṃkhyayārekhāṃ grahayogekṣaṇāt (stem form: grahayogekṣaṇa) (masculine,
ablative, singular) = from the aspect of the ​yogas​ of the planets
vadet smara saṃsthaiśca pṛṣṭhe ॥ 4 ॥
vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or

From the ​aṃśaka (portion) of the lagna or from the aspect of varṇān (stem form: varṇa) (masculine, accusative, plural) =
the ​yogas​ of the planets being joined with strength, one should colors
ascertain the colors when a manifold birth. By the aspect, one
should find similar indications with one’s own enumeration. vadet (1st person verb root: vad) (optative, parasmaipada, 3rd
With those [planets] situated in the seventh house, one should person, singular) = one should ascertain
ascertain the line on the back (of an animal).
bala = strength
yukta = joined
balayuktāt (7th class verb root: yuj) (past passive participle,
masculine, ablative, singular) = from being joined with

viyonau (stem form: viyoni) (feminine, locative, singular) =

when a manifold birth

dṛṣṭyā (stem form: dṛṣṭi) (feminine, instrumental, singular) = by

the aspect
samānān (stem form: samāna) (masculine, accusative, plural) =
the similar indications Verse 5
pravadet (pra + 1st class verb root: vad) (optative,
paramaipada, 3rd person, singular) = one should find dehāṃbugau susvāṅgeśau catuṣpājjananaṃ bhavet ।

sva = one’s own deheśe sukhape vāhiketuyukte paśorjaniḥ ॥5॥

saṃkhyā = enumeration
svasaṃkhyayā (stem form: svasaṃkhyā) (feminine,
instrumental, singular) = by one’s own enumeration The lords of the fourth and first house are situated in the first
and fourth houses, there should be the birth of an animal. Or
rekhā (stem form: rekhā) (feminine, accusative, singular) = line when the lord of the first and fourth house are joined to Rahu
or Ketu, there should be the birth of an animal.
vadet (1st person verb root: vad) (optative, parasmaipada, 3rd
person, singular) = one should ascertain

smara = seventh house

saṃstha = situated
smarasaṃsthais (stem form: smarasaṃstha) (masculine,
instrumental, plural) = with those [planets] situated in the
seventh house

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

pṛṣṭhe (stem form: pṛṣṭha) (neuter, locative, singular) = on the

back (of an animal)
deha = first house sukha = fourth house
aṃbu = fourth house pa = lord
ga = situated sukhape (stem form: sukhapa) (masculine, locative, singular) =
dehāṃbugau (stem form: dehāṃbuga) (masculine, nominative, when the lord of the fourth house
dual) = two situated in the first and fourth houses
vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or
sukha = fourth house
aṅga = first house ahi = Rahu
īśa = lord ketu = Ketu
sukhāṅgeśau (stem form: sukhāṅgeśa) (masculine, nominative, yukta = joined
dual) = two lords of the fourth and first house vāhiketuyukte (7th class verb root: yuj) (past passive participle,
masculine, locative, singular) = when joined to Rahu or Ketu
catur = fourth
pa = lord paśos (stem form: paśu) (masculine, genitive, singular) = of an
catuṣpāt (stem form: catuṣpa) (masculine, ablative, singular) = animal
from the lord of the fourth
janis (stem form: jani) (feminine, nominative, singular) = birth
jananam (stem form: janana) (neuter, nominative, singular) =

bhavet (1st class verb root: bhū) (optative, parasmaipada, 3rd

person, singular) = it should be

deha = first house

īśa = lord
deheśe (stem form: deheśa) (masculine, locative, singular) =
when the lord of the first house
śukra = Venus
īkṣita = aspected
Verse 6 śukrekṣite (1st class verb root: īkṣ) (past passive participle,
masculine, locative, singular) = when aspected by Venus
śukrekṣite gojananaṃ mahiṣyārkiyutekṣite ।
go = cow
rāhuketuyute meṣaḥ pāpāḍhye'nyapaśorjaniḥ ॥6॥ janana = birth
gojananam (stem form: gojanana) (neuter, nominative,
singular) = birth of a cow
When aspected by Venus is the birth of a cow. When aspected
or joined to Saturn is the birth of a she-buffalo. When joined to mahiṣī (stem form: mahiṣī) (feminine, nominative, singular) =
Rahu or Ketu is a ram. When abounding in maleficence is the she-buffalo
birth of another animal.
ārki = Saturn
yuta = joined
īkṣita = aspected
ārkiyutekṣite (1st class verb root: īkṣ) (past passive participle,
masculine, locative, singular) = when aspected or joined to

rāhu = Rahu
ketu = Ketu
yuta = joined
rāhuketuyute (2nd class verb root: yu) (past passive participle,
masculine, locative, singular) = when joined to Rahu or Ketu

meṣas (stem form: meṣa) (masculine, nominative, singular) =

pāpa = malefic
āḍhya = abounding
pāpāḍhye (stem form: pāpāḍhya) (masculine, locative,
Verse 7
singular) = when abounding in maleficence
khage dṛkāṇe balasaṃyutena vā graheṇayukte
anya = another
paśu = animal carabhāṃśakodaye ।
anyapaśos (stem form: anyapaśu) (masculine, genitive,
singular) = of another animal budhāṃśake vā vihagāḥ sthalāṃbujāḥ

janis (stem form: jani) (feminine, nominative, singular) = birth śanaiścarendvīkṣaṇayoga saṃbhavāḥ ॥7॥

Or when a bird ​dṛkāṇa (third portion) is joined with a planet

endowed with strength in the ascending a​ ṃśaka (portion) of a
movable zodiac sign, or in an a​ ṃśaka (portion) of Mercury,
there are birds living on the land and water, depending on the
union or aspect of the Saturn or the Moon, respectively.
khage (stem form: khaga) (masculine, locative, singular) = vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or
when a bird
vihagās (stem form: vihaga) (masculine, nominative, plural) =
dṛkāṇe (stem form: dṛkāṇa) (masculine, locative, singular) = birds
when a d​ ṛkāṇa (third portion)
sthala = land
bala = strength aṃbu = water
saṃyuta = endowed with ja = living on
balasaṃyutena (sam + 2nd verb class: yu) (past passive sthalāṃbujās (stem form: sthalāṃbuja) (masculine, nominative,
participle, masculine, instrumental, singular) = with endowed plural) = ones living on the land and water
with strength
śanaiścara = Saturn
vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or indu = the Moon
īkṣaṇa = aspected
graheṇa (stem form: graha) (masculine, instrumental, singular) yoga = joined
= with a planet saṃbhava = combination
śanaiścarendvīkṣaṇayogasaṃbhavās (stem form:
yukte (7th class verb root: yuj) (past passive participle, śanaiścarendvīkṣaṇayogasaṃbhava) (masculine, nominative,
masculine, locative, singular) = when joined plural) = combination joined or aspected by Saturn or the
cara = movable
bha = zodiac sign
aṃśaka = aṃśaka (portion)
udaya = ascending
carabhāṃśakodaye (stem form: carabhāṃśaka) (masculine,
locative, singular) = in the ascending ​aṃśaka (portion) of a
movable zodiac sign

budha = Mercury
aṃśaka = aṃśaka (portion)
budhāṃśake (stem form: budhāṃśaka) (masculine, locative,
singular) = in an ​aṃśaka (portion) of Mercury
horā = the rising sign
indu= the Moon
Verse 8 sūri = Jupiter
ravi = the Sun
horendusūriravibhirvibalaistarūṇāṃ toye sthale horendusūriravibhis (stem form: horendusūriravi) (masculine,
instrumental, plural) = with the rising sign, the Moon, Jupiter,
tarubhavāṃśakṛtaḥ prabhedaḥ । and the Sun

lagnād grahaḥ sthalajalaṛkṣapatistu vibalais (stem form: vibala) (masculine, instrumental, plural) =
with weaknesses
yāvāṃstāvantaiva taravaḥ sthala toya jātāḥ ॥ 8 ॥
tarūṇām (stem form: taru) (masculine, genitive, plural) = of the
With a weak rising sign, Moon, Jupiter, and the Sun there are
[births] of the trees. The distinction is made from the a​ ṃśa toye (stem form: toya) (neuter, locative, singular) = in water
(portion) of the source of the trees in water or land. But as far
as the planet lording over the land or water zodiac sign is from sthale (stem form: sthala) (neuter, locative, singular) = in land
the ​lagna,​ indeed, so many trees exist in the land or water.
taru = tree
bhava = source
aṃśa = aṃśa (portion)
kṛta = made
tarubhavāṃśakṛtas (8th class verb root: kṛ) (past passive
participle, masculine, nominative, singular) = made from the
aṃśa (portion) of the source of the trees

prabhedas (stem form: prabheda) (masculine, nominative,

singular) = distinction

lagnāt (1st class verb root: lag) (past passive participle, neuter,
ablative, singular) = from the ​lagna
grahas (stem form: graha) (masculine, nominative, singular) =
planet Verse 9
sthala = land
jala = water antaḥ sārāñ janayati ravirdurbhagān sūrya sūnuḥ
ṛkṣa = zodiac sign
pati = the lord kṣīropetāṃstuhina kiraṇaḥ kaṇṭakāḍhyāṃśca
sthalajalaṛkṣapatis (stem form: sthalajalaṛkṣapati) (masculine,
nominative, singular) = lord of the land or water zodiac sign bhaumaḥ ।

tu (conjunction) (indeclinable) = but vāg īśa jñau sa phala viphalān puṣpa vṛkṣāṃśca

yāvān = as far as śukraḥ snigdhān induḥ kaṭuka viṭapān bhūmi putraśca

tāvantas (adverb) (indeclinable) = so many bhūyaḥ ॥ 9 ॥

eva (adverb) (indeclinable) = indeed

The Sun produces trees with inner strength. Saturn produces
taravas (stem form: taru) (masculine, nominative, plural) = ugly trees. The Moon produces trees having milky sap. Mars
trees produces trees endowed with thorns. Jupiter and Mercury
produce trees bearing fruit and not bearing fruit, respectively.
sthala = land Venus produces trees bearing flowers. Moreover, the Moon
toya = water produces sticky trees and Mars bitter trees.
jāta = exist
sthalatoyajātās (4th class verb root: jan) (past passive
participle, masculine, nominative, plural) = exist in the land or
antar = inner kaṇṭaka = thorn
sāra = strength āḍhya = endowed
antaḥsārān (stem form: antaḥsāra) (masculine, accusative, kaṇṭakāḍhyān (stem form: kaṇṭakāḍhya) (masculine,
plural) = those with inner strength accusative, plural) = endowed with thorns

janayati (10th class verb root: jan) (present indicative, ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = produces
bhaumas (stem form: bhauma) (masculine, nominative,
ravis (stem form: ravi) (masculine, nominative, singular) = the singular) = Mars
vāgīśa = Jupiter
durbhagān (stem form: durbhaga) (masculine, accusative, jña = Mercury
plural) = uglies vāgīśajñau (stem form: vāgīśajña) (masculine, nominative,
dual) = Jupiter and Mercury
sūrya = the Sun
sūnu = son saphala = bearing fruit
sūryasūnus (stem form: sūryasūnu) (masculine, nominative, viphala = not bearing fruit
singular) = son of the Sun (Saturn) saphalaviphalān (stem form: saphalaviphala) (masculine,
nominative, plural) = bearing fruit and not bearing fruit
kṣīra = milky sap
upeta = having puṣpa = flower
kṣīropetān (upa + 2nd class verb root: i) (past passive vṛkṣa = a tree
participle, masculine, accusative, plural) = having milky sap puṣpavṛkṣān (stem form: puṣpavṛkṣa) (masculine, accusative,
plural) = trees bearing flowers
tuhina = moonlight
kiraṇa = ray ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
tuhinakiraṇas (stem form: tuhinakiraṇa) (masculine,
nominative, singular) = ray of moonlight (the Moon) śukras (stem form: śukra) (masculine, nominative, singular) =

snigdhān (stem form: snigdha) (masculine, accusative, plural)

= sticky
indus (stem form: indu) (masculine, nominative, singular) = the
Moon Verse 10
kaṭukaviṭapān (stem form: kaṭukaviṭapa) (masculine, śubho'śubhaṛkṣe ruciraṃ kubhūmijaṃ karoti vṛkṣaṃ
accusative, plural) = Katukavitapa (a species of plant that is
bitter) viparītam anyathā ।

bhūmi = the earth parāṃśake yāvati vicyutaḥ svakād bhavanti

putra = son
bhūmiputras (stem form: bhūmiputra) (masculine, nominative, tulyāstaravastathā vidhāḥ ॥ 10 ॥
singular) = Mars (son of the earth)

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and A benefic in the zodiac sign of a malefic is an attractive tree
growing born in barren ground. The reverse is otherwise. As
bhūyas (adverb) (indeclinable) = moreover much as it is displaced in the ​aṃśaka (portion) of another from
one’s own (portion), thus are the tree varieties the same
śubhas (stem form: śubha) (masculine, nominative, singular) = vicyutas (1st class stem form: vicyu) (past passive participle,
benefic masculine, nominative, singular) = it is displaced

aśubha = malefic svakāt (stem form: svaka) (masculine, ablative, singular) =

ṛkṣa = zodiac sign from one’s own (portion)
aśubhaṛkṣe (stem form: aśubhaṛkṣa) (masculine, locative,
singular) = in the zodiac sign of a malefic bhavanti (2nd class verb root: bhū) (present indicative,
parasmaipada, 3rd person, plural) = they are
ruciram (stem form: rucira) (neuter, nominative, singular) =
attractive tulyās (stem form: tulya) (masculine, nominative, plural) =
same (number)
kubhūmi = barren ground
ja = born taravas (stem form: taru) (masculine, nominative, plural) =
kubhūmijam (stem form: kubhūmija) (masculine, accusative, trees
singular) = born in barren ground
tathā (adverb) (indeclinable) = thus
karoti (8th class verb root: kṛ) (present indicative,
parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = one growing vidhās (stem form: tathāvidha) (masculine, nominative, plural)
= varieties
vṛkṣam (stem form: vṛkṣa) (neuter, nominative, singular) = tree

viparītam (stem form: viparīta) (past passive participle, neuter,

nominative, singular) = reverse

anyathā (adverb) (indeclinable) = otherwise

para = another
aṃśaka = aṃśaka (portion)
parāṃśake (stem form: parāṃśaka) (masculine, locative,
singular) = in the a​ ṃśaka (portion) of another

yāvati (adverb) (indeclinable) = as much

kuja = Mars
Verse 11 indu = the Moon
hetu = the cause
kujendu hetuḥ pratimāsam ārtavaṃ gate tu pīḍarkṣam kujenduhetus (stem form: kujenduhetu) (masculine,
nominative, singular) = caused by Mars and the Moon
anuṣṇadidhitau ।
pratimāsam (stem form: pratimāsa) (neuter, nominative,
ato'nyathāsthe śubhapuṃgrahekṣite nareṇa singular) = monthly

saṃyogam upaiti kāminī ॥ 11 ॥ ārtavam (stem form: ārtava) (neuter, nominative, singular) =

The monthly menstruation is caused by Mars and the Moon gate (1st class verb root: gam) (past passive participle, neuter,
when the Moon is situated in a house of suffering (​anupacaya)​ . locative, singular) = when situated in
But when situated otherwise in an aspect from a benefic, male
planet, then a woman is overtaken by a man in sexual
tu (conjunction) (indeclinable) = but

pīḍā = suffering
ṛkṣa = house
pīḍarkṣam (stem form: pīḍarkṣa) (neuter, nominative, singular)
= a house of suffering (​anupacaya​, all houses except the 3rd,
6th, 10th, and 11th)

anuṣṇa = apathetic
dīdhiti = a ray of light
anuṣṇadīdhitau (stem form: anuṣṇadīdhiti) (feminine, locative,
singular) = when a ray of light from the apathetic (the Moon)
atas (adverb) (indeclinable) = then

anyathā = otherwise
Verse 12
stha = situated
yathāstarāśirmithunaṃ sameti tathaiva vācyo mithuna
anyathāsthe (stem form: anyathāstha) (masculine, locative,
singular) = when situated otherwise prayogaḥ ।

śubha = benefic asadgrahālokitasaṃyute aste saroṣa iṣṭaiḥ sa vilāsa

puṃs = male
graha = planet hāsaḥ ॥ 12 ॥
īkṣita = aspected
śubhapuṃgrahekṣite (1st class verb root: īkṣ) (past passive Just as the seventh zodiac sign is the couple coming together,
participle, masculine, locative, singular) = when aspected by a thus indeed is the act of sexual intercourse to be declared.
benefic, male planet When joined or aspected by malefic planets in the seventh
house, there is anger. With benefic planets, playfulness and
nareṇa (stem form: nara) (masculine, instrumental, singular) = laughter.
by a man

saṃyogam (stem form: saṃyoga) (masculine, accusative,

singular) = sexual intercourse

upaiti (upa + 2nd class verb root: i) (present indicative,

parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = is overtaken

kāminī (stem form: kāminī) (feminine, nominative, singular) =

a woman
yathā (relative adverb) (indeclinable) = just as asat = evil (malefic)
graha = planet
asta = seventh ālokita = aspected
rāśi = zodiac sign saṃyuta = joined
astarāśis (stem form: astarāśi) (masculine, nominative, asadgrahālokitasaṃyute (2nd class verb root: yu) (past passive
singular) = seventh zodiac sign participle, neuter, locative, singular) = when joined or aspected
by evil (malefic) planets
mithunam (stem form: mithuna) (neuter, nominative, singular)
= a couple aste (stem form: asta) (neuter, locative, singular) = in the
seventh house
sameti (sam + 2nd class verb root: i) (present indicative,
parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = it coming together saroṣas (stem form: saroṣa) (masculine, nominative, singular) =
tathā (correlative adverb) (indeclinable) = thus
iṣṭais (stem form: saroṣa) (neuter, instrumental, plural) = with
eva (adverb) (indeclinable) = indeed benefic planets

vācyas (2nd class verb root: vac) (future passive participle, sa = with
causative, masculine, nominative, singular) = to be declared vilāsa = playfulness
hāsa = laughter
mithuna = sexual intercourse savilāsahāsas (stem form: savilāsahāsa) (masculine,
prayoga = the act nominative, singular) = with playfulness and laughter
mithunaprayogas (stem form: mithunaprayoga) (masculine,
nominative, singular) = the act of sexual intercourse
ravi = the Sun
indu = the Moon
Verse 13 śukra = Venus
avanija = Mars
ravīndu śukrāvanijaiḥ svabhāgagairgurau trikoṇodaya ravīnduśukrāvanijais (stem form: ravīnduśukrāvanija)
(masculine, instrumental, plural) = with the Sun, the Moon,
saṃsthite'pi vā । Venus, and Mars

bhavatyapatyaṃ hi vibījinām ime karā sva = one’s own

bhāga =​ bhāga​ (portion)
ga = being in
himāṃśorvidṛśām ivāphalāḥ ॥ 13 ॥
svabhāgagais (stem form: svabhāgaga) (masculine,
instrumental, plural) = with being in one’s own ​bhāga​ (portion)
With the Sun, the Moon, Venus, and Mars being in one’s own gurau (stem form: guru) (masculine, locative, singular) = when
bhāga​ (portion) or also when Jupiter is in the first house or a Jupiter
trikoṇa; indeed, there is offspring. Those of impotence are
barren, like the rays of the Moon of the blind. trikoṇa = trikoṇa4
udaya = first house
saṃsthita = being in
trikoṇodayasaṃsthite (stem form: trikoṇodayasaṃsthita)
(masculine, locative, singular) = in being in the first house or a

api (adverb) (indeclinable) = also

vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or

bhavati (1st class verb root: bhū) (present indicative,

parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = there is

A ​trikoṇa can mean the fifth and ninth houses or just the fifth house.
apatyam (stem form: apatya) (neuter, nominative, singular) =
Verse 14
divākarendvoḥ smaragau kujārkajau gadapradau
hi (adverb) (indeclinable) = indeed

pudgalayoṣitostadā ।
vibījinām (stem form: vibījin) (masculine, genitive, plural) = of
vyaya svagau mṛtyukarau yutau tathā tadekadṛṣṭyā

ime (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, nominative, plural) =

maraṇāya kalpitau ॥ 14 ॥

karās (stem form: kara) (masculine, nominative, plural) = rays Mars and Saturn situated in the seventh house from the Sun
and Moon gives diseases of the male and female. Hence, the
himāṃśos (stem form: himāṃśu) (masculine, genitive, twelfth and second houses joined the two producers of death
singular) = of the Moon (Mars and Saturn) or with an aspect from one of them, is thus
an arrangement for death.
vidṛśām (stem form: vidṛś) (masculine, genitive, plural) = of
the blind

iva (adverb) (indeclinable) = like

aphalās (stem form: aphala) (masculine, nominative, plural) =

divākara = the Sun vyaya = twelfth house
indu = the Moon sva = second house
divākarendvos (stem form: divākarendu) (masculine, ablative, ga = house
dual) = from the Sun and the Moon vyayasvagau (stem form: vyayasvaga) (masculine, nominative,
dual) = twelfth and second houses
smara = seventh house
ga = situated mṛtyu = death
smaragau (stem form: smaraga) (masculine, nominative, dual) kara = producers
= situated in the seventh house mṛtyukarau (stem form: mṛtyukara) (masculine, nominative,
dual) = two producers death (Mars and Saturn)
kuja = Mars
arkaja = born of the Sun (Saturn) yutau (2nd class verb root: yu) (past passive participle,
kujārkajau (stem form: kujārkaja) (masculine, nominative, masculine, nominative, dual) = two joined
dual) = Mars and Saturn
tathā (adverb) (indeclinable) = thus
gada = disease
prada = gives tad = that
gadapradau (stem form: gadaprada) (masculine, nominative, eka = one
dual) = those two give diseases dṛṣṭi = aspect
tadekadṛṣṭyā (stem form: tadekadṛṣṭi) (feminine, instrumental,
pudgala = male singular) = with an aspect from one of them
yoṣit = female
pudgalayoṣitos (stem form: puṅgalayoṣit) (feminine, genitive, maraṇāya (stem form: maraṇa) (neuter, dative, singular) = for
dual) = of a male and female death

tadā (adverb) (indeclinable) = hence kalpitau (stem form: kalpita) (masculine, nominative, dual) =
divākara = the Sun
śukra = Venus
Verse 15 divārkaśukrau (stem form: divārkaśukra) (masculine,
nominative, dual) = the Sun and Venus
divārkaśukrau pitṛmātṛsaṃjñitau śanaiścarendū niśi

pitṛ = father
tadviparyayāt ।
mātṛ = mother
saṃjñita = corresponded
pitṛvyamātṛsvasṛsaṃjñitau ca tāvathaujayugmaṛkṣa
pitṛmātṛsaṃjñitau (stem form: pitṛmātṛsaṃjñita) (masculine,
nominative, dual) = corresponded as father and mother
gatau tayoḥ śubhau ॥ 15 ॥

śanaiścara = Saturn
The Sun and Venus is corresponded to the father and mother, indu = the Moon
respectively. During the night, Saturn and the Moon represents śanaiścarendū (stem form: śanaiścarendu) (masculine,
the father and mother, respectively. From the reverse of those, nominative, dual) = Saturn and the Moon
are corresponded to the paternal uncle and maternal aunt. And
here those two [the male kin and female kin] situated in odd niśi (stem form: niś) (feminine, locative, singular) = during the
and even zodiac signs, respectively, there is auspiciousness of night
those two.
tad = that
viparyaya = reversed
tadviparyayāt (stem form: tadviparyaya) (masculine, ablative,
singular) = from the reverse of those
pitṛvya = paternal uncle
mātṛsvasṛ = maternal aunt
saṃjñita = corresponded
Verse 16
pitṛvyamātṛsvasṛsaṃjñitau (stem form:
śītajyotiṣi yoṣito'nupacayasthāne kujenekṣite jātaṃ
pitṛvyamātṛsvasṛsaṃjñita) (masculine, nominative, dual) =
corresponded to the paternal uncle and maternal aunt garbhaphalapradaṃ khalu rajaḥ syādanyathā niṣphalam ।

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and dṛṣṭe'smin guruṇā nijopacayage kuryānniṣekaṃ pumān atyājye

tau (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, nominative, dual) = those ca samūlabhe śubhaguṇe parvādikālojjhite ॥16॥
The menses of a maiden occuring when the Moon is situated in
atha (adverb) (indeclinable) = here an ​anupacaya a​ nd aspected by Mars, indeed should be giving
the result of a fetus. Otherwise, it should be fruitless. When this
oja = odd combination situated in one’s own ​upacaya​ and aspected by
yugma = even Jupiter, the quality of a benefic is not to be without a
mūlatrikoṇa, and without the time of ​parva,​ etc., a man should
ṛkṣa = zodiac sign
produce an impregnation.
gata = situated in
ojayugmaṛkṣagatau (1st class verb root: gam) (past passive
participle, masculine, nominative, dual) = situated in the odd
and even zodiac signs

tayos (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, genitive, dual) = of

those two

śubhau (stem form: śubha) (masculine, nominative, dual) = two

śīta = cool syāt (2nd class verb root: as) (optative, 3rd person, singular) =
jyotis = light it should be
śītajyotiṣi (stem form: śītajyotis) (neuter, locative, singular) =
when the cool light (the Moon) anyathā (adverb) (indeclinable) = otherwise

yoṣitas (stem form: yoṣit) (feminine, genitive, singular) = of a niṣphalam (stem form: niṣphala) (neuter, nominative, singular)
maiden = fruitless

anupacaya = ​anupacaya dṛṣṭe (verb root: dṛś) (past passive participle, masculine,
sthāna = situated locative, singular) = when aspected
anupacayasthāne (stem form: ) (masculine, locative, singular) =
when situated in an ​anupacaya asmin (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, locative, singular) =
when this [combination]
kujena (stem form: kuja) (masculine, instrumental, singular) =
by Mars guruṇā (stem form: guru) (masculine, instrumental, singular) =
by Jupiter
īkṣite (1st class verb root: īkṣ) (past passive participle,
masculine, locative, singular) = when aspected nija = one’s own
upacaya = ​upacaya
jātam (4th class verb root: jan) (past passive participle, neuter, ga = situated
nominative, singular) = occurred nijopacayage (stem form: nijopacayaga) (masculine, locative,
singular) = when situated in one’s own ​upacaya
garbha = fetus
phala = result kuryāt (8th class verb root: kṛ) (optative, parasmaipada, 3rd
prada = giving person, singular) = it should produce
garbhaphalapradam (stem form: garbhaphalaprada) (neuter,
nominative, singular) = giving the result of a fetus niṣekam (stem form: niṣeka) (masculine, accusative, singular)
= impregnation
khalu (adverb) (indeclinable) = indeed
pumān (stem form: puṃs) (masculine, nominative, singular) =
rajas (stem form: rajas) (neuter, nominative, singular) = menses man
atyājye (a + 1st class verb root: tyaj) (future passive participle,
masculine, locative, singular) = when not to be without Verse 17
ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
vibhāvarīṣoḍaśabhāminīnāṃ ṛtūdgamādyā ṛtukālamāhuḥ ।
sa = with
​ ūlatrikoṇa
mūlabha = m nādyāścatasro'tra niṣekayogyāḥ parāśca yugmāḥ sutadāḥ
samūlabhe (stem form: samūlabha) (neuter, locative, singular)
= when with a ​mūlatrikoṇa praśastāḥ ॥17॥

śubha = benefic
guṇa = quality The sixteen nights [from menstruation] of women beginning
śubhaguṇe (stem form: śubhaguṇa) (masculine, locative, with the rising of the season, those are said to be the seasonal
singular) = when the quality of a benefic time. The first four are not suitable for impregnation. Those
other, sexual unions, are praised for giving offspring.
parva = ​parva
ādi = et cetera
kāla = time
ujjhita = without
parvādikālojjhite (6th class verb root: ujjh) (past passive
participle, masculine, locative, singular) = when without the
time of ​parva,​ etc.
vibhāvarī = night niṣeka = impregnation
ṣoḍaśan = sixteen yogyā = suitable
vibhāvarīṣoḍaśa (stem form: vibhāvarīṣoḍaśan) (cardinal niṣekayogyās (stem form: niṣekayogya) (feminine, nominative,
number, neuter, nominative, singular) = sixteen nights plural) = those suitable for impregnation

bhāminīnām (stem form: bhāminī) (feminine, genitive, plural) parās (stem form: para) (masculine, nominative, plural) =
= of women others

ṛtu = season ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

udgama = rising
ādya = beginning with yugmās (stem form: yugma) (masculine, nominative, plural) =
ṛtūdgamādyās (stem form: ṛtūdgamādya) (masculine, sexual unions
nominative, plural) = those beginning with the rising of the
season suta = offspring
da = giving
ṛtu = season sutadās (stem form: sutada) (masculine, nominative, plural) =
kāla = time giving offspring
ṛtukālam (stem form: ṛtukāla) (masculine, accusative, singular)
= seasonal time praśastās (pra + 1st class verb root: śaṃs) (past passive
participle, masculine, nominative, plural) = those praised
āhus (1st class verb root: ah) (perfect, 3rd person, plural) =
those said

na (negative) (indeclinable) = not

ādyās (stem form: ādyā) (feminine, nominative, plural) = those


catasras (stem form: catur) (cardinal number, feminine,

nominative, plural) = four

atra (adverb) (indeclinable) = here

putras (stem form: putra) (masculine, nominative, singular) =
Verse 18
alpa = short
putro'lpāyurdāikā vaṃśakartā vandhyā putraḥ sundarīśo āyus = life
alpāyus (stem form: alpāyus) (masculine, nominative, singular)
virūpā । = short-lived

śrīmān pāpā dharmaśīlastathā śrīḥsarvajñaḥ syātturyarātrāt dārikā (stem form: dārikā) (feminine, nominative, singular) =
daughter with a short life
krameṇa ॥18॥
vaṃśa = lineage
kartṛ = creator
Thus, a short-lived son, a daughter, a female who is the creator vaṃśakartā (stem form: vaṃśakartṛ) (masculine, nominative,
of a lineage, a barren woman, a son, a beautiful female, a male singular) = female who is the creator of a lineage
lord, an ugly female, a fortunate man, an evil female, a
dharmic​ nature (pious) man, a fortunate female, and an all vandhyā (stem form: vandhyā) (feminine, nominative, singular)
knowing man from the fourth night by that order. = barren female

putras (stem form: putra) (masculine, nominative, singular) =


sundarī (stem form: sundarī) (feminine, nominative, singular) =

beautiful female

īśas (stem form: īśa) (masculine, nominative, singular) = male


virūpā (stem form: virūpā) (feminine, nominative, singular) =

ugly female
śrīmān (stem form: śrīmat) (masculine, nominative, singular) =
fortunate man
Verse 19
pāpā (stem form: pāpā) (feminine, nominative, singular) = evil
female aṣṭamāṣṭamage sūrye niṣekarkṣātsutodbhavaḥ ।

dharma = ​dharma athavā'dhānalagnāttu trikoṇasthe dineśvare ॥ 19 ॥

śīla = nature
dharmaśīlas (stem form: dharmaśīla) (masculine, nominative,
singular) = ​dharmic​ nature (pious) man When the Sun is situated in the eighth from the eighth (3rd
house) from the zodiac sign of impregnation or when the lord
tathā (adverb) (indeclinable) = thus of the day (the Sun) is situated in a ​trikoṇa from the ​lagna ​of
impregnation, in this case there is the birth of a child.
śrīs (stem form: śrī) (feminine, nominative, singular) =
fortunate female

sarva = all
jña = knowing
sarvajñas (stem form: sarvajña) (masculine, nominative,
singular) = all knowing man

syāt (2nd class verb root: as) (optative, 3rd person, singular) =
it should be

turya = fourth
rātra = night
turyarātrāt (stem form: rātra) (neuter, ablative, singular) = from
the fourth night

krameṇa (stem form: krama) (masculine, instrumental,

singular) = by that order
aṣṭama = eighth trikoṇa = trikoṇa
aṣṭama = eighth stha = situated
ga = situated trikoṇasthe (stem form: trikoṇastha) (masculine, locative,
aṣṭamāṣṭamage (stem form: aṣṭamāṣṭamaga) (masculine, singular) = when situated in a t​ rikoṇa
locative, singular) = when situated in the eighth from the eighth
(3rd house) dina = day
īśvara = lord
sūrye (stem form: sūrya) (masculine, locative, singular) = when dineśvare (stem form: dineśvara) (masculine, locative,
the Sun singular) = when the lord of the day (the Sun)

niṣeka = impregnation
ṛkṣa = zodiac sign
niṣekarkṣāt (stem form: niṣekarkṣa) (neuter, ablative, singular)
= from the zodiac sign of impregnation

suta = child
udbhava = birth
sutodbhavas (stem form: sutodbhava) (masculine, nominative,
singular) = birth of a child

atha (adverb) (indeclinable) = in this case

vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or

adhāna = impregnation
lagna = ​lagna
adhānalagnāt (stem form: adhānalagna) (masculine, ablative,
singular) = from the ​lagna o​ f impregnation

tu (conjunction) (indeclinable) = but

Verse 20
asmin (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, locative, singular) =
asminnādhanalagne tu śubhadṛṣṭiyute'thavā । when that

dīrghāyurbhāgyavān jātaḥ sarvavidyāntameṣyati ॥ 20 ॥ ādhana = impregnation

lagna = ​lagna
ādhanalagne (stem form: ādhanalagna) (masculine, locative,
But when that impregnation ​lagna ​is joined or aspected by a singular) = when the impregnation ​lagna
benefic, in this case the son is possessed of a fortunate long life
and attains that from all branches of knowledge. tu (conjunction) (indeclinable) = but

śubha = benefic
dṛṣṭi = aspected
yuta = joined
śubhadṛṣṭiyute (2nd class verb root: yu) (past passive
participle, masculine, locative, singular) = when joined or
aspected by a benefic

atha (adverb) (indeclinable) = in this case

vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or

dīrgha = long
āyus = life
bhāgya = fortunate
vat = possessed
dīrghāyurbhāgyavān (stem form: dīrghāyurbhāgyavat)
(masculine, nominative, singular) = possessed of a fortunate
long life

jātas (stem form: jāta) (masculine, nominative, singular) = son

sarva = all
vidya = knowledge Verse 21
sarvavidyān (stem form: sarvavidya) (masculine, accusative,
plural) = all branches of knowledge ojaṛkṣe puruṣāṃśakeṣu balibhirlagnārka gurvindubhiḥ

tam (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, accusative, singular) = puṃjanma pravadet samāṃśaka gatairyugmeṣu

eṣyati (1st class verb root: i) (future, parasmaipada, 3rd person, tairyoṣitaḥ ।
singular) = one attains
gurvarkau viṣame naraṃ śaśi sitau vakraśca yugme

striyaṃ ।

dvyaṅgasthā budha vīkṣaṇācca yamalau kurvanti

pakṣe svake ॥ 21 ॥

With the lagna, the Sun, Jupiter, and the Moon strong in the
odd signs in male ​aṃśakas (portions), a male birth should be
indicated. With those (the lagna, the Sun, Jupiter, and the
Moon) in the even signs with those situated in even ​aṃśakas
(portions), female births should be indicated. Jupiter and the
Sun in an odd sign, a man. The Moon, Venus, and Mars in an
even (zodiac sign), a female. Situated in the dual-bodied (i.e.,
Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius) and receiving an aspect
from Mercury, they create twins, per the class of one’s own
zodiac sign.
oja = odd sama = even
ṛkṣa = zodiac sign aṃśaka = aṃśaka (portion)
ojaṛkṣe (stem form: ojaṛkṣa) (masculine, locative, singular) = gata = situated in
in an odd sign samāṃśakagatais (stem form: samāṃśakagata) (masculine,
instrumental, plural) = with those situated in even ​aṃśakas
puruṣa = male (portions)
aṃśaka = aṃśaka (portion)
puruṣāṃśakeṣu (masculine, locative, plural) = in the male yugmeṣu (stem form: yugma) (masculine, locative, plural) = in
aṃśakas (portions) the even (zodiac signs)

balibhis (stem form: balin) (masculine, instrumental, plural) = tais (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, instrumental, plural) =
with strength with those

lagna = the lagna yoṣitas (stem form: yoṣit) (feminine, nominative, plural) =
arka = the Sun female births
guru = Jupiter
indu = the Moon guru = Jupiter
lagnārkagurvindubhis (stem form: lagnārkagurvindu) arka = the Sun
(masculine, instrumental, plural) = with the lagna, the Sun, gurvarkau (stem form: gurvarka) (masculine, nominative, dual)
Jupiter, and the Moon = Jupiter and the Sun

puṃs = male viṣame (stem form: viṣama) (masculine, locative, singular) = in

janman = birth an odd sign
puṃjanma (stem form: puṃjanman) (neuter, nominative,
singular) = male birth naram (stem form: nara) (masculine, accusative, singular) =
pravadet (pra + 1st class verb root: vad) (optative,
parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = it should be indicated
śaśin = the Moon ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
sita = Venus
śaśisitau (verb root: si) (past passive participle, masculine, yamalau (stem form: yamala) (masculine, accusative, dual) =
nominative, dual) = the Moon and Venus twins

vakras (stem form: vakra) (masculine, nominative, singular) = kurvanti (8th class verb root: kṛ) (present indicative,
Mars parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = they create

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and pakṣe (stem form: pakṣa) (masculine, locative, singular) = in
the class
yugme (stem form: yugma) (neuter, locative, singular) = in an
even (zodiac sign) svake (stem form: svaka) (masculine, locative, singular) = in
one’s own zodiac sign
striyam (stem form: strī) (feminine, accusative, singular) =

dvi = dual
aṅga = body
stha = situated in
dvyaṅgasthās (stem form: dvyaṅgastha) (masculine,
nominative, plural) = situated in the dual-bodied (i.e., Pisces,
Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius)

budha = Mercury
vīkṣaṇa = aspect
budhavīkṣaṇāt (stem form: budhavīkṣaṇa) (masculine, ablative,
singular) = from an aspect of Mercury
vihāya (adverb) (indeclinable) = with the exception
Verse 22
lagnam (1st class verb root: lag) (masculine, accusative,
vihāya lagnaṃ viṣamaṛkṣa saṃsthaḥ sauro'pi singular) = the ​lagna

puṃjanma karo vilagnāt । viṣama = odd

ṛkṣa = zodiac sign
prokta grahāṇām avalokya vīryaṃ vācyaḥ prasūtau saṃstha = situated in
viṣamaṛkṣasaṃsthas (stem form: viṣamaṛkṣasaṃstha)
puruṣo'ṅganā vā ॥ 22 ॥ (masculine, nominative, singular) = situated in an odd zodiac

With the exception of the ​lagna,​ Saturn situated in an odd sauras (stem form: saura) (masculine, nominative, singular) =
zodiac sign also produces a male birth from the​ lagna​. The Saturn
strength of the aspect of the planets previously mentioned are
the male or female to be declared of the two births. api (adverb) (indeclinable) = also

puṃjanman = male birth

kara = produces
puṃjanmakaras (stem form: puṃjanmakara) (masculine,
nominative, singular) = produces a male birth

vilagnāt (stem form: vilagna) (neuter, ablative, singular) = from

the ​lagna
prokta = previously mentioned
graha = planet Verse 23
proktagrahāṇām (stem form: proktagraha) (masculine, genitive,
plural) = of the planets previously mentioned anyonyaṃ yadi paśyataḥ śaśi ravī yadyarki

avalokya = aspect saumyāvapi vakro vā samagaṃ dineśam asame

vīrya = strength
avalokyavīryam (stem form: avalokyavīrya) (neuter, candrodayau cet sthitau ।
nominative, singular) = strength of the aspect
yugmaujaṛkṣa gatāvapīndu śaśijau
vācyas (2nd class verb root: vac) (future passive participle,
causative, masculine, nominative, singular) = to be declared bhūmyātmajenekṣitau pumbhāve sita lagna śīta

prasūtau (pra + 1st class verb root: sū) (past passive participle, kiraṇāḥ ṣaṭ klībayogāḥ smṛtāḥ ॥ 23 ॥
masculine, accusative, dual) = two births

puruṣas (stem form: puruṣa) (masculine, nominative, singular) If either the Moon [in an odd zodiac sign] and the Sun [in an
= male even zodiac sign] are aspecting each other (1). Similarly, with
Saturn [in an even zodiac sign] and Mercury [in an odd zodiac
aṅganā (stem form: aṅganā) (feminine, nominative, singular) = sign] (2). Mars being in an odd sign [aspecting] the Sun being
in an even sign (3). If the Moon and the lagna are in an odd
sign aspected by Mars (4). Also, if the Moon and Mercury [in
an odd sign] are aspected by Mars (5). Venus, the lagna, and
vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or the Moon in a masculine zodiac sign (6). These are to be
remembered as the six conditions producing a eunuch.5
This verse is very convoluted because of the syntax. The traditional
translations have different takes on the verse. I opted for the rationale that
the feminine planets in odd signs and male planets in odd signs would give
indications toward impotence given their nature inclinations of feminine
and masculine are not supported by the odd and even zodiac signs,
anyonyam (stem form: anyonya) (neuter, nominative, singular) sama = even (signs)
= each other ga = situated
samagam (stem form: samaga) (masculine, nominative,
yadi (conjunction) (indeclinable) = if singular) = situated in an even zodiac sign

paśyatas (stem form: paśyata) (masculine, nominative, dineśam (stem form: dineśa) (masculine, accusative, singular)
singular) = aspecting = the Sun

śaśin = the Moon (possessed of the hare) asame (stem form: asma) (masculine, locative, singular) = in an
ravi = the Sun odd zodiac sign
śaśiravī (stem form: śaśiravi) (masculine, nominative, dual) =
the Moon and the Sun candra = the Moon
udaya = the lagna
yadi (conjunction) (indeclinable) = if candrodayau (stem form: candrodaya) (masculine, nominative,
dual) = the Moon and the lagna
ārki = Saturn
saumya = Mercury ced (conjunction) (indeclinable) = if
arkisaumyau (stem form: arkisaumya) (masculine, nominative,
dual) = Saturn and Mercury sthitau (1st class verb root: sthā) (past passive participle,
masculine, nominative, dual) = the two situated
api (adverb) (indeclinable) = also
vakras (stem form: vakra) (masculine, nominative, singular) = yugma = even signs
Mars oja = odd signs
ṛkṣa = zodiac signs
vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or gata = situated in
yugmaujaṛkṣagatau (stem form: yugmaujaṛkṣagata) (masculine,
respectively. For the neuter planets, Saturn and Mercury, I believe Saturn in nominative, dual) = situated in the even and odd zodiac signs
an even sign and Mercury in an odd sign would lead to conditions of
impotence with other factors, as stipulated in the verse.
api (adverb) (indeclinable) = also klība = eunuch
yoga = conditions producing
indu = the Moon klībayogās (stem form: klībayoga) (masculine, nominative,
śaśija = Mercury plural) = conditions producing a eunuch
induśaśijau (stem form: induśaśija) (masculine, nominative,
dual) = the Moon and Mercury (born of the Moon) smṛtās (1st class verb root: smṛ) (past passive participle,
masculine, nominative, plural) = remembered
bhūmyātmajena (stem form: bhūmyātmaja) (masculine,
instrumental, singular) = by Mars (born of the soul of the earth)

īkṣitau (1st class verb root: īkṣ) (past passive participle,

masculine, nominative, dual) = the two aspected

puṃs = male
bhāva = zodiac sign
pumbhāve (stem form: pumbhāva) (masculine, locative,
singular) = in a masculine zodiac sign

sita = Venus
lagna = lagna
śītakiraṇa = the Moon
sitalagnaśītakiraṇās (stem form: sitalagnaśītakiraṇa)
(masculine, nominative, plural) = Venus, the lagna, and the

ṣaṭ (stem form: ṣaṣ) (cardinal number, masculine, nominative,

plural) = six
yugme (stem form: yugma) (neuter, locative, singular) = in an
Verse 24 even zodiac sign

yugme candrasitau tathaujabhavane candra = the Moon

sita = Venus
syurjñārajīvodayā lagnendū nṛnirīkṣitau ca samagau yugmeṣu candrasitau (stem form: candrasita) (masculine, nominative,
dual) = the Moon and Venus
vā prāṇinaḥ ।
tathā (adverb) (indeclinable) = thus
kuryurte mithunaṃ grahodaya gatān dvyaṅgāṃśakān
oja = odd
paśyati svāṃśe jñe tritayaṃ jñagāṃśakavaśād bhavana = sign
ojabhavane (stem form: ojabhavana) (neuter, locative, singular)
yugmaṃ tvamiśraiḥ samam ॥ 24 ॥ = in an odd zodiac sign

syus (2nd class verb root: as) (optative, parasmaipada, 3rd

Thus, the Moon and Venus should be in an even zodiac sign person, plural) = those should be
and Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and the ​lagna​ should be in an odd
zodiac sign. The ​lagna​ and the Moon situated in an even jña = Mercury
(zodiac sign) and aspected by male planets or in even (zodiac āra = Mars
signs) of power, they should produce twins. When Mercury is
jīva = Jupiter
in one’s own ​aṃśa (portion) aspecting the ​aṃśakas (portions)
in the dual zodiac signs (i.e., Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, and udaya = ​lagna
Sagittarius) situated with the ​lagna​ and the planets, it should jñārajīvodayās (stem form: jñārajīvodaya) (masculine,
produce triplets. From the rulership ​aṃśaka (portion) being nominative, plural) = Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and the ​lagna
with Mercury with those unmixed are the twins the same
lagna = ​lagna te (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, nominative, plural) = they
indu = the Moon
lagnendū (stem form: lagnendu) (masculine, nominative, dual) mithunam (stem form: mithuna) (masculine, accusative,
= the ​lagna​ and the Moon singular) = twins

nṛ = a male graha = planet

nirīkṣita = aspected udaya = ​lagna
nṛnirīkṣitau (1st class verb root: nirīkṣ) (past passive participle, gata = situated in
masculine, nominative, dual) = the two aspected by male grahodayagatān (1st class verb root: gam) (past passive
(planets) participle, masculine, accusative, plural) = those situated with
the ​lagna​ and the planets
ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
dvi = two
sama = even (zodiac sign) aṅga = limbed
ga = situated aṃśaka = aṃśaka (portion)
samagau (stem form: samaga) (masculine, nominative, dual) = dvyaṅgāṃśakān (stem form: dvyaṅgāṃśaka) (masculine,
the two situated in an even (zodiac sign) accusative, plural) = a​ ṃśakas (portions) in the dual zodiac
signs (i.e., Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius)
yugmeṣu (stem form: yugma) (neuter, locative, plural) = in the
even (zodiac signs) paśyati (1st class verb root: dṛś) (present indicative,
parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = it aspecting
vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or
sva = one’s own
prāṇinas (stem form: prāṇin) (masculine, genitive, singular) = aṃśa = aṃśa (portion)
of power svāṃśe (stem form: svāṃśa) (masculine, locative, singular) =
in one’s own ​aṃśa (portion)
kuryus (8th class verb root: kṛ) (optative, parasmaipada, 3rd
person, plural) = they should produce
jñe (stem form: jña) (masculine, locative, singular) = when
Mercury Verse 25
tritayam (stem form: tritaya) (neuter, accusative, singular) = dhanurdharasyāntyagate vilagne
grahaistadaṃśopagatairbaliṣṭhaiḥ ।
jña = Mercury
ga = situated jñenārkiṇā vīryayutenadṛṣṭaiḥ santi prabhūtāpi
aṃśaka = aṃśaka (portion)
vaśa = the rulership kośasaṃsthāḥ ॥ 25 ॥
jñagāṃśakavaśāt (stem form: jñagāṃśakavaśa) (masculine,
ablative, singular) = from the rulership ​aṃśaka (portion)
situated with Mercury When the ​lagna​ is situated in the last (portion) of Sagittarius
with those strongest planets situated in the a​ ṃśas (portions) of
yugmam (stem form: yugma) (neuter, nominative, singular) = that and also with Mercury and Saturn joined to power and
twins aspecting, those dwelling in the womb are many.

tu (conjunction) (indeclinable) = but

amiśrais (stem form: amiśra) (masculine, instrumental, plural)

= with those unmixed

samam (stem form: sama) (neuter, nominative, singular) =

same (gender)
dhanurdharasya (stem form: dhanurdhara) (masculine, genitive, ārkiṇā (stem form: ārki) (masculine, instrumental, singular) =
singular) = of Sagittarius with Saturn

antya = the last (portion) vīrya = power

gata = situated in yuta = joined
antyagate (1st class verb root: gam) (past passive participle, vīryayutena (2nd class verb root: yu) (past passive participle,
neuter, locative, singular) = when situated in the last (portion) masculine, instrumental, singular) = with joined to power

vilagne (stem form: vilagna) (neuter, locative, singular) = when dṛṣṭais (1st class verb root: dṛś) (past passive participle,
lagna masculine, instrumental, plural) = by aspects

grahais (stem form: graha) (masculine, instrumental, plural) = santi (2nd class verb: as) (present indicative, parasmaipada, 3rd
with the planets person, plural) = they are

tad = that prabhūtās (pra + 1st class verb root: bhū) (past passive
aṃśa = aṃśa (portion) participle, masculine, nominative, plural) = those many
upagata = situated
tadaṃśopagatais (upa + 1st class verb root: gam) (past passive api (adverb) (indeclinable) = and also
participle, masculine, instrumental, plural) = with those
situated in the​ aṃśas (portions) of that kośa = womb
saṃstha = dwelling
baliṣṭhais (stem form: baliṣṭha) (superlative, masculine, kośasaṃsthās (stem form: kośasaṃstha) (masculine,
instrumental, plural) = with the strongest nominative, plural) = those dwelling in the womb

jñena (stem form: jña) (masculine, instrumental, singular) =

with Mercury
dvi = dual
Verse 26 śarīra = body
aṃśa = aṃśa (portion)
dviśarīrāṃśam (stem form: dviśarīrāṃśa) (masculine,
dviśarīrāṃśaṃsayuktān grahān lagnaṃ ca paśyati । accusative, singular) = dual bodied a​ ṃśa (portion)

kanyāṃśakagataścāndrirgarbhasthaṃ tritayaṃ vadet ॥ 26 ॥ sa = with

yukta = joined
sayuktān (7th class verb root: yuj) (past passive participle,
Mercury situated in an a​ ṃśaka (portion) of Virgo aspecting the masculine, accusative, plural) = joined with
lagna ​of a dual bodied a​ ṃśa (portion) joined with planets, one
should ascertain triplets situated in the womb. grahān (stem form: graha) (masculine, accusative, plural) =

lagnam (stem form: lagna) (masculine, accusative, singular) =


ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

paśyati (1st class verb root: dṛś) (present indicative,

parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = it aspecting

kanyā = Virgo
aṃśaka = aṃśaka (portion)
gata = situated
kanyāṃśakagatas (1st class verb root: gam) (past passive
participle, masculine, nominative, singular) = situated in an
aṃśaka (portion) of Virgo

cāndris (stem form: cāndri) (nominal derivative, masculine,

nominative, singular) = Mercury
garbha = womb Verse 27
stha = situated
garbhastham (stem form: garbhastha) (masculine, accusative,
singular) = situated in the womb yugmāṃśakastu kanyaikā dvau pumāṃsau ca garbhajāḥ ।

tritayam (stem form: tritaya) (masculine, accusative, singular) yugmāṃśagānvilagnaṃ ca garbhasthāḥ puruṣāstrayaḥ ॥ 27 ॥
= triplets

vadet (1st person verb root: vad) (optative, parasmaipada, 3rd But [Mercury situated in] an a​ ṃśaka (portion) of Gemini
person, singular) = one should ascertain [aspecting the ​lagna o​ f a dual bodied a​ ṃśa (portion) joined
with planets], one female and two males are born in the womb.
[All those] situated in an ​aṃśa (portion) of Gemini and the
lagna​, three males are situated in the womb.
yugma = Gemini vilagnam (stem form: lagna) (masculine, accusative, singular)
aṃśaka = aṃśaka (portion) = ​lagna
yugmāṃśakas (stem form: yugmāṃśaka) (masculine,
nominative, singular) = ​aṃśaka (portion) of Gemini ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

tu (conjunction) (indeclinable) = but garbha = womb

stha = situated
kanyā = female garbhasthās (stem form: garbhastha) (masculine, nominative,
ekā = one plural) = those situated in the womb
kanyaikā (stem form: kanyaikā) (feminine, nominative,
singular) = one female puruṣās (stem form: puruṣa) (masculine, nominative, plural) =
dvau (stem form: dva) (masculine, nominative, dual) = two
trayas (stem form: tri) (masculine, nominative, plural) = three
pumāṃsau (stem form: puṃs) (masculine, nominative, dual) =
two males

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

garbha = womb
ja = born
garbhajās (stem form: garbhaja) (masculine, nominative,
plural) = those born in the womb

yugma = Gemini
aṃśa = aṃśa (portion)
ga = situated
yugmāṃśagān (stem form: yugmāṃśaga) (masculine,
accusative, plural) = those situated in an ​aṃśa (portion) of
kanyā = Virgo
Verse 28 yugma = Gemini
aṃśaka = aṃśaka (portion)
kanyāyugmāṃśakopetāṃstathā yugmāṃśago budhaḥ । upeta = situated
kanyāyugmāṃśakopetān (upa + 2nd class verb root: i) (past
kanyānavāṃśakaḥ saumyastisro garbhagatāṅganāḥ ॥ 28 ॥ passive participle, masculine, accusative, plural) = those
situated in the ​aṃśaka (portion) of Virgo and Gemini

Thus, those situated in the ​aṃśaka (portion) of Virgo and tathā (adverb) (indeclinable) = thus
Gemini. Mercury situated in the a​ ṃśa (portion) of Gemini.
Mercury in the n​ avāṃśaka of Virgo, three females situated in yugma = Gemini
the womb. aṃśa = aṃśa (portion)
ga = situated
yugmāṃśagas (stem form: yugmāṃśaga) (masculine,
nominative, singular) = situated in the a​ ṃśa (portion) of

budhas (stem form: budha) (masculine, nominative, singular) =


kanyā = Virgo
navāṃśaka = navāṃśaka
kanyānavāṃśakas (stem form: kanyānavāṃśaka) (masculine,
nominative, singular) = ​navāṃśaka of Virgo

saumyas (stem form: saumya) (masculine, nominative,

singular) = Mercury

tisras (stem form: tri) (ordinal number, feminine, nominative,

plural) = three
garbha = womb Verse 29
gata = situated
aṅganā = female
garbhagatāṅganās (stem form: garbhagatāṅgana) (feminine, dvisvabhāvagatāvarkagurū budhanirīkṣitau ।
nominative, plural) = females situated in the womb
puṃyugmaṃ kurutastadvat śaśiśukramahīsutāḥ ॥ 29 ॥

The Sun and Jupiter situated in dual-natured (zodiac sign)

aspected by Mercury produces male twins. Possessed of that,
the Moon, Venus, and Mars...
dvi = dual śaśin = the Moon
svabhāva = nature śukra = Venus
gata = situated mahīsuta = Mars
dvisvabhāvagatāu (1st class verb root: gam) (past passive śaśiśukramahīsutās (stem form: śaśiśukramahīsuta) (masculine,
participle, masculine, nominative, dual) = two situated in nominative, plural) = the Moon, Venus, and Mars
dual-natured (zodiac sign)

arka = the Sun

guru = Jupiter
arkagurū (stem form: arkaguru) (masculine, nominative, dual)
= the Sun and Jupiter

budha = Mercury
nirīkṣita = aspected
budhanirīkṣitau (nir + 1st class verb root: īkṣ) (past passive
participle, masculine, nominative, dual) = two aspected by

puṃs = male
yugma = twins
puṃyugmam (stem form: puṃyugma) (masculine, accusative,
singular) = male twins

kurutas (8th class verb root: kṛ) (present indicative,

parasmaipada, 3rd person, dual) = two produce

tad =that
vat = possessed
tadvat (stem form: tadvat) (neuter, nominative, singular) =
possessed of that [female twins]
kurvanti (8th class verb root: kṛ) (present indicative,
parasmaipada, 3rd person, plural) = those produce
Verse 30
strī = female
kurvanti strīyugaṃ tatra balābalaviśeṣataḥ । yuga = twins
strīyugam (stem form: strīyuga) (masculine, accusative,
strīnapuṃsakadaścāndraḥ puṃnapuṃsakado'rkajaḥ ॥ 30 ॥ singular) = female twins

tatra (adverb) (indeclinable) = in that case that case, those produce female twins in proportion to the
strength and weakness. Mercury bestows a female bala = strength
hermaphrodite. Saturn bestows a male hermaphrodite. abala = weakness
viśeṣatas = in proportion to
balābalaviśeṣatas (adverb) (indeclinable) = in proportion to the
strength and weakness

strī = female
napuṃsaka = hermaphrodite
da = bestows
strīnapuṃsakadas (stem form: strīnapuṃsakada) (masculine,
nominative, singular) = bestows a female hermaphrodite

cāndras (stem form: cāndra) (nominal derivative, masculine,

nominative, singular) = Mercury

puṃs = male
napuṃsaka = hermaphrodite
da = bestows
puṃnapuṃsakadas (stem form: puṃnapuṃsakada) (masculine,
nominative, singular) = bestows a male hermaphrodite
arka = the Sun
ja = born Verse 31
arkajas (stem form: arkaja) (masculine, nominative, singular) =
born of the Sun (Saturn)
niṣekakāle candrārkāvanyonyaṃ yadi paśyataḥ ।

tathaiva candramandau vā klībajanmapradau tathā ॥ 31 ॥

If at the time of impregnation the Moon and the Sun or the

Moon and Saturn are in mutual aspect, thus those two betow
the birth of a eunuch.
niṣeka = impregnation tatha (adverb) (indeclinable) = thus
kāla = time
niṣekakāle (stem form: niṣekakāla) (masculine, locative,
singular) = at the time of impregnation

candrārkau (stem form: candrārka) (masculine, nominative,

dual) = the Moon and the Sun

anyonyam (stem form: anyonyam) (masculine, accusative,

singular) = mutual

yadi (conjunction) (indeclinable) = if

paśyatas (stem form: paśyata) (masculine, nominative,

singular) = aspecting

tatha (adverb) (indeclinable) = thus

eva (adverb) (indeclinable) = indeed

candra = the Moon

manda = Saturn
candramandau (stem form: candramanda) (masculine,
nominative, dual) = the Moon and Saturn

vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or

klība = eunuch
janman = birth
prada = bestowing
klībajanmapradau (stem form: klībajanmaprada) (masculine,
nominative, dual) = two bestowing the birth of a eunuch
niṣeke (stem form: niṣeka) (masculine, locative, singular) =
during impregnation
Verse 32
bhrātṛ = third house
niṣeke bhrātṛlagne śayoge yamalasambhavaḥ । lagna = ​lagna
īśa = lord
lagneśe bhrātṛpakṣasthe svocce vā yamalodbhavaḥ ॥ 32 ॥ yoga = ​yoga (​ association)
bhrātṛlagneśayoge (stem form: bhrātṛlagna) (masculine,
locative, singular) = when ​yoga (​ association) with the lords of
During impregnation when there is a ​yoga ​(association) with the third house and the ​lagna
the lords of the third house and the ​lagna​, there is the birth of
twins. When the lord of the ​lagna ​is situated in the p​ akṣa yamala = twins
(portion) of the third house or one’s own exaltation, there is the sambhava = birth
birth of twins. yamalasambhavas (stem form: yamalasambhava) (masculine,
nominative, singular) = birth of twins

lagna = ​lagna
īśa = lord
lagneśe (stem form: lagneśa) (masculine, locative, singular) =
when the lord of the ​lagna

bhrātṛ = third house

pakṣa = pakṣa (portion)
stha = situated
bhrātṛpakṣasthe (stem form: bhrātṛpakṣastha) (masculine,
locative, singular) = when situated in the p​ akṣa (portion) of the
third house

sva = one’s own

ucca = exaltation
svocce (stem form: svocca) (masculine, locative, singular) = in
one’s own exaltation
vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or Verse 33
yamala = twins
udbhava = birth ṣaṣṭheśo dehasambandhī budhaḥ ṣaṣṭhagato yadi ।
yamalodbhavas (stem form: yamalodbhava) (masculine,
nominative, singular) = birth of twins budhakṣetre ca yasya sa strīnapuṃsakaḥ ॥ 33 ॥

If Mercury is situated in the sixth (house) and the lord of the

sixth house connected with the first house of which it is in the
zodiac sign of Mercury, that one is a female hermaphrodite.
ṣaṣṭha = sixth (house) strī = female
īśa = lord napuṃsaka = hermaphrodite
ṣaṣṭheśas (stem form: ṣaṣṭheśa) (masculine, nominative, strīnapuṃsakas (stem form: strīnapuṃsaka) (masculine,
singular) = lord of the sixth (house) nominative, singular) = female hermaphrodite

deha = first house

sambandhin = connected with
dehasambandhī (stem form: dehasambandhin) (masculine,
nominative, singular) = connected with the first house

budhas (stem form: budha) (masculine, nominative, singular) =


ṣaṣṭha = sixth (house)

gata = situated
ṣaṣṭhagatas (1st class verb root: gam) (past passive participle,
masculine, nominative, singular) = situated in the sixth (house)

yadi (conjunction) (indeclinable) = if

budha = Mercury
kṣetra = zodiac sign
budhakṣetre (stem form: budhakṣetra) (neuter, locative,
singular) = in zodiac sign of Mercury

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

yasya (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, genitive, singular) = of


sas (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, nominative, singular) =

that one
Verse 34
budha = Mercury
budhasthānena śaninā puṃnapuṃsakatā bhavet । sthāna = position
budhasthānena (stem form: budhasthāna) (neuter, instrumental,
niṣekalagneśatṛtīyanāthau lagnasthitau cedyamalodbhavaḥ singular) = with the position of Mercury

syāt । śaninā (stem form: śani) (masculine, instrumental, singular)

with Saturn
tṛtīyanāthena yute niṣeke bhogīśayukte yadi pādajātaḥ ॥ 34 ॥
puṃs = male
napuṃsaka = hermaphrodite
With Saturn in the position of Mercury, one should be in the tā = state of being
state of a male hermaphrodite. If the lord of the third (house) puṃnapuṃsakatā (stem form: puṃnapuṃsakatā) (feminine,
and the lord of the impregnation ​lagna a​ re situated in the nominative, singular) = state of a male hermaphrodite
lagna​, there should be birth of twins. If during impregnation
when [the lord of the impregnation ​lagna]​ is joined with the bhavet (1st class verb root: bhū) (optative, parasmaipada, 3rd
lord of the third (house) and Rahu, one is born with feet (first). person, singular) = one should be

niṣeka = impregnation
lagna = ​lagna
īśa = lord
tṛtīya = third (house)
nātha = lord
niṣekalagneśatṛtīyanāthau (stem form:
niṣekalagneśatṛtīyanātha) (masculine, nominative, dual) = lord
of the third (house) and the lord of the impregnation ​lagna

lagna = ​lagna
sthita = situated
lagnasthitau (1st class verb root: sthā) (past passive participle,
masculine, nominative, dual) = situated in the ​lagna
ced (conjunction) (indeclinable) = if pāda = feet
jāta = born
yamala = twins pādajātas (4th class verb root: jan) (past passive participle,
udbhava = birth masculine, nominative, singular) = born with feet
yamalodbhavas (stem form: yamalodbhava) (masculine,
nominative, singular) = birth of twins

syāt (2nd class verb root: as) (optative, 3rd person, singular) =
it should be

tṛtīya = third (house)

nātha = lord
tṛtīyanāthena (stem form: tṛtīyanātha) (masculine, instrumental,
singular) = with the lord of the third (house)

yute (2nd class verb root: yu) (past passive participle,

masculine, locative, singular) = when [the lord of the
impregnation ​lagna​] is joined

niṣeke (stem form: niṣeka) (masculine, locative, singular) =

during impregnation

bhogin = snakes
īśa = lord
yukta = joined
bhogīśayukte (7th class verb root: yuj) (past passive participle,
masculine, locative, singular) = when joined with the lord of
the snakes (Rahu)

yadi (conjunction) (indeclinable) = if

rāhu = Rahu
udaya = ​lagna
Verse 35 rāhūdaye (stem form: rāhūdaya) (masculine, locative, singular)
= when the ​lagna i​ s with Rahu
rāhūdaye lagnanāthe karmasthe pādapūrvajaḥ ।
lagna = ​lagna
sarāhau randhrape lagne jātaḥ syāt sarpaveṣṭitaḥ ॥ 35 ॥ nātha = lord
lagnanāthe (stem form: lagnanātha) (masculine, locative,
singular) = when the lord of the ​lagna
When the ​lagna ​is with Rahu and the lord of the ​lagna ​is
situated in the tenth house, one is born feet first. When the lord karman = tenth house
​ ith Rahu, the born should
of the eighth house is in the ​lagna w stha = situated
be wrapped with a snake (umbilical cord). karmasthe (stem form: karmastha) (masculine, locative,
singular) = when situated in the tenth house

pāda = foot
pūrva = first
ja = born
pādapūrvajas (stem form: pādapūrvaja) (masculine,
nominative, singular) = born feet first

sa = with
rāhu = Rahu
sarāhau (stem form: sarāhu) (masculine, locative, singular) =
when with Rahu

randhra = eighth house

pa = lord
randhrape (stem form: randhrapa) (masculine, locative,
singular) = when the lord of the eighth house
lagne (stem form: lagna) (masculine, locative, singular) = in
the ​lagna
Verse 36
jātas (4th class verb root: jan) (past passive participle,
masculine, nominative, singular) = born randhreśvare pāpayute vilagne jāto nagairveṣṭidehavānsyāt ।

syāt (2nd class verb root: as) (optative, 3rd person, singular) = kendre sarahau gulikena yukte lagneśvare vāvā nidhaneśayukte
it should be
॥ 36 ॥
sarpa = snake (umbilical cord)
veṣṭita = wrapped
sarpaveṣṭitas (1st class verb root: veṣṭ) (past passive participle, When the lord of the eighth house is joined with a malefic in
masculine, nominative, singular) = wrapped with a snake the ​lagna,​ the born should be possessed of a body wound with
(umbilical cord) snakes (an umbilical cord). When an angle is with Rahu joined
with Gulika or either when the lord of the ​lagna​ is joined to the
lord of the eighth house, ...
randhra = eighth house sa = with
īśvara = lord rāhu = Rahu
randhreśvare (stem form: randhreśvara) (masculine, locative, sarāhau (stem form: sarāhu) (masculine, locative, singular) =
singular) = when the lord of the eighth house when with Rahu

pāpa = malefic gulikena (stem form: gulika) (masculine, instrumental,

yuta = joined singular) = with Gulika
pāpayute (2nd class verb root: yu) (past passive participle,
masculine, locative, singular) = when joined with a malefic yukte (7th class verb root: yuj) (past passive participle,
masculine, locative, singular) = when joined
vilagne (stem form: vilagna) (masculine, locative, singular) =
in the ​lagna lagna = the ​lagna
īśvara = lord
jātas (4th class verb root: jan) (past passive participle, lagneśvare (stem form: lagneśvara) (masculine, locative,
masculine, nominative, singular) = born singular) = when the lord of the ​lagna

nagais (stem form: naga) (masculine, instrumental, plural) = vāvā (adverb) (indeclinable) = or either
with snakes (an umbilical cord)
nidhana = eighth house
veṣṭita = wound īśa = lord
deha = body yukta = joined
vat = possessed nidhaneśayukte (7th class verb root: yuj) (past passive
veṣṭidehavān (stem form: veṣṭidehavat) (masculine, participle, masculine, locative, singular) = one joined to the
nominative, singular) = possessed of body wound lord of the eighth house

syāt (2nd class verb root: as) (optative, 3rd person, singular) =
it should be

kendre (stem form: kendra) (neuter, locative, singular) = when

an angle
krūra = cruel
graha = planet
Verse 37 krūragrahāṇām (stem form: krūragraha) (masculine, genitive,
plural) = of the malefic planets
krūragrahāṇāṃ ca dṛgāṇalagne jāto nagairveṣṭitadehavān syāt ।
ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
lagnatribhāge budhasarpakolāsrannāthayuktastu tathā
dṛgāṇa = dṛgāṇa
tribhāgaḥ । lagna = ​lagna
dṛgāṇalagne (stem form: dṛgāṇalagna) (masculine, locative,
śubhapradāṇāṃ ca dṛśā vihīne jāto nagairveṣṭitadehavān syāt singular) = when the ​lagna​ of a d​ ṛgāṇa

॥ 37 ॥ jātas (4th class verb root: jan) (past passive participle,

masculine, nominative, singular) = born

...and when the ​lagna​ of a ​dṛgāṇa of the malefic planets, the nagais (stem form: naga) (masculine, instrumental, plural) =
born should possessed of body wound with snakes (an with snakes (an umbilical cord)
umbilical cord). Mercury, Rahu, and Saturn in the third ​bhāga
(portion) of the ​lagna ​joined to the lord of that and the third veṣṭita = wound
bhāga ​(portion) is without aspects of those giving deha = body
auspiciousness, the born should be possessed of body wound vat = possessed
with snakes (an umbilical cord). veṣṭidehavān (stem form: veṣṭidehavat) (masculine,
nominative, singular) = possessed of body wound

syāt (2nd class verb root: as) (optative, 3rd person, singular) =
it should be

lagna = ​lagna
tri = three
bhāga = ​bhāga (​ portion)
lagnatribhāge (stem form: lagnatribhāga) (masculine, locative,
singular) = in the third ​bhāga (​ portion) of the ​lagna
budha = Mercury vihīne (stem form: vihīna) (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine,
sarpa = Rahu nominative, plural= without those
kola = Saturn
budhasarpakolās (stem form: budhasarpakola) (masculine, jātas (4th class verb root: jan) (past passive participle,
nominative, plural) = Mercury, Rahu, and Saturn masculine, nominative, singular) = born

tat = that nagais (stem form: naga) (masculine, instrumental, plural) =

nātha = lord with snakes (an umbilical cord)
yukta = joined
rannāthayuktas (7th class verb root: yuj) (past passive veṣṭita = wound
participle, masculine, nominative, singular) = joined to the lord deha = body
of that vat = possessed
veṣṭidehavān (stem form: veṣṭidehavat) (masculine,
tu (conjunction) (indeclinable) = but nominative, singular) = possessed of body wound

tathā (adverb) (indeclinable) = thus syāt (2nd class verb root: as) (optative, 3rd person, singular) =
it should be
tri = third
bhāga = ​bhāga (​ portion)
tribhāgas (stem form: tribhāga) (masculine, nominative,
singular) = third ​bhāga (​ portion)

śubha = auspiciousness
prada = giving
śubhapradāṇām (stem form: śubhaprada) (masculine, genitive,
plural) = of those giving auspiciousness

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

dṛśās (stem form: dṛśa) (masculine, nominative, plural) =

śaśāṅke (stem form: śaśāṅka) (masculine, locative, singular) =
Verse 38 when the Moon

śaśāṅke pāpalagne vā vṛścikeśatribhāgage । pāpa = malefic

lagna = ​lagna
śubhaiḥ svāyasthitairjātaḥ sarpastadveṣṭito'pi vā ॥ 38 ॥ pāpalagne (1st class verb root: lag) (past passive participle,
masculine, locative, singular) = when a malefic ​langa

When the Moon is situated in the third ​bhāga​ (portion) of the vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or
lord of Scorpio (Mars) with benefic planets situated in the
second and eleventh house, one is born a serpent. Or also when vṛścika = Scorpio
a malefic ​lagna​, one is wound by that. īśa = lord
tri = third
bhāga = ​bhāga​ (portion)
ga = situated in
vṛścikeśatribhāgage (stem form: vṛścikeśatribhāgaga)
(masculine, locative, singular) = when situated in the third
bhāga​ (portion) of the lord of Scorpio (Mars)

śubhais (stem form: śubha) (masculine, instrumental, plural) =

with benefic planets

sva = the second house

āya = the eleventh house
sthita = situated
svāyasthitais (1st class verb root: sthā) (past passive participle,
masculine, instrumental, plural) = with those situated in the
second and eleventh house
jātas (4th class verb root: jan) (past passive participle, Verse 39
masculine, nominative, singular) = born
catuṣpāda gate bhānau śeṣairvīryasamanvitaiḥ ।
sarpas (stem form: sarpa) (masculine, nominative, singular) =
serpent dvi tanusthaiśca yamalau bhavataḥ kośa veṣṭitau ॥ 39 ॥

tad = that
veṣṭita = wound When the Sun is situated in a four-footed (quadruped zodiac
tadveṣṭitas (1st class verb root: veṣṭ) (past passive participle, sign) with the remaining (planets) connected with strength
masculine, nominative, singular) = wound by that situated in a dual-bodied (zodiac sign), twins are existing
enveloped in a womb.
api (adverb) (indeclinable) = also

vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or
catuṣpāda = four-footed (quadruped zodiac sign) yamalau (stem form: yamala) (masculine, nominative, dual) =
gata = situated in twins
catuṣpādagate (1st class verb root: gam) (past passive
participle, masculine, locative, singular) = when situated in a bhavatas (1st class verb root: bhū) (present participle,
four-footed (quadruped zodiac sign) masculine, nominative, dual) = two are existing

bhānau (stem form: bhānu) (masculine, locative, singular) = kośa = womb

when the Sun veṣṭita = enveloped
kośaveṣṭitau (1st class verb root: veṣṭ) (past passive participle,
śeṣais (stem form: śeṣa) (masculine, instrumental, plural) = masculine, nominative, dual) = the two enveloped in a womb
with the remaining (planets)

vīrya = strength
samanvita = connected with
vīryasamanvitais (sam + anu + 2nd class verb root: i) (past
passive participle, masculine, instrumental, plural) = with those
connected with strength

dvi = dual
tanu = body
stha = situated in
dvitanusthais (stem form: dvitanustha) (masculine/neuter,
instrumental, plural) = with those situated in a dual-bodied
(zodiac signs)

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

chāge (stem form: chāga) (masculine, locative, singular) =
Verse 40 when Aries

chāge siṃhe vṛṣe lagne tatsthe saure atha vā kuje । siṃhe (stem form: siṃha) (masculine, locative, singular) =
when Leo
rāśyaṃśasadṛśe gātre jāyate nālaveṣṭitaḥ ॥ 40 ॥
vṛṣe (stem form: vṛṣa) (masculine, locative, singular) = when
When the ​lagna​ is Aries, Leo, or Taurus and if Saturn or Mars
are situated in those, one is born coiled with a tube (umbilical lagne (stem form: lagna) (masculine, locative, singular)= when
cord) in portion of the body corresponding a​ ṃśa (portion) of the ​lagna
the zodiac sign.
tat = that
stha = situated in
tatsthe (stem form: tatstha) (masculine, locative, singular) =
when situated in those

saure (stem form: saura) (masculine, locative, singular) = when


atha (adverb) (indeclinable) = if

vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or

kuje (stem form: kuja) (masculine, locative, singular) = when

rāśi = zodiac sign
aṃśa = aṃśa (portion) Verse 41
sadṛśa = corresponding
rāśyaṃśasadṛśe (stem form: rāśyaṃśasadṛśa) (masculine, lagne sapāpe bahupāpadṛṣṭe rāhudhvajābhyāṃ sahite'thavā'tra ।
locative, singular) = in the corresponding ​aṃśa (portion) of the
zodiac sign pāpagrahāṇāṃ vilagnabhe vā jāto naro nālavideṣṭitāṅgaḥ

gātre (stem form: gātra) (neuter, locative, singular) = in portion ॥ 41 ॥

of the body
When the ​lagna ​is with a malefic planet and aspected by many
jāyate (4th class verb root: jan) (present indicative, malefics or joined by Rahu and Ketu; or also in the zodiac sign
ātmanepada, 3rd person, singular) = one is born of the ​lagna ​of malefic planets; in this case a person is born
with a body coiled with a tube (umbilical cord).
nāla = tube (the umbilical cord)
veṣṭita = coiled
nālaveṣṭitas (1st class verb root: veṣṭ) (past passive participle,
masculine, nominative, singular) = coiled with a tube
(umbilical cord)
lagne (stem form: lagna) (masculine, locative, singular) = when vilagna = ​lagna
the ​lagna bha = zodiac sign
vilagnabhe (stem form: vilagnabha) (neuter, locative, singular)
sa = with = in the zodiac sign of the ​lagna
pāpa = malefic
sapāpe (stem form: sapāpa) (masculine, locative, singular) = vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or
when with a malefic planet
jātas (4th class verb root: jan) (past passive participle,
bahu = many masculine, nominative, singular) = born
pāpa = malefic
dṛṣṭa = aspected naras (stem form: nara) (masculine, nominative, singular) =
bahupāpadṛṣṭe (1st class verb root: dṛś) (past passive participle, person
masculine, locative, singular) = aspected by many malefics
nāla = tube (umbilical cord)
rāhu = Rahu viveṣṭita = coiled
dhvaja = Ketu aṅga = body
rāhudhvajābhyām (stem form: rāhudhvaja) (masculine, nālaviveṣṭitāṅgas (stem form: nālaviveṣṭitāṅga) (masculine,
instrumental, dual) = by Rahu and Ketu nominative, singular) = body coiled with a tube (umbilical
sahite (stem form: sahita) (masculine, locative, singular) =
when joined

atha (adverb) (indeclinable) = also

vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or

atra (adverb) (indeclinable) = in this case

pāpa = malefic
graha = planet
pāpagrahāṇām (stem form: pāpagraha) (masculine, genitive,
plural) = of malefic planets
krūra = malefic
antara = other than
Verse 42 krūrāntare (stem form: krūrāntara) (masculine, locative,
singular) = when a malefic other than
krūrāntare lagnagate sarāhau lagne kuje vā'suranāthadṛṣṭe ।
lagna = ​lagna
lagne śanau bhumisutena dṛṣṭe jāto naro nālaviveṣṭitāṅgaḥ gata = situated
lagnagate (1st class verb root: gam) (past passive participle,
॥ 42 ॥ masculine, locative, singular) = when situated in the ​lagna

sa = with
When a malefic other than Mars is situated in the ​lagna ​with rāhu = Rahu
Rahu or when aspected by the lord of the demons (Rahu), or sarāhau (stem form: sarāhu) (masculine, locative, singular) =
when Saturn is in the ​lagna​ and aspected by the son of the when with Rahu
earth (Mars), the person born has the body coiled with a tube
(umbilical cord). lagne (stem form: lagna) (masculine, locative, singular) = when
the ​lagna

kuje (stem form: kuja) (masculine, locative, singular) = when


vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or

asura = demon
nātha = lord
dṛṣṭa = aspected
vāsaranāthadṛṣṭe (1st class verb root: dṛś) (past passive
participle, masculine, locative, singular) = when aspected by
the lord of the demons (Rahu)6

Typically the lord of the ​asuras (​ demons) is considered Venus.
lagne (stem form: lagna) (masculine, locative, singular) = in
the ​lagna Verse 43
śanau (stem form: śani) (masculine, locative, singular) = when
Saturn tatkālamindusahito dvirasāṃśako yas

bhumi = earth tattulyarāśisahite purataḥ śaśāṅke ।

suta = son
bhumisutena (stem form: bhumisuta) (masculine, instrumental, yāvān udeti dinarātri sa māna bhāgastāvad gate dina
singular) = by the son of the earth (Mars)

dṛṣṭe (1st class verb root: dṛś) (past passive participle, niśoḥ pravadanti janma ॥ 43 ॥
masculine, locative, singular) = aspected

jātas (4th class verb root: jan) (past passive participle, At that time, the twelfth a​ ṃśaka (portion) which joined with
masculine, nominative, singular) = born the Moon, afterwards when the Moon is united with a zodiac
sign corresponding to that; as far as the the ​bhāga​ (portion)
naras (stem form: nara) (masculine, nominative, singular) =
person corresponding to the day or night rises, so far as they consider
the birth when situated in the day or night.
nāla = tube (umbilical cord)
viveṣṭita = coiled
aṅga = body
nālaviveṣṭitāṅgas (stem form: nālaviveṣṭitāṅga) (masculine,
nominative, singular) = body coiled with a tube (umbilical
tatkālam (adverb) (indeclinable) = at that time śaśāṅke (stem form: śaśāṅka) (masculine, locative, singular) =
when the Moon
indu = the Moon
sahita = joined yāvāt (relative adverb) (indeclinable) = as far as
indusahitas (sa + 3rd class verb root: dhā) (past passive
participle, masculine, nominative, singular) = joined with the udeti (ud + 1st class verb root: i) (present indicative,
Moon parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = it rises up

dvi = two dina = day

rasa = ten rātri = night
aṃśaka = aṃśaka (portion) samāna = corresponding
dvirasāṃśakas (masculine, nominative, singular) = twelfth bhāga = ​bhāga​ (portion)
aṃśaka (portion) dinarātrisamānabhāgas (stem form: dinarātrisamānabhāga)
(masculine, nominative, singular) = ​bhāga​ (portion)
yas (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, nominative, singular) = corresponding to the day or night
tāvat (correlative adverb) (indeclinable) = so far as
tat= that
tulya = corresponding gate (1st class verb root: gam) (past passive participle,
rāśi = zodiac sign masculine, locative, singular) = when situated
sahita = united
tattulyarāśisahite (stem form: tattulyarāśisahita) (masculine, dina = day
locative, singular) = when united with a zodiac sign niśā = night
corresponding to that dinaniśos (stem form: dinaniś) (feminine, locative, dual) = in
the day or night
puratas (adverb) (indeclinable) = afterwards
pravadanti (pra + 1st class verb root: vad) (present indicative,
3rd person, plural) = they considered
janma (stem form: janman) (neuter, accusative, singular) =
Verse 44
udayati mṛdubhāṃśe saptamasthe ca mande yadi

bhavati niṣekaḥ sūtirabdatrayeṇa ।

śaśini tu vidhireṣa dvādaśe abde prakuryān nigaditam

iha cintyaṃ sūti kāle api yuktyā ॥ 44 ॥

If impregnation occurs when Saturn is situated in the seventh

(house) in the a​ ṃśa (portion) of the zodiac sign of Saturn, the
birth will occur within three years. But when the Moon, this
rule should be accomplished in twelve years. What is spoken
here is to be considered at the time of delivery and also with
udayati (1st class verb root: udi) (present indicative, abda = year
parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = it comes about traya = three
abdatrayeṇa (stem form: abdatraya) (masculine, instrumental,
mṛdu = Saturn singular) = within three years
bha = zodiac sign
aṃśa = aṃśa (portion) śaśini (stem form: śaśin) (masculine, locative, singular) = when
mṛdubhāṃśe (stem form: mṛdubhāṃśa) (masculine, locative, the Moon
singular) = in the a​ ṃśa (portion) of the zodiac sign of Saturn
tu (conjunction) (indeclinable) = but
saptama = the seventh (house)
stha = situated in vidhis (stem form: vidhi) (masculine, nominative, singular) =
saptamasthe (stem form: saptamastha) (masculine, locative, rule
singular) = when situated in the seventh (house)
eṣas (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, nominative, singular) =
ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and this

mande (stem form: manda) (masculine, locative, singular) = dvādaśe (stem form: dvādaśa) (cardinal number, masculine,
when Saturn locative, singular) = in twelve

yadi (conjunction) (indeclinable) = if abde (stem form: abda) (masculine, locative, singular) = in a
bhavati (2nd class verb root: bhū) (present indicative,
parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = it occurs prakuryāt (pra + 8th class verb root: kṛ) (optative,
parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = it should be
niṣekas (stem form: niṣeka) (masculine, nominative, singular) accomplished
= impregnation
nigaditam (ni + 1st class verb root: gad) (past passive
sūtis (stem form: sūti) (feminine, nominative, singular) = birth participle, neuter, nominative, singular) = spoken
iha (adverb) (indeclinable) = here
Verse 45
cintyam (10th class verb root: cint) (future passive participle,
neuter, nominative, singular) = to be considered pitṛkarmeśvarau duḥsthau deheśe balasaṃyute ।

sūti = birth vinā sīmantakarmādi jātaḥ putro na saṃśayaḥ ॥ 45 ॥

kāla = time
sūtikāle (stem form: sūtikāla) (masculine, locative, singular) = lābhe pāpe pāpagṛhe na sīmantasuto bhavet ।
at the time of birth
The lords of the ninth and tenth house standing badly and the
api (adverb) (indeclinable) = and also lord of the first house joined together with strength, one is born
without the ​karma​ of the hair parted on each side of the head,
yuktyā (stem form: yukti) (feminine, instrumental, singular) = etc. without a doubt. When a malefic is in the eleventh house in
with impregnation a malefic zodiac sign, one should be without a part in the hair.
pitṛ = father (ninth house) na (negative) (indeclinable) = not
karman = action (tenth house)
īśvara = lord saṃśayas (stem form: saṃśaya) (masculine, nominative,
pitṛkarmeśvarau (stem form: pitṛkarmeśvara) (masculine, singular) = doubt
nominative, dual) = lords of the ninth and tenth house
lābhe (stem form: lābha) (masculine, locative, singular) = in
duḥsthau (stem form: duḥstha) (masculine, nominative, dual) = the eleventh house
two standing badly
pāpe (stem form: pāpa) (masculine, locative, singular) = when
deha = first house malefic
īśa = lord
deheśe (stem form: deheśa) (masculine, locative, singular) = pāpagṛhe (stem form: pāpagṛha) (masculine, locative, singular)
when the lord of the first house = in a malefic zodiac sign

bala = strength na (negative) (indeclinable) = not

saṃyuta = joined together
balasaṃyute (sam + 2nd class verb root: yu) (past passive sīmanta = part in the hair
participle, masculine, locative, singular) = when joined suta = born
together with strength sīmantasutas (stem form: sīmantasuta) (masculine, nominative,
singular) = born with a part in the hair
vinā (preposition) (indeclinable) = without
bhavet (1st class verb root: bhū) (optative, parasmaipada, 3rd
sīmanta = hair parted on each side of the head person, singular) = one should be
karman = ​karma
ādi = et cetera
jāta = born
sīmantakarmādijātas (stem form: jāta) (masculine, nominative,
singular) = born with the ​karma

putras (stem form: putra) (masculine, nominative, singular) =

pitus (stem form: pitṛ) (masculine, genitive, singular) = of the
Verse 46
jātas (4th class verb root: jan) (past passive participle,
piturjātaḥ parokṣasya lagnam indāvapaśyati ।
masculine, nominative, singular) = born

videśasthasya cara bhe madhyād bhraṣṭe divā kare

parokṣasya (stem form: parokṣa) (masculine, genitive, singular)
= of the absence
॥ 46 ॥

lagnam (1st class verb root: lag) (past passive participle,

masculine, accusative, singular) =​ lagna
When the Moon is not aspecting the ​lagna,​ there is a birth with
the father’s absence. When the Sun is fallen from the tenth
indau (stem form: indu) (masculine, instrumental, singular) =
house (in the 8th, 9th, 11th, or 12th house) in a movable zodiac
when the Moon
sign, there is a birth with the father living in a foreign country.

apaśyati (a + 1st class verb root: dṛś) (present indicative,

parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = not aspecting

videśa = foreign country

stha = living
videśasthasya (stem form: videśastha) (masculine, genitive,
singular) = of living in a foreign country
cara = movable
bha = zodiac sign Verse 47
carabhe (stem form: carabha) (neuter, locative, singular) = in a
movable zodiac sign udayasthe'pi vā mande kuje vāstaṃ samāgate ।

madhyāt (stem form: madhya) (masculine, ablative, singular) = sthite vāntaḥ kṣapānāthe śaśāṅkasutaśukrayoḥ ॥ 47 ॥
from the middle (the tenth house)

bhraṣṭe (4th class stem form: bhraṣṭa) (past passive participle, Or also, when Saturn is situated in the ​lagna,​ or when Mars is
masculine, locative, singular) = when fallen (two houses in joined the seventh, or when the Moon is situated in-between
back and front from the house) Mercury and Venus, [one should infer that the father was away
during the child’s birth].
divākare (stem form: divākara) (masculine, locative, singular)
= when the day maker (the Sun)
udaya = ​lagna antas (stem form: anta) (masculine, nominative, singular) =
stha = situated in in-between
udayasthe (stem form: udayastha) (masculine, locative,
singular) = when situated in the ​lagna kṣapānāthe (stem form: kṣapānātha) (masculine, locative,
singular) = when the lord of the night (the Moon)
api (adverb) (indeclinable) = also
śaśāṅkasuta = born of the Moon (Mercury)
vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or śukra = Venus
śaśāṅkasutaśukrayos (stem form: śaśāṅkasutaśukra)
mande (stem form: manda) (masculine, locative, singular) = (masculine, genitive, dual) = of Mercury and Venus
when Saturn

kuje (stem form: kuja) (masculine, locative, singular) = when


vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or

astam (stem form: asta) (neuter, nominative, singular) =

seventh house

samāgate (1st class verb root: gam) (past passive participle,

masculine, locative, singular) = when joined

sthite (1st class verb root: sthā) (past passive participle,

masculine, locative, singular) = when situated

vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or
sthite (1st class verb root: sthā) (past passive participle,
masculine, locative, singular) = when situated
Verse 48
vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or
sthite vā yadi śītāṃśau śubhakhecararāśige ।
yadi (conjunction) (indeclinable) = if
auraso'yaṃ bhavejjāto guruvargasamanvite ॥ 48 ॥
śīta = cool
aṃśu = ray
Or when the cool-rayed (the Moon) is situated with a benefic śītāṃśau (stem form: śītāṃśa) (masculine, nominative,
planet situated in a movable zodiac sign or when associated singular) = when the cool-rayed (the Moon)
with a ​varga ​of Jupiter, this one should be a legitimate birth.
śubha = benefic
kha = planet
śubhakhe (stem form: śubhakha) (neuter, locative, singular) =
when a benefic planet

cara = movable
rāśi = zodiac sign
ga = situated
cararāśige (stem form: cararāśiga) (masculine, locative,
singular) = when situated in a movable zodiac sign

aurasas (stem form: aurasa) (masculine, nominative, singular)

= legitimate

ayam (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, nominative, singular) =


bhavet (1st class verb root: bhū) (optative, parasmaipada, 3rd

person, singular) = one should be
jātas (4th class verb root: jan) (past passive participle,
masculine, nominative, singular) = born Verse 49
guru = Jupiter
varga = ​varga jīvo na bhaumasaṃdṛṣṭaḥ svavarge cārkaśītagū ।
samanvita = associated with
guruvargasamanvite kṣetrajo'yaṃ bhavejjātaḥ sasaumyo vā balānvitaḥ ॥ 49 ॥
(sam + anu + 2nd verb root: i) (past passive participle,
masculine, locative, singular) = when associated with a ​varga
of Jupiter Jupiter is not aspected by Mars and the Sun and the Moon in
one’s own ​varga​ or Jupiter possessed of strength with Mercury,
this one should be born a Kṣetrajas.
jīvas (stem form: jīva) (masculine, nominative, singular) = jātas (4th class verb root: jan) (past passive participle,
Jupiter masculine, nominative, singular) = born

na (negative) (indeclinable) = not sa = with

saumya = Mercury
bhauma = Mars sasaumyas (stem form: sasaumya) (masculine, nominative,
saṃdṛṣṭa = aspected singular) = with Mercury
bhaumasaṃdṛṣṭas (sam + 1st class verb root: dṛś) (past passive
participle, masculine, nominative, singular) = aspected by Mars vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or

sva = one’s own bala = strength

varga = ​varga anvita = possessed
svavarge (stem form: svavarga) (masculine, locative, singular) balānvitas (anu + 2nd class verb root: i) (past passive
= in one’s own ​varga participle, masculine, nominative, singular) = possessed of
ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

arka = the Sun

śītagu = the Moon
arkaśītagū (stem form: arkaśītagu) (masculine, nominative,
dual) = the Sun and the Moon

kṣetrajas (stem form: kṣetrajas) (neuter, nominative, singular) =


ayam (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, nominative, singular) =


bhavet (1st class verb root: bhū) (optative, parasmaipada, 3rd

person, singular) = one should be
Verse 50
manda = Saturn
mandavargagate candre mandayukte tu paṃcame । varga = ​varga
gata = situated
bhānubhārgavasaṃdṛṣṭe putraḥ paunarbhavo bhavet ॥ 50 ॥ mandavargagate (1st class verb root: gam) (past passive
participle, masculine, locative, singular) = when situated in the
varga ​of Saturn
When the Moon is situated in the ​varga ​in Saturn, and when
the fifth (house) is joined to Saturn and aspected by the Sun candre (stem form: candra) (masculine, locative, singular) =
and Venus, the son should be related to a widow who has when the Moon
manda = Saturn
yukta = joined
mandayukte (7th class verb root: yuj) (past passive participle,
masculine, locative, singular) = when joined to Saturn

tu (conjunction) (indeclinable) = but

pañcame (stem form: pañcama) (ordinal number, neuter,

locative, singular) = when the fifth (house)

bhānu = the Sun

bhārgava = Venus
saṃdṛṣṭa = aspected
bhānubhārgavasaṃdṛṣṭe (sam + 1st class verb root: dṛś) (past
passive participle, masculine, locative, singular) = when
aspected by the Sun and Venus

putras (stem form: putra) (masculine, nominative, singular) =

paunarbhavas (stem form: paunarbhava) (masculine,
nominative, singular) = related to a widow who has remarried
Verse 51
bhavet (1st class verb root: bhū) (optative, parasmaipada, 3rd
person, singular) = one should be vyaye bhāskarasaṃdṛṣṭe varge bhāskaracandrayoḥ ।

candrasūryayute vāpi kānīno'yaṃ bhavennaraḥ ॥ 51 ॥

When the twelfth house is aspected by the Sun or also when the
Sun and the Moon are joined with the ​varga​ of the Moon and
the Sun, this person born should be born of an unmarried
woman (an illegitimate child).
vyaye (stem form: vyaya) (masculine, locative, singular) = ayam (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, nominative, singular) =
when the twelfth house this

bhāskara = the Sun bhavet (1st class verb root: bhū) (optative, parasmaipada, 3rd
saṃdṛṣṭa = aspected person, singular) = one should be
bhāskarasaṃdṛṣṭe (sam + 1st class verb root: dṛś) (past passive
participle, masculine, locative, singular) = when aspected by naras (stem form: nara) (masculine, nominative, singular) =
the Sun person

varge (stem form: varga) (masculine, locative, singular) = in a


bhāskara = the Sun

candra = the Moon
bhāskaracandrayos (stem form: bhāskaracandra) (masculine,
locative, dual) = when the Sun and the Moon

candra = the Moon

sūrya = the Sun
yuta = joined
candrasūryayute (2nd class verb root: yu) (past passive
participle, masculine, locative, singular) = when joined with
the Moon and the Sun

vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or

api (adverb) (indeclinable) = also

kānīnas (stem form: kānīna) (masculine, nominative, singular)

= born of an unmarried woman (an illegitimate child)
candra = the Moon
dṛṣṭi = aspected
Verse 52 yuta = joined
candradṛṣṭiyutas (2nd class verb root: yu) (past passive
candradṛṣṭiyuto māndirbhānuputrasamanvitaḥ । participle, masculine, nominative, singular) = joined or
aspected by the Moon
tadvīkṣaṇayuto vāpi dattaputro bhavennaraḥ ॥ 52 ॥
māndis (stem form: māndi) (masculine, nominative, singular) =
Māndi joined or aspected by the Moon and connected with the
son of the Sun (Saturn) or also joined to an aspect of that, the bhānu = the Sun
person should be a child given up for adoption. putra = son
samanvita = connected with
bhānuputrasamanvitas (sam + anu + 2nd class verb root: i)
(past passive participle, masculine, nominative, singular) =
connected with the son of the Sun (Saturn)

tad = that
vīkṣaṇa = aspect
yuta = joined
tadvīkṣaṇayutas (2nd class verb root: yu) (past passive
participle, masculine, nominative, singular) = joined to an
aspect of that

vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or

api (adverb) (indeclinable) = also

datta = given up for adoption

putra = child
dattaputras (stem form: dattaputra) (masculine, nominative,
singular) = child given up for adoption
bhavet (1st class verb root: bhū) (optative, parasmaipada, 3rd Verse 53
person, singular) = one should be

naras (stem form: nara) (masculine, nominative, singular) = śanyaṅgārakasaṃyukte saptame vā'tha paṅcame ।
anyairavīkṣite kheṭaiḥ kṛtrimaṃ tu vinirdiśet ॥ 53 ॥

When the fifth or seventh (house) is joined to Saturn and Mars

and when not aspected by other planets, in this case one should
declare one to be adopted.
śani = Saturn vinirdiśet (vi + nir + 6th class verb verb root: diś) (optative,
aṅgāraka = Mars parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = one should declare
saṃyukta = joined
śanyaṅgārakasaṃyukte (7th class verb root: yuj) (past passive
participle, masculine, locative, singular) = when joined to
Saturn and Mars

saptame (stem form: saptama) (ordinal number, masculine,

locative, singular) = when the seventh (house)

vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or

atha (adverb) (indeclinable) = in this case

paṅcame (stem form: paṅcama) (ordinal number, masculine,

locative, singular) = when the fifth (house)

anyais (stem form: anya) (masculine, instrumental, plural) = by


avīkṣite (a + vi + 1st class verb root: īkṣ) (past passive

participle, masculine, locative, singular) = when not aspected

kheṭais (stem form: kheṭa) (masculine, instrumental, plural) =

by planets

kṛtrimam (stem form: kṛtrima) (masculine, accusative,

singular) = adopted

tu (conjunction) (indeclinable) = but

paraspara = each other’s
kṣetra = zodiac sign
Verse 54 gata = situated
parasparakṣetragatau (1st class verb root: gam) (masculine,
parasparakṣetragatau tu horārasātakeśau yadi janmalagnāt । nominative, dual) = two situated in each other’s zodiac sign

lagneśvaro vā hibukeśvaro vā dhvajāhiyukto jananaṃ pareṇa tu (conjunction) (indeclinable) = but

॥ 54 ॥ horā = ​lagna
rasātala = fourth house
īśa = lord
But the lords of the ​lagna​ and fourth house situated in each horārasātaleśau (stem form: horārasātaleśa) (masculine,
other’s zodiac sign from the from the ​janmalagna,​ or the lord nominative, dual) = lords of the ​lagna​ and fourth house
of the ​lagna ​or the lord of the fourth house joined to Ketu and
Rahu, one is born by another. yadi (conjunction) (indeclinable) = if

janmalagnāt (stem form: janmalagna) (masculine, ablative,

singular) = from the ​janmalagna

lagna = ​lagna
īśvara = lord
lagneśvaras (stem form: lagneśvara) (masculine, nominative,
singular) = lord of the ​lagna

vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or

hibuka = fourth house

īśvara = lord
hibukeśvaras (stem form: hibukeśvara) (masculine, nominative,
singular) = lord of the fourth house

vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or
dhvaja = Ketu Verse 55
āhi = Rahu
yukta = joined
dhvajāhiyuktas (7th class verb root: yuj) (past passive lagnaṃ śaśāṅkaṃ surarājamantrī na vīkṣate naikagṛhasthitau
participle, masculine, nominative, singular) = joined to Ketu
and Rahu vā ।

jananam (stem form: janana) (neuter, nominative, singular) = na jīvavargeṇa yutau tadānīṃ jātaṃ vadedanyasamāgamena
॥ 55 ॥
pareṇa (stem form: para) (masculine, instrumental, singular) =
by another
Jupiter does not aspect the ​lagna ​or the Moon, or the two (the
Sun and Moon) are not situated in one zodiac sign , and the two
are not joined with the ​varga ​of Jupiter, then one should
ascertain the born by the sexual intercourse with another.
lagnam (stem form: lagna) (masculine, accusative, singular) = jīva = Jupiter
lagna varga = ​varga
jīvavargeṇa (stem form: jīvavargaga) (masculine, instrumental,
śaśāṅkam (stem form: śaśāṅka) (masculine, accusative, singular) = with the ​varga o​ f Jupiter
singular) = the Moon
yutau (2nd class verb root: yu) (past passive participle,
sura = divine masculine, nominative, dual) = two joined
rājan = lord
mantrin = minister tadānīm (adverb) (indeclinable) = then
surarājamantrī (stem form: surarājamantrin) (masculine,
nominative, singular) = minister and lord of the divine (Jupiter) jātam (4th class verb root: jan) (past passive participle, neuter,
nominative, singular) = born
na (negative) (indeclinable) = not
vadet 1st person verb root: vad) (optative, parasmaipada, 3rd
vīkṣate (vi + verb root: īkṣ) (present indicative, ātmanepada, person, singular) = one should ascertain
3rd person, singular) = it aspects
anya = another
na (negative) (indeclinable) = not samāgama = sexual intercourse
anyasamāgamena (stem form: anyasamāgana) (masculine,
eka = one instrumental, singular) = by the sexual intercourse with another
gṛha = zodiac sign
sthita = situated
ekagṛhasthitau (1st class verb root: sthā) (past passive
participle, masculine, nominative, dual) = two situated in one
zodiac sign

vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or

na (negative) (indeclinable) = not

svātī (stem form: svātī) (feminine, nominative, singular) =
Svātī n​ akṣatra
Verse 56
dvitīyā (stem form: dvitīyā) (feminine, nominative, singular) =
svātīdvitīyā ravivārayuktā sasaptamī somajarevatī ca । Dvitīyā ​tithi

sadvādaśībhānusutaśraviṣṭhā caiteṣu jātaḥ parato ravi = the Sun

vāra = day of a week
vadanti ॥ 56 ॥ yukta = joined
ravivārayuktā (7th class verb root: yuj) (past passive participle,
feminine, nominative, singular) = joined to the day of the Sun
Svātī ​nakṣatra and Dvitīyā ​tithi​ joined to the day of the Sun (Sunday)
(Sunday), Revatī n​ akṣatra on Wednesday with Saptamī (7th
tithi​ of the Moon), and Śraviṣṭhā a.k.a. Dhaniṣṭhā nakṣatra on sa = with
Saturday with Dvādaśī (12th ​tithi)​ . Among these the born is saptamī = Saptamī (7th ​tithi​ of the Moon)
from another, they consider. sasaptamī (stem form: sasaptamī) (feminine, nominative,
singular) = with Saptamī (7th ​tithi​ of the Moon)

somaja = Mercury (Wednesday)

revatī = Revatī n​ akṣatra
somajarevatī (stem form: somajarevatī) (feminine, nominative,
singular) = Revatī ​nakṣatra on Wednesday

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

sa = with
dvādaśī = Dvādaśī (12th ​tithi)​
sadvādaśī (stem form: sadvādaśī) (feminine, nominative,
singular) = with Dvādaśī (12th ​tithi​)
bhānusuta = Saturn (Saturday)
śraviṣṭhā = Śraviṣṭhā a.k.a. Dhaniṣṭhā nakṣatra
bhānusutaśraviṣṭhā (stem form: bhānusutaśraviṣṭhā) (feminine,
Verse 57
nominative, singular) = Śraviṣṭhā a.k.a. Dhaniṣṭhā nakṣatra on
Saturday bhadrākhyatithiyukteṣu tripādarkṣānviteṣu ca ।

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and mandārkabhaumavāreṣu jātamanyodbhavaṃ viduḥ ॥ 57 ॥

eteṣu (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, locative, plural) =

among these Among those (2nd, 7th, and 12th) ​tithis​ named Bhadrā and
those connected with a tripāda n​ akṣatra (Punarvasu, Viśākha,
jātas (4th class verb root: jan) (past passive participle, and Pūrvabhādrapada) on Saturday, Sunday, and Mars, the
masculine, nominative, singular) = born born is a birth by another, those knew.

para = another
tas = (adverbial suffix with an ablative sense)
paratas (adverb) (indeclinable) = from another

vadanti (1st class verb root: vad) (present indicative,

parasmaipada, 3rd person, plural) = they consider
bhadrā = Bhadrā (2nd, 7th, and 12th) vidus (2nd class verb root: vid) (perfect, 3rd person, plural) =
ākhya = named those knew
tithi = ​tithi
yukta = joined
bhadrākhyatithiyukteṣu (7th class verb root: yuj) (past passive
participle, masculine, locative, plural) = among those (2nd, 7th,
and 12th) ​tithis​ named Bhadrā

tripāda = tripāda
ṛkṣa = nakṣatra
anvita = connected with
tripādarkṣānviteṣu (anu + 2nd class verb root: i) (past passive
participle, masculine, locative, plural) = among those
connected with a tripāda n​ akṣatra (Punarvasu, Viśākha, and

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

manda = Saturn
arka = the Sun
bhauma = Mars
vāra = day of the week
mandārkabhaumavāreṣu (stem form: mandārkabhaumavāra)
(masculine, locative, plural) = on Saturday, Sunday, and Mars

jātam (4th class verb root: jan) (past passive participle,

masculine, accusative, singular) = born

anya = another
udbhava = birth
anyodbhavam (stem form: anyodbhava) (masculine,
accusative, singular) = birth by another
na (particle of negation) (indeclinable) = not
Verse 58
lagnam (1st class verb root: lag) (past passive participle,
na lagnam induṃ ca gururnirīkṣate na vā śaśāṅkaṃ masculine, accusative, singular) = ​lagna

raviṇā samāgatam । indum (stem form: indu) (masculine, accusative, singular) =

the Moon
sa pāpako'rkeṇayuto'tha vā śaśī pareṇa jātaṃ
ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
pravadanti niścayāt ॥ 58 ॥
gurus (stem form: guru) (masculine, nominative, singular) =
Jupiter does not aspect the ​lagna​ and the Moon or the Moon in
conjunction with the Sun, or the Moon is joined with a malefic nirīkṣate (nir + 1st class verb root: īkṣ) (present indicative,
and with the Sun, from the determination they consider the ātmanepada, 3rd person, singular) = it aspects
birth with another (the child is illegitimate).
na (particle of negation) (indeclinable) = not

vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or

śaśāṅkam (stem form: śaśāṅka) (masculine, accusative,

singular) = the Moon

raviṇā (stem form: ravi) (masculine, instrumental, singular) =

with the Sun

samāgatam (sam + ā + 1st class verb root: gam) (past passive

participle, masculine, accusative, singular) = in conjunction
sa = with niścayāt (stem form: niścaya) (masculine, ablative, singular) =
pāpaka = malefics from the determination
sapāpakas (stem form: sapāpaka) (masculine, nominative,
singular) = with a malefic

arkeṇa (stem form: arka) (masculine, instrumental, singular) =

with the Sun

yutas (2nd class verb root: yu) (past passive participle,

masculine, nominative, singular) = joined

atha (adverb) (indeclinable) = and

vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or

śaśī (stem form: śaśin) (masculine, nominative, singular) = the


pareṇa (stem form: para) (masculine, instrumental, singular) =

with another

jātam (1st class verb root: jan) (past passive participle, neuter,
accusative, singular) = the birth

pravadanti (pra + 1st class verb root: vad) (present indicative,

parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = they consider
guru = Jupiter
kṣetra = zodiac sign
Verse 59 gata = situated
gurukṣetragate (1st class verb root: gam) (past passive
gurukṣetragate candre tadyukte cānyarāśige । participle, masculine, locative, singular) = when situated in a
zodiac sign of Jupiter
taddreṣkāṇe tadaṃśe vā na parairjāta iṣyate ॥ 59 ॥
candre (stem form: candra) (masculine, locative, singular=
when the Moon
When the Moon is situated in a zodiac sign of Jupiter or when
situated in the zodiac sign of another joined to that [Jupiter], or tad = that [Jupiter]
when in the d​ reṣkāṇa of that [Jupiter] or when in the ​aṃśa yukta = joined
(portion) of that [Jupiter] and not with others, the born is tadyukte (7th class verb root: yuj) (past passive participle,
desired. masculine, locative, singular) = when joined to that [Jupiter]

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

anya = another
rāśi = zodiac sign
ga = situated
anyarāśige (stem form: anyarāśiga) (masculine, locative,
singular) = when situated in the zodiac sign of another

tad = that [Jupiter]

dreṣkāṇa = dreṣkāṇa
taddreṣkāṇe (stem form: taddreṣkāṇa) (masculine, locative,
singular) = when in the d​ reṣkāṇa of that [Jupiter]

tad = that [Jupiter]

aṃśa = aṃśa (portion)
tadaṃśe (stem form: tadaṃśa) (masculine, locative, singular) =
when in the a​ ṃśa (portion) of that [Jupiter]
vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or Verse 60
na (negative) (indeclinable) = not
krūraṛkṣagatāvaśobhanau sūryād
parais (stem form: para) (masculine, locative, plural) = by
others dyūnanavātmajasthitau ।

jātas (4th class verb root: jan) (past passive participle, baddhastu pitā videśagaḥ sve vā rāśivaśādatho pathi
masculine, nominative, singular) = born

iṣyate (6th class verb root: iṣ) (present indicative, ātmanepada, ॥ 60 ॥

passive, 3rd person, singular) = it is desired

The two malefics situated in malefic zodiac signs and situated

in the 7th, 9th, and 5th houses from the Sun, the father is
confined situated in a foreign country; likewise, in one’s own
(country) or on a journey according to the dominion of the
zodiac sign.
krūra = malefic pitā (stem form: pitṛ) (masculine, nominative, singular) =
ṛkṣa = zodiac sign father
gata = situated in
krūraṛkṣagatau (stem form: krūraṛkṣagata) (past passive videśa = foreign country
participle, masculine, nominative, dual) = the two situated in ga = situated
malefic zodiac signs (i.e., the signs of Aries, Cancer (with a videśagas (stem form: videśaga) (masculine, nominative,
waning Moon), Gemini and Virgo (when Mercury is joined a singular) = situated in a foreign country
malefic planet), Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn, or Aquarius)
sve (stem form: sva) (masculine, locative, singular) = in one’s
aśobhanau (stem form: aśobhana) (masculine, nominative, own (country)
dual) = two malefics (Saturn and Mars)
vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or
sūryāt (stem form: sūrya) (masculine, ablative, singular) =
from the Sun rāśi = zodiac sign
vaśa = dominion
dyūna = the seventh house rāśivaśāt (stem form: rāśivaśa) (masculine, ablative, singular) =
nava = the ninth house according to the dominion of the zodiac sign
ātmaja = the fifth house
sthita = situated in atho (adverb) (indeclinable) = likewise
dyūnanavātmajasthitau (1st class verb root: sthā) (past passive
participle, masculine, nominative, dual) = the two situated in pathi (stem form: pathin) (neuter, nominative, singular) = on a
the 7th, 9th, and 5th houses journey

baddhas (9th class verb root: bandh) (past passive participle,

masculine, nominative, singular) = confined

tu (conjunction) (indeclinable) = but

pūrṇe (10th class verb root: pṛ) (past passive participle,
masculine, locative, singular) = when full
Verse 61
śaśini (stem form: śaśin) (masculine, locative, singular) = when
pūrṇe śaśini svarāśige saumye lagnagate śubhe
the Moon

sukhe ।
sva = one’s own
rāśi = zodiac sign
lagne jalaje astage api vā candre potagatā prasūyate
ga = situated in
svarāśige (stem form: svarāśiga) (masculine, locative, singular)
॥ 61 ॥
= when situated in one’s own zodiac sign

saumye (stem form: saumya) (masculine, locative, singular) =

When the Moon is full situated in one’s own zodiac sign,
when Mercury
Mercury is situated in the ​lagna,​ Jupiter is in the fourth house,
or even when the ​lagna​ is in a water (zodiac sign) and the
lagna = the ​lagna
Moon is situated in the seventh house, a woman gives birth
gata = situated in
situated in a boat.
lagnagate (1st class verb root: gam) (past passive participle,
masculine, locative, singular) = when situated in the​ lagna

śubhe (stem form: śubha) (masculine, locative, singular) =

when Jupiter

sukhe (stem form: sukha) (masculine, locative, singular) = in

the fourth house

lagne (1st class verb root: lag) (past passive participle,

masculine, locative, singular) = when the​ lagna
jala = water
ja = being in Verse 62
jalaje (stem form: jalaja) (masculine, locative, singular) = when
being in water (zodiac sign) āpyodayam āpyagaḥ śaśī sampūrṇaḥ samavekṣate atha

asta = the seventh house vā ।

ga = situated in
astage (stem form: astaga) (masculine, locative, singular) = meṣūraṇa bandhu lagnagaḥ syāt sūtiḥ salile na
when situated in the seventh house
saṃśayaḥ ॥ 62 ॥
api (adverb) (indeclinable) = even

vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or If the ​lagna​ is a watery (zodiac sign) or the full Moon is
situated in a watery (zodiac sign) aspecting or situated in the
candre (stem form: candra) (masculine, locative, singular) = 10th, 4th, or the ​lagna;​ the birth should be in water, without a
when the Moon doubt.

pota = boat
gata = situated in
potagatā (1st class verb root: gam) (past passive participle,
feminine, nominative, singular) = woman situated in a boat

prasūyate (pra + 5th class verb root: su) (present indicative,

ātmanepada, passive, 3rd person, singular) = birth is given
āpas = watery (zodiac sign) meṣūraṇa = the tenth house
udaya = the ​lagna bandhu = the fourth house
āpyodayam (stem form: āpyodaya) (masculine, accusative, lagna = the ​lagna
singular) =​ lagna​ is a watery (zodiac sign) ga = situated in
meṣūraṇabandhulagnagas (stem form:
āpya = watery (zodiac sign) meṣūraṇabandhulagnaga) (masculine, nominative, singular) =
ga = situated in situated in the 10th, 4th, or the ​lagna
āpyagas (stem form: āpyaga) (masculine, nominative, singular)
= situated in a watery (zodiac sign) syāt (2nd class verb root: as) (optative, parasmaipada, 3rd
person, singular) = it should be
śaśī (stem form: śaśin) (masculine, nominative, singular) = the
Moon sūtis (stem form: sūti) (feminine, nominative, singular) = birth

sampūrṇas (stem form: sampūrṇa) (masculine, nominative, salile (stem form: salila) (neuter, locative, singular) = in water
singular) = full
na (conjunction) (indeclinable) = not
samavekṣate (1st class verb root: samavekṣa) (present
indicative, ātmanepada, 3rd person, singular) = it aspecting saṃśayas (stem form: saṃśaya) (masculine, nominative,
singular) = doubt
atha (adverb) (indeclinable) = if

vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or
udaya = the ​lagna
Verse 63 uḍupaya = the Moon
udayoḍupayos (stem form: udayoḍupaya) (masculine, ablative,
udayoḍupayorvyayasthite guptyāṃ pāpanirīkṣite dual) = from the​ lagna​ or the Moon

yame । vyaya = twelfth house

sthita = situated in
alikarkiyute vilagnage saure śīta karekṣite vaṭe ॥ 63॥ vyayasthite (1st class verb root: sthā) (past passive participle,
masculine, locative, singular) = when situated in the twelfth
When Saturn is situated in the twelfth house from the lagna or
the Moon and aspected by a malefic planet, [the birth] is in guptyām (stem form: gupti) (feminine, locative, singular) = in
prison. When Saturn is situated in the ​lagna​ joined with prison
Scorpio or Cancer and aspected by the Moon, [the birth] is in a
ditch. pāpa = malefic
nirīkṣita = aspected
pāpanirīkṣite (1st class verb root: nirīkṣ) (past passive
participle, masculine, locative, singular) = when aspected by a

yame (stem form: yama) (masculine, locative, singular) = when

ali = Scorpio
karki = Cancer Verse 64
yuta = joined
alikarkiyute (2nd class verb root: yu) (past passive participle, mande abjagate vilagnage budhasūryendunirīkṣite
masculine, locative, singular) = when joined with Scorpio or
Cancer kramāt ।

vilagna = the ​lagna krīḍābhavane surālaye sokharabhūmiṣu ca prasūyate

ga = situated
vilagnage (stem form: vilagnaga) (masculine, locative, ॥ 64 ॥
singular) = when situated in the ​lagna

saure (stem form: saura) (masculine, locative, singular) = when When Saturn is situated in a watery (zodiac sign) in the ​lagna
Saturn aspected by Mercury, the Sun, or the Moon, birth is given in a
place of pleasure, a temple, or in sandy soils, in that order.
śītakara = the Moon
īkṣita = aspected by
śītakarekṣite (1st class verb root: īkṣ) (past passive participle,
masculine, locative, singular) = when aspected by the Moon

vaṭe (stem form: vaṭa) (masculine, locative, singular) = in a

mande (stem form: manda) (masculine, locative, singular) = surālaye (stem form: surālaya) (masculine, locative, singular) =
when Saturn in a temple

abja = watery (zodiac sign) sa = with

gata = situated in ukhara = salt extracted from the saline earth
abjagate (1st class verb root: gam) (past passive participle, bhūmi = soil
masculine, locative, singular) = when situated in a watery sokharabhūmiṣu (stem form: sokharabhūmi) (feminine,
(zodiac sign) locative, plural) = in the soils with the salt extracted from the
saline earth (sandy soils)
vilagna = the ​lagna
ga = situated in ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
vilagnage (stem form: vilagnaga) (masculine, locative,
singular) = when situated in the​ lagna prasūyate (pra + 5th class verb root: su) (present indicative,
ātmanepada, passive, 3rd person, singular) = birth is given
budha = Mercury
sūrya = the Sun
indu = the Moon
nirīkṣita = aspected
budhasūryendunirīkṣite (1st class verb root: nirīkṣ) (past
passive participle, masculine, locative, singular) = when
aspected by Mercury, the Sun, or the Moon

kramāt (adverb) (indeclinable) = in that order

krīḍā = pleasure
bhavana = place
krīḍābhavane (stem form: krīḍābhavana) (neuter, locative,
singular) = in a place of amusement or sport
nṛ = human
Verse 65 lagna = ​lagna
ga = situated in
nṛlagnagaṃ prekṣya kujaḥ śmaśāne ramye sitendū nṛlagnagam (stem form: nṛlagnaga) (masculine, accusative,
singular) = situated in a human ​lagna
gururagnihotre ।
prekṣya (pra + 1st class verb root: īkṣ) (gerund) (indeclinable)
ravirnarendrāmaragokuleṣu śilpālaye jñaḥ prasavaṃ = having aspected

karoti ॥ 65 ॥ kujas (stem form: kuja) (masculine, nominative, singular) =


Mars having aspected [Saturn] situated in a human ​lagna​, śmaśāne (stem form: śmaśāna) (neuter, locative, singular) = in
produces offspring in a burial ground; Venus and the Moon, in burial ground
a beautiful place; Jupiter, in a place of fire sacrifice; the Sun, in
the place of a king, deity, or a cow; Mercury, in a workshop. ramye (stem form: ramya) (masculine, locative, singular) = in a
beautiful place

sitendū (stem form: sitendu) (masculine, nominative, dual) =

Venus and the Moon

gurus (stem form: guru) (masculine, nominative, singular) =


agnihotre (stem form: agnihotra) (neuter, locative, singular) =

in a place of fire sacrifice
ravis (stem form: ravi) (masculine, nominative, singular) = the
Sun Verse 66
narendra = king rāśyaṃśasamānagocare mārge janma care sthire
amara = deities
go = cow gṛhe ।
kula = place
narendrāmaragokuleṣu (stem form: narendrāmaragokula) svaṛkṣāṃśagate svamandire balayogāt phalam
(neuter, locative, plural) = in the place of a king, deity, or a
cow aṃśakaṛkṣayoḥ ॥ 66 ॥

śilpālaye (stem form: śilpālaya) (masculine, locative, singular)

= in a workshop When the dwelling is corresponding to a​ ṃśa (portion) or the
zodiac sign in a movable (zodiac sign), the birth is on a road;
jñas (stem form: jña) (masculine, nominative, singular) = when a fixed (zodiac sign), in a building; and when situated in
Mercury the a​ ṃśa (portion) of one’s own zodiac sign, in one’s own
house. The result is the stronger of the a​ ṃśaka (portion) or the
prasavam (stem form: prasava) (masculine, accusative, zodiac sign.
singular) = offspring

karoti (8th class verb root: kṛ) (present indicative,

parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = it produces
rāśi = zodiac sign sva = one’s own
aṃśa = aṃśa (portion) ṛkṣa = zodiac sign
samāna = corresponding aṃśa = aṃśa (portion)
gocara = dwelling gata = situated in
rāśyaṃśasamānagocare (stem form: rāśyaṃśasamānagocara) svaṛkṣāṃśagate (1st verb root: gam) (past passive participle,
(masculine, locative, singular) = when the dwelling is masculine, locative, singular) = when situated in the a​ ṃśa
corresponding to ​aṃśa (portion) or the zodiac sign (portion) of one’s own zodiac sign

mārge (stem form: mārga) (masculine, locative, singular) = on sva = one’s own
a road mandira = house
svamandire (stem form: svamandira) (neuter, locative,
janma (stem form: janman) (neuter, nominative, singular) = singular) = in one’s own house
bala = strength
care (stem form: cara) (neuter, locative, singular) = when a yoga = joined
movable (zodiac sign) balayogāt (stem form: balayoga) (masculine, ablative of
comparison, singular) = from the stronger
sthire (stem form: sthira) (masculine, locative, singular) =
when a fixed (zodiac sign) phalam (stem form: phala) (neuter, nominative, singular) =
gṛhe (stem form: gṛha) (masculine, locative, singular) = in a
building aṃśaka = aṃśaka (portion)
ṛkṣa = zodiac sign
aṃśakaṛkṣayos (stem form: aṃśakaṛkṣa) (masculine, ablative,
dual) = from the a​ ṃśaka (portion) or the zodiac sign
āra = Mars
arkaja = Saturn
Verse 67 ārārkajayos (stem form: ārārkaja) (masculine, locative, dual) =
when Mars and Saturn
ārārkajayostrikoṇage candre aste ca visṛjyate

trikoṇa = trikoṇa (5th or 9th houses)

aṃbayā ।
ga = situated in
trikoṇage (stem form: trikoṇaga) (masculine, locative, singular)
dṛṣṭe amararāja mantriṇā dīrghāyuḥ sukha bhāk ca sa
= when situated in a t​ rikoṇa (5th or 9th houses)

smṛtaḥ ॥ 67 ॥
candre (stem form: candra) (masculine, locative, singular) =
when the Moon

When the Moon is situated in a t​ rikoṇa (5th or 9th houses)

aste (2nd class verb root: as) (past passive participle,
from Mars and Saturn and in the seventh house, one is
masculine, locative, singular) = in the seventh house
abandoned by the mother. When aspected by Jupiter, that one
is considered long-lived and happy.
ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

visṛjyate (6th class verb root: visṛj) (present indicative,

ātmanepada, passive, 3rd person, singular) = one is abandoned

aṃbayā (stem form: aṃbā) (feminine, instrumental, singular) =

by the mother

dṛṣṭe (1st class verb root: dṛś) (past passive participle,

masculine, locative, singular) = when aspected
amararājamantriṇā (stem form: amararājamantrin) (masculine,
instrumental, singular) = by Jupiter Verse 68
dīrgha = long pāpekṣite tuhinagāvudaye kuje aste tyakto vinaśyati
āyu = life
dīrghāyus (stem form: dīrghāyu) (masculine, nominative, kujārkajayostathāye ।
singular) = long-lived
saumye api paśyati tathā vidhahastam eti
sukhabhāk (stem form: sukhabhāj) (masculine, nominative,
singular) = happy saumyetareṣu parahastagato'pyanāyuḥ ॥ 68 ॥

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

When the Moon in the lagna is aspected by malefic planets and
sas (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, nominative, singular) = when Mars is in the seventh house, the abandoned (child)
that one perishes. Similarly, [when the Moon in the lagna is aspected by
malefic planets] and when Mars and Saturn are in the eleventh
smṛtas (5th class verb root: smṛ) (past passive participle, house, the abandoned (child) perishes. Similarly, when a
masculine, nominative, singular) = is considered benefic planet also aspects, one comes upon a support with
prosperity. When they are different from benefic planets
(malefic planets), there is death, even situated in the support of
pāpa = malefic tathā (adverb) (indeclinable) = similarly
īkṣita = aspected
pāpekṣite (1st class verb root: īkṣ) (past passive participle, āye (stem form: āya) (masculine, locative, singular) = in the
masculine, locative, singular) = when aspected by malefic eleventh house
saumye (stem form: saumya) (masculine, locative, singular) =
tuhinagau (stem form: tuhinagu) (masculine, locative, singular) when a benefic planet
= when the Moon (creator of moonlight)
api (adverb) (indeclinable) = also
udaye (stem form: udaya) (masculine, locative, singular) = in
the lagna paśyati (1st class verb root: dṛś) (present indicative,
parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = it aspects
kuje (stem form: kuja) (masculine, locative, singular) = when
Mars tathā (adverb) (indeclinable) = similarly

aste (2nd class verb root: as) (past passive participle, vidha = prosperity
masculine, locative, singular) = in the seventh house hasta = support
vidhahastam (stem form: vidhahasta) (masculine, accusative,
tyaktas (1st class verb root: tyaj) (past passive participle, singular) = support with prosperity
masculine, nominative, singular) = abandoned (child)
eti (1st class verb root: i) (present indicative, parasmaipada, 3rd
vinaśyati (vi + 4th class verb root: naś) (present indicative, person, singular) = one comes upon
parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = it perishes
saumya = benefic
kuja = Mars itara = different
arkaja = Saturn saumyetareṣu (stem form: saumyetara) (masculine, locative,
kujārkajayos (stem form: kujārkaja) (masculine, locative, plural) = when they are different from the benefic planets
singular) = when Mars and Saturn (malefic planets)
para = another
hasta = support Verse 69
gata = situated in
parahastagatas (1st class verb root: gam) (past passive pitṛmātṛgṛheṣu tadbalāt taruśālādiṣu nīcagaiḥ
participle, masculine, nominative, singular) = situated in the
support of another śubhaiḥ ।

api (adverb) (indeclinable) = even yadi naikagataistu vīkṣitau lagnendū vijane prasūyate

an = not ॥ 69 ॥
āyu = life
anāyus (stem form: anāyu) (masculine, nominative, singular) =
death Birth is given in the houses of the father or mother from the
strength of those [planets]. With benefics situated in debilitated
places, birth is given at the base of a tree, etc. But if the ​lagna
and the Moon are not aspected by those [benefics] situated in
one place, birth is given in a deserted place.
pitṛ = father eka = one place
mātṛ = mother gata = situated
gṛha = house ekagatais (1st class verb root: gam) (past passive participle,
pitṛmātṛgṛheṣu (stem form: pitṛmātṛgṛha) (masculine, locative, masculine, instrumental, plural) = by those [benefics] situated
plural) = in the houses of the father or mother in one place

tad = that tu (conjunction) (indeclinable) = but

bala = strength
tadbalāt (stem form: tadbala) (neuter, ablative, singular) = from vīkṣitau (1st class verb root: vīkṣ) (past passive participle,
the strength of those [planets] neuter, nominative, dual) = two aspected

taru = tree lagna = ​lagna

śālā = base of tree indu = the Moon
adi = et cetera lagnendū (stem form: lagnendu) (masculine, nominative, dual)
taruśālādiṣu (stem form: taruśālādi) (masculine, locative, = the ​lagna​ and the Moon
plural) = at the bases of a tree, etc.
vijane (stem form: vijana) (masculine, locative, singular) = in a
nīca = debilitated places deserted place
ga = situated in
nīcagais (stem form: nīcaga) (masculine, instrumental, plural) prasūyate (pra + 5th class verb root: su) (present indicative,
= with situated in debilitated places ātmanepada, passive, 3rd person, singular) = birth is given

śubhais (stem form: śubha) (masculine, instrumental, plural) =

with benefics

yadi (conjunction) (indeclinable) = if

na (particle of negation) (indeclinable) = not

manda = Saturn
Verse 70 ṛkṣa = zodiac sign
aṃśa = aṃśa (portion)
mandaṛkṣāṃśe śaśini hibuke mandadṛṣṭe abjage vā । mandaṛkṣāṃśe (stem form: mandaṛkṣāṃśa) (masculine,
locative, singular) = in the ​aṃśa (portion) of the zodiac sign of
tadyukte vā tamasi śayane nīcasaṃsthaiśca bhūmau । Saturn

yad vad rāśirvrajati harijaṃ garbhamokṣastu tadvat śaśini (stem form: śaśin) (masculine, locative, singular) = when
the Moon
pāpaiścandrāt smarasukhagataiḥ kleśam āhurjananyāḥ ॥ 70 ॥
hibuke (stem form: hibuka) (neuter, locative, singular) = in the
fourth house
When the Moon is in the a​ ṃśa (portion) of the zodiac sign of
Saturn, in the fourth house, aspected by Saturn, situated in the manda = Saturn
watery (portions of the zodiac sign), or when joined to that dṛṣṭa = aspected
[Saturn], [the birth] is in darkness of a delivery room. And with mandadṛṣṭe (1st class verb root: dṛś) (past passive participle,
those situated in a debilitated places, [the birth] is on the neuter, locative, singular) = when aspected by Saturn
ground. As the zodiac sign attains the horizon, just so is the
liberated from the womb (the birth). But with malefics situated abja = water
in the seventh or fourth houses from the Moon, they said there ga = situated in
is the travail of the mother. abjage (stem form: abjaga) (masculine, locative, singular) =
when situated in the watery (portions of the zodiac sign)

vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or
tad = that [Saturn] vrajati (1st class verb root: vraj) (present indicative,
yukta = joined paramaipada, 3rd person, singular) = one attains
tadyukte (7th class verb root: yuj) (past passive participle,
masculine, locative, singular) = when joined to that [Saturn] harijam (stem form: harija) (neuter, accusative, singular) =
vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or
garbha = womb
tamasi (stem form: tamas) (neuter, locative, singular) = in mokṣa = liberated
darkness garbhamokṣas (stem form: garbhamokṣa) (masculine,
nominative, singular) = liberated from the womb (the birth)
śayane (stem form: śayana) (neuter, locative, singular) = in a
delivery room tu (conjunction) (indeclinable) = but

nīca = debilitated place tadvat (adverb) (indeclinable) = just so

saṃstha = situated in
nīcasaṃsthais (stem form: nīcasaṃstha) (masculine, pāpais (stem form: pāpa) (neuter, instrumental, plural) = with
instrumental, plural) = with those situated in a debilitated the malefics
candrāt (stem form: candra) (masculine, ablative, singular) =
ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and from the Moon

bhūmau (stem form: bhūmi) (feminine, locative, singular) = on smara = seventh house
the ground sukha= fourth house
gata = situated in
yadvat (adverb) (indeclinable) = as smarasukhagatais (stem form: smarasukhagata) (masculine,
instrumental, plural) = with those situated in the seventh or
rāśis (stem form: rāśi) (masculine, nominative, singular) = fourth house
zodiac sign
kleśam (stem form: kleśa) (masculine, accusative, singular) =
Verse 71
āhus (1st class verb root: ah) (perfect, parasmaipada, 3rd
snehaḥ śaśāṅkād udayācca
person, singular) = they said

vartirdīpo'rkayuktaṛkṣavaśāccarādyaḥ ।
jananyās (stem form: jananī) (feminine, genitive, singular) = of
the mother
dvāraṃ ca tadvāstuni kendrasaṃsthairjñeyaṃ grahaiḥ

vīryasamanvitairvā ॥ 71 ॥

From the dominion of the zodiac sign joined the Sun is the
lamp movable, etc.; from the Moon, the oil; and from the
lagna​, the wick of the lamp; and the door in the ​vāstu
(architectural arrangement) of that by the planets situated in the
angles or with those endowed with strength.
snehas (stem form: sneha) (masculine, nominative, singular) = cara = movable
oil ādya = et cetera
carādyas (stem form: carādya) (masculine, nominative,
śaśāṅkāt (stem form: śaśāṅka) (masculine, ablative, singular) = singular) = movable, etc.
from the Moon
dvāram (stem form: dvāra) (neuter, nominative, singular) =
udayāt (stem form: udaya) (masculine, ablative, singular) = door (to the delivery room)
from the ​lagna
ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
tad = that
vartis (stem form: varti) (feminine, nominative, singular) = vāstu = ​vāstu​ (architectural arrangement)
wick of a lamp tadvāstuni (stem form: tadvāstu) (neuter, locative, singular) =
in the ​vāstu​ (architectural arrangement) of that
dīpas (stem form: dīpa) (masculine, nominative, singular) =
lamp kendra = angles (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses)
saṃstha = situated in
arka = the Sun kendrasaṃsthais (stem form: kendrasaṃstha) (masculine,
yukta = joined instrumental, plural) = with situated in the angles
ṛkṣa = zodiac sign
vaśa = dominion jñeyam (9th class verb root: jñā) (future passive participle,
arkayuktaṛkṣavaśāt (stem form: arkayuktaṛkṣavaśa) (masculine, neuter, nominative, singular) = to be known
ablative, singular) = from the dominion of the zodiac sign
joined the Sun grahais (stem form: graha) (masculine, instrumental, plural) =
with the planets
vīrya = strength
samanvita = endowed Verse 72
vīryasamanvitais (sam + anu + 2nd class verb root: i) (past
passive participle, masculine, instrumental, plural) = with jīrṇaṃ saṃskṛtam arkaje kṣitisute dagdhaṃ navaṃ
those endowed with strength
śītagau kāṣṭhāḍhyaṃ
vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or
na dṛḍhaṃ ravau śaśisute tannaikaśilpyudbhavam

ramyaṃ ।

citrayutaṃ navaṃ ca bhṛguje jīve dṛḍhaṃ mandiraṃ


yathopadeśaracanāṃ sāmanta pūrvāṃ vadet ॥ 72 ॥

When Saturn, [the delivery room is] old and thoroughly

repaired; when Mars, burnt; when the Moon, new; the Sun;
abundant, but abounding in wood yet not strong; when
Mercury, place of various artisan works; when Venus, joined to
new and beautiful ornaments; and Jupiter, a solid house. As
with those dwelling in the zodiac, the connection with the
neighboring arrangement according to the instructions should
be indicated.
jīrṇam (1st class verb root: jṝ) (past passive participle, neuter, dṛḍham (stem form: dṛḍha) (neuter, nominative, singular) =
nominative, singular) = old strong

saṃskṛtam (8th class verb root: saṃskṛ) (past passive ravau (stem form: ravi) (masculine, locative, singular) = when
participle, neuter, nominative, singular) = thoroughly repaired the Sun

arkaje (stem form: arkaja) (masculine, locative, singular) = śaśin = the Moon
when Saturn suta = son
śaśisute (1st class verb root: su) (past passive participle,
kṣiti = earth masculine, locative, singular) = when Mercury (son of the
suta = son Moon)
kṣitisute (stem form: kṣitisuta) (masculine, locative, singular) =
when Mars (son of the earth) tat = that
naika = various
dagdham (1st class verb root: dah) (past passive participle, śilpi = artisan
neuter, nominative, singular) = burnt udbhava = place
tannaikaśilpyudbhavam (stem form: tannaikaśilpyudbhava)
navam (stem form: nava) (neuter, nominative, singular) = new (neuter, nominative, singular) = place of various artisan works

śītagau (stem form: śītagu) (masculine, locative, singular) = ramyam (stem form: ramya) (neuter, nominative, singular) =
when the Moon beautiful

kāṣṭha = wood citra = ornaments

āḍhya = abounding in yuta = joined
kāṣṭhāḍhyam (stem form: kāṣṭhāḍhya) (neuter, nominative, citrayutam (2nd class verb root: yu) (past passive participle,
singular) = abounding in wood neuter, nominative, singular) = joined with ornaments

na (conjuction) (indeclinable) = not navam (stem form: nava) (neuter, nominative, singular) = new
ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and sāmanta = neighboring
pūrvā = accompanied by
bhṛguje (stem form: bhṛguja) (masculine, locative, singular) = sāmantapūrvām (stem form: sāmantapūrvā) (feminine,
when Venus accusative, singular) = accompanied with the neighboring

jīve (stem form: jīva) (masculine, locative, singular) = when vadet (2nd class verb root: vad) (optative, parasmaipada, 3rd
Jupiter person, singular) = should be indicated

dṛḍham (1st class verb root: dṛh) (past passive participle,

neuter, nominative, singular) = solid

mandiram (stem form: mandira) (neuter, nominative, singular)

= house

cakra = zodiac
stha = dwelling
cakrasthais (stem form: cakrastha) (masculine, instrumental,
plural) = with those dwelling in the zodiac

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

yathā (adverb) (indeclinable) = as

upadeśa = instruction
racanā = arrangement
upadeśaracanām (stem form: yathopadeśaracanā) (feminine,
accusative, singular) = arrangement of the instructions
meṣa = Aries
Verse 73 kulīra = Cancer
tula = Libra
meṣakulīratulālighaṭaiḥ prāguttarato ali = Scorpio
ghaṭa = Aquarius
gurusaumyagṛheṣu । meṣakulīratulāligaṭais (1st class verb root: gam) (past passive
participle, masculine, instrumental, plural) = with Aries,
paścimataśca vṛṣeṇa nivāso dakṣiṇabhāgakarau Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, and Aquarius

mṛgasiṃhau ॥ 73 ॥ prāk (stem form: prāk) (neuter, nominative, singular) = easterly

uttara = north
The bedroom is easterly with Aries, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, tas = (adverbial suffix with an ablative sense)
and Aquarius, northerly in the zodiac signs of Jupiter and uttaratas (stem form: uttarata) (masculine, nominative,
Mercury, westerly with Taurus, and Capricorn and Leo are the singular) = northerly
two producing the southerly ​bhāgas​ (portions).
guru = Jupiter
saumya = Mercury
gṛha = zodiac sign
gurusaumyagṛheṣu (stem form: gurusaumyagṛh) (neuter,
locative, plural) = in the zodiac signs of Jupiter and Mercury

paścima = west
tas = (adverbial suffix with an ablative sense)
paścimatas (adverb) (indeclinable) = westerly

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

vṛṣeṇa (stem form: vṛṣa) (masculine, nominative, singular) =
with Taurus Verse 74
nivāsas (stem form: nivāsa) (masculine, nominative, singular) prācyādigṛhe kriyādayo dvau dvau koṇagatā
= bedroom
dvimūrtayaḥ ।
dakṣiṇa = southern
bhāga = ​bhāga​ (portion) śayyāsvapi vāstuvad vadet pādaiḥ
kara = produce
dakṣiṇabhāgakarau (stem form: dakṣiṇabhāgakara) (masculine, ṣaṭtrinavāntyasaṃsthitaiḥ ॥ 74 ॥
nominative, dual) = two producing the southerly ​bhāgas
In the easterly zodiac sign, etc. is Aries, etc. two by two (Aries
mṛga = Capricorn and Taurus are east, Cancer and Leo are south, Libra and
siṃha = Leo Scorpio are west, and Capricorn and Aquarius are north) and
mṛgasiṃhau (stem form: mṛgasiṃha) (masculine, nominative, the double-bodied situated in angles (Gemini is southeast,
dual= Capricorn and Leo Virgo is southwest, Sagittarius is northwest, and Pisces is
northwest). Also, in regards to the chamber it should be
indicated with the quarters situated in sixth, third, ninth, or
twelfth (houses).
prāci (stem form: prāc) (masculine, locative, singular) = in the api (adverb) (indeclinable) = also
vāstu = chamber
ādi = et cetera vat = in regards to
gṛha = zodiac sign vāstuvat (stem form: vāstuvat) (neuter, nominative, singular) =
ādigṛhe (stem form: prācyādigṛha) (masculine, locative, in regards to the chamber
singular) = in zodiac sign, etc.
vadet (2nd class verb root: vad) (optative, parasmaipada, 3rd
kriya = Aries person, singular) = it should be indicated
ādi = et cetera
kriyādayas (stem form: kriyādi) (masculine, nominative, plural) pādais (stem form: pāda) (masculine, instrumental, plural) =
= Aries, etc. with the quarters

dvau dvau (stem form: dvi) (cardinal number, masculine, ṣaṭ = sixth
nominative, dual) = two by two tri = third
nava = ninth
koṇa = angle antya = twelfth
gata = situated in saṃsthita = situated
koṇagatās (1st class verb root: gam) (past passive participle, ṣaṭtrinavāntyasaṃsthitais (sam + 1st class verb root: sthā)
masculine, nominative, plural) = situated in the angles (masculine, instrumental, plural) = with those situated in sixth,
third, ninth, or twelfth (houses)
dvi = double
mūrti = bodied
dvimūrtayas (stem form: dvimūrti) (masculine, nominative,
plural) = double-bodied (zodiac signs)

śayyāsu (stem form: śayyā) (feminine, locative, plural) =

among the beds
candra = the Moon
Verse 75 lagna = the ​lagna
antara = in-between
candralagnāntaragatairgrahaiḥ syurupasūtikāḥ । gata = being with
candralagnāntaragatais (1st class verb root: gam) (past passive
bahirantaracakrārddhe dṛśyādṛśye'nyathā paraiḥ participle, masculine, instrumental, plural) = with those being
in-between the Moon and the​ lagna
॥ 75 ॥
grahais (stem form: graha) (masculine, instrumental, plural) =
With those planets being in-between the Moon and the ​lagna​, with the planets
those​ ​should be the midwives. The abundance in the exterior
(seventh to twelfth houses) and interior (first to sixth houses) syus (2nd class verb root: as) (optative, 3rd person, plural) =
zodiac should be the visible and invisible (midwives), those should be
respectively. In a different manner, [it is stated] by others.
upasūtikās (stem form: upasūtikā) (feminine, nominative,
plural) = midwives

bahis = exterior
antara = interior
cakra = zodiac
ārddha = abundance
bahirantaracakrārddhe (stem form: bahirantaracakrārddha)
(neuter, nominative, dual) = abundance in the exterior interior
and zodiac
dṛśya = visible
adṛśya = invisible Verse 76
dṛśyādṛśye (stem form: dṛśyādṛśya) (neuter, nominative, dual)
= visible and invisible lagnanavāṃśapatulyatanuḥ syād

anyathā (adverb) (indeclinable) = in a different manner vīryayutagrahatulyavapurvā ।

parais (stem form: para) (masculine, instrumental, plural) = by candrasametanavāṃśapavarṇaḥ

kādivilagnavibhaktabhagātraḥ ॥ 76 ॥

The body should be similar to the ruler of the ​navāṃśa lagna

or the body should be similar to the planet joined with strength.
The color (of the body) should be the lord of the n​ avāṃśa
joined with the Moon. The limbs of the zodiac signs are
divided by the ​lagna​ with the Sun, etc.
lagna = the ​lagna candra = the Moon
navāṃśa = navāṃśa sameta = joined
pa = ruler navāṃśa = navāṃśa
tulya = similar pa = lord
tanu = body varṇa = color
lagnanavāṃśapatulyatanus (stem form: candrasametanavāṃśapavarṇas (stem form:
lagnanavāṃśapatulyatanus) (neuter, nominative, singular) = candrasametanavāṃśapavarṇa) (masculine, nominative,
body is similar to the ruler of the ​navāṃśa lagna singular) = color (of the body) is the lord of the n​ avāṃśa
joined with the Moon
syāt (2nd class verb root: as) (optative, 3rd person, singular) =
it should be ka = the Sun
ādi = et cetera
vīrya = strong vilagna = the ​lagna
yuta = joined vibhakta = divided
graha = planet bha = zodiac signs
tulya = similar gātra = limb
vapus = body kādivilagnavibhaktabhagātras (stem form:
vīryayutagrahatulyavapus (stem form: kādivilagnavibhaktabhagātra) (masculine, nominative,
vīryayutagrahatulyavapus) (neuter, nominative, singular) = singular) = limbs from the variety of the of the houses are of
body similar to the planet joined with strength the variety of the ​lagna​ and the Sun, etc.

vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or
1st d​ reṣkāṇa body portions from the 1st to the 12th house
1st: head
Verse 77 2nd: right eye
3rd: right ear
kaṃdṛkśrotranasākapolahanavo vaktraṃ ca
4th: right nostril
5th: right cheek
horādayaste kaṇṭhāṃsakabāhupārśvahṛdayakroḍāni
6th: right jaw
7th: mouth
nābhistataḥ ।
8th: left jaw
9th: left cheek
bastiḥ śiśnagude tataśca vṛṣaṇāvūrū tato jānunī ।
10th: left nostril
11th: left ear
jaṅghāṅghrītyubhayatra vāmam
12th: left eye

uditairdreṣkāṇabhāgaistridhā ॥ 77 ॥

The head, eyes, ears, nose, cheeks, jaw, and mouth. Those are
the ​lagna​, etc. From that are the neck, shoulders, arms, sides of
the body, upper chest, lower chest, and navel. From that are the
bladder, penis, anus, two testicles and two thighs, two knees,
two shins, and feet. Thus from that, on both sides, with those
ascended (the visible, upper half of the zodiac) is the left side
with the threefold ​bhāgas​ (portions) of the d​ reṣkāṇas.
2nd d​ reṣkāṇa body portions from the 1st to the 12th house 3rd d​ reṣkāṇa body portions from the 1st to the 12th house
1st: neck 1st: bladder
2nd: right shoulder 2nd: penis
3rd: right arm 3rd: right testicle
4th: right side of the body 4th: right thigh
5th: right upper chest 5th: right knee
6th: right lower chest 6th: right shin
7th: navel 7th: two feet
8th: left lower chest 8th: left shin
9th: left upper chest 9th: left knee
10th: left side of the body 10th: left thigh
11th: left arm 11th: left testicle
12th: left shoulder 12th: anus
kam = head (above the eyes) kaṇṭha = neck
dṛś = eye aṃsaka = shoulder
śrotra = ear bāhu = arm
nasā = nose pārśva = sides of the body
kapola = cheek hṛdaya = upper chest
hanu = jaw kroḍa = lower chest
kaṃdṛkśrotranasākapolahanavas (stem form: kaṇṭhāṃsakabāhupārśvahṛdayakroḍāni (stem form:
kaṃdṛkśrotranasākapolahanu) (masculine, nominative, plural) kaṇṭhāṃsakabāhupārśvahṛdayakroḍa) (neuter, nominative,
= head, eyes, ears, nose, cheeks, and jaw plural) = neck, shoulders, arms, sides of the body, upper chest,
lower chest
vaktram (stem form: vaktra) (neuter, nominative, singular) =
mouth nābhis (stem form: nābhi) (masculine, nominative, singular) =
ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
tatas (adverb) (indeclinable) = from that
horā = the​ lagna
ādi = et cetera bastis (stem form: basti) (feminine, nominative, singular) =
horādayas (stem form: horādi) (masculine, nominative, plural) bladder
= the ​lagna,​ etc.
śiśna = penis
te (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, nominative, plural) = they guda = anus
śiśnagude (stem form: śiśnaguda) (neuter, nominative, dual) =
penis and anus

tatas (adverb) (indeclinable) = from that

ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and

vṛṣaṇau (stem form: vṛṣaṇa) (masculine, nominative, dual) = dreṣkāṇa = dreṣkāṇa
two testicles bhāga = ​bhāga​ (portion)
dreṣkāṇabhāgais (stem form: dreṣkāṇabhāga) (masculine,
ūrū (stem form: ūru) (masculine, nominative, dual) = two instrumental, plural) = with the ​bhāgas​ (portions) of the
thighs dreṣkāṇas

tatas (adverb) (indeclinable) = from that tridhā (adverb) (indeclinable) = threefold

jānunī (stem form: jānu) (neuter, nominative, dual) = two knees

jaṅghā = shin
aṅghri = foot
jaṅghāṅghrī (stem form: jaṅghāṅghri) (masculine, nominative,
dual) = the two shins and feet

iti (adverb) (indeclinable) = thus

ubhayatra (adverb) (indeclinable) = on both sides

vāmam (stem form: vāma) (neuter, nominative, singular) = left


uditais (ud + 2nd class verb root: i) (past passive participle,

masculine, instrumental, plural) = with those ascended (the
visible, upper half of the zodiac)
When that [​dreṣkāṇa] is joined a malefic planet, there is a
Verse 78 blemish. When joined or aspected by a benefic planet, there
should be a mark, etc. In the a​ ṃśa (portion) of one’s own
tasmin pāpayute vraṇaṃ śubhayute dṛṣṭe ca zodiac sign and joined to a fixed (zodiac sign), it should be
congenital. Otherwise, incurred by one’s own actions. When
lakṣmādiśet Saturn, caused by rock or wind; Mars, caused by fire, a
weapon, or poison; Mercury (joined to a malefic), it is
svaṛkṣāṃśe sthirasaṃyute ca sahajaḥ syād originating from the earth; the Sun, wood or a quadruped; the
(waning) Moon, aquatic or horned; with others (benefics),
anyathāgantukaḥ । auspiciousness.

mandeśmānilajo'gniśastraviṣajo bhaume budhe

bhūbhavaḥ sūrye kāṣṭhacatuṣpadena himagau

śṛṅgyabjajo'nyaiḥ śubham

॥ 78 ॥
tasmin (pronoun, 3rd person, neuter, locative, singular) = when sva = one’s own
that ṛkṣa = zodiac sign
aṃśa = aṃśa (portion)
pāpa = malefic svaṛkṣāṃśe (stem form: svaṛkṣāṃśa) (masculine, locative,
yuta = joined singular) = in the a​ ṃśa (portion) of one’s own zodiac sign
pāpayute (2nd class verb root: yu) (past passive participle,
neuter, locative, singular) = when joined with a malefic planet sthira = fixed (zodiac sign)
saṃyuta = joined
vraṇam (stem form: vraṇa) (neuter, locative, singular) = sthirasaṃyute (sam + 2nd class verb root: yu) (past passive
blemish participle, masculine, locative, singular) = when joined to a
fixed (zodiac sign)
śubha = benefic
yuta = joined ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
śubhayute (2nd class verb root: yu) (past passive participle,
neuter, locative, singular) = when joined with a benefic sahajas (stem form: sahaja) (masculine, nominative, singular) =
dṛṣṭe (1st class verb root: dṛś) (past passive participle, neuter,
locative, singular) = when aspected syāt (2nd class verb root: as) (optative, 3rd person, singular) =
it should be
ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = and
anyathā (adverb) (indeclinable) = otherwise
lakṣman = mark
ādi = et cetera āgantukas (stem form: āgantuka) (masculine, nominative,
lakṣmādiśet (stem form: lakṣmādi) (verbalized noun, optative, singular) = incurred by one’s own actions
parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = there should be a mark,
etc. mande (stem form: manda) (masculine, locative, singular) =
when Saturn
aśman = rock kāṣṭha = wood
anila = wind catuṣpada = quadruped
ja = caused by kāṣṭhacatuṣpadena (stem form: kāṣṭhacatuṣpada) (masculine,
aśmānilajas (stem form: aśmānilaja) (masculine, nominative, instrumental, singular) = by wood or a quadruped
singular) = caused by a rock or wind
himagau (stem form: himagu) (masculine, locative, singular) =
agni = fire when the (waning) Moon
śastra = weapon
viṣa = poison śṛṅgi = horned
ja = caused by abja = aquatic
agniśastraviṣajas (stem form: agniśastraviṣaja) (masculine, ja = caused by
nominative, singular) = caused by fire, a weapon, or poison śṛṅgyabjajas (stem form: śṛṅgyabjaja) (masculine, nominative,
singular) = caused by the aquatic or horned
bhaume (stem form: bhauma) (masculine, locative, singular) =
when Mars anyais (stem form: anya) (masculine, instrumental, plural) =
with others (benefic planets)
budhe (stem form: budha) (masculine, locative, singular) =
when Mercury (joined to a malefic) śubham (stem form: śubha) (neuter, nominative, singular) =
auspicious means
bhū = earth
bhava = originating
bhūbhavas (stem form: bhūbhava) (masculine, nominative,
singular) = originating from the earth

sūrye (stem form: sūrya) (masculine, locative, singular) = the

samanupatitās (sam + anu + 1st class verb root: pat) (past
passive participle, masculine, nominative, plural) = those
Verse 79 situated

samanupatitā yasmin bhāge trayaḥ sabudhā grahā

yasmin (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, locative, singular) =
in which
bhavati niyamāt tasyāvāptiḥ śubheṣvaśubheṣu vā ।

bhāge (stem form: bhāga) (masculine, locative, singular) = in

vraṇakṛd aśubhaḥ ṣaṣṭhe dehe tanorbhasamāśrite
bhāga​ (portion)

tilakam aśakṛd dṛṣṭaḥ saumyairyutaśca sa lakṣmavān

trayas (stem form: tri) (masculine, nominative, plural) =
॥ 79 ॥

sa = with
budha = Mercury
In which those planets with Mercury are situated in the
sabudhās (stem form: sabudha) (masculine, nominative, plural)
threefold ​bhāga​ (portion), there is the attainment of that from
= them with Mercury
the rule when benefics or malefics. When a malefic is situated
in the sixth zodiac sign from the lagna, it is the creator of a
grahās (stem form: graha) (masculine, nominative, plural) =
blemish in the body. Joined or aspected by benefic planets, he
is possessed of a mark caused by a mosquito or freckles.

bhavati (2nd class verb root: bhū) (present indicative,

parasmaipada, 3rd person, singular) = there is

niyamāt (stem form: niyama) (masculine, ablative, singular) =

from the rule
tasya (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine/neuter, genitive, tanos (stem form: tanu) (masculine, ablative, singular) = from
singular) = of that the ​lagna

avāptis (stem form: avāpti) (feminine, nominative, singular) = bha = zodiac sign
attainment samāśrita = situated
bhasamāśrite (sam + ā + 1st class verb root: śri) (past passive
śubheṣu (stem form: śubha) (masculine, locative, plural) = participle, masculine, locative, singular) = when situated in the
when the benefics zodiac sign

aśubheṣu (stem form: aśubha) (masculine, locative, plural) = tilaka = freckle

when the malefics maśa = mosquito
kṛt = caused
vā (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or tilakamaśakṛt (stem form: tilakamaśakṛt) (neuter, accusative,
singular) = caused by a mosquito or freckles
vraṇa = blemish
kṛt = creator dṛṣṭas = (1st class verb root: dṛś) (past passive participle,
vraṇakṛt (stem form: vraṇakṛt) (masculine, nominative, masculine, nominative, singular) = aspected
singular) = creator of a blemish
saumyais (stem form: saumya) (masculine, instrumental,
aśubhas (stem form: aśubha) (masculine, nominative, singular) plural) = by benefic planets
= when malefic
yutas (2nd class verb root: yu) (past passive participle,
ṣaṣṭhe (stem form: ṣaṣṭh) (ordinal number, masculine, locative, masculine, nominative, singular) = joined
singular) = in the sixth
ca (conjunction) (indeclinable) = or
dehe (stem form: deha) (masculine, locative, singular) = in the
body sas (pronoun, 3rd person, masculine, nominative, singular) =
lakṣman = mark Verse 80
vat = possessed
lakṣmavān (stem form: lakṣmavant) (masculine, nominative, viyonijanmavijñānaṃ niṣekodayajaṃ phalam ।
singular) = one possessed of a mark
janmakālaparijñānaṃ yattadācāryabhāṣitam ॥ 80 ॥

The knowledge of the ​viyoni​ (non-human) births born of the

impregnation ​lagna​ from the ascertainment of the time of birth
is spoken by the various preceptors.
viyoni = ​viyoni​ (non-human)
janman = birth
vijñāna = knowledge Chapter Title
viyonijanmavijñānam (stem form: viyonijanmavijñāna)
(neuter, nominative, singular) = knowledge of the ​viyoni iti navagrahakṛpayā vaidyanāthaviracite jātakapārijāte
(non-human) births
ādhānajanmādhyāyastṛtīyaḥ ॥
niṣeka = impregnation
udaya = ​lagna
ja = born Thus is the third chapter on impregnation and birth in the
niṣekodayajam (stem form: iṣekodayaja) (neuter, nominative, Jātaka Pārijāta​ composed by Vaidyanātha by the mercy of the
singular) = born of the impregnation ​lagna nine planets.

phalam (stem form: phala) (neuter, nominative, singular) =


janman = birth
kāla = time
parijñāna = ascertainment
janmakālaparijñānam (stem form: janmakālaprijñāna) (neuter,
nominative, singular) = ascertainment of the time of birth

yattad = various
ācārya = preceptor
bhāṣita = spoken
yattadācāryabhāṣitam (1st class verb root: bhāṣ) (past passive
participle, neuter, nominative, singular) = spoken by the
various preceptors
iti (adverb) (indeclinable) = thus

navan = nine
graha = planet
kṛpā = mercy
navagrahakṛpayā (stem form: navagrahakṛpā) (feminine,
instrumental, singular) = by the mercy of the nine planets

vaidyanātha = Vaidyanātha
viracita = composed
vaidyanāthaviracite (stem form: vaidyanāthaviracita)
(masculine, locative, singular) = in composed by Vaidyanātha

jātaka = ​Jātaka
pārijāta = ​Pārijāta
jātakapārijāte (stem form: vaidyanāthaviracitajātakapārijāta)
(masculine, locative, singular) = in the ​Jātaka Pārijāta

ādhāna = impregnation
janman = birth
adhyāya = chapter
ādhānajanmādhyāyas (stem form: ādhānajanmādhyāya)
(masculine, nominative, singular) = chapter on impregnation
and birth

tṛtīyas (stem form: tṛtīya) (ordinal number, masculine,

nominative, singular) = third

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