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Sensors and Actuators B 48 (1998) 277 – 284

In-situ EXAFS analysis of the local environment of Pt particles

incorporated in thin films of SnO2 semi-conductor oxide used as
M. Gaidi a,*, M. Labeau a, B. Chenevier a, J.L. Hazemann b
Laboratoire des Matériaux et du Génie Physique, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, UMR 5628 CNRS, BP 46,
F-38402 Saint Martin d’Hères Cedex, France
Laboratoire de Géophysique Interne et Tectonophysique, URA 733, BP 53, F-38041 Grenoble Cedex, France


A very fine and homogeneous dispersion of metallic nanoparticles (3 – 5 nm) inside polycrystalline SnO2 films was carried out
by modified CVD co-deposition. It improves the sensitivity and selectivity for reducing gas detection. In order to verify and refine
the models which can explain the role of metallic particles in the detection process, the environment of metallic nanoparticles were
studied in Pt doped SnO2 thin film by in-situ EXAFS analysis. XANES region of EXAFS spectra were used to study the variation
of the local environment and oxidation state as a function of the temperature and atmosphere. © 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All
rights reserved.

Keywords: Gas sensors; Thin film; Tin oxide; Conductance; X-ray; Absorption; Metallic aggregate

1. Introduction This work is an in-situ analysis of the role of the Pt

particles in the CO detection process using a very fine
SnO2 is often used as an active element for gas and homogeneous dispersion of nanoparticles included
detection. It interacts with reducing gases by surface in polycristalline SnO2 films. To limit the number of
adsorption leading to a modification of the free electron parameters having an influence on the CO detection,
density on the surface. By dispersing a low concentra- this study was carried out using well controlled atmo-
tion of small metallic particles (Pd, Pt, Cu…) on the spheres. It is to notice that these conditions do not
surface of the SnO2 grains, the sensitivity and selectivity correspond exactly to a realistic surrounding atmo-
can be improved [1 – 3]. The interaction phenomena sphere in which the humidity, for instance, acts as an
between CO and the composite (SnO2 +Pt or Pd (or interfering gas for the CO detection.
PdO) clusters) can be described by a simple model
where the desorption of reducing species leads to a
modification of local environment of the metallic ele- 2. Experiments
ment and of its oxidation state as well, leading to an
electronic charge transfer between the clusters and the Thin films of Pt-doped tin oxide (3 atomic %, 6 and
SnO2 support. Another model describes the metallic 12% Pt in the solution) have been deposited on oxidised
particles as catalysts which activate the interaction be- silicon substrates by submicronic aerosol pyrolysis (Py-
tween gas and SnO2 surface (spill-over effect) [4]. These rosol process) [5]. A very fine and homogeneous disper-
models nevertheless need to be verified and refined to sion of metallic aggregates (3–5 nm) within the film is
allow accurate manipulation of the sensitivities to vari- obtained by co-deposition of the two species (tin oxide
ous gases and temperatures. and metal). Metallic size inside the film increases with
the amount of metal.
Electrical measurements were carried out on pure
* Corresponding author. Fax: +33 476826394; e-mail: and Pt-doped SnO2 overcoated with evaporated gold electrodes. Two kinds of measurement have been done.

0925-4005/98/$19.00 © 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

PII S0925-4005(98)00056-2
278 M. Gaidi et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 48 (1998) 277–284

Fig. 1. Effects of the Pt additive concentration on SnO2 film conductance as a function of temperature under pure air and air + CO(300 ppm):
– – – pure air —— air+CO (300 ppm).

Fig. 2. XANES region of 6%Pt/SnO2 sample at 350°C: height (hwl) of the white line at the Pt LIII edge under various working conditions: pure
air, air+ CO(300 ppm) and N2 + CO (900 ppm).

Firstly conductance was measured in steady state in a a fixed temperature as a function of time and gas. In
50 – 500°C temperature range using two kinds of atmo- that case pure air and 900 ppm CO in nitrogen were
sphere: (1) pure air; and (2) air charged with 300 ppm used.
CO. A detailed description of this kind of measure- As EXAFS is a very powerful technique to detect
ments has been reported in a previous paper [6]. Sec- and analyse the surroundings of metallic elements un-
ondly, the electrical conductance has been measured at der controlled atmosphere, the authors have used X-ray
M. Gaidi et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 48 (1998) 277–284 279

Fig. 3. Observation of the EXAFS oscillations as a function of the reduction process in 6%Pt/SnO2 sample and comparison with Pt and PtO2

absorption to study the local environment and the experiment has been done at ESRF on the beam line
oxidation state (XANES) of the metallic elements BM32. The X-ray absorption has been measured in
added into the films. To confirm that the method could fluorescence mode within an energy range close to Pt
be used, the authors decided to analyse at first a LIII edge.
favourable case, films with platinum as metallic addi-
tive. An EXAFS in-situ experiment has been carried
out as the material (SnO2 films with various amounts of
3. Results
Pt particles—12, 6 and 3% — deposited on an oxidised
2× 2 cm2 silicon substrate) was inserted in a specific
The conductance of pure and Pt-doped SnO2 films
reaction cell, heated to maximum temperatures of
was measured in steady state successively under pure
400°C and put in contact with air or with a polluting
air and 300 ppm of CO in air. As shown in Fig. 1
gaseous mixture containing small amounts of reducing
Pt-doped SnO2 films have a very good sensitivity to CO
gas (Air+300 ppm CO, N2 +900 ppm CO). The thick-
in air when compared with pure tin oxide films which
ness of the films was in the range of 1 mm. The
have a bad sensitivity and a high temperature reply. In
the polluted gaseous atmosphere, the increase of the
conductance of undoped SnO2 does not show any well
defined maximum as a function of temperature. In
contrast, Pt-doped SnO2 films show a maximum of
conductance at low temperature (100°C).
Thus, the authors use the well-known correlation
between the X-ray absorption at the LIII edge and the
occupation of the metal 5d band. Many works have
shown the potential of the technique to follow the
modification of the electronic state of platinum during
reduction [7–10]. Schematically, the greater the white
line intensity, the less the d band is occupied. In other
words, the more oxidised platinum is, the higher the
white line becomes.
To study the effect of CO on the oxidation state of
Pt, the samples were put in contact with three kinds of
gas (900 ppm CO in nitrogen, air + 300 ppm CO, air).
Fig. 2 shows the evolution of white line under various
working conditions. It can be seen that the platinum
particles exhibit two states: either oxidised or reduced,
depending on the reducing ability of the gas. In the case
Fig. 4. XANES region of the sample (white line) under pure air at of pure air (respectively N2 + CO) Pt shows an oxida-
350°C, as a function of Pt content. Pt and PtO2 references are also tion state (respectively reduction state) where qualita-
reported. tively, the XANES and EXAFS spectrum can be
280 M. Gaidi et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 48 (1998) 277–284

Fig. 5. 6%Pt/SnO2 sample, evolution of the height (hwl) of the white line as a function of the gas, temperature and time.

Fig. 6. Kinetic measurement of the electrical conductance under N2 +900 ppm CO at T= 300°C (semi-log scale).

Fig. 7. Kinetic measurement of the electrical conductance under N2 +900 ppm CO at different temperatures.
M. Gaidi et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 48 (1998) 277–284 281

Fig. 8. Evolution of the duration (in min) of (i) the electrical reply (transition between part A and part B in Fig. 6) and (ii) Pt reduction observed
on XANES region (Fig. 5). (i) = white dots, (ii) =black dots.

Fig. 9. Effect of the gas flow on the electrical conductance and on the time reply (inset curve).

correlated with an oxidised state characterised by Pt–O white line intensity (labeled as hwl—height of the white
bonding (PtO2 type) and reduced state characterised by line—in the following) when the atmosphere changes
Pt – X bonding (X =CO or Pt) (see Fig. 3.). The oxida- from air to air + 300 ppm CO or N2 + 900 ppm CO, the
tion state is determined by making a comparison be- drop in hwl shows that Pt passes from an oxidation state
tween experimental spectra and a standard reference (Pt to a reduction state. It must be mentioned that platinum
and PtO2). Table inside Fig. 2 shows the evolution of the aggregates keep their electronic state unchanged for a
282 M. Gaidi et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 48 (1998) 277–284

certain time before the transformation to the reduction millisiemens: region B). Then the conductance decreases
state. A detailed description of the kinetic behaviour of slowly, tending towards a constant value (region C).
the platinum reduction is given in the following para- To study the effect of temperature on the fast electri-
graph. cal reply, many series of electrical conductance mea-
An important metallic particle size effect has been surement at a fixed temperature under air and N2 +900
detected, the change in the white line is particularly ppm CO were carried out as a function of time (see Fig.
pronounced for the smallest particles concentration, i.e. 7). A fast reply of tin oxide (great peak of conductance)
the finest particles, whereas it is very weak for 12% Pt at lower temperature and very slow reply at the higher
concentration. The XANES study shows that the finest one is observed. With decreasing temperature the swift-
particles have the highest oxidation state (see Fig. 4). ness of the second part of the electrical reply increases
This size effect can be understood in terms of specific and shows a tendency to rejoin the first part (at about
area. For the small particles all the bulk of the Pt 100°C)
particles is oxidised, whereas for the big ones only the The authors have reported in Fig. 8 the time evolu-
surface is oxidised. In that case the metallic phase tion of platinum reduction and the time of tin oxide
widely prevails. reply. It is to be noticed that the difference in both
EXAFS and electrical measurement times is due to a
3.1. Kinetics study of the reduction under CO of difference in the experiment condition (in the rate of
incorporated platinum the flow of gas). The authors have demonstrated in Fig.
9 the effect of the gas flow on the electrical conductance
A study of the kinetics of the oxidation/reduction (inside: on the time of reply). The time of reply de-
process was also carried out on 6% Pt sample by using creases with increasing the gas flow.
the evolution of the white line as a function of gas,
temperature and time. The 6% Pt sample was thermally
cycled between 25 and 400°C, alternating the atmo- 4. Discussion
sphere at each temperature (pure air or 900 ppm CO in
nitrogen) (see Fig. 5). This study shows that the platinum reduction under
The hwl evolution has been studied as a function of CO occurs in all temperature ranges but with various
temperature, gas and time (Fig. 5). The main conclu- kinetics. XANES and electrical measurements show
sion of this study is that the reduction of platinum that both platinum reduction and tin oxide reply ex-
under CO has a strongly temperature dependent kinet- hibit three regimes of evolution as a function of time.
ics. In the higher temperature range (T ] 200°C) the From these results a reaction mechanism can be pro-
reaction has a slow kinetic and the time necessary for posed as follows: Platinum oxide reacts with CO and
the total reduction of platinum increases with increas- changes to a state of metallic Pt:
ing temperature. This time is obtained by measuring the PtO2 + 2CO“ Pt+ 2CO2 (1)
time for the drop in hwl ($50 min at T= 300°C). At elevated temperature Pt is oxidised by the
Three steps in this range of temperature can be chemisorbed oxygen:
“ A first regime where the platinum aggregates keep Pt+ 2Oabs “ PtO2 (2)
their electronic configuration unchanged (the white A relatively moderate electrical reply is then observed
line intensity remains constant). (region A in Fig. 6). The chemisorbed oxygen dimin-
“ A second regime follows, when the reduction of ishes and leads to a change of the electrical conduc-
platinum begins and the white line intensity drops tance. A second phenomena which can be also
rapidly. considered is the difference between Eq. (1) and Eq. (2):
“ Thirdly a change in the rate of the platinum reduc- Eq. (1) is probably faster than Eq. (2).
tion which goes on but at a slower speed. After a certain time tin oxide will be unable to give
In the lower temperature range (T= 100°C) a fast more oxygen and Pt becomes in the reduced state, at
kinetic reaction occurs and only the second and the this moment the great peak in the electrical conduc-
third regime can be observed. tance appears (Fig. 7) and the white line drops. Here
only Eq. (1) is valid and Pt acts as an electron donor.
3.2. Correlation with kinetic electrical measurement At low temperature the Eq. (2) is very slow and only a
fast reduction of platinum occurs (Eq. (1)) and induces
After introducing the gas (N2 +900 ppm CO), first a a fast electrical reply (Fig. 7).
weak and afterwards a strong and fast electrical reply is In the case of air+ CO, oxygen in the gas state
observed (see Fig. 6). At first the conductance increases chemisorbs on the surface of SnO2 and partially com-
slowly and remains constant for certain time (region A) pensates the chemisorbed oxygen consumption, leading
after which it shows a maximum (in order of few to a moderate change in electrical properties:
M. Gaidi et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 48 (1998) 277–284 283

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5. Conclusion cı́a, J.C. Conesa, E. Burattini, EXAFS/XANES studies of the
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[11] C.R. Henry, On the effect of the diffusion of carbon monox-
mechanism. Combined with electrical measurement, ide on the substrate during CO oxidation on supported palla-
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summarised as follows:
1. The oxidation state of the platinum depends on
the particles size. The finest particles show the
more oxidised state. Biographies
2. The oxidation (reduction) of platinum occurs at
all investigated temperatures but with different ki- Mounir Gaidi, graduated at Monastir University of
netics. Science (Tunisia) in 1995 (Master in Chemistry and
3. The electrical reply of tin oxide is mainly due to Physics), started in 1996 a PhD thesis work in Mate-
the change of Pt from the oxidation state to the rial Physics at the LMGP on the ‘Structure and
reduced one. Electronic State of Metallic Aggregates Incorporated
4. An analysis of the kinetic reactions provides a in Semi-Conducting SnO2 Thin Films Used as Pollu-
simple explanation for the presence of the con- ant Gas Sensors’. He has acquired a good expertise
ductance peak at lower temperature (fast reduc- in the optimisation of sensor properties by manipu-
tion of Pt). lating the concentrations of metallic nanoparticles
These results and the proposed mechanisms are re- added in SnO2 films.
lated to laboratory conditions which do not include
the role of interfering gases for the CO detection, for Michel Labeau, Professor in Material Sciences,
instance humidity. They form a good basis for an Doctor of Physics Science, 23 years experience of re-
understanding of the mechanisms in the surrounding search in Material Sciences, including thin films syn-
atmosphere. thesis of semiconductor for gas applications. Head of
the ‘Films for components and Sensors’ Group of
LMGP. Responsible of several national and interna-
References tional cooperation programs.

[1] S. Semancik, J.B. Fryberger, Model studies of SnO2-based gas Bernard Chene6ier, Senior Scientist, Doctor of
sensors: vacancy defects and Pd additive effects, Sens. Actua-
Physics Science, he has strong expertise in mi-
tors B 1 (1990) 97 –102.
[2] S. Matsushima, J. Maekawa, J. Tamaki, N. Miura, N. Yama-
crostructural and physical properties analysis of thin
zoe, New methods for supporting palladium on a tin oxide films. He has been responsible for LMGP partner-
gas sensor, Sens. Actuators B 9 (1992) 71–78. ship in several national ant international programs.
284 M. Gaidi et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 48 (1998) 277–284

Jean-Louis Hazemann, head of the EXAFS Station charge the development of the scientific activity on
on the Beam line project ‘IF’ at the European Synchro- various uses of the X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
tron Radiation Facility (ESRF), Doctor in Material (XAS) in the frame of the program of structural investi-
Science, he has been involved for 7 years in synchrotron gation on disordered materials in environmental prob-
instrumentation. Chief of the EXAFS Station, he has in lems.


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