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Dept.: MFM 3
Assignment - 2
Subject: Apparel Quality Procedures And Practices
Topic: Application of lean tools in apparel industry specified through

Submitted By: Submitted To:

Ritu Raj (MFM/19/844) Mr. jayant kumar

5S is a system to reduce waste and optimize productivity through maintaining

an orderly workplace and using visual cues to achieve more consistent
operational results. Implementation of this method "cleans up" and organizes
the workplace basically in its existing configuration, and it is typically the first
lean method which organizations implement.

The 5S pillars, Sort (Seiri), Set in Order (Seiton), Shine (Seiso), Standardize
(Seiketsu), and Sustain (Shitsuke), provide a methodology for organizing,
cleaning, developing, and sustaining a productive work environment. In the
daily work of a company, routines that maintain organization and orderliness
are essential to a smooth and efficient flow of activities. This lean method
encourages workers to improve their working conditions and helps them to
learn to reduce waste, unplanned downtime, and in-process inventory.

Sort – “Separating the needed from the not-needed.”

Straighten – “place for everything and everything in its place, clean and ready
to use.”

Sweep -“ The best cleaning is to not need cleaning”

Standardize - “Developing common methods for consistency.”

Self-discipline - “The less self-discipline you need, the better”

The key targets of 5S are workplace morale and efficiency. The assertion of 5S
is, by assigning everything a location, time is not wasted by looking for things.
Additionally, it is quickly obvious when something is missing from its
designated location. 5S advocates believe the benefits of this methodology
come from deciding what should be kept, where it should be kept, and how it
should be stored. This decision making process should lead to a dialoge which
can build a clear understanding, between employees, of how work should be
done. It also in stills ownership of the process in each employee.

5-S can be defined as

 Seri (Sort)

Sort, the first S, focuses on eliminating unnecessary items from the workplace
that are not needed for current production operations. An effective visual
method to identify these unneeded items is called "red tagging", which
involves evaluating the necessity of each item in a work area and dealing with
it appropriately. The whole idea of doing this is preventing disturbance and
overcrowding caused by unnecessary items. Now sort the wanted items as low
use, average use and high use items. Organizations often find that sorting
enables them to reclaim valuable floor space and eliminate such things as
broken tools, scrap, and excess raw material.

 Seiton (Set-in-Order)

Set In Order focuses on creating efficient and effective storage methods to

arrange items so that they are easy to use and to label them so that they are
easy to find and put away. Set in Order can only be implemented once the first
pillar, Sort, has cleared the work area of unneeded items. Place the old files in
the lower most drawers, and the things like cello tape, stapler, stapler pins, file
clips pens, pencils on top of the table. Label the drawers and cupboards for
convenience. Strategies for effective Set In Order include painting floors,
affixing labels and placards to designate proper storage locations and methods,
outlining work areas and locations, and installing modular shelving and
cabinets. The ultimate goal is that if any one needs some thing they could get it
within 30 seconds at your workstation.

 Seiso (Shine)
Once the clutter that has been clogging the work areas is eliminated and
remaining items are organized, the next step is to thoroughly clean the
work area. Daily follow-up cleaning is necessary to sustain this
improvement. Working in a clean environment enables workers to
notice malfunctions in equipment such as leaks, vibrations, breakages,
and misalignments. These changes, if left unattended, could lead to
equipment failure and loss of production. Organizations often establish
Shine targets, assignments, methods, and tools before beginning the
shine pillar.

 Seiketsu (Standardise)

The next pillar is to standardize the best practices in the work area.
Standardize, the method to maintain the first three pillars, creates a consistent
approach with which tasks and procedures are done. The three steps in this
process are assigning 5S (Sort, Set in Order, Shine) job responsibilities,
integrating 5S duties into regular work duties, and checking on the
maintenance of 5S. Some of the tools used in standardizing the 5S procedures
are: job cycle charts, visual cues (e.g., signs, placards, display scoreboards),
scheduling of "five-minute" 5S periods, and check lists. The second part of
Standardize is prevention - preventing accumulation of unneeded items,
preventing procedures from breaking down, and preventing equipment and
materials from getting dirty.

 Shitsuke(Sustain)

making a habit of properly maintaining correct procedures, is often the most

difficult S to implement and achieve. Changing entrenched behaviors can be
difficult, and the tendency is often to return to the status quo and the comfort
zone of the "old way" of doing things. Sustain focuses on defining a new status
quo and standard of work place organization. which ensures that you follow all
the above-mentioned steps on a regular basis as away of life. There is no point
of cleaning when you cannot maintain the same. Once you have set the
standards and methods it becomes your duty to review it from time to time.
Educate every one about 5S, for maintenance of office standards so that each
individual can be more productive and thoughtful. Without the Sustain pillar
the achievements of the other pillars will not last long. Tools for sustaining 5S
include signs and posters, newsletters, pocket manuals, team and
management check-ins, performance reviews, and department tours.

The tools has been placed in order Disposal of wastages & keeping the needed thing

1- S SEIRI (Clearing up):

SEIRI is distinguishing or sorting out between wanted and unwanted items in a

place and removal of the unwanted Implementation steps:

 Take Before Photos

 Segregate wanted & unwanted materials in all Zones
2- S-SEITON (Organizing):

A Place for everything and everything in its place Implementation steps:

 Identify all materials by Name/Number/Color code etc.,

 Design a suitable storage place / parking slots and fix the place for
storing each item depending on the frequency of usage
 Establish a method of storage for each item which is easy to see, pick
and place with X, Y alignment.

3S-SEISO (Cleaning):

Sweep your workplace thoroughly so that there is no dust anywhere.

Implementation steps:

Prepare Cleaning schedule for all Zones covering

 Where to clean – Area

 What to clean -Item
 When to clean - Frequency
 Who has to clean - Responsibility
 How to clean - Method & Cleaning tool or Kit.

4S-SEIKETSU (Standardizing):

Standardizing all the 5S activities throughout the organization

Implementation steps:

 List out the various activities of 5S.

 Follow the guidelines for floor marking through out the organization.
 The Following things to be standardized

5- S-SHITSUKE (Training &Discipline):

Measure, Maintain & continuously improve the 5S activities.

Implementation steps:

 5S Chairman & Zone leaders should monitor all the 5S activities

 Create work discipline with the help of employees working in the
particular area and to suit the requirement.

Advantages of 5S for Apparel industry

 Health and Safety is ensured
 The base of implementation of quality improvement
 Productivity Increase
 Save time, cost and storage space
 Minimization of accidents & mistakes
 Increases efficiency
 Creates workplace ownership
 The first step for Lean procedures
 Increase customer satisfaction
 Reduce inventory time
 Reduce downtime, wastage
 Good working environment
 Visualization and labeling
 Boost morale
 Improve company image
 Optimize organization and workplace as per requirement

 Uses 5S in Apparel industry

1. Need central 5S committee and section-wise subcommittee

2. 5S organogram and committee list as enclosed
3. Section-wise 5S checklist
4. 5S display board in every section
5. Make a separate T-shirt for a committee
6. Conduct 5s training and drive for good housekeeping
7. Conduct a section-wise 5S audit and submit a report.
8. Evaluate score and take corrective action for improvement in every
 Actions 5S in Apparel industry
1. Check that the first three S’s are implemented properly.
2. All team activity documents/checklists should be publicly displayed on a
5S board.
3. Establish the routines and standard practices for regularly and
systematically repeating the first three S’s.
4. Standardize red tag procedures and holding area rules.
5. Create a maintenance system for housekeeping. Make a schedule for
cleaning the workplace. A common approach is to ask a cross-functional
team to do it.
6. Inter-departmental competition is an effective means of sustaining and
enhancing interest in 5S.
7. Take “after” photographs and post them on the 5S board(s).


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