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The Impact of Salary Structure on employee Productivity in Daleel Petroleum Company


Salary Structure is having a great impact on employees because when they are being employees of Daleel
Petroleum company their motive to make good money and income. The employees join Daleel Petroleum
Company to make income and fulfill the everyday life needs. The Petroleum Company should viable to select
the vages of their employees to meet their daily life demands like food, clothing, House cost. The increased
budget not only meets the employee’s requirements but as well as to decrease the economic issues in society,
and growth productivity and also increase economic growth. It will helpful for Daleel petroleum because if
they have valuable wages for their employees. The employees of company will work with their motivation and
it will help company to make their business good and effective for their customers. There are different causes
that may effect on employees productivity like Management of good people, environment of your company,
tools you are use for your company work, and what type of technologies you are using in the Daleel
Petroleum. But the main factor is salary and wages of your employees. How much salary your company is
paying to their employees? You must need to satisfy your employees in their wages. The satisfaction of
employees is key of success for the Daleel Petroleum; if you will pay good and effective budget to the
employees of your company then the quantity of your company will also be good. The number of customers
will also increase when you will satisfy your customer and then they work their great zeal and with heart for
your company. If the employees of your company have low salary then they feel unacknowledged and going to
low satisfaction from their job. This may cause the displeasure to the employees and place a deduction to the
company work spot. This is the result to failure the company and at last Daleel fail to run their business,
because there is a link between employee productivity and company income. The effective salary for
employees in Daleel Petroleum wills effectively contribution of work and vision, mission and achievements of
company. The goals and objective of Daleel Petroleum that how to have competitive edge on other
companies. The object is to meet their requirements. The Petroleum Company wanted that they see their
company in top 5 companies in the world. It is possible to achieve the goal. But more important thing is that
what you can do to achieve these goals. Our company must be strict in their rule and have straight vision to
achieve our mission. We must have a best and experienced people for our company and as well as the people
that remain happy in every moment and in each situation. If the company have happy and smiled workers
then the its good experience for your customers, because customer well known the differences of company.
Customers now the company workers are supported, smiling, have less production issues. We must need to
care the quality of customer’s demands. It all possible when you have well organized people for your company
that help your company to grow bitterly. The employees that have smiling and expert in their duties one day
they will provide you a huge advantage compete to other ones.

When you need to established unique values for the sake of your company, the employees will help you to
meet the demand and make you happy. They help you to make a brand of your company. Your service and
growth of the company will improve significantly. Even when your company has some issues and going rubbish
then these employees will help your company run on his way. This entire thing depends on the company, how
the company treats their customers. If your customers satisfy from the company. It will no need to company
worry about performance. The customer realizes that how company compromise and they try to show more
results. The customers mostly looking for good work appreciations, the company must appreciate those
workers, whose perform very well for company. It is necessary for the company to grant them rewards it will
increase the competition between the employees and they will work actually with hard work and with their
hearts for rewards. Company need to create some competitive advantages for their employee’s satisfaction
rather than other companies. They need to meet the all requirement and give something extra to their
employees. Some company will not accept the reality and want to less paying to employees but this company
one day falls down and not competes in environment.

Our purpose of this study to investigate employee satisfaction towards Daleel Petroleum Company in Muscat,
a leading Oil Producer company in Oman. The Daleel Petroleum Company is built a very good foundation and
more effective products. The Daleel Petroleum uses their latest technologies, well organized responsibilities
and behavioral business.

Literature Review

Salaries are one of the crucial factors for your employee’s motivations. We have already been told from a long
time that we will eat from our syrupy. The main and important factor for workers to join company and work
accordingly the company mission is that they want to fulfill their needs economically. The company should pay
them on time that their reasonable paid, for which they have work hard and they deserve reasonable wages.
When the organization will fix the salaries of employees they must consider such factors like they determined
the capability of the company to pay these fixed salaries, union of labors, salaries for perception personally,
living’s costs, demands and supplies, productivity and they must keep in mind the rules and act of
governments (Adedehinbo and Chukwudi and Odogwu, in 2012).

Salaries are very crucial keys for effective company work if they directly linked to the performances (2012 by
Umar). It is main and most important attitude for employees to acknowledge their payments and wages but it
is very complex for the companies to allow salaries, because the quantity of salaries to reverse the categories
of the value of other group, also their families and as well as their employees. Wages and salaries are very
crucial part for company because the salaries reverse the efforts of industries to make some efforts for human
resources and defend these resources and increase loyalty of customers. Good salaries strategies are decide
to maintain the values of workers and also will maintain the vision and mission of company to achieve their

The main and important for Daleel Petroleum is that they need to measure the activity, performances and all
exercise of employees. It is important because you can use to estimate the success of your company; it is
possible when we will support the success of our company employees (2008). The main keys that are used in
to estimate your company employees productivity are that quality of your work, determining the quality of
your company work, how the quality of work will it meets your demands and need you are expecting from
your employees, and the other factors will also estimate the work quantity, how much quantity of work the
employees produce, is it meet goal that you will expect from your employees. The last one factor is timelines,
mean what time they have use and utilized for quantity and quality of work they have produced. (Said
Simamora in 2004)
That the time to divide work productivity. The work productivity consideration’s divided into two types.
(i)Individual Productivity (ii) Organizational Productivity.

Individual Productivity: This Productivity that we have named Individual Productivity is associate with one
person’s characteristics. Determine that how one personality appears in organization’s work, define his
influence on organization. In this productivity estimate that a person’s attitude and as well as their presence
for improve the qualities. These perceptions are helpful for Daleel management to check the person’s
individual performance and their interest in work.

Organizational Productivity: The Productivity that the name Organizational Productivity is associate with a
team framework of organization. This is the relationship of input and output. What inputs you have utilized
and check the output? Are the organizational workers that they work determining the output that they have
done. In organizational productivity the observations is about the whole organization that what output will be
produces. The requirement according to your thought that the organization demand according to input of

In the labor market to lives and to compete with other organizations it is important for you to concentrate on
the benefits of labor community. Labor community has an important factor for the company success. They
decide the success or failure for any company. If your relation with your company labor community is good
and your company meet the demands of labors and have a reasonable pay for the employees, then your
company have better growth chances then other companies that have no concentration for labor community.
But if you have no value for your labor and did not meet their requirements then it is not possible for you
company to struggle and remains for a long time. The worker of the organization has directly impact on the
performance of any organization. If the organization will achieve their goals and objectives, it is necessary for
them to have good relations with the workers community.

In the 20th century the organizations have increase the salaries and provide and make him strong security
economically as well as the company helps employees in there other requirements like health insurance,
foods, clothes, home facilities to the employees. (BLS, in 2005)

Like other Human Resource Management policies employees have benefits of sponsored by the social and the
culture and other forces. (Kaufman 2004). Some factors have included that are not necessary benefits for
employers. These benefits not necessary for employee’s productivity but it have involvement in benefits for
the organization management. These un-necessary things like life insurance, insurance of health, plans of
pensions etc. The main motive of these things not the benefits of worker, not to maintain the interests of the
workers for their company’ work, not for competitive edge the organization from other organizations it is
basically the benefits for management of the company. This logic clearly defined the worker is not interested
in health insurance and not the other but they need good reasonable salaries from the companies.

Some scholars have identified that impact of customers satisfaction not on the impact of employees
productivity but as well it effect on moral of the organization because if you want to compete with other
companies of your related business. You must keep you in your mind that business need money to compete in
the market and survive for future. More it is great for your company if your employees have good and
reasonable payment then they told with friends, relatives, customers about your company and this will add
more customers to your company.
For example we meet the persons that will work according to our dreams, but you did not pay it according to
his work, will he work in your company? ‘will he define your company as a good company with other?
Customer relation is very important for your company, if you will compromise with your employees.
Employee’s recognition level of benefits associated with satisfaction your company has provided to the
employees. Your main motive is to satisfy your company but it directly depends on the satisfactions of
employees. If your employees satisfy with their salaries and other things definitely it will no doubt your
company will achieve the goals that want to achieve. It is more important to discuss that the company’s who
are in world top listed company. First priority for them that they understand the employee’s satisfaction.
Management of these companies takes different surveys from their workers and asks questions from the
employees about their satisfactions. Therefore they are the top rated companies in the world. It is more
important for any companies if that first meet the demands of their employees then they can do some serious
thing that they want.

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