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The Sovereign Proclamation

Whereas, we have come to an empty land with no inhabitants,

Whereas, sovereign authority cannot be exercised without a permanent population,
Whereas, we are united in our desire to take possession of this land for ourselves,
Whereas, we reject all previous bonds of loyalty to other sovereignties,

Therefore, I proclaim my sovereign right to this land and take upon myself the duties and
responsibilities of kingship. I claim these lands as my realm which shall be known henceforth to
all as the <Name of State>.

Proclaimed____Date______ by <Monarch’s Name>, son of <Father’s Name>, of the House of

<Dynasty Name>

Witnessed by:

____________________ ____________________
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Oath of Allegiance:

I, <Full Name>, do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to <Current Monarch’s
given name and title>, their heirs and successors, and that I will faithfully obey all laws of the
<State Rank> and carry out my duties as a subject of the <king/queen> of <Name of State>.

Reply of the Sovereign:

Having heard your oaths of allegiance freely given, I hereby accept you as my subject(s) and
promise to govern you to the best of my abilities with the guidance of God and advice of the

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